Dream interpretation of a small black kitten. Why do you dream of a black kitten? Negative and positive interpretations of sleep

  • 17.11.2023

Interpreting your own dream is sometimes not an easy task. Let's look at why a black kitten dreams. The meaning of the dream largely depends on what the animal looked like and what it did. When deciphering a dream, it is equally important how the dreamer behaved towards the kitten.

Below we will present different interpretations of a dream with a kitten, depending on the details.

Interpretation of sleep

If a person sees a kitten, then this dream is usually a harbinger of trouble. Kittens represent all sorts of trifles that are unable to have a serious impact on the outcome of the business started, but can ruin the mood.

A dream in which these animals appear warns of the machinations of enemies or ill-wishers.

  • If the dreamer sees a kitten from a distance and makes no attempt to approach it, this indicates minor problems or minor quarrels. This dream is sometimes interpreted as a small change in life;
  • those who see a dirty or thin kitten can expect some bad news;
  • any human contact with a black kitten indicates the appearance of enemies;
  • a black kitten crossing the road in front of a person warns of the presence of a two-faced friend who acts behind his back, bringing trouble to the dreamer. Such a dream speaks of the need to reconsider your surroundings, and also think about the reliability of every acquaintance;
  • if a person dreamed of feeding a black kitten, then such a dream indicates the presence of a friend who harbors a strong grudge. If possible, such a friend will try to take revenge;
  • if a kitten rubs against its legs, it means someone wants to have an affair with the dreamer, while having mercantile thoughts;
  • a black kitten scratching a person portends the loss of a profitable transaction;
  • driving away an animal in a dream means avoiding all troubles.

Now you know what a dream about a black kitten portends. You might be interested in other articles about dreams involving cats.

Such a dream has a wide interpretation. The old dream book clearly states that black kittens always portend evil, witchcraft, misfortune and damage. In fact, modern interpretation books do not give a clear meaning, especially for those who love these animals or regularly stroke their furry couch potato with smooth fur like a panther. Therefore, before you start leafing through the dream book, you need to understand what exactly the representatives of the cat family mean to you, especially the charcoal color, whether you love them or not, and whether you believe that they bring misfortune. This is what a black kitten dreams about most often.

No superstitions

Many people believe that various representatives of this cat tribe foreshadow troubles and misfortunes, but in fact this is far from the case. Black kittens in a dream can foreshadow unexpected turns of events, love, the consequences of an unpleasant conversation, which will not be as terrible as it seemed at the very beginning. Especially if his fur shimmered beautifully in the sun or in artificial lighting?

Why do you dream of a fluffy black kitten with big expressive eyes in your house? The dream book writes that you will soon receive unpleasant news or a gift from a loved one may bring great disappointment. Seeing him on the threshold means someone will bring mourning news, a change in life, or news of a fire and combustion. By the way, the old dream book writes precisely about this meaning of the dream. Therefore, seeing and accepting several black kittens in the house, petting and feeding them is a danger of fire or illness. Especially if you smelled a burning aroma in a dream.

Seeing a small fluffy black kitten in a dream and stroking it, especially if it is shiny, means receiving a very valuable and expensive gift, important news and increasing your prestige. For a girl, such a dream foreshadows an acquaintance with a representative of a different race, a foreigner, or a very wealthy and respectable person.

Why did a woman dream of a fluffy and expensive, purebred black kitten, especially a Bengal or Persian? Soon she will be very well off and richly dressed, living in luxury and prosperity, liked by the opposite sex. For a brunette to see him in a dream means that she will soon get a good position and work and will prosper or meet a charming man who will pamper her like a child. The dream book writes that such a dream is always favorable for a black-haired girl or woman. And for a child, black kittens even portend the fulfillment of a wish or the discovery of some mystery or secret.

Why do you have dreams in which they cross your path? Some news may change your plans or an unexpected turn of events will appear for which you are not prepared.

For many, such an incident in a dream foreshadows an unexpected and very quick receipt of money or a golden gift. Sometimes the dream book writes that you can accidentally find a banknote on the street or buy a lucky lottery ticket.

