Horoscope from September 25 to October 1. Current astro event for all signs

  • 19.11.2023

Aries's life is completely overwhelmed, so he will desperately want a change of scenery. Do this: Go on a trip. let it be very close, or rearrange the house. April Aries becomes unpredictable, this is a good time for impromptu. Aries will face the fruits of their past actions and decisions.

TAURUS (21.04 - 20.05)

The mother-in-law or mother-in-law will come to visit Taurus, hang in there! You will have to show all your sociability and diplomacy as much as you have. Say a decisive “Not today” to egoism. The week is good for changes in the home, as well as commercial real estate transactions. Friends may be hiding something (or you from them). Taurus creative professions are on the rise. New hobbies may appear.

GEMINI (21.05 - 21.06)

Geminis are sociable and sociable, they tend to travel a lot, these are good days in commercial terms. Business negotiations will be successful, business trips will be effective. Girls should flirt carefully: your charm is devastating, take care of men. The composition of the family may change, and the arrival of guests is not excluded. It is worth noting the increased accident rate and injury risk.

CANCER (22.06 - 22.07)

The range of household responsibilities will expand, and responsibility for decisions made will increase. Cancers can take on the most ambitious projects. Romantic acquaintances can occur via the Internet, during a business trip or study, in the library or public transport. June Cancers have a good time to improve their living conditions.

LEO (23.07 - 23.08)

It’s a great time for pedagogy; you should support your children with increased participation in their lives. Legal issues will evolve in unpredictable ways, so if you are interested in a controlled and controlled trial, it is better to start it later. These days may be marked by an improvement in your financial situation (will your salary increase?), significant purchases or good investments.

VIRGO (24.08 - 23.09)

Time to boost your self-esteem. The week will be marked by increased emotionality, your personal life will shine with new colors. At the same time, Virgos are sociable and intellectual, which is great for business. This is a good time to resolve issues related to personal transport. The week is characterized by a high rhythm of life, but it also means increased nervousness, alas.

LIBRA (24.09 - 23.10)

Libra will often receive unverified information, so you should make responsible decisions with special care. Libras try to shroud their personal life in mystery, withdraw emotionally into themselves, and do not want to advertise their feelings. They also hide their financial situation. It is useful for those born at the end of the sign to go on a diet.

SCORPIO (24.10 - 22.11)

Productive time for intellectual work, searching for non-standard solutions and fresh ideas. In personal life - trends towards change. At work, Scorpios are not averse to flirting, especially with management; office romances are not excluded. Scorpios can make purchases that are not entirely logical, act according to their mood, and buy something not really necessary simply because they want to.

SAGITTARIUS (11/23 - 12/21)

Changes in leadership, job changes or business trips are likely. “On horseback” will be workers of Internet information resources, the media, and representatives of other professions that require considerable intelligence. December Sagittarius will face problems both in terms of health (take care of your heart, injuries are also high) and in the business sphere, so the start of any commercial projects should be postponed to another time.

CAPRICORN (22.12 - 20.01)

An extremely good time for tourist trips, which can be accompanied by romantic stories. This is also a productive time for dating through relevant sites and shopping through online stores. Around September 29, avoid crowded places, and also avoid any underground structures, for example, underground shopping centers.

AQUARIUS (21.01 - 20.02)

At the beginning of the week, Aquarians are prone to wasteful shopping, but I do not recommend purchasing consumer electronics and various gadgets before September 29. But updating your wardrobe, purchasing jewelry or cosmetics is very recommended. The coming days are good for resolving insurance and credit and financial issues; your old debt may be returned to you.

PISCES (21.02 - 20.03)

Pisces are not very practical and thrifty; rather, on the contrary, they are prone to excessive spending. Not bad for shopping, but the family budget may be somewhat blown away. There are difficult times in the career of Pisces born at the end of the sign: try, at a minimum, to keep your job. On such days it is difficult to develop a business; rather, it is a time to minimize expenses, or even mothball the business altogether.

The easiest way to get luck is if you know where to look for it. The weekly horoscope will indicate the days of happiness for each Zodiac Sign, when the chances of success will be extremely high.

