Alexander Ivanovich Belov, writer, is he still alive? Evolution in reverse: Are animals former people? Hypothesis of paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov

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Neanderthals are a different humanity. Alexander Belov paleoanthropologist

Details Published 01/04/2014 09:22


The desire to notice only those facts that confirm modern “scientific” ideas about the world is characteristic of modern anthropology.

Thus, for about a hundred years, anthropologists professing evolutionism tried to present Neanderthal man as the ancestors of Homo sapiens. And only relatively recently, thanks to the efforts of geneticists, this view had to be abandoned. Involuntarily, I had to turn to ancient sapiens finds, which at the time of their discovery did not receive a proper explanation. Ideology got in the way. Now the way has been opened and fossil skulls with the features of modern humans have been removed from dusty storage rooms and cabinets. They suddenly started talking about them as some kind of sensation. Let's talk about this in more detail.

Ideas about Neanderthals, having completed a certain ideological circle, returned, in fact, to the same point from which they once started, when the Neanderthal skull was first discovered in 1856 in Germany near Dusseldorf. Thus, at a meeting of specialists dedicated to this find, Charles Darwin’s colleague G. Huxley called the Neanderthal “ape-like.” Alfred Wallace, co-author of Charles Darwin's theory, was brief: “Savage!” Pathologist Rudolf Virchow summed up the discussion: “Not an ancestor was found, but a degenerate.” The German anatomist Gustav Schwalbe, having carefully studied the mentioned skull, proposed in 1907 to call the Neanderthal a primitive man - Homo primigenius.

Indeed, the scientists who first saw the skull of a classic Neanderthal could be understood. At the base of the unusually low and receding forehead were huge eyebrows - bone ridges. The walls of the skull were thick. The skull was stretched back and flattened at the top, and there was a massive ridge in its back. The frontal lobes were clearly underdeveloped. There were dents on the lid of the massive skull that had been healed during life. This indicated the far from peaceful nature of the individual.

However, over time, people became accustomed to the skulls of Neanderthals. And they began to be perceived less tragically. Soviet scientists defended the point of view that paleoanthropes (Neanderthals) were the direct ancestors of neoanthropes (Cro-Magnons). The desire to deify the “ancestor” was inherent in many Soviet anthropologists; at the same time, the features of Neanderthal degradation were simply ignored. This was also due to the desire to see the beginnings of large races of modern humans on the skulls and bones of Neanderthals. Thus, the leading Soviet anthropologist V.P. Alekseev suggested that the Caucasoid combination of characteristics can be traced already on Neanderthal skulls found in the territory of modern Israel: Qafzeh, Amud, Skhul 4, as well as on the skull of Shanidar 1, which was discovered in the Shanidar cave in the north Iran. Scientists identified australoid features on the fossil skull of Skhul 5 from Israel, and Caucasoid combinations with Australian features on the fossil skull of a child from the Tishik-Tash cave in Uzbekistan. According to Alekseev, the Neanderthals had already begun to develop the basic features of the large races of modern man.

Nowadays, most anthropologists have abandoned such an obviously ideological interpretation, designed to strengthen the view of Neanderthals as the ancestors of modern humans. Anthropologists now believe that Neanderthals were not the ancestors of modern humans. At best, they are considered a subspecies or race of archaic sapiens.

At one time, Alekseev and other Soviet anthropologists actively criticized the theory presapiensa, according to which modern man descended from ancient sapiens forms, whose fragmentary fossil remains were discovered in Europe: near the city of Swanscombe in England and in Fonteschevade in France. However, over time, it became clear that sapiens are no younger than Neanderthals, and in theoretical, as well as practical terms, it may well have the opposite structure: Neanderthals descended from some ancient sapiens forms, separating from them at a very early stage. This version can be supported by findings made in Africa in the middle and end of the 20th century. Ancient African skulls, with pronounced sapiens features, seem to indicate this. Thus, the skull from Ndutu dates back to 350 - 500 thousand years old. The skulls from Ngaloba and Eyasi, discovered in Tanzania, are approximately the same age. The skull from Guomde in Ethiopia dates back to a later age - 270 thousand years. The Kenyan skull from Eliye Springs is about the same age. The Florisbat skull, discovered in South Africa, dates back to 259 thousand years ago. Somewhat younger are the fossil skulls discovered in Omo (195 thousand years), Herto and Aduma, discovered in Ethiopia. All these skulls are assessed by many modern anthropologists as sapiens. There were also attempts to identify the beginnings of racial complexes in them. However, this was not fully possible, since the very fact that they belong to sapiens forms is disputed by some anthropologists. Indeed, the preservation and fragmentation of the skulls does not allow us to speak confidently about their racial affiliation.

Here before us is a skull of phenomenal antiquity - 195,000 years old. This skull was discovered in Ethiopia (Omo 1) in 1967 in the Omo River valley in the Kibish geological formation by the expedition of hereditary anthropologist Richard Leakey. A short note dedicated to this outstanding find was published in the London-based journal Nature in 1969. The skull shows a number of sapiens characteristics characteristic of modern humans. The volume of the skull is 1400 cubic cm. This is more than the average for modern people. The well-preserved frontal and occipital bones have a completely modern appearance. The facial skeleton also appears to be that of an anatomically modern human. The lower jaw has a chin protrusion. This trait is also characteristic of modern people. However, not all evolutionists believe that this skull belonged to sapiens. Many anthropologists distinguish it as a separate ancient species, Homo helmei. Be that as it may, we must not forget that this man lived about 200,000 years ago. Where is the evolution of the skull and brain over the past period?

Fig 1 Sapiens skull from Ethiopia. It is also calledHomohelmei. Age -195 thousand years ago.

Fig 2 Skull with sapiens characteristics from EthiopiaHomoidaltu. Age: 160 thousand years ago.

It is clear that anthropologists are trying to get away with it and adapt their findings to the currently fashionable theories of anthropogenesis. They do not consider other alternative scenarios for the origin of modern man and ancient people. Meanwhile, if you wish, you can arrange the finds in a completely different form. You can see how a person not only evolves, but also degrades.

Among other things, the desire to rank discovered finds by degree of relatedness does a disservice to evolutionary anthropologists. Many of the fossil skulls may belong to completely different descendants of space settlers, who independently degraded and adapted to the conditions of the earth’s atmosphere. But this will obviously be a completely different story, and such a scenario is never considered by any evolutionist in principle.

However, let's talk about Neanderthals. It has long been noted that Neanderthals had a very primitive appearance and that is why they are unlikely to be the ancestors of sapiens. When a Neanderthal skull was first discovered in Germany near Dusseldorf in 1856, anthropologists unanimously considered it to be the skull of a degenerate with a pronounced individual pathology. Over time, it became clear that there were too many “degenerates.” The remains of Neanderthals were found in Europe, Crimea, Africa, and Asia. It was necessary to somehow explain the presence of such a number of “degenerate” individuals. Meanwhile, the American evolutionist Aleš Hrdlicka formulated a different concept in 1927. In his opinion, Neanderthal man was the direct ancestor of sapiens. The American’s opinion was happily supported by Soviet anthropologists.

However, as facts accumulated, it became clear that the “evolution” of Neanderthals is more like involution - otherwise degradation... Thus, researchers traditionally distinguish two groups within European Neanderthals. Early Neanderthals from the Eringsdorf group, they are also called atypical Neanderthals, quite unexpectedly find themselves closer to sapiens. They have a more “progressive” brain and skull. The second group of relatively late Neanderthals Chapelle or Ferassi, on the contrary, are very, very primitive. These Neanderthals are also called "classical".

