Unsuccessful wedding. Why dream of a failed wedding

  • 11.10.2019

Wedding - funeral. To marry is to die.

Dreaming of a wedding and a grove - there will be a dead man in the family.

To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death.

To take part in the wedding: for unmarried - they will soon marry; for married people - children.

Dancing at a wedding - beware of persons of the opposite nature; to see your own wedding is family happiness.

Being at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life.

To see a wedding train - you will light someone's woman's heart with love or seduce a man.

A treat at a wedding is a meeting with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sew wedding dress and so on - so, in reality, you get so nervous that the very ceremony of marriage will pass by your consciousness like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself in a dream at the wedding table means that in reality you will be lucky in everything except love.

If you arrange a wedding against the wishes of your parents to prevent this marriage, it means that in reality you are threatened with a disease that will undermine your strength and bring you to complete mental exhaustion.

The dream in which you are present at the wedding of your girlfriend, who took your fiancé from you, portends the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you.

The dream in which you are getting married for the second time speaks of the danger that you will have to oppose with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, a cheerful one - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration of your missus.

If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality it threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband.

The dream in which you go on a honeymoon is to harmony in intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Marriage in real life is important event. Ideally, each person is once the center of this celebration. A wedding changes the social status of the newlyweds. For invited friends and relatives, she is great way enjoy your leisure time. In reality, this is joy and excitement, but in order to decipher what a wedding is dreaming of, you need to listen to your intuition, because such a dream can have many of the most unexpected meanings.

Dream Interpretation: to see a wedding in a dream

Interpretation by different dream books reflects the turning point of marriage. However, almost all interpreters have their own opinion about why a wedding is dreaming.

Modern dream book predicts that in reality there may be quarrels with someone close. Perhaps, after a dream with a wedding seen, troubles will occur that cannot be prevented. It remains only to meet them with your head held high and steadfastly fight the consequences of adversity.

Russian dream book I am sure that truly fateful changes are taking place in reality. They will be for good, or they will bring problems, they will tell you the details. A similar interpretation belongs to the dream book of the fabulist Aesop. It is necessary to prepare for life changes, they are already literally on the threshold, and will affect all areas.

Ukrainian dream book more severe in prediction. To a sick dreamer, the wedding he sees predicts that he will not recover from his illness. At the same time, simply taking part in a fun celebration is interpreted as the birth of children for those already married, or an important meeting for singles.

Velesov dream book interprets the wedding as a symbol warning of impending troubles. It can be a quarrel and sadness for those who are unmarried, or even adultery for married people.

Evgeny Tsvetkov believes that the wedding is a dream as a sad sign. Funerals are possible. Dancing among the guests, according to the esotericist, means getting confused in relationships.

According to Miller's dream book dreaming of a wedding means that in reality it will be possible to brilliantly solve all existing problems. Only a dream has an unfavorable meaning, in which an unmarried girl agrees to a secret marriage. This reflects a less than virtuous lifestyle and should be reconsidered.

Wangi's Dream Interpretation suggests that in reality a joyful feast awaits with long-familiar friends. To see a wedding in a dream, according to the opinion of the Bulgarian prophetess, means to receive a request for help in reality. Vanga believes that after such a dream, the one who asks should not be refused. The dream of her own marriage is interpreted by her as the need to make a decision on an issue that has tormented her for a long time.

Reflection of harmony in all aspects of marriage, including intimate - such a positive definition is given to a dream with a wedding by a psychiatrist Sigmund Freud. For those who have not yet experienced intimacy, the dream shows the fear of losing innocence.

Dream interpretation of a medium Hasse interprets the wedding also based on the social status of the dreamer. For free people, this is a hint that soon a candidate suitable for marriage will appear on the horizon, the main thing is not to miss the chance. For those who have already tied the bonds of Hymen, the dream speaks of the appearance of children, grandchildren and, in general, of general well-being.

Erotic dream book gives a slightly different interpretation - not the most pleasant frank conversations are ahead. Most likely, the relationship is at an impasse, the exit from which can be quite painful.

Magician's Dream Interpretation Longo interprets the wedding seen by lonely dreamers only as a reflection of their experiences due to disorder in the personal sphere of life. For the rest, triumph in a dream is a symbol of change in relationships. For them to be for the better, one must be more sensitive to the second half.

Changes will soon come to reality, and events will develop at lightning speed, this is what a wedding in a dream means according to an ontopsychological interpretation Meneghetti. Stiffness will hinder change.

