How to develop critical thinking in children. Related Material: Critical Thinking Skills

  • 11.10.2019

Quite often, the term "critical thinking" is interpreted incorrectly, replaced by such concepts as creative thinking, the ability to draw logical conclusions, making sound decisions, and the ability to analyze information. In fact, the listed designations are not synonyms, but (except for the first one) are components of the process of critical thinking. The creative can be considered the antagonist of the critical. Therefore, such a substitution of concepts is inappropriate.

What is critical thinking and should it be developed?

Origin of the term

The word criticism is derived from the Greek kritike and literally translates as "the ability to disassemble or judge" (to form an opinion based on facts).

Such a human ability as thinking has been studied by various sciences for many years (logic, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, pathopsychology, neuropsychology). In general, the thought process can be defined as the ability to achieve a goal in a motivated way through a system of certain actions and planning with a predictable result. Naturally, depending on the science that considers or studies thinking, the definitions of this phenomenon will also change. For the correct interpretation of the term "critical thinking", it is enough to understand that this is a special human activity with a certain structure and types.

From all of the above, we can derive a definition: what is critical thinking. proposed his own formulation, in which he described one of the types of intellectual activity with an objective approach to the surrounding reality and information flows. This human ability is based on a system of rules and actions.


Before listing the ways of developing critical thinking, it is necessary to describe the features inherent in this type:

  1. One of the key features is independence in conclusions, assessments of phenomena and objects and beliefs. This is the ability to extract and analyze information based on one's own personal experience and well-known problem solving schemes. From here than fuller information about the problem being solved and the more diverse the palette of ways to solve the problem, the more reliable the result will be predicted (bypassing the established stereotypes of people).
  2. One more hallmark can be considered attitude to information: its discovery, analysis, selection and application. A person who knows how to extract the necessary grains from any information and establish connections with an object of interest can cope with problems of any level.
  3. Signs can also be considered the formulation of the right questions, which, as you know, represent the solution of half the problem, and the development of a strategy for solving the problem.
  4. An important feature is the exhaustive argumentation, rationalization and reasonable and justified arguments.
  5. One head is good, but two is even better. Another sign is the consideration of social factors in solving the problem, because therefore, debates and discussions are an acceptable form of work to achieve the goal.

How to develop critical thinking using well-known techniques without outside help? It is enough to practice daily until this process becomes a way of life.

Skill Development Techniques

Because of a large number methods of developing critical thinking, it is not possible (and necessary) to list everything. Therefore, it is enough to list the most popular of them and dwell on the description of those that are effectively used.

How to develop critical thinking on your own? Popular tricks include:

  1. "Clusters".
  2. "Basket of Ideas".
  3. "Reverse logical chains".
  4. "True and False Statements".
  5. "Six Hats"
  6. Fishbone.
  7. "Sinquain".
  8. "Flight Magazines".
  9. "RAFT".
  10. "Tree of Predictions"
  11. "Marginal Notes".
  12. "Question of the day".


It is good to use the technique when systematizing the obtained information and establishing links between phenomena.

The principle of building a cluster is based on the structure model solar system. The question or problem of interest takes the position of the Sun. All other information is located on the positions of the planets of the solar system with their satellites.


Another method of systematizing information and finding the optimal solution to a problem is Fishbone.

His help on how to develop critical thinking is undeniable. Reception is displayed in the form of a fish skeleton. The head and tail are denoted as the problem and its solution, respectively. On the edges are the causes of the problem and the facts confirming them. This technique allows you to identify the relationship of problems and the system of their interaction.


This technique is good for working on oral speech, the development of rhetoric and the skill of persuasion. The name is formed from the first letters of the words - Role, Audience, Form, Theme. This technique involves discussing a topic on behalf of a certain character (role), for an audience (a certain level of needs), in a pre-selected form (dialogue, story, anecdote, etc.) of narration and a given number of topics.

"Six Hats"

How to develop critical thinking with hats? Acceptance is also suitable for independent work, and for working with an audience (both large and not so). The number of hats corresponds to certain views on the problem. Colors are assigned to certain elements:

  • white - facts;
  • yellow - opportunities;
  • blue - meaning;
  • green - creative;
  • red - emotions;
  • black - criticism.

It can be seen that the consideration of the problem is complex, from different positions, which allows you to make the most acceptable and rational decision.

"Tree of Predictions"

A technique for developing the ability to reasonably and reasonably make forecasts on a given topic.