The early Neanderthals, who lived about 150 thousand years ago, exhibit traits that bring them closer to sapiens. This is a round back of the head, a convex forehead. Significant brain volume - on average - 1450 cubic cm. The brow ridges of atypical Neanderthals are less pronounced than classical ones and, probably, began to form recently. The teeth are also not as large as those of classical Neanderthals. In general, atypical Neanderthals, who are also called “praneanderthals” or “progressive” Neanderthals, show a wide range of characteristics. This indicates the instability of the morphotype.

Fig 3 Skull of an early atypical Neanderthal. Age - 90 thousand years ago. From the textbook “Anthropology” for universities in special fields. "Biology". 2004.

In “classical” or “Western European” Neanderthals, the brow ridges are highly developed, turning into powerful supraorbital ridges, the back of the head is flattened from above and protrudes backwards - the so-called. “chignon-shaped” back of the head. They had a large, long and elongated face. They are characterized by a sloping forehead running back. Obviously, this trait is associated with the degradation of the frontal lobes of the brain, which are responsible for socialization. The nasal bones protrude forward. The nose is very wide. The teeth and jaws are large. The chin disappears. Legs are short. The femur is strongly curved. Anthropologists believe that the latter feature arose as a result of adaptation to a cold climate. There is an assumption that classical Neanderthals emerged from atypical environments due to adaptation to unfavorable living conditions. This is supposedly confirmed by the fact that classical Neanderthals lived during the last glaciation - 80-35 thousand years ago.

Obviously, the classic Neanderthal lost the ability to speak. This is indicated by a very weakly pronounced curvature of the base of the skull, a high location of the larynx and the disappearance of the mental protuberance on the lower jaw. Let us also note that all these signs are characteristic of newborn children of modern humans, who, among other things, due to anatomical reasons, are deprived of the ability to articulate speech. As children grow older, their larynx descends, and the base of the skull acquires a curve characteristic of adults, the pharynx enlarges, and a chin protuberance appears. This allows the child to actively master speech. The high position of the larynx in a baby is a useful sign - it allows him to breathe and swallow at the same time. Based on this, it can be assumed that Neanderthal lost the ability to speak for the second time. It seems that as a result of degradation, he retained infantile features in adulthood - there was a developmental delay. Along with this, the classic Neanderthal acquired features characteristic of the most ancient hominids and even hominoids. It is well known that in fossil and modern apes the larynx is located high.

It is very interesting that among Sinanthropus, who lived much earlier than Neanderthals, characteristic swellings in the area of ​​the temporal lobe of the brain were found on the internal cavity of the skull. This feature was interpreted by evolutionists as the presence of articulate speech in synanthropes. It turns out a strange picture if you follow the logic of evolutionism: the predecessors - Sinanthropus - had speech, and those who replaced them - the Neanderthals - turned out to be speechless. From this we can conclude that Sinanthropus and Neanderthal do not have common roots and each degraded in its own way.

Along with speech, the Neanderthal lost the ability to social life. This is indicated by a reduction in the volume of the frontal lobes of the brain, which are a kind of psychological brake that restrains individual, instinctive and emotional drives. It is known from paleoanthropological finds that Neanderthals were cannibals. So, for example, during excavations at the Eringsdorf site (80-90 thousand years ago), the ashes of a fire and the broken skull of a young woman, killed by several blows from blunt instruments, were discovered.

Among other things, according to archaeologist G. A. Bonch-Osmolovsky, the Neanderthals, whose remains were discovered in Crimea in 1924, did not have the ability to pinpoint, and did not know how to make fine movements with their fingers. Their hand was “shovel-shaped.” Obviously, the lack of ability to fully control the hand is a characteristic feature of degradation. G. A. Bonch-Osmolovsky carefully studied the discovered Neanderthal skeleton in the Crimean Kiik-Koba cave. This is what this scientist wrote:

“The Kiik-Kobin’s hand was very powerful, rough and clumsy, with wide, as if chopped off fingers. Powerful muscles gave her colossal gripping power. With limited opposition of the thumb, with the extraordinary massiveness of the rest, it is impossible to grasp and hold with your fingers. The Kiik-Kobin did not take, but “raked” the object with his whole hand and held it in his fist. This clamp had the power of pincers.”

Fig. 4 The hand of a Neanderthal man from the Crimean cave Kiik-Koba and the hand of a modern man. From the book “History of Primitive Society.” 1982.

Fig 5 Skull of a late classical Neanderthal. From the textbook “Anthropology” for universities. 2004.


As always, evolutionists try to adapt paleoanthropological findings to demonstrate that they are right. The goal is simple - the evolutionary doctrine must not be damaged. Progressive - early or atypical Neanderthals, who lived before the classical ones, are declared by some to be the ancestors of sapiens. And it’s clear why, they have a much greater resemblance to the morphotype of modern humans. Classic late Neanderthals are declared an evolutionary dead end. This point of view was shared by the anthropologist L. Leakey. However, even such a Solomonic decision did not suit the most ardent orthodoxies. Evolutionary anthropologist F. Loring Brace rebelled against the unfair exclusion of classical Neanderthals from the immediate ancestors of humans, comparing this behavior of the anthropological community with the regressive theory of catastrophes by Cuvier. However, time takes its toll and now most scientists have completely abandoned the Neanderthal phase in the development of modern man. In 1997, a group of geneticists led by M. Krings proved that Neanderthal DNA is three times the genetic distance between the most distant races of modern humanity. Geneticists extracted Neanderthal mitochondrial DNA from mineralized bones and compared it with DNA from representatives of the great and small races of modern humans.

Among other things, very ancient sapiens skulls discovered in Africa and other places do not allow us to see in Neanderthals a previous stage of the development of modern humans.

If we take in general the Neanderthals have a massive physique, short legs, and small height - 155 - 165 cm. It can be assumed that the morphotype of Neanderthals changed over time, not for the better. To the greatest extent, the features of degradation were characteristic of classical Neanderthals. In the old days, evolutionary anthropologists deified Neanderthals and saw them as our ancestors. In the atlases there were pictures in which Neanderthals peacefully collected fruits and fed them to their children. However, in 2000, researcher Erik Trinkaus, one of the leading experts on Neanderthals, came to the conclusion that late Neanderthals ate exclusively meat. The researcher estimated the percentage of protein in their bones to be very high. Perhaps an exclusively meat diet significantly accelerated the physical degradation of Neanderthals. Let's not forget, also, that Neanderthals were cannibals, as, indeed, Pithecanthropus and other archanthropes. It is known that a chronic lack of important micro- and macroelements in food can cause negative consequences in the human body; At the same time, the morphotype also changes.

When we talked about atypical and classical Neanderthals, we meant primarily the Neanderthals of Europe. Meanwhile, Neanderthal skeletons have been discovered in Africa, Western Asia and China. Here is what V.P. Alekseev wrote about this in the book “History of Primitive Society”, 1990:

“African forms have some specific morphological characteristics, as well as a smaller brain volume and a more primitive cranium. One might think that here we are faced not with local, but with staged differences, and that the primitiveness of African Neanderthals is explained by their greater antiquity compared to European ones. In fact, their geological age is apparently even younger than that of European finds... Asian Neanderthals are morphologically extremely heterogeneous, among them there are quite primitive and extremely morphologically heterogeneous forms.”

Thus, the degradation of Neanderthals was unlikely to depend entirely on living conditions. There was a global process of general savagery of their entire species.

Obviously, Neanderthals branched off from ancient sapiens forms and simply and stupidly degenerated. However, they did not have time to fully drink the thicket of degradation and become new bipedal “ape-people”, since their inglorious history of degeneration was interrupted by new people - Cro-Magnons - who suddenly appeared in Europe and Western Asia. Where Cro-Magnons came from is still a topic of heated debate among anthropologists.

