How much do interior designers in Russia earn and how to get more than others? Income of design specialists in Russia and abroad How much does an interior designer earn per month.

  • 31.07.2019

In choosing a profession modern people are guided by two criteria. Only demanded specialties that provide adequate conditions for a comfortable life can provide good income... These professions now include an interior designer.

Huge assortment finishing materials, furniture gave the opportunity to design housing, commercial establishments, offices in full accordance with fashion, personal tastes. But professionalism is required to create harmony, flawless results. Therefore, more and more often the owners of housing, restaurants, salons turn to a specialist. Those wishing to understand how much an interior designer earns should understand the specifics of income generation in this profession.

Criteria affecting interior designer income

Creative professions allow you to do what you love and get paid for it. This is an indisputable advantage of specialties in this category. However, they also have a significant drawback. Most of them do not provide stable earnings. The interior designer earns income from completed projects, the quantity and cost of which may be different.

Talent, creativity, hard work play an important role in achieving success. However, other factors also influence the amount of income:

  • education;
  • work experience;
  • skills in working with special computer software;
  • professional reputation;
  • region.

Designers who graduated from a prestigious university have more chances at the beginning of their journey to get a job in a worthy company. A diploma from courses of an unknown institution may cause mistrust and doubts among the employer. If a young specialist with no work experience manages to get a job in good firm, at first it wage in the provinces it will be in the range of 12-14 thousand rubles. In Moscow, you can find a place with an income of 22-25 thousand rubles.

The modern designer needs to be able to use specialized computer programs, 3D modeling. Now it is impossible to work productively without these assistants.

Experience and professional reputation have a significant impact on the amount of income.

For example, the average wage of a beginner in Ukraine is about 4 thousand hryvnia, experienced craftsmen earn an average of 10-12 thousand hryvnia.

The prices for interior designer services differ significantly in the regions. In large cities and capitals, customers are ready to pay large sums for an original design project. In the province, the incomes of the population are lower, which is reflected in the payment for services of any kind, including design.

For example, the average salary of a designer in the regions of Russia is 22 thousand rubles, and in St. Petersburg, Moscow - 45-50 thousand rubles.

Achievement of success in the activity of an interior designer

Young people who have set themselves a high goal in this profession should know what factors help in achieving them:

Studying at a prestigious university will help you get a worthy vacancy. Excellent knowledge of computer software will be a serious plus. Device in prestigious company in the metropolis provides great opportunities. Even if at first a low salary is assigned, this chance is worth taking advantage of.

The salary of an interior designer directly depends on the reputation and popularity. It is not only professionalism and experience that makes it possible to achieve such a position. Important qualities are: sociability, tact, the ability to win over the interlocutor, the ability to profitably present an idea.

Interior design - creative, interesting job... A lot of people are working in this area, translating into reality original ideas... This profession is in demand in various areas of life. How much do designers make? Their income depends on various factors that must be taken into account by all specialists before employment.

A little about the profession

Designers are needed in different areas- in the interior, clothing, landscape. Experts develop ideas, make changes to them, creating something new. If an interior designer is involved in the work during construction, then you can get excellent housing, taking into account your requirements.

The specialty is obtained in various educational institutions of our country. Qualified employees are usually employed. The profession can be trained further, mastering new areas of design.


How much designers earn depends on the responsibilities. Although they have creative work, they still have a list of must-do things:

  • creation of drawings and design projects;
  • choice of style for the room;
  • calculation of the volume and price of materials;
  • purchase of materials, furniture and decor together with the customer;
  • creation of sketches of furniture;
  • control over construction work;
  • decor of premises;
  • participation in specialized exhibitions.

All stages are agreed with the customer. The communicative qualities of a specialist are important here. How much an interior designer earns will depend on professional skills and experience.

What affects income?

Design is considered a creative profession. But how do you become a sought-after specialist? In this case, you need not only creative thinking and artistic talent. Additional skills are required to be successful in this area. A specialist must have the skills of an architect, artist, engineer, designer, constructor. Income in many areas depends on hard work, punctuality, contact.

Salaries for creative people are rarely stable, and this also applies to designers. Their income depends on several factors:

  • the level of education;
  • possession of special programs;
  • work experience, portfolio;
  • time of work on the order;
  • reputation;
  • locality;
  • goodwill;
  • skill.

