Do-it-yourself house on chicken legs. Master class "Hut on chicken legs

  • 25.05.2019

Need a craft "Hut on chicken legs"? With your own hands, you can make it in different ways. The main methods and materials are presented below. Choose any option and complete the task.

Where to begin

First of all, you should decide what your hut on chicken legs will be made of. With your own hands you can make it from different materials. The basis, that is, the house itself, can be made in the following ways:

  • from cardboard in the form of a painted box;
  • from paper (twist log tubes and assemble walls from them);
  • collect from natural "building materials" (sticks, bark, straw are suitable);
  • sew or knit.

Choose any suitable method. Do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs is easy to do. The problem is often the construction of the "foundation". It must not only have the appropriate shape and design, but also be stable and withstand the weight of the craft.

Chicken legs can be made both flat and voluminous. In the first case, they are performed by cutting out a form from paper, foam, cardboard, wood. Templates are connected to the house with the help of rods, sticks, wire. Volumetric (more natural) chicken legs can be done like this:

Do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs out of the box

This is the easiest option. Such a craft is made as follows:

  1. Take a box of the appropriate shape.
  2. Cover the base with white paper.
  3. Paint the surface in the form of logs.
  4. Draw doors and a window or glue the elements made separately;
  5. The roof can be glued on its own or you can also use part of the box by cutting off the extra edges. It can be removed or fixed.
  6. Chicken legs perform in any of the above ways.

Even a preschooler can handle this option.

House made of paper logs

The toy hut on chicken legs can be made more in a complicated way also using paper. This craft will look spectacular, as the surface of the walls has volume. The hut is made like this:

  1. Cut a piece of paper into rectangles. Their length should correspond to the dimensions of the building.
  2. Roll the blanks into tubes and glue the joint with glue.
  3. The logs can be left without sidewalls or you can prepare circles (in double quantity) and stick them on the ends of the resulting cylinders.
  4. Connect tubes to make walls.
  5. Assemble the frame.
  6. The roof can be made from a flat sheet of paper folded in the middle, or from the same tubes, gluing them with checkmarks, more precisely, connecting two planes with an angle.
  7. Decorate the hut. This action can be performed before twisting the tubes or take colored paper. It is easy to make an imitation of a tree, having bought the appropriate one, which you need to cover the Whatman paper before making logs.
  8. Draw windows and doors, glue them on the walls.
  9. Make chicken legs in any suitable way from the above.

Weaving from paper vine

An original and decorative hut on chicken legs will turn out if you weave it from newspaper sticks. This method is a cheap and easy alternative to willow vines. Sticks are made by twisting newspapers. To build a hut, you will need a box that will be used as a base. You will braid it.

First you need to make the "floor" of the house, and then fix the frame elements with clothespins or paper clips at the top of the box. Braid the racks, bypassing them with a working tube from the back and front alternately. When the "vine" ends, build it up to the required length. It is better to glue the joints of the tubes and hide them inside the product. You can paint the hut after weaving is completed, or you can cover it at the very beginning desired color paper before curling. The roof, legs and decor can be made in any convenient way.

natural materials

The hut on chicken legs craft can be made from what you find in the forest. The following materials of natural origin are suitable:

  • branches;
  • bark;
  • driftwood;
  • bumps.

Stick on a cardboard base or make a thing directly from them. For example, a box can be pasted over with branches, bark, and from which they did not have time to open, assemble walls using PVA or a thermal gun. By the way, in order for the cones to retain their shape, you need to apply a layer of glue solution on them as soon as you have collected them and brought them home.

You can make a roof out of bark and moss, and snags are suitable as chicken legs. Such a craft will look the most natural, corresponding to its fabulous image.

You can combine different techniques and get very original souvenirs. For example, moss is added to the walls of paper tubes, and twigs are glued to the cardboard roof.

We sew a hut

If you are doing needlework, then most likely you have extra shreds left. You can make any of them, including a hut on chicken legs. If you do not use a needle and thread, but stick rags on a cardboard base, then even a child can handle this task. Any fabric can be used. Fleece also looks original. In the form of a fabric application, flat crafts are made, but you can sew any volumetric parts, including logs or their halves.

It is easy to turn a hut on chicken legs into a whole educational toy. Make windows, doors with Velcro or buttons, use rustling material to make the roof. By the way, if you make it removable (for example, with zippers), then the internal space can easily be used for gaming purposes (folding, hiding small items).

We knit an unusual souvenir

If you know how to crochet, make a colorful bright fairy house. This product will become original decoration room or hanging for the child's room.

In this case, the toy is easier to make stuffed. As a filler, a synthetic winterizer, cotton wool, small balls, scraps of shreds are used. By the way, try to tie a tin box, giving it the appearance of a hut on chicken legs. Such a little thing can be used, for example, as a container for sugar or cereals.

So, you have learned that a do-it-yourself hut on chicken legs is made in different ways. The use of crafts can also be different: it is a great gift, souvenir, toy for a child, decoration, etc.

Even in early childhood, we were read various fairy tales and we watched cartoons with the participation of amazing characters. And these characters, over time, became favorite heroes.

