Why do you dream of a dead man's house? Why do you dream about the house of your deceased grandmother? Why do you dream about the apartment of your deceased grandmother?

  • 24.11.2023

Dream interpretation of the house of a deceased grandmother

Our home is our fortress. If you see a house in a dream, then it is not advisable to ignore such signals. Home is the internal state of a person, the emotional sphere. What the dream wants to say depends on the state of the house, the owners, and memories of it.

Grandma's House

Quite an interesting dream, where you dream of an old house, dead grandparents. To see this monastery in a dream, where you spent part of your childhood, what does it mean? At first glance, you might think that such a dream can only carry a positive charge, but is this so?

If this is the house of a deceased grandmother, this fact cannot be written off.

Your actions

If you dreamed about the house of a grandmother who has already died

Before answering the question of why grandma’s house is dreamed of, it’s worth understanding the actions taken. An important point for interpretation, according to the dream book, will be your time spent with the deceased old woman.

Intimate conversation

If you dreamed of a conversation with your deceased ancestor, this is initially a negative sign. The dream book says that hearing the voice of the dead in a dream is a serious warning, although you can benefit from it. Try to listen carefully to the words, they can help you a lot in a critical situation.

A conversation with the deceased can be a harbinger of the onset of a difficult, protracted period in your life. The essence of what was said may be sent to you by the deceased grandmother herself, or maybe it is your subconscious that speaks to you in her form. In any case, you should listen to the advice, it will help you get out of difficulties.

Talking to a deceased grandmother lying in a coffin means expect difficulties.

Big hugs

Hugging a deceased woman in a dream means health problems, if you are not sick. If you already have an illness, it may get worse. Dedicate the near future to examinations by doctors, it is better to be safe.

To dream of a deceased grandmother hugging you means that you most likely took a rash step, for which you will have to pay.

Hot kisses

If you dreamed of a kiss with the deceased, expect unrequited love.

To see such a dream for a young girl means someone is unrequitedly in love with you.

Kissing an old woman on the forehead before she is buried means you will be free from all obligations that bind you.

In which the deceased is kissed by relatives, you will incur material costs.

Ancient house

Seeing yourself in your old house, or the house of deceased relatives in a dream, always evokes nostalgia. In order to correctly solve the dream, you need to remember all the details associated with this housing.

general characteristics

If you dreamed about the house of your deceased grandmother and you entered it, you will experience financial difficulties. Try not to borrow money in the near future, do not apply for a loan, or borrow large amounts.

Putting an old house up for sale means offending a loved one with a thoughtless word. If older people had such a dream, it means misunderstandings with neighbors, be careful in your explanations.

If the house is inherited

An old, dilapidated house in a village is inherited by you in a dream - a negative dream. It predicts stagnation in your work, the inability to build a career further.

Loss of housing

There may be different options as to why you lost your deceased grandparent’s home. Fire, flood, hurricane, demolition may occur.

The house was destroyed by the winds - you will answer for your actions, and soon.

There was a fire and your childhood home burned down - big trouble awaits you, but you won’t be able to do anything. In addition to this interpretation, a fire in grandma’s house can promise many more troubles:

  • fire - troubles at work due to employee denunciations;
  • fire is a signal of future failures;
  • a fire when the whole house is engulfed in flames - the end of one period in your life and the beginning of a new one;
  • a fire in which you are trying to call the firefighters for help is a good dream. It means that the dark streak in your life will not last long.

Some dream books even give such an interpretation. A fire in grandma's home means the possibility of soon receiving an inheritance from a distant relative. A fire is always a transition from one phase of life to another.

Dream Interpreters

What is the first thing a person does when he wakes up after a dream? He picks up a dream book. At times, the interpretations in them are very different; one dream book will contradict another. In order to understand this constructively, it is worth looking through more than one dream book, or even two.

Miller's Dream Book

Was grandma in a dream?

Hugs with the deceased grandmother for good health and longevity. The deceased itself, if it looks alive in a dream, is a symbol of wisdom, which means you will soon be able to come up with a way to get out of a difficult situation.

Vanga's Dream Book

The seer Vanga believed that the late grandmother appears to us in dreams without malicious intent. She comes to give advice, or just to see you. If your deceased grandmother has tears in her eyes, go to church, to her grave, and remember her.

Women's dream book

A deceased granny portends illness for a woman, not only for the sleeping woman, but for the entire household.

For a bride to see her dead granny alive in a dream - a happy married life. Your ancestress blesses you from the other world.

Hugging her - everything will work out for you and everything will be fine.

Negative Predictions

As a rule, there is not a single symbol that predicted either good or complete negative for you. But it’s still worth familiarizing yourself with the negative consequences of the dream. After all, “forewarned is forearmed.”

The dream book says that for a living sleeping person, it is very negative to take any things from a deceased grandmother. But giving is a positive dream.

Having a dream in which a deceased woman gives you an object or calls you to follow her is a bad omen. Expect severe illness, or even death. Refusing the gift, or refusing to follow her, will help you overcome troubles and overcome illness.

The deceased asks you for money - wealth and prosperity await you.

Giving a photograph to the deceased is an extremely negative dream. The man whose face is depicted in the photo already has one foot in the other world.

The old woman dreamed of being cheerful and cheerful - you got involved with the wrong people. If you fall under their influence, you risk your reputation and finances.

Seeing a granny lying in a coffin in her own home means that your health will suffer due to your unhealthy lifestyle.

If a sleeping person kicks a deceased woman out of the house in a dream, many interpreters believe that this is a sign of health and longevity. The deceased kicks you out of the house, perhaps you blame yourself for indifference to him during life, do not visit the grave, do not light candles in the church.


In general, it can be argued, based on dream interpreters, that dreams of a deceased grandmother’s house, as a rule, indicate health problems. Dreams are given in order to warn in advance about impending danger. You have time to take action, take care of your health, lead a healthy lifestyle, enjoy everything new, and adversity will pass you by.

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring.

For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner.

For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss of sexual attractiveness.

For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate.

For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Interpretation of dreams from Freud's Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Apartment

Seeing your apartment in a dream foretells cash receipts.

Changing your apartment for another means betrayal in love.

Someone else's apartment means that the person with whom you are in an intimate relationship is cheating or intends to cheat on you with your closest friend.

If in a dream you rent an apartment, in reality this foreshadows a wedding.

Not having an apartment means you will become interested in a dangerous business, tempted by big profits.

If someone is arrested in your apartment, this is a sign of surprises and surprises.

Taking on a tenant for your apartment is a sign that you will be included in the Don Juan list of your admirer.

If a tenant moves out of the apartment without paying you, you are in for trouble with men due to financial settlements.

Finding yourself in the hallway of someone else's apartment, waiting until the owner deigns to come out to you, is to be humiliated in reality.

Seeing yourself in someone else's bedroom means the jealousy of your husband or lover.

To dream of a rich and tastefully furnished apartment with an office and a large library - such a dream foretells that your desire to live better will be realized.

Interpretation of dreams from

It’s rare that anyone can ignore a dream in which a deceased relative or loved one visited. These visions serve as warnings, predictions of future events. In order to find out as accurately as possible what the deceased is dreaming of, you need not only to remember all the details of the vision, but also to analyze it, taking into account the smallest details. When you wake up, restore in your memory the chronology of dream events, actions, words, your emotions and feelings. Then take a dream book and find options for interpreting your night images.

A dream when you gave the deceased your belongings, food, clothing and other items is considered a bad prognosis; it predicts troubles, illnesses for us or our family and friends. However, taking something from a dead person, on the contrary, is considered a good sign and brings pleasant events in real life.

Conversation with the deceased

Most often in our night dreams we manage to communicate with people who have passed on to another world. Sometimes this conversation seems almost meaningless, or filled with illogical phrases, but the dream book warns that the most “stupid” maxims heard in a dream are of great importance. If you want to understand why you dream of talking to a dead person, then first, try to recall in your memory each of the words of your unusual interlocutor.

