The project of the role-playing game “Family. Role-playing game "family"

  • 30.09.2019

Summary of the plot - role play"Family" in the middle group.

Bashmakova S.N.

Target: enrichment of social - game experience between children; development of gaming skills on the plot "Family".


  1. To consolidate children's ideas about the family, about the responsibilities of family members.
  2. Develop interest in the game.
  3. To teach children to act according to the role they have assumed, to develop the plot.
  4. Encourage children to play creatively in the game of family life.
  5. Contribute to the establishment of role-playing interactions and relationships between the players in the game.
  6. Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various objects - substitutes.

7. Develop role-playing speech; (communicative actions)

Preliminary work.

Familiarize yourself with the symbol of medicine (a snake in a bowl), tools and appearance doctor. Stories about the professions of honey. workers, ambulance.

Activate the words in speech: pediatrician, surgeon, emergency doctor, pharmacist, etc.

Conversations based on personal experience children about doctors, hospital.

Reading thin. Literature: K. Chukovsky "Aibolit", Z. Aleksandrova "My bear", A. Krylov "The rooster got sick with a sore throat."

Excursion to honey. office in d.s.

Did. game: “Which doctor should the bear go to?”;

Did. game: "Professions"


Game corner "Family", Masha doll, ambulance car, medical instruments, a white coat for a doctor and a pharmacist, attributes, toy phones, substitute toys.

Lesson structure.

1. Introductory conversation with children on the topic "Family"

2. Surprise moment (Masha doll arrives).

3. The distribution of the roles of the game "Family", "Calling a doctor at home", "Pharmacy"

4. Joint game with the teacher

5. Summary of the lesson.

Game progress:

1. Conversation: Today we will play the game "Family". No wonder people say: "The whole family is together and the soul is in place."

What do you think a family is? Who is in the family?

What are the duties of a father?

What are the responsibilities of a mother?

What is their child doing?

Tell us how you take care of your loved ones, how do you help them?

Children, if one of your family members gets sick, what will you do? (I summarize the children's answers).

2. Knock on the door. They bring a doll Masha, who asks to take her home to mom and dad. She is naughty because her throat hurts.

Children, so as not to upset the Masha doll, let's become her family and take care of her.

Where do you think we will start the game?

3. - That's right, first we will distribute who will be the father, who will be the mother, who will be the ambulance doctor, because the doll is sick.

(the distribution of roles using the "magic bag")

What else do you need to play?

That's right, you need to choose a place to play.

(Choosing the location of the game)

Indeed, in dollhouse it will be convenient for us to play.

The ambulance car park will be located here.

4. Dad, mom and little daughter Masha live in this house. Today is a day off.

What does mom do in the morning? (preparing breakfast)

What is dad doing? (works with a child).

Daughter Masha is naughty, crying. (In the role of Masha's doll, the educator)

What do you think, children, why is Masha crying? (She is ill)

Mom and Dad, maybe your daughter has a high temperature?

What should be done?

Mom touches Masha's forehead with her palm, asks dad to bring a thermometer. The child has a high temperature. Mom and dad are worried.

What to do, guys, dad and mom? (Call an ambulance)

Dad picks up the phone and calls an ambulance.

What number do we call the ambulance? (03)

Dad's dialogue with the ambulance doctor.

Dad: Hello, can I call a doctor at home?

Doctor: What happened to you?

Dad: My daughter is sick. She has a high temperature.

Doctor: What is your address?

Doctor: Wait, we're leaving.

The doctor arrives.

(Dad meets the ambulance and invites to the house)

Children, what should the doctor do first? (To wash hands)

The doctor examines the girl (eyes, ears, neck), puts a thermometer, then makes an injection, writes out a prescription and asks to visit a pediatrician (pediatrician) tomorrow.

Mom rocking her daughter.

Dad goes to the pharmacy for medicine.

Guys, which of you was in the pharmacy? What is the name of the profession of people who work in a pharmacy? (Pharmacist)



Do you have this medicine? (Hands the prescription to the pharmacist)

Yes. 4 rubles.

You are welcome. (Holds money out the window)

Take your medicine.


Masha is given syrup. Put to sleep. She is healthy.

5. - Children, did you like the game?

What did you like, Sophia? Artem? Etc.

Have you had such cases at home?

How did the paramedics behave?

Would you like to play this game again?