The theme is represented by a tree trunk. Forecasts (possibly, probably) - branches on two sides. Arguments are leaves on branches. In this way, it is possible not only to compile a probabilistic model of the development of the situation, but also to determine the decisive factors in the current situation.

in the education system

Modern education is too concentrated on the learning process itself, which is reflected in the excessive enthusiasm for (necessary and not so) technologies. Fundamentally, the use of technologies practically does not change anything (except for the names of the parts of the lesson, according to the requirements of the technology, ZUNs - competencies, etc.). As a result, the student must memorize certain material. True, the use of developing puzzles in a certain dosage in the lessons is welcome. This type of activity brings variety to the strictly regulated life of the student. Indeed, in order to find the answer to the question of how to assemble a puzzle, it is required to mobilize all knowledge, skills, and independence in achieving the goal.

In order for the technology for the development of critical thinking not to look like a decorative addition to school life, it is necessary to change the education system itself. And this is almost impossible to do in the near future.

Many elements of critical thinking are often used in the lessons (question of the day, etc.), but the basis remains a mystery behind seven seals.

Instead of a conclusion

The development of critical thinking is available for a person from about 5-6 years old. Until that time, not yet developed enough and nervous system and certain parts of the brain are not formed. For an older preschooler, the solution to the question: "How to assemble a puzzle?" - and there is this development. Expands for lower receptions. And for middle and senior students, the whole palette of methods for developing critical thinking is available.

Adults can independently, as needed or for self-examination, use the listed techniques. In addition, the use of critical thinking in Everyday life helps to keep the brain youthful for many years. On the other hand, it is critical thinking that allows a person to remain a Personality, that is, not to succumb to the provocations of a well-established system for managing public opinion.

It is impossible to talk about the comprehensive development of the personality, forgetting about one element, without which conscious and productive development is impossible - critical thinking. To recall a well-known expression, it is better to teach a person to fish so that he can provide himself with food than to feed him once. So, critical thinking is an orientation system that allows a person to see the "blank spots" in his development himself and direct him along the right course. The ability to analyze and make choices is an integral part of a developed personality, without which it will be forced to rely on the opinions of authorities and experts all the time. So the first condition comprehensive development personalities - the presence of critical thinking.

How to develop critical thinking

In the process, gaining critical thinking is a powerful impetus that helps you get closer to your own and move on to a qualitatively new level consciousness. As you may have guessed by now, developing critical thinking is not easy. However, the one who has a plan to achieve it and is doomed to. I offer you such a plan, which includes 9 strategies for developing critical thinking - it is focused on versatile work over a long period of time. By experimenting with different strategies, you will see that it is possible to achieve critical thinking at any age.

Critical Thinking Development Strategies

№1. Use the time which you usually waste. All people waste some amount of time for nothing - not using it for productive activities or. The first strategy for developing critical thinking suggests using this time for introspection: at the end of the day, instead of mindlessly flipping through the TV channels, evaluate your day, the flaws and virtues that you showed during the day. To do this, answer yourself the following questions:

  • What was the worst example of my thinking today?
  • When did I use thinking to the maximum?
  • What exactly was I thinking about today?
  • Have I allowed negative thinking to take over today?
  • What would I do differently if I could relive today? Why?
  • Did I do something today that brought me closer to achieving my long-term goals?
  • Did I act on my own?

It is important to give yourself a little time for each question - this is how analytical thinking develops, from which critical thinking grows. Keeping daily notes will reveal your thinking patterns by highlighting recurring reactions over a period of time.

№2. One problem per day. Every morning, on your way to work or school, choose a problem that you will work on today. Define the logic of the problem and its elements: what is the exact problem, how does it relate to my values, goals and needs?

Problem work plan:

  • Formulate it as clearly and clearly as possible.
  • Examine the problem: is it under your control or do you have no control over it? What actions will you face in solving it? Choose those problems that you can do something about now and put off those that are beyond your control.
  • Actively seek the information you need to solve the problem.
  • Carefully analyze the information, interpret it and draw reasonable conclusions.
  • Find out your options - what can you do to solve the problem in the short and long term?
  • Assess the options for action based on their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Determine a strategy for solving the problem and stick to it to the end.
  • As you begin to act, monitor the situation: the consequences of your actions will appear, more and more information will appear about your problem, so be ready to reconsider your strategy at any time.

№3. Develop intelligence. Every week work on developing one of the intellectual standards: clarity of thought, logic, etc. For example, if you are working on attention, for a week, record how attentive you are, whether you can always concentrate when it is required, whether the people around you are attentive.

