How to determine if a woman is a witch. How to recognize a real witch

  • 17.10.2019

Many people believe that witches exist in real life. Some turned to them for help and received it, while others claim that they became victims of witchcraft - curses and evil eye. To recognize a witch in your environment will help a few sure signs that indicate the presence of supernatural abilities.

In the Middle Ages, witches were considered the "brides of the devil" and servants dark forces. They were credited with many abilities, more like the plot of a science fiction film than reality, they were afraid and carefully looked at every unusual woman, trying to recognize a witch in her.

In our time, attitudes towards witches have changed dramatically in better side: many admit that at least once in their lives they turned to psychics and fortune-tellers. To understand whether the real witch is in front of you, you can use several signs that indicate the presence of a gift.

Signs of a Witch

Unusual appearance. The modern witch may not conform to well-known stereotypes: she does not have to have red hair, green eyes, or a limp on her left leg. However, the most striking sign of a witch in a woman is her appearance, which attracts everyone's attention.

The expression of the eyes, a special smile, the unique smoothness of gestures - or, on the contrary, a hard, "prickly" image that cannot be disguised by any tricks - a witch can be different, but she always makes an indelible impression and is remembered from the first minute of acquaintance.

Careful attention to their own and other people's words. Practitioners of any tradition know the value of the word, and will never lie unnecessarily, throw empty promises or plot. What the witch really desires, she will get anyway, so there is no need for lies and manipulation.

Love for animals and nature. Many of us care about nature and love animals, but the undoubted sign of a witch in a woman is the absolute fusion of home and mother nature. The modern witch will react the same way to garbage thrown at the threshold of her dwelling or in the depths of the forest: with great indignation.

Such a woman will express her discontent depending on her temperament, but she will remove the garbage in any case, since she considers Nature to be her first and real home.

Unusual clothing or jewelry. Some women with abilities may deliberately not reveal their essence, carefully choosing clothes, accessories and hairstyles that will not allow her to be suspected of being interested in the occult sciences. However, such cases are rare: most often modern witches are not afraid to arouse suspicion and wear what they like, for example, clothes of unusual cut mostly dark colors, strange at first glance jewelry made of stones, clay or silver, as well as unknown symbols and patterns.

Longing for loneliness. Another sign of a witch is a woman's desire for loneliness, secluded long walks and some detachment in communication. This does not mean at all that your company does not correspond to her interests - it's just that the witch sees, hears and feels much more than everyone else, and she needs to restore her energy field in communication with nature.

Prophetic dreams and the ability to predict the future directly indicate the presence of abilities for witchcraft. This sign of a witch is the most difficult to hide: you can’t turn back what has been said, and after a short acquaintance with a woman endowed with a gift, you will notice that her predictions always hit the mark, and an accidentally thrown phrase exactly described any situation.

Sometimes a woman may not even suspect that she has a certain gift. You can also identify a witch by the location of moles on the body, indicating the presence of certain abilities. We wish you not to be negatively affected and experience only positive emotions.

People with psychic abilities are found in various parts of the world. Many of these individuals do not consider it necessary to hide their abilities and hide. However, some women in our time are embarrassed by the title of a witch and carefully hide the signs that can give them away.

External signs of a witch

One of the main signs of a witch is special eyes. Even a young witch's gaze is usually tenacious, wise and practical, often causing a feeling of discomfort. The witch is not afraid to look into the eyes, on the contrary, she is looking for an opportunity to see the innermost thoughts of the interlocutor.

The traditional eye color of a witch is green. Red-haired girls with green eyes in the Middle Ages were sentenced to execution for witchcraft without trial - their appearance was considered the most important evidence. One of the signs of a hereditary witch is the eyes different color, most often light shades.

Almost always, witches are attractive in appearance and very confident in themselves. Moreover, people cannot always understand what exactly attracts and delights them in this woman. However, there is always one masculine trait in a real witch, for example, tall stature, a rough voice, or great strength in her hands.

Specific marks are another sign of a witch. Most often, these are birthmarks of an unusual shape, which are transmitted from mother to daughter or from grandmother to granddaughter. The most important feature of witches is beautiful long hair. They contain the power of the witch, if she is cut short, the witch may lose her power.

Signs of a white and black witch

Real witches have strong magnetism. Such energy attracts people with a weak will, children and animals. But if the magnetism of the white witch causes calm and pleasant sensations, then after With a black witch, people feel devastation, longing, anger or hatred.

