Why dream of large red raspberries. Large raspberries: what is this red berry dreaming of

  • 17.10.2019

Raspberry is a berry that is loved by many. There is hardly a person who does not appreciate its sweet taste. Is that why raspberries dream? And how to interpret the "crimson vision"? There are different interpretations in dream books: good news and a sad event.

Why dream of raspberries

The main interpretation of dreams

According to the classical version of the interpretation of dreams, raspberries are a messenger of happiness and joy. But sometimes she warns of trouble. To correctly interpret a dream, you need to remember it to the smallest detail.

If you dreamed that you were drinking raspberry tea, this is a health problem. You transplant semi-shrubs - to a change of interests. And if you sell a berry - to wealth.

raspberry bushes

If you dreamed of bushes, then pleasant little things and good news await you.

But do not forget that raspberry bushes are thorny: we often get scratches. Therefore, there is another interpretation of sleep. If you dreamed of raspberry bushes, you definitely need to solve neglected problems, otherwise you will be bogged down in worries and will not be able to return the measured rhythm of life.

Perhaps one of your friends or acquaintances speaks badly about you behind your back. Be carefull!

Collect raspberries in a dream

Success awaits you in all endeavors and deeds. Also, a dream predicts increased attention to your person from the opposite sex. Remember the saying: as in raspberries.

It is worth being careful and in no case agree to a marriage proposal from the first person you meet, because, most likely, such a relationship will not bring anything but disappointment.

sweet food

There are raspberries in a dream - great sign: fortune will smile at you; sometimes it means a welcome addition to the family.

  • But according to some dream books, for the fairer sex, such a dream means that unpleasant gossip is being spread about them.
  • And for men - the likelihood of getting involved in a dangerous adventure, so it is better to weigh and consider your actions than blindly follow instructions from the outside.

Does the gender of a person who sees raspberries in a dream matter?

Usually the interpretation of dreams does not depend on the gender of the dreamer. But "raspberry dream" is an exception. What does the dream predict for a woman and a man?

Raspberry dreams of a woman / girl

The interpretation of sleep for women depends on the details. Most often, dreams speak of big troubles or problems.

Dream girl:

  • Gathers raspberries. It portends an early acquaintance with a young man or marriage.
  • He eats greedily and cannot eat berries. According to Freud, this dream arises from a strong desire to become pregnant.
  • Sees crumbling berries. To break the relationship.
  • Plants a shrub. A long separation from a loved one.
  • Feeding her beloved with red ripe berries. You will have trusting relationship with the other half.
  • Steals raspberries. Such a dream is usually dreamed of by those who could not get pregnant for a long time, and they miraculously succeeded.
  • Feeds the child with berries. Heralds replenishment in the family.

A man sees raspberries in a dream

According to Freud, if a man sees a berry in his dreams, then this dream characterizes him as a windy person who does not know what he wants and is irresponsible for his actions.

  • If you believe other dream books, then dreams with raspberries promise minor troubles.
  • A man collects fruits - he will be pursued by luck.
  • A huge ripe berry is dreaming - a sign that you can invite a girl for whom you have long been sympathetic.

Description of raspberries

Berry color

  • Did you dream about delicious red ripe berries? Congratulations! This is very good. This means that you will have happiness, peace and harmony in relationships with loved ones. As they say: not life, but raspberries.
  • But if in a dream you came across sour and unripe fruits, then you need to take care of restoring relations with your family. Do not be so indifferent, otherwise grief cannot be avoided.
  • There is a green berry in a dream - it means that you are envied or your colleagues at work want to set you up.

  • Blue - to an eating disorder or poisoning. Review your diet, and you will avoid danger.
  • If in a dream a woman saw yellow raspberries - this is a disease, and if a man - to financial losses.
  • Seeing black is very bad sign, which portends a serious, possibly even fatal illness.

Big and small

  • Dreamed of a large raspberry? So, success will accompany you in all spheres of life.

Also, this dream can talk about great and bright love.

  • But if the raspberry is small and barely noticeable - do not expect success next week, it will seem to you that everything is falling out of your hands, but this is temporary.
  • Dreamed of a lot of raspberries? Temptations will lie in wait for you at every turn and may interfere with the achievement of goals. Keep yourself in hand, and everything will be fine.

wild or garden

If in a dream you saw thickets of wild shrubs - this is a happy event. And if the berry was garden - to problems at work.


Taste matters a lot too. Sweet raspberries dream of success in love. And sour - to the quarrel of the couple.

Interpretation of dream books

Raspberry: Miller's dream book

The interpretation of the "raspberry dream" according to Miller's dream book is as follows: a lot of fun and pleasant events will await you, but you should not put off all your important things for the last time, because this can adversely affect your career growth.

Sour raspberry means that you have potential, but you just can't open up and realize yourself.

Dreamed of raspberries according to Hasse

Hasse claims that seeing a berry in night dreams is very good, because it promises you joyful events: you will be happy, and all problems will be solved by themselves.

Interpretation of Vanga

A dream about raspberries can portend future difficulties. But you will definitely achieve your goals if you stubbornly strive for them.

Seeing raspberries in a dream according to Freud

According to Freud, raspberry is the personification of female convex forms. Dreaming that you are greedily eating a berry? This reflects your desire to have offspring. If a man saw raspberries in his dream, then he should stop treating pretty girls like a toy. Berry dreamed of a girl? Perhaps this indicates a hidden interest in people of your gender.

Which interpretation to believe is everyone's personal choice. The main thing: pay attention to the details of the dream and memorize them to the smallest detail in order to look at the appropriate meaning from the dream book.

Miller's dream book

See this raspberry- means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them.

A dream in which a woman eats raspberries- warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter

Raspberry in a dream- symbolizes dubious temptations and pleasures, the pursuit of which can end in embarrassment and confusion.

Thickets of raspberries- a sign that your affairs are in a rather neglected state, the reason for which seems to be your immoderate craving for worldly pleasures.

Dream interpretation for the whole family

This should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of being involved in something illegal.

And in general, in those cases when raspberries dream- you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.

There are raspberries in a dream- a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories.

Picking raspberries from bushes- this is a dream foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your power.

Seeing or picking unripe raspberries- you should be patient, what you are achieving is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends.

See overripe raspberries- you need to pay more attention to the family.

Dream interpretation for a bitch

Raspberry- you will have to fight in the workplace with complete confusion and disorder, but this should not stop you.

New family dream book

Raspberry seen in a dream- means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

To a woman who tasted raspberries in a dream- will have to suffer because of gossip related to her involvement in one incident.

Modern combined dream book

If you dream of raspberries- you are facing a predicament, which you will first perceive as an interesting adventure. But your opinion will change as soon as you manage to avoid it.

A woman in a dream to see that she is eating raspberries- to the troubles caused by gossip.

Eastern female dream book

Raspberry- a dream warning that the situation that you first take for an exciting adventure can be very risky and dangerous. Take care.

eat raspberries- gossip.

The latest dream book of G. Ivanov

Raspberry- most likely, you are waiting for a cold.

Children's dream book

Raspberry- A carefree and fun life awaits you.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in May, June, July, August

Seeing a rich harvest of raspberries in a dream- means that in reality raspberries will not be born.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays of September, October, December

If you pick raspberries in a dream- this is for a rich harvest of berries.

Dream Interpretation of Birthdays in January, February, March, April

Raspberry- to malaise.

Dream Interpretation Hasse

raspberries- joy and pleasure.

Dream interpretation from A to Z

Thickets of forest raspberries seen in a dream- a harbinger of a joyful event, collect it- to success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet- this is to big profit, if overripe and crumbling from the bush- cut off a love affair, perhaps at the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity.

garden raspberry- means that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners.

Cultivate raspberry bushes in your garden- says that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame.

Buy raspberries in a dream- extra expenses make jam out of it- go into debt. Drink raspberry tea for colds- in reality, catch the flu virus or other infectious disease.

transplant raspberries- Mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries- there is a long journey ahead, in which you will go against your will. Sell ​​raspberry seedlings- you will have a streak of continuous failures.

Women's dream book

Raspberry in a dream- means confusion in affairs or their neglect. Try to put them in order, and soon you will again feel the taste for your work.

If a woman eats raspberries in a dream- she may suffer because of her indirect involvement in some scandalous incident.

Dream interpretation of the XXI century

Seeing or eating ripe raspberries in a dream- to joy, arrived at home, prosperity in the family; unripe- either to great tears, or to great joy; eat dry raspberries- to well-being in your home.

collect raspberries- to marriage (marriage).

Picking raspberries from the bush- means receiving honors.

Her cook with a dream- to well-being.

Lunar dream book

There are raspberries- happiness and pleasure in the circle of youth.

Dream Interpretation of the Yellow Emperor

The therapeutic effect of eating raspberries for colds- consists in the actual expulsion from the body with sweat of some harmful substances. However, at the same time, isolated yin organs that are overloaded with work can fail, which leads to irreversible, but, unfortunately, not fixed consequences by European medicine (the issue of the dangers of raspberries has not even been discussed by European medicine so far).

Eat or collect raspberries in a dream- a signal of an imminent illness with sweating and high fever, or a signal of the intention to commit absolutely wrong actions, later still giving birth to the disease.

Plant raspberries in a dream- Raspberry bushes have a very superficial root system.

Plant raspberry bushes in a dream- means to commit a series of unfounded - soil actions to the detriment of one's health in the future.

If the dreamer has a well-developed symbolism of red color (internal perception of irritation from it quickly works) - in the space of sleep, any berry can carry the symbolic load of raspberries.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Raspberry- pleasure (however, semantic inversion is often used - to suffering).

Culinary dream book

Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream- to rest.

If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream- you are expected to enjoy.

There are raspberries in a dream- to profit, honors, awards.

Harvest or buy raspberries- for a gift.

A dream in which a woman eats raspberries- warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Small Velesov Dream Interpretation

Raspberry- good news, happy life, date; plant- difficulties; collect- wedding, beautiful woman not indifferent; there is- disease.

Esoteric dream book

raspberry bush- obstacles, delays.

Pick berries with your own hands- create obstacles.