At work

There, beautiful purebred black kittens show the element of air and your achievements. If in a dream they were healthy and cheerful, played and indulged, expect a corporate party, a holiday or recognition of their merits. Pay attention to where exactly they appeared. Several black kittens in the boss's office dream that he will soon reward you generously or you will find out that he has a mistress who will receive a substantial sum. It is possible that very soon she will become the subject of envy and condemnation of the entire team.

Why do you dream of black kittens that are mangy, skinny and sick in the office? The dream book interprets this dream as intrigue and gossip. A lot of animals that squeak, scratch or bite means that someone harbors a grudge against you due to the dreamer’s luck. So don’t be upset, because such a dream does not pose a big threat.

Why do you dream of coal-colored kittens playing with your son or daughter, as well as in their company? Most likely, children can become very naughty and injure themselves or end up in bad company where they do not behave in the best way.

In some cases, the dream indicates danger from fire or electricity. It’s especially bad if you dream about them at school or in kindergarten.

Feeding a black kitten with milk means rare luck. Expect a pleasant acquaintance, good news that will not benefit you immediately. Sometimes the dream book indicates that you will help someone in trouble.

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Black kitten for a woman

To a woman- it means that someone has prepared a trap for her, into which she can fall if she is not careful. You should not trust other people, especially strangers, someone has conceived a plan for revenge and will not back down until they complete their dirty deed. A woman should try not to be alone in the near future, even in public places - the enemy may be waiting everywhere.

Hold a kitten in your arms

On hands - to pleasant surprises. There will be enough reasons for joy to defuse the situation and give you time to relax during a break from one difficult task at work to another.

See him in the house

Black kitten in the house- to the news, but it is unknown whether it will be positive or negative. It is worth remembering how the kitten behaved in its sleep. If he was friendly, purred and was affectionate towards people, then expect good news from distant relatives. If the black kitten behaved aggressively, you should postpone important decisions for at least a couple of weeks, otherwise you will accept the wrong way out of the situation as the only possible one.

White spot on a black kitten

I dreamed of a white spot on a black kitten - imminent betrayal. Prepare for the fact that your enemies will not stop until they achieve their goal - to push you off the path you are on. Most of the troubles will concern the business, working sphere of life; you probably guess who is plotting against you, but you cannot prove it, and, accordingly, you will not be able to put the offenders in their place.

Kitten with blue eyes

Black kitten with blue eyes- to minor troubles. You will be irritated by the work that has fallen on you and will begin to take out your dissatisfaction on your loved ones. If you don’t want a quarrel, try not to bring your work problems into the house, let them remain outside the threshold at least until the next morning.

Kitten and fleas

He had fleas- to wealth, stability in material terms. If you are trying to catch fleas, expect a quick reconciliation with the person you miss. If in a dream you are trying to rid a kitten of fleas and kill them in some way, it means you get a good inheritance.

Despite their cute appearance, they portend many troubles, according to most interpretations, but do not despair, there are also positive meanings of such dreams, although they are very rare.

Black kittens are small

Little black kittens seen in a dreamA portend a series of troubles and misfortunes, and the smaller and cuter these kittens are, the harder it will be in life.

And the more there are, the longer the series of troubles will be.

Many black kittens

Such a dream warns of the appearance of envious people and enemies, especially among new acquaintances.

In reality, choose more carefully those with whom you communicate, and do not tell too much, this will save you from unnecessary problems.

Black kittens for a woman

For a woman, black kittens appearing in a dream are a sign that she will have a meeting with a very evil and insidious woman. Seeing how, may mean that the person who is now taking care of you will in fact turn out to be an evil traitor.

Black kittens with a cat

You have many hidden enemies, and they intend to show themselves openly soon. The main thing is that they are united by a common goal or person.

If you determine what kind of person is hidden behind the series of troubles that has begun, he will be defeated in shame.

Black kittens in the house

If you brought the kitten yourself, a special black color into your home, then you yourself are the source of your problems. Think about what you might be doing wrong in real life.

If the kittens themselves came to the house, then this means that your guest may not be a person with good intentions.

Kittens have occupied or the table, then in life you will be pushed aside, and by those people whom you considered friends.

Miller's Dream Book

Black kittens are a sign foreshadowing a series of small but offensive troubles. If an animal scratches you, then your enemies will do everything to tarnish your name.

