Oleg Tinkov's fortune according to Forbes. Tinkov Oleg, Tinkoff Credit Systems

  • 11.10.2019

Oleg Tinkov, one of the most eccentric and successful Russian businessmen, has been living with the same woman for over 20 years. Numerous temptations that pursue any wealthy person could not affect the personal priorities of the entrepreneur.

In his book “I am like everyone else”, Oleg Tinkov bluntly states:

“A wife for a businessman is incredibly important. Since ancient times, nothing has changed: the mother is the keeper of the hearth and must keep the fire going. Previously, mammoths were brought home, but now cash is the only difference. I am very grateful to fate, to the Lord God for having met Rina and living with her.

Acquaintance and love

The enterprising young student of the Leningrad Mining Institute met his future wife Rina in 1989. At that time, he had already tasted the power of the lungs fast money, he speculated in cosmetics and clothing, or simply "farce".

Met young people at a disco, and he immediately realized that he fell in love. He called the girl Irina all evening, but lost her at the end of the evening. The next day, Oleg met her at the Department of Mathematics. “Ira, hello!” he said. " I'm not Irina, I'm Rina' she replied.

Oleg Tinkov managed to arrange the next meeting only two months later. He accidentally met Rina in a grocery store, treated her to birch sap for 11 kopecks and asked for a room number.

On the next weekend, he and his friend visited Rina, who lived with two girls. That evening he took the girl to an expensive restaurant, which was part of the foreign tourist system. Dinner for two cost 10 rubles at that time. As Tinkov himself recalls, he got Rina very drunk, and on the same evening they had an intimacy.

As Rina herself recalls, at the time of meeting Oleg, many girls were spinning around him, but gradually they all disappeared. Gently and unobtrusively, Rina established her rights to a bold, energetic and daring guy.

Tinkov admits that I immediately saw in Rina a sincere interest in relationships and lack of commercialism. In his student years, it happened in every way, and even Tinkov did not always have money.

In such cases, Rina herself invited him to restaurants and paid for everything. From here, perhaps, the talk of spiteful critics began that Rina was born into a wealthy family, and Tinkov made his way thanks to the support of his father-in-law.

Actually Rina was the daughter of an Estonian miner. IN Soviet time miners, indeed, received a relatively high salary, but Rina Vosman's family cannot be called rich in the literal sense of the word.

Joint life as it is

It was Rina who pushed Tinkov to the realization: “ It's time to earn some decent money!". The situation when the girl paid for him seemed humiliating. Prosperity did not come immediately. The young people lived in the dormitory for a long time, ate one potato, which was brought once a week by the mother of a neighbor in the dormitory.

Tinkov began to transport goods with redoubled energy from those regions of the USSR where he was. With a total shortage, things diverged with a bang, but material stability could not be achieved at that moment.

The young were overcome by bedbugs, they could not be eradicated in any way. All domestic difficulties acted only as an incentive for an ordinary Siberian guy.. He saw how other businessmen rented excellent apartments and drove beautiful cars, and with redoubled energy bit into new market relations.

Interesting Notes:

And the market exploded. The dashing 90s, which led most of the country's population into a state of confusion, horror and panic, were most welcome for Tinkov. In this reality, he was able to turn around at full power, opening business after business, the profitability of which multiplied Tinkovsky's capital.

Rina was next to him, absolutely trusting this risky, reckless and extraordinary person. They lived 20 years in a civil marriage, and Rina never had any fear that Tinkiov would leave her or act dishonestly. In this relationship, they had three children: daughter Daria and sons Roman and Pavel.

The life of a millionaire's wife

In 2009, Oleg and Rina officially registered their marriage., and the wedding took place on Baikal. Rina herself prefers not to give interviews to journalists, but thanks to Tinkov's activity, she manages to create the image of a millionaire's wife (in rubles - a billionaire).

Rina is primarily a wife and mother of three children.. Tinkov considers this mission the most important in a woman's life, and important for a man.

In his book, he directly says that he does not believe in big business without the support of his wife. Before starting a business, he looks: what kind of wife does the partner have? What children? About Rina, he speaks with respect:

“She takes care of children, herself, reads a lot and looks like God forbid everyone looks at 40 years old”

Rina does not work and does not run any business, Tinkov himself calls the situation when a rich husband buys a boutique in the Central Department Store for his bored wife, nonsense.

