How to cut a cat with a machine. Can you sharpen your own knives? Professional grooming of cats and cats

  • 08.07.2018


This type is more often used when it is necessary to cut out tangles. Cats have no other way to remove them. For its implementation, as a rule, a professional machine is used, such as THRIVE or GTS. Knife #1 will give a wool length of 1mm, #2 - 2mm, #3 -3mm. The first knife cuts the coat too short, resulting in a "prickly" effect, which disappears after 7-10 days. The second and third knives are ideal, with this length of wool the effect of a “plush”, “velor” to the touch of a cat is created, this length is also ideal for the animal itself. Most often, with a hygienic haircut, it turns out like a “lion”.

Even if your senior cat has access to the outdoors, it's wise to provide an indoor litter facility, as there will inevitably come a time when your cat simply won't be litter-inclined in the cold, wet conditions outside. If you have a litter tray, you have the opportunity to test your cat's breeding habits for blood in the urine or stool, changes in stool consistency, or other indicators of disease.

Old teeth and mouths can cause problems, so check your cat regularly for signs of growth, reddened gums, or signs of dental disease. Halitosis, drooling, jaw chatter, loss of appetite, and paw in the mouth can be signs of dental disease, if in doubt, check with your veterinarian.


She emphasizes all the advantages of a cat, taking into account the wishes of the owner. As a rule, it is made for the exhibition, approximately three months before the performance. With a model haircut, knife number 2 is also optimal.


The name speaks for itself, it gives an original and unique image to your pet. Here the fantasy of the groomer and the owner is not limited.

Where to buy a cat clipper

Your veterinarian will advise on the frequency of health checks that are best for your cat, given their age and general health. While it's good to know your cat will be checked regularly, that shouldn't stop you from being a little more vigilant at home to spot the first signs that things aren't going well. There are a number of general warning signs that deserve attention from your veterinarian, viz.

Overview of the most popular models, according to customer reviews

Balance problems. Too accidents or difficulty passing urine or feces. Dissociation or distress. Characteristic behaviors such as hiding, aggression, excessive vocalization.

  • Loss of appetite.
  • Weight loss.
  • Try more often or drink a larger amount per day.
  • Rigidity, lameness or difficulty in jumping up.
  • Left sweep or strikes anywhere on the body.
Your cat may have less of an appetite as she gets older as her sense of smell and taste decrease, or there may be times when your cat needs a little encouragement.

Scissors or clipper?

In no case do not use scissors for cutting - they can injure the pet. Use a cat clipper. There are cars for long-haired cats. In some cases, the machine is much more convenient to use for cutting hair on the paws and muzzle. Also, it is suitable for creating a pattern on a short-haired cat. It is small, battery operated and almost invisible in the hands. Its price is quite affordable and adequate to save nervous system owner and provide your pet or pet with a decent look.

Exists various ways stimulate appetite, for example. Offer food little and often—for example, four to six meals a day as starting point- and choose a quiet area so that your cat is not distracted by noise and activity. Consider the type of bowl used for cooking: your cat may prefer a wide, shallow bowl, or one with a rim, for example. Use food at room temperature, gently heating food to just below body temperature can enhance the palatability. Some older cats, especially those with dental problems, prefer soft food to clumps or dry biscuits. Avoid leaving uneaten wet food for more than an hour and you won't be tempted to leave whole line different products, as this can be overwhelming. Sitting with your cat while talking and petting can increase your appetite, you may want to try breastfeeding.

  • Experiment with familiar and unfamiliar foods to tempt your appetite.
  • Experiment with the consistency of the food offered.
Older cats are more vulnerable to dehydration, especially if they suffer from conditions such as chronic kidney disease, so always do your best to have a variety of water bowls available at home in inaccessible places where food is available.

To tidy up the coat of cats or dogs at home, it is recommended to choose and buy a professional clipper for a four-legged friend. It is advisable to immediately check the availability of service centers for the repair of equipment, if necessary. Determine the cost of spare knives or find out if the cutting attachments on the machine can be sharpened. Judging by the feedback from users, it is not necessary to save on the price and quality of the tool, so as not to cause additional discomfort to the animals, and not to confirm once again the veracity of the saying that the miser pays twice.

