Live pig. Dream Interpretation: a pig, a pig is dreaming - a complete interpretation of dreams

  • 17.10.2019

Whom we just do not have to sometimes meet in our own dreams.

Guests are very different, but when a pig appears in a dream, you involuntarily wonder what it would be for?

Few people associate a pig with friendship, joy, health, or good news. Rather, this animal is associated with untidiness, dirty thoughts or actions, there is an expression "put a pig", in general - nothing good.

But before you decide that a boar in a dream promises trouble, do not rush. In fact, it is not easy to understand what pigs dream of - and moreover, such dreams can portend very, very good things.

Health, wealth, success - all this pig can easily prophesy! And here it is important to correctly decipher the dream.

And for this you need to remember all its details and details. What was the pig? What did she do, how did she behave? In what conditions and circumstances was she? And, in the end, what did you do with this animal?

For example, dream scripts might look something like this:

  • You just saw an unremarkable beast.
  • You dream of many pigs, for example, a whole pigsty.
  • You see a big boar or several hogs.
  • You dreamed of cute pink piglets.
  • Or a pig with piglets.
  • You saw only one stubble.
  • you dreamed pig head- for example, in the market or on the table.
  • We saw a pig snout.
  • I dreamed of a pig in the mud.
  • The pig ended up in your house or apartment.
  • You saw an animal dying in a dream.
  • A boar or a pig itches in your dream.
  • You dreamed of a pig in a crown.
  • You dream that you are the owner of one pig or a pigsty, where there are many of them.
  • You are slaughtering a boar in a dream.
  • Eat piglet.
  • Eat pork cooked in any way.
  • You buy a pig (or pork).
  • Feed the cattle.
  • Ride a pig or a boar.

A pleasant dream, or not so much - is not so important, because its meaning may be very unexpected for you. So remember the details as it should, and we will find out what to expect from such a dream.

To see a pig - but not one!

In a dream, you could either see pigs from the side, or you could actively do something directly related to these animals.

It's perfect different kind dreams, and we will first consider those in which you only saw an animal, but did not contact it and did not come close to it. Or approached, but did not touch, did not feed, and so on.

What do such dreams mean? Depends on what the pig was and what she was doing.

1. Just an ordinary pig, unremarkable, dreams of wealth, a well-fed life, prosperity and stability in the house. But the dream book warns - excessive life, ignorance of the measure can harm, so enjoy prosperity, but live in moderation, wisely.

2. Seeing a lot of pigs, wild boars, a whole pigsty in a dream is not very good. The dream warns you of notoriety, rumors and gossip, rumors about your unworthy behavior. Try not to provoke it - behave in such a way that your reputation does not suffer.

3. Big, formidable boars or wild boars are dreamed of as a warning. You may be surrounded by evil, ignorant, bad people. Avoid bad society and keep your dignity.

4. But for a girl or a young, free woman, the boar is dreaming of a quick offer! A potential groom will appear on the horizon very soon, and it's up to you to decide whether to agree or not ...

5. The dream in which piglets appeared is a dream for profit. Cute little pigs will bring you income in reality - and the more there were in a dream, the larger the profit, win, increase or reward will be.

6. And if you saw a pig with piglets in your dreams, this meaning is completely different. Such a dream can promise arrogant people, parasites, loafers who want to make a profit just like that.

These people can either harm you and your work, or simply be around, in your environment, or use you directly. If you dreamed of a pig with piglets, be especially careful and attentive, do not let people use you just like that.

7. To see pig bristles in a dream is a great joy, good events and surprises, very pleasant.

8. If in a dream you dreamed of a pig's head - whether it be on the counter of a market or a butcher's shop, or on a table, beautifully decorated - this, according to the dream book, promises a long journey.

  • If the head looked normal, was fresh, then the road will bring joy and be good.
  • If you dream of a head with flies, worms, scary - be very careful on the way, some difficulties may arise.