There is- a dream speaks of your inaction and laziness.

Ukrainian dream book

see raspberries- a joyful, happy life.

Plant- difficulty, envy.

tear, collect- for the wedding, a beautiful woman is supportive of you, eat raspberries- to illness.

To be in a raspberry- uncertainty of feelings, to debauchery.

Dream interpretation of Tsvetkov

Raspberry is- disease.

Collection of dream books

Raspberry- to profit or reward.

Raspberry- you are in danger due to business confusion; a dream in which a woman eats raspberries- warns that she will have to suffer because of someone's gossip.

raspberry bush- promises positive emotions and joyful mood; raspberries- to the pleasures of love; dried raspberries and raspberry jam- to a cold; eat raspberries- beriberi, lack of essential microelements and organic acids in the body.

Why is Raspberry dreaming, what is Raspberry's dream book to see in a dream, what does it mean?

Dream Interpretation of Pastor Loff

Why does Raspberry dream in a dream?

According to the dream book, see Raspberry - The name of this berry bush in slang means a hangout. Raspberry is also sometimes referred to as a relaxed serene state or a place where it can be felt, when any difficulties are perceived easily and do not cause unrest. Apparently, it is this stable expression that affects the images in dreams. Therefore, when you see raspberries, eat them or pick them, such a dream promises happiness, enjoyment, being in pleasant companies and generally participating in entertainment events, as the predictor predicts.

Dream Interpretation of the Healer Evdokia

Why does Raspberry dream in a dream?

Seeing Raspberry in a dream means - Raspberry. Seeing is a complication in business, but gradually peace and confidence will return to you. For a woman to eat raspberries in a dream - to be involved in an incident that gave food to gossip, many dream books interpret such a dream in this way.

Dream Interpretation of a Housewife

What does raspberry mean in a dream:

According to Raspberry's dream book, to see what it means - Raspberry - Raspberry bushes - a harbinger of a joyful event. Collect raspberries - to success in business. Ripe and sweet raspberries - to big profits. Raspberries crumbling from the bush - an interrupted love affair. Buying raspberries is an extra expense. Boil raspberry jam - you have to get into debt. Drink raspberry tea for a cold - catch an infectious disease. Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting raspberries - you have a long journey ahead of you. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of bad luck awaits you

Summer dream book

Why is Raspberry dreaming:

Raspberries - Seeing a rich harvest of raspberries in a dream means that raspberries will not be born in reality.

Autumn dream book

If Raspberry is dreaming, what is it for:

Raspberries - If you pick raspberries in a dream - this is for a rich harvest of berries, as the dream book says about this dream.

Psychological dream book

Why does Raspberry dream in a dream?

Dream Interpretation: Raspberry - A dream warning that the situation that you first take for an exciting adventure can turn out to be very risky and dangerous. Take care. Eat raspberries - to gossip

Modern dream book

According to Raspberry's dream book, what does sleep mean:

Seeing Raspberries in a dream - A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip related to some kind of incident. Raspberry bushes dream of rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. They ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you. Collected or bought raspberries - get a gift.

Spring dream book

According to Raspberry's dream book:

Dream Interpretation Felomena defines raspberries as a warning of taking a serious danger for a joke. Your carelessness can cause many problems. Raspberry jam in a dream portends prosperity in the house, financial well-being, peace and tranquility.

What did you do with raspberries in a dream? What color was the raspberry in the dream? What size was the raspberry in the dream? Did you dream of unripe raspberries? What berry, besides raspberries, did you see in a dream? How many raspberries did you see in a dream? Did you see the raspberry itself in a dream?

What did you do with raspberries in a dream?

eating raspberries picking raspberries

What color was the raspberry in the dream?

red raspberry

What size was the raspberry in the dream?

large raspberry

Did you dream of unripe raspberries?

Dreaming of ripe raspberries

I dreamed of ripe raspberries - good sign. This dream promises love, happiness, financial well-being. Raspberries served on a plate are a harbinger of pleasure. Overripe raspberries are dreaming - you need to spend more time with your family.

What berry, besides raspberries, did you see in a dream?

Dreamed of raspberries and blackberries

Seeing blackberries and raspberries in a dream is to upset loved ones with a harsh word or action. A dream warns of the onset of difficult times. You should be patient, show more attention and care to dear people.

How many raspberries did you see in a dream?

Dreaming of a lot of raspberries

A lot of raspberries are dreaming - you should understand things that are constantly shelved. Do not delay with important decisions, they will not wait long. A lot of raspberries in a dream also means that in reality there will be practically no harvest of it.

Did you see the raspberry itself in a dream?

Dreamed of raspberry bushes

A dream about raspberry bushes warns against adventures, quackery and fraud, there are people who want to harm you. To see dense thickets of raspberries - you need to lead a less idle life and concentrate on doing your home and work duties.

Dream Interpretation Raspberry bushes had a dream about why raspberry bushes dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of sleep, enter keyword from your dream to the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Raspberry bushes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books Houses of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

Seeing green bushes in a dream means that your sympathy will be reciprocated. If you fall into the thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, it means that your ill-wishers want to trap you, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful.

Uprooting a shrub is a sign of good help that you will receive in a timely manner from friends. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, for both official affairs and personal circumstances will undergo changes in negative side. Chopping a dry shrub portends the onset of illness and sadness in the soul and in the heart.

Seeing rosemary bushes in a dream means that soon you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for ages. Basil thickets seen in a dream portend misfortunes caused by secret enemies. Barberry bushes prophesy a change in business and new impressions.

If in a dream you find yourself in a blackberry at the very berry time - in reality, succumb to the temptation, which can be followed by the most serious complications.

Myrtle seen in a dream portends love and family well-being. Juniper in a dream - to the dead, a dry juniper bush burning in a fire - defeat the enemies, plunging them to dust.

To see wild rose bushes in a dream means that in real life you will be deceived in your best feelings.

Bushes with pink flowers mean happiness in marriage, with white ones - mental suffering for a loved one. Seeing bushes with fruits in a dream portends that you will marry a wealthy and independent person.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Collect and eat raspberries

Dream Interpretation Collect and eat raspberries dreamed of why in a dream to collect and eat raspberries? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream about Collecting and eating raspberries by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Thickets of forest raspberries seen in a dream are a harbinger of a joyful event; picking it up is a sign of success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet - this is a big profit, if they are overripe and crumble from the bush - you will cut off a love affair, perhaps in the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity.

Garden raspberries mean that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners. Cultivating raspberry bushes in your garden suggests that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame.

Buying raspberries in a dream - to extra expenses, making jam from it - you will get into debt. Drink raspberry tea with a cold - in reality you will catch the flu virus or another infectious disease.

Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries - there is a long journey ahead, which you will go on against your will. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of continuous failures awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. There are raspberries in a dream - for profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries - for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip associated with some kind of incident.

Raspberry bushes dream of rest.

If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you.

Ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you.

Gathered or bought raspberries - get a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To eat ripe raspberries - to joy, they arrived at home, prosperity in the family.

Eating unripe - either to big tears, or to great joy.

Eating dry raspberries is for well-being in your home.

Collect raspberries - for marriage (marriage).

Picking raspberries from a bush is receiving honors.

Boil raspberries from a dream - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To a love affair. There are raspberries in a dream - a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories. Collecting raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your full power. To see or collect unripe raspberries - you should be patient, what you are trying to achieve is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries - you need to pay more attention to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Collect raspberries - for profit, marriage, receiving gifts.

There are raspberries - to complicated cases or a small cold.

Wormy raspberries - minor failures.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberries in this means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them.

A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Raspberry - to see - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Tearing, collecting - for the wedding, a beautiful woman is supportive of you, eating raspberries - for illness. To be in a raspberry - the uncertainty of feelings, to debauchery.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Red, ripe, sweet raspberries in a dream are a good omen, portending pleasures, pleasant meetings and conversations. Sour, unripe, green, rotten raspberries in a dream portend grief, disappointment, discontent. Eating such berries in a dream means that disappointment, illness, discontent or slander await you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry


Dream Interpretation COLLECT RASPBERRY FROM THE GROUND had a dream, why dream in a dream to COLLECT RASPBERRY FROM THE GROUND? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see in a dream COLLECT RASPBERRY FROM THE EARTH by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Thickets of forest raspberries seen in a dream are a harbinger of a joyful event; picking it up is a sign of success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet - this is a big profit, if they are overripe and crumble from the bush - you will cut off a love affair, perhaps in the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity.

Garden raspberries mean that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners. Cultivating raspberry bushes in your garden suggests that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame.

Buying raspberries in a dream - to extra expenses, making jam from it - you will get into debt. Drink raspberry tea with a cold - in reality you will catch the flu virus or another infectious disease.

Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries - there is a long journey ahead, which you will go on against your will. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of continuous failures awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. There are raspberries in a dream - for profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries - for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip associated with some kind of incident.

Raspberry bushes dream of rest.

If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you.

Ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you.

Gathered or bought raspberries - get a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To eat ripe raspberries - to joy, they arrived at home, prosperity in the family.

Eating unripe - either to big tears, or to great joy.

Eating dry raspberries is for well-being in your home.

Collect raspberries - for marriage (marriage).

Picking raspberries from a bush is receiving honors.

Boil raspberries from a dream - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To a love affair. There are raspberries in a dream - a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories. Collecting raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your full power. To see or collect unripe raspberries - you should be patient, what you are trying to achieve is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries - you need to pay more attention to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Collect raspberries - for profit, marriage, receiving gifts.

There are raspberries - to complicated cases or a small cold.

Wormy raspberries - minor failures.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberries in this means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them.

A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Raspberry - to see - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Tearing, collecting - for the wedding, a beautiful woman is supportive of you, eating raspberries - for illness. To be in a raspberry - the uncertainty of feelings, to debauchery.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Red, ripe, sweet raspberries in a dream are a good omen, portending pleasures, pleasant meetings and conversations. Sour, unripe, green, rotten raspberries in a dream portend grief, disappointment, discontent. Eating such berries in a dream means that disappointment, illness, discontent or slander await you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

If a woman eats raspberries in a dream, then this should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of being involved in something illegal. And in general, in those cases when raspberries dream, you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.

collect raspberries in a dream, what is it for?