No. 4. Lead smart diary. Make journal entries each week using the following format:

  1. Describe the situation that was most important to you (emotionally significant) during this week.
  2. Describe your reaction to this situation as specifically and accurately as possible.
  3. Now analyze, based on what you wrote, what is actually happening, what are the roots of this situation. Get deep into it.
  4. Evaluate the results of the analysis - what new did you learn about yourself? What would you do differently if you were to relive this situation?

In the world we face a lot of difficulties, which means that we need people who will question the ideas that are presented as facts. We need those who will ask difficult and "uncomfortable" questions, who will carefully consider decisions and evaluate their impact on their own and others' lives. Our world needs strong people with critical thinking.

During my doctoral studies, I spent 4 years looking for an answer to the question of whether innovative approaches to teaching help develop the skill of critical thinking. I am convinced that this is one of the most important skills and needs to be paid attention to in the system. higher education. At the same time, as a parent, I believe that it is necessary to start working on this long before the child enters the university.

Learning to think critically and make decisions is a lifelong task. We cannot expect children to acquire these skills instantly. However, we can sow seeds that will germinate and help them master integrated thinking when they get older. Here's how to do it.

Create a trusting environment

Children need to feel that they are being listened to. Invite them to participate in making family decisions, teach them to ask questions to adults - for example, doctors and teachers - without fear that the question will seem stupid to others.

Praise them for their curiosity, put off other things to keep the discussion going. Show that you appreciate their thoughts. If the child seems to have drawn the wrong conclusion, do not speak directly about it. Better ask if he considered other points of view.


Sometimes children just want an answer from us, but in some cases it is useful to answer a question with a question. For example, my six-year-old son asks, "Why don't you buy me a gun?" I can start a long monologue about the importance of gun control, or I can ask him what he thinks the ban is about.

After listening to his guesses, I can find more accurate words for the discussion, and also help the child realize that he is able to answer his own questions and form an opinion.

Meet the new

Try to show the children the world. For example, I take a child to the polls and explain why I vote for this or that candidate. I try not to complicate and overload it with details, but I tell how I made this decision.

Also, we live in a predominantly white area, so my son has a bit of a grudge against children of a different skin color. Therefore, I am looking for other ways to show him diversity - for example, through books and TV shows. If he notices a person with a different skin color or with a disability, I don't say, "Shh, don't talk about it!" No, I help him formulate the question correctly and figure everything out.

Support intellectual and emotional development

Critical thinking and discussion are emotionally costly processes. Of course, it is important to ask children the right questions and encourage them to find their own answers. However, sometimes they are too tired for that. Be attentive to their emotions: sometimes you just need to help them find the right solution.

When standing in front of a child complex issue, help him sort out his feelings: “Does it seem to you that you are completely confused? If you want, we can take a break and come back to the conversation later.” It is also important to recognize own feelings: “It’s not easy to figure it out, right? Sometimes I myself can not decide what to do, and it makes me sad. But I know that I don't have to make a decision right now, and that helps me."

I want my children to find new ways to interpret accepted theories.

An important element of critical thinking is the ability to understand the emotions of others. We can develop it in children if we teach them to put themselves in the place of another. “It seems that picking an apple from someone else's tree is nonsense. But imagine: you looked out the window and saw that someone was picking our apples. What would you feel?

Knowing how to develop critical thinking helps you improve in your professional field, learn to approach any job creatively and reduce the risk of being deceived. The methods, techniques and methods are described below. critical analysis.

Critical Thinking: What is it?

Any knowledge of the world around developed person involves the following processes:

  1. Getting new information.
  2. Processing of received information.

The first process is carried out by absolutely any of us, regardless of age and level of education.

Important! Wherever we are and whatever we do, we receive some information from the outside and either accept it as a fact or evaluate it.

At the stage of acquiring any skills, whether it is learning a new language or getting acquainted with the principle of operation of an internal combustion engine, you must first passively memorize a new one. However, a person who takes everything and always “on faith” runs the risk of becoming a victim of deception and manipulation, both in the professional and personal spheres.

Passive acceptance does not require a lot of energy, while critical thinking has two aspects:

  1. The ability to doubt. Information coming to a person is not initially accepted as true and therefore requires verification for authenticity.
  2. Ability to evaluate. A person compares new information with what he already knows. Based on his personal experience, he evaluates how new information is relevant, truthful and interesting.

Thinking critically means not only being skeptical about everything that surrounds us, but also thinking creatively. Ordinary skepticism based on rejection and denial has nothing to do with critical analysis. The latter involves deep mental work, the purpose of which is the search for truth, and not denial as such.

Critical Thinking Methods

In order to improve their own ability to approach critically received from outside world information, you can use the following methods:

Extraction of key thoughts from a book, article

When reading a literary, journalistic or scientific text, underline the phrases that seem to you the main ones, and then collect them together and analyze.