It happens that in a dream your interlocutor is your deceased mother and she expresses herself quite logically and clearly asks you to do something. The dream book recommends fulfilling the request of the deceased - then serious, noticeable changes will occur in your destiny. A dream in which you had to talk to the deceased sometimes occurs on the eve of important events. In this case, the significance of such a vision only increases. After all, from the lips of the deceased, it can contain valuable advice, an answer to an important question, in a word, everything that will help in the future matter.

It also happens that the next morning you cannot recall in your memory any significant information that came from the lips of a guest in a dream. Then such a vision indicates that the dreamer misses you in another world. It’s not bad if you go to the temple, remember him, or visit the grave.

An invitation to another world

You may find yourself on the verge of life and death as a result of an accident, traffic accident, or catastrophe; this is what the deceased person dreams of, persistently inviting you to follow him. The dream book also warns that a very serious disease may be diagnosed. Will you be able to defeat him and get back on your feet? Much depends on how you acted in the dream - accepted the invitation of the deceased or refused him.

A person from the other world who visits you in a dream shows persistence, invites you to come to him, promising wealth and other benefits. Unfortunately, this is evidence that the sleeper has an extremely strong craving for money. Even in his dreams he dreams of getting rich. But he will have to answer for the sin of love of money. So that everything does not end sadly for him, the dream book recommends being more modest and learning to be content with less.

Seeing in a dream how you call the deceased is a reflection of your thoughts and mood in reality. You are probably in a difficult situation and cannot find a way out of it. Hence your subconscious call to the deceased, from whom you still hope to receive advice.

Consequences of caring for the deceased

The most terrible interpretation given by the dream book is death. It is this tragic event that is prophesied to the one who could not resist and followed the dead man calling to him in a dream. However, there is an opportunity to fix everything and prevent the dream from coming true. You need to immediately remember how and what the dead man attracted you to? If he begged you to follow him and asked for help, then think about which of your comrades may turn out to be two-faced and vile. It is this person who may become the cause of a fatal event in your life.

Why do you dream of a dead man whom you rushed after, believing in the promises of immortality? According to interpretations, this dream suggests that it is necessary to consult a doctor because a dangerous disease is developing in the body. While it occurs without symptoms, it can be fatal. In night sins, the dead manage to invite the sleeping person with them, tempting him with the revelation of some secret or interesting information. Why dream about such a plot? Moreover, in reality he needs to avoid buffet tables, banquets and friendly parties with a wide range of alcoholic drinks. A large dose of alcohol taken by the dreamer or a participant in such a feast can provoke a tragic incident.

Did you dream that you left with a dead person? Don't worry, this dream does not have any terrible consequences. True, you will be disappointed and will have to be a little sad. And all because the long-awaited trip was cancelled, and you will be unpacking your suitcases with frustration.

Wash the body

Preparing the body of the deceased for the funeral, changing clothes, washing it, why do you dream about such a procedure? Sometimes the role of the deceased is played by a living relative. Such a dream does not promise anything positive. On the contrary, it threatens trouble.

To dream of bathing with a deceased person in a bubble bath means for the dreamer an improvement in well-being in reality. It is especially good if this dream falls on a sick person. The dream book explains that this is a chance for successful healing. Moreover, it is necessary to use methods of alternative medicine.

Did you dream that you were washing an inanimate person from a ladle or mug? This dream precedes the loss of some thing that is of great value to you. Unfortunately, it will be impossible or very difficult to find it. Therefore, try to be more careful and collected.

There is a long journey ahead, this is what the dream book promises for someone who washed the feet of a deceased person in a dream. When in a dream it was not possible to wash your feet, then the future path will be long and difficult, fraught with dangers.

Help the dead

The dream book interprets visions in which the deceased had to be helped to dress as preceding the dreamer’s serious illness. The important thing is that illnesses will be difficult to treat, and hence associated troubles in business and in the family are likely. There is a different explanation for the plot, during which the sleeper helps the deceased change clothes.

Why dream of stroking the dead? This is a reflection that you have certain problems in your personal relationships. The current partner does not provide enough warmth, affection, or the fullness of tactile sensations the dreamer needs.

The dream book has an explanation for the situation in which the sleeper, with disgust and apprehension, touches the body of a dead person. The dream anticipates a discovery or an unusual act that will allow you to get rid of fears and prejudices in reality.

Haircut of the deceased

Complete, final recovery - this is what you dream of cutting the hair of the deceased. But the dream book prophesies such an explanation only if you have coped with the role of a hairdresser successfully, and the hairstyle has turned out neat without curls sticking out to the sides. When you mercilessly cut his strands, then in reality financial well-being awaits you. But this will be achieved at the cost of betraying people dear to you.

According to the dream book, it is not bad when the sleeper sees himself cutting the nails of a deceased person. The interpretation is especially favorable if the nails are trimmed evenly and deftly. Why do you dream about such a procedure? First of all, for love, which will receive a new impetus even after years of family life together. Secondly, if there is a misunderstanding between fathers and children, then it will come to an end, you will be able to establish contact with the child.

Repeated death

From the point of view of a psychoanalyst, experiencing the death of a loved one again even during sleep is stressful. But it is possible to explain why or why such a test is dreamed of. This confirms a deep loss that the sleeping person cannot come to terms with; even in his dreams, he is not ready to accept the fact that a dear person is gone forever.

According to Miller, such a plot means that perhaps one of your friends or relatives with the same name as the deceased person in the dream will soon die.

When you see in a dream how a person dies, who was actually buried quite a long time ago, the dream book recommends that when you wake up, you must visit his grave. Isn't there such a possibility? Then remember him in the temple, light a candle at home with prayer. This must be done, because such a vision is a reflection of the dissatisfaction of the deceased, who from that world watches the living, realizing that they have completely forgotten about him.

Why do you dream that you are killing the deceased?

A terrible plot, especially in the case when you adored and respected the deceased during his lifetime, psychologists easily explain. In their opinion, you have not forgiven your loved one for leaving you. You are not ready to understand, to accept the fact that he left you. His “murder” in a dream is despair in reality. By opening the dream book, you will find out what it means to see a vision in which an already buried person repeatedly struggles in agony. Its essence is that the dreamer will experience deep disappointment. The reason will be the behavior or words that come out of the mouth of the spouse.

However, if you dreamed that you were killing a long-dead enemy, then all your problems will be resolved successfully. This is the interpretation of Miller’s dream book.

Meal of the Dead

Why do you dream about how a dead man eats dinner with appetite, and at the same time does not pay attention to the dreamer? Moreover, what will actually surprise you a lot is that your relatives will ignore your requests and not listen to your opinions. At the same time, your loved ones will be confident that you have done something wrong and are worthy of such behavior.

But the plot, in which a guest from another world, sitting at the table, is also having a conversation, should warn that one should not get involved in dubious activities and agree to adventurous offers that mean easy profit. As a result, as the dream book says, without acquiring anything, you will lose everything you have acquired, and you will still owe money.

The dream book specifies: when you yourself treat the deceased and the food is tasty and aromatic, you will not be able to achieve the desired goal in reality. Breaks in good relationships with partners and colleagues are possible. You won't be able to count on the support of your friends.

When in a dream you treated a strange guest to food of dubious quality, then in reality you will make an unforgivable mistake by insulting a person extremely important to you. The trouble is that for the time being you don’t even realize the power and authority of this person. About what role he will play in your destiny.

You will successfully complete the projects you have started, and things will go smoothly in your endeavors designed for the future - this is what you dream about, how the deceased himself treats you to food. It’s even better when your deceased mother feeds you in your sleep.