The coming week is a time of change and good opportunities. It will be very easy to miss them due to everyday difficulties. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that you not focus on problems, but track the signs of fate. The Universe will indicate moments when your success will depend on one confident step.


The coming week for Aries will be held in a romantic atmosphere. The antagonist Venus will not prevent you from enjoying the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with your weakened position. Mars will create a creative mood, which is very favorable for you. Your strength will increase several times, you will be set up for success. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and desires, without attaching much importance to the whims of others. Aries, live this week for yourself, be selfish.

On Monday, beware of the aspect of militant Mars and violent Uranus. Such a connection of planets will make the day very difficult with all the problems arising from the past. Otherwise, the week is harmonious for working on yourself and unlocking your potential. Therefore, don’t sit still: it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, especially since luck is on your side.


In the period from September 25 to 28, your energy will be higher, and your money luck will not leave you for a minute. Mercury, strengthened until Thursday, will help Taurus achieve financial triumph, motivating them to new victories. This week it is important to stop strenuous activities in a timely manner. There is no need to be perfectionist - be content with the results you get, take a break on the weekend, and let the movement forward wait.

Awareness and acceptance of the limits of your capabilities will help you live the coming week favorably and even devote time to amorous affairs. In love, you should not act rashly and look for new victories or relationships. Live in the moment. The most favorable time for romance is September 29, 30 and October 1.


This week, Gemini should rely on their own strengths and focus on the requirements of the Universe, which has its own plans for you. You have to tune in to changes and look for ways to solve stagnant problems. This will affect both the material and love spheres of life.

Retrograde Uranus, which will emerge from the shadows, will have a positive impact on your energy, which will help you identify successful opportunities for yourself. This is especially true on Monday, September 25, and Thursday, the 28th. These two days will be decisive for Gemini. This starting point to a new life will be indicated by aspects of Uranus and planets, the effects of which will highlight success. The main thing is to take into account the established rules and not neglect new obligations, freeing yourself from accumulated ballast.


Cancers should lower their expectations and make a temporary compromise. Although your patrons Venus and the Moon will join forces to help you stay afloat, their influence will still be negligible. Venus will remain unchanged throughout the week, being in a weak position. However, it was precisely this moderate activity that you needed to come to an understanding with your partner.

The Moon, which is completely deprived of strength, will be under the influence of Capricorn on September 28 and 29, which will completely knock you out of the usual course of life. If there is a dead end in business, it is better to take a break rather than aggravate the disappointments. Experts on the site recommend taking a break from current problems if possible and engaging in the development of positive thinking.

a lion

Leos should pay attention to their patron, the Sun, whose presence in Libra will deprive you of positive light. This week, the stars will remind you of the need to look at the situation extremely soberly, not missing the clues of the Universe and avoiding illusions. You may need energy-boosting practices. After all, solar activity is only enough to motivate you, but not to help you move forward.

The moment you decide to take an active position, Uranus will emerge from the shadows, whose negative influence will force you to abandon many successful opportunities. He is not in a strong position this week, but his presence in Aries, the sign of the fire element, will make you worry. By all means, drive away the approaching feeling of anxiety, especially on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.


The coming week may bring Virgos moments of physical weakness and moral decline, leading to personal impotence. Do not rush to despair: you are at the end of a difficult path, and the positive energy of Saturn is sent to help you. This planet will tell you a way out of a desperate situation.

The main thing is to accept the changes and abandon erroneous plans. Facing reality will not be easy, especially if your ambitions and hopes were great. But remember that life never stands still. Only your fighting spirit will increase your chances of success. Keep this in mind on Monday when Saturn enters an aspect with Mercury. This day will give you wonderful opportunities. Inaction and passivity on September 25 are your worst enemies.


There will be two planets in the Sign of Libra this week: Jupiter and the Sun, and, unfortunately, there is no reason for joy. Possible low vitality and moral uncertainty. The antagonist Sun is marked by low activity, but it is enough to annoy you. Contradictions and internal fears will come out. The coming week will be like an uncompromising struggle for personal happiness.