“Someone will say that the family is not fashionable, but I don’t care about fashion,” says Tinkov


Tinkoff Credit Systems»

Tinkov Oleg Yurievich, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Tinkoff Credit Systems Bank. Born on December 25, 1967 in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky, Kemerovo Region. He grew up in a poor mining family. He earned the first 50 rubles after the sixth grade as an assistant at a furniture factory. At the age of 14, he became interested in cycling, took part in national competitions. “Because of the fees, I, in fact, did not go to school from the 8th to the 10th grade,” Oleg Tinkov writes in his autobiographical book “I am like everyone else.” - The diploma of secondary education lies somewhere in the Mining Institute. There are all triples in it, they just put them down “behind the eyes”, I didn’t even pass the final exams.

After school, he worked as a turner at the Kuzbasselement plant, as an electrician at a mine, and continued to play sports. I hoped to get into the SKA, but the dream did not come true and I had to join the army. He served in the city of Nakhodka, Primorsky Krai, in the border troops under the KGB of the USSR. “The army dragged me in, I became interested in building a military career, I even thought of remaining as an ensign,” says Tinkov. However, he nevertheless demobilized and entered the Mining Institute in Leningrad.

Having started to earn money and, moreover, carried away by speculation, he decided not to continue his studies at the institute. “The pinnacle of a career could be the position of a mine director,” explains Tinkov. - In this case, I would receive a thousand rubles and go to the "Volga". But already in my third year I was earning 10-15 thousand rubles a month, and the prospect of directorship did not attract me at all. He was able to get his first trading experience from his fellow students, including Oleg Zherebtsov (later founded the Lenta hypermarket chain), Oleg Leonov (Dixie) and Andrey Rogachev (Pyaterochka).

In 1995, Tinkov opened a chain of stores household appliances Technoshock, the MusicShock chain of stores and the SHOK-Records recording studio. In 1997, he sold these companies and started producing dumplings, creating the Daria company, and also opened a beer restaurant. In 2001, the Darya company was bought by the structures of Roman Abramovich, and in 2003 Tinkov built the first brewery. In mid-2005, the entrepreneur sold the brewing business to the Belgian concern InBev, and in 2009 the Scandinavian fund Mint Capital acquired the Tinkoff federal restaurant chain.

In 1999, Oleg Tinkov completed a marketing course at the University of Berkeley. “Because of the 1998 crisis, I had free time, I realized that I needed to learn business for real,” he wrote in his book.

Tinkov made the decision to create a credit card bank in 2005. In 2006, a deal was made to acquire the Russian Himmashbank, which was later renamed Tinkoff Credit Systems. This bank has no branches for clients - interaction is carried out through remote channels. Oleg Tinkov became chairman of the board of directors of the bank, in 2007 inviting Oliver Hughes, who had worked at Visa International for nine years, to the post of president. In the same year, the bank began mass issuing credit cards.

Oleg Tinkov belongs to a new generation of Russian entrepreneurs who prefer to create a business from scratch and then sell it to a larger company.

Tinkov is married and has three children.

He continues to engage in cycling: in 2006 he founded the only professional road cycling team with Russian roots, Tinkoff Credit Systems, which was based in Italy. After the sale in 2008, the team performs under the name "Katyusha Team".

He also enjoys freeriding, maintains a personal blog and has a Twitter account. In 2010, he released an autobiographical book, "I'm like everyone else." In 2011, the advertising slogan of the bank "Tinkoff Credit Systems" was a phrase from the song of the group "Kino" - "We will continue to act."

The biography of the modest wife of a Russian billionaire is not as well covered as that of many other rich people in Russia. This fact is not at all connected with the fact that Rina is unremarkable, but only with her natural modesty and meekness, which do not allow her to squander herself on numerous interviews and tell all the subtleties personal life. If someone watched the short film “One Day by Oleg Tinkov”, then most likely he noticed how Rina was hiding from the cameras and did not want to bathe in the glory of her husband.

Rina Tinkova. Where are the wives of Russian oligarchs born?

Rina Vosman was born in the working Estonian town of Kohtla-Jarve. Rina's father, Valentin Avgustovich Vosman, loved his daughter immensely, did not spare any money for her, but at the same time raised her to be economical and thrifty. After leaving school, her parents sent Rina to study in Russia, because then it was believed that Russian education was one of the most promising in the whole world.