You may need to experiment with the type of container, such as a ceramic bowl, glass, or drinking fountain, and even the type of water, such as tap water, boiled water, filter, spring, etc. it may even be helpful to add a small amount of water to your older cat's wet food. Water bowls, such as food bowls, can be used more comfortably by an older cat if you pick them up off the ground.

So the search began for the best product, which would ensure that our cats "nails are short and clean without breaking or damaging them in the process." It is also better for us as cat owners to give our cats best care. This is a guide to the best clippers to get the job done.

Criteria for choosing a wool clipper

Some breeds need to be sheared during the hot season to prevent tangles and overheating of the animals. In addition, hygienic haircuts help your pet take better care of themselves: licking a short coat is much easier.

To facilitate the choice, you should decide how often the haircut will be done. If we are talking only about hygiene measures, trim the ends, remove the hairs above the eyes, then you can limit yourself to a cheap tool. In the case when the intention to cut a four-legged friend is frequent, it is recommended not to save on the device, to buy professional equipment. The quality of the knives in this case is much higher and additional sharpening of the cutting part is required much less frequently.

Step One: Trim When Your Cat Is in the Right Mood

Cutting cat nails can be tricky if you don't know how to do it right. It is not wise to try to trim while your cat is hypersensitive or running around the house. You will want to do this when your cat is calm. This way you won't have to fight to get the job done.

Step Two: Hold Your Cat by the Scar

On the neck of a cat there is an area called a sword. This piece of fur is used by the cat's mother to wear them in their youth. This is not a very sensitive area and it is well known that this the best place to hold your cat firmly. When picking up the cat, hold them by the scruff of the neck to calm her down and prevent her from squirming. Keeping them there gives them a sense of lack of control. You'll want to support their legs so this trick won't bother your cat.

Advice. It is advisable to purchase a machine with a set of nozzles that regulate the length of the wool. If you plan to trim the animal outside the home, you should opt for models with a battery.

When choosing a suitable design, it is necessary to take into account the convenience of the location of the machine in the hand. At long work the brush gets very tired. If the device is uncomfortable to hold, then fatigue is fixed much earlier.

You can then take your paw and gently press down on the nail to expose the nail. Here the nail can be cut. It's all about keeping your cat calm and supported while trimming their nails. When the nail is exposed, you'll want to look closely as you'll see the darker part, which is the root of the nail. You don't want to cut out that darker nail patch as it will hurt your cat and may cause bleeding.

Step Five: Trim, Avoid Fast

If this happens, don't worry because there is a powder that can be applied to stop the bleeding, however you'll want to avoid this as it will cause your cat unnecessary pain. All you have to do is just look closely and cut, and make sure you only cut the nail. You don't have to cut the entire nail or cut very deep to trim.

You can focus on the power consumed by the device:

  1. For cutting short soft wool, a power of 15 W, which is possessed by vibrating machines (Yorkshire terriers), is suitable.
  2. Devices of the middle power class have a wide range from 15 to 30 watts. They are perfectly adapted to cut dogs and cats with a not very thick and long coat (lapdogs, spaniels).
  3. For large dogs with a combination coat, a rotary tool with maximum power (45 W) is suitable.

Instrument classification

There are several types of clippers for cats and dogs:

It can also be done by a professional, but it will cost you an arm and a leg for something you can do right at home. It also requires little effort and will take a long time for you and your cat. After a few times, your cat will get used to this and be less likely to move when the nails shorten.

The main reason for pruning is not for furniture or to keep your cats from scratching things. We take comfort away from our cat so they don't have claws that will catch on everything and grow so long that they will reach their pads and cause harm. When a cat nail gets trapped, the cat may have a hard time freeing itself and may even hurt themselves trying to free themselves.

  1. The manual mechanism uses the principle of operation of pliers - plates with knives moving towards each other cut the wool when the handles are squeezed. The performance is minimal, but if the animal is afraid of the sound of an electrical device, then it is good to use the device for treating the skin in hard-to-reach places (under the armpits, on the muzzle, behind the ears, in the genital area). The possibility of injury in case of inappropriate behavior of the pet is minimized.
  2. Electrical appliances are more in demand and convenient to use. Devices are divided into types according to the principle of operation, use, power.

Types electrical appliances according to the principle of action:

Cats with short nails take it easy

Also, if the claw grows too long, it can dig into the pads and cause pain and infection. This is not good for you or your cat. Be proactive and cut your cat's nails when they manage to avoid these occurrences. The second reason is that cats are more comfortable when they have shorter nails because they don't have to scratch everything to trim them.