Astrologers report that everything is worth going to the end. Jupiter will strengthen your intuition, which means it will save you from sudden turns of fate. Only an honest and rational look at reality will free you from illusions and hesitations. The coming week is a good opportunity to say goodbye to the outdated elements of your own life. Believe in the best and don’t give up under any pretext. Remember that you will always be saved by the support of loved ones and their wise advice.


For Scorpios, the time has come to think about the future, and in a critical and realistic manner. The Moon and Neptune, its partner this week, will be active and negative planets for you. For you, this is a passive period of time that will help you analyze your life situation and find personal vulnerabilities. Perhaps it's high time for you to say goodbye to the people and methods that are holding you back from success.

At the beginning and end of the week, the Moon will remain moderately active, which will make you worry out of nowhere. Try to find the strength within yourself to counteract the negative impact. On Thursday and Friday, your antagonist will be in Capricorn, which will greatly weaken him. This will help you realize your potential.


This week Sagittarius will have to reckon with Neptune. This planet is your patron, and this week it will have great power due to its location in the constellation Pisces. This position of Neptune will have a surprising effect on your life. It is advisable to extract the necessary experience from past failures and take it into account when drawing up new plans. The positive energy of the patron will be on your side, and with it success.

At the beginning of the week, accumulated disappointments may prompt a global step. The period from September 25 to 28 is best combined with changes in the personal and material spheres of life. It is interaction with the outside world, a clear analysis of the situation and the desire to be on top that will help you change your life for the better.


The coming week is dangerous because of the partial collapse of hopes, especially if you are accustomed to trusting unverified information rather than your own intuition. Capricorns may face harsh truths and disappointment in something truly important. The negative energy of the antagonist, Jupiter, is to blame.

On Monday, September 25, the stars do not advise you to become despondent, otherwise each new day will be a detailed copy of the previous one. You have to get rid of the unnecessary, throw out all the negativity. You should accept your inner doubts as inevitable. Astrologers report that the very next day will be more favorable. By the end of the week, you will be able to overcome your fears, which means you will be closer to success.


Aquarians should not overestimate their capabilities: they should give up frivolity and illusions about quick success. Mercury, which will be in a strong position, will be your guiding star. Although luck will not leave you, in promising business and established relationships you need to get rid of a number of mistakes you constantly repeat.

Until Thursday, personal success will be in your hands. Strengthened by the constellation Virgo, Mercury will help you move in the chosen direction. On Friday, September 29, your energy ally will move into the zodiac Libra, which will reduce its positive energy. But you will be able to calm down your ardor and pay attention to your personal life, in which only harmony and pleasant moments await you.

The easiest way to get luck is if you know where to look for it. The weekly horoscope will indicate the days of happiness for each Zodiac Sign, when the chances of success will be extremely high.

The coming week is a time of change and good opportunities. It will be very easy to miss them due to everyday difficulties. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that you not focus on problems, but track the signs of fate. The Universe will indicate moments when your success will depend on one confident step.


The coming week for Aries will be held in a romantic atmosphere. The antagonist Venus will not prevent you from enjoying the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with your weakened position. Mars will create a creative mood, which is very favorable for you. Your strength will increase several times, you will be set up for success. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and desires, without attaching much importance to the whims of others. Aries, live this week for yourself, be selfish.

On Monday, beware of the aspect of militant Mars and violent Uranus. Such a connection of planets will make the day very difficult with all the problems arising from the past. Otherwise, the week is harmonious for working on yourself and unlocking your potential. Therefore, don’t sit still: it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, especially since luck is on your side.


In the period from September 25 to 28, your energy will be higher, and your money luck will not leave you for a minute. Mercury, strengthened until Thursday, will help Taurus achieve financial triumph, motivating them to new victories. This week it is important to stop strenuous activities in a timely manner. There is no need to show perfectionism - be content with the results obtained, take a break on the weekend, let the movement forward wait.

Awareness and acceptance of the limits of your capabilities will help you live the coming week favorably and even devote time to amorous affairs. In love, you should not act rashly and look for new victories or relationships. Live in the moment. The most favorable time for romance is September 29, 30 and October 1.