Construction of syncwines

Cinquain is an exercise that involves creating a small text according to strictly established rules. First, a noun is written - the topic of analysis, then two adjectives are written under it, under adjectives - three verbs. On the 4th line write a phrase that reveals the main idea of ​​the topic. On the 5th, final line, there should be one noun summing up what has been said.

Sinkwine example:

  • Studies
  • interesting, difficult
  • Learn, evaluate, develop
  • Education helps build a successful career
  • Profession

Try to form similar short texts to the problems that need to be solved. The word in the last line should reflect the summary of the information described in the rest of the syncwine.

Fact Check

Whoever the information comes from (from your boss or from a neighbor on the landing), do not accept it as the truth, but do not reject it either. Check the authenticity of the facts from reliable sources.

Advantages and disadvantages

This is a general psychological technique aimed at making a decision. If you are faced with a choice, write in the left column the pros that you will gain in the event of a positive decision, and in the right column - the cons and their consequences. Analyze the results.

Work for the result

Before you start learning new skills and abilities, write down the questions you want answered, then check to see if you have achieved your desired goals.

The development of critical thinking in the classroom in elementary school

With kindergarten and most people are trained in schools to accept the undoubted authority of their elders. Children are often required to memorize and absorb new information. On the one hand, this is not so bad, because the passive acquisition of knowledge must precede the formation of one's own opinion.

On the other hand, the excessive authoritarianism of teachers can lead to the fact that the student simply disappears the need to doubt. Important! Developing critical analysis skills does not involve imposing one's point of view or disrespecting elders.

On the contrary, a teacher who knows how to create space for creative mental work enjoys great authority.

Teaching critical thinking is more effective in game forms. AT primary school The following pedagogical techniques can be used to develop children's ability to think critically:

  1. If a student makes a mistake in an oral task, the teacher asks the others if they agree with his answer. If someone disagrees, the teacher asks to explain why. At the same time, the teacher must tell the student who has made a mistake that there is nothing to worry about, because only by making mistakes can we truly learn something new.
  2. Give tasks to search for false or erroneous information. The exercise can be framed in the form of "bad advice" from some character, for example, 1. Alina believes that when someone treated you to candy, you should not say "thank you". 2. Maxim thinks that if the traffic light is red, he needs to cross the road. 3. Sasha believes that all girls are stupid and therefore they need to be pulled by pigtails.
  3. Encourage students to identify positive and negative sides some event. For example, the situation "It's cold and it's snowing." What's good about this weather? What's wrong? Answers should be written in two columns.
  4. Before the class starts, the teacher writes his plan on the board.. At the end of the lesson, the teacher asks students questions about the topic of the lesson and asks if the lesson was in line with the specified fee and what else they would like to know about this topic. Students should feel that it is important for the teacher not only to give new material but also have feedback.

Self improvement

How to develop critical thinking? Psychology of critical thinking

October 18, 2017

Quite often, the term "critical thinking" is interpreted incorrectly, replaced by such concepts as creative thinking, the ability to draw logical conclusions, making sound decisions, and the ability to analyze information. In fact, the listed designations are not synonyms, but (except for the first one) are components of the process of critical thinking. The creative can be considered the antagonist of the critical. Therefore, such a substitution of concepts is inappropriate.

What is critical thinking and should it be developed?

Origin of the term

The word criticism is derived from the Greek kritike and literally translates as "the ability to disassemble or judge" (to form an opinion based on facts).

Such a human ability as thinking has been studied by various sciences for many years (logic, psychology, linguistics, philosophy, pathopsychology, neuropsychology). In general, the thought process can be defined as the ability to achieve a goal in a motivated way through a system of certain actions and planning with a predictable result. Naturally, depending on the science that considers or studies thinking, the definitions of this phenomenon will also change. For the correct interpretation of the term "critical thinking", it is enough to understand that this is a special human activity with a certain structure and types.

From all of the above, we can derive a definition: what is critical thinking. Lev Semenovich Vygotsky proposed his own formulation, in which he described one of the types of intellectual activity with an objective approach to the surrounding reality and information flows. This human ability is based on a system of rules and actions.