Joy and grief of the dead

The dream book ambiguously interprets the vision in which the deceased is crying. Thus, the not yet lost connection between the dreamer and the deceased is revealed. A different interpretation warns that you will have to experience the bitterness of losses and disappointments.

Why do you dream of a smiling dead man? Do not be afraid of a strange dream, it has a very good meaning, promising you a reason for fun and joy. In addition, a positive mood will serve as an incentive to achieve an important goal or demonstrate record results.

Now about why an evil dead man dreams. If you trust the dream book, then you need to remember your recent actions and think about which of them is unseemly and sneaky? Hurry up to correct your disgusting deed, and otherwise you will pay bitterly!

Quarreling with a dead man

Have you ever had a strange streak of constant quarrels and scandals in your family that arise literally out of the blue? If yes, then you can guess why you dream of a conflict with a dead person. In such situations, the dream book will give the only advice: endurance and calm.

But if you dreamed that you were vigorously sorting out your relationship with a deceased relative, for example, a father or grandfather, then according to the dream book, you need to remember: did you commit some act the day before that you yourself do not think is impeccable?

Running away from a raging dead man in a dream means that in reality you feel out of place due to constant quarrels with relatives. Reconciliation with your family is only possible if you take the first step towards it. In your night dreams, you quarrel with the dead man, and then drive him away. If the person you are in a hurry to get rid of is unfamiliar to you, then the dream book promises you a long and happy life. And if you are a relative, do the wrong thing.

Brawl with a Dead Man

The dream book is in a hurry to reassure you that if while you were sleeping, you fought with an unknown dead man, and you beat him mercilessly, then you will actually wake up and realize that you are about to solve some difficult problem, or an insight will descend on you, you will come up with something ingenious or creatively unique!

True, there is another explanation for why you dream of a fight with the deceased. It is not tragic, but it does not portend anything positive. While you were sleeping, did you beat up your dead relative? Then a quarrel is likely. Or misunderstandings and conflicts with comrades will arise.

If you brutally beat the deceased in a dream, but he did not try to fight back, then the dream book classifies this as a psychological problem. Your nervous system is exhausted and exhausted, and that is why you react so painfully to the slightest misunderstanding and indifference on the part of others. Why do you dream about such a plot? Perhaps it should serve as a good reason to take a short vacation and restore inner harmony.

It's not a good sign to hit a dead person in the face. This also indicates mental problems. But more serious ones. The dreamer may be dissatisfied with his fate, his position in society, and therefore takes his frustration out on his dearest people. He is probably able to raise his hand against them in reality. This is a dead end path leading to collapse and loneliness. Stop and think about the mistakes you made. Don't rush, correct them gradually, and everything will work out for you!

It happens that night dreams turn into midnight nightmares. Why, for example, do you dream of a dead man attacking you? Moreover, the dreamer has renounced his relatives and does not honor family traditions. For now, this suits him, but time will pass and he will cruelly regret that he broke away from his roots.

Love and sex

Why do you dream of intimacy with a dead person? For young girls, this dream foreshadows the appearance on the horizon of insidious rivals who will do everything possible to take away the dreamers’ standing groom. Therefore, she needs to be on guard and literally attract his attention. This same plot does not predict anything good for a man either. A deal that would help develop the business in the future may fail.

There are other interpretations of dreams about carnal pleasures with the dead. In one case, a gift awaits the dreamer; in the other, the sleeping person, especially if it is a young girl, will discover the unknown joys of sex. It is curious that to see in a dream how simply you are lying in bed with a deceased person is a good sign, which, according to the dream book, anticipates great successes in love and business.

Kissing the Dead

Very soon things will go uphill, income will increase and new orders will appear that will expand the business, this is what dreams of when a deceased relative kisses him. But the dream book promises a similar development of events for men and women.

Sometimes dreams in which you kissed a deceased person are a reflection of your feelings for the person who has passed on to another world. You are sad, confused, dreaming of returning to the past. But the dream book recommends giving up such thoughts and living for today, without torturing yourself and the people around you. But if you happened to be kissed by a dead stranger, then in reality fortune will turn to face you. You are simply fantastically lucky with money!

There is an important detail to note. The dream carries a positive interpretation if in the dream you kissed a dead person. Then pleasant events await you in reality. However, if you kiss, there may be illness and trouble ahead.

Bury a dead person

Are you pleased when people pay off debts that you have already forgotten about? There is a chance to get your money, once borrowed from you, this is why you dream of burying a dead person. The dream book prophesies that the debtor will not only awaken his conscience, he will also thank him, adding compensation to the amount previously lent.

The dream book interprets farewell to the deceased in a dream as an unkind symbol. It stands for this: you will almost achieve your desired goal, but suddenly, something will seriously adjust your plans, and you will be forced to retreat, feeling a sense of frustration.

Why does a dead person dream during the sacrament of funeral service in a church? One must think that while watching such a dream, a person experienced melancholy and sadness, and so upon awakening he will have a reason for the blues and melancholy. Due to current circumstances, one of your faithful comrades will leave you, or you will lose a valuable thing.

Traveling with a dead person

You will succeed in your job because you will be able to demonstrate your talents and skills in the most favorable light. This is what you dream of about a trip with the deceased, during which you nicely shared your opinions. Did you have to walk arm in arm with a dead man in a dream? Don’t be alarmed, this vision also has a very good meaning, which predetermines the appearance of an unusual person in your life. Thanks to her, you will discover new talents in yourself and understand what or who you should live for.

The dream book also calms those who, perhaps waking up, were frightened, remembering how in a dream they walked with a dead person whispering kind words. Such a plot confirms the correctness of your life principles, if during your lifetime you treated the deceased person in a dream with sympathy.

Do you remember how you walked in a dream and met a deceased relative? The dream book gives an exact recommendation - visit your loved ones, and try to treat your relatives with great respect and attention in the future. If you fulfill this simple condition, you will receive enormous support and change your life for the better.

Dead man cleans up

What kinds of scenes can you see while you sleep? Why did you see a dead man doing wet cleaning? It turns out that this is a good omen, promising an increase in the authority of the sleeper. If a strange cleaner washed the floors, then it will be possible to restore a reputation that was fairly damaged as a result of an awkward incident.

But the dream book interprets the washing of windows by a deceased person in different ways. There is a possibility of learning about a friend’s betrayal. But at the same time, the dreamer will have enough wisdom and intelligence to understand and forgive this person. Anyone who has had such a dream will generally feel like a different person upon awakening, as if he has become more mature, more tolerant.

Wedding with the dead

The dream book promises that if you dreamed about walking down the aisle with a once-beloved person who is no longer alive, then in reality you will definitely meet an equally worthy candidate for the role of your betrothed. He will be able to revive your former passion and will treat your old feelings with delicacy. But why dream of a wedding with a deceased person who never evoked pleasant, let alone romantic, feelings?

If you officially formalize a marriage with your enemy (living or deceased) in a dream, then pay attention to your health. It is possible that you are experiencing the first signs of a dangerous disease, and the sooner you start fighting it, the higher the chances of recovery.

Have you heard in a dream how a dead man mournfully hummed a sad song? If it was intended for you, then the dream book draws your attention to the risk of loss. Moreover, losses can be both material and physical.

But when a deceased citizen in a dream joyfully sang funny hits from the bottom of his heart, then problems that you thought had already been resolved will arise again. But this time you will have to put in even more effort and patience to solve them.

Why dream of dancing with a dead person? There is no unambiguous interpretation of the dream in which I had to dance with the deceased. If he was your family member, then he is trying to warn you that quarrels and disagreements will soon begin in your family. But a dancing dead man whose face you did not see is a very bad sign. You should prepare for difficult times.

Close relationship with the deceased

In a dream, you were sincerely happy to meet the deceased and firmly shook his hand, but why do you dream of a greeting? It turns out that it will not bring anything good. On the contrary, the dream book disappoints the dreamer, informing him that his dreams and goals are deceptive, and even having achieved them, he will not have to experience anything but disappointment.