Nikolay Magikov

dream - for love adventures

Ilya Kalyagin

For raspberry jam...

Clairvoyant Elena

a symbol of upcoming stupid troubles and minor troubles.

Elizaveta Sergeeva

to love flirting, bed


red berries - to joy (any)


To see or eat ripe raspberries in a dream - to joy, arrived in the house, prosperity in the family; unripe - either to great tears, or to great joy; eat dry raspberries - to well-being in your home. Collect raspberries - to marriage (marriage). Picking raspberries from a bush means receiving honors. Cook it from a dream - to well-being



I dreamed that a friend with large breasts, all decorated with raspberry ripe beautiful berries with a full bucket of ripe large raspberries in one hand and in the other hand, a deep bowl of ripe large raspberries lightly sprinkled with sugar, put this bowl of raspberries sprinkled with sugar on my head and it flowed over my long hair, I was very pleased and I smiled in my sleep.


I had a dream in which I was waiting for my boyfriend on the first floor of a building with a glass door behind which I saw a raspberry bush with large ripe berries. I called the guy, but the girl picked up the phone and told me that he likes some kind of Tajik. I did not wait for him and went to the exit, the door opened and the raspberries disappeared. But I had raspberries in my jacket pocket. They diluted and stained the pocket of the jacket with red.


I saw a very huge pile of raspberries along with sugar. I wanted to collect in some kind of container it was not possible to collect everything, because there was a huge pile


I’m looking for my mother in the apartment, I find a cat that died a long time ago. A dog that died a long time ago and black raspberries. A full can of black raspberries. As if my mother had collected it.


I went into a house I didn’t know. The house is clean whitewashed. The old woman treated me to raspberries and put them in a bucket, then she gave ranetki, I ate them and also put them in a bucket. Then I ate raspberry jam from her and put them in a jar. Then I went out to the road with a bucket and went. It was already dark.


Hello! I dreamed that I ate raspberries, plucked them from the bushes and picked them up with a slide. There were sooo many of them on the bushes. What does this mean?


I dreamed that I was walking through the garden with my friend and saw a lot of raspberries! I don’t remember eating it, I only remember that I tore it!


like I'm in country house where I got on a boat, in the company of people, where my ex-young man was, he looks at me and I'm in the company of acquaintances, the next phrase was from him "come on, follow me", I went and he led me to the bushes with bright red raspberries, where he made it clear that I could eat


By the evening I hardly remember the dream, but in the morning it is very clear. I remember spaciousness, fresh air, very easy to breathe and the smell of raspberries. I am somewhere in the air and a feeling of happiness. This dream is a dream for the second time, but until I had a second dream, I did not remember the first one.


was weird dream I went to visit my grandmother with someone, I don’t remember exactly. on the way, I saw a bush with raspberries and started eating. later I saw in a dream a grandmother on a camel


Hello! i dreamed how I picked up raspberries in a bag and gave it to my sister and I dreamed about how I picked it up and gave it to my sister


Hello! I dreamed of a large, tall raspberry bush with berries, mostly ripe, some not yet ripe ...


I dreamed of a garden with raspberries, it was not high, I ran through the garden and tried to hide in it from my pursuer, but he still noticed me.


1. You have people (friends, relatives) whom you believe (raspberry bushes in which you are trying to hide);
2. You have an Enemy whom you do not know but suspect that he is (the pursuer);
3. The fact that your enemy still found you is a WARNING! In a dream, people see an alternative reality of their Future expressed in symbols..
You will either be betrayed by those whom you trusted, or they will not be able to help you in any way;

Some trouble awaits you. Be ready for it and don't rely on anyone.
You will have to decide for her. What kind of trouble in sleep is not clear ..
it is only clear that you feel it but do not know for sure.


my boyfriend picked a lot of raspberries for me and brought them to me. She was dark pink and light pink. and I took raspberries in my fist to treat my daughter


Good afternoon, Tatyana! In a dream - I wanted to buy strawberries, and my grandmother poured raspberries. Ripe, berry to berry, and at the end a small dead kitten fell out of the jar.


Good afternoon! I dreamed of a raspberry bush in the garden, with red ripe berries, and I thought that it was time to collect them, otherwise they would be lost


I dreamed that I was picking and eating ripe and sweet raspberries, as in childhood, in my father's garden .. he is no longer alive

[email protected]:

Hello, my name is Tatyana. Tonight I had a dream where I was walking in the garden, which used to belong to my grandparents. I saw it in its former form with a fence. There was so much greenery, ripe berries, apples hung in clusters to meet me in front of my face. I saw strawberries in the beds. Grapes ... Then I saw a gooseberry hanging over the fence, very ripe. .And I actually felt the taste of this berry ... It was not sour ... Then I called my son - “Son! Look how many berries !! He came running and we started eating berries together ... I enjoyed and enjoyed the taste of fruits and berries ... Then I woke up ... but it took me a long time to get out of sleep because I had never had such a dream ... bright, with real sensations ... where there were so many childishly joyful moments !!! but they offer us much less than expected our family ... Maybe the developer will still make concessions to us ... maybe this dream is for this ??? Thank you in advance. Tatyana.


I saw how my husband and I stopped, I got out of the car, I saw bushes with raspberries, I began to collect and I collected the sweetest delicious ones separately for my husband, I don’t remember further


I dreamed that I saw a raspberry, it was very large .... and I started picking it near the house ... but not mine, but my grandmother’s ... there were also blueberries there, but I don’t remember that I tore it ... I remember that I ate only one thing ... thinking to myself that it is good for the eyes ... then I somehow ended up in a muddy river ... and there were still people ... and I kind of knew them ... I remember vaguely ..


i had a dream that non-Russian guys were chasing me and I ran away from them, then one guy asked me for a phone number and said that he would come for me to woo me on the 21st and gave me a whole trailer of white and red raspberries, I ate it

[email protected] u:

there were two buckets of raspberries, in one bucket there were ripe red raspberries in the other bucket dirty. with sticks, with leaves. My bucket was clean and almost full, and my mother-in-law offered to supplement mine from her bucket, I refused, saying you have such raspberries in the trash


I ate large, beautiful, sweet, ripe raspberries straight from the bush. At the same time, my husband approached me and we smiled at each other and my heart was calm.


Good afternoon. I dreamed of huge raspberry bushes, and some unusual ones, and a lot of ripe raspberries, and I ate it, ate a lot, it was so sweet and tasty, and my husband was standing nearby. What is it for?


Hey! i dreamed that I was cooking raspberry jam in my kitchen, I have it in jars and there are a lot of jars of raspberry jam


I dreamed about my grandmother, who died two years ago. She came to me with a full bucket of red raspberries. What would that mean?


I picked very large raspberries and ate them. There was snow on the ground, but it did not completely cover the ground, there were, as it were, bumps. Then I began to collect raspberries for my husband, who died.


I dreamed that I was walking in the garden, saw a bunch of raspberries and went to eat it. Then a lot of wasps flew at me, they chased me, but I managed to run away from them and not one of them stung me.




I was driving along the road and saw bushes with raspberries, the berries were large ripe, not very ripe, and white not ripe, and there were a lot of berries on the bushes and I wanted to pick them


i had a dream, I was in the country, as if at the moment, and where we have raspberries growing, (it was now, in the fall, in the coming days), as if the berries were ripe, large, and I pick them, feed my son and I say it’s necessary how many raspberries, it seems to be cold, but it has grown. (we have late varieties of raspberries there and they will ripen until September and early October). why such a dream. the berries were very large.


My mother and I pick raspberries, we run next to the railway and we are in a cheerful mood. A train is coming along the railroad and we are following it. Then a narrow bridge appears, over which the bridge passed. A river flows under the bridge. To cross the bridge, I change into other things that are more comfortable.


Hello! I dreamed of huge raspberry bushes, and the berries on it were also very large, like small apples. The berries were very ripe, bright, I started to tear them, and managed to eat only one (I had to run somewhere). Raspberries were very tasty and juicy, I still remember her taste)


I go out to the balcony, and there mom and dad (who is no longer alive), mom says: let's pick berries! I really look at a shrub with blackberries, yellow raspberries! I was delighted, I went up to this bush, there was some stranger there, but he immediately left, and let me pick such a joyful berry and put it in my mouth! It was delicious, berry!


I dreamed of ripe bright red raspberries. A lot. I just looked at her. And there were thoughts in my head to collect them.




Hello Tatiana. My name is Nadezhda. My dream: I am in the garden of my grandparents, I want to treat a weak-minded person with raspberries, although everyone close to me is against it, I bring her to the bushes and invite her to pick it herself, because. I’m afraid of spiders and bugs that live in raspberry bushes (I don’t see them), I want to pick berries that are on the edge to show her how to pick, but I come across either a rotten or a dry berry. So it didn’t work out either to pick or to treat.


like a small raspberry bush without berries sprouted under my bed, but I know that it is very prickly to tear it out, and then a large mouse crawled out from under it. the mouse began to approach me, I felt a terrible disgust and woke up.


i dreamed that someone in the palm of my hand was holding out raspberries to me - very large and ripe and even, like a selection, a man's hand)


I walked with my father, there were a lot of boxes with raspberries collected in front, the boxes stood on top of each other. Standing on my father’s shoulders, I was looking for something that I don’t remember, and several boxes fell apart. Then, realizing in a dream that I need to hide because of the situation in the country, my friend and I collect things and run away (hiding and hiding), we seem to succeed, but my friend scattered some of her things along the way and I made a remark to her that clean up in a timely manner, because she will give herself away, even got a little angry


papa kupil malinu chto bi svorit varenie.peresipali malinu v kastrulu a malina bila ne vsya xoroshaya v nem bilo i spelie ne spelie i mne zaxotelos pokushat nemnojko malini i estestvenno viberala samie xoroshie temnie malini.potom i sestre tojeugostila xorosejko nemnie moya zamujem a ya net.


I was picking raspberries, when I picked up half of the bucket, I saw that there was a lot of water (or juice from raspberries) in the bucket and very few raspberries. Then my godmother came up and began to wag this main juice from the bucket with a cup.


