Morphemic analysis. Morphemic parsing of words

  • 25.09.2019

A morpheme is the smallest indivisible meaningful part of a word that serves to form new words and forms. Analyze the composition and purpose of morphemes in the composition specific word allows .

Order of morpheme parsing

1. Morphemic is made over the form of the word that is present in the task text. The word is written out without changes, it is determined to which part of speech it belongs, whether this part of speech is changeable or unchangeable.

2. If the word is changeable, inflection or is determined. To determine the ending, you need to change the word (subject to declension, conjugation). It must be remembered that the ending is a variable part of the word; invariable parts of speech, such as gerunds, some nouns and, as well as service parts of speech, cannot have an ending!

3. The basis of the word is determined and highlighted - part of the word without an ending.

4. Stands out. Single-root (related) words are selected for the word. It should be remembered that the roots can be homonymous, and it is necessary to carefully monitor what exactly the word has. So, for the word "braid" in the meaning of "female", words such as "mower" and "mow" cannot be indicated as cognates. In this sense, the same-root words will be "braid", "pigtail" and even "cosmos".

5. Other word-forming and formative parts of the word are distinguished: prefixes (prefixes), suffixes (affixes and postfixes), connecting vowels (interfixes). With each of them, words formed in the same way are selected.

The difference between morphemic parsing and word parsing by composition

Some sources indicate morphemic analysis and composition as identical. But it is not so. There are a number of significant differences between the two analyzes.

For morphemic parsing, the form of the word is taken unchanged, for parsing by composition, the initial form of the word is used. For example, for the verb "did" the initial form is "to do".

In word-formation analysis, it is indicated whether the word is derivative, i.e. derived from another or not, this is not required in morphemic parsing.

In word-formation analysis, it is necessary to indicate the method, and not to select words formed using the same prefixes and suffixes as in morphemic.

The difference between morphemic parsing and morphological parsing

Sometimes they confuse morphemic and. This is a gross mistake. In morphological analysis, the word is considered as a part of speech, the grammatical categories inherent in it are analyzed. In morphemic analysis, only the morphemes that make up the word are subjected to analysis.

Morphemic analysis is the analysis of a word by composition. The procedure is as follows: first, the ending, the formative suffix is ​​highlighted, then the stem of the word (not to be confused with the root), the prefix, the suffix, and at the very end, the root is highlighted.


In grammar, there are two approaches to the division of the basis - structural and semantic. In fact, the approaches are opposite to each other. Structural morphemic prefix, suffix and ending. This method often leads to errors due to external different parts the words. A structural approach is much more correct - suffixes and prefixes are first “removed” from the word and the root is isolated at the end.

The end of the word form "jumper" -a. It expresses the grammar of the singular.

The invariable part of the word is jumper-. She is the basis of the word. The noun "jumper" is formed from

At school and at the philological faculties of universities, morphemic analysis is one of the most difficult types of language analysis. Students should be able to isolate morphemes correctly, know their meanings, be able to accurately divide a word into parts in order to make a morphemic analysis of a word without errors. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word. In fact, when doing morpheme analysis, you parse the word by composition, designating all its parts with special icons. This analysis is not easy to do. Certainly on initial stage When doing homework, you can use a special dictionary, parse words according to it. However, on control work, exams will still need to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, do morphemic analysis on their own. To do this, you need to practice a lot, remember the basic principles and features of morphemic analysis, and perform it according to the algorithm. It is also desirable to know at least the main groups of morphemes, morphemes characteristic of specific parts of speech. This mainly concerns suffixes, since it is with their selection that difficulties most often arise: it is difficult to correctly draw a line between them, designate a morpheme accurately, and not confuse it with a similar one. It is enough to be well versed in the main groups of morphemes, the nuances of parsing, to do it carefully in order to minimize the possibility of errors.

We perform morphemic analysis of the word: the main nuances and stages
First, do morphemic analysis on a draft. Only after completing it and checking the result, you can rewrite everything to a clean copy. You will need to write out the word itself, analyze it, perhaps in several versions. Pick up words with the same root and write them side by side, preferably in a column. When a word is difficult enough to parse, you need to write down as many check single-root units as possible, highlight morphemes in them. Work carefully, do not get distracted, be equally attentive to any word, even if it seemed to you quite simple to parse. Very often mistakes are made in light, short words, in which there are few parts. In order to make a morphemic analysis of a word without errors, you must always perform it carefully and check yourself. Consider the stages of morphemic parsing.
  1. First you need to highlight the ending in the word. In some educational institutions, it is practiced to highlight the stem of a word as the first stage of analysis, but most scientists believe that it is necessary to designate the ending in the first place. There are nuances associated with it that you need to pay attention to. The ending is highlighted by circling it with a rectangular frame.
  2. After marking the end of the word, you can select its stem. It is underlined, and separated from the sides by short vertical lines. In school textbooks, you could already read the traditional definition of a stem: part of a word without an ending. However, this is not entirely true. The basis of the verb does not include not only the ending, but also formative suffixes in verbs. Remember these suffixes:
    • past tense suffix –l-;
    • suffixes of an indefinite form –ty, -ty.
    For example, having highlighted the stem in the word smiled, do not forget to break the solid line under the suffix -l- and mark the ending and with a square.