Of course, for the most accurate interpretation, it is necessary to take into account the details, even the smallest ones, as well as your own emotions experienced when "viewing" the dream.

Most important points: the identity of the dreamer himself, and who are the main characters of the celebration. Seen someone's the wedding is interpreted a little differently depending on these circumstances.

Wedding girlfriends promises that in reality there may be a chance to work together. It is better not to abandon the project - its results will be positive.

Wedding friend in a dream is interpreted as providing support. Suddenly you have to find out some news, and it will affect life safely.

unmarried girl seeing someone else's wedding party promises a fun pastime. A dream can mean waking travel, both near and far. The resulting emotions will become bright and unforgettable.

married woman the dream indicates that you can go to the store for new clothes. Purchases will be successful and very profitable.

If the wedding is a dream man, in reality it can be swirled by a sensual whirlwind. Perhaps passion will wake up completely unexpectedly.

When someone else's wedding is dreaming married man It means that he is not quite satisfied with his own marriage. It's time to change something in order to keep the spark of love in the relationship.

If the wedding is a dream pregnant woman, subconsciously reflected her fears of a new stage in life. At the same time, a cheerful celebration is a positive sign - the birth will go well for both the woman in labor and the baby. Recovery after the process will take place as soon as possible, and the newborn will delight in his health.

dream wedding relatives generally interpreted as a favorable symbol. Ahead is a period of change, but by and large in the end it turns out that the outcome will be joyful. The details of the decryption will indicate the identity of the relative.

Wedding brother for a female dreamer, it warns of the appearance of a not-too-pretty admirer. In the end, his courtship will play the role of a catalyst for the feelings of someone who is actually dear to the heart.

dream wedding sisters predicts that soon in her life there will be colossal changes. Their character will be positive if the guests are smart and in high spirits.

Wedding daughters means increased troubles in real life. However, the efforts will not be in vain - this is a reserve for the future period of rest. Highly auspicious sign- dream marriage son.

A dream testifies to patronage from above. At the same time the wedding mothers is a warning. She needs to be taken care of - perhaps a physical or mental strain.

Dream with a wedding plot own parents is interpreted for the dreamer as a good symbol of excellent relationships with loved ones. AT family relationships everything is cloudless.

When do you dream of weddings strangers , in reality, an unexpected, but very pleasant, meeting with a friend or friend with whom the dreamer has not communicated for a long time is possible. Another decoding option - things are moving exactly as planned, and external circumstances powerless to influence them.

marriage familiar girl portends that in reality the dreamer will expect very quick changes in the personal sphere. It can be both an acquaintance and a “second wind” in a long-established relationship.

Not a very auspicious symbol - wedding beloved girl in a dream. In reality, a quarrel with her can arise for the slightest reason. Disagreements that are not significant at first glance can even lead to a complete break.

Seen marriage ex girlfriend is a harbinger of receiving information about her from mutual friends. However, no significant consequences from the news should be expected.

For a divorced but single man, a wedding ex-wife in a dream means a meeting with a woman who can become a new life partner. Another interpretation is that pleasant events will happen in life, everything will turn out even more favorably than planned.

A happy bride in a dream means reconciliation after a quarrel with loved ones, a profitable business. If the newlywed is sad, in reality the circumstances will be against the dreamer. The bitterness of disappointment awaits the beginners of any business project.

A wedding seen in a dream has a favorable meaning. colleagues. The dreamer's ideas will be recognized, and a successful period will come in life.

Why dream of your own wedding

Surprisingly, most interpreters do not view the sleepers' own triumph in a very positive light. The transcripts are of a warning nature, unless the dreamer in real life is going to marry in the near future. Otherwise, the appearance of such a plot is influenced by real experiences, and the dream does not contain any prophetic meaning at all.

When unmarried girl dreaming of her own wedding, in reality this holiday is very far from her. In the near future, her health is in danger. All sorts of sorrows and troubles in reality will follow in succession. The support of loved ones will help to correct the situation. This is the case when asking for help is not at all ashamed.

married woman getting married in a dream is a dual symbol, which is interpreted depending on sensations. Positive perception of the dream plot - good sign. Dissatisfaction with what is happening indicates that in real life there may be deterioration in marital relations, discord and quarrels with loved ones.

Single man a dream with your own wedding predicts the conclusion of a contract. For a married man to marry in a dream with his legal wife is a sign of changes at work. It could be career, or a very profitable business trip. Marrying another woman means that in reality you need to take care of maintaining your health.

