The best games that have no end. Infinity War - play online

  • 24.09.2019

Military operations, unfortunately, are almost always going on, but we, most often, do not even know about it. AT different countries In our vast world, conflicts very often occur, sometimes even flowing into hostilities. Most often, they gradually subside or are stopped by peacekeepers from other countries, but sometimes some local conflicts can spill over into global battles, and this is exactly what happened in the game Endless War 6!

The armor is strong and our tanks are fast! In this war, you will control a tank, and your task will be to destroy the enemy’s combat vehicles, his manpower, as well as perform some special tasks specifically specified at the beginning of the mission. The game is divided into levels, between which you can upgrade your crew, increasing the number of tank lives (shown at the bottom of the screen, during the battle), repair speed (lives are replenished right during the battle), rate of fire, accuracy and attack range, as well as its strength. There are a lot of levels in the game and they will allow you to go all the way of the Soviet tanker - from the Battle of Kursk to Berlin. You will constantly receive new types of tanks, as well as upgrade options for them.

In the battle itself, you will control only the movement of the tank (control buttons), the movement of the tower and the firing of the cannon (using the mouse and pressing its left button). It is very interesting that machine guns are fired automatically, and the crew beats the infantry and light equipment enemy (like cars, trucks, motorcycles, etc.). The view of the hostilities is from above, so you cannot see very far, however, what you see will be enough for an attack, and your sight will not fly off the screen. The graphics here, although not the best, still allow you to play without straining your eyesight.

The game endless war 6, although it is sharpened for a solo passage, you will not be here alone! You, along with other infantry soldiers and tank crews, will capture or defend bases, and they will not only be present on the battlefield, but will actually help you by destroying enemies. By the way, there are many types of equipment in the game (more than 40), including tanks, guns, air defense, cars, trucks, motorcycles, planes and other equipment, as well as several options for infantry troops. So on the battlefield there will be soldiers with rifles, submachine gunners, machine gunners, officers, grenade throwers, flamethrowers, armor-piercers, snipers, tankers, pilots and sailors. There is also excellent musical accompaniment. In short, this war game is perfect for brightening up a few hours with more or less interesting activities and generally having a good time.

From Pac-Man to EVE Online, we have collected greatest games that never ends.

Welcome to the world of infinite power. Here are 20 best games, which you can play forever - or at least as long as you can keep up with them.

Pong may be the original arcade game, but it was Space Invaders that started the arcade craze in the early 70s by giving the player control of a laser gun to fight off waves of aliens bent on world domination. You can kill them over and over again, but they just keep spawning, and while the game isn't designed to last very long - the record goes up to 9,950 - it's playable until you collapse from exhaustion if you have the skills to do so.

Two joysticks - one to control movement and one to control fire - and an ever-growing number of deadly robots, determined to kill you. Robotron: 2084 is an extremely hard and heavy arcade classic. She will chew and spit you out in record time, and even after you learn how to play, she can still give you a good shake. However, if you practice enough, there is no limit to how long you can stay alive even when the screen is completely filled with enemies. In theory, at least.


David Braben and Ian Bell's Elite was a 1984 marvel that fits as many as eight galaxies into a tiny personal computer using clever algorithms and gives players the chance to explore the vast cosmos as they try to reach the legendary Elite rank.

Impressive, isn't it? But that's nothing compared to latest version, Elite Dangerous: 1:1 scale galaxy based Milky Way complete with beautifully realized stars and planets; Even better, Frontier is actively monitoring the Elite universe and constantly adding something new.

Can often be the best, and this is especially true in the case of Tetris. There are seven different shapes (called tetranimo) of four blocks that need to be placed to form a solid line that then disappears and all the blocks above it move down, but things can get complicated pretty quickly. The original idea of ​​the game is to prevent blocks from filling up the whole screen, and even when the speed is increased to maximum, it is still possible to achieve a state of zen and keep clearing blocks indefinitely.