    In order not to confuse the stem and the ending, always highlight it accurately, each time pay special attention to the verbs of the past tense, indefinite form, remember the nuances of their analysis.

  3. At the third stage, having highlighted the ending and the stem, you will need to correctly find the root of the word. There are different parsing methods: some suggest that you first identify the root, and someone thinks that it is better to highlight all the suffixes and prefixes. Then the root itself will be the last significant part of the word, carrying its main meaning. It all depends on the complexity and length of the word, the number of morphemes in it. In most cases, students analyze words with a moderate number of morphemes. Such words should be parsed traditionally, highlighting the root at the third stage. If the word is really very complex, it combines several suffixes, prefixes at once, it is worth starting to parse them, and lastly designate the root. To correctly find the root, pick up as many words with the same root as possible. Try not to miss the right words, otherwise the root will be too long, you will mistakenly include a prefix or suffix in it. The root is distinguished from above by a curved line resembling a rounded “lid”.
  4. When you already know the stem, ending and root, in most cases it is advisable to start isolating the prefix. Usually there are no problems with this part of the word. It must be drawn from above with a straight line, draw down a small vertical line that will separate the prefix from the root.
  5. Often the most crucial stage is the selection of suffixes. Try to remember the main types of suffixes, their groups, in order to designate them not at random, but using specific knowledge, to make a morphemic analysis of the word accurately. The suffix is ​​distinguished by drawing a pointed “lid” above it.
A number of features of the allocation of morphemes. Common morphemes

Morphemic analysis must be done carefully. Remember a few basic nuances of parsing and the most common morphemes.

  1. Pay attention to highlighting the ending. Many words need to be marked with a zero ending: you will need to put a box, leaving an empty space in it. These are words in which there is no ending, but it can appear if the word is put in a different form. Do not forget that not all words have a zero ending. Learn groups of words that do not have the so-called "unreplaced place" ending:
    • gerunds (having done);
    • adverbs (far away);
    • verbs in indefinite form (solve);
    • invariable nouns (coffee).
  2. Be careful about highlighting the endings of verbs. They often appear in the middle of a word, but are not included in the stem. For example: smiles, ending -no-.
  3. Carefully use the “matryoshka” morpheme extraction method, when you gradually “free” the root of the word from suffixes and prefixes, choosing words with the same root. Try to define the parts of the word objectively, do not try to find as many morphemes as possible. The meaning of the word, its meaning in a particular fragment of the text, plays an important role. Whole line words, although they have an etymological relationship, in the modern Russian language have long diverged in meaning and are not of the same root. Look at the examples:
    • to beware - to guard;
    • attract - attracted;
    • air is spirit;
    • explore - trace.
    In all pairs, the words are related in meaning, but only one pair is really the same root words. If you think about their meanings, refer to explanatory dictionaries, then you can easily select the right pair: attract - attracted. These words are of the same root, because they mean the same action. Words from other pairs have long diverged in their meanings. When you have any doubts, be sure to check the dictionaries. You can take an explanatory dictionary, as well as Tikhonov's word-building dictionary.
  4. In some cases, you will need to partially transcribe a word, that is, make its phonetic analysis in order to correctly determine the boundaries of morphemes. This must be done in cases where the letters e, e, u, i find themselves in certain positions and break up into two sounds, one of which is y. Carefully analyze this sound in order to correctly attribute it to the root or suffix.
  5. First, remember the most common suffixes characteristic of different parts of speech, their formation:
    • -l- - past tense suffix of the verb (invented, ran away);
    • -yash-, -usch-, -ash-, -yusch- suffixes forming participles (thinking, alluring);
    • -tel-, -ost-, -k- are very often found in nouns (driver, mouse, severity).
  6. Also write down an extended list of suffixes. Learn them in groups, according to the part of speech. Then it will be much easier for you to correctly select the suffix. The suffixes are already divided into parts of speech:
    • noun suffixes: -ushk-, -ishk-, -schik-, -chik-, -tel-, -ist-, -enk-, -onk-, -nick-, -k-, -ost-, -its- , -th-, -ek-, -from-, -search-;
    • characteristic suffixes of verbs: -yva-, -ova-, -eva-, -irova-, -nicha-, -izirova-, -stvo-;
    • adjectives: -sk-, -k-, -yn-, -in-, -onn-, -enn-, -in-, -n-, -yan-, -an-, aln-, -av-, - liv-, -ichn-, -ichesk-, -ev-, -ov-;
    • common participle suffixes: -usch-, -asch-, -yashch-, -yushch-, -vsh-, -sh-;
    • passive participles: -yonn-, -nn-, -enn-, -om-, -em-, -im-, -t-;
    • suffixes of gerunds: -a, -ya, -shi, -lice, -в.
Knowing the methods of word formation, the main features of the analysis and its sequence will help you to correctly make a morphemic analysis of a word.

