Contract for the provision of psychological services for the organization. Contract with annex for psychological services

  • 23.09.2019


Contract for the provision of psychological services dated ________________________ 20____.

Rymareva Inna Vasilievna, psychologist; a consultant who is an individual entrepreneur on the basis of state registration certificate No. 313784723100442, hereinafter referred to as; Psychologist; (Artist), on the one hand and Individual _________, hereinafter referred to as; Client;, have entered into this Agreement as follows.


1.1 The Psychologist undertakes to provide the Client with the Services, and the Client undertakes to pay for them on the terms of this Agreement. (Appendix No. 1).

1.2 The Services in this Agreement mean the participation of the client in psychological activities: - individual counseling - psychological therapy


2.1. Payment for the Services is carried out in cash, by depositing funds into the cash desk of the Contractor.

2.2. Cash payment must be made at the end of each session of individual counseling or psychological therapy.

2.3. The cost of the first meeting (75 minutes) = 2000 rubles.

2.4. The cost of a psychological consultation (60 minutes) = 2.000 rubles. (supportive counseling)

2.5. When determining the further mode of operation, the client independently determines the cost of the session in the range of 1,800 - 2,300 rubles for 60 minutes of work. My professional status corresponds to the price range of 1800-2300 rubles. Try to evaluate the significance of therapy for you and determine the cost of the session for yourself. The issue of the cost of sessions is one of the main ones in psychological therapy, because. affects the processes of significance and value of the therapeutic process for oneself and investment in oneself.

2.6. In case of non-attendance or cancellation of the lesson on the appointed day to receive the Service at the agreed time, the Client pays a penalty in the amount of 100% of the cost of one hour of the specialist's work.

* This rule ensures the client's responsibility for being present in psychotherapeutic work, as well as the financial security and sustainability of the Psychologist's work schedule.

2.7. You must cancel your presence at an individual consultation or correction one day (24 hours) before the appointed time. In this case, payment of 100% of the missed meeting will not be charged.

2.8. Lateness of the Client reduces the time of reception, but the reception is paid in full.

2.9. If 2-3 sessions are missed in a row (without indicating the reason: business trip, hospitalization, vacation, vacation), then the significance of therapy is called into question and I have the right to use your time to transfer it to another client. Illness is seen as a psychosomatic resistance to therapy and is taken to work as a symptom.

2.10. In the event of a change in the time of the assigned psychological Service, the Psychologist (Contractor) is obliged to notify the Client of this no later than 10 - 12 hours before the start of the appointed time. If the Contractor for some reason did not appear at the meeting, then next meeting costs 50% less, and the missed meeting is compensated for free.

2.11. Twice a year (June and January) the cost of psychological Services is increased due to inflation and in order not to depreciate the therapeutic process (which is typical in any long-term processes).

2.12. Summer hours: flexible.

This is due to the vacation period and activities aimed at improving skills.

2.13. Since September, the schedule of work: Monday - the day of group classes, Tuesday 9.00-17.00, Wednesday - 13.30 - 20.00, Thursday - 1 time in 2 weeks, Saturday - 2 times a month.

Dear customers, decide and choose the frequency of our meetings: weekly or once a week.


3.1. The psychologist renders the Services strictly in the psychologist's office. Consulting by e - mail, sms, Vkontakte, at the client's home, over the phone is not possible.

3.2. The provision of psychological services occurs with a frequency of 1 time per week / 1 time per two weeks (60 minutes) during individual meetings. More infrequent meetings do not provide sufficient intensity of the Client's self-discovery processes, which can help the desired changes.

3.3. The Psychologist may consider meeting more frequently if the Client feels they need it.

3.4. The Psychologist, if necessary, is ready to accept the Client outside the schedule, if there is time for this in the Psychologist's schedule.

3.5. Some Clients only need a few counseling sessions to achieve their goals, while others may require months or years of counseling relationships. It is advisable to visit the psychologist's office until the moment when the Client feels the changes necessary for him.

3.6. Obligations under this Agreement come into force from the moment of signing and are valid until the end of the entire course of the psychological Service. After the expiration of the term of the psychological Service, the parties discuss the results of the psychological impact and make a decision either to terminate or continue the psychological Service. If a decision is made to continue the psychological Service, the parties enter into a New Agreement.


4.1. The psychologist must:

* Provide the psychological Service declared by the Client.

* To carry out psychological Services according to the appointed schedule and the Client's request.

