Why do they burn grass in the spring. Why is there a tourniquet on the butt? Management of arterial bleeding

  • 03.03.2020

In autumn and spring we traditionally set fire to the grass. Throughout the world, this "tradition" has long been banned by law.

Let's look at 5 main reasons why we set fire to the grass:

1. Many people are convinced that if you burn last year's grass, then the young one grows faster. That by setting fire to it, they also fertilize the soil.
- It's a delusion!!! The effect of faster grass growth as a result of burning is only apparent. Dry grass simply hides young green shoots at first, and unburned areas appear gray. While on blackened scorched areas, green grass is clearly visible.

People who say that burning last year's grass is necessary are deluding themselves and misleading others. Every act of arson is a crime against the natural world.

The seeds of plants and the grass itself die above the surface of the earth, and the seeds underground, on the ground. Not all plants are perennials. Many are annuals and propagate by seed. As a result of burning dry grass, the species composition of meadow vegetation and wildlife is depleted.

Wherever the fires have passed, there will no longer be the former herbs, weeds will seize the vacated territory.

Insects, hedgehogs, birds, frogs and toads, reptiles, small mammals, earthworms, all useful soil microflora are dying, including the one that helps plants resist diseases.

Grass fires lead to a noticeable decrease in soil fertility. Litter - protects the soil in the winter months from freezing, and in the summer from dangerous compaction.
Burns organic matter, which provides the porosity and friability of the soil, its moisture capacity, the ability to retain the elements of mineral nutrition of plants in those forms from which they can be quickly released into the soil solution. Nitrogenous substances during a fire go into the atmosphere, and the ash is quickly washed out of the soil by the first rain.
Without organic matter, soil erosion (destruction) occurs very quickly.

Grass fires cause great damage to the edges of the forest and trees in their vulnerable place - the area of ​​the root collar. And yes, they can get burned.

2. They burn out for profit. After a ground fire in the forest, a sanitary felling is prescribed - this is how they cut down where it is impossible by law.
Or, so that the state does not deprive land speculators of the right to agricultural land who bought shares from collective farmers and do not cultivate the fields - they burn grass, so the field takes on the appearance of being cultivated.

3. Burning for fun or drunk.

4. Road workers and signalmen are burning - so as not to clean up - it burns along with the grass.

5. Habit. I don't know why, but everyone does it.

The consequences of burning grass

1. Set fire to neighbors. Burning houses and buildings along the path of a grass fire.
2. Animals and plants die, species diversity of meadows is destroyed, only unpretentious weeds remain.
3. Soil fertility decreases and erosion begins.
4. Trees die even from a grassy fire, for example, oaks, lindens are very sensitive to fire.
5. They lead to forest fires that are generally difficult to extinguish. Forest fire is a terrible disaster for any region of the country. In addition to the loss of the cost of the wood itself, the cost of extinguishing fires, this includes losses from a decrease in the amount of oxygen, phytoncides emitted by the forest, deterioration in the quality, condition of forests, unsuitability for their use for recreational purposes, etc. Forest fires destroy animals and birds living in forests , reduce the growth of forest stands, increase windiness and weaken forests, and then drying stands become centers of pests and diseases of the forest. Forest fires cause huge economic and environmental losses.
6. At the place of arson, the normal life of plants and insects is restored only after 5-6 years, and often it is never restored.

Save nature, let the grass lie dry and a whole cosmos of life live in it!

Some naively believe that the ash obtained after burning grass is extremely useful, enriching the soil with potassium. And they also attribute to these mini-arson the function of salvation from different types mites, getting rid of seeds and weed spores, accelerating the growth of new grass.

However, the harm done to the soil and ecosystem through the burning of grass is much greater than the benefit brought - enrichment with potassium contained in the ashes and unburned roots. The balanced, harmonious life of a small world is disturbed, where insects and every blade of grass know their place and constantly interact with each other.

Grass is burned for other reasons. For example, teenage bullies commit arson because they have nothing to do, and neglectful adults throw cigarette butts into dry grass. Some organizations are running arson schemes in order to get permission for preventive (sanitary) deforestation. On agricultural land, grass is burnt to save fuel and make it easier to plow the land.

All of the above can easily grow from a small to a big fire, which cannot be stopped by the forces of a few people. Especially if there is a forest belt or a grove nearby. This is quite dangerous, since the fire can reach residential buildings. And since trees are planted along the roads and in many plots, the risk is quite high. And this is not counting the accompanying factors, for example, hot and windy weather.