Not so much a game as a social simulation, the Animal Crossing franchise puts you in a village inhabited by anthropomorphic animals and gives you complete freedom of action - growing plants, fishing, searching for fossils and interacting with the inhabitants, all in exactly the same time as and in real life.

Brilliant, however, how you immediately find yourself in debt to the owner of the local store, Tom Nook. He kindly gives you a loan with which you can buy your house, obliging you to earn bells - the in-game currency - to pay off. And of course, he's always happy to lend you more wind chimes so you can upgrade your home. Capitalist fiend.

The Sims isn't the first game where you control your own virtual people - that honor goes to Activision's Little Computer People for the Commodore 64 back in 1985 - but Electronic Arts' current franchise is much more complex than its 8-bit predecessor. The Sims, first released in 2000 and now in version 4, lets you create AI-controlled people to play with and do anything with, with no end goal and unlimited possibilities.

EVE Online is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game released in 2003 that includes a universe with 7800 star systems. Having evolved over 14 years, the game has become overwhelmingly complex: it has its own economy, political system, an unlimited number of player-controlled corporations and alliances, as well as many ships and weapons, many of which cost a lot of in-game money. EVE Online is one of those games that can completely take over a player's life; look don't get involved!

Geometry Wars first appeared as an easter egg in Project Gotham Racing 2 on Xbox as an arcade game in your virtual garage that takes a short break from supercar racing. It was then expanded upon and released separately for the Xbox 360 as Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved, a kind of neon Robotron with different enemies, each with their own behaviors.

The game starts smoothly and then accelerates to such an extent that the entire playing area is filled with enemies, and it becomes difficult for the Xbox to reproduce this amount of data on the screen. Tough, but incredibly exciting.

Not as old as EVE Online - first launched in 2004 - has become a popular MMORPG thanks to its huge game world of about 100,000 square kilometers and an endless range of possibilities.

It's easy to see why its appeal continues unabated: the game has a plethora of races, factions, quests, and more to choose from. Back in 2014, Blizzard announced that over a million accounts had been created in the entire game, and more have definitely been created since then.

The big problem with developing an endless game is to provide variety so that you want to return to the game again and again; you can use clever algorithmic methods, add more enemies, or just make them stronger, but ultimately it's hard to keep things from getting too repetitive, especially in a single player game.

Audiosurf solves this problem by letting your music create levels: load a track and it turns into a multi-lane highway filled with colored blocks, all in sync with the audio track. It's very smart and works exceptionally well; half the fun lies in picking your favorite songs that turn into the best levels.

Speaking of the zombie apocalypse, one thing is certain: it is unlikely that you will be able to kill all the zombies, since everyone who is killed by zombies instantly joins their ranks. That's why it's the perfect base for an endless video game, which is exactly what Left 4 Dead confirms. The main campaign, of course, has a well-defined ending, but Survival Mode - added as DLC in 2009 - gives the right impression of a zombie apocalypse: it's just you and your friends against an inexhaustible number of infected. Be alert.

Multiplayer games have been around since the days of Pong, but they only reached maturity when there was a fast internet connection and the ability to play against or team up with other people from all over the world. Games like Modern Warfare are what made multiplayer so ubiquitous.

The single player campaign of Modern Warfare is great, but we know that everyone comes for the multiplayer mode and, in particular, the Prestige mode: after reaching the maximum level, you can restart back to the first, but you will be marked with a special symbol so that everyone knows what is wrong with you better not to get involved.

Endless runners are a relatively recent thing, and while it's hard to tell if Canabalt is the first of its kind, it's certainly the game that other runners owe their popularity to. Originally a flash game, it was later released on iOS, Android and other platforms (there's even a Commodore 64 version) and it's surprisingly simple: run across rooftops, build up your speed and press the jump button - it's the only one here - jump between buildings and avoid obstacles that slow you down. You can run forever, but when you fall is only a matter of time.

There is no need to explain what Minecraft is and why it is so popular: we are all familiar with it. But not everyone is probably aware of how big it is. If you ever want to find the end of the world on PC, you've got a long way to go: each world, algorithmically generated from a random number, is 30,000 blocks long and wide, that's eight times more surface Earth or approximately one surface of Neptune. So you are unlikely to ever see the entire terrestrial world alone.