* Purposefully influence the Client or strive for this within the framework of the goal.

* Do not disclose data about the Client or the results of his work and do not provide third parties with access to this information, incl. and representatives of minor children without their consent. In addition to cases in which committed or m.b. crimes have been committed, or in cases aimed at protecting the client.

4.2. The psychologist has the right:

* Refuse to provide Services to the Client if:

The client is registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary;

Criminal and ethical norms are violated;

There are temporary organizational reasons.

In any case, the Psychologist informs the Client of his readiness to work with his situation.

* The Contractor is not responsible, both to the Client and to third parties, for the quality and consequences of the services provided to the Client and does not return the payment made if the Client hid from the Contractor that he is registered in a psycho-neurological dispensary, and also hid or distorted other information necessary for the Contractor for the qualitative provision of psychological Services.

* Refuse to provide a psychological Service if the Client fails to comply with the recommendations of the Psychologist.

*Suspend rendering psychological services in case of illness, relocation and other reasons, about which he warns the Client in advance.

* Use the materials of psychological consultations for methodological purposes, at professional supervisions or intervisions, as examples of psychological work, without indicating the names and data of the Client (Information Agreement, Annex No. 2).

4.3. The client is obliged:

* Independently order a psychological service.

* Follow the recommendations of the Psychologist in accordance with the working conditions of the Psychologist. Working conditions of the Psychologist require from the Client: - a detailed, detailed description of the situation, circumstances, his condition, feelings, experiences - clear, direct and sincere answers to the questions asked by the Psychologist; - Doing homework related to solving the Client's problem situation.

* Timely come to the meeting at the set time, in case of impossibility - to warn the psychologist in advance.

*If it is necessary to complete psychological work, you need to notify the Psychologist about this in advance (at least one meeting before the end of the course) and hold a final meeting to summarize the work.

4.4. The client has the right:

* Receive from the Psychologist the provision of psychological Services in the amount and quantity corresponding to the terms of this Agreement.

*Receive meaningful information regarding all psychological Services (methods, exercises, etc.) provided by the Psychologist in the process of working with the Client.

*In case of dissatisfaction with the way the psychological Service is provided, discuss this with the Psychologist. Deadlock or difficulty in work may indicate hidden opportunities that are not being used; The fact that the work tasks are set inaccurately or the wrong way to achieve them is chosen. In addition, a sense of impasse can be part of the internal process of the Client, which is also important information for both sides.

*Stop using the Service if you are not satisfied with its quality, content or conditions and terminate the Agreement.

5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES. All disagreements under this Agreement shall be settled by the Parties through negotiations. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES. Psychologist (full name) Rymareva Inna Vasilievna Phone

Date______ Client (full name)______________________________________Phone____________________________Date______

APPENDIX No. 1 to the Agreement on the provision of psychological services The cost of the services of a Psychologist under this Agreement is:

Initial meeting (75 minutes) = 2000 rubles.

Individual consultation (60 minutes) = 2000 rubles.

Psychotherapy for adults (60 minutes) = 1800 - 2300 rubles.

APPENDIX No. 2 to the Agreement on the provision of psychological services Dear clients, as a professional, I undertake to attend supervision to improve the quality of my work. With the introduction of new legislative rules, I have the right to present your case only with your permission. Therefore, I ask you to fill out informed consent, the essence of which is that you are aware of this form of work of your psychologist and give your consent to this. Of course, I guarantee confidentiality: do not disclose your personal data (full name) and work on supervision only with your case. You also have the right not to give such consent, and I undertake not to disclose your case anywhere and not to subject it to analysis in the professional community. Informed consent Is a document of limited access and distribution, requiring confidentiality. Stored by a specialist.

Ex. N1. I, ___________________ (full name) confirm the voluntariness of participation in psychological counseling, psychotherapeutic assistance, psychoanalytic work, research activities conducted by specialist ________________________ Rymareva Inna Vasilyevna ___________________________________ I am familiar with the rules of anonymity and confidentiality in psychological counseling, psychotherapeutic assistance, psychoanalytic work, supervision and use of the materials I provide. I voluntarily and consciously give permission for (cross out the unnecessary): 1. Supervision of my case in a professional environment, in order to improve the quality of the work being done; 2. Audio and (or) video recording of supervision; 3. Audio and (or) video recording of the therapeutic process. 4. Use of materials provided by me for the purpose of teaching students; 5. Publication of a case of our joint work in the professional literature; __________________ _____________________ ______________________ date client's signature specialist's signature

Similar information.

