Mackerel fish soup with smoke flavor. Fish soup from fresh-frozen mackerel: two delicious recipes

  • 02.07.2020

Ukha - Russian national fish soup. Prepared from the most different types fish - both river and sea ​​fish, red and white.

A bit of history

In Russia, fish soup was originally prepared from one type of fish, later they began to cook soup from several varieties of fish at once, mixed.

By the way, it is believed that the original Russian recipe does not contain millet or any other cereals. Fishermen began to add grits in the ear to make the soup thicker and more satisfying. The recipe varied depending on the area where it was prepared. For example, in the southern provinces, tomatoes were added to the ear.

The most delicious fish soup is obtained from oily fish, but low-fat varieties are also suitable.

By the way, oh healthy eating- fatty fish soups are good for health (if there are no contraindications), while fatty meats are not recommended for cooking meat broth.

Mackerel fish soup ingredients

The cooking time is 45 minutes.

I indicate the number of products exactly as much as I had:

  • Water - 2.5 liters
  • Freshly frozen mackerel - 2 fish (750-850 grams)
  • Carrots - 1 piece medium (130-150 grams)
  • Onion - 1 medium head (130-150 grams)
  • Rice - 3 tbsp. spoons (about 50 grams), instead of rice, you can add millet or barley in the same amount
  • Potatoes - 2 small pieces (130-150 grams)
  • Bay leaf - 2-3 leaves
  • Salt - 2/3 tsp. spoons or according to your taste
  • Ground black pepper - ¼ tsp. spoons
  • Green onions - 4-5 feathers.

Food preparation

We defrost the fish in the refrigerator - with slow defrosting, it will retain its shape and elasticity.

We cut the mackerel - cut off the heads and tails, cut along the belly, take out the intestines and rinse well. I caught both fish with caviar - excellent, it will also go into the soup.

Fish soup ingredients

We cut the fish into large pieces so that it does not boil over and the soup does not turn into porridge - from one fish, together with the head, you will get 3-4 pieces.

We clean the carrots and three on a coarse grater.

Cut the onion into two halves - put one half aside, cut the other into medium cubes.

Peel the potatoes and cut into large pieces or slices.

Rice (I have white long-grain unsteamed) is well washed under running water. cold water 5-6 times to make the water clear. Thus, the soup will turn out clear, not cloudy.

Greens and spices

If you chose millet, we wash it in the same way. If barley, then I recommend soaking it in advance for two hours so that it cooks faster. Rinse well after soaking.

Step-by-step recipe for cooking fish soup with mackerel

The algorithm is the following:

  1. Put water on the stove and bring it to a boil.
  2. We put the set aside half of the onion in the water and add rice (or the cereal of your choice), cook for 5 minutes.
  3. We fall asleep grated carrots, bring to a boil again and cook for 5 minutes.
  4. Add chopped onions and potatoes, cook for 10 minutes.
  5. After 10 minutes, lay the fish along with the heads and caviar, wait for the boil. If foam forms, remove it. After the fish has been added, do not stir the soup, as the fish is tender, soft and can fall apart from intense stirring, and the soup will become cloudy. Cook for 10 minutes after boiling.
  6. We put Bay leaf, salt and black pepper, mix gently. Fresh or dried dill or parsley can be added if desired.
  7. After 2 minutes, we fall asleep onions, cook for another 3 minutes and turn off the stove.

Appetizing and fragrant fish soup fresh frozen mackerel ready. Leave it covered for 5-10 minutes to infuse. Serve sprinkled with fresh chives or any other herb you like.

finished ear

Serving option

And finally, a few tips:

  • Do not put too much cereal in the soup, as it will no longer be an ear, and the soup will also lose its transparency.
  • Do not digest mackerel - 15 minutes is enough for the fish to remain elastic, not boiled, while it retains useful substances and the aforementioned (and so valuable) Omega 3 fatty acids.
  • Boil the ear at a moderate boil so that the food does not boil.
  • Do not put in a dish a large number of additional spices, they will kill the taste and aroma of fish broth.

Bon appetit. Cook and eat well.