A kitten is dirty and skinny, this means quarrels and intrigues. Drive away the kitten to end the dark streak in your life. The kitten scratched you in your sleep, then in life you will face bad news or health problems for you or your family members.

Big dream book

Kittens in a dream, especially black ones are definitely an unfavorable sign. These animals in a dream predict many small problems, losses and scandals. A kitten brought home by you out of pity portends that ungrateful people will take advantage of your kindness.

If, then a real campaign will be launched against you, with the aim of undermining your reputation.

A woman who sees dark or black animals runs the risk of encountering manifestations of envy in real life.

To drive away or even to victory over all adversities. It portends good times for a pregnant woman.

Dream book of the soothsayer Mary

This is a negative sign in almost all cases. Black kittens warn that good and calm times are over. There are problems on the doorstep, although they can be solved, but there will be many of them.

Kittens together with a big cat means that your enemies have support in the person of an influential person. A kitten in the house - you yourself have attracted trouble.

If you drive him away, you can avert trouble. A woman who sees these cuties in a dream should prepare to repel attacks from envious women in reality. A dirty or sick kitten means loss of well-being or illness.

Lunar dream book

Kittens in a dream are a sign that you are surrounded in life by many false friends who can betray you in difficult times. If an animal scratches you or bites you, then this means a very serious conflict in reality with a loved one.

Hungry or asking for help kitten, portends you to fall into a trap because of your kindness. You may become a victim of scammers. Bringing a kitten into the house means bringing trouble into the house yourself.

Aggressive orhloy kitten dreams of losses, troubles and minor domestic quarrels.

A pregnant woman sees one or several cats in a dream, she can completely rely on her intuition, it will not deceive, any decision will ultimately be correct.

White dream book

Cat cubs, especially those with black fur, portend bad news and a series of sad events. Scratching kittens lead to quarrels and minor, annoying losses.

If kittens fight each other, this means that there is discord in the camp of your enemies, but you shouldn’t relax too much. Kittens with a cat foreshadow such a dream - unpleasant conversations with, which can turn out to drive away or to a successful solution to pressing issues.

A kitten at home, whether in bed or on the table, means that your friend is your friend as long as everything is fine with you. If problems start, he will disappear, that is, a fake friend.

Wanderer's Dream Book

Such dreams promise troubles, minor losses and quarrels with loved ones. - Many problems. Black kittens with a cat, such a dream portends a confrontation with a strong and influential enemy, but the outcome of such a meeting is unclear.

Seeing stray kittens means you have to make an important decision and decide what is more important: the appearance or the substance of the matter. Being attacked by black kittens means that in reality you should be prepared to meet your enemies.

Kittens look very cute and pretty, but the interpretation of such a dream is extremely unfavorable. Seeing small kittens in a dream means problems and troubles. Not just one dream book speaks about this, but almost everything. Also, the most common option for why a fluffy ball dreams is betrayal.

Much depends on what color the baby was seen in the dream. If his skin was black, then you should expect a series of minor failures and bad luck in real life. White kittens are not always a negative sign; they often predict joy. Redheads warn about problems that will arise on the love front.

One of the dream books explains why little kittens are black and white in dreams. Such a dream promises a life filled with both pleasant and distressing events. Black and white stripes will quickly replace each other. The duration of one period will be a minimum of two and a maximum of seven days.

If the fur color of a four-legged friend seen in a dream is very unusual, then get ready to receive a sudden surprise in reality. Try to remember if you stroked this baby’s fur? If yes, then the surprise will be associated with disappointed hopes. If you have not touched the animal, the lie will bypass you. The dream book strongly advises not to touch the animal!

Seeing small, newly born kittens in a dream, according to the dream book, is a good time for confrontation. In real life, you can safely resist circumstances that are unfavorable for you. Now is the time to defend your interests. But keep in mind that inaction can give rise to major, even in some cases fatal, problems.

Finding a small kitten in your dream that you are holding in your arms means that you should be more careful about your behavior in real life. Some frivolous actions, the dream book warns, will forever ruin your reputation. A similar plot, seen by representatives of the fair sex, is interpreted a little differently. According to the dream book, this dream promises dishonor and great shame for girls.