9. But the dream in which you saw the snout of a pig warns that you are in danger of injury, unexpected injury. So be careful.

10. As the dream book says, animals in the mud, in a puddle are gossip and intrigues of enemies in reality.

11. A pig in your own home promises an amendment, a recovery for the patient, an improvement in affairs.

12. If a pig dies in your dream, some unpleasant news and even trouble may await you.

13. A dream in which animals itch promises quarrels and conflicts.

14. And if you happened to see a boar in a crown - expect a conflict with the authorities.

Throw beads before pigs

Lot interesting values have dreams in which you had to contact pigs somehow.

Remember what exactly you did?

1. The dream in which you were the owner of a pig or a pigsty promises you great unconditional happiness! Your life will soon be happy and complete.

2. If you ate a pig in your full dream, then expect losses. Better yet, think about how to avoid them so that you do not have to live in poverty.

3. If you eat pork in any other form, this also does not bode well. Sleep warns of your vulnerability to illness. Try to take care of your health.

4. Buying a pig in dreams - live, or pork - this promises some kind of deception on the part of others. They will try to trick you.

5. If you fed pigs in your dream, it means that in reality you are unreasonably spending your own money, and you should think about it, reconsider your expenses. Otherwise, you risk going bankrupt soon.

6. If you were riding on the back of a pig or a boar in a dream, then in reality you are likely to expect loud and unbridled fun, which you will regret later. It’s better, of course, to take care of yourself - you can’t wash your reputation and conscience, so don’t do anything stupid.

Such different dreams- even though the pig is an uncomplicated animal, there are a whole mass of meanings. Be attentive to dreams, analyze the meanings and your actions, and decide for yourself how to apply the knowledge gained. Author: Vasilina Serova

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

success, wealth; a lot - notoriety; wallowing in the mud - quarrels in the house, jealousy and greed of the opposite sex.

The meaning of a dream about a pig

according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, riding a pig is an unusual pastime when, on the one hand, you will be pleased, "on the other hand, you simply won't know how to relate to what happened. Seeing a dirty pig in a dream - you lack cleanliness in Every now and then you are faced with rudeness and neglect, although, in general, everything is in order - your partner treats you well, but with all this, what you have is a little different from your idea of ​​\u200b\u200b how a lover should treat the one he loves.

The meaning of the dream about the boar

according to Freud's dream book

It symbolizes the rough masculine principle that dominates you in real life. So, if a man dreamed of a boar, it means that in his intimate life he is more often rude and persistent than affectionate. And his tactics of behavior in bed most of all resembles an act of attack and enslavement, since only such a model of behavior can cause him additional emotions and sensations. If a woman dreamed of a boar, this means that her current partner is not at all tender. He is rather rude in bed, as he absolutely does not want to waste time on unnecessary, from his point of view, foreplay. He does not consider it necessary to prepare a partner for sexual intercourse. Most likely, he has no idea how to properly treat a woman so that she gets not only the highest, but generally at least some kind of pleasure.

The meaning of the dream about the boar

according to Freud's dream book

The appearance of this symbol in your dream testifies to the violence and even cruelty that are present in your intimate life. If you dreamed that a boar was attacking you, then this dream indicates that in reality you are dissatisfied with your sex life and feel that you are fulfilling your partner’s wishes against your will. Fighting in a dream with an angry boar portends that soon you will quarrel with your partner because of different views on intimate life. Reconciliation after a quarrel will be very stormy with strong passions. Seeing a running boar in a dream - you are currently busy with your own affairs, so you do not have time and opportunity to relax, your dream is evidence of this. You subconsciously feel a lack of sexual release, so leave everything and rest, you will feel like a completely different person.

A pig in a dream reflects physical needs, wealth, or sloppiness, stupidity. Sometimes it can symbolize a person whom the dreamer does not like. Popular dream books will help you figure out what the grunting character is dreaming of.