On this page of the site, we described in detail the step-by-step procedure for registering an IP psychologist and processing all the documents necessary for him to work in accordance with the requirements of the current legislation (for the city of Moscow in 2017; for the regions of Russia may differ).

Also calculated the minimum estimated cost of expenses, which the IP bears one-time (at opening) and in the course of activity annually. Prices for equipment and services of third-party organizations are approximate - this is the lower price threshold for a more or less satisfactory quality of equipment and services (also for the city of Moscow in 2017; for other regions of Russia, prices are likely to differ downwards).

If you still have questions after reading this page, and also if you are interested in how to open a psychological center or organize entity, providing any psychological services, you can sign up for a consultation. Consultation of the director of the Certification Center on all issues of the activities of individual entrepreneurs and LLCs in the field of providing psychological services and psychotherapy costs 7,500 rubles per hour. The consultation can be held at a convenient time for you on weekdays from 12-00 to 22-00 (if necessary - by phone or Skype). Appointment for a consultation is made by weekdays from 12-00 to 16-00 by phone numbers of the Certification Center.

Step-by-step procedure for registering an individual entrepreneur (for individual entrepreneur with the main activity "Psychological counseling"; if the main activity is different - steps 2 and 6 may differ):

2. Choose a taxation system. There are several taxation regimes: OSN ( general system taxation), USN (simplified taxation system), UTII (single tax on imputed income), PSN (patent taxation system). For services psychological counseling not all of them are possible, of the possible optimal is the USN. USN has 2 modes:

  • You pay 15% to the budget from the difference between income and expenses (this system is more beneficial for legal entities)
  • You pay 6% of the income received to the budget, regardless of your expenses (usually this system is for an IP psychologist with private practice more profitable)

3. Apply to register yourself as an individual entrepreneur in tax office at the place of residence. The state duty for registering an individual entrepreneur is 800 rubles, if you draw up all the documents yourself.

4. Solve the issue of making a seal. Printing for individual entrepreneurs is not required (the cost of a simple print is 350 rubles).

6. Taxes and contributions:

  • You pay annually insurance premiums in a fixed amount, in 2017 it is 23,400 rubles. ( Pension Fund) + 4590 rub. (medical insurance) = 27990 rubles. Insurance premiums are indexed annually (for comparison: in 2016, the total amount of insurance premiums was 23153 rubles; in 2015 - 22261 rubles, in 2014 - 20728 rubles). Contributions in a fixed amount are transferred to the budget on a mandatory basis, regardless of whether you have any income at all.
  • If your annual income exceeds 300,000 rubles, you pay additional insurance premiums - 1% of the excess amount.
  • Every year you pay the EH (single tax) - 6% of all income received. In this case, you can reduce the tax on the amount of all paid insurance premiums. However, the tax can be reduced by no more than 50%.

7. The IP declaration is submitted to the IFTS once a year. You can make and submit accounting documents and annual reports yourself.

In fact, everything is not as difficult as it seems at first glance - any psychologist can definitely cope with running his own business as an individual entrepreneur. If you have any questions or need additional advice on how to open an individual entrepreneur, what kind of reporting an individual entrepreneur submits and how to keep it, how to draw up a business plan for a psychological office with full calculations, as well as any other information - we will be happy to help you.

  • 4.5. The Psychologist considers the completion of the work to be the change of all client requests to such a form in which the Client himself can implement them without the help of a psychologist.
  • 4.6. If the Client has a feeling of danger from what is happening in the session in connection with the topic touched upon or the proximity of unbearable experiences, and the Client informs the Psychologist about this, the Psychologist undertakes to move from the work of investigating the problem to restoring a safe work context.


Template of a contract for the provision of psychological services to a minor

Agreement No. dated "" for the provision of psychological services for a minor individual entrepreneur, LLC, CJSC, represented by CEO(Full name), on the basis of the Charter, hereinafter referred to as the "Psychologist", on the one hand, and the legal representative of the minor client (full name), hereinafter referred to as the "Representative", on the other hand, have entered into an Agreement on the following: 1. SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT 1.1. A psychologist provides psychological (non-clinical) services to a minor client with the consent of his legal representative. 1.2. Information about a minor client: full name, date of birth 1.3.
The signing of this agreement is the consent of the legal representative of the minor client in accordance with Articles 26.28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation. 2. PRICE OF THE CONTRACT 2.1. The cost of services is determined in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Agreement, which is an integral part of this Agreement. 3. TERMS OF PAYMENT 3.1.