While asleep, did you see yourself clinking glasses and drinking wine with the deceased? Oddly enough, these alcoholic libations in a strange company will turn into a pleasant surprise in reality if you are the treater. But if you drink the spirits of a dead man, then such a plot promises troubles and losses.

Another explanation for this vision is the need to remember the deceased more often.

The deceased is angry

It is very important to remember why you dream that a dead person is angry and complaining. According to the dream book, in this case the dreamer needs to go to the temple and order the necessary rituals, in accordance with the religion of the deceased. Probably during the funeral, something was missed or forgotten, and until the soul of the deceased finds peace and shelter in another world. By the way, it will be useful to consult with a clergyman who will tell you what exactly can be done.

If you dreamed that a dead man was screaming and destroying everything, then this is an alarming sign, prophesying to the dreamer a lot of problems that will literally fall on him at once. And when a buried person in a dream only shows you a dissatisfied expression on his face, but remains silent, then calm down - your behavior is beyond criticism.

Aggressive dead man

While you were sleeping, you were ambushed by a monster that had crawled out of the grave and bitten you until you bled. Why dream of such a terrible story? It seems that upon awakening you will have serious quarrels with your relatives, which, under unfavorable circumstances, will be followed by a complete cessation of relations and mutual hatred.

The deceased bit, but not to the point of drawing blood; such a plot, as the dream book explains, precedes an aggravation of relations in the service. It is possible that you will be paid less than promised, or a layoff will be announced.

Why do you dream that a dead man is strangling you, grabbing you by the throat? Nothing good, except that such a nightmare was provoked by real problems with the heart and blood vessels. You need to make an appointment with a cardiologist as soon as possible.

And the last creepy plot in which an inanimate person is chasing you in your sleep! The interpretation of such a “horror” film should alert you - the villains are “warmed up” next to the dreamer, cleverly hiding under the masks of friends. If you think carefully, you can easily expose these evil deceivers.

Search for a dead man

You have not come to terms with the death of a loved one, this is why you dream of a dead person calling and talking to you on the phone. But living in a state of permanent stress, and this is exactly what you can call your torment, the suffering of someone who has passed on to another world. This is very harmful to physical and mental health.

The dream book characterizes a person who had to search for the deceased in a dream as confident, purposeful, and positive. He has already gone through many trials, gained invaluable experience and knowledge, which allowed him to overcome many shortcomings and now the time has come for self-improvement.

But hiding a dead person while you are in a dream is not good. This promises in reality a terrible disappointment, which will not only deprive one of illusions, but destroy faith in the sincerity and kindness of others.

Guest from another world

Meeting a stranger from the grave in a dream means taking on an extremely large burden in real life. It's difficult, but that's your plan! After some time, you will realize that the habit of taking responsibility has helped you achieve success in life.

Why do you dream about a dead person knocking on a window? The dream book offers two explanations: if it is pleasant to see someone standing at the window, then soon there will be an opportunity to engage in self-development. But if the one tapping on the glass is scary, then get ready for a challenge.

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Dreams about home should not be ignored. They indicate future changes and a person’s emotional state. Why do you dream about an old house? What does such a dream mean? Seeing your old house means repeating the mistakes of the past. If the housing is someone else’s, quick changes will come in the life of the sleeper. Whether these changes will be happy or unhappy depends directly on the appearance of the house.

Why do you dream about a house?

Dreams about a house, according to various sources, personify the inner state of a person - his joys and sorrows, problems and relationships. Therefore, dreams about a cozy, clean home characterize a harmonious, balanced person. And vice versa - a dirty, neglected shack indicates that sadness and sadness have settled in the dreamer’s soul.

If you dream of a beautiful new house, then it promises the dreamer beneficial changes in life. Rich interior decoration means that the sleeper will find hidden spiritual resources within himself. He will be able to overcome obstacles and will soon arrange his life in the best possible way: he will achieve success or improve his health, meet love or gain financial well-being.

Moving to a new beautiful home means moving up the career ladder. This is a big responsibility, but also a successful change in life.

Why do you dream about an old house? A dilapidated building with broken windows or rotten boards symbolizes upcoming unfavorable events. Destroyed old housing indicates chaos in the thoughts and heart. These could be unfulfilled ambitions, lost health, unhappy love. The dream warns that the time has come to take care of yourself, sort out your life, improve your work affairs, make peace or forgive your offenders.

Wooden housing

Why do you dream of an old wooden house? What is the interpretation of this dream? A structure made of wood indicates a surge of energy. Everything will work out, a creative breakthrough or diligence will definitely be rewarded.

A wooden house, according to some dream books, foreshadows an imminent wedding. But an old hut with black smoke from the chimney will bring temporary difficulties and troubles in the family.

If there are breakdowns in an old wooden building and they need to be repaired, then such a dream indicates that there are problems in relationships with loved ones. To avoid difficulties in the future, it is necessary to improve relationships.

If you dreamed of an unfinished house, then the dreamer should take care of pending matters. Otherwise, upcoming changes may complicate the situation.

Stone housing

Why do you dream of an old house that looks more like a castle? If you see a stone, ruined building with gloomy towers, it means that a person should take care of his inner growth. Stone cult castles are a symbol of secret knowledge, hidden information. Such a dream means that the sleeper should sort out his internal conflicts and come to terms with himself.

Dreams about home should not be ignored. They indicate future changes and a person’s emotional state. Why do you dream about an old house? What does such a dream mean? Seeing your old house means repeating the mistakes of the past. If the housing is someone else’s, quick changes will come in the life of the sleeper. Whether these changes will be happy or unhappy depends directly on the appearance of the house.

Why do you dream about a house?

Dreams about a house, according to various sources, personify the inner state of a person - his joys and sorrows, problems and relationships. Therefore, dreams about a cozy, clean home characterize a harmonious, balanced person. And vice versa - a dirty, neglected shack indicates that sadness and sadness have settled in the dreamer’s soul.

If you dream of a beautiful new house, then it promises the dreamer beneficial changes in life. Rich interior decoration means that the sleeper will find hidden spiritual resources within himself. He will be able to overcome obstacles and will soon arrange his life in the best possible way: he will achieve success or improve his health, meet love or gain financial well-being.

Moving to a new beautiful home means moving up the career ladder. This is a big responsibility, but also a successful change in life.

Why do you dream about an old house? A dilapidated building with broken windows or rotten boards symbolizes upcoming unfavorable events. Destroyed old housing indicates chaos in the thoughts and heart. These could be unfulfilled ambitions, lost health, unhappy love. The dream warns that the time has come to take care of yourself, sort out your life, improve your work affairs, make peace or forgive your offenders.

Wooden housing

Why do you dream of an old wooden house? What is the interpretation of this dream? A structure made of wood indicates a surge of energy. Everything will work out, a creative breakthrough or diligence will definitely be rewarded.

A wooden house, according to some dream books, foreshadows an imminent wedding. But an old hut with black smoke from the chimney will bring temporary difficulties and troubles in the family.

If there are breakdowns in an old wooden building and they need to be repaired, then such a dream indicates that there are problems in relationships with loved ones. To avoid difficulties in the future, it is necessary to improve relationships.

If you dreamed of an unfinished house, then the dreamer should take care of pending matters. Otherwise, upcoming changes may complicate the situation.

Stone housing

Why do you dream of an old house that looks more like a castle? If you see a stone, ruined building with gloomy towers, it means that a person should take care of his inner growth. Stone cult castles are a symbol of secret knowledge, hidden information. Such a dream means that the sleeper should sort out his internal conflicts and come to terms with himself.

An old stone house in a dream can bring unexpected changes that will contribute to success in business. This is a symbol of reliability and stability. A stone house personifies inner peace and self-confidence.