The ambulance is coming towards us again. What happened? We are all healthy, right, children?

The doctor wants to treat us with vitamins so that we never get sick

"Design role-playing game with kids preschool age» "Family" in the second junior group

I. Tasks of management:
1. Expand, clarify and concretize children's ideas about the family, family members, their functions.
2. Help children establish contact with peers, unite into small subgroups based on personal sympathies.
3. Stimulate and encourage the desire of children to express their attitude to the actions of the game, to focus children's attention on people's relationships.
4. To form the ability of children to include objects in the game - substitutes, multifunctional material, combine several game actions into a single semantic chain, use imaginary actions, introduce new characters into the game.
II. Preparing for the game:
1. Techniques aimed at enriching impressions.
Date Production of attributes Enrichment with impressions Teaching game techniques
November Tailoring of aprons, potholders, napkins, bedding, making models of vegetables, fruits, bread products, sweets, tea. A conversation about the family, its composition, about what they do in the family.
Didactic game "Who does what?", "My house".
Finger gymnastics "Family", "We are building a house."
Reading poems about family stories - mom, dad, grandparents, etc.
Consideration of plot pictures on the topic "Family". To acquaint children with the distribution of family roles and responsibilities.
To instill the skills of cultural behavior at the table, on the street, at home in game activities.
In game interaction:
consolidate knowledge about vegetables and fruits;
consolidate the ability to use cutlery, set the table;
to acquaint with the functions (appointment) of construction tools;
to acquaint with the profession of a doctor, a salesman.

2. long term plan preparation for the game "Family".
Plots Roles Attributes Game actions Speech turns
"Mom and daughter" Mom

Dolls, clothes for dolls, cribs, bedding, dishes. Wakes up, cooks, serves clothes.

Wake up, get dressed, eat. " Good morning”, “Daughter, it’s time to get up”, “Get dressed”, “We will have breakfast”, “You are my assistant”, “Drink my dear”.

“Good morning”, “I woke up”, “Where are my clothes?”, “Thank you, mommy.”
"Dinner Time" Mom

Daughter Models of vegetables, saucepan, spoons, plates, ladle, knife, salt shaker. Cooks, washes, cuts, sets the table.

Gets, helps, puts.
“It’s time to cook dinner”, “Will you help me”, “What are we going to cook”? “What do you need for soup?”, “Carrots, potatoes in a bag”, “Vegetables need to be washed”, “Please pour water into the pan”, “Please take the dishes out of the cupboard”, “What dishes will you put?”, "Bon appetit, daughter."

“Soup”, “Carrots, potatoes”, “We need to put salt”, “I brought”, “Bon appetit, mom”, “Thank you”.

"Dad is a good host" Mom

Dad A set of tools, dishes. “Our faucet broke”, “Where is our dad?”, “Maybe he will fix the faucet”, “Our dad is great!”, “Let's have lunch”.

“Mom, I'm hungry”, “The chair is also broken”, “Dad, please fix the chair”.

"Daddy, please help us."

“Where is my tool kit?”, “Son, give me a wrench, please.”

Related stories
Polyclinic Doctor, mother, daughter. Phonendoscope, drug models, doctor's coat, bandages, syringes, thermometer, tweezers, baths. They wait in line, talk about complaints, examine, give injections, measure the temperature and treat. “Hello!”, “Can I see you?”, “Come in, sit down”, “What hurts?”, “What are you complaining about?”, “What is your name?”, “Thank you”, “Get well”, “Goodbye” !
Grocery store Seller, mother. Models of products (vegetables, fruits, bread), cash desk, scales, paper money. Sells, buys. “Hello”, “What will you take?”, “How much?”, “Please take it”, “Come again”, “Thank you for your purchase”, “Goodbye”.

