Pull a person out of the water in a dream. dream interpretation

  • 20.09.2019

Save yourself or be saved in a dream- a good sign. The dream tells you that some situation that in reality seems to you unsolvable or very difficult, in fact, is not. Luck will certainly smile at you, unless you yourself become discouraged and give up.

Save someone in a dream yourself- portends you a successful solution to some difficult issue or problem.

Dream interpretation of D. Loff

In dreams about salvation, are you acting as a savior or a person in need of salvation? If you are saving others, you may see yourself as a hero, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from, and with what help? The answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to understand the role that you assign to yourself in a certain system of relationships.

If they save you- you may feel overwhelmed or incompetent in a certain area real life. It seems to you that the consequences of any miscalculation can lead to a fatal error.

If your savior is a familiar face from real life- it is worth asking his advice on the strategy of the fight that you have to lead. Salvation was something expected and therefore did not cause any alarm? Did salvation proceed in spite of obstacles; did it succeed or fail?

Complete dream book of the New Era

The rescue- the need for help. Need for help.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

See in a dream your salvation at a critical moment- believe in God.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

See your salvation in a dream- to a disaster on the road.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

See how you were saved- to death.

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Salvation in a dream- Do you feel that you are unable to manage your own life and that you need to be saved? Do you feel that your safety and destiny are in someone else's hands?

If you're all about saving others- know that sometimes this stereotype of behavior can lead to dysfunction. Check to see if your emotional needs are being met. If you feel dissatisfied, choose a different course of action.

Psychoanalytic dream book

saving anyone- associated with attraction to the specified person, the desire to be loved by him (her) due to the fact that the rescued bears a debt that must be paid one way or another.

Rescue a girl from a monster dragon- symbolizes both the liberation of the mother (sister) from the claims of the father, and the actual desire for incest. Soul salvation.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

You save yourself- reward or ingratitude; save you- retribution; way out of the crisis; help you or you- troubles, interference, claims; spiritual development, mentoring.

Esoteric dream book

be saved- a dream suggests that you are afraid for something, including for your life.

If in a dream you were saved- and in reality everything will be fine. See who is helping you: people, animals, fabulous creatures.

If you couldn't escape- and in reality you have unimportant prospects.

Collection of dream books

The rescue- You need to be rescued. You feel unable to cope with the circumstances of your life. It seems to you that your safety and destiny are in the wrong hands. This point of view is characteristic of the victim. Remember, there are no victims. There are only volunteers. Take responsibility for your life and everything that happens in it.

If you are saving someone It means you feel like someone needs help.

The article on the topic: "the guy saved the dream book" provides up-to-date information on this issue for 2018.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Save, save what is dreaming of, Loff's dream book

If you dream of saving people, first of all, it is important what role fell to your lot - to save people or to be saved (saved) yourself.

The plot in which you happen to save a person is dreamed of by a person who tries on the role of a parent or mentor in some business. Answer yourself the question, what did you want to save people from in a dream, what threatened them, what did you use for this and one of the main questions - why exactly did you have such an opportunity? Did you possess some kind of tool, weapon, or only fortitude and courage?

When you dream about the salvation of a person, from this situation you can draw conclusions about what role is assigned to you (in your understanding) in the system of human relationships with other people.

If you dream of a person who saved your life, this may be an indication of your moral depression or an understanding of incompetence in some area of ​​your real life. At the same time, you attach almost fatal significance to this situation.

If the saving person dreams in the form of a colleague, the dream no doubt has just such a meaning. Until you convince yourself that you are no worse than others, and knowledge is a matter of time and perseverance, it will be difficult for you to feel like a full-fledged employee of this organization.

Tip: if in a dream you managed to escape with the help of a person who you know in real life, ask him for advice in choosing a strategy in a difficult situation and in reality.

If in a dream you save someone from death, but they prevent you from doing this, pay special attention to these people and these circumstances.

If you dream of saving someone else's child, this may reflect a search for help, assistance to yourself. The helplessness of the child symbolizes disbelief in one's own strengths, and vigorous activity is opposed to ordinary passivity.

Saving a child from the water is a dream indicating that the problems lie in the memory from the past.

Saving a person's life in a dream without focusing on his personality is evidence of unreasonable ambitions. The fact that they are really not justified, and under the apparent strength lies real weakness, impotence, and this dream indicates.

To save loved ones in a dream, in particular, to save a loved one (beloved) is an indication of an unfavorable situation in a relationship or close ill health.

If I dreamed that I was saving according to Tsvetkov's dream book

If you dream that you happened to save a person from some kind of misfortune, this means that you are ambitious and your ambition does not find satisfaction, but requires it.

To save someone from death, but not being able to do this - such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt that has settled in the subconscious before someone or before everyone at once (guilt complex).

Saving children in a dream is a fear for one's own life.

If the rescue of children is dreamed of on the eve of an important event, the sleeper is afraid of its outcome, is not sure of success, and this greatly reduces his chances.

Save a person from the water - such a dream clarifies that you like to give advice and even consider yourself a psychologist who can help a person forget his own past, cope with it.

I dreamed that you were saving your child from killers - be afraid of competition.

Why dream of saving, saving - Hasse's dream book

If you dreamed that you saved a person from death, the sleeping person himself will need help, however, this dream has its own exceptions.

To save a person from a fire is to help him survive an unhappy love.

To escape from the fire yourself is a dream of a very strong passion, which will be difficult to resist.

I dreamed of saving a man from a river - to his own death.

Save a child from the water - you will defend your honor.

If it was not possible to save the child from the water, the meaning of sleep is also unfavorable.

To save fish in a dream is to dissuade a woman you know from having an abortion.

If a young man managed to save a girl from trouble in a dream - to remorse about an unworthy act or an unpaid debt.

Why dream of saving - an esoteric dream book

Rescue a person from water, from a swamp, etc. - a dream to give up a bad habit.

Saved you - do not cope with your vices.

Save mom in a dream - to spiritual growth.

Son - to an attempt to stay afloat in the competitive struggle.

For a young man, saving a girl from rapists is a fear of his own failure in his sexual life.

If the sleeper saved a little girl from some kind of danger, then he will be visited by a desire to do something romantic, to surprise someone with this.