A rich mackerel fish soup is an ideal hot dish for lunch, which even children will enjoy eating with pleasure. It takes only 20 minutes to prepare, but if you are going to create an fish soup for adults, then at the end of cooking, pour 50 ml of vodka into the container, add a couple of chopped garlic cloves, pre-peeled and washed, as well as a couple of pieces of chili pepper - for a sharp taste , and let the soup steam under the lid. Children do not welcome such additives, and vodka is generally contraindicated for them.

I like the fish soup from mackerel because such fish is cooked in a matter of minutes, so you need to judge the readiness of the dish by the potato slices - it should become soft. Do not forget about celery greens - it is she who gives the dish that very unique flavor that distinguishes fish soup from ordinary fish soup. By the way, many people recommend adding rice to it for greater satiety, but this is optional!

So, prepare the necessary ingredients and start cooking!

Rinse the mackerel in water, rip open its belly and remove all the insides along with the black hymen, walk along the ridge - dried blood often accumulates under it. Rinse the carcass thoroughly, otherwise you will end up with a cloudy broth. Separate the head and remove the gills from the head. Rinse again and cut into portions. Peel potatoes, onions and carrots, rinse and cut into large pieces.

Put everything in a saucepan or cauldron. Rinse the tomatoes, remove the green cores with a knife, cut into slices directly into the pan. Salt and pepper, add bay leaves.

Pour in warm water and place the container on the stove, bringing to a boil. Remove the foam with a slotted spoon, reduce the heat to medium and boil the ear for about 15 minutes.

Rinse the celery greens and add them to the pot. At the same stage, you can supplement the dish with other herbs. Turn off the heat after 5 minutes. If cooking for adults, pour in vodka, add garlic or chili, cover and leave to steam for 2-5 minutes.

Put the parts of the fish and boiled vegetables in deep portioned plates, pour in the broth and serve the fish soup from the mackerel to the table.

Happy you!

Fish soup from freshly frozen mackerel is a hearty first course that will give a lot of benefits and an unforgettable rich taste. This is a small fish that lives in warm ocean waters. It is very mobile, therefore it has reddish meat, similar in taste to tuna. The calorie content of the product is quite high, due to the layer of fat. Therefore, it is perfectly baked, smoked and boiled in broths. The recipe for mackerel fish soup, as in the photo, is not much different from the same from other fish, which can be cooked at home in the kitchen. Also a lot positive feedback received an ear from the heads of mackerel, which allows you to dispose of unnecessary trimmings.

If anyone doubted whether it is possible to cook fish soup from mackerel, then be sure to cook this dish. After all, this fish is ideal for broths, because. it is quite oily and gives excellent fat.

The fish is tender, therefore, it is not difficult to guess how much is boiled in water for fish soup. This process takes no more than 15-20 minutes. And if the broth is cooked from heads and tails, then for sure the housewives will be interested in how long to cook trimmings in the ear. In this case, the process will also take no more than 20 minutes.

Recipe for a delicious fish soup from fresh-frozen mackerel

Servings: 8.

Time: 1 hour.

Calorie content: 47 kcal per 100 grams.


  • 500 g of fish;
  • 2.5 liters of water;
  • 2 onions;
  • 1 small carrot;
  • 3-4 potatoes;
  • 2 garlic cloves;
  • 2 tomatoes;
  • 1 bunch of parsley;
  • 2-3 peas of black pepper;
  • 1-2 chips. salt and ground black pepper.
  • Cooking process

    The recipe for mackerel fish soup at home is quite simple. Because most often on sale you can find frozen carcasses, then usually the ear is cooked from frozen fish. First you need to gently defrost, rinse thoroughly, gut the carcasses. Cut the fish into pieces and proceed to the vegetables.
    Rinse all vegetables thoroughly, dry, peel. We cut the onion into half rings, carrots into thin strips, potatoes into medium slices, and garlic into thin slices.

    Tomatoes are best freed from the peel in advance so that it does not spoil the impression of the dish. To do this, you need to prepare a container with ice water and a kettle of boiling water. Slightly cut the skin, pour boiling water for a couple of minutes and transfer to cold water. We remove the skin from the fruit, and cut the pulp into cubes.
    In a saucepan, heat the water to 100 gr., Lay the fish and potatoes. Now you need to cook a delicious broth from freshly frozen fish. In this case, the heating should be moderate.