The reasons for this phenomenon are that a woman becomes a witch not of her own free will, as, for example, a witch, but because she comes from a family of hereditary witches. If a woman who is a witch from birth chooses the path of goodness, uses the gift for the benefit of people, she becomes white. The black witch uses her own to achieve selfish goals, she is not afraid to harm a person and easily wishes evil to offenders.

Both the white and black witch do not feel well in the church. If they are forced to enter the doors of the temple, they behave insecurely or defiantly, disregarding the generally accepted rules. To hide their fear of the church, witches may feign intense piety.

Witches have long been respected and feared. If you have the feeling that you know much more than the rest and even know how to guess the future, you may be endowed with magical powers. It is not difficult to calculate a witch, it is enough to have some knowledge about them.

  • If seven females were born in the family, then one of them will be a witch by birth.
  • A witch can be born a girl whose mother was cursed.
  • A born witch will have a characteristic process in the coccyx area.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth

Witches are usually born on strong dates. Each sign of the Zodiac belongs to a certain element and gives the witch certain abilities:

  • Fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Leo) - get along well with animals and see the future.
  • Earth signs (Capricorn, Taurus and Virgo) - have the ability to divination on Tarot cards, runes and the book of fate.
  • Air signs (Libra, Aquarius and Gemini) - master meditation perfectly, see prophetic dreams and can enter into lucid dreams.
  • Signs of Water (Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer) - know how to manage the energy of cash flows.

Signs of how to recognize a witch

  1. The eyes are green, brown, gray or different colored eyes.
  2. A look that is hard to bear.
  3. There are imperfections in appearance: lameness, hump, hooked nose, too large lips.
  4. Birthmarks or large moles in the genital area, lower back, hairline.
  5. For many years, the appearance of the witch practically does not change.
  6. The witch needs unity with nature.
  7. Often her words are prophetic.

How to know if I'm a witch by date of birth

  1. You need to add the number 6 to your full date of birth. For example, you were born on 03/02/1990. If you add six, you get 68.69.7666.
  2. If the numbers 6, 3 and two nines are present in the combination, you must continue further.
  3. Add up your birth number one by one. Based on the example, add 0+2+0+3+1+9+9+0 = 24.
  4. If the resulting number can be divided by the number 6, continue. It is not divisible by 6 - there are no abilities for magic.
  5. The sum of the numbers when adding to 6 from paragraph 1 is added in turn: 6+8+6+9+8+6+5+6 = 54.
  6. If the number is divisible by 6, you have magical abilities.
  7. If all 3 values ​​match, the woman is a witch. If there is a match on two points, then the abilities are laid down, but not developed.

How to find out if there were witches in the family

  1. Ask relatives about it. A person with unusual abilities does not go unnoticed, and the abilities themselves can be inherited by subsequent generations.
  2. If you have gypsy or Jewish blood, then certain abilities can be transferred along with it.
  3. The presence in the pedigree of a single relative who was unlucky in family life.

Choose a broom test to find out what kind of witch you are

Choose a broom that would belong to you if you were a witch.

  1. Witch ordinary. You are dangerous in moderation, you can easily take on the appearance of an ordinary person.
  2. A witch by her own conviction. They are not used to standing out from the crowd. At the same time, you are not happy when people consider you nondescript and mediocre. You can make a difference!
  3. Messy witch. Your energy is uncontrollable and splashes in all directions. Be careful not to fall into your own trap.
  4. professional witch. You have everything decorously and according to the template. There is an amulet, a cat, a book and charms. You take a traditional approach to magic and look just as traditional.
  5. Dangerous Witch. You love animals and dislike people. And people avoid you. Your energy brings destruction and evil.
  6. Concentrated Witch. You have the ability to restrain your ardor and enviable willpower. You know what to do and how to do it, the information is organized and organized. Therefore, everything works out.
  7. An overweight witch. Yes, she herself is aware of her problems and the burden that has fallen on her. Can suggest wise advice but it's better not to piss her off.
  8. Witch with a twist. No one can guess what's on your mind. First impressions of you cannot be trusted. There is an ability to surprise and amaze others.
  9. Weird witch. You cannot understand why there are anomalies near you. Controlling abilities can be quite difficult and often things don't go the way you want them to.
  10. Witch classic. You clearly control your abilities in magic, well-read, witty. You combine the classic images of witches and are a subject for imitation.

How to recognize a witch in our time

  1. A woman is a witch if you feel an incomprehensible fear when you are close to her. Or you want to tell her all your secrets under her piercing gaze, even when she doesn’t ask you anything.
  2. Clear and persuasive speech, every word is thought out in advance.
  3. Beautiful, long and thick hair.
  4. A woman attracts men to her, even with an outstanding appearance.
  5. Often she is lucky in small matters.