3. Game scheme:

III. Game progress.
1. Techniques for creating interest in the game: to create interest in the game and introduce into the game situation, the educator, focusing on the age of the children (3-4 years old), uses a surprise moment. A colorful box with different items appears in the group (plot pictures depicting a family, family photos, “mother's box”, a set of tools, glasses, toys, a magic wand) - the game “Guess whose”? As a result of examining and manipulating objects, as well as from talking about plot pictures, the teacher leads the children to the conclusion that the photographs depict a family (mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, children). Hence the interest in the beginning of the game.
2. Collusion on the game:
The teacher takes the lead in organizing the game. Invites children to briefly turn into mom, dad, daughters / sons. In this game, they will cook food for the whole family, buy groceries, treat the sick. The teacher himself distributes the roles, taking into account the wishes of the children. The teacher discusses the story. Conducted didactic game "Who does what"?
The teacher shows the children the most convenient place to play, distributes the necessary attributes, and together with the children pick up items - substitutes.
The teacher creates an imaginary situation using a magic wand and the spell “We will call a miracle to visit, one two, three, four, five. I'll wave my wand, turn quickly! (children enter the roles of mothers, fathers, daughters / sons).
The teacher starts the game as a mother.
3. Techniques for teaching game actions: showing game actions, explaining one's actions, creating game situations “Mom and daughter”, “Time for dinner”.
4. Techniques for maintaining and developing game situations: the teacher introduces new game situations (“Daughter got sick”, “Grocery trip”) and new game roles, involving inactive children. Shows new playing roles (salesman, doctor), introduces additional attributes (doctor's coat, thermometer, phonendoscope, cash register, food models).
5. Techniques for forming relationships in the game: the teacher reminds of family relationships, reminds of respectful and polite treatment.
IV. Game over.
Transfer children's interest to the next activity. The teacher reports that evening has come. It's time for the doctor and the salesman to go home and rest. It's time for daughters / sons, mom and dad to go to bed too.
And the guys from kindergarten it's time to turn into kids and return to kindergarten, where their moms and dads are waiting for them. “We wave a magic wand in the air, magic will appear in our group, we will fall!”

V. Evaluation of the game.
1. Evaluation of relationships. The teacher sums up the game, asks the children if they liked the game, if they would like to play the role of adults again. After the children's answers, he expresses his opinion about the relationship of children (praise) and sums up the game (children learned a lot about the work of their mother, about the work of a doctor, a seller).
2. Evaluation of actions in accordance with the role assumed. The teacher evaluates the actions of children, notes strengths, reports that all the children are great, they did a great job with their roles. As a positive reinforcement, the game invites children to dance and blow soap bubbles.

middle group

Role-playing game "Family"

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children.

game material.

Preparing for the game. Activity games: “The baby woke up”, “As if mother is not at home”, “Let's cook a little dinner”, “Feeding the baby”, “Dolls are going for a walk”. Observations of the work of a nanny, a teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with their children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme "Family". In the design class: building furniture.

Game roles. Mom, dad, baby, sister, brother, driver, grandma, grandpa.

Game progress.

In the following days, many children can already develop various options for celebrating a birthday in independent games with dolls, saturating the game with their own experience acquired in the family.

In order to enrich the knowledge of children about the work of adults, the educator, having previously agreed with the parents, can instruct the children to help their mother at home and prepare food, clean the room, do laundry, and then tell about it in kindergarten.

For further development games in the "family" the teacher finds out which of the children has younger brothers or scchtra. Children can read A. Barto's book "The Younger Brother" and look at the illustrations in it. In the same child. the teacher brings a new baby doll and everything necessary to take care of it to the group and invites the children to imagine that each of them has a little brother or sister, to tell how they would help their mother to take care of him.

middle group

Role-playing game "Bath Day"

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children a love for cleanliness and tidiness, a caring attitude towards the younger ones.

game material. Screen, basins, baths, building material, play bath accessories, substitute items, doll clothes, dolls.

Preparing for the game. Reading the works "The Dirty Girl" and "Bathing" from A. Barto's book "Younger Brother". Watching the cartoon "Moydodyr". Examination of the painting, "Playing with a doll." Making attributes for the Komi bathroom.) You, equipment together with parents big room(or baths) on the site.

Game roles. Mother, father.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by reading the work "Dirty Girl" and "Bathing" from A. Barto's book "Younger Brother". Talk about the content of the texts. After that, it is advisable to show the children K. Chukovsky's cartoon "Moidodyr", look at the pictures and, "Playing with a Doll" .1 also conduct a conversation "How we swam", in which to consolidate not only the bathing sequence, but also clarify the children's ideas about bathroom equipment , about how attentively, caringly, affectionately mothers and fathers treat their children.

Also, the teacher can involve children, together with their parents, to take part in the manufacture of attributes, equipping a large bathroom (or bath) for dolls.

With the help of parents and with the participation of children, you can build a towel rack, a grate under your feet. Children can construct soap boxes. Bathroom benches and chairs can be made from coarse building material or you can use baby chairs, benches.