If an old stone building collapses in a dream, then this is a warning that a crisis is coming in real life. The dreamer faces dismissal from work or divorce. So that the dream does not turn out to be “in hand”, you should urgently reconsider your relationship and correct shaky affairs.

Dreaming about home

Dreams in which there are mentions of relatives warn of illnesses and misfortunes. Old parental housing portends problems with relatives or troubles associated with them.

Why do you dream about grandma’s old house? Such a vision speaks of a lack of warmth and care in the dreamer’s life. Grandmother is a symbol of kindness. If you see your grandmother’s house in a dream, then the lack of family warmth and comfort will bring sadness to the sleeper.

But why do you dream about the old house of your dead grandmother? Deceased relatives warn those sleeping that something will happen in life soon. In this case, you need to pay attention to the design of the dream. If the deceased grandmother’s home is clean, warm, and comfortable, then this is a good sign. It promises good news, joyful events. If the deceased grandmother’s home looks untidy, abandoned, frightening, then such a dream leads to unpleasant changes in life.

A dream in which a person enters the empty house of his grandmother (or his former home) speaks of inner emptiness. Unfulfilled desires, failed career, collapse in personal life - emptiness is interpreted as the aimlessness of real life.

Dreaming of someone else's house

Dreams about someone else's home are considered by dream books as a harbinger of global changes. This could be a change of job or family status, or moving to another city or country. In such dreams, you should also pay attention to the general condition of the building.

Why do you dream about an old house? A strange but big house portends changes in career and work. And the small building is a symbol of the family.

Even if someone else’s house is old, but it is clean, warm, comfortable, then the future changes will only bring joy and happiness.

If an old and alien home looks untidy, there is garbage and ruin in it, then difficulties and trials lie ahead.


A residential building inhabited by people indicates the dreamer’s relationship with his environment. If in a dream a house does not cause anxiety, if the sleeper feels good and joyful, it means that there will be harmony and happiness in fate and relationships. If there are quarrels and swearing between the residents in the house, then the same events will happen in the dreamer’s life.

Empty house

Why do you dream of an old house, empty and abandoned? A dilapidated building warns of a possible disease. And the absence of windows in such a house is a symbol of the coffin. This means that soon the news of someone’s death will upset the dreamer.

A locked door (or simply a locked house) is not a good sign. It also foreshadows death, illness, and painful events.

Actions in a dream

It is not only the emotional coloring of a dream that leads to the correct interpretation of the vision. But the actions that the sleeper saw will help in the correct interpretation.

Fire is a harbinger of future failures. Why do you dream about an old wooden house? A stranger's or native house engulfed in flames symbolizes the end of a former life. It’s a good sign if the dreamer tries to call the firefighters, which means his bad streak won’t last long. There will be helpers who will try to change the situation for the better.

Renovating an old home indicates that a person needs to “repair” his life - correct mistakes, restore good relationships after a conflict.

The arrangement of an old building means that wealth and success lie ahead. New furniture, carpets - joyful events in life will not take long to arrive. Sweep the floor or tidy up before guests arrive. And washing the floors is a bad sign. This is a symbol of death, serious illness.

Buying a home is directly related to the financial side and career matters. The appearance of the building will indicate positive or negative changes. An old, but large and bright house - career and finances will be in order. Uncomfortable housing with broken walls or holes - illnesses, difficulties, obstacles will soon appear in the life of the sleeper.

Dream interpretation of the house of the deceased

Why do you dream about the house of a deceased person in a dream?

If in your dream you saw your deceased grandfather or grandmother in their house, such a dream is a bad omen. There is a high probability of a serious illness in one of their relatives.

If in a dream you see a dead person entering his house, such a dream promises the opportunity to get rich in reality.

If in your dream a dead person lies in a coffin in his own home, then the dream predicts a possible illness for you due to an incorrect lifestyle.

A dream in which you saw the house of a deceased person can also indicate possible changes in your worldview. Carefully analyze everything that happened in your dream.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about a dead grandmother? Dream interpretation

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother? This dream can be both a warning and a blessing. Each source has its own opinion on this matter. However, to interpret it correctly, you need to take into account all its nuances.

Dream Interpretation of Veles: dreams of deceased grandparents

This dream is unfavorable. If you dream of deceased grandparents in the house where they lived, one of the dreamer’s relatives along their line will have serious health problems.

Dream Interpretation of Grishina

As a rule, deceased grandparents appear in dreams before significant events and ceremonies.

Symbolic dream book: why do you dream about a dead grandmother?

Unlike other deceased relatives, grandparents appear in dreams at the most difficult, one might say, critical moments in life.

Modern dream book

Why do you dream about a dead grandmother? This dream foreshadows the discovery of a quiet haven in which the dreamer can find shelter from the storms of life. For single people, this dream foreshadows the improvement of their personal life, and for those who are married, it can promise a new addition to the family. When a deceased grandmother dreams of her still living grandmother, this is a bad omen. The dream speaks of her illness or even death. If a grandmother gives advice to a dreamer in a dream, serious changes in life await him in reality. However, it depends only on a person’s ability to dodge and maneuver whether they will be positive or negative.

When in a dream the grandmother scolds the dreamer like a small child, in reality he should beware of hasty decisions and ill-considered actions. The sleeper may greatly regret them. Grandmother may also dream that even in the most difficult situations a person will be able to find a way out thanks to his wisdom. If tears are flowing down her face, then in reality the dreamer should expect family quarrels and bitter grievances.

Vanga's dream book: why does a deceased grandmother dream?

When a person in a dream sees his late grandmother weak and sick, in reality he needs to beware of injustice. If she appears in a dream along with other dead people, this dream is a harbinger of a terrible global epidemic or catastrophe. If she says something, then you need to listen carefully to the words. Perhaps they contain a warning or a way to solve the problem.

Miller's Dream Book: Why does a deceased grandmother dream?

When a sleeper sees his deceased grandmother in a dream and talks with her, then in reality he will have to pay serious attention to his health and very strictly control his inclinations. If a deceased woman in a dream looks very cheerful, cheerful and lively, this indicates that the dreamer has built his life incorrectly. Most likely, in the future a person will face fatal mistakes that will negatively affect his future fate. When in a dream a deceased grandmother asks the sleeping person to promise her something, in reality one should expect a deterioration in business.

Dream book of the 21st century

When a person is visited by a deceased grandmother in a dream, serious changes in life await him in reality. The meaning of this dream comes down to either a warning or a blessing. It is a good omen when a meeting with a deceased grandmother in a dream takes place in some cemetery.

Dream Interpretation deceased Grandmother

Why do you dream about a dead Grandmother in a dream according to the dream book?

When you dream of a deceased grandmother, dramatic changes are expected in the fate of the sleeper. The desire for novelty can both improve your life and vice versa. Therefore, try not to make hasty decisions, think carefully about every step you take.

If a dream about a deceased grandmother visits you often, this is how a feeling of guilt manifests itself. Remember how long ago you went to the cemetery and looked after the grave. Visit the final resting place of your relatives, and your soul will feel better.

A smiling deceased grandmother foretells bright times. Good luck will accompany the dreamer both in his personal life and in his professional activities. A frowning or worried old woman is an omen of difficulties.

What did you do in your dream?

Dreaming about hugging your dead grandmother

If you dreamed that you were hugging your deceased grandmother, such a plot promises good health and a long, happy life. The sick person will probably soon feel better.

Talking to a dead grandmother in a dream

Talking to a deceased grandmother, according to the Felomena dream book, is a good sign. Probably, in the words of the old woman the dreamer will be able to find answers to the questions that torment him and also instructions for the future.

Why do you dream about feeding your dead grandmother?

Feeding a dead grandmother in a dream means deception. A man should be careful in communicating with colleagues: surely one of them was planning to interfere with the sleeping man’s career. Such a plot warns a girl about fans whose thoughts are unclean.