According to the big dream book

Dreamed of a pig? You are very lucky, you may get a decent profit. Moreover, the larger and heavier the animal, the more money will be. Even a skinny pig is good to see in a dream. The profit will certainly be, however, relatively modest.

Why dream about eating pork? The dream interpretation prophesies trouble, especially in business. It is very good if in a dream you refused a persistent offer. But if you managed to try at least a piece, then the dream book strongly recommends remembering the character who offered food. Perhaps this is the person who will actually bring problems.

Had a dream about buying a pig? Also expect a quick enrichment. It is best if in a dream they did not bargain and took what was offered to you. The dream interpretation strongly advises to remember the identity of the seller. If you meet this type in real life, then you can safely do business with him.

Why dream if you had a chance to sell a pig? This is bad sign, which means that a whole series of troubles threatens you, and good luck will leave you for a long time. At the same time, the more they gained in a dream from the sale, the longer the period of bad luck will turn out to be in reality.

According to Aesop's dream book

What is the dream of a pig in general? This is a double image, on the one hand, indicating depravity, carelessness, rudeness and short-sightedness, on the other hand, a successful course of affairs and prosperity. Dreamed of a pig with a piglet? Waking up will have to deal with a very arrogant, unscrupulous and unprincipled person. In addition, there is a chance that you will be beaten by a more cunning, dexterous competitor.

Did a pig smeared with mud appear in a dream? Get ready for gossip, empty rumors, harmless enemy attacks. Did you happen to see a piglet sticking out of a dunghill? You will have a choice: to take part in an enterprise that is contrary to the principles or to refuse, losing profits.

Did you dream of a pig that enthusiastically digs the ground near a tree? You will meet a stupid and incompetent person who will cause a lot of trouble with his actions. Why dream if at night they offered to buy pig ears? In reality, you will be deceived, so avoid dubious events for a while.

Did you happen to feed a pig from expensive and even golden dishes in a dream? The dream interpretation believes that you are wasting your time and effort, in addition, you will be greatly disappointed. Seeing a dirty pig lounging in your favorite chair can be a betrayal of friends, a quarrel, some kind of major loss. Dreamed of a pig in a luxurious crown? The dream interpretation is sure: you will quarrel with your superiors, up to a change of job. This is a sign that you will have to literally run away from your familiar environment.

According to the modern combined dream book

What is the dream of a well-fed and well-groomed pig? There have been positive changes in business, all transactions will be successful. Seeing a skinny and mangy pig is worse. The dream interpretation predicts troubles and annoying misunderstandings associated with subordinates, children.

Dreamed of a pig with piglets? The plot promises farmers excellent harvest, the rest - well-being. But hearing a pig squeal means that you will find out bad news. The same plot marks grief due to tragic event or commercial failure.

Feeding pigs in a dream is good. Expect an increase in wealth and prosperity. Did you dream that you were selling a pig? You have to work long and hard, but in the end you will become the owner of a significant property.

Why dream of a big pig, fattened, thin, dead, slaughter a pig

If you dreamed of a fattened and big pig, then diligence and patience will become the key to a decent profit. Seeing a thin pig can lead to decline, the cause of which will be your own laziness.

A dead pig appears in a dream before misfortune. Why dream if you had a chance to cut a pig yourself? Do something reckless, quit your job or get demoted. The same story has a completely opposite interpretation. So you can slaughter a pig for happiness, stability and prosperity.

What does it mean in a dream a pig is clean, dirty

Dreamed of a dirty and skinned pig? Get ready for a major conflict. If a dirty pig appeared in a dream, then the relationship will not go at all as you planned. A pig smeared with mud hints at gossip, showdowns, quarrels. What is the dream of a clean, pink pig? It symbolizes good luck and prosperity.

What is the dream of a pig with piglets

If a pig with piglets appeared in a dream, then get ready for a particularly troublesome and fussy period. Sometimes the plot hints: communication with an unpleasant person will be adequately rewarded after a while. Perhaps you will receive an inheritance from a harmful uncle.