Was visiting friends. Raspberries grew in their garden. They offered me to eat raspberries. I tore it, ate it, collected it in my hand and ate it again


ripe raspberries were in an ordinary transparent bag on the counter, I wanted to buy, but the old woman said that these were not very raspberries, and her grandfather would now bring freshly picked and large raspberries. I don't remember anymore


Hello, my name is Alla. Not married, no children.
I dreamed of a very tall, about 5 meters high, large and lush raspberry bush with very large ripe raspberries, the size of a walnut. And in the center of the bush there was a very large trunk, more reminiscent of a tree. I walked past it and was delighted to see it.
Thank you very much.


Hello! I had a dream: I go to the pharmacy, I ask for medicine, and they offer me to buy raspberries (they show a basin of ripe raspberries) and say that I need to take 2 berries every other day. I tried one berry.


Hello. Today in my dream I saw that I was on a huge moving colossus of indeterminate purpose. This did not last long, when suddenly the part of this colossus, on which I ended up, began to separate and soar upwards. But out of fear of falling off it, I hurriedly jumped off it myself, and immediately a fertile landscape opened up in front of me. Summer, soul-warming sunny weather, and not a shadow of even the slightest cloud, but at the same time I did not experience heat or heat, it was very joyful and good, as if some kind of bliss enveloped my whole being. From all sides I was surrounded by lively, richly colored trees of various kinds, grasses and flowers. But my special attention was attracted by low raspberry bushes, on which rather large ripe raspberries hung. I began to quickly collect them and greedily, with great appetite to absorb, while experiencing incredible pleasure.
They were very sweet and tasty. I feel like I'm in heaven. What is it for? I would be very grateful to you for the correct interpretation of this dream. Thanks in advance.


it’s like I’m in a garden or in a country house, everything is beautiful there and there are a lot of green trees, there is a wooden table and there are two cups of raspberries on it, and a man puts these berries on a plate, I don’t see my face, I only see my hands, red raspberries from the top and at the bottom in another cup of white raspberries and all crushed. Why do I not understand these berries???


eat large and beautiful raspberries in a dream, and next to it in a cup lies a beautiful and directly saturated red (I would even say burgundy) currant brush! her and she’s as if sour, and mom stands and says you don’t eat with some water, vinegar is diluted there) and then I look at the red currant! and then I don’t remember (((but everything was so colorful !!!


I collected raspberries in a dream, at first there were no dishes and I collected them in a large breast pocket, then I don’t remember, but as if someone held out a bucket. I picked up raspberries, returned home, and began to cook jam, since the raspberries were very ripe, I took out the raspberries from my pocket, they were partially crushed and stains formed on the T-shirt on the chest pocket, they emitted such a strong aroma of raspberries that I didn’t even want to wash.


I dreamed of a gigantic raspberry. I ate it. And I also saw in a dream how grape bushes are planted in the ground, and ripe bunches of grapes are on them.




I saw a cake with beautiful ripe raspberries, the berries were so juicy that it was impossible not to try them and I ate a berry.


I dreamed that I was eating large red raspberries from a bush. The dream was from Monday to Tuesday. I never had such dreams before.


I saw a lot of raspberries in baskets, and when I tried to eat them, every second raspberry had a worm inside like a caterpillar


In a dream I saw a lot of raspberries in baskets, and when I tried to eat them, then in every second raspberry there was a worm inside that looked like a caterpillar, only a little smaller and yellowish in color .. on the same night there was another dream, there were many beautiful dresses, including white and still remembered dark of blue color with very beautiful glitters. I would be grateful if you could help. should I be worried that something bad will happen? an illness or something like that. please state all the options


Hello Tatiana. From the whole dream, I remember that the raspberry bushes were tall, the leaves were bright green, I picked raspberries (very bright and large) for my seven-year-old daughter in a basket or bucket, I don’t remember exactly, and at that time I ate them myself, I had a dream About a week ago, I don't remember exactly what day.


I dream of a familiar city, completely abandoned, houses, apartments wide open ... no one lives there .... I choose my own housing in this city ... I’m looking for which one to choose ... The city is overgrown with grass and raspberries .... I collect black raspberries and eat .. Suitable for some then people say that people began to return to the city ... In some store I buy from a woman familiar with black long hair chopped salted tomatoes as a charity….Yes


I dreamed that I was walking through some village and many different berry bushes grew on my way (raspberries, blackberries, currants ...) But my attention was attracted by raspberries, very large and tasty, but for some reason it looked like strawberries from compote .And I wondered why I had never seen such a variety. I had this dream for the second time.


I went to visit and there are raspberries and strawberries, large berries !!! And not where else there are no berries, early. so here I go and so I want to eat, pluck. I also say to the mistress of the garden, I will have to take seedlings of strawberries from you, otherwise I don’t have an early one. And I didn't ask for raspberries. I go and think, I already have their raspberry seedlings ....


in a dream I decided to go to an old pastry shop to buy sweets, I went in, it turned out that people of Caucasian nationality were selling fruits there, and one Russian grandmother had very, very large raspberries on the tray. In a dream, I was surprised by the size of the raspberries, and said: “Wow raspberries! ". The fruits were very beautiful pears and apples, I didn't buy anything. Thanks in advance


if in a dream you pick raspberries a lot of bushes, but the bushes were not prickly, there were a lot of raspberries [email protected] I didn’t have time to collect it as the children ate it and I kneaded them


I saw very large raspberries in three-liter jars. The size of the raspberry did not match the size of the jar


in the village of my grandmother along the house bushes with ripe, large,
raspberries and I go pick them and eat them with pleasure


from Tuesday to Thursday I dreamed of berries in my hands ... raspberries. I didn't collect it. there were no bites. she was just in the arms. and the worms came out. small. but ... a couple of pieces got under the skin in the palms. and I watched them move on. there was fear. I covered my hand with my other hand so that they would not move further, higher.


at the beginning of the dream I see a cockroach, then people among them are a sister and a brother who live in the village. I go into the kitchen on the refrigerator a cup of raspberries, a lot of cockroaches crawl there


Earlier, in reality, I looked through the window to see if the raspberries at my father’s house had ripened, and today I dreamed that only yellow raspberries ripened. But my dad’s is also yellow.


It was late in the evening. In the village where I used to often live with grandmothers on the road a raspberry bush grew. I hastily ate a few berries and went somewhere. I walked back next to some guy and obviously felt sympathy for him. But then his girlfriend appeared, who had seen us together more than once. She was jealous of me, although and tried not to show it. By the way, this place, the dirt road in front of the house and the grandmother's garden, I often see in a dream. And I often see strangers for whom I have feelings, although I'm married. What does this mean?


I came to the site where my grandmother's house used to be. There was a children's summer camp. And I went with these children around the neighborhood, where we found raspberry and blackberry bushes, all strewn with ripe large berries. I offered to eat blackberries for children, and I myself ate raspberries. She was very tasty!

[email protected]:

[email protected] THE FACT IS THAT IN A DREAM ALL THE BERRIES OF EZHEMALIN, RASPBERRY AND GRAPES grew like flowers of a rose, and the fruits of the harvest were very large, although all this was in a small area


Good morning! I had a dream that I was weeding grass in a raspberry bush and uprooting raspberries, and not dried branches, but young shoots.


I walked along the road and picked raspberries from a bush, ate, it was delicious, before that I climbed over a pile of manure and smeared myself in it, went further along the road, two ducks attacked me, one of them began to attack and grabbed my hand with its beak, I throw it away, and the second one is no longer a duck, but a cat, and I went on


in a dream, I want to sell a bucket of molina that is already starting to deteriorate and I will sell it to a neighbor who died a long time ago for a kilogram, I ask for 850 tenge


i dreamed that a raspberry bush was growing in my garden, I went up and ate a red ripe berry


My late husband and I were at our dacha, we saw a lot of ripe and large raspberries. I told my husband to pick them up. He replied that of course I would


my husband and I walked past the fence from which bushes with ripe raspberries stuck out from everywhere, we stopped and began to pick and eat this berry.


I dreamed of raspberries, it seemed to be frozen, and in it were peeled walnuts. And in a dream there was raw meat and beef. They helped me cut off his hymen. I was going to make meatballs. Then appeared Small child on my hands.


when meeting with a friend, we walked in the garden, I see raspberries on a bush _ the bush is really dry and the berries are ripe, even overripe, a lot and I start to eat ....


Good afternoon. In a dream I was looking for raspberries, then I found and ate ripe, red, large berries


I dreamed today on the night of 12/31/15 to 01/01/16 that my mother told me to go to the garden to pick raspberries, cherries and strawberries. All the berries were on the bushes. I took a bath to collect and went to the garden. In keratinization, I saw a tree with a cherry, then I went further to a raspberry bush, and then to strawberry beds. All berries were ripe. In a dream, it seemed to me that all the berries were very sweet and I wanted to pick them. Then I woke up.


Hello! I dreamed of a whole raspberry plantation. The bushes were not very tall, but they were all strewn with very ripe red and large berries. I picked it up and ate it. The berry was sweet and very tasty. The raspberry bushes were planted in even, beautiful rows.


in a dream I ate very large red delicious raspberries, together with an ex-girlfriend, I remember how I treated her to it, why would this dream?


I saw in a dream walking in an unusual park a lot of raspberries, and I tried a few raspberries, and there was also a beautiful river


hello, in a dream I saw a dish with raspberries and other berries sipped with raw dough, which I tried, and also dreamed that I was making sandwiches with black caviar and heavily sprinkled with salt, as a result, I begin to scoop this salt out of the plate with my hands, what does this mean?


I collected large ripe raspberries from a bush in a bowl. I also dreamed full pan large harvested peeled strawberries. all were ripe, except for one, I took it out.


I walked through a randomly emerging market and looked at the raspberries for sale in the banks. Berries of different colors and sizes. While looking at the berries. not far from me, someone threw a heavy object and broke the glass in a residential building. The fragments did not touch me. In a dream, I was in the role of an observer of all events.