I dreamed about arguing with my late grandmother

A dream where you had to quarrel with your deceased grandmother is a warning: new acquaintances have a bad influence on the dreamer. Think about why these people appeal to you and whether you want to continue communicating with them further.

Visit your late grandmother in a dream

If you dreamed about visiting your late grandmother, family relationships will not go well. Refrain from reproaches, try to calmly react to attacks from loved ones, then any quarrel can be prevented.

What did grandma do in her dream?

Dreaming about being hugged by a dead grandmother

When you dream of a deceased grandmother hugging you, there are problems ahead that will arise due to the inattention of the sleeper. Often this interpretation applies to the professional sphere. It is not too late to identify and correct the error.

Why do you dream if your deceased grandmother gives you money?

The dream book warns: the plot about how the late grandmother gives money foreshadows great financial difficulties. Try to refrain from making expensive purchases in the near future, and be sure to leave part of your budget for a rainy day.

I dreamed of a dead grandmother crying

A dream where a deceased grandmother cries is an omen of a difficult life situation. An unstable emotional state and material troubles will have a bad effect on the dreamer’s health. Don't let difficulties break you, always believe in the best.

Dead grandmother gives earrings in a dream

To see in a dream how a deceased grandmother gives earrings is a warning against frivolous actions and rash decisions. There is a choice to be made: think carefully about your decision.

Why do you dream about a deceased grandmother giving a gift?

When you dream of a deceased grandmother giving the dreamer a gift, a successful period is expected. Soon most of the sleeper’s plans will be realized, perhaps even old dreams will come true.

What exactly did you dream about?

I dreamed about the funeral of my dead grandmother

The interpretation of a dream about the funeral of a deceased grandmother depends on the weather in the cemetery. If it was clear and sunny, there will be harmony and mutual understanding in the family. Cloudy weather foreshadows quarrels and serious scandals.

Dreaming of a deceased grandmother in a coffin

A deceased grandmother, lying in a coffin in a dream, reports upcoming problems in her personal life. Surely, the partner is not entirely frank with the dreamer. Talk to your companion, try to find out the reason for such secrecy, and, perhaps, understand him.

Dream Interpretation Baba Yaga

If you saw a Grandmother or Grandfather in a dream, do not rush to look in Dream Books for the meaning of this dream - most likely the images of Grandmother or Grandfather are inspired by real events of recent days. However, Dream Interpretations warn those who dreamed of the Late Grandmother or Late Grandfather - this is a serious dream, which must be deciphered carefully and carefully.

Seeing your grandmother or grandfather in a dream, now alive- nostalgia; melancholy due to long separation; It's time to connect with the people you see.

Such dreams do not carry an important forecast. It is rather a psychological vision that arose under the yoke of the emotions and feelings you experience. The dream appeared either as a result of nostalgia and melancholy (then you should visit your relatives), or due to too active interference of your grandparents in your life.

Seeing grandparents (strangers, strangers) in a dream- wisdom Living in you.

The image of kind, noble and outwardly not repulsive old people symbolizes your own wisdom and worldly experience. Such a dream makes it clear that you are a mature person, capable of making decisions independently. But frightening-looking old people or old age in an exaggerated, distorted form, indicates that either you are very afraid of growing old, or you have already become spiritually old. Life has ceased to interest you; you have forgotten how to appreciate the beauty of every day and the freshness of emotions.

Seeing dead grandparents in a dream, The deceased grandmother or dead grandfather is telling you something- advice, parting words; unpleasant events.

Be sure to accurately remember the words heard in the dream. When deceased relatives appear in a dream, this first of all means that they want to warn you about something - take what you see seriously.

Seeing grandmother's grave in a dream- nostalgia, melancholy; it is required to pay tribute to the memory of the deceased.

After such dreams, the most correct steps are to visit (if possible) your grandmother’s grave, take flowers to it and be sure to go to church and order a funeral prayer service. The souls and graves of the dead often enter dreams only because the deceased need to be commemorated.

Dreaming that a grandfather or grandmother is dying, Dreaming about the death of a grandfather or grandmother, The funeral of a grandfather or grandmother are significant events for the whole family.

In extremely rare cases, such dreams actually have a fateful prognosis - they foretell the death of a loved one. However, most often such a dream appears as a result of great anxiety about the well-being of one of the relatives (a sick grandmother or grandfather).

Seeing in a dream the house of a deceased grandfather or grandmother, A grandfather's or grandmother's house in which no one lives- an extremely dangerous sign, Death of a relative on the side of a deceased grandmother or deceased grandfather.

The ancient interpretation of this dream is considered a dark prophecy. However, if you have never noticed the appearance of “prophetic” dreams, Most likely the dream is just a kind of nostalgia. Human memory tends to return to the past at the moment when support, advice or approval is needed in the present. Alternatively, you are trying to find in an old house some impressions of yourself or people from distant childhood. Be sure to remember the details of this dream and analyze it in detail.

Seeing Baba Yaga in a dream, Baba the Hedgehog threatens you- troubles and problems.

Seeing in a dream a fortune teller grandmother, an evil grandmother, an old and blind grandmother, a witch grandmother- accumulation of negative energy around you.

If Grandma (Baba Yaga) scared you greatly in a dream, it means that in reality you are now surrounded by a sea of ​​negativity and evil. Moreover, only you are to blame for this! Probably, lately you have often allowed yourself bad thoughts or unseemly actions. By doing this, you can really attract troubles and problems to yourself!

I dreamed about my deceased grandmother being alive

Dream Interpretation I dreamed about my deceased grandmother being alive I dreamed about why I dreamed in a dream I dreamed about my deceased grandmother being alive? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your deceased grandmother alive in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother - powerlessness, weakness.

Wash the feet of the deceased grandmother

Dream Interpretation Wash the feet of a deceased grandmother dreamed of why you dream about washing your deceased grandmother’s feet? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see your deceased grandmother washing your feet in a dream by reading below for free interpretations of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of the feminine principle or female genital organs, but with a certain coloring. For a girl, she symbolizes her fears of her unattractiveness and fear of being left without a sexual partner. For a woman, grandmother symbolizes fear of loss of sexual attractiveness. For a young man, his grandmother symbolizes his fear of being inadequate. For a man, grandmother symbolizes his sadness about missed opportunities.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream means that your life experience will help you get out of a difficult, possibly dangerous situation. Tears on the face of your grandmother in your dream foreshadow undeserved grievances and a quarrel with loved ones. If your long-dead grandmother advises you something in a dream, expect changes in life. It depends on your ability to maneuver whether these changes will be positive or negative. If you dream that you have become a grandmother, this means something unexpected. If you have children, monitor their health.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your own grandmother in a dream, if she is currently alive, is a sign of receiving news from her. The dream also means that if you are due to be paid money for the work you have done and you are currently worried about it, then you have nothing to worry about. You will definitely get this money. Seeing your grandmother next to you in bed is an omen that she approves of your plans, which will be successfully implemented. If in a dream you meet your grandmother and this meeting is completely unexpected for you, then in life you will face many difficulties and obstacles in business and you will be in dire need of outside help or advice.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother, who has already died, in a dream means finally finding a quiet haven in the stormy ocean of life. Marriage awaits you if you are single, or an addition to your family. If you have seen your living grandmother, this indicates her illness, and possibly death. A grandmother who scolds you, as in childhood, means that you will commit a rash act that you will regret.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A) if you dreamed about your grandmother, you will face difficulties in life and it will not be easy to overcome them, but good advice will help you. B) seeing a grandmother in a dream promises future powerlessness and weakness. C) you met your grandmother - a sign that for some work you will receive much less money than you expected and what you are entitled to.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Grandmother is a symbol of an old wise woman. This is the wise, mature aspect of your self. American Indians lovingly called the earth “grandmother earth,” revering it as a living, conscious being. This sign may relate to your own grandmother and her talents.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Seeing your grandmother in a dream, but not seeing her face, but only assuming that it is your grandmother, means significant material support from relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Washing