At the same time, the state of the forest is deteriorating. Peat fires can also start, which can burn for several months in a row.

Forest fires cause both economic and environmental losses. Because of them, birds and animals are destroyed, forest stands are reduced, and drying trees become breeding grounds for all kinds of forest diseases and pests.

Think before you do

If you still find yourself in a similar habit - burning grass - think about it and try to get rid of it. Remember:

Cleaning the territory in this way requires constant monitoring and attention.

Last year's grass is not an evil that must be disposed of by any means. If it is properly processed, it can bring significant benefits to the site.

Reckless arson, a manifestation of negligence (a cigarette butt thrown into dry grass that has not been extinguished beforehand, a fire not extinguished as expected) can lead to a fire.

When choosing a way to improve the chemical composition of the soil, give preference to fertilizers from natural humus (manure, rotted leaves,

With the onset of spring in our area, many set fire to last year's grass. The whole world has unequivocally decided on the dangers of such actions. There is a law in our country that prohibits the burning of grass.

Let's see why there is such a thing as grass burning, why do they burn grass in spring and why you shouldn't.

Arson is an "easy" way to clean up trash.
Very often, road services set fire to grasses on the sides of the roads. In this way, they get rid of the garbage that they needed to clean up.

And not only services - in our park, compassionate grandmothers set fire to dry grass, believing that they are doing a noble deed. And to our remarks that by their actions they only harm, they react aggressively “in a grandma's way”. Unfortunately.

Fires help the business of land speculators because:

  1. Fires - easy way remove grass and debris after the mass purchase of land plots from peasants.
  2. Ground fires help clear previously prohibited areas. It simplifies the execution of documents for cutting down trees, where it was previously impossible to do this. The only thing left for the speculators now is to clear the land and cut down the forest further.

Burning grass is not good, such actions are called vandalism against nature. There is an opinion that after arson, the grass will grow faster and juicier. This is not true. Of course, in places black with ash, the grass will look greener than under the cover of last year's grasses. But this is only outwardly.

What happens as a result of arson:

  • Herbs perish, especially annuals, and those that reproduce by seeds. In the fire, all the seeds that are in the earth, and those that are on it, are burned.
  • The species number of grasses in the meadows that have suffered after the fire is decreasing. Soon weeds take their place in the meadow, and there will be no more such forbs.
  • Trees that are in the path of fire are dying.
  • It is believed that the ashes from the burned grass fertilize the soil.
  • Those people who arrange grass burnings are sure that the ashes from fires are useful. In fact, the fire leads to the opposite results: the soil, vegetation and wildlife die in the fire.

The carelessness of outdoor recreation leads to fires. Other reasons are banal or unimportant, but this is only at first glance, since the consequences of such "fun" are catastrophic, as evidenced by the annual statistics. It's hard to count how many sections of the forest were burned as a result of drunken gatherings in nature.

Why You Shouldn't Burn Grass in the Spring

  • There is clear damage to flora and fauna.

During the fire, many animals, insects, birds, reptiles, hedgehogs, earthworms and plants die. The entire microflora that helps plants grow successfully and resist many diseases dies.

  • Damage is applied not only to grass, but also to trees.

Do you know that mighty oaks and lindens are very afraid of fire? And if grass burns next to them, then we risk all summer instead of beautiful greenery watch the black carcasses of burnt trees.

  • Fires greatly reduce soil fertility.

A perennial litter of last year's grasses insulates the soil from freezing in winter. And in the warm season, it protects the soil from drying out and compaction. In a fire, this litter burns and soil erosion occurs. The rains do the rest, they wash the ash out of the soil, and the nitrogen escapes into the atmosphere. Very quickly, the land in the burnt areas is destroyed because there is no more organic matter in it.

  • Grass fires can damage homes and structures that get in their way.

It is difficult to predict where the wind will turn during a fire. So it may happen that entire villages will suffer.

"Carefully! Forest fire!

One match can ignite a forest, which leads to a real ecological disaster and economic collapse. The loss of the forest area leads to a decrease in oxygen and phytoncides in the air, the destruction of many animals, birds, mammals and reptiles.

Decreases annual growth young. Dry stands are breeding grounds for diseases and pests, which means they are very dangerous for a healthy forest. And the cost of extinguishing fires and losses from many cubes of burned wood amount to many billions of rubles.

Imagine that you will not hear the gentle and sonorous trills of birds. You will not be able to admire the many small animals, the green forest. Instead, you will contemplate the black, charred trunks of dead wood.