More of a cult hit than a bestseller, Forget-Me-Not is the creation of Australian developer Brandon Williamson, fusing the obscure Crossroads 2 program with popular Pac-Man mechanics and another timeless classic, randomly generated dungeon crawler Rogue. Forget-Me-Not builds its levels randomly, filling them with strange monsters and flowers to collect to unlock the exit. Brilliant little detail: You can break walls to gain speed and kill monsters (there is a risk of getting carried away and exploding, though).

Okay, this isn't exactly an endless game, but that's how often it can feel, especially when you repeatedly encounter Ornstein and Smough for the first time. And yes, when you finally finish off Gwyn, you are done with the game; except that you can start over in NG+ mode, with slightly harder opponents and more souls.

All in all, you can play the game seven times in increasing difficulty, and even then you won't see everything this world and its deliberately minimalistic story has to offer. But there is still whole line possible builds for characters and interactions with objects ... endless enough?

Forgive us for this. Everything about Flappy Bird is terrible - the graphics, the clunky execution, the idiotic difficulty level and the list goes on - and yet there's something about its sheer horror combined with the endless gameplay that makes it especially appealing to a certain group of gamers. Maybe they find this game to be an incredibly difficult challenge, or maybe they're just masochists; but who are we to judge?

Vlambeer's Super Crate Box is good enough for a modern take on old-school action that lasts until you die. Like all the best, it's terribly simple: run and jump around the level, picking up weapons from crates and use them to destroy enemies that appear from above.

If they manage to get to the fire well below, they will reappear at the top of the screen, red, furious and fast, and the game will end as soon as you get even one hit. Beautiful, simple and intense, this game is a must for anyone who appreciates the challenges of classic gaming.

The reason the original Pac-Man arcade game isn't on this list is because it comes to an inglorious end at level 256, at which point a bug causes half the screen to glitch, making it impossible to continue playing. What a pity!

However, this bug was the inspiration for the recent Pac-Man 256. Pac-Man 256 from the creators of Crossy Road brings the classic arcade game to an endless end - now the yellow dot eater is forever haunted by an all-consuming wave of glitches.

No Man's Sky

Hello Games' No Man's Sky promised - and delivered - an entire galaxy, but despite that, the full game disappointed many gamers. And it's not hard to see why: on the 18 quintillion planets generated, after a while, everything will repeat itself, and that's exactly what happened. No Man's Sky did not live up to the sky-high expectations of the people, and the fans took up arms against her.

The Foundation update improved things by adding the ability to create bases and purchase interstellar cargo ships, as well as an open creative mode and a more difficult survival mode, but for action-hungry players, all this was not enough. However, if you're in the mood to just relax and enjoy the endless scenery, No Man's Sky is second to none.

Games endless war for boys

For young men, there is no more attractive topic than war. Explosions, shootings, injuries, enemies, strategy, territory capture - all this fascinates for long hours. Try to tear off a player who is in the thick of things, already ready to push back the front line, and you will fail. For everyone who is passionate about military amusements, we offer free games an endless war, where for many series you can perform feats, cracking down on the enemy. Also waiting for you:

  • Construction of building fortifications
  • Capturing foreign territories
  • Protecting your lands
  • Continuous fight with enemies
  • Great choice of weapons
  • Heavy equipment management
  • Completing tasks
  • Getting points and bonus prizes

Only when you start playing endless war games will you learn what it means to become a defender. This is a heroic game version, made in several parts, and each offers its own conditions of war. You may be at the front of the Great Patriotic War to become a squad leader, and give orders. You will need the ability to make informed decisions quickly, develop a new strategy along the way, so that the campaign becomes a winning one.

On the front lines

Each mission has a specific set of tasks and conditions. The complexity of the passage increases, which gives the toy additional appeal. Do not rush to immediately attack, but study the introductory instructions, from which you will understand how to manage and what to do during the endless war online game.