Washing dishes in a dream means the occurrence of events that are undesirable for you. If you see how a car or other equipment is washed, you will encounter a dirty business or a dishonest person. Washing your hands in a dream means that you will get rid of many worries that haunt you. If you wash your feet in a dream, you will receive good protection in reality. A washed, fresh face means pleasant company and interesting conversationalists. An unwashed, dirty person in a dream foreshadows a scandalous incident that could undermine your reputation. Washing your face with warm water in a dream is a sign of hypocrisy, which will come back to haunt the person who sees such a dream. Wash in cold water - cope with a serious illness. If you wash in a river, this means troubles related to money. Washing in the bath portends severe disappointment with unfulfilled promises. If you wash in the bathtub with a man, this means strong anxiety due to the fear of losing the affection of your loved one. Wash your baby in the bath - in reality, beware of being deceived by going on a long trip with random travel companions. Washing in a bathhouse means an unexpected illness away from family and home. Seeing a lot of men and women washing in the bathhouse means a motley society of people of the most diverse interests and tastes awaits you. Wash in the pool - you will receive an unexpected bonus or prize and everyone’s admiration. Washing animals in a dream foreshadows good health and a rich feast at a party, where you will soon be invited. Washing in a hot shower means that your modest services will be generously paid for. A cold shower portends a pleasant surprise. If you wash yourself while standing in the shower with your clothes on, this means illness and the machinations of enemies. If you wash yourself, lathering your whole body, you will be at someone’s beck and call; if you are being soaped, you will become a victim of vile deception and treachery on the part of imaginary friends. Wash with a hard washcloth - in reality you will try to make amends to your husband by demonstrating repentance and unquestioning submission. If you wash your child with a soft sponge, you will have to sacrifice your principles in order to acquire a strong patron. Washing your hair in a dream is a sign of adultery. If you use good shampoo when washing your hair, it means you will get involved in a dirty business under the threat of blackmail and exposure of a secret love affair. Wash someone’s hair or see how others wash it for themselves - you will soon go on an interesting journey that will bring you a lot of pleasure.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

Something good will happen. Talking to your grandmother means that something good that you have planned will succeed. A deceased grandmother is facing significant changes. Such a dream, a blessing or a warning. It is very good if you meet her in a cemetery.

Dream Interpretation - Grandmother

A grandmother who allegedly came to visit you or met you on a walk - such a dream foreshadows difficulties for you in the foreseeable future; It will not be easy to cope with these difficulties, but the kind participation of loved ones, someone’s timely wise advice, perhaps even that grandmother will help you.

Calling my late grandmother

Dream Interpretation - The path from the church with mirrors with the late grandmother

Such a dream with the image of a large church, a scarf on the head, mirrors, a road (strong and significant symbols) can be very significant for creative people, employees of child care institutions, sports schools, charitable organizations, etc. These people have great opportunities to express yourself, to play a very significant role in any situation and it is important during this period not to lose the “slap”, i.e. not to be foolish, not to miss the moment. The garden is a symbol of your immediate environment, the path is the path you choose. You need to show generosity and generosity with people in need of care, perhaps loved ones or children.

Dream Interpretation - Mom saw that I left with my late grandmother

At the time of sleep, the dreamer again entered a period of thinking about her personal life (the dreamer and her daughter go to her mother). The dreamer wants to decide on her future man (to revive her personal life - the late woman Lyuda came to life in a dream), but she does not have any confidence in men (people are perplexed), since in reality (in life) they absolutely do not meet her expectations, except perhaps They are willing to use flattery and deception just to make themselves more comfortable (judging by the dreamer’s dream)))))))) who, by the way, currently doesn’t understand men at all - due to lack of experience, which is why she has complexes in this matter). The dreamer (in her heart) wants a sincere and warm relationship with a man, but she is in no hurry to open up to just anyone (as a result of the above), she is watching. The dreamer’s plans are to find a quiet, calm haven with her companion in the noisy ocean of life, but now at her age to make some choice, yes, so that he (the man) also satisfies all her needs (spiritual, physical, material, etc. .) - quite difficult, the years are not the same (the dreamer left the wallet with her daughter). The dreamer cannot decide how she should continue to live - as before, or still take a risk and change the course of her life by finding a mate (road workers and repairmen keep track of where the dreamer went and where the daughter went). This is very important for the dreamer now - what to do next?! This is what the DREAM is about. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - Calls

The dream advises you to carefully listen to yourself, your wisdom (grandmother, grandfather) in order to resolve some issue (they tried to help).

Dream Interpretation - Doorbell and dead people

The dream signals the state of your health - Irrational fears and anxiety, painful experiences of mistakes of past years, hypochondria and self-pity, but at the same time - a period of positive changes awaits you in the course of severe and infectious diseases, especially female organs, infertility, thyroid diseases .

Dream Interpretation - Call

The dream suggests that you need support, and you will have it very soon. And not unexpectedly. Good luck to YOU ​​and good dreams.

Kissing the feet of the deceased grandmother

Dream Interpretation - Icons and the late grandmother

Good night, Elena! A deceased grandmother in a dream always means good changes in life. Save me, God!

Dream Interpretation - Dream about a deceased grandmother

You really want protection and warmth (blanket), and the grandmother who came to life in a dream (female wisdom) will help you with this. And to do this, you just need to digest (rethink) past events in your personal life (eating a cold potato - past disappointments, rather, in the personal life), and extract useful experience from past events (cold potato - abandoned, cooled relationships, coldness in your personal life) for yourself (potatoes, although cold, are yellow and tasty - a very quick turnaround for the better, a hint in a dream). In general, a grandmother coming to life in a dream means revitalizing your personal life. Sincerely, LIVIA.

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about my late grandmother

This Dream suggests that the Dreamer is more purposeful and conscious than emotional (The death of the late Grandmother is not visible, but is recorded in detail in the Diary, which the Dreamer’s Cat carried in her teeth). Everyone cries, even cartoon Characters, and the dream abruptly changes to another event - this indicates the predominance of Yin qualities in the Dreamer (down-to-earthness, earthly needs and desires rather than emotional ones). But the Dream wanted to tell the Dreamer in this way that it is somewhat difficult to understand with the Soul someone with such views, but this is a completely different topic for the future.

Dream Interpretation - Stealing a ring from a deceased grandmother

Good afternoon, Victoria! The deceased grandmother dreams only of good changes in life. The house of a deceased grandmother is support for your family. “…. And I realize that there are new owners in this house, but I go and look around. I walk all over the house...” - the new owners are the support of guardian angels. “I see in the room on the table and on the windows there are vases and there are a lot of rings... Some are gold, and some are ordinary. I take gold and put it on my finger, instead of a wedding ring (I’m married)” - your family is not too happy with your marriage. But you will still have the support of your ancestors, since, apparently, there are tasks related to this in your life. Save Christ!

Dream Interpretation - Putting shoes on the deceased grandmother

I didn’t understand your dream at all in this presentation. Who are you in this triad? Or are you looking at everything from the outside? In general, the dream is about an attempt to deceive Fate.

Dream Interpretation - In a dream, carry a deceased grandmother in your arms

Feasts with deceased relatives usually dream of a funeral or news of the death of someone close or familiar.

Dream Interpretation - The late grandfather cried

Perhaps the grandfather is the image of a man whom you know well, and whom you ask “not to come again, to let you go”... Someone is sad about you and apparently wants to be with you.. If this option is unlikely, then there is also another explanation for the dream. You probably understand that you need to remember your grandfather, since he had such a dream...