The salaries of these specialists in many other countries are higher in comparison with Russia. Their income abroad can be in the range of 35-105 thousand dollars.

Income in Russia

How much an interior designer earns in Russia depends on the region. The highest incomes are in the Moscow region, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar and Novosibirsk. The initial salary is 10 thousand rubles. How much do designers earn in Moscow? The maximum per month is 125 thousand rubles, and the average is 60 thousand rubles.

How much does a designer make on average? Incomes in each city are different:

  • St. Petersburg - 35-45 thousand rubles;
  • Yekaterinburg - 32-42;
  • Krasnoyarsk - 27-36;
  • Novosibirsk - 27-35;
  • Omsk - 27-35;
  • Chelyabinsk - 25-36;
  • Ufa - 24-30.

Such earnings will be earned by specialists with at least 3 years of work experience. How much does a designer earn per month in a small town? His income will be approximately 20 thousand rubles.

Landscape designer

These professionals work with a number of related disciplines. They need to know engineering for the creation of communications, lighting planning, water removal systems. Specialists work with the placement of fountains, premises. Their responsibilities include developing the appearance of the garden, which requires knowledge in the field of botany and ecology, since this requires not only determining the location of the plant, but also being able to create conditions suitable for it.

Landscape designers should not undertake several projects at once, as the work of creating the appearance of the territory is considered painstaking. It takes a lot of time for it. How much do designers in Russia earn in this profile? Average income is 25-30 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - 45-50 thousand rubles.

Newcomers in this area have lower salaries. For example, in Kazan without experience, specialists are paid about 11-14 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - 20-27 thousand rubles. Employees are required in specialized firms. It is difficult for aspiring designers to build a career, but it is still possible.

Clothing designers

Fashion design is considered a sought-after job. Experts create sketches of new products, taking into account the wishes of the customer. The result is a unique item that fully meets the requirements of a particular person. A specialist's income depends on experience, skill, and creativity. As in other areas, there is competition here, so beginners are not paid much.

How much do fashion designers earn? In the regions, the income is 20-30 thousand rubles, and in Moscow - from 50 thousand rubles. The average figure in Russia is 40 thousand rubles.

Web page designers

These specialists are involved in projects of applications and sites. In addition to working in companies and studios, such specialists can perform their duties remotely.

The average salary of specialists is 20-70 thousand rubles. It depends on the region, experience, portfolio availability. When working remotely, you should choose the right pricing policy.


In many companies, when applying for a job, it is required to show a portfolio. It is presented in the form of a folder with types of work performed. According to it, the employer assesses the style, abilities, skills. The portfolio can be in paper or electronic form. It should contain information about yourself and work.

Portfolio should include best works that have been executed. You can illustrate the development of specific projects. This should be done from the beginning until the results are obtained. This will allow you to demonstrate your skills and abilities. All material in the portfolio must be in logical sequence... You can add a description to each project.

The portfolio may contain a resume describing work experience, education, awards. It is advisable to place a business card with personal information in it. In this form, a portfolio will help you find the desired vacancy.

Increase in earnings

Income depends on the requirements that employers place on employees. They are as follows:

  • knowledge of the basics of work;
  • spatial thinking;
  • design;
  • freehand drawing;
  • work with programs.

The level of salary is influenced by the availability of education. Companies require documents on graduation from a higher educational institution. Graduates of prestigious universities in the country and other countries are in great demand. The importance of has knowledge of specialized literature. They are hired after school and after completing courses, but then the salary will be lower in comparison with high-level specialists.

Work experience plays an important role. The higher the seniority and the more voluminous projects in the resume, the more chances of successful employment with a high income. The level of the financial condition of employees depends on how much the company earns. Many firms pay salary plus interest on orders.

Many people dream of becoming a designer and work creating beauty. Of course, such specialists can work in different fields. Earnings from the start, as in any profession, are usually small.

So, a novice designer can earn not so much: for example, in Moscow, a designer in the field of advertising, having no work experience, but owning key graphic programs, receives about 30-36 thousand rubles. Over time, the level of his payment increases. Many people are interested in the question: how much does a clothing and interior designer earn in Russia?