Girl's wedding with ex-boyfriend says that, firstly, she did not quite let go of the situation. However, her dream of the return of a once beloved person is not destined to come true. Secondly, the dream indicates the need to watch your words. Some of your close friends or girlfriends may be offended by a bad joke.

Wedding with ex-husband in a dream indicates that a quarrel may soon break out with relatives. The secret of peaceful relations is the ability to listen to the interlocutor, even if his advice seems unnecessary.

Own wedding with your loved one- a sad symbol for a girl who is in a relationship, but has not yet received an official marriage proposal. I am very far from this event. In addition, relationships can even collapse due to misunderstandings.

The dream that happens be late to his wedding, says that in reality the dreamer misses a certain opportunity. Most likely, the changes relate to official matters. If you want change - do not immediately turn away from job offers.

Making a rash act in reality - that's what it means run away from your wedding. Impulsivity can do a disservice, and the consequences will take a long time to resolve.

A positive or negative near future awaits the dreamer, his emotions from the dream in which the wedding takes place will prompt with friend. In the case of a negative feeling, sadness lies ahead, joy means positive changes.

If the dreamer is threatened or forced to dress up in Wedding Dress, in reality her duties at work and at home will increase. Before agreeing to a new position that may soon be offered, it is worth evaluating the vacancy from all sides. Attention when deciphering a dream must also be paid appearance festive attire. Dress white or delicate pastel shades, but immaculately clean - in reality, chores will be more pleasant and bring joy. A dirty, soiled wedding dress is not such a positive sign. Perhaps the dreamer will find out that unpleasant rumors are spreading behind her back, and will worry about this.

The triumph that has not yet happened, but the vanity preceding this event, also quite often becomes one of the plots of dreams. Interpretation is also carried out depending on how the dreamer is related to the marriage.

A symbol warning of the need to take care of health in the very near future is preparation for your own wedding in a dream. A disease is coming, and it is much easier to treat it before it breaks out. If in a dream you had a chance to prepare for the wedding of another person, as well as assist him in preparing for the holiday, then in reality you will have to face problems. It will not be very easy to defeat them, but the dream suggests that you should not despair. The result, although not very soon, will be positive.

Get invitation to a wedding in a dream is a good sign. The dreamer is in harmony with himself, and no outside influences can destroy his peace of mind.

Great changes are coming - this is what it means to gather on someone else's dream wedding. In order to understand what they will bring with them, the dreamer should analyze the emotions experienced. The more joyful the gatherings were, the more favorable the changes are coming.

Cancel dreaming of weddings as a warning. Someone will try to persuade you to participate in some not very legal business. Consent to a scam can cause significant damage to the dreamer's reputation, while the initiator will seem to have nothing to do with it.

dreaming wedding talk portends women joyful meetings and romantic dates. For men, a similar plot of sleep is interpreted as the occurrence of troublesome events. They will be small, and the result of solving problems will be almost minimal.

If the dreamer had a chance go to the wedding, but this event is pleasantly exciting, then most likely, changes cannot be avoided, but they will be received with enthusiasm. Unwillingness to celebrate marriage means an internal unwillingness to accept changes in life.

When dreamed fees for the wedding, in real life it is worth trying to prepare for the unexpected. It is impossible to foresee everything, but it is quite possible to predict some events, and turn the changes to your advantage.

Interpretation of sleep by type of wedding

The warning sign is failed wedding. In reality, there will be an option to make a profit in an illegal way, but consent can be expensive. Even if at first the dubious enterprise has an income, later there will be nothing left of it.

Unsuccessful a wedding seen in a dream serves as a warning and a signal to exercise caution. The consequences of words, and even more so actions, in reality must be calculated at least a few steps ahead.

Deliberately plucked a wedding in a dream is interpreted as someone's interference in financial and personal affairs. The nature of this influence is negative, although the adviser or assistant is disguised as friends.

daring gypsy a wedding in a dream is always an alarming symbol, regardless of whether guests and newlyweds are having fun, or sad. There is a high probability of losing money or property in a crowded place. This may be a consequence of forgetfulness, but someone's malicious intent is more likely - theft or fraud.