Rina Vosman is the wife of Oleg Tinkov. Acquaintance

Estonian Rina Vosman met the future oligarch as a student in 1989.

Studying at the Leningrad Mining Institute was full of impressions connected not only with studies. It was never boring in the institute's dormitory; and often large companies gathered in the same room and collectively decided where to go in the evening: to the cinema, park or student disco. Once, at one of these discos, Rina met Oleg Tinkov, who mistakenly called her Irina all evening. A modest girl from a wealthy family did not seek communication with young people and was always rather skeptical about the courtship of guys; but that evening she herself felt some attraction to the self-confident and insanely energetic Oleg. Tinkov immediately drew attention to the tall, slender brunette beauty with a charming smile.

Girlfriends at the university told not only good things about Oleg Tinkov: “He is a black marketeer and spends all his money on entertainment and girls.” Rina from the very beginning of her acquaintance understood what kind of person sunk into her soul.

It is worth noting that the student Tinkov did not always have money, but he wanted to look after his beloved girl beautifully, therefore, as Oleg Yuryevich himself says, Rina became something of an incentive for him in the pursuit of wealth. Tinkov was especially strong in his intention when Rina began to pay for him in restaurants - this self-confident and proud farce could not stand.

Wife of Oleg Tinkov. Wedding after two decades

Rina and Oleg did not get married right away, although they began to live together while still students. Oleg Tinkov himself explains the reason that young people, after the birth of their daughter, and then two more sons, were in no hurry to legalize their relationship with the lack of time for a worthy marriage. Because of this, many relatives, close friends, and the public as a whole were very skeptical about the seriousness of Oleg Tinkov in relation to the chosen one. But the rumors were not destined to come true even after 20 years, which Oleg and Rina went hand in hand.

In the summer of 2009, Rina Vosman and Russian businessman and banker Oleg Tinkov finally got married. Despite the wealth of this couple, the wedding ceremony was very modest and was celebrated on Baikal, in Buryatia. 50 closest friends and relatives were invited. Everything was imbued with the spirit of romance, and the three Tinkov children in snow-white suits, carrying their mother's veil, looked especially touching.

Wedding, after such a long time of living together, becoming and career development from the very bottom, it only proves that Rina Vosman really loves this eccentric, quick-tempered and rather successful Russian businessman.

According to Forbes magazine, in the ranking of the richest Russian entrepreneurs in 2015, businessman Oleg Tinkov took 169th position. Compared to 2014, his fortune decreased by $0.9 billion, as a result of which he dropped 94 points on the list. What provided O. Tinkov with the presence in such a respected rating? And what causes wild fluctuations in his success rates? You will find answers to these questions in the material presented.

Steps to success

As a child, the future billionaire did not even think about high incomes, but, no doubt, he wanted to improve his standard of living. Oleg Yurievich made his first steps in business in his youth, when he was engaged in road cycling. Then, in times of general shortages, a guy from the family of a simple Soviet miner and seamstress traveled to Central Asia for sports camps and bought goods for fartsovka there. However, the career of a cyclist and a shuttle had to be interrupted due to military service.

After the army, Tinkov became a student at the Mining Institute in Leningrad, where, since 1989, he made money on speculation in jeans, perfumes and vodka. With the collapse of the USSR and the arrival of capitalist relations in Russia, he organized the Petrosib company in the 90s, which specialized in the sale of electrical equipment. Then Tinkov opened a network of wholesale stores "Technoshock", where expensive and high-quality equipment was presented. In 2000, he was the owner of the Daria company, which produces dumplings, and the Tinkoff company, which produces beer, he later sold the latter to the InBev corporation for $ 250 million.

Creation of Tinkoff Bank

Oleg invested part of the proceeds from the sale of the plant and the brand of the brewing company into the creation of an innovative bank. The businessman was attracted by the customer service model of Wells Fargo (USA) and Capital One, which rely only on issuing credit cards. This is how the commercial one appeared, which was called until 01/01/2015 Tinkoff Credit Systems (TCS).

It was this brainchild of Oleg Tinkov that was crowned greatest success. "Kommersant" - a serious analytical publication - with reference to monthly reporting TCS for the three quarters of 2009 reported that the bank increased its profits by more than 50 times. And this happened despite the outbreak of the global financial crisis. Simultaneously with the growth of income, it increased from 4.2 to 5.9 billion rubles. current loan portfolio. And it was shown very low level delay in accordance with international standards (5%).