It is possible that the remains of sapiens discovered in Africa in recent decades are the ancestors of Neanderthals, but not the ancestors of modern humans. Our immediate ancestors - the Cro-Magnons (if this term is understood as broadly as possible) visited our land much later - at the very beginning of the Upper Paleolithic. The aliens invented and brought with them a new culture to Europe - Aurignacian, replacing the Neanderthal culture - Mousterian. It is difficult to imagine exactly what the first earthly “invaders” looked like. Their bone remains are unlikely to have survived at all. Cro-Magnons are a type already largely adapted to earthly conditions.

It should be noted that human bones are fragile and very rarely preserved in fossil form. People live on land, not water. Meanwhile, it is aquatic creatures that are better preserved. If you are lucky, the corpse of a waterfowl or fish will be covered with silt, and it will undergo mineralization. On land, acidic soils, fungi and erosion, as well as rodents, insects and bacteria quickly destroy organic remains. That is why we do not know at all who lived on land in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic. Even the relatively recent history of modern humans is a mystery shrouded in darkness. However, something remains of the Cro-Magnons, but there are very few surviving remains, despite the fact that the Cro-Magnons lived relatively recently. According to the frequency of Cro-Magnon remains found, anthropologists suggest that there were no more than 100 thousand Cro-Magnons at the beginning of the Upper Paleolithic. But this is a very arbitrary figure. It is possible that the Cro-Magnon morphotype comes from just a few individuals that suddenly appeared on our earth at the very beginning of the Upper Paleolithic... One inevitably thinks about the alien settlement of the earth by people. Subsequently, the Cro-Magnons increase their population many times over and are actively exploring the earth's open spaces. Spreading around the world, they even reach New Guinea, South Australia and South America. In these very remote parts of the earth's ecumene, their fossil remains are discovered.

We know that when they came to Europe 45 - 40 thousand years ago, the Cro-Magnons quickly destroyed all the Neanderthals. The last of them fell in an unequal “battle” about 30,000 years ago. This is eloquently evidenced by some paleoanthropological evidence. For example, in Croatia, near Krapivna near Zagreb, the remains of 24 individuals, mostly Neanderthals, were discovered, as well as several Cro-Magnon skulls. Researchers have determined that something happened here 30 thousand years ago. "Battle of Krapina" between the Cro-Magnons advancing from the southeast and the local aborigines - classic Neanderthals. With a somewhat conventional interpretation of this event as a whole, this find shows that the relationship between the newcomers and the natives of Europe was by no means peaceful.

Another interesting point is that the degradation of Neanderthals is indicated by the fact that most often their skeletal remains are found in caves and very rarely in open sites. In a number of cases, the skeletons of Neanderthals were found by chance during excavation work without accompanying archaeological equipment. It may very well be that the late Neanderthals, like Bigfoot people, adapted to live in the wild. However, it is hardly appropriate to directly identify Bigfoot people with the Neanderthals who have survived to this day. In my opinion, Bigfoot and Neanderthals degenerated in similar ways at different times. Both of them refused speech and socialization.

Now, instead of the retired Neanderthal, evolutionists have found another candidate as the ancestor of sapiens - heidelberg man, who lived in Europe and England 800-350 thousand years ago. Heidelberg Man was the same age as Indonesian Pithecanthropus and Sinanthropus from South Asia. Heidelberg Man owes his name to the first discovery discovered in 1907 near the city of Heidelberg in Germany. A jaw similar to that of a monkey was discovered there, but with very large human teeth. Obviously, the Heidelberg man taxon is of somewhat artificial origin. It includes finds that are very different in their morphology. It cannot be ruled out that the Heidelbergers are an offshoot of ancient people who looked more progressive than them. Probably, many times people degraded on our land, giving rise to similar forms of degenerates.

Recently there have been reports from Israel. Experts say they have discovered Homo sapiens teeth that are about 400 thousand years old. If this message is confirmed, then we can say that Homo sapiens appeared on our planet before Neanderthal man. In this case, the Neanderthal looks like a typical degenerate of the human race.

Fig 6 The skull of Heidelberg man looks even more primitive than the skull of a Neanderthal.


Meanwhile, you and I can easily see the analogy between the early progressive Neanderthals and their degraded descendants - classical Neanderthals and modern people. This analogy is that the early Australoids had a more advanced appearance than their later descendants. As in the case of atypical and classical Neanderthals, evolutionary anthropologists cannot sacrifice principles and allow even a hypothetical decrease in the level of mental abilities and destructive deformation of the original morphotype. Evolutionists are trying to explain the existence of two fossil types in Australia by the settlement of the Southern continent by several independent waves of settlers. Some evolutionists, namely polycentrists, are even ready to assume that Australoids descended from Pithecanthropus; but at the same time, the degradation of the original proto-Australoid type is not considered even hypothetically at the version level.

Many anthropologists completely lost all interest in Neanderthals when it turned out that they were not the ancestors of modern humans. It is as if they no longer exist for evolutionists. They focused on what they thought were more interesting things - they enthusiastically considered hypothetical scenarios for the transformation of Heidelberg man, who lived in Europe hundreds of thousands of years ago, directly into sapiens. It is possible that he will also soon lose all interest in the fate of the Australoids when it finally becomes clear that the Australian branch of modern humanity represents an “evolutionary dead end.”

However, it should be noted that during the reign of ideas of the Neanderthal phase in the development of mankind, attempts were made to explain the presence of a massive morphotype among the classical Neanderthals of Europe by special climatic conditions. According to many authors of that time, classical Neanderthals lived in a rather cold climate, in close proximity to the boundaries of the northern glacier. This is what determines their “primitive” characteristics. However, V.P. Alekseev did not agree with this interpretation. He, like many other Soviet authors, believed that the Würm glaciation, during which the classical Neanderthals lived, was very modest in scale, and it influenced the climate of Europe to a lesser extent. Alekseev refers to paleogeographic data. Thus, it is necessary to find some other acceptable explanation for the degradation of late Neanderthals. Perhaps human nature itself is prone to degradation? Is the mechanism of further adaptation to the environment activated in humans and leads them to an inevitable “evolutionary dead end”?

Meanwhile, it is known that both the Eskimos, who now live on the shores of the Arctic Ocean, and the Sami of the Kola Peninsula, are developing morphotype features similar to those of the Neanderthaloids. This is a massive figure, thick walls of the skull, prognathism, darkening of the skin, strengthening of the bones, thickening of the tubular bones, wide pelvis, shortened limbs in relation to the body, relatively large body weight for their height, etc. Similar features were noted among Fuegians from the South America. Alekseev himself at one time put forward the hypothesis that the Eskimos and Fuegians acquired, completely independently of each other, characteristic morphological features that were a consequence of adaptation to a very cold climate. Nothing prevents us from assuming that Neanderthals, at a completely different time and in a different geographical area, completely independently of modern racial groups living in cold climates, began to show similar signs. There is evidence indicating that Cro-Magnons, after the disappearance of Neanderthals during a period of intense cooling about 24 thousand years ago, over 10 thousand years acquired many skeletal features characteristic of Neanderthals. None of the current evolutionists will even try to claim that the ancestors of the Eskimos and Fuegians were Neanderthals. However, the claim that Neanderthals are the ancestors of Cro-Magnons has been in science for quite a long time. Now it seems that everyone understands that similar signs can arise in different populations completely independently of each other. However, in relation to Pithecanthropus and Australians, this rule seems to be forgotten. Some people are still trying to push through the idea that Australoids have Pithecanthropus genes. More recently, scientists considered the main version of the origin of modern people from Neanderthals, while they referred to the supposedly existing features and characteristics of Neanderthals of modern racial groups. Now attempts are being made to find similar traits in archaic sapiens and even in Heidelberg man. And this will continue for quite a long time until, finally, scientists abandon evolutionism in its pure form and begin to consider and compare findings on their own, and not in accordance with the concept of evolution.