In order to parse a word into morphemes, it is necessary to follow a certain plan. Morpheme analysis - the selection in the word of all morphemes - small compound words: root, suffix, ending, stem, prefix. The presence of all morphemes in a word is optional. First you need to write the word as it is given for parsing.

How to make a morphemic analysis of a word - definition of a part of speech

It is necessary to determine the part of speech of the word for which morphemic analysis is required. What type does it belong to: mutable or immutable.


  • noun;
  • numeral;
  • adjective;
  • verb;
  • pronoun.

Do not change:

  • union;
  • particles;
  • adverb;
  • interjection;
  • pretext.

How to make a morphemic analysis of a word - highlight the ending

If a word can change, then it has an ending.

  • We change the desired word (conjugate / decline) and determine the changing part at the end of the word (or before the postfix) - the ending. We denote the morpheme with a square icon.
  • The ending indicates a number, gender, case, or person. For example, the word plays has the ending -et, which indicates the 3rd person singular. verb play. Word knife a has the ending -a, which indicates the masculine singular. noun knife.
  • The ending can be not only at the end of the word. For example, before -ss and -those. In a word rolled a camping ending -a, in a word id eat those ending - eat.
  • A word can have a null ending. For example, in the words house, waiting null ending is also indicated by a box after the word.

How to make a morphemic analysis of a word - we denote the basis of the word

Stem - in modified words, part of the word, with the exception of the ending and the formative suffix.

Formative suffixes include:

  • suffixes of degrees of comparison in adj. and people ending in -o-, -e- (powerful - powerful-her, submissively - submissively-eysh-e);
  • past tense verb suffix -l- (waited, stole);
  • suffixes for indefinite verbs -t, -ti (sleep, carry);
  • suffixes forming participles -usch-, -yusch-, -ash-, -yash-, -vsh-, -sh-, -em-, -im-, -om-, -nn-, -enn-, -t - (sounding, studied, improved, led, stubborn, etc.);
  • suffixes of gerunds -uchi-, -yuchi, -v-, -a-, -ya-, -lice-, -shi- (playing, playfully, winning, resting).
  • these suffixes are not included in the stem of the word!

The stem in invariable words is the whole word (for example, the words low, thinking).

How to make a morphemic analysis of a word - select the root

  • The lexical meaning of the word is the root.
  • The word may have no root, have one or two roots, may have a zero root (in the word take out zero root).
  • To understand what root a word has, you need to find as many words with the same root as possible. An example of single-root words: frosty, rime, frost, freezer. All these words have a root -frost-.
  • The root is marked with the sign “arc”.

How to make a morphemic analysis of a word - we denote the remaining morphemes: prefixes and suffixes

  • The prefix is ​​always placed at the beginning of a word before the root.
  • There are three groups of prefixes: invariable prefixes (in-, before-, behind-, to-, over-, under-, re-, over-, under-, etc.), prefixes that end in -z and -s ( without- (bes-), voz- (vos-), times- (ras-), etc.) and prefixes pre- and pre-.
  • The prefix is ​​denoted by ¬.
  • The suffix is ​​placed after the root and before the ending.
  • Most of the suffixes are derivational (for example, the suffix -in- for the formation of possessive adjectives: sable - sable in oh, mouse - mouse in th)
  • The suffix is ​​denoted as - ^.

How to do morphemic parsing of a word - an example

Let's analyze the word into morphemes residents.

  • Word residents answers the question who? and is a noun.
  • The noun is a variable part of speech, so we find the ending. We are trying to change the word so that only the end of the word changes (we change either the number or the case): resident, inhabitant her. That is, we get that in our word the ending is -i. It points to the plural. I.p.
  • The basis of the word (without ending) is -resident-.
  • We select single-root words: loy, well be. We select the root -zhi-.
  • Only the suffix -tel remains, which is a word-forming noun for such nouns as gender-and-tel, pis-a-tel.