In 2013, Tinkov's efforts led him to appear on the Forbes list. Then Oleg Yuryevich took 151st place among Russian entrepreneurs, having a capital of $ 700 million.

Important! The first listing of TCS shares on the London Stock Exchange in October 2013 became, according to Forbes, one of the largest deals of the year in Russia.

After investors valued the bank at $3.2 billion after the IPO, Tinkov's fortune grew to $1.4 billion. As a result, in 2014, the Russian businessman took 1210th place in world list Forbes and 75th - in Russian.

However, against the backdrop of the financial crisis, the bank's shares sank. The deterioration of the situation in the country's economy, the growth of overdue debts, the increase in expenses for reserves reduced the net profit of TCS in 2014 by 41%, and the financial results of 2015 provided Oleg Tinkov in the 169th place in the Forbes list. However, this circumstance for a businessman is rather an incentive for further growth than a reason for termination of activities.

Oleg Yurievich Tinkov was born on December 25, 1967, in the city of Leninsk-Kuznetsky (Kemerovo region) in the most ordinary mining family. The father of the future businessman worked as a miner, and his mother worked as a dressmaker in a local atelier. Oleg remembered that period of his life like this:

Our simple mining family lived modestly, but quite decently by the standards of Leninsk. Ordinary barracks were for eight families, and ours - for two, and even with a garden.

The conditions were considered quite normal, although there was no talk of convenience. No running water, no sewerage wooden toilet on the street 20 meters from the house, they went for water with two buckets to the pump 100 meters from the house.

In his school years, Oleg Tinkov began to take a serious interest in cycling and was very successful in it. He managed to win more than thirty races. He was a multiple champion of Kuzbass. Oleg was a member of the regional and regional national team. After a number of victories, he began to travel to training camps and competitions outside of Kuzbass (Anapa, Alushta, Sochi, Tashkent ...).

Before another trip to Leninabad, a teammate approached Oleg and said, “Take as much money with you as possible. There are goods there." Upon arrival, Tinkov and his friend went to the store and bought four pairs of Montana jeans (50 rubles each). Returning home, he sold them for 200 rubles apiece (4 times more expensive). After this earnings, Tinkov began to awaken the ability to entrepreneurship. But at that time it was called speculation, and a prison was threatened for such actions.

After graduating from 10 classes, Tinkov gets a job at the mine as an apprentice electrician for the repair of equipment (he repaired it in the workshop). While working at the mine, Oleg continued to train, hoping that he would be taken to SKA, which had only one place, and besides, the coach promised him that he would help him get there. Otherwise, the army was waiting for him. Unfortunately, Tinkov's hopes were in vain. The son of the Novosibirsk head of the SKA was taken to the competition.

In 1986, Tinkov leaves to serve in the army. To the border guard. He served one year in Nakhodka, after which he was transferred to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur.

In 1988, Tinkov returned home from the army and went to the mine to apply for a job. But soon he meets his former class teacher, who was taken to work as a director in a pioneer camp. She asked Oleg if he would like to have a summer vacation in a pioneer camp, and said:

You're an athlete, come to us as a physicist.

He thought it would be nice to have a rest before working in the mine, and agreed.

There he met his first love - Zhanna Pecherskaya, who worked part-time in the camp canteen. This meeting influenced the further fate of Oleg. So Tinkov recalls that time:

When I saw her in the dining room, I realized that all my foolishness was over. Fell in love at first sight.

Oleg and Zhanna were inseparable, so they always went together to visit their parents. One of these trips became fatal.

On June 28, 1988, we got into a yellow Ikarus (it departed directly from the central market in Leninsk-Kuznetsky) and drove to the village of Egozovo. Everyone sat down in their places, only the two of us stood on the back platform and kissed. The bus was traveling at great speed, it was being tossed up, I also noticed: why is it rushing so fast? Suddenly a blow, a rattle, and then I don’t remember anything ...

A KamAZ crashed into the bus at high speed. Zhanna flew out of the transport and died. And Tinkov that day and the kiss left a memory of himself in the form of a scar on his face.

After losing loved one It was difficult for Oleg to be in his hometown, as he often saw acquaintances of the deceased girl and her parents.