A few more options for explaining why a little kitten dreams

If in a dream you pick up a small cat or kitten shivering from the cold on the street or in a hallway and bring it into your home, then rest assured that you are the source of your own problems. You shouldn’t look for someone to blame in your surroundings. Only admitting your own mistakes will help you improve your life and stop stepping on the same rake.

One of the dream books explains why many little kittens dream. It turns out that if representatives of the cat family sleep peacefully, then your problems in real life will not be so significant. Most likely, you will learn about their presence after successful permission. If you saw a lot of kittens running and playing in your dream, take a closer look at the people around you. There is a big risk that one of them is plotting big intrigues against you.

Did a little ginger kitten scratch you in your sleep? Get ready for your partner to cheat. Also, your lover or lover may report a breakup. If it was a small black kitten who caused the pain in the dream, then, according to the dream book, very soon you will have to take part in a trial. You will be the defendant in it.

Were the little kittens playing or just sitting and you managed to drive them away? This is a very good sign! In reality, you will be able to defeat your enemies and easily cope with all difficulties. You will be a winner in any situation, and for a long time no sorrows will touch you.

One of the dream books explains why a small white kitten dreams. If in a dream you saw a cute fluffy baby, do not flatter yourself. You definitely have enemies, but so far they have not revealed themselves. Take a closer look at those around you. If you do this carefully, you can identify in advance a person who poses a certain danger.

According to almost any dream book, aggressive representatives of the cat family mean attacks from enemies. Enemies are actively trying to harm in every possible way. Try to drive away the evil little lumps in your sleep. If you succeed, then you can rest assured that your enemies will not cause you much harm.

Why do you dream of a black kitten? Let's find out!

Quite often, when you wake up in the morning, replaying what you saw in a dream, you are left wondering why this or that plot was dreamed about. Some may claim that they dream absolutely nothing, but this is not true. During sleep, every person sees a variety of pictures, which in any case arise in the brain during the period of rest and rethinking of all the experiences of the past day. It’s just that the images that arise in this case can be of such a veiled nature that a person in life would not have guessed what they want to tell him. For example, why do you dream of a black kitten on the closet or a white dove flying into the window? Most likely, this is a likely answer to the current problem. Or, conversely, a warning about possible conflict situations.

So, in your opinion, what does a black kitten mean in a dream? It's likely that you'll shrug because you don't know the answer. How should the situation develop in real life so that you can see a kitten in a dream? Let's take a look at the dream book, because it can tell you a lot.

There are many dream books and the options for dream interpretation they offer. But for the most part, to the question of why a black kitten is dreamed of, the answer will be unanimous - this is not a very favorable sign. Most often, small kittens seen in a dream mean that minor troubles and problematic situations await you in reality.

If you see a dream in which a black kitten is the main character, this means that your subconscious is sending you a signal that you need the support of other people. Perhaps this is because you feel helpless and defenseless in reality or are moving through life blindly. If you chase away kittens in a dream, it could represent your inner maturation. You should remember what color kittens you dreamed about, because this can tell you the nature of upcoming events in reality.

Whites are harbingers of pleasant surprises. Redheads dream of money. To troubles and fuss - gray kittens. A lot of blacks, accordingly, means a lot of trouble.

In general, when you dream of black cats, it always means danger. A dream on Tuesday night warns that it is under no circumstances worth taking unnecessary risks. But if representatives of the cat family appeared in a dream on Saturday night, this means that fate will be favorable to you in the near future.

A dream about abandoned kittens warns of impending loneliness. Also, such stories can mean a possible pregnancy if a woman of childbearing age dreams about them.

According to the interpretations of Nostradamus himself, the cat is a symbol of witches, evil forces and at the same time home comfort and good luck. To dream of a city overcrowded with cats is a harbinger of famine and drought. Hasse's dream book provides the following interpretation: if kittens bite or scratch in a dream, then in reality you must meet resistance to your will. Seeing a large number of cats around you means that you should take a closer look at the people around you, there may be liars among them. Ingratitude will await you if in a dream you fed or petted kittens.

After looking at all the above meanings, you will know exactly the answer to the question: why do you dream of a black kitten?

Why do you dream about a kitten?