During the game, the teacher tells the children that they cleaned the play corner very well yesterday; wash all the toys, arrange them beautifully on the shelves. Only the dolls are dirty, so you need to wash them. The teacher offers to arrange a bath day for them. Children put up a screen, bring baths, basins, build benches, chairs from building material, put a grate under their feet, find combs, washcloths, soap, soap dishes. Here is the bath and ready! Some "mothers" are in a hurry to start bathing without preparing clean clothes. For dolls. The teacher asks them: “What will you change your daughters into?”. "Moms" run to the closet, bring clothes and put them on chairs. (Each doll has its own clothes). After that, the children undress and bathe the dolls: in the bath, under the shower, in the basin. If necessary, the teacher helps the children, makes sure that they take care of the dolls, call them by name; reminds that you need to bathe carefully, carefully, do not pour water into the "ears". When the dolls are washed, they are dressed and combed. After bathing, the children pour out the water, clean the bathroom.

A natural extension of this game would be The Big Wash.

middle group

Role-playing game "Big Wash"

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the laundress, respect for clean things - the result of her work.

game material. Screen, basins, baths, building material, play bath accessories, substitute items, doll clothes, dolls.

Preparing for the game. Excursion to the laundry room of the kindergarten, observing during the walk how the washerwomen hang up the linen, and help her (serve clothespins, take away dry linen). Reading the story of A. Kardashova "The Big Wash".

Game roles. Mom, dad, daughter, son, aunt.

Game progress. Before starting the game, the teacher asks the children to watch the work of their mother at home, to help the spa during the wash. Then the teacher reads A. Kardashova's story "The Big Wash".

After that, if the children do not have a desire to play the game on their own, then the teacher can offer them to arrange a “big wash” themselves or take out a bath and linen to the site.

Next, the teacher offers the children the following roles: “mother”, “daughter”, “son”, “aunt”, etc. You can develop the following plot: the children have dirty clothes, you need to wash all the clothes that are dirty. "Mom" will manage the laundry: what clothes to wash first, how to rinse the laundry, where to hang the laundry, how to iron.

The educator must skillfully use role-playing relationships during the game to prevent conflict and form positive real relationships.

During the subsequent conduct of the game, the teacher can use a different form: the game of "laundry". Naturally, before this, appropriate work should be carried out to familiarize oneself with the laundress work.

During an excursion to the laundry of the kindergarten, the teacher introduces the children to the work of the laundress (washes, turns blue, starches), emphasizes the social significance of her work (she washes bed linen, towels, tablecloths, bathrobes for kindergarten employees). The laundress tries very hard - snow-white linen is pleasant for everyone. Washing machine, electric irons facilitate the work of the laundress. The tour helps to educate children in respect for the work of the laundress, respect to pure things - the result of her labor.

The reason for the appearance of the game in the "laundry" is often the introduction by the educator into the group (or to the site) of objects and toys necessary for washing.

Children are attracted to the role of "laundress" because they are "interested in doing laundry", especially in washing machine. To prevent possible conflicts, the teacher suggests that they work in the first and second shifts, as in the laundry.

middle group Role-playing game « Bus" ("Trolleybus")

Target. Consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of the driver and conductor, on the basis of which the children will be able to develop a plot, creative game. Familiarity with the rules of conduct on the bus. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver and conductor.

game material. Construction material, toy bus, steering wheel, peaked cap, policeman's stick, dolls, money, tickets, wallets, conductor's bag.

Preparing for the game. Observation of buses on the street. Excursion to the bus stop. Bus trip. Observation of the games of older children and joint games with them. Reading and viewing illustrations on the topic "Bus". Bus drawing. Making together with the teacher attributes for the game. About watching a movie.

Game roles. Driver, conductor, controller, policeman-regulator.

Game progress. The teacher needs to start preparing for the game by observing the buses on the street. It is good if this observation is carried out at a bus stop, since here children can observe not only the movement of the bus, but also how passengers enter and leave it, and see the driver and the conductor through the windows of the bus.

After such an observation, which is led by a teacher, attracting and directing the attention of children, explaining to them everything that they see, you can invite the children to draw a bus in class.

Then the teacher should organize a game with a toy bus in which the children could reflect their impressions. So, you need to make a bus stop, where the bus will slow down and stop, and then hit the road again. Small dolls can be put on a bus at a stop and taken to the next stop at the other end of the room.