Alexander Zubov in his book “Columbus of the Stone Age” on page 156 expresses a paradoxical thought:

“There is evidence to conclude that Neanderthals (at least the classical ones) had light skin color and light eye shades: after all, they lived in the temperate zone of Europe, with a lack of insolation, mostly in forests, and constantly wore clothes.”

A very controversial statement! Apparently, classical Neanderthals are degenerates who still need to be looked for. They probably had problems with their adrenal glands. This was associated with cold and emotional stress. As a result, the skin may first acquire a tan color, then become dirty brown and bronze (Addison's disease). Characteristic features of the adrenal glands can sometimes be passed on to descendants as hereditary traits. Darkening of the skin was also noted among the Eskimos in comparison with the North Asian Mongoloid race. At least none of the modern Eskimos have become blond by constantly wearing clothes and experiencing a lack of sunlight. In general, we still need to figure out whether Neanderthals wore clothes, or, due to a general adaptation syndrome, adapted to live without them in conditions of low temperatures. It is very possible that the body of Neanderthals was overgrown with thick hair, like that of Bigfoot. In the fossil state, it is not possible to determine the color of the skin or whether it is covered with hair.

Some evolutionists try to argue that modern Europeans inherited the Neanderthal morphotype. These are protruding noses, narrow and long faces. We also cannot agree with this. The proportions of the Cro-Magnon figure are closer to tropical: long limbs and a relatively short body. Neanderthals, on the other hand, have short limbs and a massive body. Obviously, the protrusion of the nose and elongation of the face - Caucasians acquired these characteristics completely independently of Neanderthals as a result of adaptive changes to the environment. It may very well be that a protruding nose, which constitutes the pride of a European nation, can also be considered as an adaptive feature. At least that’s what V.P. Alekseev thought. He wrote in “History of Primitive Society”: “The strong protrusion of the nasal cavity lengthened the path of inhaled cool air to the respiratory tract and contributed to its warming.” At least among the Cro-Magnons, who came to Europe several tens of thousands of years ago, their noses did not protrude so much forward.

To everything else, it must be added that narrow faces are more characteristic of southern rather than northern Caucasians, as well as Ethiopians. The faces of Papuans living in the tropics have become longer and their noses have become larger. Obviously, a change in facial proportions is not only a zonal sign.

Thus, the concept of involution (degradation) receives unexpected confirmation from facts that at different times tried to be interpreted differently, taking into account changing ideology. The desire to build and notice only ascending evolutionary anthropological lines inevitably led to distortions and ignoring completely different tendencies to degradation. In this regard, it would be very interesting to trace, on the basis of paleoanthropological finds, how the type of ancient man from the Upper Paleolithic changed. But this is a completely different story.


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Are animals former people?

More than 150 years ago, Charles Darwin’s main book, the main work of his life, “The Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection,” was published. And since then, children in school have been taught that man descended from a monkey. In fact, Darwin did not claim this; the postulate was born somewhere in the depths of mass consciousness, but firmly ingrained in the human brain, becoming a kind of formula for the theory of evolution.

A century and a half has passed, and now scientists from different directions are finding more and more evidence that the process could go in the opposite direction: it was not man who evolved from the monkey, but on the contrary - homo sapiens (more precisely, his distant ancestor) degenerated into the monkey and most other animal life forms on the ground. One of the researchers proving this hypothesis is paleoanthropologist Alexander Belov. He is sure: it was not evolution that took place on the planet, but an involution of species; more advanced forms of life degraded and degenerated into more primitive ones. And this process continues. The scientist told Trud-7 everything about his hypothesis.

Descendants of the seventh Manu

- Alexander, who, in this case, is the ancestor of man?

If you analyze the legends and myths that many nations have, you can find references to the ancestors of all life on Earth. Ancient Indian texts talk about seven Manus - the progenitors of civilizations that inhabited the planet at different times. These are multi-armed anthropomorphic deities. Ancient Greek legends also speak of hundred-armed giants, created first by the creator. In the end, the creator cast them into the bowels of the Earth, and they remain there to this day.

- These are just myths. You don’t want to say that some kind of civilization lives in the depths of the planet, do you?

Want. Just not in the depths, but closer to the surface. Take a shovel, dig - the soil is literally teeming with beetles, ants and other insects. There are 1.5 million species of them - more than 95% of all species of living beings on Earth. In zoology this is the most numerous class. Insect organisms are perfect in their own way and still surprise scientists, but the formula of the chitinous cover has not been revealed. They have a unique metabolism and circulatory system. Insects are capable of creating their own highly organized (one might say, ideal) society - entire states where there are castes with distributed responsibilities. Even humans don’t have this, but insects do. Where did this come from?

I claim that arthropods are descendants of the very first Manu, who appeared on Earth more than 2 billion years ago. During this time, they degraded and went underground - they were supplanted by other creatures, the descendants of the second Manu. This is how new biosystems were created, and the entire biosphere of the Earth consists of them: at different times, new creatures appeared on the planet and pushed its former inhabitants into unoccupied ecological niches. Where these ancestors came from is an open question. Man came from the seventh Manu, the very last. And many species of animals too. In the process of degradation, depending on genes and lifestyle, the perfect bodies of ancestors were transformed into the bodies of animals that adapted to new living conditions.

- Darwin would turn over in his grave at such assumptions.

Charles Darwin was passionate about his idea of ​​variability, the transformation of one species into another. It seems that he had no time to figure out which direction evolution was moving - towards complicating forms or simplifying them. He took it for granted that species are becoming more complex: they say, natural selection takes care of the animal world, accumulates good changes in it, and discards bad ones. In general, he acts like a caring gardener.

- What biological evidence is there that modern animals descended from more advanced forms?

There are many of them. Let's consider the structure of the human body. Our arms are bent at the elbows towards the head. It’s understandable, it’s more convenient to bring food to your mouth. Now let's take a look at our smaller brothers. For the most part, they run and walk on all fours. Their arms (that is, their front paws) have the same anatomical basis as those of humans: they bend towards the head. The anatomy is the same, only the function is different: the animals rest on their “arms,” turning them into something like front legs. The question arises: why do animals need human hands with a bend in the elbow joint directed towards the head? No academician will answer this question, especially if he is a Darwinist. But a schoolchild can answer it if he thinks a little: land mammals (and not only them) inherited the anatomy of the animal “hand” from humans! They have adapted to run quickly on all fours, turning their “arms” into an additional support point.

Now let's take a look at the animal's “legs”. In their anatomy, they are also similar to human legs: there is a foot, lower leg and thigh. Among the many living beings, only man walks, leaning either on his heel or on his toe. And when walking and running, animals do not rely on the entire foot, but on the pads of the toes or on the toes themselves. This allows them to run faster. That is, the foot is there, but it is used non-functionally. Some people jump on their fingers, others run on one finger, like horses. At the same time, the heel hangs in the air in some strange curve. These oddities allow me to say that the foot in four-legged mammals is a rudiment left over from an upright walking ancestor.

One more detail: the “leg” of animals does not fully extend at the knee and hip. But if they had straightened up, they would have run faster. What is the reason? The fact is that they have a kneecap - it does not allow the paw to straighten. But in humans it performs a useful function - it prohibits excessive bending of the knee in the other direction, but it only interferes with animals. The conclusion is obvious: they inherited it from an upright ancestor. That is, the morphology (anatomy) of the human body is primary, and that of the animal body is secondary. If an upright creature moves on all fours, sooner or later its hips will shorten and its feet and hands will elongate.

Civilization has gone down the drain

- In your opinion, modern man will also degrade and stand on all fours?