    In the meantime, lightly fry the onion, add the carrots, cook everything together for about 5 minutes. At the end, add garlic, and after 2 minutes, tomatoes. Stir, simmer another 5-7 minutes.

    Add the contents of the pan to the finished broth from frozen fish, mix, cook everything together for 5 minutes. At the end of cooking, lay chopped herbs and spices.

    This simple recipe can be varied by cooking it with millet, egg or rice.

    Servings: 6.

    Time: 1 hour.

    Calorie content: 60 kcal per 100 gr.


  • 4-6 fish heads;
  • 4 potato tubers;
  • 150 g mushrooms;
  • 1 carrot;
  • 3 liters of water;
  • 1 small onion;
  • 1 tbsp table salt;
  • 2 laurels.
  • Recipe:

    Often, heads remain from a fresh or frozen inhabitant of the deep sea. Don't rush to throw them away. Because the trimmings can be used to make a recipe for fish soup from mackerel heads.

    We wash the heads well, be sure to remove the gills and eyeballs from the fish. We lower them into boiling water, add lavrushka, cook the broth for about a quarter of an hour. Then we filter the liquid, add coarsely chopped onions, and after 5 minutes we throw in the carrots.

    When the ear from the heads of fresh-frozen mackerel is cooked for another 2-3 minutes, add fresh mushrooms cut into slices, cook them the same amount. Then we fall asleep coarsely chopped potatoes, simmer for a quarter of an hour.

    At the end of cooking, salt the dish, season with chopped herbs, leave for 5-10 minutes. In the same way, a spicy mackerel fish soup with tomatoes is prepared.

    The above recipes with photos describe the cooking process step by step, but there are a few secrets:

  • during the preparation of the yushka, it is necessary to remove the foam, then the dish will turn out transparent;
  • in order not to strain the fish broth, you can place all the trimmings in a gauze bundle, and then simply throw it away;
  • smoked fish makes an excellent fragrant yushka, only it is better to cook it from cold-smoked mackerel.
  • To prepare two liters of this simple but very delicious soup, it will be enough to take one medium-sized fish weighing about 350-400 grams. Frozen fish will need to be carefully thawed - do not fill the fish with cold water or defrost in the air, just put it on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. We carefully cut the carcass of the thawed fish - the tail and head will need to be cut off, and the fish divided into several medium pieces.

    Medium-sized potatoes will need to be peeled, washed and cut into not very large cubes.

    Wash the potatoes well to remove excess starch - thanks to this, the mackerel ear will be transparent.

    Pour water into a convenient saucepan, bring it to a boil and carefully lay out the potatoes. Cook potatoes over medium heat until fully cooked.

    To flavor the soup fresh vegetables, onions and carrots do not need to be fried. Once the potatoes boil, add the vegetables to the pot and season with salt to taste.

    Once the vegetables are completely soft, add the mackerel pieces and reduce the heat.

    Mackerel is enough to boil over medium heat for 15-20 minutes.

    Before cooking mackerel fish soup, wash fresh dill and parsley and finely chop it with a knife. Divide the greens into approximately two equal parts - one will need to be added to the broth when the fish is cooked, the other will be used to make sour cream sauce.

    Mix fresh sour cream with finely chopped greens and refrigerate - the longer the sauce stands, the more aromatic the sour cream will be. This sauce is perfect for ready-made soup, if desired, you can add finely chopped garlic.

    When the mackerel ear is fully cooked, add the bay leaf, cover the pan with a lid and let stand for a few minutes. Fish soup should preferably be served hot with sour cream sauce.

    Now you know how to cook mackerel fish soup - everything is very fast and extremely simple. You can take any spices for the fish soup according to your taste - you can use green onion instead of onions, instead of fresh herbs, you can use dried mixtures.

    Fish soup is not only a great way to compensate for the missing vitamins, but also a great opportunity to lose those extra pounds. Mackerel fish soup is very nutritious and satisfying, so adhering to a fasting diet, this dish will be a real salvation for you. Bon appetit!