To save someone from a fire in a dream is a fear for one's own life.

If a woman dreams that she wanted, but could not save people from death, in real life she is too arrogant and often takes on purely male affairs, which should rather be blamed on her than merit.

Why dream of salvation, Longo's dream book

Saving someone's life in a dream is a sign of self-doubt.

If a woman dreams of saving her baby, this is a reflection of her maternal anxiety and is not subject to interpretation.

If you dream that you had a chance to save a child unfamiliar to you in real life, this indicates a real danger that threatens one of the younger members of your family.

Save a friend - you will ask him for help in reality.

To save a dying person in a dream from some kind of illness, to cure him is a sign that you will take on great responsibility in relation to some person.

Save what is dreaming of - a modern dream book

If you dream of a mother who saves you from some kind of trouble, you are really in great danger.

The sleeper saved the child himself - someone really needs his help.

If a woman dreams that she did not have time to save the child, in real life she should pay more attention to her children.

Saving the world in a dream is a deep delusion and great arrogance.

Salvation according to the dream book

Why dream of salvation? This ambiguous symbol in a dream can portend fame, recognition, material well-being, help, or warn of serious trials. Our dream book will help interpret this vision.

Material well-being

Saving someone from the water in a dream - very soon you will incur costs, which, however, you will not regret. For entrepreneurs, the vision promises a very successful course of business.

Had a dream during a plane flight to get into a disaster, but to be saved? Serious financial problems will soon appear, but the sleeper will overcome them safely.

Why dream of seeing a drowning man and pulling him out? The dream interpretation claims: such a vision will turn into material assistance.

Helping a drowning man in a dream is a dreamer's strong desire to prove himself as a hero, perhaps in front of a girl with whom he sympathizes. Probably, such an opportunity will soon present itself.

Did you dream about saving a drowning child? According to the dream book, this means: you have excellent self-control, you can control yourself in any stressful situation.

Things will be successful

Saving a child from a fall in a dream will allow the sleeper to avoid serious trouble thanks to his connections or communication skills.

Did you dream of a child saved from any danger? The dream interpretation promises the successful completion of all your previously started enterprises.

It also promises to see a saved child in a dream: it will present itself very soon good opportunity express yourself, get the recognition of others.

Why is the rescued girl dreaming? You will render someone a great service in an important matter for him, which shocked you to the core.

Try to overcome your resentment

Dreamed of being rescued from a fire? The dream interpretation claims: vision symbolizes the sensitivity, vulnerability of the dreamer, his touchiness. He needs to work on himself in order to get rid of his shortcomings.

Saving a person from a fire portends the tragic outcome of some situation that has been haunting for a long time, requiring a lot of strength.

Gain respect and authority

Why dream of seeing a drowning person and saving him? The dream book indicates: you have a happy future.

Did you dream about saving a person from death? Difficult circumstances will arise when you have to take responsibility.

Also, helping someone in a dream to get rid of death means: the sleeper will gain authority, respect among acquaintances, colleagues.

To save people in case of an accident, a disaster, a train or ship wreck at sea - the dreamer will receive honor, glory, respect from others, recognition.

A dream of salvation during a tsunami portends good luck, luck in reality.

To be saved by a man promises a woman gaining stability, peace.

Can you overcome difficulties

Why dream of saving a boy or girl when a dog attacks? The dream book notifies: you will protect your new business from the machinations of ill-wishers. Perhaps friends will interfere.

Did you manage to defend yourself from an aggressive dog of a fighting breed in a dream? In real life, you can avoid transport scandals, conflicts with neighbors and others on the street.

Were you able to repel the attack of the cat? The dream book tells you: you will have the strength and courage to overcome the betrayal of friends.

To escape from a cat attack in a dream means that a new enemy will appear soon. He will try to directly or indirectly inflict damage, but the sleeper will be able to defeat him.

Who had to be saved?

The interpretation of the dream draws attention to whose salvation it was:

  • girls - committing a noble deed;
  • friend - promises victory;
  • children - improvement of the financial situation;
  • drowned man - help someone who is in trouble;

What animals were rescued?

  • puppies - devotion, support of relatives, friends;
  • kitten - material wealth, business success;
  • many kittens - it will be possible to successfully cope with annoying problems;
  • turtles - correct a difficult situation;
  • dolphin - a successful solution to problems, the timely participation of the right people;
  • fish - a woman promises a successful marriage;
  • birds - restoration of lost ties, resumption of relations;
  • hedgehogs - unexpected meeting with an old friend who needs your help;
  • teddy bear - the implementation of the planned business;
  • cow - well-being, prosperity in the family.

Miller's dream book: get ready for the test

Why dream of saving your own life in some kind of danger? Serious trials are coming soon, but the dreamer will successfully overcome them.

Other meanings

Trying to help someone escape from murder in a dream - very soon the dreamer will be deceived by people he trusts.

Salvation from a shark, according to the dream book, is a harbinger of an imminent break with your partner.

Why dream of saving the world? The sleeper has too much ambition, a thirst for universal recognition and fame.

Did you dream of being rescued by a mermaid? Some fleeting joy awaits ahead, but it will soon be replaced by sadness.

dream interpretation

Saved by an ex-boyfriend in a dream

Dream Interpretation Spas ex-boyfriend in a dream dreamed of why in a dream Saved the ex-boyfriend in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get online interpretation dreams by letter free alphabetically).

Now you can find out what it means to see an ex-boyfriend saved in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Why dream of saving

In a dream, did you happen to save someone or did they save you? The interpretation of sleep is almost always direct. Someone really needs your help or you yourself need support. Dream Interpretations will tell you why this dream plot is dreaming yet?

Freud's opinion

Freud's dream book is sure that falling asleep in a dream literally means that you want to have sex. Moreover, you may dream that you are saving a specific person or only a creature that resembles a certain personality with its features.

Why does a man dream that he happened to save a woman? You clearly intend to have an affair with her, or at least spend one night. For a woman to save a man - to a passionate desire to have children from him.

Had a dream that you were saving a drowning child, kitten or puppy? The dream book believes that on a subconscious level you realize that you are paying too little attention to your own child. For the childless, such a dream means a desire to adopt a child.