Of course, the payment will vary in a wide range, depending on a number of factors:

  • qualifications;
  • areas of application of design talent (landscape, graphic design, motion, web design, furniture design, clothing, etc.);
  • popularity of the specialist.

What is the income of an interior designer

Interior designers' incomes are infrequently fixed. They directly depend on:

  • reputation;
  • presence of experience and portfolio;
  • skill level;
  • creativity;
  • productivity and productivity.

How much do interior designers earn

This specialization implies creative, creative work, ample opportunities for self-realization, sometimes also great fame. The salaries of such designers in the Russian Federation, especially in Moscow, are good. True, they are not so easy to achieve. First, you need to gain experience in this area, and before that - get a job. There is a lot of competition here - 7.5 applicants for 1 place. Moreover, a percentage of transactions is sometimes added to the designer's salary, which means: at first, while you are learning to develop exclusive expensive projects, you should also master sales. Even if you fail to reach the very heights, your favorite job, a decent salary, plus the pleasure of creativity are guaranteed.

How much do interior designers earn in Moscow and how much in other regions of the Russian Federation

The starting salary of a novice designer in Moscow reaches 38 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 32 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg (Ural) - 26 thousand rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod a young employee is able to get a job for 14-20 thousand rubles.

Designers who have worked in this profession for more than a year can demand a salary increase or study proposals with large amounts. They need to feel free when it comes to the latest trends in interior design, to own a high-quality portfolio of design projects they have completed. Negotiation skills must also be at a high level. The likely salary for a candidate meeting such wishes in Moscow grows to 46 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - up to 35 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg - up to 30 thousand rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - up to 21 thousand rubles.

Access to the higher salary area is open to designers with a higher education degree in architecture or design. They must have worked in this profile for more than 3 years. Therefore, in the role of a candidate, employers usually want to see a specialist who already has experience in organizations of this kind.

A designer must be ready for periodic visits to objects, therefore, among special wishes, they often indicate the availability of rights, their car. Highest level this salary range in Moscow is 60 thousand rubles, in St. Petersburg - 46 thousand rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 29 thousand rubles.

Candidates with 5 years of experience in this field will be able to count on the highest income. These should be already quite successful aces, who previously created high-budget design projects with complex technological equipment of the premises. Knowledge of in English... An experienced interior designer earns up to 130 thousand rubles in Moscow, in St. Petersburg, interior design specialists can expect a salary of up to 96 thousand rubles, in Yekaterinburg - up to 82 thousand rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - about 57 thousand rubles. It is clear that the more knowledge a candidate possesses in the profession, the more salary he can count on.

How much do graphic designers get

There is different variants: a specialist can work from home, otherwise it is called freelancing. If you need more stable income, it is advisable to get a job in an agency, work there for a salary officially. True, for a novice specialist to find a permanent job in a large agency, either private firm not easy. Although if you are able to sell yourself in such a way that they want to buy you without experience, then you can count on the amount of 40,000 - 150,000, it depends on professionalism, work experience, and other factors.

Working in the agency is quite profitable and comfortable. The specialist is always busy, usually present interesting projects, professional growth. For a sociable person, working in an office is a virtue, but a fan of a free schedule will not be happy with a vacation just once a year.

Employment options, salaries in companies are different. Sometimes firms hire remote employees on a regular basis and give them a fixed salary. For example, an online store where it is necessary to update the design of packaging, products, make layouts for different promotions, etc. The salary of a specialist will depend on the amount of work, the complexity of the tasks performed.

How much do designers make freelancing in Russia?

Do you want to earn money by metropolitan standards? This is real. Exchanges are happy to offer freelancers a variety of high-paying job options. You will most likely need a portfolio. Newbies can be encouraged to focus on affordable yet inexpensive ordering. How much? For example, make an avatar of the VKontakte group for 500 rubles or a landing page for 1,500 - 3,000 rubles, ask the customer to leave a review.

How much can a fashion designer earn?

The salary of such a specialist is unstable, it depends on:

  • product positioning;
  • quality of materials;
  • brand popularity;
  • productivity.