The next step in preparing for the game should be the trip of children on a real bus, during which the teacher shows and explains a lot to them. During such a trip, it is very important that the children understand how difficult the work of the driver is, and watch it, understand the meaning of the conductor’s activity and see how he works, how he politely behaves with passengers. In a simple and accessible form, the teacher should explain to the children the rules of behavior for people on the bus and other modes of transport (if you have given up your seat, thank; yourself give way to an old man or a sick person who finds it difficult to stand; do not forget to thank the conductor when he gives you ticket; sit in an empty seat, and do not necessarily demand a seat by the window, etc.). The teacher must explain each rule of conduct. It is necessary that the children understand why an old man or a disabled person must give way, why one cannot demand for oneself best place near the window. Such an explanation will help children practically master the rules of behavior in buses, trolleybuses, etc., and then, gaining a foothold in the game, they will become a habit, become the norm of their behavior.

Another one from important points while traveling by bus - to explain to children that trips are not an end in themselves, that people do not make them for the pleasure they get from the ride itself: some go to work, others go to the zoo, others go to the theater, others go to the doctor, etc. e. The driver and the conductor with their work help people quickly get to where they need to, so their work is honorable and you need to be grateful to them for it.

After such a trip, the teacher should conduct a conversation with the children on the picture of the corresponding content, having previously carefully examined it with them. When analyzing the content of the picture with the children, you need to tell which of the passengers depicted on it goes where (grandmother with a big bag - to the store, mother takes her daughter to school, uncle with a briefcase - to work, etc.). Then, together with the children, you can make the attributes that will be needed for the game: money, tickets, wallets. The teacher, in addition, makes a bag for the conductor and a steering wheel for the driver.

The last step in preparing for the game may be watching a movie that shows a bus ride, the activities of the conductor and the driver. At the same time, the teacher must explain to the children everything that they see, and without fail ask them questions.

After that, you can start the game.

For the game, the teacher makes a bus by moving the chairs and placing them in the same way as the seats are on the bus. The whole structure can be fenced with bricks from a large building set, leaving front and rear doors for boarding and disembarking passengers. At the rear end of the bus, the teacher makes the conductor's seat, at the front, the driver's seat. In front of the driver is a steering wheel, which is attached either to a large wooden cylinder from a building kit or to the back of a chair. Children are given wallets, money, bags, dolls to play with. Ask the driver to take his seat, the conductor (educator) politely invites the passengers to get on the bus and helps them get comfortable. So, he offers passengers with children to take the front seats, and for those who did not have enough seats, he advises to hold on so as not to fall during the ride, etc. Placing passengers, the conductor simultaneously explains his actions to them (“You have it's hard to hold a son in your arms. It's hard to hold him. You need to sit down. Give way, perhaps, a hundred seats, otherwise it's hard to hold the boy. Grandfather must also give way. He is old, it is difficult for him to stand. And you are strong, you give way to grandfather and hold on with your hand here, otherwise you can fall when the bus is going fast”, etc.). Then the conductor distributes tickets to passengers and along the way finds out which of them is going where and gives a signal to depart. On the way, he announces stops (“Biblioteka”, “Hospital”, “School”, etc.), helps the elderly and the disabled get off the bus and enter it, gives tickets to those who have entered again, keeps order on the bus.

The next time the teacher can entrust the role of the conductor to one of the children. The teacher directs and fu, now becoming one of the passengers. If the conductor forgets to announce stops or send the bus on time, the teacher reminds of this, and without disturbing the course of the game: “What stop? I need to go to the pharmacy. Please tell me when to leave” or “You forgot to give me a ticket. Give me a ticket, please,” etc.

Some time later, the teacher can introduce into the game the role of a controller, who checks whether everyone has tickets, and the role of a policeman-regulator, who either allows or forbids the movement of the bus.

The further development of the game should be directed along the line of combining it with other plots and connecting to them.

middle group

Role-playing game "Drivers"

Target. Consolidation of knowledge and skills about the work of a driver, on the basis of which the children will be able to develop a plot, creative game. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children. Raising in children respect for the work of the driver.

game material. Cars various brands, a traffic light, a gas station, building materials, steering wheels, a cap and a stick of a traffic controller, dolls.