Agreement for the provision of services of a psychologist

X Я▓* I╛TT╟0б╡╚╤┴СъwшшЫ|▌ЦС shG;;gг┴шqJB■v1qBCsyuP═²X┘─P<з3╗мм1ч рJcвШ^=ШЕ²_╫y■!FэGЮ1Д╒D╓╢]Йз3д9БmгЫkЙ?╕я╨лJV[┐6╠^Вэ░©ЯюВ<÷аКЬ▄|8x ·дwPpS5Б╩»Й╧+┬ 0ЯКм╤ам═U8╚`Ю1РEну`V╟ ▀h-аоE4)бcГg▌V╒╦Бu├\зВ╗K-3└МГB⌠Ж)й жыXh,Ыpг Ч(╡√ZяС=Ц©╞{х┐ъ╬СF~Я`ь^⌡╞Н=╬ОX╗щ;|(Y╤gГЬA)╝е╕ЖкK╥┌O6╪│ю╤/9аВ≈tщмС⌡zж[email protected] Zh∙P╒e╢═e8┴Ц*ъB╓┴m∙POT!у ┴_⌡в≈е≈22Аdй▄AN┐YуёЁХH≈NRW█Г╖⌠╦└QpK-ц⌡└≥71CDGФаB╔╧╗╓ :w.·гдb н═ъ▄A÷.$■╔Щ┼ bYud°ЙG°И┬чсk┬M═C^х©Е'СЯ 9 2Пь7ц╜s·ye≥\╢|╡╬╘p╥WHь1zKр yu┴X3ZI╙5┤й l┘n╣р3■∙ыМ┤O▓-f.

If the Contractor refuses to fulfill the contract, require the Contractor to return the funds paid to the Contractor's cash desk for a consultation or course of consultations that has not yet been carried out, except for the cases provided for in clause 4.6. actual agreement. 5.10. Disputes and claims under this Agreement are governed by the current legislation 6. Details of the Contractor Individual entrepreneur Minakova Maria Alekseevna Yur.

address: 127247, Moscow, st. 800th anniversary of Moscow, 8-44, Passport 45 10 No. 846229, issued on 09/03/2010 by the Department for the Beskudnikovsky district of the OUFMS of Russia for the mountains. Moscow in SAO R. account No. 40802810030060353301 Corr. account No. 30101810400000000555 in Branch No. 1 of the Moscow GTU of the Bank of Russia Bank OJSC Promsvyazbank BIC 044525555 TIN 771379054709 / KPP 0 Appendix No. 1 to the Public Offer Agreement for the provision of psychological counseling services by IP M.A.

My version of the contract for the provision of psychological services

Use the materials of psychological consultations for methodological purposes, at professional supervisions or intervisions, as examples of psychological work, without specifying the Client's personal data (Information Agreement, Appendix No. 2). 4.3. The client is obliged to: * Order a psychological service on his own. * Follow the recommendations of the Psychologist in accordance with the working conditions of the Psychologist. The working conditions of the Psychologist require from the Client: - a detailed, detailed description of the situation, circumstances, his condition, feelings, experiences; — clear, direct and sincere answers to the questions asked by the Psychologist; — doing homework related to solving the problem situation of the Client.

* Timely come to the meeting at the set time, in case of impossibility - to warn the psychologist in advance.

Public offer agreement for the provision of psychological services

Organize and provide psychological assistance to the Customer in the form of face-to-face individual consultations, which include interviews, testing and development of recommendations. 2.1.2. When conducting consultations, use the necessary modern and safe methods and ways of providing psychological assistance. 2.1.3. Create the necessary conditions for the normal and high-quality provision of services, ensure the safety of the process of their provision.



Ensure the confidentiality of information received from the Customer during consultations. 2.2. The Contractor has the right, if it is impossible to provide services at the agreed time, to offer the Customer to reschedule the date and / or time of the service. 2.3. The customer is obliged: 2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with full and reliable information about the complication he has, about which he applied for the service.