Mining Institute

When Tinkov learned from his friend that a street friend had entered the Leningrad Mining Institute, he decided to try to enter there too. And he succeeded. Not only students from the USSR studied at that institute, but from other countries (America, Germany, Asia). Visiting foreigners, in order to earn some money, coming to the institute after the holidays, took jeans, perfumes, and other scarce things with them and resold them at a higher price. Oleg bought goods from them and resold them again. He sold small batches in Leningrad, and drove larger ones to his native Leninsk-Kuznetsk, because there he was more expensive.

In the spring of 1989, Tinkov meets a girl from Estonia, whose name is Rina (future wife) and starts a serious relationship with her. In the autumn of the same year, young people go to Poland to Rina's relatives (grandparents).

Tinkov's businesses

While in Poland, Oleg learned that the cost of some goods there is several times more expensive than in Russia.

In Poland, everything that plugs into a socket was sold three times more expensive. We bought Raduga TVs at the Kozitsky Association store on Maly Prospekt of Vasilyevsky Island, I loaded them onto the train, went to Warsaw, sold them for $200 and returned.

In 1990, we complicated the scheme. All summer long, Rina lived and traded in Warsaw, and I dangled back and forth. I flew to Siberia, bought Taiga chainsaws for 200 rubles in different stores, took them to Kemerovo airport, paid for the overweight and flew to Leningrad. From the station he was carrying saws to Gavanskaya Street, where we rented a room in a communal apartment. The next day - to the station, a day on the train - and I'm in Warsaw. Logistics took a lot of time, but it was worth the candle: the Poles paid $ 200 for a chainsaw; with this money in Russia it was possible to take another six or seven pieces.

In the fall of 1990, Tinkov decides to quit his studies at the institute, having not completed his studies.

The decision followed logically from my then priorities. Why did I do it? I wanted to return to Leninsk-Kuznetsky and work as a site manager at one of the mines.

The pinnacle of a career could be the position of director of the mine. In this case, I would receive 1,000 rubles and drive a Volga. But I was ALREADY in my third year earning 10-15 thousand rubles a month, and the prospect of directorship did not attract me at all.

After a while, selling goods in Poland became not very profitable. In this regard, in the summer of 1991, Oleg begins to change his shuttle route. He carries various equipment, as well as cars from Siberia to St. Petersburg.

It was a rather dumb business, but it promised big profits and required a lot of time.

We flew to Novosibirsk and went to a flea market on the Gusino-Brodskoye Highway. Cars were sold there for 50 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg they could be sold for 80 thousand.

Thus, Tinkov accumulated a capital of 20-30 thousand dollars.

In the winter of 1992, Oleg learns from his friend about Singapore that it sells very cheap electronics. And goes there for the goods.

On his first trip, Tinkov took $10,000 with him, and there he bought calculators and other electronics (as much as he could physically carry). Returning to St. Petersburg, he sold everything for $20,000. The main profit was brought by calculators, they were bought for 5 - 8 $, and sold for 40 - 50 $.

The trade was quite successful, but since Oleg could bring and sell a certain number of goods, but he wanted more money, in 1993 he opens his first company called Petrosib. And he begins to sell various equipment (calculators, TVs, video cameras) in bulk to other companies. After a while, Tinkov realized that by selling goods at retail, you can earn much more than wholesale.

In 1994, he opened his first electrical engineering store in St. Petersburg under the name "Sony". This store brought a very good profit, especially for those times - $ 20 thousand every day. After opening the second store, Oleg thought about a single name for his chain of stores. She ended up being named "Technoshock".

In parallel with Technoshock, Oleg also opened the MusicShock chain of music stores, as well as the SHOK-Records recording studio (the Leningrad and Kiprpichi groups recorded on it).

In 1997, profits in stores began to decrease - Tinkov decides to sell all Petrosib networks. He sold it for $7 million.

In 1998, the entrepreneur became interested in the production of beer. But he did not have the necessary amount of funds to open the plant, and no one wanted to lend at interest. Almost everyone said “you sold equipment, what does beer production have to do with it”. Since Oleg could not open his own brewery, he decided to open a beer restaurant in St. Petersburg. He called him "Tinkoff".

On August 1, 1998, the opening of the restaurant took place. The institution almost immediately began to bring good profits ($ 15-20 thousand per day). It cost Tinkov $1.2 million.