Why else dream that you had to save some little animal? In a dream, this is a reflection of love for children. Did you dream that the victim was resisting and obviously did not want to be saved? Your sexual partner may cheat on you.

In a dream, did you yourself escape from some kind of trouble? In reality, part with the chosen one on your own initiative. If you dreamed that someone saved you, then there is a person nearby who wants to get closer to you.

Interpretation of the modern combined dream book

Why dream that you were saved from danger? the dream book considers this a bad omen, hinting at an illness or excessive nervous tension.

Did you dream that it happened to save someone? Your merits will be recognized by the public and perhaps even adequately rewarded. In a dream, someone saved you? Beware it's a sign real danger such as an accident.

Interpretation of sleep according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why dream that you had to save someone? This is a symbolic reflection of the fact that you personally need support. You are clearly insecure and afraid of something.

Did you dream that you were saving a certain character without much concentration on his personality? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are overly ambitious in your aspirations.

However, be careful, most often the law of inversion comes into play, which reflects weakness rather than strength. Moreover, you inadequately assess the situation and generally see the world in a somewhat illusory light, which leads to an indispensable defeat in everything.

In a dream, it happened to save a real friend or loved one? The dream warns of the danger hanging over them in reality. This may be an unfavorable set of circumstances, a serious illness, and even submission to someone else's will. More exact interpretation sleep depends on its additional details.

Save in a dream according to D. Loff's dream book

Why dream that you had to save the dream victim? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are ready to try on the role of a hero, savior or mentor in the real world. For a better understanding of the plot, it is recommended to remember what you had to save from and how exactly you did it.

Did you dream that they saved you? The dream book believes that you feel your own incompetence and insecurity. You are afraid that you might make a mistake, so you prefer not to do anything at all.

Did a real person save you in a dream? Ask him for help, maybe you just need good advice or just a heart to heart conversation. Salvation by a stranger symbolizes the intervention of higher powers.

Collection of dream books - save in a dream

Did you dream that you were saved? Most often, this dream plot should be interpreted literally. That is, you really need to be saved from something. You probably feel like a victim, unfairly punished by fate.

But remember, there are no victims in the world, we all voluntarily, even if not consciously, accept our own life and the dangers associated with it. Stop whining and complaining, pull yourself together and do something.

Why dream that, on the contrary, you had to save someone? You feel that there is someone nearby who urgently needs support. In a dream, working as a lifeguard means that you want fame and recognition. Seeing a rescuer in a dream is good. This is your personal keeper in the world of dreams and an invisible assistant in the real world.

Why dream of saving a child, a person

Dream salvation reflects the attraction to the rescued character, the intention to enter into an intimate or friendly relationship with him. In a dream, this desire to be seen in reality. See how it happened to save beautiful girl from a monstrous dragon, means that you are thinking about saving your own or someone else's soul.

Had a dream that you saved a child, especially from a fire? Do not worry, all suspicions of treason are groundless and soon they will completely dissipate. In a dream, save children from angry dogs or wild animals - bad. Your well-being is in grave danger. Enemies are just waiting for the moment when you relax.

Why else dream that it happened to save a person? You are an honest and sympathetic friend, you can always rely on you in difficult circumstances. The path you have chosen is the right one, do not hesitate and follow the call of your heart.

Did you dream that, having defied danger, you saved a loved one? Detractors will be furious, because incredible prospects are open before you, and luck is your faithful ally.

What does it mean - in dreams to save a cat, a dog

Why dream if you saved a defenseless kitten? You will find out that they are trying to draw you into an insidious intrigue. The same image symbolizes a good attitude towards children.

What else does saving a dog or cat mean? Try to pay more attention to your own child, he is clearly moving away from you, and you feel it. For childless dreamers, dream salvation hints at the possibility or need to adopt a child.

Did you happen to save newborn kittens or puppies in a dream? The conceived business is under threat, its further advancement requires all responsibility and maximum dedication. Sometimes the image of an animal indicates a real person. Think carefully about who you can associate a puppy or kitten with.

I dreamed of saving a drowning man, saving a drowning man

Why dream that you had to save a drowning man in the water? By your own behavior, you have earned incredible happiness. Seeing someone drowning and trying to save him means that you will help another person at the cost of your own well-being.

Had a dream that you were trying to pump out a drowned man? Family relationships will be a burden, love has passed, only boredom and habit remain. Bring a fresh sip and a share of intrigue into the relationship, otherwise it will all end in a complete separation. Rescuing people during a global flood is a serious illness that will disrupt all plans.

In a dream, save from fire, from a fire

Why dream that you had a chance to save someone from a fire? A certain event that has already deprived you of your last strength is approaching its tragic denouement. And you cannot change anything.

Did you dream that you were saving people from fire? Suddenly changed circumstances will force you to take a different look at familiar things. In a dream, extinguishing a fire and saving people from it - to major worries and troubles. But remember, your own imbalance and short temper can aggravate the situation.

What does it mean to save from an attack, a maniac, rape

Did you dream that you managed to save someone from the attack of bandits? Gain good luck in rivalry and competition. Salvation from attack symbolizes personal fears and baseless fears.

Why dream that you saved a girl from a maniac or a rapist? Fate will strike a serious blow, but you will meet it with dignity and even in cold blood. In a dream, did you personally fall into danger, but were you able to get out of it without loss? Listen to your intuition, it will take you out of any trouble in life.

Save in a dream - a few specific examples

Did you dream that you had to save a certain victim from a great danger? Be prepared that a real person will turn to you for help. Do not refuse and do everything in your power. Besides:

  • to save oneself - ingratitude or reward
  • save you - a way out of the crisis, retribution for mistakes
  • help in salvation - spiritual guidance
  • the victim fights back - an obstacle, trouble
  • lies for the sake of salvation - mistakes that will cause outrage
  • save from the heat - a close one will bring failure
  • from thirst - make the right decision
  • from the flood - improvement in life situation
  • from spring floods - false rumors
  • from danger - gaining faith
  • from cold, frost - find a friend
  • from the rain - joy after tears
  • from a thunderstorm - avoid someone else's wrath
  • from an avalanche - failures will pass by
  • from a volcano - control of the situation, emotions is necessary
  • from the gallows - purchase, valuable acquisition
  • save from persecution - career advancement
  • from a rapist - betrayal of a friend
  • from a group of bandits - a conspiracy at work
  • from suicide - take responsibility
  • from accusation in court - nobility or, on the contrary, a mistake
  • save from a shark - a break with a dishonest partner, chosen one
  • from a predator, a wild beast - the successful completion of a dangerous business
  • from a snake - reveal intrigue
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In a dream, did you happen to save someone or did they save you? The interpretation of sleep is almost always direct. Someone really needs your help or you yourself need support. Dream Interpretations will tell you why this dream plot is dreaming yet?