This process has been going on for a long time. Where did the stories about Bigfoot come from? There have always been degenerates, look at the homeless. There were always people who split off from the community and went to live in isolation. Some did not accept the established norms and laws, others simply wanted freedom. Over time, they began to run wild, their bodies became coarse, covered with hair, and speech disappeared as unnecessary. Here is the finished snowman. But the process did not end there: the savages turned into ape-men, apes, and finally just apes. And they degraded into other species of animals and mastered new environmental conditions.

- Including water? The theory of evolution teaches that life came out of water, what do you think?

I believe it was the other way around. Take the lobe-finned fish, the oldest creature now living in the ocean. Biologists are confident that lobe-finned fish gave rise to amphibians and were the first vertebrates to reach land. But why does this fish need the ulna and radius bones? It is more logical to assume that the lobe-finned fish moved to the sea from land, where it was a more advanced creature and had developed limbs.

But science recognizes that whales and dolphins descended from artiodactyl land mammals. It is believed that about 50 million years ago they switched to a semi-aquatic lifestyle, and then moved to the sea forever. But I will say more: dolphins are a civilization that went into the water on purpose. Their cerebral cortex has twice as many convolutions as homo sapiens, and they compete with humans in intelligence.

Well, man, compared to the rest of the animal world, is a very young creature. Now we can’t believe that our descendants will stand on all fours and degrade. But all previous civilizations, the descendants of the previous six Manus, did not believe in this. Alas, this happened, more than once: intelligent beings with different anatomy appeared on the planet, lived here for a long time and eventually gave way to others.

Belov Alexander Ivanovich - paleoanthropologist, better known as a writer.

However, in addition to literary work, Alexander Ivanovich devotes a lot of time to his main business. He explores the secrets of the ancient world. Alexander Ivanovich - paleontologist. Specialists of this level look at an inconspicuous block - a fossil - not just as a stone, but as the living past of the Earth.

Alexander Ivanovich puts his research into literary form. His books are unique accounts of distant expeditions. Belov is a supporter of the theory of involution. He believes that life on Earth arose many times. And every time in perfect form. Intelligent beings immediately and suddenly appeared on our planet.

Alexander Ivanovich graduated from the Moscow Institute of Technology. Then he completed a large workshop at Moscow State University. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Biology. Worked at the Paleontological Institute. He is an employee and consultant of a number of academic institutions. Performs work related to expert assessment of innovative projects.

Alexander Ivanovich is a corresponding member of the International Academy of Energy Inversions named after. PC. Oshchepkova; executive secretary and presenter of the permanent interdisciplinary seminar “Moskvoretsky Club”, at VOOPIiK; conducts active public work to promote scientific achievements. He is a regular participant in scientific conferences, round tables and discussions on issues of science and technology.

Books (16)

Health and longevity. Healing methods V.V. Karavaeva

In the book, the reader will find a fascinating story about the secret of healing that Vitaly Vasilyevich Karavaev possessed, about healing methods that can increase life expectancy; recipes for cooking Karavaevka dishes.

The reader will also learn a lot of new things about Karavaev’s preparations, which have healing powers, and about methods of preparing them at home.

Healing energy of blood. How to improve your health in 5 minutes

Alexander Belov continues to acquaint the reader with the mysterious capabilities of our subconscious and the body as a whole from the point of view of a new medical ideology that arose relatively recently at the intersection of science, esotericism, occultism and medicine.

He presents traditional folk healing methods, explaining and supplementing them in the light of modern knowledge. It is impossible to provide a purely scientific basis for his methods, although their effectiveness has been tested experimentally. They allow us to get at least one step closer - or return - to the original harmony, physical and mental balance, for which Man was created on this earth.

Who were you in a past life? Reading the mind in the face

The science of the face is somewhat akin to palmistry. However, in our opinion, it is more accurate and more scientific, amenable to verification and analysis, and most importantly, it gives a person a powerful lever to change and correct his destiny.

In this book we present such a science, without the dogmas and prejudices of a materialistic worldview.

The end of the world is cancelled, or the door to a new era

What awaits us in the near future? Ancient prophets promise us the imminent end of the world - but will it come? Or will we have to adapt to new conditions: be spiritually transformed, learn to love our neighbors and begin to do good?

World crisis online

Prediction of the future. How thoughts influence disasters.

Our thoughts, expressed out loud, become harbingers of future changes. We just need to learn to use what our subconscious brings to the surface, and not give up its powerful power.

As a result, the future opens up to us like a book that can be read with enthusiasm. The secret becomes clear and accessible for comprehension and awareness...

Winged rulers of the Universe. Insects are psychics

In the book “Winged Lords of the Universe. Insects are psychics” we are talking about arch-mysterious living creatures - arthropods. They inhabit our world, but we know practically nothing about them. Who are their ancestors and where did they come from on our planet?

The most sophisticated science fiction pales in comparison to the real life of insects. Insects, living and extinct, share a mystery that can be revealed with the help of the inquisitive human mind. Perhaps not only entomologists, but also the insects themselves will thank us very much for this. The human mind will illuminate their life and show them their true place under the sun.

Races of space aliens. Forbidden anthropology

According to the author, intelligent immigrant creatures from other stellar worlds visited our planet more than once and left their offspring on it in the form of ancient people and intelligent arthritic hands. However, earthly conditions are not conducive to long-term preservation of the appearance and genome in its original form, and after some time the community of intelligent beings changed, degraded and turned into animals. This has happened many times over long geological periods.

The animals that evolutionists mistakenly take to be the ancestors of man are the degraded descendants of ancient humanity.

An unbiased reader of this book may have a completely different opinion about the nature of variability in modern man. Neoanthropes (new people) appeared on Earth relatively recently. The ancestors of modern people, according to the author, are also space migrants who once again visited our planet.

The evolution of life on Earth - an objective process or an illusion? Could the first man have appeared 400 million years ago?

Ivan Antonovich Efremov is known to us as a science fiction writer and few people know about his geological and paleontological work. Studying the processes of sedimentation, Efremov took aim at the traditional geological concept and Darwin's theory. Paleontologist Alexander Belov talks about the original version of the origin of life on Earth, proposed by a brilliant writer and scientist. How did Efremov disprove Darwin's theory? Why does the classical theory of evolution believe that the first fish appeared 400 million years ago, but humanoid creatures are only 2 million years old? Who were human ancestors: monkeys or aliens? Could monkeys and humans exist at the same time as lobe-finned fish or dinosaurs? What evidence of human antiquity can paleontology provide? Why are sediments and fossils only preserved well in aquatic environments? How does the illusion of evolution arise? Why have scientists not found and most likely will not find the remains of ancient man on the continents? Why is it that Efremov’s scientific works have never been republished, and why even his students do not continue the work of the paleontologist? Will evidence of human existence be found in ancient geological periods?

Belov Alexander: Tomorrow marks the birthday of Ivan Antonovich Efremov, our famous writer and science fiction writer, this is how most people know him. But, in fact, he is a major geologist and paleontologist, few people know about this, he devoted 30 years of his activity to this very event, to this very research... In general, the work of Ivan Antonovich Efremov is based on several such important moments. As a matter of fact, there are different versions of how Efremov came to literary creativity, but, in fact, after conducting some research, he came to the conclusion that his literary creativity is a continuation of his very scientific activity. These are his books, which you all know, “On the Edge of the Oecumene”, “The Andromeda Nebula”, “The Razor Blade”, “The Hour of the Bull” was banned in Soviet times by Andropov, there was a special meeting of the CPSU Central Committee about this. In general, why did Ivan Antonovich Efremov switch to his literary work? This is his work, which has never been republished after its publication, it is called the work “Taphonomy and the Geological Record”, proceedings of the Paleontological Institute, 1950, “Burial of terrestrial faunas in the Paleozoic”. This work, I believe, is very fundamental in that it shows to what heights Efremov has risen as a scientist. This is him in Mongolia on an expedition. It is important for us to understand that Efremov created a new science of taphonomy. “Tafa”, taphonomy, “tafa” is a grave, “nomia” is a law, the law of burial, that is, roughly speaking, the law of the grave, the geological record. Why did you pose the question this way? Efremov in this work points out that many paleontologists and geologists do not understand at all the historical depth of time, the scale of time. And in order to dispel some ambiguities about this depth of time, Efremov wrote his book. Also, in general, what it is based on. Sedimentation is mainly considered, which are sedimentary processes; in geology this is denudation - demolition, removal of products, transportation through waterways, for example, along rivers.