This week, Gemini should rely on their own strengths and focus on the demands of the Universe, which has its own plans for you. You have to tune in to changes and look for ways to solve stagnant problems. This will affect both the material and love spheres of life.

Retrograde Uranus, which will emerge from the shadows, will have a positive impact on your energy, which will help you identify successful opportunities for yourself. This is especially true on Monday, September 25, and Thursday, the 28th. These two days will be decisive for Gemini. This starting point to a new life will be indicated by aspects of Uranus and planets, the effects of which will highlight success. The main thing is to take into account the established rules and not neglect new obligations, freeing yourself from accumulated ballast.


Cancers should lower their expectations and make a temporary compromise. Although your patrons Venus and the Moon will join forces to help you stay afloat, their influence will still be negligible. Venus will remain unchanged throughout the week, being in a weak position. However, it was precisely this moderate activity that you needed to come to an understanding with your partner.

The Moon, which is completely deprived of strength, will be under the influence of Capricorn on September 28 and 29, which will completely knock you out of the usual course of life. If there is a dead end in business, it is better to take a break rather than aggravate the disappointments. Astrologers recommend, if possible, to take a break from current problems and engage in the development of positive thinking.

a lion

Leos should pay attention to their patron, the Sun, whose presence in Libra will deprive you of positive light. This week, the stars will remind you of the need to look at the situation extremely soberly, not missing the clues of the Universe and avoiding illusions. You may need energy-boosting practices. After all, solar activity is only enough to motivate you, but not to help you move forward.

The moment you decide to take an active position, Uranus will emerge from the shadows, whose negative influence will force you to abandon many successful opportunities. He is not in a strong position this week, but his presence in Aries, the sign of the fire element, will make you worry. By all means, drive away the approaching feeling of anxiety, especially on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday.


The coming week may bring Virgos moments of physical weakness and moral decline, leading to personal impotence. Do not rush to despair: you are at the end of a difficult path, and the positive energy of Saturn is sent to help you. This planet will tell you a way out of a desperate situation.

The main thing is to accept the changes and abandon erroneous plans. Facing reality will not be easy, especially if your ambitions and hopes were great. But remember that life never stands still. Only your fighting spirit will increase your chances of success. Keep this in mind on Monday when Saturn enters an aspect with Mercury. This day will give you wonderful opportunities. Inaction and passivity on September 25 are your worst enemies.


There will be two planets in the Sign of Libra this week: Jupiter and the Sun, and, unfortunately, there is no reason for joy. Possible low vitality and moral uncertainty. The antagonist Sun is marked by low activity, but it is enough to annoy you. Contradictions and internal fears will come out. The coming week will be like an uncompromising struggle for personal happiness.

Astrologers report that everything is worth going to the end. Jupiter will strengthen your intuition, which means it will save you from sudden turns of fate. Only an honest and rational look at reality will free you from illusions and hesitations. The coming week is a good opportunity to say goodbye to the outdated elements of your own life. Believe in the best and don’t give up under any pretext. Remember that you will always be saved by the support of loved ones and their wise advice.


For Scorpios, the time has come to think about the future, and in a critical and realistic manner. The Moon and Neptune, its partner this week, will be active and negative planets for you. For you, this is a passive period of time that will help you analyze your life situation and find personal vulnerabilities. Perhaps it's high time for you to say goodbye to the people and methods that are holding you back from success.

At the beginning and end of the week, the Moon will remain moderately active, which will make you worry out of nowhere. Try to find the strength within yourself to counteract the negative impact. On Thursday and Friday, your antagonist will be in Capricorn, which will greatly weaken him. This will help you realize your potential.


This week Sagittarius will have to reckon with Neptune. This planet is your patron, and this week it will have great power due to its location in the constellation Pisces. This position of Neptune will have a surprising effect on your life. It is advisable to extract the necessary experience from past failures and take it into account when drawing up new plans. The positive energy of the patron will be on your side, and with it success.

At the beginning of the week, accumulated disappointments may prompt a global step. The period from September 25 to 28 is best combined with changes in the personal and material spheres of life. It is interaction with the outside world, a clear analysis of the situation and the desire to be on top that will help you change your life for the better.