How to recognize a white witch

  • He loves animals and often communicates with them.
  • Draws its strength from nature.
  • He does not refuse to help, he tries to help and heal everyone.
  • Goes to church and doesn't stand out from the crowd.
  • She always has healthy herbs at home.
  • Quickly restores strength, vigorous and cheerful.

How to recognize a black witch

  • They always leave the church with their backs, on Easter they try to be the first to touch door handle the gate that the priest opens, they are baptized incorrectly.
  • You can often hear swearing and cursing from her.
  • It is very difficult to withstand the look, there is psychological discomfort when you are nearby.
  • Constantly tries to touch the person, especially the hair or shoulders.
  • Comes in the evening with requests to borrow food or household items.

Intuition will help you feel magical abilities in yourself and understand whether you are a witch or not. Remember that it is always better to help people and do good deeds. After all, evil always comes back.

Some of the fair sex. They are surrounded by a special aura. The ability to find signs of a witch in a woman in appearance will help you understand whether your new acquaintance is a born witch, or whether she simply creates an entourage of mystery and mystery.

Stereotypes about witches

V different time different peoples had their own ideas about what a sorceress looks like. External signs usually pointed to a witch from birth, conceived from a representative of the other world. The oddities of behavior were supposed to betray a person who received magical knowledge and abilities after a deal with Satan. Such a deal, as a rule, involved the sale of one's own soul.

Traditionally, green-eyed women with red or black hair were considered witches. In addition, there was supposed to be a “devilish” mark on her body, which meant a large birthmark. Often, it was precisely such “evidence” that became the reason to send a woman to the stake.

In fact, the witch does not always have external differences from ordinary person. It is possible to suspect the presence of magical abilities or a predisposition to practicing magic in people (not only women, but also men) who have a serious physical defect. A person with slanted eyes, a hump and other repulsive defects is given abilities with which he can compensate for his shortcomings. Without knowing a single spell, a person inflicts damage, sends a curse. Women with physical defects easily cope with love spells, which helps them to get the desired men as husbands.

How to recognize a witch by date of birth?

Numerology offers several ways to determine a person's propensity for the occult sciences by working with his date of birth:

  • The number 66 66 6666 should be added to the date of birth. The method is based on the belief that the combination of three sixes is a satanic sign. If the addition turned out to be a number containing a three, a six and two nines (arbitrary order), you have a witch in front of you. Example: date of birth - July 4, 1988; 4 07 1988 + 66 66 6666 = 70 73 8654. The absence of nines indicates that the person does not have magical abilities.
  • A sorcerer can be considered someone whose date of birth is divisible by 6. Example: date of birth - June 14, 1990; 1 + 4 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 9 = 30. The final result is divided by 6. There is a high probability that a person born on June 14, 1990 has a predisposition to practicing magic or possesses.

If, using one of the methods above, you have determined that you are a witch, watch yourself. Remember the cases when what you predicted very accurately came true, as well as cases of the manifestation of magical abilities.

Signs of a witch in a woman in appearance are not limited to unusual makeup or strange amulets around her neck. A real witch is able to "turn on" her eyes, that is, to divert attention from her witchcraft essence.

Since ancient times, people have been hunting for witches, so their main goal was to hide the external signs indicating the presence of magical abilities. Today, you can only see a woman with a broom and a hat on, so it will be interesting to figure out how to recognize a witch by her appearance. It is important to understand that a large hanging mole on the face, a hooked nose and a hump are all inventions of writers and modern witches are not much different from ordinary women.

How to recognize a witch by appearance and behavior?

Women who have magical powers have an attractive and piercing look, from which many people shiver through the body. Their eyes are bright with a beautiful sheen, and as for the color, they are mostly green. Witches are attractive, so there are always a lot of admirers around them. At the same time, it is worth noting that their beauty has something diabolical. Discussing the appearance of a witch, one cannot fail to note the presence of luxurious hair. It is believed that it is in the hair of the sorceress that her strength is concentrated. Another important point, indicating that you have a witch in front of you - the presence of some kind of masculine quality, for example, a rough voice, or developed muscles. When discussing the signs of a witch in a woman in appearance, one cannot miss the description of the clothes that the owners of magical powers choose. Most of their wardrobe is represented in dark colors. On the body of a witch, there will certainly be a mole or birthmark, which is also called the seal of Satan. Most often it is located in the lower back, on the genitals or near the hairline.

Now a few words about the behavior of the witch, which is. She prefers the life of a loner, and the men themselves can not stand next to such ladies for a long time. It is worth saying that witches are sexually attractive and a little unbalanced in themselves.