And sedimentation, the accumulation of this displaced material. So, what are we talking about? When we have the opportunity to see a fossil, what is a fossil? A fossil is a corpse, an animal corpse, a human corpse or the corpse of another living creature that fell into certain sedimentation sites and over time was preserved without access to oxygen, and in this state the accumulation of these mineral substances and fossilization occurred through microtubules. But this process is long, it takes about two million years. And in fact, Efremov, without ambiguity in his work, came up with a very interesting version of the origin of man and the origin of animals. It is different, this version, from the existing paradigm of Darwinism, and, in particular, the follower of Darwin Haeckel, Ernest Haeckel, who believed that there were ancient, this is the paleontological tree of the animal world, here we see all the labyrinthodonts or shark-like fish, amphibians, twig goes, connects reptiles, and mammals, here sits a man on this top of the tree. This is Haeckel's paleontological tree. According to Efremov, this very tree surprisingly coincides with sedimentation. Efremov created such a science “litholeimonomy”, it’s called, but I understand that this may be so difficult for you right away, but “lito” is a stone, sediment, “nomia” is a law, the law of preserving stone sediments, roughly speaking. And as a result of this interesting feature of the burial, it turns out like this, in this book he writes very carefully about this, but still there are words there, so to speak, “the illusion of evolution.” That is, in fact, as far as evolution is concerned, we have evidence, the formulated law “Method of Triple Parallelism”, the author is the same, Ernest Haeckel, Darwin’s comrade-in-arms, paleontological evidence, that is, the very fossils that we are talking about, they are the primary evidence of the existence of fish , then amphibians, later times, reptiles and mammals and humans. The embryonic similarity of organisms, I will not talk about these two points; we could talk about this if there was time.

And so paleontological evidence at one time forced Lyell, Charles Lyell, Darwin’s colleague, his teacher, a geologist who wrote the book “Fundamentals of Geology,” to formulate that revolutionary geological concept, more or less, which is represented by today. This is the principle of actualism, that is, what happened today is what happened in different periods of time. Here is this scale, the so-called scale of lobe-finned fish, labyrinthodonts and types, different animals that already had reptilian, amphibious traits, already early mammals, and monkeys, and humans. Such a pyramid is built, and each of these animals has its own age in a petrified state. It turns out that ancient fish appeared 400 million years ago, amphibians 365, and so on, and so on, right up to our time. Man is a young creature, he appeared 2 million years ago. And in his work, Efremov took aim at this structure of constructing the geological record, which was professed by many scientists after Darwin, supporters of evolutionism. Efremov brought to the pages of his book the rules for the destruction of a craftsman. He writes that sediments are preserved, fossilized corpses are preserved only in the aquatic environment and only mainly for very long periods of time in the lowlands of the continent, in lagoons: in developed littoral zones, river deltas, swamps, lakes. And the higher we rise to the mainland, the worse the remains of man are preserved. And this surprisingly coincides with the evolutionary ladder of evolution, fish, amphibians, reptiles, mammals. Roughly speaking, the higher you go on the mainland, the more developed the creature. And Efremov, for the first time since his teacher, Academician Sushkin, drew attention to the zonal, this landscape existence of different types of animals. Man, according to Sushkin, lived in the foothill zone, and it was here that he evolved. It turns out that in the foothill zone where people lived, perhaps even in ancient times, it is not possible for a person to survive as a corpse for almost a long time. Why? All the fossilized remains of humans, you can list them on one hand, mostly these are subfossils, such semi-fossils or even not fossils at all, just skulls that are buried in caves, in some asphalt puddles, in some swamps, sediments of lakes, rivers and etc. But Efremov says, look, over time, these remains, human remains may not be preserved, they may be destroyed due to the fact that man lived on the mainland, of course, he did not live in the ocean or at the level of the seas and some underwater deltas. It is clear that its remains are preserved here, but other processes take place here, processes of destruction, when erosion and destruction of fossilized remains occur. And these remains, the very process of destruction of fossilized remains, it corresponds to the imaginary ladder of evolution, as it seems to me that this is still an imaginary ladder of evolution.

Here I would like to say this. Efremov in his book gives such a diagram, it is very interesting, but perhaps not understandable for specialists, nevertheless, he shows that these sedimentation zones, removals from continental zones, preserve fossils for us, for example, fish, dinosaurs, ancient Paleozoic, early Paleozoic, time of the ancient period, Mesozoic, middle era, middle life, this is the Cenozoic. And depending on the preservation of these remains, from sedimentation, these animals are obtained that we observe in a petrified state, fish, dinosaurs, and so on. The closer we go to modernity, the more advanced beings become. And a certain illusion arises, it depends precisely on sedimentation, the preservation of sedimentary rocks.

Efremov introduced the concept, he draws such very interesting ones here, a fallen chronicle, this fossilized one, it is a denuded chronicle. This is the early Paleozoic, late Paleozoic, Mesozoic, when dinosaurs lived, and Cenozoic. And it shows that very little is preserved from ancient periods, very little, mainly aquatic, near-aquatic forms, these are fish, sex-shaped, various armored Paleonian fish, these are lobe-finned fish and others, various. A much larger volume of fossils has been preserved from the late Paleozoic; here we already encounter amphibians and lizards, and so on, and so on, and animal lizards. Next came mammals, and in the Mesozoic the first dinosaurs appeared. And in the Cenozoic we have a huge layer of buried remains, but they are covered by seas, oceans, so we cannot open them, that is, they will be revealed after significant periods of time, estimated in hundreds or tens of millions of years. The reserves of the geological record show that the same stepwise evolution, from fish to humans, depends directly on the preservation of remains. This is, if you like, a kind of escalator that counts down from the present to the past. Roughly speaking, what Efremov comes to is that he says that scientists are mistaken, many of Darwin’s supporters are mistaken. Of course, he writes this very carefully, with a toast in honor of Darwin and Haeckel, in honor of the principle of actualism.

This is South America, this is where ancient remains are preserved, and this is where fossil fish and so on were found. And here on the Amazon River it is preserved to a greater extent, closer to us in time, that is, this is a time scale. It is a landscape and a time scale at the same time. It turns out an interesting system, according to Efremov, the continent, this so-called ladder of evolution, fossils in ancient times, in modern periods, and the area of ​​demolition, that is, we have this stage-by-stage evolution from fish to man, only thanks to the area of ​​demolition and destruction of sedimentary just a bunch of people. If this had not happened, if it had been eternally impressed, then there would have been no evolution, and no Darwin and his teacher Lyell could have told us these tales about evolution. This is a very important thing, because a lot depends on understanding the processes, whether people lived at all in long periods of time, in the Paleozoic, this is another diagram, or rather, it shows the same thing, in principle, a reverse account of time. Here we have a full range from humans to benthic organisms. If we plunge into antiquity, erosion is already eroding, that is, the countdown is on, in the Mesozoic some are already leaving, monkeys are leaving as tree dwellers. In the early Paleozoic we no longer see many mammalian animals. And if it is ancient, then sedimentary rocks with printed fossils remain, literally fish, benthic organisms, this is the Cambrian, 570 million years old, somewhere around the beginning of the Cambrian. In fact, depending on this, our idea is formed.