The coming week is dangerous because of the partial collapse of hopes, especially if you are accustomed to trusting unverified information rather than your own intuition. Capricorns may face harsh truths and disappointment in something truly important. The negative energy of the antagonist, Jupiter, is to blame.

On Monday, September 25, the stars do not advise you to become despondent, otherwise each new day will be a detailed copy of the previous one. You have to get rid of the unnecessary, throw out all the negativity. You should accept your inner doubts as inevitable. Astrologers report that the very next day will be more favorable. By the end of the week, you will be able to overcome your fears, which means you will be closer to success.


Aquarians should not overestimate their capabilities: they should give up frivolity and illusions about quick success. Mercury, which will be in a strong position, will be your guiding star. Although luck will not leave you, in promising business and established relationships you need to get rid of a number of mistakes you constantly repeat.

Until Thursday, personal success will be in your hands. Strengthened by the constellation Virgo, Mercury will help you move in the chosen direction. On Friday, September 29, your energy ally will move into the zodiac Libra, which will reduce its positive energy. But you will be able to calm down your ardor and pay attention to your personal life, in which only harmony and pleasant moments await you.


This week, the stars will bring representatives of the Sign of Pisces to a decisive brink, which will inevitably affect life. Considering the astrological chart, Saturn will be your active planet. Your energy opponent will create a negative background around you, but small maneuvers will be available to help make room for positivity. Try with all your might to get closer to the psychology of wealth and the behavior of a successful person.

Monday will be your small start. Get rid of illusions, but not of personal desires. Remember that any dream is destined to come true. Continue to think in the chosen direction and do not turn away from your postulates, even if everyone around you says the opposite.

The weekly horoscope will indicate the positive aspects of the coming week for each Zodiac Sign. However, we should not forget that success directly depends on a person’s personal qualities and hidden capabilities. We wish you a great mood, a productive week, and good luck!

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Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 from the most famous astrologer in the CIS will help you make the most of your time. The end of September is a time of weather changes, so it is very important to maintain a good mood.

The Woman`s day portal shared Pavel Globa’s thoughts on how to live these seven days correctly in order to maintain previously achieved success and strengthen your position in all areas of life. A natural problem is climate change, a decrease in temperature and global... All this can be easily dealt with. The main thing is to set your priorities correctly and make the right choice in advance.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Aries

The first three days of this week will be the strongest for you in terms of energy. The creative spirit of the planets and stars will help you succeed in all areas of life. On September 28, there will be a sharp “cold snap” and a decline in activity, as a result of which luck may completely turn away from you. Your biggest enemy during these seven days will be feeling unwell. From Thursday, fatigue will increase, and with it the risk of catching a cold.

Communicate more with close friends and relatives - they can give you a good mood in life. If important things at work fall through, and they are very likely to do so, then simply change your course, without panic or screaming. In love, there will come a time of quarrels, and the problem will not be you. Just endure the negative period - your significant other will realize his mistakes a little later.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Taurus

September 28 and 29 will be the most fruitful days for Taurus. As for the weekend, it’s better to spend it with friends or distant relatives. Meet people you haven't seen for a long time. Surprise someone close to you. The most negative day is Monday, but not for the usual reason. The fact is that the planets and stars will enter into serious dissonance. Beware of excesses on the first day of the week.

In love, you should be more romantic and devote more time to the spiritual side of the relationship. It is better for Taurus to stay in a good mood longer so that love does not crack. If you want to strengthen or create love, then relax more together. As for the financial side of life, caution will not be superfluous - do not buy anything if you did not plan it earlier. At work, too, don’t jump over your head - take care of your responsibilities and pressing gaps.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Gemini

The weekend should be your main goal this week. It is on September 30 and October 1 that the energy of stars and planets will become truly creative. Reducing intellectual and physical stress will help you get through everyday life. It's better not to overwork yourself now. Surround yourself with close people so that they feed you confidence.