    Mackerel ear it turns out tasty, appetizing and very fragrant. Mackerel itself (by the way, it is also called mackerel and troublemaker) today is one of the available fish. Her meat is very tender and rich. healthy fats. It is rich in useful elements (phosphorus, iodine, potassium, sodium, fluorine, manganese) and vitamins (a lot of D and B12). At the same time, its benefits for the body as a whole are invaluable. It allows you to relieve headaches and joint pain, have a cleansing and strengthening effect on blood vessels, and regulate hormonal balance. And also regular consumption of mackerel allows you to rejuvenate the skin, strengthen hair, improve heart function and blood circulation in the brain, activate memory and strengthen the skeletal system. All this indicates that mackerel must be in the diet, for example, in the form of fish soup.

    The taste of mackerel is undeniable. The fish is very tender and has practically no small bones, which is an important advantage. That is why mackerel ear is so tasty, appetizing and fragrant. And green onions and dried herbs will help shade its taste. By the way, in the ear, the fish fillet is very juicy and tender. It tastes much better than fried. From other ingredients, you can add cereals (rice, millet, pearl barley), chicken or quail eggs. The soup will be richer.

    We will cook fish soup from freshly frozen mackerel. Of course, it must first be defrosted. You can use both fresh and canned mackerel. We will also add potatoes. By the way, if you accidentally make the fish soup too salty, you can simply add more potatoes or cereals. Cooking will be correct both on the stove and in the slow cooker on the "Soup" mode. Choose the method that is more convenient for you.

    Let's start cooking. To do this, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with a simple step by step recipe with a photo, according to which cooking will seem extremely simple. The process of cooking fish soup from mackerel does not imply any pitfalls, so the dish is guaranteed to turn out appetizing even for a novice hostess. Despite the fact that there are very few ingredients in the composition, this will not affect the taste of the first course.

    We wish you good luck in your culinary experiments!


    • (1 PC.)

    • (5-6 pieces)

    • (1 PC.)

    • (taste)

    • (taste)

    • (taste)

    • (1 PC.)

    • (taste)

    Cooking steps

      Prepare the ingredients you will need: mackerel (if it is frozen, transfer it to the bottom shelf of the refrigerator in the evening, it will melt by morning), onion, potatoes and dried herbs. Additionally, you can prepare green onions, this is a matter of taste.

      Now let's start cleaning the fish. It needs to be gutted, then cut off the head, get rid of the gills (they will not be needed). The tail must be cut off. And also remove the black film. It can give bitterness, which we do not need at all. Then wash the fish well and dry it. You can use paper towels for this.

      Remove the fish fillets from the spine. And then cut the fillet in half. The ridge does not need to be thrown away.

      Send a pot of water to the stove. Put the tail, backbone, fillet and head of mackerel in it. Boil ordinary fish broth. As the liquid boils, foam will form, remove it so that the broth is clear.

      At this time, potatoes should be peeled, washed, dried and cut into medium-sized cubes.

      Then take the onion, peel it from the husk, wash and dry it. Then chop the onion. If this vegetable is not to your liking, you can put it whole in the broth, and then discard it.

      Five minutes after the broth boils, you need to remove the mackerel fillet. Transfer it to a plate and let it cool. Put potatoes and onions into the broth. Boil vegetables for fifteen minutes over moderate heat. At this time, select the bones from the fish that could be left there. If you miss something, do not worry, because the bones are already very soft.

      Now cut the fish into portions. It is desirable that they are all approximately the same.

      Prepare dried herbs, namely bay leaf, dried parsley and dill.

      Now mash the dry herbs into powder with a mortar or just with your hands. Send the greens to the broth, salt to taste. Now put the sliced ​​​​fish into the broth and cook the first dish for another five minutes. Then turn off the stove, cover the pan with a lid and let the ear brew for 7-10 minutes.

      It remains to pour the ear on plates. It turns out rich, fragrant and very tasty. The broth will be delicious on its own if someone likes it. If desired, chopped green onions can be added to the ear, which will add interesting taste qualities to the dish.

      Bon appetit!