Contract for the provision of services of a psychologist from «» 20 years. Denikina Inna Vasilievna, a psychologist-consultant, who is an individual entrepreneur on the basis of state registration certificate No. 313784723100442, hereinafter referred to as the "Psychologist" (Contractor), on the one hand and an Individual, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", have concluded this Agreement as follows. 1. THE SUBJECT OF THE AGREEMENT. 1.1 The Psychologist undertakes to provide the Client with the Services, and the Client undertakes to pay for them on the terms of this Agreement. 1.2 The psychologist undertakes to provide psychological services within the limits of his competence to a minor client at the age of 18 years with the consent of his legal representatives - parents (options for working with a child in Appendix No. 1). Information about the minor client: Full name child Date of birth The signing of this Agreement is the consent of the legal representatives of the minor in accordance with Art.
26, 28 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

Contract for the provision of psychological services

The client, which is also important information for both parties. *Stop using the Service if you are not satisfied with its quality, content or conditions and terminate the Agreement. 5. RESPONSIBILITY OF THE PARTIES. All disagreements under this Agreement shall be settled by the Parties through negotiations. On all issues not regulated by this Agreement, the parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. SIGNATURES OF THE PARTIES. Psychologist (full name) Denikina Inna Vasilievna Phone 903 - 18 - 74 Date Client (full name) Phone Date APPENDIX No. 1: OPTIONS FOR WORKING WITH A CHILD 1) Individual lessons with a child - 60 minutes. At least 10 meetings (the number of sessions depends on the degree of trust, the complexity of the problem and the readiness of the child to work).

Agreement N ____ for the provision of services by a psychologist in Ufa "___" _______ ____
Individual Entrepreneur Fomin Alexander Vadimovich represented by ______________, hereinafter referred to as (full name, position) hereinafter "Contractor", on the one hand, and ___________________________,
(Full name) living __ at the address: ___________________________________________________,
(address of residence) passport series _____________ N ________________, issued by "___" _______ ____
___________________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as __
(name of department)
"Customer", on the other hand, have entered into this Agreement as follows:

1. The Subject of the Agreement

1.1. The Contractor undertakes to provide the services of a psychologist, and the Customer undertakes to accept these services and pay for them in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
1.2. Services are provided in _____________________, located at the address: Ufa, st. Zainab Bisheeva 6.
(name of the psychological assistance center)

2. Rights and Obligations of the parties

2.1. The contractor is obliged:
2.1.1. Organize and provide psychological assistance to the Customer in the form of face-to-face individual consultations, which include an interview, testing and development of recommendations.
2.1.2. When conducting consultations, use the necessary modern and safe methods and ways of providing psychological assistance.
2.1.3. Create the necessary conditions for the normal and high-quality provision of services, ensure the safety of the process of their provision.
2.1.4. Ensure the confidentiality of information received from the Customer during consultations.
2.2. The Contractor has the right, if it is impossible to provide services at the agreed time, to offer the Customer to reschedule the date and / or time of the service.
2.3. The customer is obliged:
2.3.1. Provide the Contractor with full and reliable information about the complication he has, about which he applied for the service.
2.3.2. Timely and fully pay for the services rendered in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.
2.3.3. Warn the Contractor in advance about the impossibility of receiving the service at the agreed time.
2.4. The Customer has the right to refuse to receive services under this Agreement by notifying the Contractor in advance.

3. Cost of services and payment procedure

3.1. The cost of services is _______________________________________.
3.2. Payment for services is made in the following order: ___________________.

4. Amendment and termination of the Agreement.

4.1. The terms of this Agreement may be changed by mutual agreement of the Parties.
4.2. The Customer has the right to refuse to execute the Agreement, subject to payment to the Contractor of the expenses actually incurred by him.
4.3. The Contractor has the right to refuse to perform the Agreement only if the Customer is fully reimbursed for losses.

5. Responsibility of the Parties

5.1. In the event of improper performance of this Agreement by one of the Parties, resulting in adverse consequences for the other Party, liability arises in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

6. Final provisions

6.1. In all other respects that are not regulated by this Agreement, the Parties are guided by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
6.2. This Agreement shall enter into force from the moment of its signing and shall be valid for _____________________________________________.
6.3. The Agreement is made in 2 copies, having the same legal force, one copy for each of the Parties.