Our cats are calmer when their nails are neatly trimmed, which is great for them to feel relaxed and healthy for us as their owners to relax with them. They are also less likely to harm and aggravate themselves. This may mean a more relaxed behavior for your cat's well-being.

Overview of the most popular models, according to customer reviews

The products on sale are diverse, so a person will have a difficult choice on how to purchase the most suitable clipper for cats or dogs.

A third reason may be to reduce damage to furniture and carpeting. This statement does not imply harshness, but for killing a cat, it becomes bad. Cats are designed to claw for defense, hunting, and marking territory. They need them to survive, especially if they accidentally ran away or were an indoor and outdoor cat.

Another destructive method containing cat nails is nail caps. These caps are far more harmful to your cat than just clipping their nails. They can cause infections and pain that will make your cat an unnecessary evil. They can also force the cat not to sheath its claws.


Moser has been manufacturing pet grooming equipment for over 50 years. Regular research helps create the most sought-after and quality tool. Products meet all the requirements of quality standards. The operation of the devices satisfies the needs of professional groomers. European experts consider Moser models to be the best in the world.

We must look for the most beneficial methods for the cat to achieve the desired results with our pets. They are also great because they don't have a chipped effect on the nail which can cause a lot of pain for your cat. They cut the nail quickly and cleanly to give your cat the best experience.

In addition, pens are good because they are not used to, as they are "familiar". They can work with the exacting precision of scissors. Another type of clipper that is on par with the scissor style is the guillotine. We call it because if you look closely at how it works, it's just a little guillotine with handles attached to it and a round hole at the bottom to insert a cat's nail.

The package includes several nozzles that allow you to adjust the height of the coat. The knives are made from quality steel, which allows you to work for a long time without additional sharpening.


The rotary mechanisms of this company are of sufficiently high quality and, accordingly, the price. Silent operation allows you to cut even shy animals. Knives are made of alloy steel, allowing for a long time to do without sharpening. special device allows you to change the speed of the blades. The body is impact resistant. The machine is designed for cutting any animal.

They are also effective because they allow you to clean the finish quickly. This type can be helpful if your cat won't sit still for a while because it's fast and light. They also do not cause splits if the blades are sharp. They come with a decent sized handle that provides great grip and minimal trimming time.

Because they used them all the time, their animals don't mind noise at all. Please keep in mind that your pet and your own that the clipper is only as good as the blades on it. If possible, you will need to sharpen the blades of the trimmers you use, no matter what type they are.


Branded devices differ in various characteristics:

  • silent operation, low vibration impact;
  • interchangeable knives that can be removed indiscriminately;
  • set of nozzles 10-19 mm;
  • German quality of the device.


The American company is new to the market, but consumer reviews are positive, although the price of the devices is quite high. The noiselessness of the device is a guarantee of high-quality haircuts for shy cats and dogs. Knives are used for a long time without sharpening.

If you can't sharpen your blades, your best bet is to buy a new trimmer. Perhaps the best part about cat nail machines is that they are cheap. Do not put your or your cat at risk by using blunt trimmers. The few dollars you lose buying a new pair will save you a lot more on ease of use and efficiency.

In general, be careful when using any of these on your cats. Use them responsibly, and if your cat doesn't like the ones you use, buy new ones. They are cheap and effective and can save a cat's life when considering de-claws or cap nails.

When purchasing a pet clipper, you should carefully study the instructions so as not to break the device and scare your pet:

  • put a working device near the animal so that the cat or dog gets used to the sound of the buzz;
  • dirty wool contributes to faster wear of the cutting parts of the apparatus, therefore it is recommended to bathe, dry and comb the animal before shearing;
  • check the sharpness of the blades before each haircut;
  • do not turn over and move the pet during the haircut, it is better to look for comfortable posture for work.

Attention! You should buy a machine taking into account the recommendations of the manufacturer, for cutting which animal the device is designed for. You should not use human clippers: hair and wool have different thicknesses and roughness, so the “human” unit is not suitable for processing the coat of an animal.

When working, it is necessary to carefully observe the safety requirements so as not to expose the life and health of the pet to additional danger.

If you approach responsibly the choice and operation of a clipper for cats and dogs, the device will last a long time, and your four-legged friend will always look well-groomed.

How to choose a dog clipper: video