The onset of a not too successful period in life portends a wedding without a groom in a dream. Failed business projects, annoying quarrels with friends and family will become the dreamer's companions. In fact, this is one of the symbols to think about - is everything the way you want. Most likely, it's time to change the hateful work and sort out the relationship.

dreaming wedding and funeral at the same time mean an utterly calm and measured way of life. For family people it is a symbol that routine threatens to destroy feelings. It is worth bringing a little sensual variety, at least spend the evening for a really joint rest.

Getting good news in the near future - that's what dreams wedding and pregnancy. The information, most likely, will be associated with familiar people with whom the dreamer has not met for a long time.

If dreamed at the same time many weddings which means that fate has prepared many sharp turns in the near future. Literally everything can change at once: a place, and even a country of residence, work, a loved one.

One of the most innocent and insignificant dream options - forthcoming wedding. Basically, such a plot is a sign of excessive worries about the future triumph, the projection of real fears onto the world of dreams.

Why dream of walking at a wedding

To participate in the celebration as an invitee is a rather favorable sign, especially if the event in the dream passes without any problems.

The end of life's troubles, which lasted quite a long time, such an interpretation has a plot in which the dreamer had a chance to walk on someone else's wedding. Finally, things begin to improve, and luck smiles again.

Generally, be a wedding guest in a dream, and to experience pleasant emotions, means that in reality they will soon fun entertainment, pleasant meetings with friends and family evenings filled with happiness.

For an unmarried girl be a witness at a wedding in a dream - a dual symbol, and the interpretation depends on what the holiday was like. A joyful event is a signal that soon a person will appear in her life with whom the dreamer will have a romantic hobby, and even a serious relationship. In the case of a wedding that went awry, sad events are possible in reality. For a man, acting as a witness always portends troubles imposed by someone from the environment. Will have to change plans to help relatives and friends.

It's sad if you dreamed of a wedding at the cemetery. In this case, the dreamer and those with whom he communicated in the dream were in danger. It is necessary to minimize the risks, not to participate in extreme entertainment, to be more careful at home and on the street.

Additionally, when interpreting a dream, it is necessary to take into account the day it appeared. Sweet dreams with the most auspicious meanings!

Wedding - funeral. To marry is to die.

Dreaming of a wedding and a grove - there will be a dead man in the family.

To be at a wedding is a great sorrow, to marry your husband is death.

To take part in the wedding: for unmarried - they will soon marry; for married people - children.

Dancing at a wedding - beware of persons of the opposite nature; to see your own wedding is family happiness.

Being at a wedding among men or women is a confusion in life.

To see a wedding train - you will light someone's woman's heart with love or seduce a man.

A treat at a wedding is a meeting with friends.

Interpretation of dreams from the Ukrainian dream book

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Dream Interpretation - Wedding

If in a dream you are zealously preparing for the upcoming wedding, sewing a wedding dress and all that, then in reality you are so nervous that the marriage ceremony itself will pass by your mind like a cloud of fog.

Seeing yourself in a dream at the wedding table means that in reality you will be lucky in everything except love.

If you arrange a wedding against the wishes of your parents to prevent this marriage, it means that in reality you are threatened with a disease that will undermine your strength and bring you to complete mental exhaustion.

The dream in which you are present at the wedding of your girlfriend, who took your fiancé from you, portends the insincere attitude of friends who are clearly hiding something from you.

The dream in which you are getting married for the second time speaks of the danger that you will have to oppose with all your courage and self-control.

A sad wedding is a sign of a future dysfunctional family life, a cheerful one - in real life you will be the subject of constant adoration for your missus.

If in a dream your wedding procession passes through a cemetery, it means that in reality it threatens you with widowhood in the prime of life due to a tragic incident with your husband.

The dream in which you go on a honeymoon is to harmony in your intimate life.

Interpretation of dreams from

Marriage in a dream always promises changes in reality. Knowing this, it is not difficult to understand why one dreams that the wedding did not take place. Dream Interpretation believes that plans will be violated in the most unceremonious way.

Make a choice!

If you dreamed that for some strange reason your own wedding did not take place, then the relationship with your betrothed is clearly deadlocked or, on the contrary, completely doomed.

Sometimes a painting that has not taken place warns of a difficult choice that determines the future fate. It is also a sign of protracted illness and general failure.

Decline or freedom?

Why dream that you are clearly happy? In real life, you will not have to perform unpleasant duties or work, and your freedom will not be limited.

Miller's interpretation

Miller's dream book claims: if your wedding did not take place in a dream, then you will not be able to find a way out of the current situation, but on the contrary, you will earn even more trouble.