After the barbarian fires, nature will need many years to restore its strength. But, unfortunately, some types of flowers, insects and small animals can disappear from the face of the earth and never recover.

Everyone knows that as soon as spring begins, when the snow melts and the soil is exposed, and also in late autumn, fires start everywhere, withered grass begins to burn, and over vast areas. And it is set on fire by none other than the people themselves, mostly elderly people who are sure that they are “doing good”. In fact, this is a relic of Soviet times. People who say that burning last year's grass is necessary are deluding themselves and misleading others. Every act of arson is a crime against the natural world.

The main danger lies in provoking forest fires and destroying the biocenosis of the ecosystem.
Biocenosis (from the Greek. Bios - life, Koinos - general) - an interconnected set of microorganisms, plants, fungi and animals that inhabit a more or less homogeneous area of ​​\u200b\u200bland or water.

What motivates many of us to commit this act of vandalism? Someone enjoys the sight of fire, someone hooliganism. But basically the reasons are “very smart and serious”:

Why in Russia and on the territory former USSR burning grass? Common reasons and misconceptions:

1. Habit. I don't know why, but everyone does it.
2. Pleasure. Beautiful, like to play with fire, reminiscent of childhood, romantic, associated with spring.
3. Hooliganism, pyromania.
4. Acceptance of agricultural technology - simplification of labor, fertilization of the soil, stimulation of the growth of new vegetation. In order to burn the deadwood - old grass and branches, it is not necessary to remove the rubbish and dry grass with a rake manually. Why weed the area from weeds and overgrown weeds, if you can set it on fire? Nothing has grown yet, I don’t see anyone in the grass. The grass will burn quickly, but the soil will not be affected. Negligent farmers use fire to clean up last year's stubble on arable land when they did not mow it in time in the fall. Agronomists are burning to make it easier to plow - now they need to save on fuel, and then they don’t care. Careless pastoralists stimulate the early appearance of grass on pastures and clear hayfields. It is believed that this is a way to “warm up” the soil, to introduce fertilizers into the soil in the form of ash, as a result of which the grass allegedly appears faster and will grow better in the burnt areas.
5. It is believed that young greenery will appear this way faster.
6. Many mistakenly believe that the larvae of harmful insects are dying.
7. Fire control. They’ll set it on fire anyway - it’s better if I do it first, I’ll follow. And after me there will be nothing to burn. And I won’t let the children burn it - everything myself. They burn the grass next to the village, so that later the fall does not come, often they set themselves on fire in this way.
8. Protection against ticks. Many people think that with the help of arson, grass will get rid of forest ticks and encephalitis.
9. Road workers and signalmen "take care" of the right-of-way.
10. In countryside burning grass for insurance. After a ground fire in the forest, a sanitary felling is prescribed - this is how the forest is cut down where it is impossible by law.
11. Drunkenness and carelessness. Drunk people burn grass without knowing why. And some, even sober ones, throw their cigarette butts into the dry grass, either by accident or on purpose.

In fact, all these are myths, idle gossip that massively spread in the Soviet years and firmly settled in the heads of the elderly, and even some young people who were well trained by conservative parents and grandparents.

So why is it impossible to burn grass in spring, autumn and what this leads to:

1. Forest and peat fires
Especially terrible fires can burn all summer and even in winter under snow. Houses and entire holiday villages can burn down, gas pipelines, cars explode, power lines are damaged. Wind and natural conditions in 80% of cases can play an evil trick on fire lovers and throw the fire far and for a long time. In 2010, we were all convinced of this, because the wave of fires in the country began in May.

2. Ecosystem destruction

1) In the wild, everything is provided so that grass, shrubs grow after winter on their own, without burning. In our climate, the grass rots during the winter and is not an obstacle for young growth, and over time, the branches also rot. In addition, branches in the grass are a great place for nesting birds.

2) The effect of faster grass growth as a result of burning is apparent. Dry grass simply hides young green shoots at first, and unburned areas appear gray. While on blackened scorched patches green grass well visible.

3) During the fires, grass and flowers are already starting to grow. Shrubs begin their active growing season - i.e. grow, although it is not visible to the naked eye. After the fires, it survives and is the first to start growing, drowning out the weakened and almost ruined other flora, the roughest, most unpretentious grass and weeds. Thus, the species composition of meadow vegetation and fauna is depleted.

4) The seeds of plants and the grass itself die above the surface of the earth and the seeds underground, on the ground.