My ex-boyfriend and I ate frozen fresh raspberries, he gathered a lot in an armful and it crumbled, and then I picked it up. It was not very sweet to the taste. And this fragment was very bright.


The deceased (died 1 month ago). It seems that I came to her to clean the grass, chop, mow. And she met me, and says the hostess arrived (the inheritance went to me), I have already started to clean, look how clean ... just don’t cut down the raspberries she is so good and big. I look, and she is really red.


I hid from a woman in raspberry bushes, saw red berries, and on the road a middle-aged man was waiting for me


In a dream, a man (grandfather) who was not familiar with a bald head gave me gifts of 3 jars of jam, opening them I saw that there was jam with raspberries and worms, slugs. She put the jam on a saucer to show him that there were worms, but did not try it. Why sleep?


At a party, a 2-year-old boy plucked and eats raspberries .. why is this.?


I collected and ate ripe raspberries, first I collected them in a glass, then I realized that the glass was small and there were a lot of raspberries and I collected them in a bag


they gave me a clean glass jar with peeled walnuts, of good quality, inside it. On top there were large ripe raspberries.

doronicheva galina:

i dreamed on raspberry bushes, large, unripe berries like strawberries didn’t pick up, but it seemed to bite and decided that I didn’t pick the berries early from the bushes

Everyone knows the saying - "Not life, but raspberries!". Also in dreams - to see raspberries in a dream - to enjoy, enjoy communication, relaxation, travel.

Autumn dream book

Collect raspberries in a dream in a basket - expect a rich harvest, profit, success in work.

Spring dream book

By spring dream book raspberry not auspicious sign. A dream with this sweet berry can be a harbinger of an illness, a slight malaise. But don't worry, everything will work out. The main thing is that the raspberries in a dream are ripe.

Summer dream book

For gardeners, dreaming of a rich raspberry crop means bad luck. A berry in the garden will not be born, in any case, you will have to make an effort, use fertilizers to achieve high yields.

Children's dream book

Why dream of eating raspberries? You will enjoy communicating with friends or you will meet a person who will give you his tenderness and affection. Seeing raspberries in a dream - a carefree and happy family life awaits you.

Women's dream book

Raspberries in a dream symbolize confusion in business, in family life. You started the work, let everything take its course. As a result, you may end up with a broken trough, losing all your investments and years of work. You need to focus, put things in order in the papers, streamline the schedule and very soon you will get the first positive results.

Raspberries are dreaming in a dream, they saw that someone is eating berries - her name may come up in some kind of scandal. The dream warns against excessive talkativeness, frankness and gullibility. Be selective in choosing friends and new acquaintances. There is also an answer to the question - why do large raspberries dream. If the fruits are ripe, beautiful, without rot, then this is success and harmony.

Family dream book

For those who want to get married successfully, you should read what a large raspberry is dreaming of on a bush. Also, a dream means career growth, honor and respect for colleagues, comrades. Eating raspberries from her, tearing is a good sign for men. The subject of your sighs will soon show its favor. Your romantic relationship will lead to a beautiful wedding.

Dreams with raspberries warn against careless steps, speak out less and behave approximately, otherwise you will become an excellent occasion for dirty gossip and slander.

Planting raspberry bushes - to capacious labor, eating stale berries - to a slight malaise. Buying raspberries in the store - you will receive an expensive gift. Eating dry berries - to honors.

For a person who happened to see raspberries in a dream, the interpreter promises to soon plunge into serene fun. In order to correctly interpret what this berry is dreaming of, it is necessary to recall in detail the plot and its emotional coloring. Most often, the dream book explains this symbol very positively.

picking berries

Collecting raspberries in a dream means the coming huge success in business both at home and at work. No wonder they say about such people - "He does not have a life, but a raspberry." Also, a dream with this berry can mean overwhelming success with the opposite sex, but you should be more careful with this and not be tempted into an easily accessible relationship.

Big and small

A dream in which a large raspberry was dreamed means that a favorable period has come to declare oneself at work or approach a girl you have long liked.

Modern dream book believes that large ripe raspberries are a harbinger of luck in gambling and lotteries. Just do not get carried away with such a pastime, as luck can leave you at any time.

To eat

An explanation of what dreams of eating is given by Grishina. For women, such a dream promises the emergence of gossip, which will be dissolved by a person from a close circle.

Men's dream book Grishina warns against rash acts, you should first weigh everything well before deciding to get involved in a dangerous adventure with unfamiliar people.

If you dreamed that you ate raspberries from a bush, then get ready for a joyful event in real life, organized in your honor. Most likely, it will be a collective birthday greeting.

For a girl to see this is to commit a rash act that could end in a break in relations with the current young man.

Miller's explanation of sleep

A description of what raspberries dream of is also available in Miller's interpreter. Miller's dream book is convinced that raspberries portend future joy and unbridled fun. But, indulging in joyful fun, you should not forget about urgent worries.

If the dreamed raspberry was sour, unripe, then this plot portends dissatisfaction and dissatisfaction with one's affairs, a desire to do less, but get more, an inability to realize oneself.

Seeing raspberries in a dream is a warning about the danger in the business sphere, which will arise due to a slight confusion in business. Miller's dream book warns that you are in serious danger, and only timely intervention and investigation in everything will help save the business and help move forward.

The most complete dream book

To see raspberry bushes in a dream is a joyful event. Collecting raspberries - to success at work, the opportunity to prove yourself in your field.

A dreaming sweet raspberry promises a cloudless and joyful life. Unripe raspberries dream of crushing hopes due to their rash thoughts and actions.

Drinking raspberry tea is a hint that you should pay attention to your health.

Uprooting raspberry bushes - for a quick trip. Replant - find something to your liking.

Various interpretations

Such a dream explains your reluctance to do business because of their severe neglect. Aesop's dream book advises not to take everything to the extreme and carefully understand everything, otherwise this state of affairs can lead to a job loss or a break in business relations.

Grishina believes that dreaming of raspberries means joy, profit and prosperity in the house. Especially if you dream that you eat it with great pleasure and pleasure.

Collecting raspberries - to success in business, receiving honors. Cooking raspberry jam means facing a difficult financial situation that will force you to borrow a decent amount of money.


Dream Interpretation Raspberry, why does Raspberry dream in a dream to see

Idiomatic dream book What does Raspberry dream about in a dream book:

Seeing Raspberries in a dream - “Not life, but raspberries!” - pleasure, pleasure.

Autumn dream book What does Raspberry dream about in a dream book:

Raspberries - If you pick raspberries in a dream, this is a rich harvest of berries.

Summer dream book What does Raspberry dream about in a dream book:

Raspberries - Seeing a rich harvest of raspberries in a dream means that raspberries will not be born in reality.

Children's dream book What does Raspberry mean in a dream book?

Why Raspberry is dreaming - A carefree and cheerful life awaits you, this is how this dream is interpreted in the dream book.

Women's dream book What does Raspberry dream about in a dream book:

Raspberry - Raspberry in a dream means confusion in business or their neglect. Try to put them in order, and soon you will again feel the taste for your work. If a woman eats raspberries in a dream, she may suffer because of her indirect involvement in some scandalous incident.

Small Velesov dream book Why does Raspberry dream in a dream:

Raspberry - Good news, happy life, date; plant - difficulties; collect - wedding, a beautiful woman is not indifferent; there is a disease, as the dream book says about this dream.

Dream Interpretation for the Whole Family Why is Raspberry dreaming?

Dream Interpretation: to see in a dream. Raspberries - If a woman eats RASPBERRY in a dream, then this should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of being involved in something illegal. And in general, in those cases when raspberries dream, you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.

Esoteric Dream Interpretation E. Tsvetkov Dream Interpretation: Raspberry what does it mean

Raspberry - There is a disease, this is how this dream is interpreted by the dream book.

Ukrainian dream book What does it mean when Raspberry dreams:

Raspberry - See - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Tearing, collecting - for the wedding, a beautiful woman is supportive of you, eating raspberries - for illness. To be in a raspberry forest is the uncertainty of feelings, to debauchery, as the dream book predictor reports.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Why is Raspberry dreaming?

See in a dream

Raspberry - To see or eat ripe raspberries in a dream - to joy, arrived in the house, prosperity in the family; unripe - either to great tears, or to great joy; eat dry raspberries - to well-being in your home. Collect raspberries - for marriage (marriage). Picking raspberries from a bush means receiving honors. Cooking it from a dream - to well-being.

Spring dream book What does Raspberry dream about in a dream book:

Raspberry - To malaise.

Dream Interpretation of the Wanderer

Raspberry - Pleasure (however, semantic inversion is often used - to suffering).

Dream Interpretation of psychologist G. Miller What does Raspberry dream about in a dream:

Raspberry - Seeing raspberries in this means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Culinary dream book If you dream of Raspberry in a dream:

Raspberry - Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. Eat raspberries in a dream - to make a profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Esoteric dream book If you dream of Raspberry:

To see raspberries in a dream - Bush obstacles, delays. Pick berries with your own hands to create obstacles. There is a dream that speaks of your inaction and laziness.

Dream Interpretation of the Apostle Simon the Zealot Seeing Raspberries in a Dream

In a dream, what is Raspberry dreaming of - Joy and pleasure

Dream Interpretation of medium Hasse Dream Interpretation: Raspberries in a dream

Raspberry - Joy and pleasure.

Lunar dream book Why is Raspberry dreaming?

As the dream book interprets: There are raspberries - Happiness and pleasure in the circle of youth.


Dream Interpretation Felomena defines raspberries as a warning of taking a serious danger for a joke. Your carelessness can cause many problems. Raspberry jam in a dream portends prosperity in the house, financial well-being, peace and tranquility.

What did you do with raspberries in a dream? What color was the raspberry in the dream? What size was the raspberry in the dream? Did you dream of unripe raspberries? What berry, besides raspberries, did you see in a dream? How many raspberries did you see in a dream? Did you see the raspberry itself in a dream?

What did you do with raspberries in a dream?

eating raspberries picking raspberries

What color was the raspberry in the dream?

red raspberry

What size was the raspberry in the dream?

large raspberry

Did you dream of unripe raspberries?