The main share of negativity will come from business and work, but in love there will be a pleasant time starting on Monday. Give all your free time to those you love. Plan a trip together, do things together. Do everything together. Be around people more often, especially if you are currently single and looking for a soul mate. This week will be good for meeting new people.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Cancer

Monday, September 25th will be the best day for you because it will awaken the right emotions in you. Further, the energy of the stars will fall until it reaches a minimum on the 28th. On this day, it is advisable for you not to stop looking for yourself, but at the same time not to miss the opportunity to succeed in love. Your biggest enemy on the 28th will be your self-doubt. Thoughts are material - this is the main law of the Universe, so do not doubt yourself at the end of this week.

At work, the astrologer advises you to try to abstract yourself from those who give you only negativity. If the blues still overtake you, take a break from it. Now is a good time for new beginnings, so look for a new hobby. Avoid routine by any means, do not become discouraged. Don’t look too far ahead - you can get everything you need later.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Leo

Tuesday and Wednesday are the two strongest days in terms of energy. Monday will be the worst and most difficult day. On all days except Monday, pleasant new acquaintances and a change of scenery can await you. This may be useful in the love sphere. Change yourself, buy yourself a new obsession, go to the hairdresser, be creative in creating your image.

In work and affairs, as well as in business, you will need more action. Stop sitting idly by - it's time to take the initiative. At the same time, it is better to maintain plans, that is, not to act recklessly. The second half of the week will be stable and favorable for Leo. Everything will depend on you, and not on chance. Try to add a little variety to your routine.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Virgo

Water treatments will be the best way to relax during these seven days. When you gain strength, try to do some general cleaning in your apartment or house. You'll need to declutter this week. You will also need to get rid of the junk in your head, unnecessary thoughts and doubts, fears and unnecessary ambitions.

Collective work will be an excellent way out of difficult situations. The astrologer advises Virgos to seek the help of friends, colleagues and partners. Don't try to show everyone your independence. Now it's redundant. This week will be a time for solving financial problems rather than love ones, but you shouldn’t completely give up your work responsibilities. This will be a wonderful period for new beginnings of any scale - be it renovations or looking for a new job.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Libra

Three whole days will be the most successful for you: September 26, 30 and October 1. Tuesday and the weekend will teach you something new. These days, friendship can become love, hatred can lose to love. Old and faded relationships can also make themselves felt. Prepare for the fact that the past will constantly echo the future and present. You will have to remember something that is not the most pleasant, but this is not so bad, since old mistakes can be corrected this week.

This will be a conflict week, especially the 28th. Keep your thoughts in order if you don't want to fail and destroy friendships and trusting relationships. By the way, about relationships. This week will be extremely favorable for love, especially if you have not yet found your soulmate. Avoid loneliness, you don’t need it now.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Scorpio

This week, do not rush to blame people for all their sins and break off friendships or love relationships without sorting out the details. Yes, many people will behave as if the Universe itself wants them to stop trusting them, but this will be a provocation of the stars. On September 28 and 29 this will be most relevant - the people around you will find themselves in a difficult situation, so do not turn away from them. This will be a great time to repay debts, build relationships and mutual assistance.

The 30th will be the most unfavorable day of the week. Get ready to fulfill your responsibilities. Do not make empty promises on this day and do not get involved in adventures. You don’t need adventures now, nor do you need new responsibilities. Be tactful and well-mannered, give up being too demanding. On other days, it is also better not to run ahead of the locomotive and not make mistakes.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Sagittarius

Tuesday is a day of danger. All the biggest problems can begin on this day of the week. Pavel Globa recommends on September 26 to abstract yourself from problems and responsibilities. On other days, especially September 30 and October 1, it is better to start studying and playing sports. Physical activity will help get rid of nervous tension.

At work, you should not start new things or take on anything significant. It's better to just get some rest. This week is a good time to start your vacation and change your surroundings. Gain strength over the weekend if you can't do it during the week. A very favorable period will come in love for all Sagittarius. This week will be a time of love and romance. Even if you're married, try getting out of the house on a date as if you're still in the early stages of a relationship.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Capricorn

Capricorns will be able to solve old problems this week. On Monday, the 25th, you will have the best chance of success in love or business. Thursday, on the contrary, will be the most dangerous and unproductive day of all. On September 28, you may begin to have problems at work, in love and in all other areas of life. The mood may fall sharply, but only an accidental miracle can lift it. Monday and days other than Thursday are great for new beginnings at work or in business.