5) Many insects, their larvae, pupae die. All living creatures burn in the fire - ladybugs, ground beetles, earthworms and others, exterminating various pests of the garden and garden, and participating in the process of soil formation. For earthworms, there is no extra dry grass. It is processed together and quickly, turning it into the most valuable fertilizer, introducing it into the depths of the soil to the roots of plants, and at the same time making the soil loose and alive. Last year's dry grass is not garbage, but priceless food, a house, living conditions created by nature itself.

6) Burning of dry grass causes the death of clutches and nesting sites of birds, the nesting period of which begins in early April.

7) When grass is set on fire, all useful soil microflora dies, including the one that helps plants resist diseases.

8) Grass fires lead to a noticeable decrease in soil fertility. Grass fire does not increase the amount of mineral nutrients in the soil - it only releases them from dry grass, making them available for plant nutrition. In this case, nitrogen compounds are lost, and dead organic matter soil. Reducing the amount of dead organic matter in the soil is the main factor in reducing soil fertility. Organic matter - humus - provides the porosity and friability of the soil, its moisture capacity, the ability to retain the elements of mineral nutrition of plants in those forms from which they can be quickly released into the soil solution. In addition, organic matter largely determines the ability of the soil to withstand water and wind erosion - sand and clay particles bonded with dead organic matter are more difficult to wash off with water or blown away by the wind, which means that the fertile soil layer is better preserved over time. Finally, dead organic matter releases the elements of mineral nutrition present in it gradually, as it decomposes - while when this substance is burned, the mineral elements pass into a soluble form (in ash) quickly and are subsequently easily washed out by the very first heavy rain. Many fertile soils, for example, chernozems, under conditions of constant burning of dry grass, simply could not form - since there would be no constant replenishment of the soil with dead organic matter necessary for their formation.

9) In the fire, animals, reptiles, amphibians can die and suffer: especially newborn hares, hedgehogs and hedgehogs, toads, frogs. In a strong grass fire, almost all animals living in dry grass or on the soil surface die. Someone burns, someone suffocates in smoke.

10) When one or many links from the entire biocenosis of a place die, the ecological situation can irreversibly change for the worse. Each animal, each bug, butterfly, frog, each grass and each flower - constitute a single whole in nature, in the biological chain. According to scientists, about 90% of the diversity of meadow ecosystems is contained in or associated with a 10 cm layer of topsoil.

11) During the spring fire, trees can be damaged, especially their root neck - a very vulnerable spot right above the ground. Not to mention the fact that trees can simply burn out, the buds that swell in spring can burn out from a strong temperature, which is very harmful to the tree, even if it survives. Young trees suffer (especially such vulnerable species as oak, maple, linden). Grass fires cause significant damage to forest edges, destroy young tree growth, and serve as one of the main sources of fires in forests and peat bogs. Even a weak and fleeting grass fire can lead to the death of young forest plantations created to protect fields from drying out, banks from erosion, roads from snow and dust drifts, etc.

12) The smoke from burning grass is acrid, dark, thick - it is very unpleasant for people, eats eyes, smells unpleasant. Allergy sufferers can't stand it. And when you burn grass in a city or along roads, you also burn those salts of heavy metals that have settled on leaves, grass and are pumped out of the soil by plants - such smoke is simply poisonous.

13) To get rid of forest ticks and protect yourself from encephalitis, you need to dress in hiking clothes, then carefully inspect the clothes and all its folds. To beware of ticks, with the help of a fire, you can only destroy all living things.

14) To get rid of poplar fluff, it is worth cutting off “dusty” poplars, as well as replacing these trees with other species. The fall of grass in the summer in order to get rid of fluff is just as dangerous as the fall of spring.

Remember: at the place of arson, the normal life of plants and insects is restored only after 5-6 years, and often it is never restored ...

This information can be posted in cities, villages, country houses, garden plots so that people stop burning grass. It can also be added that falling is an administrative offense for which a fine is provided.

RUSSIA. In Russia, it was forbidden to burn dry grass!!!

MOSCOW, November 12 - RIA Novosti. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree prohibiting the burning of dry grass on agricultural land and making fires in the fields, the corresponding document is published on the website of the Cabinet of Ministers.

“A ban has been established on burning dry herbaceous vegetation on agricultural lands and reserve lands, in the right of way highways and right-of-way and protected areas railways, overpasses and product pipelines," the statement says. explanatory note to the document.