If a farmer dreamed of a pig with piglets, then a particularly fruitful, fruitful year is coming. For everyone else, the image promises good luck, prosperity, stability. Sometimes a pig in a dream hints that you will be set up, deceived, or beaten in the competition.

Why in a dream a pig runs after you, bites, bites

Have you ever seen an aggressive pig literally chasing you at night? A conflict is approaching that will negatively affect your stable position. Had a dream about how a pig bit? Expect meanness and impudence. If in a dream a pig runs around the yard just like that, then you should not tell your secrets even to your closest ones.

I dreamed of a pig in a pen, at home, on the street

What is the dream of a pig in his own house? For healthy dreamers, the character guarantees good health, and for the sick, a speedy recovery. You can see a pig in a house or pen positive emotions and happiness. But if in a dream she was lying in the mud, then family relationships will deteriorate.

Did you dream that the pig was leaving the house? You talk too much, maybe gossip. To see that a pig, on the contrary, comes into the house from the street, means that there is a bad rumor about you. Did you see a pig on the street? In reality, an unpleasant person will become attached. If a wild pig appeared in the night, then you are threatened by the evil eye and even damage from familiar people.

Pig in a dream - other examples

The interpretation of sleep depends on many details. First of all, it is worth considering who exactly dreamed of this ambiguous character. So for a woman, a pig is a symbol of imminent marriage, for a man - business success. Besides:

  • pig at the trough - consumerism, gluttony, untidiness
  • in a puddle - difficulties, a lazy and useless person
  • in the mud - deterioration of the home environment
  • dead, dead - major problems, trouble
  • digs the ground - a meeting with a mean, stupid person
  • itches on the fence - gossip, showdown
  • sitting in a chair - quarrel, betrayal
  • turns into a man - clash with bureaucracy
  • keep, breed - great happiness
  • to stroke - to flatter others, to adapt
  • slaughter (positive interpretation) - benefit, fulfillment of desires, change
  • slaughter (negative interpretation) - dismissal, difficulties, erroneous action
  • feeding acorns is a bad intention
  • delicacies - a waste of life resources
  • slop - concern for the future
  • buy a pig - making a profit
  • sell - big problems
  • there are obstacles, danger
  • see how the other eats - things will come to a standstill
  • cook pork - minor troubles
  • pig brain - thoughts about the economy, affairs
  • pig's head sober image life
  • piglet - adventure, increased curiosity
  • grunting pig - victory, good luck
  • screech - bad news, danger
  • become a pig - mental anguish
  • pig with piglets - big earnings, find, win
  • wild - harm from evil people
  • black - enemy, trouble, disease
  • white - death, tragic news
  • redhead - money, inconstancy
  • many pigs - an unfriendly society

And do not forget: the pig symbolizes its own laziness, gluttony, an idle life. If this character appeared in a dream, then it's time to think about your own behavior and change in better side.

Interpretation of sleep Pig in Vanga's dream book

To see a dirty pig in a dream is a great misfortune. Such a dream means that soon serious trials await you, which you are unlikely to be able to overcome. If you dreamed of a clean pig, then you will be able to improve your affairs, which are not going well. in the best way. Sometimes such a dream prophesies a change of opinion about close person for the better. Feeding pigs in a dream is evidence that in real life you are patronizing the wrong people. Enemies take advantage of your gullibility, using secrets you told against you. Seeing a lot of pigs in a dream is a sign that in anticipation of something very terrible, you will fear for your life. Sometimes such a dream prophesies an unkind environment of evil gossips and envious people.

Pig according to Freud's dream book

In a dream, riding a pig is an unusual pastime, when, on the one hand, you will be pleased, on the other, you simply won’t know how to relate to what happened. Seeing a dirty pig in a dream - you lack purity in a relationship. Every now and then you are faced with rudeness and neglect, although, in general, everything is in order - your partner treats you well, but with all this, what you have does not coincide with your idea of ​​\u200b\u200bhow you should treat loving to the one he loves.