Each of them had their own individual character. For example, Koschey the Immortal was cunning and evil, Ivanushka was brave but stupid, and Baba Yaga was insidious and harmful.

In addition to living heroes in fairy tales, there were often inanimate objects, which came to life under certain conditions: Emelya's stove took him to the palace to the tsar, the self-collected tablecloth in an instant became full of all sorts of treats, Baba Yaga's hut flew and carried out various orders: turned back to the forest, and to Ivanushka in front.

This hut is a kind of door between the world of the living and the dead (according to Slavic mythology), and Baba Yaga-bone leg guarded this passage.

Sometimes there is a need to make a fake "house on chicken legs", for example, for a theatrical production or exhibition.

Consider several options for how to make a house on chicken legs, what material should be used based on the purpose and purpose: a board or timber for a strong house or fabric for theater props.

Where to start making crafts?

First you need to decide on the material from which the craft will be made. By making it with your own hands, you can use various natural materials. The base (house) can be made in the following ways:

Choose whichever way you like best. The hut on chicken legs is made quite simply with your own hands. The most common creation problem is building a "foundation". It must be strong and stable in order to support the weight of the house and have an appropriate shape and design.

chicken legs on which the decorative house will stand can be made voluminous or flat. The creation of flat legs is carried out by cutting out special shapes from cardboard, paper, or foam. Volumetric legs that will look more natural are done in the following ways:

Do-it-yourself house of Baba Yaga from the box

This option is the simplest. Here is a small instruction for making Baba Yaga's house out of the box:

With this option, crafts can handle both an adult and a child.

House of Baba Yaga from paper logs

A toy hut can also be made using paper. This method is a little more complicated than the previous ones, but not inferior to them in interestingness. Such a hut will look spectacular due to the fact that paper logs will give it volume. craft is made as follows:

Use of paper vine

When weaving a hut from newspaper sticks turns out decorative and very original craft. This method is a simple and cheap alternative to using willow vines. Sticks are made by twisting newspapers, and a small box is needed for the base of the hut. We will braid such a box.

First you need to make only half of the house, and then all the elements of the frame are fastened with paper clips or clothespins on top of the box. We braid the racks, bypassing them alternately in front and behind with a working tube. As soon as the "vine" begins to end, we begin to build it up to the required length. It is better to hide all the joints of the tubes inside and glue them well. You can paint the hut both after weaving (cover the paper with the desired color), and before twisting. Legs, roof and decor are performed in any of the above ways.

Making a hut from natural materials

What you find in the forest can be easily used in the manufacture of not only the hut of Baba Yaga, but also any other crafts. Perfect for making materials of natural origin, such as the:

  • branches;
  • bark;
  • cones;
  • driftwood.

Natural materials can be used to glue them to a cardboard frame or in the direct manufacture of things from them. We glue the box with bark or branches so that as few gray spots of cardboard as possible can be seen. Using a thermal gun or PVA glue and unopened spruce cones, we assemble the walls of the future hut.

In order for the cones to keep their shape longer, they must be moistened with adhesive solution right after you brought them home from the forest. From moss and bark we make a beautiful roof, and snags are perfect as legs. This craft will not only look beautiful, but also correspond to the fabulous image as much as possible.

Many lovers of crafts often combine different ways their manufacture. For example, you can stick twigs on a cardboard roof, and add moss to paper tubes.

We sew a hut

If you often do needlework, then you must have extra flaps left. They are suitable for creating not only a hut on chicken legs, but also any fairy-tale character. Even a child can do this job, because instead of using a needle and thread, you can simply glue the rags to the cardboard base. In this case, you can use absolutely any fabric. Crafts made of fleece and felt look original. With fabric application you can make any flat crafts, and using a thread and a needle, sew logs or other parts of the hut.

It is easy to make such a craft a whole educational toy-benefit. Make doors and windows with buttons or Velcro, and when making a roof, use some kind of rustling material. If you make the roof also removable (for example, using a zipper), then the interior space is perfect for folding various small items in a toy.

Irina Aleksandrova

Materials for manufacturing:

Corrugated cardboard from boxes

Paper (I used A5 paper for printing)

Super glue

Paper glue

Working process:

1. We make a house frame from corrugated cardboard so that it is durable. We glue the walls of the house together, using ordinary cardboard with super glue.

2. From paper, using a pencil, tightly twist the tubes. We glue the end of the paper with ordinary glue so that the tubes do not unwind.

3. We glue the frame of the house with super-glue tubes, having previously measured and cut off the desired size.

4. We glue the corners of the house, windows and door with ordinary cardboard, at an angle of 90 °.

5. The roof is made of ordinary cardboard. The edges are bent with a “bar” (I used a size of 5 mm)

6. The legs of the "hut on chicken legs" are made from the same tubes that the house is pasted over. The frame for the stability of the legs of the house uses a denser tube, twisted with a ballpoint pen.