Before listing the ways of developing critical thinking, it is necessary to describe the features inherent in this type of intellectual activity:

  1. One of the key features is independence in conclusions, assessments of phenomena and objects and beliefs. This is the ability to extract and analyze information based on personal experience and known problem solving schemes. Hence, the more complete the information about the problem being solved and the more diverse the palette of ways to solve the problem, the more reliably the result will be predicted (bypassing the established stereotypes of people).
  2. Another distinguishing feature can be considered the attitude to information: its discovery, analysis, selection and application. A person who knows how to extract the necessary grains from any information and establish connections with an object of interest can cope with problems of any level.
  3. Signs can also be considered the formulation of the right questions, which, as you know, represent the solution of half the problem, and the development of a strategy for solving the problem.
  4. An important feature is the exhaustive argumentation, rationalization and reasonable and justified arguments.
  5. One head is good, but two is even better. Another sign is the consideration of social factors in solving the problem, because truth is born in a dispute. Therefore, debates and discussions are an acceptable form of work towards achieving the goal.

How to develop critical thinking with the help of known techniques without outside help? It is enough to practice daily until this process becomes a way of life.

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Skill Development Techniques

Due to the large number of methods for developing critical thinking, it is not possible (and necessary) to list everything. Therefore, it is enough to list the most popular of them and dwell on the description of those that are effectively used.

How to develop critical thinking on your own? Popular tricks include:

  1. "Clusters".
  2. "Basket of Ideas".
  3. "Reverse logical chains".
  4. "True and False Statements".
  5. "Six Hats"
  6. Fishbone.
  7. "Sinquain".
  8. "Flight Magazines".
  9. "RAFT".
  10. "Tree of Predictions"
  11. "Marginal Notes".
  12. "Question of the day".


It is good to use the technique when systematizing the obtained information and establishing links between phenomena.

The principle of building a cluster is based on a model of the structure of the solar system. The question or problem of interest takes the position of the Sun. All other information is located on the positions of the planets of the solar system with their satellites.


Another method of systematizing information and finding the optimal solution to a problem is Fishbone.

His help on how to develop critical thinking is undeniable. Reception is displayed in the form of a fish skeleton. The head and tail are denoted as the problem and its solution, respectively. On the edges are the causes of the problem and the facts confirming them. This technique allows you to identify the relationship of problems and the system of their interaction.


This technique is good for working on oral speech, the development of rhetoric and the skill of persuasion. The name is formed from the first letters of the words - Role, Audience, Form, Theme. This technique involves discussing a topic on behalf of a certain character (role), for an audience (a certain level of needs), in a pre-selected form (dialogue, story, anecdote, etc.) of narration and a given number of topics.

"Six Hats"

How to develop critical thinking with hats? Reception is suitable for independent work, and for working with an audience (both large and not so). The number of hats corresponds to certain views on the problem. Colors are assigned to certain elements:

  • white - facts;
  • yellow - opportunities;
  • blue - meaning;
  • green - creative;
  • red - emotions;
  • black - criticism.

It can be seen that the consideration of the problem is complex, from different positions, which allows you to make the most acceptable and rational decision.

"Tree of Predictions"

A technique for developing the ability to reasonably and reasonably make forecasts on a given topic.

The theme is represented by a tree trunk. Forecasts (possibly, probably) - branches on two sides. Arguments are leaves on branches. In this way, it is possible not only to compile a probabilistic model of the development of the situation, but also to determine the decisive factors in the current situation.

Technologies for the development of critical thinking in the education system

Modern education is too concentrated on the learning process itself, which is reflected in the excessive enthusiasm for (necessary and not so) technologies. Fundamentally, the use of technologies practically does not change anything (except for the names of the parts of the lesson, according to the requirements of the technology, ZUNs - competencies, etc.). As a result, the student must memorize certain material. True, the use of developing puzzles in a certain dosage in the lessons is welcome. This type of activity brings variety to the strictly regulated life of the student. Indeed, in order to find the answer to the question of how to assemble a puzzle, it is required to mobilize all knowledge, skills, and independence in achieving the goal.

In order for the technology for the development of critical thinking not to look like a decorative addition to school life, it is necessary to change the education system itself. And this is almost impossible to do in the near future.

Many elements of critical thinking are often used in the lessons (question of the day, etc.), but the basis remains a mystery behind seven seals.

Instead of a conclusion

The development of critical thinking is available for a person from about 5-6 years old. Until that time, the nervous system has not yet been developed enough and certain parts of the brain have not been formed. For an older preschooler, the solution to the question: "How to assemble a puzzle?" - and there is this development. For younger students, the set of techniques is expanding. And for middle and senior students, the whole palette of methods for developing critical thinking is available.

Adults can independently, as needed or for self-examination, use the listed techniques. In addition, the use of critical thinking in everyday life helps to keep the brain young for many years. On the other hand, it is critical thinking that allows a person to remain a Personality, that is, not to succumb to the provocations of a well-established system for managing public opinion.