Freud's dream book is sure that falling asleep in a dream literally means that you want to have sex. Moreover, you may dream that you are saving a specific person or only a creature that resembles a certain personality with its features.

Had a dream that you were saving a drowning child, kitten or puppy? The dream book believes that on a subconscious level you realize that you are paying too little attention to your own child. For the childless, such a dream means a desire to adopt a child.

In a dream, did you yourself escape from some kind of misfortune? In reality, part with the chosen one on your own initiative. If you dreamed that someone saved you, then there is a person nearby who wants to get closer to you.

Interpretation of the modern combined dream book

Why dream that you were saved from danger? the dream book considers this a bad omen, hinting at an illness or excessive nervous tension.

Interpretation of sleep according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why dream that you had to save someone? This is a symbolic reflection of the fact that you personally need support. You are clearly insecure and afraid of something.

However, be careful, most often the law of inversion comes into play, which reflects weakness rather than strength. Moreover, you inadequately assess the situation and generally see the world in a somewhat illusory light, which leads to an indispensable defeat in everything.

Why dream that you had to save the dream victim? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are ready to try on the role of a hero, savior or mentor in the real world. For a better understanding of the plot, it is recommended to remember what you had to save from and how exactly you did it.

Did a real person save you in a dream? Ask him for help, perhaps you just need good advice or just a heart-to-heart talk. Salvation by a stranger symbolizes the intervention of higher powers.

Did you dream that you were saved? Most often, this dream plot should be interpreted literally. That is, you really need to be saved from something. You probably feel like a victim, unfairly punished by fate.

Why dream that, on the contrary, you had to save someone? You feel that there is someone nearby who urgently needs support. In a dream, working as a lifeguard means that you want fame and recognition. Seeing a rescuer in a dream is good. This is your personal keeper in the world of dreams and an invisible assistant in the real world.

Why dream of saving a child, a person

Dream salvation reflects the attraction to the rescued character, the intention to enter into an intimate or friendly relationship with him. In a dream, this desire to be seen in reality. Seeing how you happened to save a beautiful girl from a monstrous dragon means that you are thinking about saving your own or someone else's soul.

Why else dream that it happened to save a person? You are an honest and sympathetic friend, you can always rely on you in difficult circumstances. The path you have chosen is the right one, do not hesitate and follow the call of your heart.

Why dream if you saved a defenseless kitten? You will find out that they are trying to draw you into an insidious intrigue. The same image symbolizes a good attitude towards children.

Did you happen to save newborn kittens or puppies in a dream? The conceived business is under threat, its further advancement requires all responsibility and maximum dedication. Sometimes the image of an animal indicates a real person. Think carefully about who you can associate a puppy or kitten with.

Why dream that you had to save a drowning man in the water? By your own behavior, you have earned incredible happiness. Seeing someone drowning and trying to save him means that you will help another person at the cost of your own well-being.

Why dream that you had a chance to save someone from a fire? A certain event that has already deprived you of your last strength is approaching its tragic denouement. And you can't change anything.

What does it mean to save from an attack, a maniac, rape

Did you dream that you managed to save someone from the attack of bandits? Gain good luck in rivalry and competition. Salvation from attack symbolizes personal fears and baseless fears.

Did you dream that you had to save a certain victim from a great danger? Be prepared that a real person will turn to you for help. Do not refuse and do everything in your power. Besides:

In a dream, saving another is a fear for someone else's or one's own life. Had a dream that you managed to save someone from the most incredible danger? In the real world, everything will go well. Pay attention to who helped you. If it was not possible to save someone or save yourself, then get ready for bad changes and unimportant prospects.

  • Aries March 21 - April 20
  • Taurus 21.04 - 21.05
  • Gemini May 22 – June 21
  • Cancer 06/22 - 07/22
  • Leo 23.07 - 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 - 22.09
  • Libra 09/23 – 10/22
  • Scorpio 23.10 - 22.11
  • Sagittarius 23.11 - 21.12
  • Capricorn 22.12 - 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 - 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Save, save what is dreaming of, Loff's dream book

If you dream of saving people, first of all, it is important what role fell to your lot - to save people or to be saved (saved) yourself.

The plot in which you happen to save a person is dreamed of by a person who tries on the role of a parent or mentor in some business. Answer yourself the question, what did you want to save people from in a dream, what threatened them, what did you use for this and one of the main questions - why exactly did you have such an opportunity? Did you possess some kind of tool, weapon, or only fortitude and courage?

When you dream about the salvation of a person, from this situation you can draw conclusions about what role is assigned to you (in your understanding) in the system of human relationships with other people.

If you dream of a person who saved your life, this may be an indication of your moral depression or an understanding of incompetence in some area of ​​your real life. At the same time, you attach almost fatal significance to this situation.

If the saving person dreams in the form of a colleague, the dream no doubt has just such a meaning. Until you convince yourself that you are no worse than others, and knowledge is a matter of time and perseverance, it will be difficult for you to feel like a full-fledged employee of this organization.

Tip: if in a dream you managed to escape with the help of a person who you know in real life, ask him for advice in choosing a strategy in a difficult situation and in reality.

If in a dream you save someone from death, but they prevent you from doing this, pay special attention to these people and these circumstances.

If you dream of saving someone else's child, this may reflect a search for help, assistance to yourself. The helplessness of the child symbolizes disbelief in one's own strengths, and vigorous activity is opposed to ordinary passivity.

Saving a child from the water is a dream indicating that the problems lie in the memory from the past.

Saving a person's life in a dream without focusing on his personality is evidence of unreasonable ambitions. The fact that they are really not justified, and under the apparent strength lies real weakness, impotence, and this dream indicates.