There is also a ban on lighting fires in the fields. “The use of open fire and making fires on agricultural lands and reserve lands can be carried out subject to fire safety requirements,” the resolution explains.
This solution will provide fire safety for settlements and infrastructure and forestry facilities.
RIA Novosti http://ria.ru/society/20151112/1319070958.html#ixzz4210E3Zx6

UKRAINE. Thus, Article 77-1 of the Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses provides for liability for unauthorized burning of vegetation or its remains.

Code of Ukraine on Administrative Offenses

Article 77-1. Unauthorized burning of vegetation or its remains

Burning stubble, meadows, pastures, areas with steppe, wetland and other natural vegetation, vegetation or its remains and fallen leaves in the right of way of roads and railways, in parks, other green spaces and lawns in settlements without the permission of state bodies control in the environmental protection industry natural environment or in violation of the terms of such a permit, as well as the non-use by a person who has received a permit for burning the said vegetation or its remains and fallen leaves, measures to extinguish them in a timely manner, - entails the imposition of a fine on citizens from ten to twenty non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens and for officials - from fifty to seventy non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens.

The same actions committed within the territories and objects of the natural reserve fund entail the imposition of a fine on citizens from twenty to forty tax-free minimum incomes of citizens and on officials from seventy to one hundred tax-free minimum incomes of citizens.

(Note: one non-taxable minimum income of a citizen is 17 UAH.)

P.S. Tell everyone about this article! Together we can stop this bacchanalia over nature!

Seeker 27.05.2014 - 12:49

There are many photographs where the fighters have a medical tourniquet wound around the butt of the machine gun. There is this practical use, besides being constantly at hand in case of injury? As far as I understand, such storage of the tourniquet makes it unusable and when you try to use it for its intended purpose, it will simply break.

Mazilla 27.05.2014 - 13:11

We read the top topics of the Army section.

Seeker 27.05.2014 - 13:14

Was reading. What if I'm a civilian?

Mazilla 27.05.2014 - 13:23

Was reading. What if I'm a civilian?

Then by letter and by syllable.

Seeker 27.05.2014 - 13:28

Made. Can I delete something that is not related to the topic of the question?

RONIN 218 airborne 27.05.2014 - 14:01

1. With constant exposure to external factors (rain, mud, snow, sand, sunlight), the harness becomes unusable very quickly. And with apparent external integrity, it may burst at the moment of imposition and fail to perform the necessary functions.
2. When manipulating a weapon, the tourniquet can again break and unwind (as a rule, this happens at the most inopportune moment), which will create a lot of problems in a combat situation.
3. There must be no foreign objects or devices on the weapon that are not intended for installation on it.
4. The fighters always have the same medical equipment (in one pocket on the unloading clothes or pouch). This is done so that in battle you don’t have to look through all the pockets of unloading or clothing for the necessary aid. It is much easier and faster to apply a tourniquet and an IPP located in a pocket specially designated for this than to unwind them from the butt.
5. If necessary, fold the butt, you cannot do this with a tourniquet.

For the experiment, wind the tourniquet around the butt, secure it and then try to quickly remove and apply. Try the same out of your pocket and it will immediately become clear.

In addition, no matter what the counter-strike pros say, the machine gun can simply be lost in battle. This often happens during a close rupture, concussion, etc. and you have lost, in addition to weapons, first aid equipment, which in this case you will most likely need ...

landing 27.05.2014 - 14:02

There are many photographs where the fighters have a medical tourniquet wound around the butt of the machine gun. Is there any practical use for this, other than being always on hand in case of injury? As far as I understand, such storage of the tourniquet makes it unusable and when you try to use it for its intended purpose, it will simply break.

think right.
well, a little convenience from touching the face not to the metal of the butt.

vladdrakon 27.05.2014 - 15:02

show off clumsy this tourniquet. From the same opera as a fired rocket launcher stretched over a flame arrester, supposedly from dust. Gun oil corrodes rubber and
the resulting cracks unshaven cheek, when inserted into the butt, when recoil is pulled. The bandage inside the butt is also for fashion. All these brave bells and whistles in the face of a tourniquet, etc. goggles on a bandana and gloves cut off at the phalanx give a plus 15 bonus to a distant enemy sniper for choosing your carcass as a target.

zaurbek 29.05.2014 - 22:29

Cheap show off. While unwinding from the butt, you will tighten the wound, you will lose a liter of blood. And the elasticity loses on the pad.

Rus-from 30.05.2014 - 09:09

And who will say for and against the handle on the forearm?