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

An interesting DREAM that speaks of the Dreamer’s intentions to arrange (revive) her personal life. The dreamer approaches this process with a certain readiness (the dreamer is ready to pay for herself), but there is no suitable candidate for the role of a serious chosen one (there are temporary relationships - the dreamer on the bus). Sitting on the Bus between the revived deceased Father and Grandmother just speaks of the Dreamer’s personal thoughts about how and where to go next. Receiving small change for travel from the revived Father means the presence in the Dreamer’s life of temporary, insignificant relationships from a half-forgotten past. But the Bus starts moving and the Dreamer leaves - in reality this indicates the Dreamer’s readiness to revive (possibly) a former relationship, a former love. Best regards, Livia.

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

Hello. So, the first dream shows that you want to get away from the past, but memories do not allow you to do this. Happy moments are remembered all the time. Everyone thinks whether you did the right thing or not and what to do next. But the symbol of a blind dead grandmother suggests that you do not see the whole picture of the past clearly, and cold hands show that you do not see, that there was no support in the past. Maybe you want to return the past, but this symbol says, don’t do this, otherwise your principles that you follow will die. You seem to agree, but inside there is still a conflict going on (an attempt at strangulation) - to return the past or not. The second dream shows that your cousin is having problems with his family. With a male person (optionally a father) Your brother is very emotionally dependent on him. You understand this, but you feel helpless because you can’t help him. But this person does not understand this and does not realize that, perhaps, he is really bending him under himself. He thinks that he is doing the right thing and that it will only be better for your brother (he came here and thinks that his son is here, but he is not here).

Dream Interpretation - Deceased relatives

Frankly, a little confusing and strange dream. Here is the course of my reasoning: There is a previous psychotrauma... I don’t really understand what it’s connected with... Could it be sexual violence? Part 1. Personalities: Dad is a once idealized collective male image from the dreamer’s youth. The dreamer preferred the “Father”, “Patron” type of men and most likely played a dependent, subordinate role in the relationship. An aunt is in this case a certain behavioral image, a certain mask that the dreamer does not want to try on herself, so that it does not promise her. The motive of incest is present, and strongly repressed. Cousins ​​symbolize the underdeveloped image of a man, which the dreamer began to develop after the destruction of the ideal of a male father. It is symbolic that the dreamer pretends not to notice the brothers. The deceased grandmother symbolizes the dreamer’s unconscious. In general, this is where the salt of the whole dream lies. The unconscious in sleep is painful and blind. Auntie - a product of consciousness, the notorious Mask, Persona, behavioral model - supposedly strives to integrate with the Unconscious (auntie came to mom), but she cannot do this. In other words, the dreamer’s conscious actions (or an attempt to implement this behavioral strategy) can lead to an internal personal catastrophe. And indirectly this concerns the dreamer’s father (I will not touch your son). I find it difficult to interpret what this means. Apparently this needs to be done by the dreamer herself, because this is the only part of the dream that has not been censored and repressed. Putting it together: in the dreamer’s real life, a situation arose when her image of an ideal man was sharply destroyed. Gravitating towards strong, mature and experienced men, the dreamer does not allow herself to take steps towards him because of some barrier or obstacle, and she does not like men-children who become emotionally dependent on her. Perhaps the dreamer in real life has to play with mature men, flirt, not letting them get close to her, and push away those in love with her. It seems to me. And this causes a lot of worry and trouble. Part 2. This part is a logical continuation of the first. Hope. In it we will slightly lift the veil of the mysterious storyline of the first part. The dreamer's way of thinking is still aimed at a mature, experienced male patron. Hm... An assumption arose... What if the second part of the dream is about... The dreamer's son and his relationship either with his father or with the dreamer's new man? As a version, it is debatable: the dreamer sees her ex-husband’s indifference towards her son (the dreamer’s child), and the new man is too strict towards her child, they often have conflicts. The dreamer is forced not to notice what is happening, to pretend. That nothing terrible is happening, but in her soul she screams to herself: “Don’t you feel sorry for your child? “Perhaps her current man told the dreamer that he would like to find a family, to see a real, native son in her child, but “he is not here”... It is likely that this version takes place. So, the dreamer may have a serious conflict between her feelings for a new man and her feelings for her own son. It seems to her that the man is raping her son, that he is going too far in his upbringing (his grandfather rapes his cousin). If we continue this version, then the first dream can be interpreted as follows: the dreamer’s new man has stopped “pretending” - the candy-bouquet period has passed (now I’ll take off my pants and change clothes). Everyday situations and ordinary pictures of life together came forward. But the dreamer has to, as it were, not notice her child. Do not give him due attention, do not pamper him, do not notice his problems. And always be cheerful and carefree, so that no one sees internal problems (let me change my clothes so as not to get dirty = save face). But at the end, the dreamer seems to shout to herself - I will not touch MY son. Unfortunately, apart from this version, which seems to have brought all the images together, I don’t have any others. The images are interpreted accordingly, but the interpretation of cause-and-effect relationships is my speculation. I apologize if I am wrong and have unwittingly offended anyone with my reasoning and associations. Sincerely, Disinherited.

Run away from your dead grandmother

In the new year you will have two fans. You will enjoy their courtship and persistent pursuit (the pleasure of the pursuit itself). Relationships (dresses) will be to your liking, especially sincerity of feelings, romance (white cocktail dress) will be remembered. In a word, there will be satisfaction, but the heart’s choice will not fall on the guys (I still ran away from them.)

Dream Interpretation - I’ve been running away from guys for 2 nights in a row

I think we shouldn’t have played around with conspiracies, although they are very powerful at Christmas. And now it is unknown who will be the person in reality whom you saw in your dream. Please note, you are running away all the time, you DO NOT want to meet/talk with this person, there is no way he can become your acquaintance, friend, friend or boyfriend. You need to close yourself off from these images. If you liked it, that would be good. And so..

You are pessimistic. Perhaps the time has not yet come for some decisions or actions.

Dream Interpretation - Visiting a deceased relative (grandmother)

Perhaps the search for your grandmother in a dream (the description of the road and her home resembles in symbolism a descent into the unconscious and/or underground, where the grandmother is actually buried) is connected with the fact that you have recently been thinking about your fate in life, comparing it with the life of your elders relatives.

Alas, the dream is a warning. T.K. Your grandmother treated you well during her lifetime, she came to warn you of impending troubles, most likely in the family. And the fact that she appeared in such a shirt is another warning. And the teeth are also a warning... And your grandmother from the other world is trying to atone for her sins by helping you in this situation. She will be your guardian angel in this matter. Listen to the signs! And listen to the advice of close friends and relatives.

Dream Interpretation - Dead grandmother in a nightmare

The dream reflects your thoughts about justice. Not everything is what it seems. You need to advise your relatives to forgive your grandmother, and then it’s up to them... There is nothing bad for you in this dream.

Dream Interpretation - I dreamed about a dead grandmother

All dreams that occurred after the recent death of a loved one about him have only one thing in their essence - the psychological processing of his loss. The fact that in a dream you invite her to eat indicates that she played a large spiritual role in your life.

Dream Interpretation - Continuation of the dream about grandmother

There is nothing bad in your dreams. Calm down. If your grandmother does not currently live with you, or is absent for some time, then the dream means an unexpected pleasant meeting with her; if your grandmother lives with you and is not absent, then the dream is to her chagrin, from you, in some way you will upset her

Dream Interpretation - Dead grandmother gives money

Your grandmother needs to be remembered, order a memorial service in the church and distribute change (money) to the children

Dream Interpretation - Repay debt to the deceased

The dream suggests the Dreamer’s desire to return missed opportunities in social and personal life (marriage, marriage) - The Dreamer is waiting for the Deceased to repay the Debt. The deceased comes, and the Dreamer gives him 100 rubles - in reality this means the Dreamer’s necessary efforts in activating this sphere and its real possibilities in the future. Best regards, Livia.