Take action!

I dreamed that with your extraordinary behavior you interfered with the marriage in every possible way? The dream interpretation suspects that in reality you are shirking the fulfillment of these obligations, each time inventing new excuses.

To see how someone does everything so that the wedding does not take place is even worse. This means that imaginary friends wish you harm and use every opportunity to harm you.

In a dream, this is also a sign of procrastination, threatening to turn into a big disaster. Your excessive indecision will lead to the fact that you will miss a great chance.

Don't waste your energy!

Why dream of a wedding that never took place? Dream Interpretation believes that this is a reflection of your desires and doubts.

Probably in reality there are some relationships that you want to translate into new level. However, the situation does not depend on the personal desire of the dreamer.

Did you dream of preparing for a wedding that was postponed in a dream? You foolishly spent all your life resources to achieve an initially hopeless goal.

Deciphering the reasons

Why else dream of a wedding that was thwarted? According to the dream book, the interpretation of sleep depends on the reason that influenced the failure of the event.

  • The groom did not appear - disappointment, illness.
  • To see that the bride has run away is a blow of fate.
  • The betrothed married another - suffering, empty fears.
  • Beloved went to another - get a good offer.
  • Parents against - a chance, an incredible opportunity.

If the wedding did not take place, since you remembered that you were already married or married, then get ready for a surprise that will be a turning point in fate.

Our experts will help you find out why the wedding did not take place in a dream, just write the dream in the form below and you will be explained what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    My English teacher. His name is Philip. TO HIS WORK BUT IT IS NOT THERE AND IT IS OVER

    Why dream of a wedding with a colleague, despite the fact that I did not put the final signature in the documents and for a long time doubted whether it was necessary to put? The reason for the wedding was not a very desirable pregnancy.

    I dreamed that I was supposed to have a wedding, all my relatives and friends gathered in the zaks. I don’t understand why they came here at all if there can’t be any kind of wedding about the prior. And suddenly one friend gets up and says, let me support you, we’ll sign for you, it’s not in vain that people came and spent their time and then we will solve this issue with you. they declare husband and wife, and when I go up to sign it, it says on the form that this wedding is not valid due to the complete absence of the groom. And your marriage is postponed to another day.

    hello!! my name is Lida. very pleasant. I dreamed of preparing for the wedding. many flowers bouquets of roses and others, I don’t remember .. I tried to decorate shoes with flowers. we were going to just register, but my parents decided to make a holiday ... I was very upset because I didn’t have wedding dress. one of the relatives got angry and took our application to the registry office. my husband went to give it back, but they didn’t accept it from him because they said that I allegedly bought mushrooms from my grandmother in the passage))) I started to cry very much, just sobbing. my fiancé started running after me. but I didn’t want to listen to him ... then his friend’s wife tried to calm me down. I don’t remember further ((((the strangest thing is that tomorrow we are going to apply to the registry office and we won’t do a wedding. just in two .... so I’m worried please help...

    I'm getting ready for my wedding. My fiancé is a handsome, pleasant man. But I don't know him. And I’m surprised that I’m marrying him. I love someone else. I can’t do makeup on the wedding day. I painted three times and it doesn’t work. I ran to makeup artists, but in vain. As a result, I was late for registration. her boyfriend left her to get drunk. but there was no votka in the house. we hugged, burst into tears and decided to go to the store. I saw one woman with whom we quarreled a lot in reality. she seemed to be a guest. I was in a wedding dress, but at the end I took it off I was very upset that I couldn’t prepare for the wedding in time. But I wasn’t upset that I didn’t go to the wedding. There’s so much fuss and tension in my dream. It’s like I’m fighting like a fish against my grandfather. And nothing happens.

    I'm getting ready for my wedding. My fiancé is a handsome, pleasant man. But I don't know him. And I’m surprised that I’m marrying him. I love someone else. I can’t do makeup on the wedding day. I painted three times and it doesn’t work. I ran to makeup artists, but in vain. As a result, I was late for registration. her boyfriend left her to get drunk. but there was no votka in the house. we hugged, burst into tears and decided to go to the store. I saw one woman with whom we quarreled a lot in reality. she seemed to be a guest. I was in a wedding dress, but at the end I took it off I was very upset that I couldn’t prepare for the wedding in time. But I wasn’t upset that I didn’t go to the wedding. There’s so much fuss and tension in my dream. It’s like I’m fighting like a fish on ice. And nothing happens.