Father Michael 05/30/2014 - 09:43

Normal and practical fit. The main thing is that the tourniquet IS. lose elasticity? Throw it out and put on a new one. And in the butt frame, an indpack is also inserted. Very convenient and practical.

vladdrakon 30.05.2014 - 10:18

for me it is more convenient and practical to place a parachute sling in the side pocket of the sleeve. And the same tourniquet, if God forbid, does not weigh anything, and even with your teeth, if necessary, you can get it and always with you, and you never know how else you can use this rope for another purpose.

But they say right now, the people began to actively use women's tampons as a hemostatic agent for wounds, Pts curious; did any of the comrades come across?

vladdrakon 05/30/2014 - 10:32

And who will say for and against the handle on the forearm?
I haven't personally tried it; and in the army for such a hazing revision of weapons, before catching up would have been inevitable. But I believe there is a rational grain in this, it’s not for nothing that the Hungarians and Romanians in their versions of the Kalash regularly install the front handle on the forearm.

lynx145 30.05.2014 - 10:42

Cheap show off. While unwinding from the butt
Echo of the Afghan. in 79- there was at least a pouch for shops. Undressing was made from life jackets, the Chinese "bra" is the best gift. In the butt frame - the dressing bag was screwed with a tourniquet. Now yes, there is no need for winding.

Rus-since 30.05.2014 - 12:53

Napkins of this type are sold in pharmacies.

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 13:07

I read about the tourniquet that it was more "a tribute to fashion." Crawling over a wound with a dirty tourniquet is not very useful.
About paracord (parachute sling) as a substitute - interesting.
On the front handle - it is still convenient for long-armed people when an oversized weapon comes across and it is inconvenient to hold the forend.
Here are ballistic glasses - a useful thing, it's a pity we have this in the order of personal initiative among people.

Rus-since 30.05.2014 - 13:46

Crawling over a wound with a dirty tourniquet is not very useful.
And it is not imposed above the wound? How does he interact with the wound?

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 14:19

In the conditions of a battle, when a large vessel is broken or a limb is torn off, when people are being dragged somewhere, running and falling, of course, a professional physician will be nearby (and not a friend / colleague with shaking hands, smeared in everything possible) who will apply a tourniquet with an experienced movement where you need it to the nearest millimeter. In reality, even putting a tourniquet on your own in a non-combat situation, without rubbing dirt into the wound from it, is not so easy. All of course IMHO. It is better to ask those who did this in a combat situation.

zaurbek 30.05.2014 - 16:47

woman's tampons

Some women's pads are used as insoles in shoes. It's very comfortable and my feet don't sweat.

Mazilla 30.05.2014 - 17:04

In the conditions of a battle, when a large vessel was broken or a limb was torn off, when people were being dragged somewhere, running and falling,

I doubted.
Got into the combat unit.
I read it.
Doubts are gone.

Warrior555 05/30/2014 - 18:47

Mazilla - so I wrote that I did not serve and did not fight. What is there to doubt. I saw live only Afghans, from the laconic ones, they didn’t talk much about those times. Well, the front-line soldiers. But can you imagine the same situation?

Mazilla 30.05.2014 - 20:21

Yes Yes.

Norg 06.06.2014 - 16:16

Father Michael
The main thing is that the tourniquet IS. ....

Yes, that's the answer to TC's question.
Unlike the IPP, the "individual tourniquet" is not issued to the fighters, it is an accessory of the medical kit or the driver's first aid kit. It is mined by fighters in a household way.

And where do you order the fighter to wear it? It’s uncomfortable in the pocket, there’s no place for it in the pouch, you can get horseradish out of the RD or “Sidor” quickly - so they wound it on butts, and not only on folding ones. Turnstiles neither in the Soviet nor in Russian armies no matter how it was meant to be...

In general, from poverty all this is ours. And from the disregard for life and health in / employees.

PVL 11.06.2014 - 11:00

I haven't personally tried it; and in the army for such a hazing revision of weapons, before catching up would have been inevitable. But I believe there is a rational grain in this, it’s not for nothing that the Hungarians and Romanians in their versions of the Kalash regularly install the front handle on the forearm.

Well, it depends on the commander, we were treated neutrally. For me personally, the handle did not add any conveniences or inconveniences, I went with a regular one. And it appeared precisely on Romanian and Hungarian machine guns because their barrel heats up more, so that it’s impossible to even hold the forearm, and therefore the handle. I don’t know about the Hungarian ones, but the Romanian AKs overheated very quickly. But the Romanians have a leather belt - it's amusing.
As for the tourniquet, they were just show-offs, they shoved an individual package, but it’s also not very convenient, it can fly out. Yes, and beer bottles harness prevents opening.

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