To save loved ones in a dream, in particular, to save a loved one (beloved) is an indication of an unfavorable situation in a relationship or close ill health.

If I dreamed that I was saving according to Tsvetkov's dream book

If you dream that you happened to save a person from some kind of misfortune, this means that you are ambitious and your ambition does not find satisfaction, but requires it.

To save someone from death, but not being able to do this - such a dream speaks of a feeling of guilt that has settled in the subconscious before someone or before everyone at once (guilt complex).

Saving children in a dream is a fear for one's own life.

If the rescue of children is dreamed of on the eve of an important event, the sleeper is afraid of its outcome, is not sure of success, and this greatly reduces his chances.

Save a person from the water - such a dream clarifies that you like to give advice and even consider yourself a psychologist who can help a person forget his own past, cope with it.

I dreamed that you were saving your child from killers - be afraid of competition.

Why dream of saving, saving - Hasse's dream book

If you dreamed that you saved a person from death, the sleeping person himself will need help, however, this dream has its own exceptions.

To save a person from a fire is to help him survive an unhappy love.

To escape from the fire yourself is a dream of a very strong passion, which will be difficult to resist.

I dreamed of saving a man from a river - to his own death.

Save a child from the water - you will defend your honor.

If it was not possible to save the child from the water, the meaning of sleep is also unfavorable.

To save fish in a dream is to dissuade a woman you know from having an abortion.

If a young man managed to save a girl from trouble in a dream - to remorse about an unworthy act or an unpaid debt.

Why dream of saving - an esoteric dream book

Rescue a person from water, from a swamp, etc. - a dream to give up a bad habit.

Saved you - do not cope with your vices.

Save mom in a dream - to spiritual growth.

Son - to an attempt to stay afloat in the competitive struggle.

For a young man, saving a girl from rapists is a fear of his own failure in his sexual life.

If the sleeper saved a little girl from some kind of danger, then he will be visited by a desire to do something romantic, to surprise someone with this.

To save someone from a fire in a dream is a fear for one's own life.

If a woman dreams that she wanted, but could not save people from death, in real life she is too arrogant and often takes on purely male affairs, which should rather be blamed on her than merit.

Why dream of salvation, Longo's dream book

Saving someone's life in a dream is a sign of self-doubt.

If a woman dreams of saving her baby, this is a reflection of her maternal anxiety and is not subject to interpretation.

If you dream that you had a chance to save a child unfamiliar to you in real life, this indicates a real danger that threatens one of the younger members of your family.

Save a friend - you will ask him for help in reality.

To save a dying person in a dream from some kind of illness, to cure him is a sign that you will take on great responsibility in relation to some person.

Save what is dreaming of - a modern dream book

If you dream of a mother who saves you from some kind of trouble, you are really in great danger.

The sleeper saved the child himself - someone really needs his help.

If a woman dreams that she did not have time to save the child, in real life she should pay more attention to her children.

Saving the world in a dream is a deep delusion and great arrogance.

Save the interpretation of the dream book

In reality, not every person is ready to take decisive action, and in a dream, many people happen to save a person in need of it from trouble or unforeseen death. What does similar content mean? Most dream books compare the same meaning - if you have provided assistance, this means that in real life you need support.

However, this is far from the only explanation for the dream plot. The most reliable interpretation can be provided only by analyzing the dream vision. Remember who you saved from trouble in your night dreams - an unfamiliar person, a relative, or some kind of beast? Highly important point it is also considered what misfortune you saved him from.

Why dream of saving the life of a stranger

According to Freud's interpretation, saving people in night dreams is the embodiment of the intimate subtext of inner consciousness. When you know the saved person well, and also he is of a different gender, then in reality you want to get sexual contact with him.

As the dream book indicates, saving a person from an accident in a dream is auspicious sign interpreter for someone who is trying to realize the planned goal. If you try your best, then after some time you will achieve the desired goals, which will bring you peace of mind and increase faith in yourself.

If you happened to help a little girl in a dream, the dream book explains this as an attempt to gain self-affirmation at the expense of other personalities. However, this will most likely not work out for you - outsiders will begin to think that your achievement, the merits of strangers.

Why dream of saving a child? When the baby is a stranger, the dream book explains a similar situation in night dreams as a sign of an increase in financial condition. Saving your child is a sign that in real life you spend little free time with him, and consider yourself guilty.

You will be given a chance to help a close friend if you happen to save a drowning person in a dream. Do not turn away from him, in later life your help will be appreciated with dignity.

Why dream of saving a child when he is drowning? If you evaluate from the analytical side, then inside your consciousness you want to show everyone your manifestations of feelings. You are ready to support everyone, only in this case you will be happy.

According to another interpretation, when you were lucky enough to save the baby from the water, which had a transparent appearance, was purified, this portends extraordinary success. Almost every business will turn out perfectly for you, by the way, success will accompany you everywhere.

Why dream of saving a baby? If in a dream you were deprived of strength, as a result of helping the baby, and after you saved his life, he smiles, then through your efforts you will secure a worthy future for yourself.

When a girl saw that in a dream a man saved her, then in reality she really lacks attention from the opposite sex. Only new connections will help her get rid of a lonely life and a depressive state.

According to the interpretation of the interpreter, the wolf that saved you in night dreams portends deliverance from fear for later life. Soon an event will happen to you that will completely change your previous idea of ​​​​the universe, and will give you the opportunity to look into the future without fear.

Saving relatives and friends in a dream

Saving a brother in a dream is a good omen. The dream book interprets what such content sees as the fullness of life with positive life events. At the same time, this can become a sign of real support for a sleeping person from his close relatives.

For a young man to save his beloved in a dream is the embodiment of dissatisfaction in intimate life. Probably, the partner shows coldness towards him, and he does not understand what to do to get emotions from her.

According to the explanation of the new dream interpreter, saving a lover in night dreams is an unfavorable symbol. Difficult times come in the relationship between the young, and difficulties will be determined due to the illness of one of them. Only loving and trusting feelings will make it possible to overcome the disease. Do not give up, but resist to the end.

Saving mother in a dream is a sign that you are very grateful to her and have no idea what to give in return. Soon it will be possible for you to prove to the parent what role plays for you what she went to for the sake of your happy life.