Designers need to compete with more affordable stores where clothing costs a lot less. In addition, such a design is not in demand throughout the entire territory of the Russian Federation. In places with a small population, there are almost no good salaries. Each designer must first take part in contests, various fashion shows, try to be remembered by a potential client for his special style and quality. This will contribute to the emergence of customers, provide him with a decent income.

The main task of an interior designer is not only the rational design of space and zoning, but also the creation of an exclusive environment, beauty and comfort, satisfaction of the aesthetic tastes of the customer. The workers in this profession are mostly creative individuals.

Consider how much an interior designer earns in different locations.

Profit by country

According to statistics from the website Russia. Labor, the average salary of an interior designer in Russia is 35,000 rubles.

  • the maximum income is more than 80 thousand rubles. Such a salary can be received by a professional with experience and higher education.
  • newcomers to the profession can receive about 20 thousand rubles. But the salary of an interior designer in Moscow and big cities the minimum may be in the region of 40 thousand rubles.

The largest number of offers from employers with salaries within 20-40 thousand rubles.

Average salary by regions (rubles / month):

  • Nenetsky A.O. - 90,000;
  • Tverskaya, Vladimirskaya regions - 70,000;
  • Volgograd, Omsk, Moscow regions - 50,000;
  • Ulyanovsk, Leningrad region, Republic of Crimea - 40,000;
  • Khabarovsk Territory - 39,000.

Salary level by city (rubles / month):

  1. Moscow - 50,000. The salary of an interior designer in Moscow is 33% higher than the national average. In the capital with a salary of 48-72 thousand rubles. opened 40.4% of vacancies;
  2. Nizhny Novgorod - 50,000;
  3. St. Petersburg - 40,000. 43.5% of proposals for work as an interior designer in St. Petersburg with a salary in the range of 33-42 thousand rubles.
  4. Yekaterinburg, Krasnodar, Sverdlovsk - 30,000.

Regions leading in terms of the number of open vacancies:

  1. Moscow region - 39.5%;
  2. Leningrad region. - 13.3%;
  3. Sverdlovsk region. - 7.8%.

Vacancies and remuneration for labor:

  1. Employer " Studio-54”, St. Petersburg, offers a job as an interior designer with a salary in RUB 40,000 The applicant must be with a higher education, experience, know professional programs.
  2. RUB 60,000- salary offered by KV-Design, Moscow. The applicant must have a higher profile education, experience of at least a year, knowledge of programs.
  3. Socora LLC, Yekaterinburg, is looking for a specialist with 1 year work experience and an average vocational education... The promised remuneration level is 25-50 thousand rubles

Profession income in other countries


Average salary for an interior designer in Ukraine UAH 10,000.

For a beginner professional, the income will be about 8000 UAH.

With a work experience of 1-3 years, the salary can rise to 10-15 thousand UAH.

Income level by regions (UAH):

  • Kievskaya - 14 250;
  • Zaporizhzhya - 12,000;
  • Nikolaevskaya - 11 561;
  • Odessa - 10,000;
  • Dnipropetrovsk - 9,500.


An interior designer by profession, the average salary in Kazakhstan is 100,000 KZT.

Highest income in the following regions (KZT):

  • South Kazakhstan region - 110,000 .;
  • Astana - 100,000 .;
  • Almaty - 75,000.


According to the proposals of employers on recruiting portals in Belarus average earnings by profession - 700 BYN rub... Salary range: 400-2000 BYN rub.


V America interior designer salary for the year is 54 500 $. Average U.S. wages fluctuate from 15 to 130 thousand dollars / year... Earnings depend on the experience of the employees.

Salaries of employees in some companies in the USA ($ / year):

  • AECOM Interior Designer - 101 500,
  • Interior Talent, Inc. Interior Designer - 76 500,
  • S. Department of State Interior Designer - 76,000,
  • Department of Veterans Affairs Interior Designer 69,000.

Responsibilities of an interior designer:

  • drawing up a technical plan;
  • interior sketch;
  • work on a design project, 3d project;
  • calculates an estimate and selects materials;
  • control of work and delivery of the project.

Place of work:

  • firms, shops, factories;
  • architectural bureaus;
  • design studios;
  • by myself.

Choosing a profession is a very responsible business. If a person is creative, most often he prefers the profession of a designer. One of the most popular trends in this case is the interior designer.