Why do you dream about a kitten? At first glance, a cute and playful kitten seems like a pleasant dream that does not foretell anything bad. In most cases this is a correct assumption. If at night you dream of a fluffy and cute cat, whose fur is clean and well-groomed, then a person will have troubles in connection with the arrival of long-awaited guests, friends whom it is always a joy to see.

However, it is not very pleasant to see a kitten in a dream that looks hungry and unhappy. If his fur is tangled and splattered with dirt, then a person should expect difficulties in his personal life, unpleasant news and financial losses. Fortunately, such problems are usually temporary, and the appearance of a dirty and ugly kitten in a dream should not be taken as a prognosis of serious trouble or great grief.

For a man, seeing a kitten in a dream most often means more work, work difficulties, or a busier schedule. Perhaps one of his colleagues is weaving intrigues and trying to take an attractive workplace.

If a young girl has a bright and colorful dream about a kitten, then she will soon have a new acquaintance, which may well develop into a promising and prosperous marriage. If a married woman saw a cheerful and fluffy cat in a dream and held it in her arms, perhaps she should expect a new baby. However, a kitten in a dream does not always mean an early pregnancy. Most often, such a dream predicts chores around the house, upcoming renovations or general cleaning of the house.

When thinking about why a kitten is dreaming, it is worth carefully recalling the events of the past days and analyzing whether there have been any recent disagreements with household members or work colleagues. Perhaps a dreamed kitten serves as a reminder of the need to make peace, improve relationships, and smooth out conflict.

If a kitten appears in a dream, then, most likely, long-awaited guests, good friends or good relatives will soon visit the house. A man may experience work problems, an increased workload, and a more stringent schedule. For a young woman, such a dream will bring news of pregnancy or household chores. A young girl after such a dream can meet her crush.

Fluffy pets most often symbolize enemies. To get an accurate interpretation of a dream, it is necessary to consider not only the main object, but also other details of the picture. Another important feature of dream decoding is the existence of different dream books, which can provide different information. That is why it is recommended to draw some parallel between the received transcripts and real events.

Why does a woman dream of a cat with kittens?

A cat caring for its offspring is a good sign indicating the approach of a favorable period in life. If kittens are crawling around unattended, then you should be on guard, as enemies can cause serious harm. Let's find out why a cat with kittens is dreaming of a lambing, which causes unpleasant sensations - this is a sign that a difficult period will soon begin, filled with various trials. If, on the contrary, the birth of kittens caused positive emotions, then you can count on a new addition to the family.

A dream in which a red cat and her offspring took part is a good sign, which means that you can count on good luck in all your endeavors. In addition, you can count on stabilization of your financial situation. Let's find out why a girl dreams of a black cat with kittens - this is a bad symbol, prophesying betrayal on the part of a loved one. Such a dream may also mean the appearance of a bright rival who will make attempts to destroy the relationship. If in a dream there was a white cat feeding her kittens, it means that in the near future you can count on receiving a pleasant surprise from your lover. The dream book interprets what three-colored cats and kittens mean in dreams as the approach of some events in life, and they can be both good and bad, but in the end everything will end well, and you can even count on an improvement in your financial situation.

There is also information that a cat with a large number of kittens is a harbinger of serious trouble and various minor troubles. Let's find out why we dream of little kittens playing with a cat - this is an indication that in the close environment there are people whom the dreamer trusts in vain. The dream book recommends telling your secrets to a select circle of people. A night vision where a woman was feeding a stray cat with kittens means that the ideal time has come to make your old dreams come true.

Dream Interpretation: Why do you dream about kittens?

Interpretation (meaning) of sleep Kittens

Seeing kittens in a dream. If a girl or woman dreams of a beautiful snow-white kitten, then she needs to be careful, as her enemies will try to lure her into cunningly placed nets with lies. She must trust her intuition and common sense.

If you dream of unclean, multi-colored, or red or thin kittens, then in real life she will become a victim of her indiscretion.

Saving a kitten in a dream can portend you wealth and prosperity in life. Also, a dream about rescuing a kitten means that all your problems will be successfully resolved.

In our dream book you can find out not only about what dreams about kittens mean, but also about the interpretation of the meaning of many other dreams. In addition, you will learn more about what it means to see kittens in a dream in Miller’s online dream book.