See your doctor on Monday if possible. Don't introspect. Failures and problems of various kinds can come precisely at such moments when Capricorns think about the causes of their past problems. If you have disagreements with someone, this does not mean that they will last very long - strive for peace.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Aquarius

For three whole days in a row, the stars and planets will be in a position favorable for Aquarius. On September 26, 27 and 28, try not to turn away from loved ones. Dedicate these days to your soulmate, finding her or meeting relatives. Your best chance of meeting the love of your life will be on Thursday.

On other days, try to put off shopping and do the most pressing things. Speaking of purchases, it is better to make them according to plan. However, it would be better if they were done on the Internet. Don't bargain with anyone, be tougher. Stick to your line at work and at home, but don’t make people around you feel negative. This week your enemies and ill-wishers may become more active, so your nerves and troubles will benefit them.

Pavel Globa's horoscope for the week from September 25 to October 1, 2017 Pisces

It is better for Pisces to avoid jealousy this week, especially on Tuesday - the most unfortunate and dangerous day of the week, according to Pavel Globa. Do sports, exercise and monitor your health more closely. Don't get too cold, dress appropriately for the weather. On other days, especially September 28 and 29, you should start moving towards shared happiness in love. Do everything to succeed in this area. Perhaps you will get a promotion or big victories in business.

This will be a great time for shopping and meeting people, but you shouldn't believe everything that people around you say. Your intuition will be more acute, so trust the voice of your heart, especially in such delicate matters as choosing a life partner. The initiative must come from you. Trust the facts and your instincts.

Try to get rid of it this week. It is human nature to experience, but moderation is necessary in everything. You cannot allow your thoughts to guide you, and not you to be guided by your thoughts. Pavel Globa wishes you the best self-control this week, as well as only positive thoughts.

The coming week is a time of change and good opportunities. It will be very easy to miss them due to everyday difficulties. Therefore, astrologers strongly recommend that you not focus on problems, but track the signs of fate. The Universe will indicate moments when your success will depend on one confident step.


The coming week for Aries will be held in a romantic atmosphere. The antagonist Venus will not prevent you from enjoying the attention of representatives of the opposite sex with your weakened position. Mars will create a creative mood, which is very favorable for you. Your strength will increase several times, you will be set up for success. The main thing is to remain faithful to your principles and desires, without attaching much importance to the whims of others. Aries, live this week for yourself, be selfish.

On Monday, beware of the aspect of militant Mars and violent Uranus. Such a connection of planets will make the day very difficult with all the problems arising from the past. Otherwise, the week is harmonious for working on yourself and unlocking your potential. Therefore, don’t sit still: it’s time to get out of your comfort zone, especially since luck is on your side.


In the period from September 25 to 28, your energy will be higher, and your money luck will not leave you for a minute. Mercury, strengthened until Thursday, will help Taurus achieve financial triumph, motivating them to new victories. This week it is important to stop strenuous activities in a timely manner. There is no need to show perfectionism - be content with the results obtained, take a break on the weekend, let the movement forward wait.

Awareness and acceptance of the limits of your capabilities will help you live the coming week favorably and even devote time to amorous affairs. In love, you should not act rashly and look for new victories or relationships. Live in the moment. The most favorable time for romance is September 29, 30 and October 1.


This week, Gemini should rely on their own strengths and focus on the demands of the Universe, which has its own plans for you. You have to tune in to changes and look for ways to solve stagnant problems. This will affect both the material and love spheres of life.

Retrograde Uranus, which will emerge from the shadows, will have a positive impact on your energy, which will help you identify successful opportunities for yourself. This is especially true on Monday, September 25, and Thursday, the 28th. These two days will be decisive for Gemini. This starting point to a new life will be indicated by aspects of Uranus and planets, the effects of which will highlight success. The main thing is to take into account the established rules and not neglect new obligations, freeing yourself from accumulated ballast.