Preparing for the game. Observation of cars on the street, targeted walks to the car park, gas station, garage. Game-lesson "Drivers go on a flight." Observation of the games of older children and joint games with them. Learning the outdoor game "Pedestrians and so si." Reading and viewing illustrations on the topic "Drivers". Reading stories from B. Zhitkov's book "What did I see?". Construction of a garage for several cars and a truck from building material. Construction of sand bridges, tunnels, roads, garages.

Game roles. Chauffeurs, mechanic, gas tanker, dispatcher.

Game progress. Preparation for the game the educator should begin with the organization of special observations for | driver activities. They should be directed by the teacher and accompanied by his story, explanation. A very good reason for the first detailed acquaintance of children with the work of a driver can be the observation of how food is brought to kindergarten. Showing and explaining how the driver brought food, what he brought and what of these products will be cooked later, it is necessary to inspect the car with the children, including the driver's cab. It is advisable to organize constant communication with the driver who brings food to the kindergarten. Children watch him work, help unload the car.

The next step in preparing for the game is to observe how food is brought to neighboring stores. Walking along the street with children, you can stop at one store or another and watch how the brought products are unloaded: milk, bread, vegetables, fruits, etc. As a result of such observation, the children should understand that being a driver is does not at all mean simply turning the steering wheel and honking that the driver is driving a car in order to bring bread, milk, etc.

Also, before the start of the game, the teacher organizes excursions to the garage, to the gas station, to a busy intersection, where there is a police traffic controller.

It is advisable for the educator to conduct another excursion to the garage, but not to any garage, but to the one where the father of one of the pupils of this group works as a driver, where the father will tell about his work.

Emotionally colored ideas of children about the work of parents, its social benefits are one of the factors that encourage a child to take on the role of a father or mother, to reflect in the game their activities in everyday life and at work.

The impressions received by children during such walks and excursions must be consolidated in a conversation on the basis of a picture or postcards. In the course of these conversations, the educator needs to emphasize the social significance of the driver's activity, to emphasize the significance of his activity for others.

Then the teacher can arrange to play with toy cars. For example, children are given vegetables, fruits, bread and butter fashioned by them in the classroom. confectionery, furniture made of paper. The teacher advises taking food to kindergarten, goods to the store, moving furniture from the store to new house, ride dolls, take them to the dacha, etc. d.

To enrich the experience of children, their knowledge, it is necessary to show the children on the street different cars (for transporting milk, bread, trucks, cars, fire engines, ambulances, if possible, show in action the machines that water the streets, sweep, sprinkle sand), explaining the purpose of each of them. At the same time, the teacher must emphasize that everything that these machines do can only be done thanks to the activity of the driver.

The teacher should also consolidate the knowledge gained by the children during walks and excursions, examining with them pictures depicting a street with various types cars, and in an outdoor game with a plot element. For this game, you need to prepare cardboard steering wheels and a stick for the traffic controller. The essence of the game is that each child, driving the steering wheel, moves around the room in the direction that the policeman points to him with his wand (or hand). The traffic controller can change the direction of movement, stop the transport. This simple game, well organized, gives children a lot of joy.

One of the steps in preparing children for story game maybe watching a movie showing some specific case of the driver and different types machines.

At the same time, for two weeks, it is advisable to read several stories from B. Zhitkov’s book “What did I see?”, Conduct several classes on designing from building material (“Garapzh for several cars”, “Truck”), followed by playing with buildings. It is good to learn with children the mobile game “Colored Cars” and the musical and didactic game “Pedestrians and Taxi” (music by M. Zavalishina).

On the site, children, together with the teacher, can decorate a large truck with multi-colored flags, carry dolls on it, build bridges, tunnels, roads, garages in the sand on walks.

The game can be started in different ways.

The first option could be next. The teacher invites the children to move to the country. First, the teacher warns the children about the upcoming move and that they need to pack their belongings, load them into the car and sit down themselves. After that, the teacher appoints a driver. On the way, be sure to tell the children about what the car is passing by. As a result of this move, the puppet corner moves to another part of the room. Having sorted out things at the dacha and settled in a new place, the teacher will ask the driver to bring food, then take the children to the forest for mushrooms and berries or to the river to swim and sunbathe, etc.

Further development of the game should go along the line of connecting it to other game themes, such as "Shop", "Theater". kindergarten, etc.