Dreaming of ripe raspberries

I dreamed of ripe raspberries - a good sign. This dream promises love, happiness, financial well-being. Raspberries served on a plate are a harbinger of pleasure. Overripe raspberries are dreaming - you need to spend more time with your family.

What berry, besides raspberries, did you see in a dream?

Dreamed of raspberries and blackberries

Seeing blackberries and raspberries in a dream is to upset loved ones with a harsh word or action. A dream warns of the onset of difficult times. You should be patient, show more attention and care to dear people.

How many raspberries did you see in a dream?

Dreaming of a lot of raspberries

A lot of raspberries are dreaming - you should understand things that are constantly shelved. Do not delay with important decisions, they will not wait long. A lot of raspberries in a dream also means that in reality there will be practically no harvest of it.

Did you see the raspberry itself in a dream?

Dreamed of raspberry bushes

A dream about raspberry bushes warns against adventures, quackery and fraud, there are people who want to harm you. To see dense thickets of raspberries - you need to lead a less idle life and concentrate on doing your home and work duties.


raspberry bushes

Dream Interpretation Raspberry bushes had a dream about why raspberry bushes dream in a dream? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to see Raspberry Bushes in a dream by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

Seeing green bushes in a dream means that your sympathy will be reciprocated. If you fall into the thorn bushes and cannot get out of there, it means that your ill-wishers want to trap you, for which they present false information; in reality you should be more vigilant and careful.

Uprooting a shrub is a sign of good help that you will receive in a timely manner from friends. Seeing bushes uprooted is a harbinger of trouble, for both business affairs and personal circumstances will change in a negative direction. Chopping a dry shrub portends the onset of illness and sadness in the soul and in the heart.

Seeing rosemary bushes in a dream means that soon you will meet an old friend whom you have not seen for ages. Basil thickets seen in a dream portend misfortunes caused by secret enemies. Barberry bushes prophesy a change in business and new impressions.

If in a dream you find yourself in a blackberry at the very berry time - in reality, succumb to the temptation, which can be followed by the most serious complications.

A myrtle seen in a dream portends love and family well-being. Juniper in a dream - to the dead, a dry juniper bush burning in a fire - defeat the enemies, plunging them to dust.

To see wild rose bushes in a dream means that in real life you will be deceived in your best feelings.

Bushes with pink flowers mean happiness in marriage, with white ones - mental suffering for a loved one. Seeing bushes with fruits in a dream portends that you will marry a wealthy and independent person.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry


buy raspberries

Dream Interpretation Buy raspberries dreamed of why in a dream Buy raspberries? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Buying raspberries by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Thickets of forest raspberries seen in a dream are a harbinger of a joyful event; picking it up is a sign of success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet - this is a big profit, if they are overripe and crumble from the bush - you will cut off a love affair, perhaps in the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity.

Garden raspberries mean that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners. Cultivating raspberry bushes in your garden suggests that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame.

Buying raspberries in a dream - to extra expenses, making jam from it - you will get into debt. Drink raspberry tea with a cold - in reality you will catch the flu virus or another infectious disease.

Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries - there is a long journey ahead, which you will go on against your will. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of continuous failures awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip associated with some kind of incident.

Raspberry bushes dream of rest.

If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you.

Ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you.

Gathered or bought raspberries - get a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. There are raspberries in a dream - for profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries - for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To eat ripe raspberries - to joy, they arrived at home, prosperity in the family.

Eating unripe - either to big tears, or to great joy.

Eating dry raspberries is for well-being in your home.

Collect raspberries - for marriage (marriage).

Picking raspberries from a bush is receiving honors.

Boil raspberries from a dream - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To a love affair. There are raspberries in a dream - a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories. Collecting raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your full power. To see or collect unripe raspberries - you should be patient, what you are trying to achieve is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries - you need to pay more attention to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Collect raspberries - for profit, marriage, receiving gifts.

There are raspberries - to complicated cases or a small cold.

Wormy raspberries - minor failures.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberries in this means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them.

A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Raspberry - to see - a joyful, happy life. Planting is a difficulty, envy. Tearing, collecting - for the wedding, a beautiful woman is supportive of you, eating raspberries - for illness. To be in a raspberry - the uncertainty of feelings, to debauchery.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Red, ripe, sweet raspberries in a dream are a good omen, portending pleasures, pleasant meetings and conversations. Sour, unripe, green, rotten raspberries in a dream portend grief, disappointment, discontent. Eating such berries in a dream means that disappointment, illness, discontent or slander await you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

If a woman eats raspberries in a dream, then this should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of being involved in something illegal. And in general, in those cases when raspberries dream, you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.


Eat raspberries with worms

Dream interpretation Eat raspberries with worms dreamed of why in a dream Eat raspberries with worms? To select the interpretation of a dream, enter a keyword from your dream into the search form or click on the initial letter of the image characterizing the dream (if you want to get an online interpretation of dreams by letter for free in alphabetical order).

Now you can find out what it means to dream of Eating raspberries with worms by reading below for free interpretation of dreams from the best online dream books of the House of the Sun!

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Thickets of forest raspberries seen in a dream are a harbinger of a joyful event; picking it up is a sign of success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet - this is a big profit, if they are overripe and crumble from the bush - you will cut off a love affair, perhaps in the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity.

Garden raspberries mean that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners. Cultivating raspberry bushes in your garden suggests that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame.

Buying raspberries in a dream - to extra expenses, making jam from it - you will get into debt. Drink raspberry tea with a cold - in reality you will catch the flu virus or another infectious disease.

Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries - there is a long journey ahead, which you will go on against your will. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of continuous failures awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. There are raspberries in a dream - for profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries - for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you.

A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip associated with some kind of incident.

Raspberry bushes dream of rest.

If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you.

Ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you.

Gathered or bought raspberries - get a gift.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To eat ripe raspberries - to joy, they arrived at home, prosperity in the family.

Eating unripe - either to big tears, or to great joy.

Eating dry raspberries is for well-being in your home.

Collect raspberries - for marriage (marriage).

Picking raspberries from a bush is receiving honors.

Boil raspberries from a dream - to well-being.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

To a love affair. There are raspberries in a dream - a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories. Collecting raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your full power. To see or collect unripe raspberries - you should be patient, what you are trying to achieve is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries - you need to pay more attention to the family.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

If you dreamed of worms, then in reality dishonest people will weave intrigues around you.

Earthworms dream of a change in relationship with someone dear and close to you.

The aspirations and hopes of a young woman who dreamed that worms were crawling on her will always be connected with something material.

If she managed to kill or throw them off, then in reality she will strive for spiritual and moral values.

A dream in which you used worms as bait for fish portends that your ingenuity will help you outwit your enemies.

Sometimes a dream about worms should be taken as a call: take care of your health.

If in a dream you put a worm on a hook, intending to fish, then you urgently need to change your style of dress. People around you have long been accustomed to you, and you do not surprise them with anything. And the person you like won't pay attention to you either if you don't change.

If a woman dreamed that she crushed a worm, then some very persistent suitor would claim her. It will be necessary to behave very sharply with him - then he will understand that he has no chance.

If such a dream was seen by a man, then he needs to treat his wife with great confidence and not give her endless scenes of jealousy.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

To see worms is profit.

Rain - sadness.

There are worms - a nuisance.

To kill a worm is to get rid of some kind of evil.

To see them on yourself - secret sorrows, an unpleasant society.

To see a lot of worms around you - laziness / longing for the past, the approach of old age.

Worms, all devouring around - a symbol of time.

To get them out of your pocket - to feel like a “living corpse”.

To be among the giant worms is to contemplate their voluptuous aspirations.

Worms around climb from the ground - fatty slags of your body

Dream Interpretation - Eat Raspberries

Happiness and pleasure in the circle of youth.

Dream Interpretation - Worms

Seeing earthworms in a dream portends disappointment in love and marriage. A worm in an apple or other fruits is a sign of unfortunate misunderstandings and mutual reproaches between spouses.

If you dreamed of white worms swarming in sewage, this predicts an impartial conversation and conviction of treason in the near future. Catching fish for worms in a dream is a sign of good health and prosperity in the house.

Worms are like a card suit - you will have to give up your principles, because only in this way will you be able to achieve what you want. If the worms in your dream are a trump suit, then you are guaranteed lasting success in the business field.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Collect raspberries - for profit, marriage, receiving gifts.

There are raspberries - to complicated cases or a small cold.

Wormy raspberries - minor failures.


Raspberry bush in a dream

raspberry bush

Raspberry bush with fruits in a dream

I stand on tiptoe by the fence and look over it. Behind him are many green raspberry bushes with fruits. One raspberry caught my attention, I look at it straight, it seems to be alone in the center of the bush, so regular in shape, large, juicy and ripe.

Raspberry in a dream

I flock in raspberry bushes, there are a lot of berries, they are large and red, I ate it.

Raspberries in a jar in a dream

I have a dream that my other half took me to rest, where there was a beautiful house with all comfortable conditions, and as if my husband calls the maid and asks for some help, but when she enters the house, she begins to flirt with him and look at him passionately and I understand that this is not the first time he is here and they are familiar, and before that we walked around this house and examined it, I saw a 3-liter jar of jam where there is a whole raspberry, and on top it is white, as if it was boiled in water , and the bottom is red as it should be, but it doesn’t look much like jam, it rather resembled syrup, but thick. And then I see that my husband opened a jar of jam but another liter, but inside it is the same but without white raspberries.

And he says let's eat, we eat, and then I eat raspberries and, leaving the tail, I throw it at this girl who was sitting near the exit and pretend that I accidentally and I immediately have either tea or water in a cup and I take and pour in the face of my husband and say get it.

Although in real life I would never allow myself to do this with a stranger, whether in reality even my rival.

Raspberry in a dream

My husband sold raspberries.

What does raspberry mean in a dream?

Spirea bride's bush in a dream

I dreamed of a lilac TREE. I figured this out by smell. Then I picked three branches to make a bouquet, and when I picked it, I realized that it was a white spirea (bride's bush). I can’t find an interpretation of the bride’s bush in more than one dream book.