When a sleeping person dreamed of helping a drowning man of the same sex, the interpreter interprets this as an acute desire to get out of a difficult situation as a hero. You should NOT look for reasons to show your own advantages. So, outsiders will form more negative opinions about you.

The dream interpretation refers the dream vision in which you happened to save your spouse to be true. Something really threatens your husband, while we can talk about natural disasters. natural disasters as well as health status. Protect the faithful, and give him moral support in difficult times for him.

Why dream of saving your son? The dream book warns: beware, danger hangs over you, you are on the verge of a special trouble if you cannot exercise the necessary caution.

Save the dead in a dream - to feel a sense of duty in reality to this person. The inner consciousness does not allow you to calm down - you realize that you did not take all possible actions in order not to feel obligated. Read a prayer for the deceased, support his family, otherwise you will not get rid of this feeling.

If at this time in your life not everything is so smooth, be sure that everything will get better soon if you happen to save a friend in a dream. This prediction is especially reliable if it happened to rescue a comrade from a house on fire.

For those individuals who have recently taken up entrepreneurial affairs, saving the life of a drowning person in a dream is a sign of life's trials. Difficulties will arise systematically, you will need a lot of strength in order to get past them.

Why dream of saving animals in a dream

Why dream of saving a devoted or homeless dog? The dream interpretation informs that comrades urgently need support that only you yourself can provide. At best, do not demonstrate your own positive actions - it’s already difficult for a friend, and if he feels a certain obligation for himself, this will contribute to severe stress.

The bird is considered to be a symbol of goodness and moral principles, and to save the life of a bird in a dream means to furiously prove your own opinion to everyone. The dream interpretation gives advice: rest assured, your opinion is far from being isolated, and it is rather wrong. It is worth accepting that one of your loved ones will have a different point of view from you.

Why dream of saving little kittens? Are you currently experiencing financial difficulties? The dream book prophesies that they will end soon, and new and unique chances will open before you to realize your abilities.

A different explanation from the others is a dream book about why one dreams of saving a cat. Joyful news awaits a sleeping person, which will make it possible to analyze the situation and control all areas of life.

Protecting a cat that resists you, scratching, leaving wounds on the skin of a sleeping person is a sign of the interpreter that the help of others can negatively affect you. Actions that you consider suitable for saving a comrade will be perceived differently. Naturally, over time, everything will fall into place, but you are expected to endure a few unfavorable moments.

The reddish color will be a sign of the holiday, white - peace and peace of mind, black - a signal of major troubles in the monetary sphere.

For women in a great position, saving a fish in a dream means the danger of losing a baby in reality. With the initial symptoms, you need to visit a doctor, and then you can easily save your unborn baby.

For the representative of the stronger sex to secure goldfish is a positive sign. Go with confidence to the planned goals, despite the difficulties - fortune is on your side. All your plans will come true, and will give greater results than you expected. However, this interpretation takes on a different meaning if the fish has died.

Why dream of saving a dolphin? The dream interpretation explains such content as chagrin in one's actions. All the dreams that you dream about in relation to the undertaken event are not destined to come true. You just have to come to terms with this fact, or radically change your strategy. In this case, major disappointments will be avoided.

If you know for sure that one of your relatives needs support, then there is no doubt about what it means to save a little puppy. The dream interpreter predicts that you are expected to take a direct part in the life of a character who finds himself in a difficult situation.

For a woman in a marital relationship, saving a bear in night dreams is a bad sign. The dream book predicts soon life path another beloved will arise who will be able to lure her spouse into her fetters without any problems if you do not change your attitude towards him.

To save a horse in a dream plot means you are trying to defend your life priorities in reality. The interpreter promises that soon there will be a need to confirm one's own correctness, based on one's own principles of life. Whether you win in the end will determine a lot of things that happen in the life ahead.

Dream interpretation: save a life

In general, the salvation of a person is a favorable dream. To save someone is to win. Of course, some details should be taken into account that will help to accurately interpret the dream. Therefore, it is highly recommended to remember everything that happens in a dream.

What if you dream of saving?

There are several dream books in which you can find out the interpretation. And it is better to look at several sources at once for complete reliability and accuracy.

Imperial dream book. Save someone - to victory. If this is a pet, then a person is waiting for a change in personal life. Now you should pay attention to where the person or animal was saved. If someone was saved from a car racing at high speed, then in reality a win or inheritance is expected.

Save from the river or from the sea - to the good news. And saving a person from suicide portends new ideas that will glorify the whole city. But the owner of the dream, working as a lifeguard in reality, will be rewarded with a cash prize.

Gypsy dream book. To save a person - dreams of a promotion at work. But just do not exceed your own responsibilities. Otherwise, all friends and acquaintances will hate the boss. If a person is pulled out of the lake, then he will change his place of residence and work. But if a person could not be saved, then, perhaps, bankruptcy or a layoff at work. Especially bad for those who are directly related to finances. Do not exclude the fact that there will be big problems with money. And you have to limit yourself in some purchases.

Women's dream book. Save a drowning man - to success. All ideas will be well received, and soon they will be slowly implemented. But to save someone who is going to hang himself promises unforeseen circumstances. But also good sign when children are rescued. This is for surprises.

It turns out that if a dream occurs from Saturday to Sunday, its fulfillment is significant in reality. It will come true either after dinner or in 5 years. In most cases, such a dream comes true after a fairly long time. So, the person will have time to forget the dream.

Exoteric dream book. To save from death is to gain new friends. If the owner of the dream saves his enemy, then in reality he will do something stupid that will not give him rest for the rest of his life. If a person is saved in court, then in real life they will condemn the one who is not guilty.

It's good if a doctor saves a person. This is for a long life. But it's bad when blood flows from a person on the operating table. Such a dream portends the illness of relatives or close people. When a common person I saw a dying man on the road and is trying to help him, then soon the one whom everyone has been waiting for so long will appear.

Save pets - to gain happiness and prosperity. If parents save their child from a stupid act, then in reality an unexpected meeting will occur.

Royal dream book. Save a life in a dream - to win. If a man is saved in a dream, then the family will be strong. And the salvation of a woman - to unpredictable news. In addition, salvation promises victory over all enemies. It turns out that saving a mouse from a cat portends betrayal by friends. But it's good if the cat ate the mouse. This means that all things will go uphill, and no one will know the secret for a long time.