Project price

After the future profession has been determined, the question remains - how much does an interior designer earn on average per month? There is no unequivocal answer to it, because it all depends on the experience of the designer, awareness, education, and where without recommendations?

But, nevertheless, approximate figures exist, so let's figure out what the average salary of an interior designer is. On average, an experienced designer can have about 60 thousand rubles a month. By the way, the average figure may differ depending on the region, and, of course, on the work experience. On average, beginners in Moscow earn up to 40 thousand a month, and in Nizhny Novgorod - 20,000 rubles.

Interior designer is more than an exciting and creative profession. A truly talented person will be able not only to realize himself in it, but even to gain world fame, and, accordingly, high fees. Of course, all this will take years of hard work, but the result is worth it.

If you, a resident of Moscow, are concerned about how much interior designers earn in Moscow. We will answer it - beginners up to 40,000 rubles, designers with more than three years of experience - about 60 thousand rubles, and, well, professionals with more than five years of practice have an average of 80 thousand.

What affects the cost of the project?

It is important, and at the same time interesting, that the final cost of the project is influenced by a huge number of factors, namely:

  • The complexity of the project - it all depends on the style that the customer wants to end up with. After all, creating a project in the Baroque style will take much longer than creating a project in minimalist design. Accordingly, in the first case, the cost will increase.
  • Creation of the project itself. This stage includes the creation of drawings, the design of utilities, the creation of a 3D model of the room, as well as a visit to the facility.
  • Special wishes of the customer. Unusual projects it is always interesting and exciting, but often they require additional financial investments.
  • Property location. If a customer lives in Ukraine, but he really likes the projects of an interior designer, say, from St. Petersburg, then he may well turn to him. Many specialists practice creating projects at a distance, but, of course, these conditions will affect the cost of the work.
  • The price is also influenced by the number of square meters.
  • An important criterion is also the premises itself, namely, where it is located, in a new building or an old building, in a cottage or apartment.

Looking at all the factors listed above, it is difficult to answer unequivocally how much the project will cost, and how much the interior designer gets for the project. But, approximate figures have already been named earlier. By the way, interesting fact, the most expensive project was created in Moscow. The designer eventually received about 130,000 rubles for it.

Are the prices in conventional units?

The work of an interior designer is vibrant and unpredictable. Prices change regularly, it is difficult to keep track of them, and to say what is the salary of an interior designer. It all depends on work experience, and, of course, the desire of the specialist himself to work.

Most modern professionals choose to work in conventional units... Thus, depending on the complexity of the work, they set a price for one square meter... It varies from $ 30. and above (on average up to 100 USD). Of course, the factors listed above also affect the final cost of the project.

Dream work

Settles on prestigious job very difficult. Usually, in a company, the competition for one place is about eight people for one vacancy. But, if a person is truly gifted, he will definitely be able to get a place.

But, do not forget that more often than not, working in a company, you receive not only a stable salary, but also a percentage of the transaction. However, you can also work for yourself. Then you will definitely receive the entire cost of the project. But, do not forget that projects can be irregular, and not every person is ready to hire a specialist without experience. And, nevertheless, before going on "free swimming" it is worth accumulating a certain length of service and work experience.

The most important thing in any business is to enjoy what you do. It is possible that you will not become worldwide famous designer, but, nevertheless, good fees and freedom of creativity are definitely guaranteed to you.

Summing up the results, we can say how much an interior designer earns in Russia, and what factors affect the earnings itself.

Thus, the salary of an interior designer varies from 40,000 rubles to 80,000 rubles in Moscow. Thus, a beginner specialist receives about 38,000 rubles a month, a designer with three years of experience can receive 20,000 rubles more, that is, 60,000 rubles. If you are an experienced specialist, you can get 80,000 rubles and more per month. In Moscow and other large cities, the figure is significantly different due to the fact that the original design is more in demand here. All the above figures are the earnings that can be obtained by working in the company, but if you work for yourself, then your fees can be many times higher.

In most cases, the salary depends on the designer himself, his skill and ability to feel, and most importantly, to understand not only what exactly the customer wants, but also to delve into his psychology, the designer must clearly understand the character of his client, because he creates a room just for him.