Morphemic parsing of a word is always carried out according to the same scheme. With practice, you can easily determine what morphemes a word consists of.

Parsing a word by composition is also called morphemic parsing.

First, the boundaries of the ending are determined by changing the form of the word (decline or conjugate the word). Then they figure out the part of speech, otherwise the analysis will be wrong. The part that changes is the end. It contains the grammatical meaning of the word.

Domik-om - noun T.p. and singular

Chern-omu - adjective m.r., singular and P.p.

Sailed-i - plural verb.

Endings can be multi-valued, the same ending expresses several different grammatical meanings(compare: glass-o - noun singular and glass-o - verb cf. and singular).

Polk-a - noun I.p. and singular

Knew-a - verb f.r. and singular

Beautiful - adjective f.r. and singular

The ending of a noun consists of one letter (earth-i, country-a, army-i, window-o, sea-e, meeting-e, subject-e) or it can be zero (table, horse, doctor, sparrow , genius , mouse , autumn ).

Ending an adjective or participle in full form consists of two letters, in short form it is reduced by one letter or becomes zero in the masculine form (blue-th, blue-oh, blue-th, blue-th, blue-her, blue-th; gentle, gentle , tender-o, tender-s).

The adjectives blue and fox are outwardly similar, but belong to different categories (first qualitative, second possessive) and answer different questions. And besides this, they still differ in their endings: in the word fox, the suffix -y stands out, and the ending is zero.

The ending of verbs is not so easy to distinguish. First you need to determine its shape. If it is an infinitive (initial form), then it does not change, that is, it does not have non-permanent features, which means it has no ending. In most cases, it is easily recognizable by special signs: -t, -ti, -ch (sail, carry, protect).

The past tense form of the verb is determined by the suffix -l- (sang, sang-a, sang-o, sang-and, laughed-sya, laughed-a-s, dared-o-s, laughed-and-s). Here you need to drop the postfix -sya or -sya, because the ending comes before it.

It is easy to remember the forms of the present and future tenses of the verb (the letters E, U, Yu are in the verbs of the I conjugation, and the letters I, A, I are in the verbs of the II conjugation): do, do, do, do; standing, standing, standing, standing.

V imperative mood the verb before the ending can be the suffix AND, and the ending TE: go-and-te, write-and-te (or cut, cut, take, stop).

We don’t analyze pronouns by composition at school, their root looks too strange (something, something).

Numerals have not one ending, but two at once, and one of them is in the middle of a word: seven hundred, seven-and-hundred, seven-u-st-ami, se-and-st-ah.

In gerunds, adverbs, categories of state, function words, interjections and onomatopoeias, we will not look for the ending at all, since these are unchangeable parts of speech.

After the end, we highlight the base of the word. It may coincide with the root (coast, mountain-a), and this is a non-derivative basis. It can include a prefix, a suffix (transition, demon-useful-n-th, house-ik) and be a derivative base.

The base is simple if it consists of one root (red), it becomes complex if it has several roots (pair-o-move). The basis contains the lexical meaning of the word. The basis also includes postfixes -sya, -sya. Then it becomes intermittent (laugh - the basis of the mixture). Interfixes (connecting vowels O-E): heat-o-run, bird-e-factory.

Every word has a root. This is the main part of the word, which is general meaning all single-root words (trav-a, grass-k-a, grass-ink-a, grass-yan-oh, grass-yan-ist-th). It often shows alternations of vowels and consonants (grow up - splicing - grew up; friend - friends - friendship).

A prefix is ​​a significant part of a word that is located before the root and serves to form new words and word forms. The prefix consists of one sound or several, both a vowel and a consonant (u-carried, s-sing, turned pink, taste, super-hero). More than one prefix can be found in a word: without-from-even, re-with-read.

Each prefix has its own meaning, it can be multi-valued, it is easy to pick up a prefix-synonym or antonym for it.

The prefix bes- has the meaning of absence (bes-order, infinity).

The prefix you- has a synonym for- (you-wash and wash).

The prefix v- has an antonym you- (to-push - you-push).

There are even prefixes-homonyms: they froze, they ran, they sat, they washed.

New words: not-happiness, is-write, useless.

Forms of the word: best, s-do.

And by their origin, prefixes are primordial and foreign: under-carry, counter-play.

Suffix - a significant part of the word, which is located after the root and serves to form new words and word forms. One word sometimes contains several suffixes: for-bol-e-va-em-ost. Some suffixes appear in different options: buffet-chik, glazier-schik.

Suffixes, like prefixes, also have lexical meaning, there are multi-valued suffixes, there are suffixes-synonyms and homonyms.