Another option for the development of this game may be the following. The teacher takes on the role of a “driver”, inspects the car, washes it, and with the help of the children fills the tank with gasoline. Then the "dispatcher" writes out a waybill, which indicates where to go and what to transport. The "chauffeur" leaves for the construction of a residential building. Further, the plot develops in this way: the driver helped build the house.

Then the teacher introduces several roles of "drivers", "builders" into the game. The children, together with the teacher, are building a new house for Yasya and her mom and dad.

After that, the teacher encourages the children to play on their own and reminds the children that they themselves can play as they want.

During the subsequent game of “chauffeurs”, the teacher brings in new toys - cars of various brands that he makes with the children, a traffic light, a gas station, etc. Also, children, together with the teacher, can make new missing toys (tools for car repair, a cap and a stick policeman-regulator), improve ready-made toys (attach a trunk to a car or an arc to a bus with plasticine, turning it into a real trolleybus). All this contributes to maintaining interest in the device, purpose and ways of using the toy in the game.

At this age, children's "driver" games are closely intertwined with "construction" games, as drivers help build houses, factories, dams.

middle group

Role-playing game "Family"

Target. Development of interest in the game. Formation of positive relationships between children.

game material. Doll - baby, attributes for the equipment of the house, doll clothes, dishes, furniture, substitute items.

Preparing for the game. Activity games: “The baby woke up”, “As if mother is not at home”, “Let's cook a little dinner”, “Feeding the baby”, “Dolls are going for a walk”. Observations of the work of a nanny, a teacher in groups of children of the second year of life; watching mothers walk with their children. Reading fiction and looking at illustrations on the theme “Family”. In the design class: building furniture.

Game roles. Mom, dad, baby, sister, brother, driver, grandma, grandpa.

Game progress. The teacher can start the game by reading artwork N. Zabila "Yasochkin sadik", at the same time a new Yasochka doll is introduced into the group. After reading the story, the teacher invites the children to play the way Yasya helps to prepare toys for the game.

Then the teacher can invite the children to fantasize about how they would play if they were left alone at home.

In the following days, the teacher, together with the children, can equip a house on the playground in which Yasochka will live. To do this, you need to clean the house: wash the floor, hang curtains on the windows. After that, the teacher can talk in the presence of children with the parents of a recently ill child about what he was ill with, how mom and dad took care of him, how they treated him. You can also play a lesson with a doll (“Yasochka caught a cold”).

Then the teacher invites the children to play the "family" on their own, watching the game from the side.

During the subsequent game, the teacher can introduce a new direction, invite the children to play, as if Yasha had a birthday. Before that, you can remember what the children did when someone in the group celebrated a birthday (children prepared gifts in secret: they drew, sculpted, brought small toys from home from the card. At the holiday, they congratulated the birthday man, played round dance games, danced , read poetry). After that, the teacher invites the children to mold bagels, cookies, sweets - a treat in the modeling lesson, and in the evening to celebrate Yasochka's birthday.

In the following days, many children can already develop various options for celebrating a birthday in independent games with dolls, saturating the game with their own experience acquired in the family.

In order to enrich the knowledge of children about the work of adults, the educator, having previously agreed with the parents, can instruct the children to help their mother at home and cook food, clean the room, do laundry, and then talk about it in kindergarten.

For the further development of the game in the "family", the teacher finds out which of the children has younger brothers or children. Children can read A. Barto's book "The Younger Brother" and look at the illustrations in it. In the same child. the teacher brings a new baby doll and everything necessary to take care of it to the group and invites the children to imagine that each of them has a little brother or sister, to tell how they would help their mother to take care of him.

The teacher can also organize a game in the "family" for a walk.

The game can be offered to a group of three children. Distribute the roles: "mom", "dad" and "sister". The focus of the game is the baby doll "Alyosha" and new kitchen utensils. Girls can be offered to clean the playhouse, rearrange the furniture, choose a comfortable place for Alyosha's cradle, make a bed, swaddle the baby, put him to bed. "Papa" can be sent to the "bazaar", bring grass - "onion". After that, the teacher can include other children in the game at their request and offer them the roles of "Yasochka", "dad's friend - driver", who can take the whole family to the forest to rest, etc.

The educator should give children independence in the development of the plot, but also carefully monitor the game and skillfully use the role relationships of children to strengthen real positive relationships between them.