Here are the rules of geologist and paleontologist Efremov. I will briefly go over it, I formulated it myself, I must tell you, based, of course, on his book, I simply stated it popularly. Sedimentary rocks accumulate unevenly, the higher on the mainland, the worse, more fragmentary, the lower to sea level, the more complete and better. This is precisely why this illusion of evolution arises. They are better preserved under water, which is why we find ancient fish, Paleonian, lobe-finned, various, breathing and others. Therefore, it is benthic fish, amphibians, aquatic reptiles, and their materials buried at the bottom that are preserved for a long time. And here the layer of sedimentary rocks is erased from the mainland, that is, practically nothing remains of the Paleozoic from the ancient periods. But the early Paleozoic, we have practically no continental sedimentary rocks. This does not mean that there was no continent, there was a continent, there were sedimentary rocks, they just all underwent destruction.

And what is the conclusion? The fossilized remains of land animals and humans are quickly destroyed as a result of erosion and erosion along with this rock. That is, a petrified corpse is, roughly speaking, a stone, and it obeys all the laws of destruction of stones. The absence of fossilized remains of higher animals and humans in the layers of sedimentary rocks of the most ancient periods, up to the early Cambrian, cannot be evidence of the real absence of higher animals and humans in ancient periods on our planet. This is the surprising conclusion that Efremov draws. And I suspect that, in fact, he was not able, of course, to cash out this conclusion in some more or less scientific form, or rather, he outlined it in a scientific form in “Taphonomy”, but was not able to popularly. He tried to lay this out in his books The Andromeda Nebula and The Hour of the Ox, for example, where he shows that aliens arrive multiple times on different planets and populate them from the outside. But this is so, I am, of course, generalizing and exaggerating somewhat.

What is Efremov right? He draws our attention in the book to various exotic forms that are found in very ancient strata, they do not fall into their layers of sedimentary accumulation, this is a beautiful tailless tiradon, which is 260 million years old. Or Paleozoic monkeys, which are 260-245 million, were found in Kotelnich, the so-called, this is near Vyatka. These are beautiful monkeys, they had a prehensile tail, such a face, of course, was made in a bad way, they had prehensile legs, in general, Paleozoic lemurs, which few people know about and which lived 240 million years.

If you dig further, say, in Kotelnich, you can probably find a Paleozoic man or a pre-Cambrian man. We won’t find anything before the Cambrian, because all these remains have been stripped away by erosion. Such an illusion arises, Darwin’s theory of evolution is stage-by-stage, long, painful evolution, 590-570 million years to 2 million and the modernity of man, from fish to man. And I already give my version of Efremov that the ancestors of people are aliens, they all the time populated, populated and populated the earth’s Oecumene, monkeys, reptiles, amphibians, and mammals lived on Earth all the time, as Efremov showed well. Efremov’s fate, unfortunately, is not enviable. You know that according to some versions he was killed, and according to other versions he is an English spy, a generally terrible thing, who has already killed his relatives, three sisters and his wife. In general, the case is not closed yet, the relatives are still in shock, scared, no paleontologists are involved in his work, I supervise this department, even those who are considered his students. This is the fate, this man turns 10 tomorrow, he was born in 1908, we need to calculate how old he is, more than a hundred years old, 107 years old, April 22. This is my message. Thank you.

Proof that the human body was originally created, and vertebrates inherited this body from ancient man.

As can be seen from the very intriguing title, this very proof should be placed here. It will follow. But first we need to say a few words about the problem as a whole. As evolutionists suggest, man inherited his body from monkeys, who in turn from four-legged vertebrates - theromorphs, who lived in the Permian period, about 260 million years ago, and those - from primitive four-legged amphibians - labyrinthodonts, who lived in the Carboniferous period, about 350 million years ago ago, and those, in turn, from extinct lobe-finned fish - Rhipidistia, which lived in the Devonian period about 380 million years ago.

Thus, this long chain leads to the great-great-great-great ancestor of man - the extinct lobe-finned fish. But is it?

Indeed, it is quite strange that the extinct lobe-finned fish, Rhipidistia, in the distant Devonian, dared to crawl ashore and produce land-based four-legged animals. This unique event, according to evolutionists, happened only once in the entire long history of the existence of fish on our planet.

As proof of this, evolutionists cite the morphological similarity of the limbs of rhipidistia and the limbs of terrestrial vertebrates. Indeed, the forelimbs of extinct and modern bony fishes bear significant similarities to the forelimbs of terrestrial vertebrates and to the hands of humans.

The hind limbs of bony fishes are also similar to the hind limbs of tetrapods and the legs of humans.

Fig 1 Limbs of the oldest bony fish and four-legged animals (tetrapods)

This similarity is usually interpreted in only one way: rhipidistia are the ancestors of terrestrial animals (tetrapods) and humans.

However, let's figure out what is true here and what is not.

Human legs and arms, despite their anatomical similarity, are structured differently. The legs are bent at the knees towards the ground, and the arms are at the elbows towards the head. This allows a person to push off the ground with his feet, walk, run, and with his hands, for example, put delicious pies and sweet fruits into his mouth without experiencing the slightest difficulty.

However, notice that when a person puts something tasty in his mouth, his thumbs are directed outward from the body. It seems that this is clear and does not raise any doubts in anyone. But the big toes of the feet, standing calmly on the ground, are directed inward.

Fig 2 Thumbs and toes point in different directions

How is it possible: the arms and legs are bent in different directions, the palms are turned towards the face, and the feet are towards the ground, and the big fingers and toes point in different directions. On the arms - outwards, and on the legs - inwards!

What does this mean?

Well, at least about the fact that arms and legs are fundamentally “made” for different purposes. Hands are for manipulating objects and feet are for moving and standing.

However, the arms can rotate freely at the elbow joints, turning the palm, sometimes with the inside towards the face, sometimes with the back. This is surprising, but this is due to the special design of the elbow joint, which has a very complex shape.

Fig 3 Rotation of the palm with the back and inside

More than one gymnast will not be able to turn the back of the foot to the ground while rotating the shin. This is impossible. This is because the knee joint is a simple hinge. And rotation in it to the same extent as occurs in the elbow is impossible.

Here is proof that a person’s hands and legs are similar to each other only at first glance. The design of the arms and legs is different and they are intended for different purposes. We use our legs to walk and stand, and use our hands to manipulate objects. And such different functions of the front and hind limbs are inherent in their very anatomy.

However, human arms and legs are anatomically similar to the limbs of all terrestrial vertebrates. None of the frogs or lizards, as well as crocodiles and hippopotamuses, hyenas and wolves, giraffes and rhinoceroses, as well as horses and elephants, even thinks about standing on their two hind limbs and doing something with their front limbs. However, the general design of the skeleton of these limbs does not prohibit this at all. It is the same as that of a person. Muscles and ligaments strengthen the elbow and “tie” it to the chest so that, God forbid, it does not dart back and forth in fast-running animals such as horses and dogs, bulls and pigs, deer and cheetahs.

But the most interesting thing is that if a person wants to get on all fours, then his hands will touch the ground, turning his palm down. In this case, the forearm will twist. The radius bone of the forearm, together with the palm, will turn towards the ground.

Fig 4 Man on all fours. Twisted forearms

It is in this twisted position that the forearms of all terrestrial vertebrates are found. What does this mean?

About the fact that four-legged animals became such for the second time, changing the bipedal position to a four-legged one. At the same time, the forelimbs - the arms of the ancestors of quadrupeds - were once freed and did not have a supporting function. Four-legged animals also inherited the design of their legs from upright humans.