Saving a life from prison promises the appearance of a new person in the life of the one who sees this dream. Also, a dream where a family saves their own child portends happiness. And the rescue of an unknown baby promises many unexpected surprises and gifts. Therefore, you should not worry about the fact that this dream is not entirely favorable.

What portends?

Andrey Zateev, a participant in the show “The Battle of Psychics,” says that a dream in which to save a person is fortunate. Soon the black streak in life will disappear. All things will be successful. Moreover, the atmosphere at work will change for the better.

The psychic claims that if a lifeguard pulls a person out of the water, then the future chosen one will obey in everything. It also happens that they save from suicide. This means that in reality there will be ideas that will not be allowed to die.

According to Andrei, saving a man from a swamp portends a change of friends in the present tense. And this is for the best, since former friends will be set against the owner of the dream. If it saves stranger, then soon everyone will know the secret. Thanks to her, everything in life will change. There is also such a dream in which the enemy saves. So, he will need help soon. If the person did not have time to save, then in reality there will be significant changes in life.

The clairvoyant claims that saving a dog means helping a friend. And he will never forget this help. But if you save the cat, then in real life there will be difficult situation in which friends will not help. The person is disappointed. Therefore, you should not open your whole soul to colleagues or neighbors.

It often happens that in a dream they save a child - to well-being. Especially good for couples. This promises a long and happy life. This dream portends quite good news. But again, you should remember all the moments that occur in a dream.

It is strongly recommended not to tell the dream to strangers. Not only bad dreams should be kept silent, but also good ones. If a bad dream told, it will definitely come true. But a good one can only promise a change in the weather. So it's best to keep your mouth shut.

But do not constantly think about the past dream. After all, it can be fulfilled at any time. It's always unpredictable. Therefore, it is better to continue to live as before. Then everything will go on as usual. The main thing is not to go in cycles in sleep for a long time.

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Why dream of saving

In a dream, did you happen to save someone or did they save you? The interpretation of sleep is almost always direct. Someone really needs your help or you yourself need support. Dream Interpretations will tell you why this dream plot is dreaming yet?

Freud's opinion

Freud's dream book is sure that falling asleep in a dream literally means that you want to have sex. Moreover, you may dream that you are saving a specific person or only a creature that resembles a certain personality with its features.

Why does a man dream that he happened to save a woman? You clearly intend to have an affair with her, or at least spend one night. For a woman to save a man - to a passionate desire to have children from him.

Had a dream that you were saving a drowning child, kitten or puppy? The dream book believes that on a subconscious level you realize that you are paying too little attention to your own child. For the childless, such a dream means a desire to adopt a child.

Why else dream that you had to save some little animal? In a dream, this is a reflection of love for children. Did you dream that the victim was resisting and obviously did not want to be saved? Your sexual partner may cheat on you.

In a dream, did you yourself escape from some kind of trouble? In reality, part with the chosen one on your own initiative. If you dreamed that someone saved you, then there is a person nearby who wants to get closer to you.

Interpretation of the modern combined dream book

Why dream that you were saved from danger? the dream book considers this a bad omen, hinting at an illness or excessive nervous tension.

Did you dream that it happened to save someone? Your merits will be recognized by the public and perhaps even adequately rewarded. In a dream, someone saved you? Beware: this is a sign of real danger, such as an accident.

Interpretation of sleep according to the dream book of the Yellow Emperor

Why dream that you had to save someone? This is a symbolic reflection of the fact that you personally need support. You are clearly insecure and afraid of something.

Did you dream that you were saving a certain character without much concentration on his personality? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are overly ambitious in your aspirations.

However, be careful, most often the law of inversion comes into play, which reflects weakness rather than strength. Moreover, you inadequately assess the situation and generally see the world in a somewhat illusory light, which leads to an indispensable defeat in everything.

Did you happen to save a real friend or loved one in a dream? The dream warns of the danger hanging over them in reality. This may be an unfavorable set of circumstances, a serious illness, and even submission to someone else's will. A more accurate interpretation of sleep depends on its additional details.

Save in a dream according to D. Loff's dream book

Why dream that you had to save the dream victim? Dream Interpretation suspects that you are ready to try on the role of a hero, savior or mentor in the real world. For a better understanding of the plot, it is recommended to remember what you had to save from and how exactly you did it.

Did you dream that they saved you? The dream book believes that you feel your own incompetence and insecurity. You are afraid that you might make a mistake, so you prefer not to do anything at all.

Did a real person save you in a dream? Ask him for help, perhaps you just need good advice or just a heart-to-heart talk. Salvation by a stranger symbolizes the intervention of higher powers.

Collection of dream books - save in a dream

Did you dream that you were saved? Most often, this dream plot should be interpreted literally. That is, you really need to be saved from something. You probably feel like a victim, unfairly punished by fate.

But remember, there are no victims in the world, we all voluntarily, even if not consciously, accept our own life and the dangers associated with it. Stop whining and complaining, pull yourself together and do something.

Why dream that, on the contrary, you had to save someone? You feel that there is someone nearby who urgently needs support. In a dream, working as a lifeguard means that you want fame and recognition. Seeing a rescuer in a dream is good. This is your personal keeper in the world of dreams and an invisible assistant in the real world.

Why dream of saving a child, a person

Dream salvation reflects the attraction to the rescued character, the intention to enter into an intimate or friendly relationship with him. In a dream, this desire to be seen in reality. Seeing how you happened to save a beautiful girl from a monstrous dragon means that you are thinking about saving your own or someone else's soul.

Had a dream that you saved a child, especially from a fire? Do not worry, all suspicions of treason are groundless and soon they will completely dissipate. In a dream, saving children from evil dogs or wild animals is bad. Your well-being is in grave danger. Enemies are just waiting for the moment when you relax.

Why else dream that it happened to save a person? You are an honest and sympathetic friend, you can always rely on you in difficult circumstances. The path you have chosen is the right one, do not hesitate and follow the call of your heart.

Did you dream that, having defied danger, you saved a loved one? Detractors will be furious, because incredible prospects are open before you, and luck is your faithful ally.