Sleep Pig according to the dream book of L. Morozova

If you dreamed of a pig - to false friends; cutting a pig - you will harm someone's pride; to see a pig in the mud in a dream - you risk getting a bad reputation; to breed pigs - to great wealth; remove manure - to big money; feed piglets - to worries, but pleasant, about the future; to see a pig in the mud, in a dirty puddle - to bad relations in the family; if you dreamed of a wild pig - you can be very hurt evil people; a pig with piglets - you will work hard, but you will earn money; if you sell pigs in a dream, then active work will soon begin; if you feed pigs, then in reality you will soon have a significant increase in personal property.

The meaning of sleep Pig in the English dream book

Pigs dream that in your life, success and failure will constantly replace each other. You have many imaginary friends, but a sincere friend or girlfriend will also appear. In addition, the dream speaks of sorrows and illnesses, great dangers, which, however, can be avoided, having suffered only small losses. You will have a lot of obstacles, and yet, despite this, you will get rich and become an authoritative person in society. At the same time, the dream warns that children may be frivolous and wasteful in some situation.

Interpretation of sleep Pig in a modern dream book

Not for good, someone unpleasant will invade your life. If the pig runs - a warning that not everything can be told even to her husband, not to mention children. If you had a dream from Monday to Tuesday, you should not abuse your position either in the family or at work.

Pig in an esoteric dream book

Due to insufficiently spacious conditions of detention, they gained fame as dirty and unclean animals. In addition, the famous pork wallowing in the mud (in fact, the most effective remedy from parasites, accessible to them), also did not stand aside and threw an extra pebble into the garden of the poor animal. Therefore, when you hear a question about that, a natural answer immediately suggests itself about close misadventures and failures. But is it really so? This is definitely worth looking into.

Psychoanalysis will help

The most popular to date, based on popular science psychoanalytic dream book Mr. Freud gives a specific answer to the question of why pigs dream: if a sleeping person rides an animal, this means that in the near future he will have a very unusual and, one might even say, even immoral pastime. And on the one hand, he will really like it, and on the other hand, such entertainment will confuse a person. If the sleeper sees dirty pigs, then this means his dissatisfaction with his relationship with his partner. Perhaps it seems to him that the partner is simply deceiving him. It can also mean the dreamer's hidden resentment, like "no one understands me."

Slavic dream book: why pigs dream

Russians associate pigs with trouble, dirt. Therefore, pigs bathing in mud mean that the sleeper will be involved in trouble, after which "dirty" rumors will creep about him. If pigs dig up an oak (or other tree) in a dream, this means that the sleeper will meet a person who will bring him a lot of trouble. If the dreamer is from an expensive tray (I’ll dream about it!), Then this indicates a waste of money, and if pigs walk around (or simply go about their pig business) in expensive suits, then this is a sure sign of imminent betrayal by friends and close acquaintances.

Esoteric pig?

The esoteric dream book is probably the most optimistic of those presented. The participation of pigs in a dream suggests that soon all things will go uphill, despite any circumstances. If the dreamer cuts a pig in a dream, then this means the successful accumulation of wealth.

Interpretations of other dream books

Americans tend to think that pigs in a dream - clear sign insufficient attention from others (in relation to the sleeping person) or from the sleeping person (in relation to others). Also, pigs, in their opinion, are a symbol of selfishness or concessions.

The 20th century dream book believes that pigs in a dream are a symbol of everyday troubles, and their result is directly correlated with how good the dreaming pigs look. If they walk fattened - to success, thin - a decline in business, and dirty pigs do portend the imminent development of the conflict.

Why is the big pig dreaming?

For a girl, the sight of a big pig in a dream portends a quick separation from her beloved, and for a woman - a divorce. If the pig is black, then this is a clear sign of getting a good job, career development and all the best for the future. So understand the female logic ...