This restaurant differed from others in that it brewed its own beer, and it was possible, sitting at your table, to observe the process of its production through a glass wall. It was also possible to try the drink without the use of pasteurization. This was not the case in any restaurant in Russia at that time. In addition, Tinkov was the first to use the term "live beer" in advertising for beer.

In the same year, Tinkov opens a company for the production of dumplings. He named her "Darya"- in honor of his daughter. It's been enough profitable business, since the cost of 1 kilogram of dumplings was one dollar, and they were sold for three.

We grew very quickly, aggressively gaining momentum. In 1999, we were selling three thousand tons of products per month. The monthly net profit was about 300 thousand dollars.

In addition to dumplings, other semi-finished products (dumplings, chebureks, cutlets, etc.) under other brands, such as Ravioli, Pitersky Smak, Three Little Pigs, Thick Kok.

Despite a fairly good profit from the business, in 2001 Tinkov sold his company Daria.

On the one hand, business monthly brought hundreds thousand dollars profit and that suited me. On the other hand, the dumplings market was worth a couple of hundred million dollars a year, and our share of it was already high. After studying at Berkeley, I began to understand what volume and market share are. In a large market, you can make good money with a share of three percent, but in a small one you need to be a powerful player. And then Andrey Beskhmelnitsky, manager of food assets of Roman Abramovich, called me and began to persuade me to sell the business.

Tinkov agreed to sell the business, but on the condition that the deal would take place personally with Abramovich. The meeting took place. Roman Abramovich was brief on it. Oleg named his price, which he wanted to receive for the business ($21 million). Abramovich did not bargain, but told his subordinates:

« Pay him.«

Net profit from Tinkov's dumpling business amounted to 14 million. The rest went to pay off debts.

Oleg decided to fulfill his old dream - to start a full-fledged production of his own beer under the brand Tinkoff.

By this time, he was already selling his beer in bottles, but in small batches. The fact is that in the St. Petersburg restaurant the equipment turned out to be so powerful that it was impossible to sell all the beer that was produced on it to customers on tap. In this regard, it was decided to launch a bottling line. The beer restaurant began to produce up to two thousand bottles a day. An advertisement for the product was released on TV for recognition of the product. After that, the beer immediately began to sell very well. The cost of one bottle was 30 cents, and was sold in bulk for $1.

In the spring of 2003, beer production was launched at the Tinkoff factory.

In 2005, Tinkoff had about 1% of the total beer market share in Russia. In the same year, Tenkov received an offer to buy a brewery from the Belgian company InBev. The deal went through, the company was sold for $201 million (Tinkov's net profit was about $80 million), and he also owned a chain of restaurants (he sold it in 2009).

In 2006, Tinkov decides to do banking. He acquires a small Moscow "Khimmashbank". In December of the same year, it was renamed to " Tinkoff Credit Systems". This bank differs from others in that it does not have its own branches, but it works with its customers via telephone and the Internet. He also uses direct mail and regular mail to distribute his credit cards.

Tinkov's banking business has become quite successful, despite the fact that he caught the financial crisis. According to the Kommersant newspaper, during the crisis year of 2009, the bank's profit increased more than 50 times.

Despite the fact that Tinkov has owned the bank for more than seven years, he is not going to sell it yet, as it is growing very well. The share of the bank, which belongs to Oleg, is 51%.

In 2013 the bank Tinkoff Credit Systems” buys the company “Moscow” from AlfaStrakhovanie and renames it to “ Tinkoff online insurance».

Tinkov's hobbies

Oleg is still fond of cycling. In 2006, he created the Russian cycling team "Tinkoff Credit Systems" and was part of it. In September 2008, he transferred the team to other sponsors (Itera, Gazprom and Russian Technologies became them, they renamed it Katyusha).

Tinkov is also fond of riding skiing, and not on prepared tracks (freeride).

Since 2009, he has been running the Business Secrets program.

Family status

Tinkov is married. Oleg met his wife Rina when he was studying at the Mining Institute. Since that time, he lived with her in a “civil marriage”. He married her 20 years after they met (in 2009). Oleg has three children: daughter Daria, son Pavel and Roman.

Tinkov's books

In 2010, Oleg released the book "I am like everyone else." In it you can find out a more detailed biography and business path of Tinkov.

In 2011, his book How to Become a Businessman was published.

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