However, the function of the limbs in tetrapods does not fully correspond to the design features of the skeleton. All of these animals rely on four limbs, with the forelimbs of the animals anatomically similar to human hands, and the hind limbs to human legs.

Let us explain this situation with examples. When a person is on all fours, his palms and feet are usually directed forward, and his thumbs and toes are on the inside of the foot and hand. It would seem that this is proof that all vertebrates, including man himself, descend from a primitive four-legged creature that crawled on its belly through the mud in the Devonian period and relied on four points of support. However, it only seems that the arms and legs are constructed the same way. In fact, the forearms of all quadrupeds are twisted along the longitudinal axis, while the lower legs stand normally and there is no need to talk about any torsion of the tibia and fibula. In the forearms of all vertebrates, which rest on the ground with their palms, the ulna and radius bones are twisted. However, the tibia of vertebrate animals do not have such torsion.

What does this mean?

That the anatomy of the front and hind limbs was created by someone in humans and in the ancestors of all vertebrates for different purposes. The hand, according to the creator of the human body, was created in order not to rely on the ground with its help, but in order to manipulate objects. At the same time, the very design of the hand contains a mechanism for pronation and supination (rotation) of the palm with the back and inner side up. The hand initially did not serve as a support for the body at all. The leg, on the contrary, originally had this function. And that is why the knee joint has the form of a simple hinge in which forward and backward movements are allowed. Other rotational movements are excluded when the leg is straightened. The elbow joint, unlike the knee joint, has a complex structure and allows you to rotate the palm as you like.

In animals and other more primitive animals, the design of the elbow and knee joints is not different in principle from those of humans. This speaks to the secondary quadrupedal position of all four-legged animals.

If lobe-finned fish really crawled ashore and suddenly became four-legged, then we would expect that the design of their front and hind limbs would be the same. However, in Ichthyostega, Acanthostega, Tulerpeton and other ancient tetrapods that lived about 360 million years ago, the design of the limbs surprisingly resembles the general structure of the limbs of all vertebrates, including humans. Their elbow is directed either to the side or back, the knee is directed either to the side or forward. The design of the elbow and knee joints is different!

Fig. 5 Museum reconstruction of the oldest anthracosaur. Please note the design of the elbow joint is noticeably different from the knee joint.

The shoulder girdle is fundamentally different from the pelvic girdle; it contains a scapula and collarbones and some other bones that strengthen the shoulder girdle. The pelvis of ancient labyrinthodonts, supposedly the ancestors of all land animals and humans, is rigidly attached to the spine, and the femur rotates in the acetabulum of the pelvis. Thus, the anatomy of not only the limbs themselves, but also the shoulder and pelvic girdle is significantly different. It is in humans that these differences find functional explanations. The legs support the pelvis, which is rigidly attached to the spine. And the arms move freely along the chest with the help of the scapula and collarbone. One wonders how in a strange way the ancient labyrinthodonts could have foreseen that it was precisely this and no other skeletal structure that a person would need to become upright and free his hands for work and rest...

It is absolutely impossible to explain from the standpoint of evolution why the extinct lobe-finned fish - rhipidistia - turned their fin - the forelimb with the palmar surface down, twisting the ulna and radius, and did not begin to rest on the outer side of the nascent palm?

It is absolutely impossible to explain why the design of the hand is designed in such a way that with the wrists not twisted, when the palm faces upward towards the muzzle or face, the first (thumb) finger faces outward from the body, while the big toe faces inward. Such a different design of arms and legs makes sense only in an upright creature, in which the arms and legs perform different functions. The legs push the body off the ground and maintain it in a balanced state, and the arms, remaining a free limb, manipulate objects. In this case, the hands are facing the face with the palm, and the feet are facing the ground with the inside. Everything agrees - the ancestors of humans were people, and the ancestors of terrestrial vertebrates were some upright creatures, the remains of which we cannot yet find in the form of fossils. The last circumstance is quite understandable.

Soil acids, fungi, bacteria, wind and water erosion quickly destroy the fragile bone remains of ancient people who, by definition, lived on land. The remains of aquatic and near-aquatic animals have a chance to be preserved in the form of fossils. They fall into the silt, drown in it and, without access to oxygen, undergo mineralization for a long time. That is why we have in the fossil record mainly the remains of waterfowl and semi-aquatic animals. The same dinosaurs are primarily semi-aquatic animals. We have the vaguest idea of ​​who lived for a living in the Paleozoic, Mesozoic and even Cenozoic.

Obviously, on our planet, people or upright walking creatures similar to them have appeared many times. Ancient fish from the Silurian-Devonian are their descendants. Ancient amphibians such as Ichthyostegas and Acanthostegas and other waterfowl - labyrinthodonts are also descendants of upright creatures, it was from them that they inherited the unique anatomy of their limbs. As evidence of this, we can cite the fact that many fossil labyrinthodonts had five fingers and toes. In addition, the number of phalanges on their fingers was the same as that of modern humans. Two phalanges on the thumb, and three on the rest.

Figure 6. Limbs of the fossil labyrinthodont Acanthostega. Reconstruction

Theromorphs trace their independent origins to certain upright creatures that appeared on the planet much later - in the Carboniferous period. The heyday or involution of theriodonts (animal-toothed animals) occurred in the Permian period. These ancient animals are very similar to real mammals, but appear in the fossil record long before the appearance of dinosaurs.

The upright ancestors of archosaurs, dinosaurs and other true reptiles appeared even later. The arid climate of the Mesozoic transformed these humanoid creatures into egg-laying reptiles. There are studies by embryologists that show that reptiles that lay eggs descended from viviparous ancestors (Savelyev S.V. “The Origin of the Brain.” M. “Vedi”, 2005.)

Therian mammals (placentals and marsupials) descended from a population of people who visited our planet long before the death of the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. Perhaps these people were the true cause of the death of dinosaurs. Although it cannot be ruled out that their involutionary descendants in the form of small animals destroyed the clutches of dinosaurs, thereby ending their existence on our planet. Apes and australopithecines probably descend from the next wave of space invaders. Erectuses were involutionary people, similar to you and me. Heidelberg man and Neanderthals are degenerates. Sapiens appeared on the planet about 200,000 years ago. And all this time, modern man is gradually degrading. So the volume of the skull was reduced by 300 cubic cm. On average, Cro-Magnons

it was about 1650 cubic cm. In modern people - an average of 1350 cubic cm. At the same time, the analytical zones of the brain responsible for rational activity have undergone reduction. Modern people are still far from complete degradation, but they already have some unpleasant symptoms.

However, in conclusion, to consolidate what has been covered, we will repeat once again what the proof is, which is included in the title of this article. A person's arms are bent at the elbows towards the face, with the palm turned upward and the thumbs pointing in different directions from the body. Surprisingly, but true, a person’s feet are on the ground, and the big toes are located on the inside of the foot. This is proof that the arms and legs are “attached” by someone to the human body in different ways and for different purposes. Human hands were originally created to eat and move objects, and legs to walk.

To place your palms on the ground and use your arms as additional support points, you need to turn your palms down and twist the bones of your forearm. In this case, the thumbs are turned inward. This is exactly what happens in all tetrapods, starting from the most primitive labyrinthodonts who lived on our planet 360 million years ago.

Figure 7. Limbs of the oldest parareptile Orobates, which lived 260 million years ago. It is clearly seen that the front and hind limbs have a fundamentally different design.

The ancestors of all four-legged animals must have had hands anatomically similar to humans, in order to place these hands on the ground, and, by twisting the forearm, turn them into additional support points - the forelimbs. The conclusion suggests itself - all four-legged animals are descendants of bipedal upright creatures, similar to modern humans!


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