Raspberry in a dream

I dream that I and my former MCH, with a cat I recently went to the cinema at his suggestion, we collect raspberries, and she is so beautiful, ripe ... We didn’t eat, we just collected))

Raspberry plum in a dream

Please tell me what it means next dream Raspberries, plums:

I dreamed that I was riding a scooter with a motor along a busy country road (in a dream I always think why I didn’t go by car) a fairly long distance to my grandmother. The weather is good and sunny. It looks like autumn, but warm. I pass the fields, the grass there has already dried up and lies, leaning towards the ground. And along the edges of the roadside, large ripe raspberries hang from large bushes.

Looks very appetizing! I drive along the edge of the road and pick berries and eat as I go. I want to stay at following bushes, but still food for some time constantly picking berries. Then I still stop and see a tree with plums by the side of the road. They are ripe and yellow. They hang so beautifully and there are a lot of them.

I pick a few and see blue plums on the ground ... I thought that they were just lying there and wanted to pick them up, but they grow on a tiny tree that is not visible because of the grass. There are only a few of them... I plucked them, but they are not very beautiful, as if with such a dry scar. But not damaged or rotten. I don't remember eating all those plums in my sleep. After that, I again sit on the scooter and leave ...

Bush with gems in a dream

My daughter and I, who seem to be 12 years old, are walking along the highway completely naked. We are trying to catch a ride, but nothing happens. I tell my daughter: "This is because we are naked. We need to get dressed." We went down into the ravine, which are often along each route. There they met a woman who gave something to hide behind. And he says: “Here. This will be enough for you for a long time.

“We covered the bottom. Then in the same ravine I see a bush that blooms with multi-colored beautiful large stones, and next to it a bush with overripe red berries. I began to collect stones, I don’t pay attention to berries, because I think that there is no use from them. Suddenly a man came and began to explain how to collect it all: about stones, and what kind of berries they are. He says: “This is a valuable American variety. But this berry is still alive, you see, it breathes. "I agree, you never know how the owner of these bushes can. I collect it in a box:" Is it right that I lay the stones? "Yes, yes," - answers. He leaves. I wake up.

About me: I am in the last month of pregnancy, waiting for the birth of my daughter. No husband.

Rose bushes plucked into a bouquet folded in a dream

I had a dream half a year ago, I plucked roses from the bushes pink roses, and a week later I had a dream after that dream, a man plucked roses. Then he gave me white

Frozen soup bushes and a new male mother-in-law in a dream

I am in a village that seems to be in my husband's homeland, but the place does not look like the real one. I stand near the potato bushes, but they do not look like potatoes, the leaves are large and fleshy. I know that there are 3 communities in the village. The one where my husband's family has problems. Their potatoes froze, and it is undesirable to show this to others. I see a woman from another community, she wants to dig up a potato bush to help us. I ask what happened. And already a woman from our community is digging up a bush with a shovel and explains that the potato (the bushes do not look like potatoes, the leaves are large fleshy) is frozen from the inside and this is already visible, so it is necessary to remove and dig up 2 bushes. I looked at the bush, the leaves are transparent, like those of frozen vegetables, such as cabbage. And agreed that yes, frozen. At the same time, I was not embarrassed that it was summer, warm and sunny. Then next to that place stands a long wooden table under a wooden canopy, benches along the table. I sit on the sidelines and watch. The table is lined with many bowls of soup and borscht that I have prepared. My mother-in-law (she is a widow) invites a man to the table, this is her new boyfriend, younger than her in sleep, a strong man. He is very pleased, sits down to eat. This causes internal discontent in her daughter, who is sitting at the table, but she does not express it openly. I know it's a daughter, but there's a man sitting there the age of her daughter. It's still warm and bright outside.

Rose bush in a dream

I dreamed rose bush, first with buds, and then with a loose flower. The flower was a large light tea color. I dreamed of a special system in which this bush grew. She had a special watering function and watered the bush herself. At the end, I saw an already watered bush with drops of water and a blossoming flower, it seemed to glow all over and the system was very unusual. I knew in a dream that all this belongs to my mother, because in reality she deals with flowers and they always grow well with her, but the bush with the system was not in her house, but in the house, in one of her sister's rooms, my aunt.

Snowy road beach rose bushes cats in the fog in a dream

At first I saw hooks on the ground, it seems like someone is going to take out the brains of several people, then use it, and wherever I look - a hook ... The dream was interrupted

I sleep further: I’m sitting on the shore of a reservoir, but I can’t see the water, it seems that the fog is swirling, but very quickly and more like cumulus clouds, I shone a lantern there and saw that there was no water, but clear wide road, along which dark cats (beautiful) dart from side to side, back and forth, removed the lantern and walked away, turned around - again this cloud formation and the feeling that it was just for me some kind of performance, friendly ..

Further, I’m driving in a car with my brother, it’s winter, I stopped the car and went out to check the wheels, shook off the snow from the right wheel and continued on my way. We arrived at a town on the coast, the car stopped right in the sand, the sea was visible in the distance, some cheerful little old woman greeted me ... I went to the backyard of the lady, there was a small garden that was looked after by a man (I don’t remember his face), in a pot there was a carnation bush with one flower burgundy, and behind me there are three rose bushes, on one there was a blossoming rose, it seems orange, and on the others there are still only buds. There was a feeling that the season was winter or late autumn, because the bushes seemed to be slightly beaten by frost ...

Under a bush in a dream

When I went to my things, which were lying under a bush, I noticed that my trousers were ruined, there were holes on them! And that's where the pocket is! I was surprised and sat under this bush myself! And suddenly I realize that the snake did it! I was right, because I began to feel her whisper and the fact that she began to wrap herself around me !! When I tried to move, she stung me so gently, as if playing! It didn’t hurt me, just a feeling of fear seized me and a slight pinching in those places where the snake stung !!! It was of medium size and yellow-white in color (the back is yellow with a white, barely noticeable point, but the belly is completely white). I wanted to throw it off and I did it, only when I threw it in my hands was not a snake, but my dog ​​!!! Red and curly!!!

P.S help me understand this dream!!!

Sandy field bushes in a dream

I went to the field, there is sand instead of soil, bushes along the edge of the field, but without leaves, it seems dried up, a man pours water from a hose, recognized his classmate in him, began to help him, pouring water from a bucket, my water turns out to be soapy, tired, squatted down at the edge of the field, and the bush that grew right in front of me easily bends without any wind and falls, right in front of me is its root, quite ordinary rhizomes for such a small bush, woke up.

Winter-summer rose bush in a dream

Hello! I dreamed of my old acquaintance, my former love. We did not meet with him, I just had feelings for him and he liked me. Sometimes we text in social networks. For me, he is an official, I call him on YOU.

Now sleep. I dreamed that he and his relatives came to our country house. They sat in their circle and noted something in the room. There seemed to be no snow outside. I still thought to myself - "I did not think that his car would ever come here." And it seems like we both have a birthday. (only in real life he has it in March, and I have it in June).

My relatives want to go to the cemetery, we all get together and only at the last moment he refuses, since it is his birthday, and says, "Am I a fool to go to the cemetery on my birthday? -and you don't go." And no one went.

I remember that I drove there with someone, either with my mother or with my sister, and drove back without getting out of the car. It was hot outside, like summer.

Then I dreamed that I was at home, he was lying, I was sitting next to him and we were talking, and suddenly he was kissing me, we were kissing until my aunt came in. And it's winter outside, foggy windows, snow lies.

I dreamed of some snakes, everything is blurry, some kind of worms in the water. Then after a while I look, and on the street the grass is green! (and this friend has been at my dacha all this time). And on the right is a huge bush of scarlet roses - just huge !!!

When I saw him after some time, he began to change color, became either lilac, or something else !!!

Then I dream that I left somewhere on business for 10-15 minutes. I arrive and my friend is no longer there, he left without waiting for my arrival, and I watch a video on my phone, where he grabs my sister by the chest, flirts, sticks to her, but she doesn’t mind !!!


Raspberry bush in a dream

Here you can read dreams in which symbols occur raspberry bush. By clicking on the link Interpretation of a dream under the text of a particular dream, you can read online interpretations written for free by the interpreters of dreams on our site. If you are interested in the interpretation of sleep according to the dream book, follow the link Dream Interpretation, and you will be taken to a page where you can read the interpretation of dreams, in the form in which they are interpreted by various dream books.

To search for the image you are interested in, enter the keyword from your dream in the search form. Thus, you can easily find out what the dreams of a Raspberry Bush mean, or what it means to see a Raspberry Bush in a dream.

Rose bush in a dream

I see that in my room, right on the floor, two young small green tangerine trees are growing from the parquet, which have already grown strong. And I think it's time to graft them to a big tree.

Then I see another hole in the parquet and a sprout from it. It starts to grow and grows into a gorgeous rose bush and blooms with pink roses right outside the window.

Potato bush in a dream

I am circling in a car near some house, I stop near people, we sit on the sofa. I look, one part of it is in the water, I say that it is necessary to raise it, the sofa turns out to be on a hill, we are in a dry place. I look, there is a piece of land in front of me, and along the edges of his house, they were flooded. There was also a flood on this site, but the water has gone, there are holes on it, I look, and some of them have potato tubers, they survived, I'm glad

Dream about frogs or toads

I dreamed of a dacha and it was as if under the raspberries it was full of frogs or toads, so big that I got scared and ran, stood at the well from which flowed pure water, and this biggest frog jumped right on my leg, I screamed so much that I even woke up from my cry. Why all this?

Talking hedgehog in a dream

Today in a dream I was friends with a hedgehog, he was small and talking. I remember the feeling of sleep - some problems around and everything is somehow tense, but he came so cute from a walk and warned me about what was happening around me, I listened to him, kissed him, held him in my hands, stroked him, treated him with raspberries, she is ripe, large, red one is better than the other, and he didn't want to. And he liked the cucumber. Well, everything for a sweet friend and an earring from an ear)))))

Roses ants in a dream

I was invited to some project, a photo session (I am a designer, makeup artist, stylist in real life), we are a group of several people. We walk somewhere across the yard on foot, then the multi-storey buildings end and we are already walking on the ground, there are beds and I see two rose bushes, well, just divine beauty, they are of different colors (one can be red or just darker than the second, I can’t say for sure, and the second, the one I came close to, is white with a light pinkish peach tint, it is almost white, but not a bright white color.I stand and can not take my eyes off.