What does it mean - in dreams to save a cat, a dog

Why dream if you saved a defenseless kitten? You will find out that they are trying to draw you into an insidious intrigue. The same image symbolizes a good attitude towards children.

What else does saving a dog or cat mean? Try to pay more attention to your own child, he is clearly moving away from you, and you feel it. For childless dreamers, dream salvation hints at the possibility or need to adopt a child.

Did you happen to save newborn kittens or puppies in a dream? The conceived business is under threat, its further advancement requires all responsibility and maximum dedication. Sometimes the image of an animal indicates a real person. Think carefully about who you can associate a puppy or kitten with.

I dreamed of saving a drowning man, saving a drowning man

Why dream that you had to save a drowning man in the water? By your own behavior, you have earned incredible happiness. Seeing someone drowning and trying to save him means that you will help another person at the cost of your own well-being.

Had a dream that you were trying to pump out a drowned man? Family relationships will be a burden, love has passed, only boredom and habit remain. Bring a fresh sip and a share of intrigue into the relationship, otherwise it will all end in a complete separation. Rescuing people during a global flood is a serious illness that will disrupt all plans.

In a dream, save from fire, from a fire

Why dream that you had a chance to save someone from a fire? A certain event that has already deprived you of your last strength is approaching its tragic denouement. And you cannot change anything.

Did you dream that you were saving people from fire? Suddenly changed circumstances will force you to take a different look at familiar things. In a dream, extinguishing a fire and saving people from it - to major worries and troubles. But remember, your own imbalance and short temper can aggravate the situation.

What does it mean to save from an attack, a maniac, rape

Did you dream that you managed to save someone from the attack of bandits? Gain good luck in rivalry and competition. Salvation from attack symbolizes personal fears and baseless fears.

Why dream that you saved a girl from a maniac or a rapist? Fate will strike a serious blow, but you will meet it with dignity and even in cold blood. In a dream, did you personally fall into danger, but were you able to get out of it without loss? Listen to your intuition, it will take you out of any trouble in life.

Save in a dream - a few specific examples

Did you dream that you had to save a certain victim from a great danger? Be prepared that a real person will turn to you for help. Do not refuse and do everything in your power. Besides:

  • to save oneself - ingratitude or reward
  • save you - a way out of the crisis, retribution for mistakes
  • help in salvation - spiritual guidance
  • the victim fights back - an obstacle, trouble
  • lies for the sake of salvation - mistakes that will cause outrage
  • save from the heat - a close one will bring failure
  • from thirst - make the right decision
  • from the flood - improvement in life situation
  • from spring floods - false rumors
  • from danger - gaining faith
  • from cold, frost - find a friend
  • from the rain - joy after tears
  • from a thunderstorm - avoid someone else's wrath
  • from an avalanche - failures will pass by
  • from a volcano - control of the situation, emotions is necessary
  • from the gallows - purchase, valuable acquisition
  • save from persecution - career advancement
  • from a rapist - betrayal of a friend
  • from a group of bandits - a conspiracy at work
  • from suicide - take responsibility
  • from accusation in court - nobility or, on the contrary, a mistake
  • save from a shark - a break with a dishonest partner, chosen one
  • from a predator, a wild beast - the successful completion of a dangerous business
  • from a snake - reveal intrigue
  • from a dog - recognize the enemy
  • save from a car accident - rely only on yourself
  • plane crashes are a serious test
  • accidents on railway– changes
  • natural disaster - get out of unfavorable conditions
  • save at sea - loss of earnings, difficulties with money

In a dream, saving another is a fear for someone else's or one's own life. Had a dream that you managed to save someone from the most incredible danger? In the real world, everything will go well. Pay attention to who helped you. If it was not possible to save someone or save yourself, then get ready for bad changes and unimportant prospects.

If you save someone, victory, glory awaits you. Work as a lifeguard - your ambition requires a way out. You will have the opportunity to express yourself publicly in the media.

Esoteric dream book

The dream says that you are afraid for something, including for your life. If in a dream you were saved, then in reality everything will be fine. See who is helping you: people, animals, fabulous creatures. If it was not possible to escape, then in reality you have unimportant prospects.

Loff's Dream Interpretation Save

In dreams about salvation, are you acting as a savior or a person in need of salvation? If you are saving others, you may see yourself as a HERO, parent, or mentor. Who are these others, what are you saving them from, and with what help? The answers to these questions will give you the opportunity to understand the role that you assign to yourself in a certain system of relationships. If you are rescued, you may feel overwhelmed or incompetent in a particular area of ​​real life. It seems to you that the consequences of any miscalculation can lead to a fatal error. If your savior is a person familiar to you from real life, then you should ask his advice on the strategy of the struggle that you have to lead. Salvation was something expected and therefore did not cause any ALARM (EXCREATION)? Did the salvation proceed despite the obstacles: did it succeed or did it fail?

Freud's dream book Save

Salvation in dreams is associated with the desire for sex, the desire to have children and pregnancy. To save a woman from the water is to strive for sexual contact with her. To save a man from the water is to want a child from him. If you save a child or an animal, such as a cat, from the water, then you subconsciously feel that you are paying little attention to your child: for the childless, such a dream means thinking about possible adoption. If you save animals from a flood, then this speaks of your love and tender feelings for children. But beware! These feelings easily turn into cravings for pregnant women or pedophilia. If the victim resists and does not want to be saved, then this portends a possible betrayal of your sexual partner. If you yourself escaped or escaped some kind of danger, then this symbolizes a break with an unwanted or unpleasant sexual partner. If someone saves you or saves you from some kind of danger, then this symbolizes the appearance of a person who would like to have sexual contact with you.

Modern dream book

Seeing in a dream how you are escaping from some kind of trouble is a bad sign, meaning that you are in a state of increased nervousness or illness, and warning of the need to be more careful. If in a dream you save someone, this portends you a recognition of your merits or a reward: if they save you, this is a warning of imminent danger, especially a possible accident.

Your personal dream book

If you dream that you have escaped from any danger, then get ready for the fact that serious trials await you, but you will endure them with honor and dignity. To dream where you save someone else means that you will be able to gain respect in society, thanks in large part to the good that you have done for others.