You may also be asked to choose: USA, USSR or Germany. Try playing each side separately and feel the difference. The choice of weapons is not much different, but the boundaries of the territory to be defended may vary. Learn the features of each area, and use its differences to your advantage.

Open the game variant of endless war 6, and you will need keys to control it:

  • F and G buttons change weapons
  • Mouse and WASD serve to aim and move around

As you progress, additional keys for certain manipulations will appear, and you will learn about them from the game itself.
You will plunge into the times of the Second World War in order to fight for your homeland on behalf of the Soviet Union. The missions are difficult, so don't count on a quick victory. Moreover, the level of complexity grows as you progress, and if at first the help of the allies is well felt, then soon there will be too few of them, and you can only rely on your own strength.

Strengthen your tanks by buying new add-ons after each battle in the virtual shop. Let the armor, gun, chassis and other attributes of the combat vehicle be on highest level, and then it will be easier for you to complete the following tasks.

Plot Surprises

Because we're in a virtual world, developers often add a bit of humor and fantasy to the script. Part of the game Infinity War 3 is such an example. Here, in addition to the classic war, there is a war with aliens, which is woven into the plot of World War II.

The toy opens the mission of the war in Iraq, then comes the period of the Great Patriotic War, where you will see a lot of interesting weapons that you can direct against the aliens, having arranged a bloodbath for them. Well, the third part will amuse you, because the enemy will be different monsters, which will have to be destroyed.

In other parts of the interesting no less. To plunge into combat everyday life, shoot to your heart's content with a variety of weapons, experience your moment of glory after a decisive victory over the enemy, open a game in which the war lasts forever.

Description of the flash game

Infinity War 2

Endless War 2

Do you like danger and want to feel extreme and adrenaline? Then join the game "Endless War 2", here you will get these and many other similar emotions for a year ahead. The game is an online shooting game for boys, which features many different modes, with different numbers of participants and different levels of difficulty. And regardless of the chosen level, you will find a lot of bloody scenes and battles for survival. Here you will be in the role of a commando who entered a certain house, for example, terrorists. Your task is to clear the territory from opponents, and stay alive yourself, which is quite difficult.

The terrorists will be in different rooms, the number of rooms in the house depends on the selected level. So, you find yourself in the house and now you need to sneak into the house unnoticed and deal with all opponents. You have a rifle in your hands, every enemy you see, they are next to you or in another room. Start the attack, but look around, because if you are noticed, then shooting will immediately begin and your chances of surviving are reduced. At each level of the game "Infinity War 2" players will find different tasks, get ready for a dynamic and dangerous game. Good luck!

Free online shooting game for boys, where you have to fight during the Second World War. Become a brave soldier and go to perform the most dangerous tasks. The game has good graphics and difficult tasks that are best completed without cheats. The use of codes simplifies interesting missions, where the main meaning is survival. Boys will be able to go through military companies for Soviet Union, Americans and Germans. The shooter is made in best traditions genre, learn how to move fast and shoot accurately to kill enemies at the front. Everyone can play Infinity War in full screen for free. Start the battle right now and complete missions without registration. Control a brave soldier or a powerful tank, smash your enemies!

All parts - play for free

The fourth part opens up the opportunity to be in different war times and even fight in the future. Cool weapons will appeal to many boys.

The second part of the flash game allows you to find yourself in the most difficult combat conditions. Attack and try to completely destroy the enemy. Great fights!

Free online game for boys is made in the form of a difficult shooting game where it is difficult to survive. Learn to deceive opponents and achieve victory.

Endless War- online game on the theme of World War II with additional modes of passage. The shooter is made from a third person, when the player controls the character from the top view. The page provides all parts of the game that are available for free play. The developers have made a shooter for a single passage, there is an interesting storyline here, when you can find yourself in different military points and take part in harsh battles. In the new parts of the flash game made good quality graphics and the ability to control the tank.

Choose the desired battle mode and start killing enemies. Use heavy military equipment, call for reinforcements and powerful air strikes against enemy bases. Feel free to move forward and tear the defense to shreds!