7. Addresses and details of the Parties

7.1. Artist: IP Fomin Alexander Vadimovich

7.2. Customer: ________________________________________________________________

8. Signatures of the Parties

Performer: Customer:
__________/IP Fomin A.V. __________/___________
(signature) (full name, position) (signature) (full name)

In cases where the client and the psychologist have agreed to start a long and deep work, it is necessary to establish a clearer framework for relationships, materialize guarantees and designate a safe space for work, regularity, distribution of the load on the psyche, ensure integration into life of the discoveries and changes made during the session. Discussing the points of the contract that the client needs and its subsequent conclusion is in itself part of the therapeutic work. Read it carefully, and if in the process of reading you have any questions, suggestions, additions, I will listen to them with readiness and interest.

Contract for the provision of psychological services

This text is an agreement between the psychologist Oleg Gennadievich Matveev-Gendrikson, hereinafter referred to as the "Psychologist", and ______________________________________________, hereinafter referred to as the "Client", and determines the terms of service provision.


    1.1. This agreement is not a public offer (in accordance with paragraph 1 of Article 437 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation), but contains all the essential conditions for the provision of services.


    2.1. The Psychologist undertakes to provide the Client with services, and the Client undertakes to pay for them on the terms of this Agreement.

    2.2. Start of action: ________________________

    2.3. End of validity: ________________________


  • 3.1. The psychologist provides services for a fee of 1,000 rubles for an individual session, 1,200 rubles for a couple/family session.
  • 3.2. Payment for each face-to-face session is mandatory and must be paid at the end of each session.
  • 3.3. Online consultation fees must be paid in advance.
  • 3.4. For regular customers there is a system of discounts. Information about current discounts is published on the page for ordering consultations.
  • 3.5. Payment is made in national currency in cash, in electronic money or to current account No. 40802810500010001857 at the Branch of SB Bank (LLC) St. Petersburg
  • 3.6. If the Client is not able to fulfill the meeting arrangement, he is obliged to notify the Psychologist at least two days in advance. If the Psychologist does not receive such notification, the Client is obliged to pay for the session he missed.


  • 4.1. The duration of one therapeutic session is 1 hour (60 minutes).
  • 4.2. The Client and the Psychologist maintain a purely professional and not a personal relationship (despite the psychological intimacy that arises during the sessions). Gifts, invitations of a personal nature, requests to speak with relatives, etc. are rejected by the Psychologist by default.
  • 4.3. The initiator of the work is, first of all, the client himself. Only in this case there are serious chances to improve the client's life. The form of the initiative must be expressed in the initial client request. The Psychologist undertakes to respect this request, but does not guarantee that the work will be carried out solely for the sake of bringing this request to life in its original form.
  • 4.4. The content and form of work is determined by the Psychologist and the Client jointly, based on the needs of the Client and the Psychologist's idea of ​​constructive forms of work, as well as personal professional experience.
  • 4.5. The Psychologist considers the completion of the work to be the change of all client requests to such a form in which the Client himself can implement them without the help of a psychologist.
  • 4.6. If the Client has a feeling of danger from what is happening in the session in connection with the topic touched upon or the proximity of unbearable experiences, and the Client informs the Psychologist about this, the Psychologist undertakes to move from the work of investigating the problem to restoring a safe work context.


  • 5.1. The client is obliged:
    • a) independently order the service by telephone, feedback form on the website or in any other way
    • b) come to the appointment at the appointed time or be on the line of communication, without delay.
    • c) be as sincere with the psychologist as he can afford, be aware of what he wants from the psychologist and ask him to give him what he wants.
  • 5.2. The client has the right:
    • a) bring up for discussion and work on any problem that concerns him
    • b) do not work on yourself, change internally or perform some actions outside the office
    • c) refuse to participate in the proposed experiments
  • 5.3. The psychologist must:
    • a) comply with the terms of this agreement
    • b) be present at the workplace until the end of the therapy session
    • c) purposefully influence the Client or strive for this within the framework of the goal
    • d) listen, support, pay attention to details, give a positive assessment of the Client's actions
  • 5.4. The psychologist has the right:
    • a) cancel the reception with a demand for full financial compensation if the Client is late for 15 minutes or more
    • b) refuse follow-up appointments if the client's request requires the participation of a specialist with medical education
    • d) not to give any advice, diagnoses and recommendations


  • 6.1. No details of the work of the Psychologist and the Client may be transferred to third parties orally or in writing, including family members or relatives, without the express consent of the client. Except in cases where this condition is contrary to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
  • 6.2. Validity of clause 6.1. It comes into force from the moment of signing the contract and continues after its completion.