And they are also unusual - these are not just roses - they also have hats that seem to be made of mesh, evenly shaped like pills. The grid is stretched over such circles and they are dressed on each flower. It looks very festive, but at the same time natural - this is such a separate type of flowers - no one dressed them, they just grew up like that.

And next to the bush - a woman reads some beautiful words or apparently sings what is in her heart (I can’t remember the words) and someone from our group came up and took her away and, in my opinion, he gave her some kind of gift - something unusual from clothes - it looks like a jacket)))

Thank you!


Highly vivid dream. I dreamed that I was walking with a girl along the alley in unfamiliar city. The city was very beautiful, the path in the alley was paved with small square stones, on one side there were forged benches, and on the other side there was a black forged fence. The weather was cloudy, but there was no rain. At first we just walked and talked, and then sat down on one of the benches. Opposite us was a large bush, similar in height to a tree. On this bush, many bright red roses bloomed right before our eyes, and the fragrance of these roses appeared in the air. I plucked one and gave it to this girl. We sat some more. When we left, all the roses immediately turned black and withered, but the one that I plucked remained blooming.

Late autumn in a dream

I am in the yard. Cloudy, wet, muddy.

I see bushes and trees, they are trimmed and trimmed, dry branches are lying on them and around. The plants themselves are already without foliage, and it is assumed that it is on the ground, half-rotten.

Either with my hands, or with a rake, I collect branches, pull them off the bushes. Where I put them then, I don't remember.

I pass from the garden to the gate and the paved yard.

At the gate there is a table with the remnants of refreshments: a lot of dirty plates, etc. A mess that remains after leaving the table. Apparently, the table was celebratory. I see my father nearby (in reality he is ill now), out of the corner of my eye - the gate ...

All the time of sleep - general restlessness, cloudiness, late autumn or even the beginning of southern winter ...

Meat worms in a dream

Please help me decipher the dream that I had from Sunday to Monday.

As if a bush began to dry out in my yard, I took a shovel and found 5-7 fat worms in the ground. Then I dream that someone is burying pieces of raw meat in the ground, and I say that it is better to give this meat to our cat - more sense.

I read it. Here are the interpretations, I am very afraid that my dream is about meat and worms for the death of a relative.

Thanks in advance for your reply.

Roses in a dream

I dreamed about how I sorted out roses: pink, scarlet, white, in short, there were many colors. These roses were with roots, that is, I sorted out rose bushes.

What does this dream mean?

Climbing uphill in a dream

Me, mom and dad arrived in some area (obviously a village or a village) supposedly on tour (not on ours). They left a bag with jackets on the street, I took off my shoes near the house. Dad was already gone at that time, and my mother and I went to him. I walked barefoot. Mom - And how does the father work, is this new for him ?. I - He works on a tractor, fills out waybills and fills in a car too! (dad actually works on a tractor).

Mom - Where are our jackets? I - They will not go anywhere - they are standing there, in the yard! Mom - Why are you walking barefoot? The ground is still cold. And where are your slippers? I - They are standing near the house.

I thought about running to put on my shoes, but I decided that we had already come a long way and it was not worth going back. And ahead was an almost vertical mountain covered in mud, at its foot puddles, mud. And we thought it would be hard to walk along it, but we went. With ease, I stepped barefoot into the mud and rose higher and higher. A flowering bush grows at the very top. I also said - Mom, what a smell! And the voice of a woman passing by - Will fade and will not smell!

I looked at my feet - they were dirty and thought, how can I go to the concert?

But I was happy.



Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Raspberry - a carefree and fun life awaits you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

If you pick raspberries in a dream, this is a rich harvest of berries.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

"not life, but raspberries!" pleasure, enjoyment.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

It symbolizes dubious temptations and pleasures, the pursuit of which can end in embarrassment and confusion.

Raspberry bushes: a sign that your affairs are in a rather neglected state, the reason for which seems to be your immoderate craving for worldly pleasures.

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

Bush to see - troublesome business.

Breaking a bush is a disease.

To see a shrub - sadness, worldly vanity and worries come at you / female organs love and something related to them.

Being in the bushes is a surprise.

Wade through the bush - live without a clear goal.

And he is up to his chest - you should be above the little things in life, you exaggerate their significance.

Thorny bush, blackthorn - an evil person, a small misfortune.

To prick about him - love sadness, irritation, illness from an insignificant cause.

To see a barbed fence - to exaggerate minor troubles, not to have the will to break out of their captivity

Dream Interpretation - Bush

If you dreamed of a flowering bush, someone is planning to ask you out on a date. To make this date a success, always carry some tobacco with you in a leather pouch.

If you dreamed that you were stuck in the bushes, you are confused and do not know what to do and where to go. Brew strong coffee in the morning, and in the evening pour it over the bush closest to your house.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Raspberry - you will have to fight in the workplace with complete confusion and disorder, but this should not stop you.

Dream Interpretation - Raspberry

Acceleration in business.

There are raspberries - happiness.

Dream Interpretation - Bushes

Seeing them or being among them in a dream is an obstacle in business. Especially if they are prickly, thick or impassable. Breaking out of them in a dream is a sign that you can cope with all obstacles and achieve your goal. Burning bushes - a harbinger of imminent death loved one or relative. A flowering bush in a dream portends success in business and reciprocity in love. See interpretation: thickets, prick, road.

Dream Interpretation - Bush

Bush - success in business - a lot of green and blooming - your sympathy will be mutual.

Dream Interpretation Raspberry Raspberries in a dream means confusion in business or neglect. Try to put them in order, and soon you will again feel the taste for your work. If a woman eats raspberries in a dream, she may suffer because of her indirect involvement in some scandalous incident. Modern dream book

Dream Interpretation Raspberry If you dream of raspberries, you are in a predicament, which you will first perceive as an interesting adventure. But your opinion will change as soon as you manage to avoid it. A woman in a dream to see that she is eating raspberries - to the trouble caused by gossip. Modern dream book

Interpretation of sleep Raspberry Seen in a dream thickets of forest raspberries - a harbinger of a joyful event, collecting it - to success in business. If the raspberries are ripe and sweet - this is a big profit, if they are overripe and crumble from the bush - you will cut off a love affair, perhaps in the most interesting place, parting with your man not of your own free will, but of your own stupidity. Garden raspberries mean that you are in serious danger that comes from your business partners. Cultivating raspberry bushes in your garden suggests that in reality you will fall into a scandalous story, and then into the media, which will bring you unwanted fame. Buying raspberries in a dream - to extra expenses, making jam from it - you will get into debt. Drink raspberry tea for a cold - in reality, catch the flu virus or another infectious disease. Transplant raspberries - mind your own business. Uprooting a plot with raspberries - there is a long journey ahead, which you will go on against your will. Selling raspberry seedlings - a streak of continuous failures awaits you. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Raspberry Raspberry. Seeing raspberries in a dream means that you are in danger due to business confusion and neglect, however, in the process of unraveling your affairs, you will become interested in them. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns her that she will have to suffer because of circumstantial evidence of her involvement in one incident that caused gossip. Big dream book

Dream interpretation Raspberry A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you. A woman who has tried raspberries in a dream will have to suffer because of gossip associated with some kind of incident. Raspberry bushes dream of rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. They ate raspberries in a dream - profit, honors, awards await you. Collected or bought raspberries - get a gift. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Raspberry The therapeutic effect of the use of raspberries for colds: it consists in the actual expulsion from the body with sweat of some harmful substances. However, at the same time, isolated yin organs that are overloaded with work can fail, which leads to irreversible, but, unfortunately, not fixed consequences by European medicine (the issue of the dangers of raspberries has not even been discussed by European medicine so far). There is either picking raspberries in a dream: a signal of an imminent illness with sweating and high fever, or a signal of the intention to commit absolutely wrong actions, which later still give birth to the disease. Plant raspberries in a dream: raspberry bushes have a very superficial root system. Planting raspberry bushes in a dream means committing a series of groundless actions - the soil of actions to the detriment of one's health in the future. If the dreamer has a well-developed symbolism of red color (internal perception of irritation from it quickly works): in the space of sleep, any berry can carry the symbolic load of raspberries. Imperial dream book

Dream Interpretation Raspberry Raspberry. Seeing raspberry bushes in a dream - to rest. If you were served raspberries on a plate in a dream, pleasure awaits you. There are raspberries in a dream - for profit, honors, awards. Collect or buy raspberries - for a gift. A dream in which a woman eats raspberries warns that she will have to suffer because of slander. Culinary dream book

Dream Interpretation Raspberry Raspberries in a dream: means confusion in business or neglect. Try to put them in order, and soon you will again feel the taste for your work. If a woman eats raspberries in a dream, she may suffer because of her indirect involvement in some scandalous incident. Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman

Dream Interpretation Raspberry A raspberry seen in a dream means that your affairs are very neglected. Start unraveling this tangle, and excitement will wake up in you. A woman who tasted raspberries in a dream: she will have to suffer because of gossip related to her involvement in one incident. Family dream book

Dream Interpretation Raspberry For women: If a woman eats RASPBERRY in a dream, then this should serve as a warning sign for her: it may happen that she will be suspected of being involved in something illegal. And in general, in those cases when raspberries dream, you need to behave as carefully as possible so as not to give rise to gossip and unfair suspicions.
For men: To a love affair. There are raspberries in a dream - a period of complete prosperity in the field of love. You are waiting for a meeting with a woman about whom, if you part, you will have the most pleasant memories. Collecting raspberries from the bushes is a dream, foreshadowing that your efforts and aspirations will soon bring long-awaited success. The one you care for will be in your power. To see or collect unripe raspberries - you should be patient, what you are achieving is likely to remain inaccessible to you for a long time. On Mondays, this dream portends headaches and quarrels with friends. Seeing overripe raspberries - you need to pay more attention to the family.
For children: RASPBERRY - a carefree and cheerful life awaits you.