Do you dream about Kittens? Tell me your dream!

Dream Interpretation Cat with kittens

A cat with kittens in a dream is a very good sign: if you dreamed of a kitten, then in reality you can receive a gift or unexpected profit.

If a cat has many kittens in a dream, then the young girl is expected to be recognized by several gentlemen. However, such a dream for a girl does not always promise love and recognition from others - most likely, the sympathy of several fans will turn out to be empty and promising nothing.

If you saw a dream in which kittens are alive and healthy, and you are happy about it, in real life such a dream promises that you will soon have the opportunity to improve your personal life.

Why do you dream about black kittens? many black kittens


Agata Malyukhina

Cats are generally a disgusting sign in a dream. deceptions, empty promises, disappointment in people. There are a lot of black people, perhaps some kind of danger. The fact that these are kittens makes matters worse, since all this is hidden under a harmless guise. Be on the lookout, listen to your inner voice, trust the signs. Pray and ask your angel to help you.


You have flattering friends who will not show their best side in the future.




a lot of minor troubles because of friends, but most likely brothers or sisters (small monetary costs are possible)

Veronica Synkova

Kittens are unpredictable. Maybe flattery, maybe deception. If they did not cause harm, they will pass by, if they were affectionate, you will meet an old friend. If you were offended, it’s bad news. Black is the color of consciousness at that moment. Maybe he won't play a role.


unpleasant surprises, squabbles.

Running black kitten

Dream Interpretation Running Black Kitten dreamed of why you dream about a running black kitten in a dream? To select a dream interpretation, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see a black kitten running away in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

For a woman to see a lovely, fluffy, white kitten in a dream - an omen that through clever deception she will be lured into a trap set for her, but her common sense and prudence will ward off troubles from her and she can avoid the ruin that threatens her. If the kittens are dirty or colorful and skinny, then in reality she, blinded by shiny tinsel, will become a victim of someone’s unseemly act. Seeing kittens means minor troubles and irritations that will haunt you until you kill a kitten in a dream, and only after that your misadventures will stop. Seeing snakes killing kittens in a dream is a sign that your enemies, looking for ways to harm you, will end up harming themselves.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Kitten - they will try to deceive and outwit you, but common sense and caution will help you avoid trouble. Dirty, skinny kitten - your ill-wishers want to use you in a dirty and dishonest game.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If in a dream you play with a kitten and it scratches and bites you, this indicates that your beloved will have a petty soul, an evil, unkind character. If you marry her, you will be unhappy and will regret your single life more than once.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A kitten is an unfamiliar girl or girl who will somehow influence your destiny.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

Seeing a kitten in your arms is a good dream. It brings new joys and hopes.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

A cute and fluffy kitten - to an affectionate friend.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

If a woman dreams of a small fluffy snow-white kitten, this means that she will become a victim of a clever deception that will lead her into a trap. Prudence and common sense will help her get out of trouble. In general, kittens dream of trouble, and for lovers such a dream promises quarrels and disagreements.

Dream Interpretation - Kitten

In general, kittens in a dream symbolize minor troubles and irritation. This streak of bad luck will last until you kill a kitten in your sleep.

Dream Interpretation - Ink

If you see someone's clothes stained with ink in a dream, get ready for envious people to deceive you in some way. A young woman who dreams of ink will be slandered by her rival. If you saw your fingers stained with ink in a dream, you will be tormented by fits of jealousy. And if the ink is red, then you are in serious trouble. If in a dream you diluted ink, in reality you will be drawn into some nasty business. A bottle of ink promises the appearance of ill-wishers and a decline in business. An empty inkwell seen in a dream is a sign that you will be able to avoid public condemnation for some not very good deed. A filled inkwell is a reminder that you should take precautions, otherwise ill-wishers may slander you. Writing in ink in a dream means you will have fabulous luck in the coming days. Don't miss your chance, be prepared for an unexpected turn of events that promises you benefits. If in a dream you wrote in ink and accidentally blotted some important paper, it means that the date you were going to go on will fall through and you will worry about it. Spilled ink - there is a big scandal ahead that will happen because of some trifle.