; The teacher can finish the game with an offer to go (the whole family has lunch in a group.

The plot of the game in the "family" the educator together with the children can constantly develop, intertwining with games in the "kindergarten", in "chauffeurs", "moms and dads", "grandparents". Participants in the “family” game can take their children to the “kindergarten”, take part in (matinees”, “birthday parties”, repair toys; “moms and dads” with children as passengers go on a bus for a country walk in the forest , or a “chauffeur” to take a mother with a sick little son to the “hospital” in an ambulance, where he is received, treated, cared for, etc.

A continuation of the game in the "family" may be the game "Bath Day".

Nadezhda Evgenievna Ilikbaeva
Role-playing game "Family"

Abstract of open viewing role-playing game« Family» in the middle group.

Target: enrichment of social and gaming experience between children; development of gaming skills plot« Family» .


To teach children to act according to the role they have assumed, to develop plot;

Learn to act in imaginary situations, use various substitute objects;

Develop interest in the game;

reinforce children's ideas about family, about the duties of members families;

Encourage children to play creatively in the game of everyday life families;

Contribute to the establishment in the game of role-playing interactions and relationships between playing;

Cultivate love and respect for members families and their work.

Equipment: furniture, dishes, bags, play corner "Kitchen" with utensils, a wooden constructor, a toy phone, aprons, a scarf, a basket, hats, panama hats, a large basket, substitute items.

Lesson structure.

1. Introductory conversation.

2. Distribution of roles.

3. Joint with the teacher a game.

4. Surprise moment: "Neighbour's Coming", "Police Coming".

Game roles: mom, dad, grandmother, grandfather, aunt, children, driver.

Approximate course of the game:

Children in the group sit on the mat in front of the teacher.

Guys, recently we were talking about family looking at illustrations. BUT tell: what family? (children's answers)

Tell me about your family: how many people live in it, who does what. (Answers)

Do you want play a game« Family» ? For us to have an interesting a game- need first decide: "How many members we will have families» , "What will they do", "Who what roles will play» .

Who can be in family? (Mom, dad, grandmother, son or daughter, aunt, uncle).

What other roles might there be? (Neighbours)

And what is a mother like? (gentle, affectionate, love children, kind, caring).

And which of our girls can be a mother? (Answers).

What about dad? (serious, love your children, protect your family, industrious).

Dad's choice.

Who else might be family? (Grandmothers and grandfathers). What do grandparents do? (Answers). And sometimes grandparents live far away.

And how many children will family? (Choose children).

And now let's think plot. When family get together? (on weekends).

What can you do together on your day off? (Go to visit, to the country, other options).

And where are we going? (To grandparents, to the country).

Let's all go to the countryside together.

What can you do in the country? (If it’s summer, then water the flowers, water the beds, plant flowers. In winter, clear the yard from snow, fry kebabs.).

Where will we spend most of our time? (In home).

Well, we have chosen where we will go, what we will do. Now let's think about how you can get to the cottage? (Answers).

We have big family so you need to choose a big machine. What? (Bus).

We choose a driver.

What do you need to take with you? (Products, napkins for children, panama hats, umbrellas).

Children build a bus out of chairs. They're coming. They arrive. All relatives are met by grandparents. They are all happy to see each other, hugging, saying hello. They disassemble the brought hotel. Daughters and aunts begin to clean the house, wash the floors, sweep. Grandmother and mother begin to set the table. Dad and grandfather start to make a fire in order to fry kebabs. Grandpa can clear the snow from the yard or fix the car.

They set the table and invite everyone to the table, accompanying words: - Sit down please; - Help yourself, please; - Bring it please; - Thanks.

During the treat, a neighbor unexpectedly comes in. Greets, communicates with members families. A neighbor is invited to the table, treated. Neighbor, says goodbye, leaves.

Then a policeman comes in. Does he check if everything is in order, is the fire extinguished, are the children looked after? Saying goodbye, leaving.

Children play their aunts look after them.

Oh boy, it's getting dark. It's time to go home. (They start to gather, everyone cleans up after themselves).

game over:

They get on the bus. They're coming. Suddenly, a bus tire bursts on the road. Dad and driver inflate the wheel with a pump. And the bus goes on to the house.

Outcome of the game: The children sit down on the mat again.

Did you like a game? What roles did you play in the game? What did you like the most?

Well done boys! You have an interesting a game, thank you!