Suffixes -ek, -ik have a diminutive meaning: nut - nut-ek, house - house-ik.

Synonymous suffixes: glass-chik and newspaper-chik; teacher and switch.

Homonym suffixes: pig-in-a, straw-in-a, voice-in-a, scratch-in-a, shir-in-a.

New words: blue-ev-a, rain-living-th, captain-sk-th.

Forms of words: hush-e, beautiful-her, n-t, jump-l, run-vsh-th, see-in.

The order of parsing a word by composition

  1. Determine the part of speech.
  2. Indicate the end of the word (if any).
  3. Select base.
  4. Through a series of single-root words, find the root of the word, note the alternation of sounds.
  5. Install attachment or attachments.
  6. Set suffix or suffixes.

Sample word parsing by composition

weave- noun. singular, I.p., no weaving or weaving, ending E.

The basis of the "weave". Root words: weave, weave, weave. Root "weave".

The prefix is ​​re-used to form a new word.

The suffix -eni[j] is used to form a new word.


turned pink- verb, past tense, singular, m.p., zero ending.

The basis is “pink” (-l is a formative suffix). Root words: pink, pink. Rose root.

The prefix indicates the beginning of the action, serves to form a new word.

The suffix -ov- serves to form a new word.

The suffix -e- serves to form a new word.

Rose-ov-e-l Ø

Analyze the composition of the following words:




Chosen One

To disassemble a word according to its composition or to make its morphemic analysis means to indicate what morphemes it consists of. A morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a word.

Run Parse

The following morphemes exist in Russian:

  • root - the most important part of the word, carrying its meaning. Words with the same root have a common root. For example, the words "leaf", "leaf" and "foliage" have a common root - "leaf". There are words that consist only of the root - "mushroom", "metro", "island". It happens that there are two roots - “boat”, “waterfall”. It happens that there are three roots - do not be afraid - "water and mud bath". Repeat the rule that concerns connecting vowels, so as not to make mistakes in writing them;
  • suffix is ​​the significant part of the word. It is usually located after the root. Used to form new words. For example, in the word "teapot" "tea" is a root, "nick" is a suffix. There may be no suffixes in a word. Sometimes there are two suffixes - for example, in the word "boletus";
  • prefix - another significant part of the word. located in front of the root. The purpose is the same as that of the suffix - with its help new words are formed. In the word "suitable" "move" is the root, "under" is a prefix;
  • The ending is the variable part of the word. What is it for? To link words in a sentence;
  • A stem is a part of a word without an ending.

Each part of the word has a graphic designation. You can see how the parts of a word are indicated in a textbook on the Russian language, in a morphemic dictionary or on the Internet.

Rules and exceptions when parsing by composition

Parsing a word by composition online is not difficult if you know the rules by which it is done. At the initial stage, you can use a morphemic spelling dictionary - it will help you not to make mistakes.

The word must contain only the root - one or more. There are no words without a root. There are no words without a foundation. But words without suffixes, prefixes or endings are very common. This should not be surprising.

It often happens that the whole word is a stem. This happens, for example, with adverbs. They are invariable parts of speech. The word "fast" has no ending ("o" in the word is a suffix), and therefore the whole word will be the basis.

Tikhonov's word-building dictionary will help the student in conducting morphemic analysis. This textbook contains information about the composition of 100 thousand words of the Russian language. The dictionary is convenient to use, and during the period of study in primary school it should become your reference book.

Those who have the skills to work on the Internet will find useful resources where you can do a morphemic analysis of a word online. Train if the classes at school in the Russian language lessons are not enough for you.

Brief cheat sheet (plan) on morphemic word parsing

Morphemic analysis consists of the following steps:

  1. Determine what part of speech the word belongs to. To do this, ask him a question. Let's take the word "travel" as an example. It answers the question "what?".
  2. First of all, you need to find the ending in the word. To do this, you need to change it several times. Let's change it several times - "before the trip", "on the trip". We see that the changing part is "a". This is the ending.
  3. Parsing the word by composition continues with the definition of the root. Let's pick up the same-root words - "train", "moving". Let's compare these words - the part of "rides" does not change. This is the root.
  4. Find out which prefix is ​​in the word. To do this, we analyze once again the same-root words - “train”, “entrance”. Accordingly, in the word "trip" the prefix "by".
  5. The final stage is finding out where the suffix is ​​in the word. The letter “k” remains, which comes after the root and serves to form the word. This is the suffix.
  6. We designate all parts of the word with the corresponding symbols.

Examples of morpheme parsing

For the example below, words with the most interesting options breakdown by composition.