7. The ladder is made of simple cardboard, bent with a “bar”, like the edges of the roof of the house

8. You can paint the house with any paints.

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Our craft for the Autumn Festival contest - Yozhkin House.
So. We decided this fall to cut down a strong, wooden hut. We went to the forest, along the way we fed wild ducks

And don't forget yourself

(read the city park (former Kharitonovsky), near the pond, a part of the tree was broken by the wind to the ground, there half a district of material was collected for various crafts, there our hungry little boy, after "homemade" walked, collected logs.) They chopped down centuries-old trees and trimmed knots.

They measured it with a yardstick, sawed the logs of the required length.

Notches were marked with elbows and vershoks. With a sharp ax, notches were made.

All other orerations were made by myself, but I had to make notches, the instrument was too sharp. That's just a hand in a weak cast poorly fixed the logs and the notches did not always fall in the right place.
And they began to roll the frame. That's where the night caught us.

The next evening we already had a noble log house. We cut through windows and doors, covered the roof, inserted windows, decorated with carved shutters and platbands. And the house suddenly grew legs. chicken on 3 fingers and with spurs. Our hut drowned in a mossy swamp to a frail forest with fly agarics. And Grandmother Yozhka settled in it, so that no one would immediately take it and sign it. Yes, surrounded by a fence, so as not to escape.

Ega began to train the hut. "Hut, hut, turn to me in front, and to the forest back" (judging by the spurs in front, we got where the door is, and the reverse side is where the window is).

Grandma Yozhka flooded the stove, and in it the brownie was hiding, so he barely managed to jump out through the pipe. Well, as in a house without a brownie.

In the meantime, Yaga was equipping a new hut, the first guests came to visit her for a housewarming party. The neighbor, Lesnaya Kikimora, looked in first.

Here is our autumn fairy tale turned out.

P / S / In the morning they took me to school. And only then I noticed in the photographs that the hut had not been caulked (although the moss and the toothpick were prepared in advance). Oh, Yaga will catch a cold in the winter.

Sometimes we really want to have a piece of a fairy tale among the ordinary things in our house. The most interesting thing is that you can create it with your own hands - the main thing is to have the desire and free time. Let's make a hut on chicken legs today. No, not a rickety dilapidated house, but a pretty cute corner for Baba Yaga, because not in all fairy tales she is evil and insidious.

We need:

  • two bamboo napkins of different shades;
  • corrugated cardboard;
  • cable with two cores or dense wire;
  • milky, yellow and brown yarn;
  • wooden skewers;
  • foamiran black and white;
  • acrylic paints and brush;
  • penoplex or foam bobbins;
  • wooden stump;
  • foam mushroom;
  • glue gun, secateurs, scissors, pencil, ruler.

First, let's decide on the size of our house. The hut itself will be 21 cm high plus legs 12 cm high. From corrugated cardboard we cut out the walls and bottom of the house of such dimensions:

Separately cut out the details for the roof.

Each element of the hut will be individually glued with bamboo sticks. To do this, dissolve the napkin.

Take one side and glue sticks to it.

We apply glue along the entire length, and not just along the edges. It would be a shame if any part would bounce over time. Be sure to alternate colors. When the entire wall is sealed, cut off the excess length of the sticks with secateurs. So we glue the four sides of the house and two triangles of the roof. The process is certainly long and very painstaking, but the result is worth it.

If, as planned, the hut has doors and windows, it’s better to arrange them now - it’s more convenient to work, and ready-made version will be more careful. On one of the sides we outline the desired size of the doors, in this case, the height is 8 cm, the width is 6 cm. We cut light-colored sticks 8 cm long and glue them vertically. From sticks of dark color we cut out the edging of the doors and also glue them.

From black foamiran we cut out a square with a side of 6 cm, from white we cut out two rectangles measuring 1.5 cm by 6 cm. We make one edge wavy and glue our curtains onto the black square. We glue the workpiece to the wall.

We glue the window along the contour with light sticks and make a partition.

We assemble the house: we put the walls close to each other and with inside fix with tape.

We glue the finished box to the bottom. Glue can be added along all seams for reliability.

We also glue the frame of the roof of the hut.

Glue glued triangles to it.

We close the upper sections with dark-colored chopsticks.

We glue the roof to the walls of the house.

We unfold one of the sides of the roof towards us, glue two horizontal sticks 1.5 cm longer on each side of the roof itself, above and below. We glue the entire part with dark-colored sticks.

We also glue the second side. Glue two light sticks on top at the junction of the two halves, and a skewer between them.

We cut out a rectangle from corrugated cardboard with sides of 12 cm by 17 cm. We glue the whole house on it. Tape all corners.

We glue the porch of our hut with light sticks. Glue the skewers along the contour.

We proceed to the legs: cut the cable or wire into segments of 17 cm - leave 12 cm on the leg, bend 5 cm on the foot. We cut three such segments for each leg. On two segments, we clean the cable from the sheath, we breed the cores. On the third segment, we clean only the edge for the claw - no more than 1 cm.

We wrap the claws with light yarn, fix it with glue. Moreover, the central finger will be from two veins of different segments.

We wrap with yarn yellow color extreme fingers.

Lastly, wrap middle finger, having reached the junction of three fingers, we wrap them well both from the outside and from the inside.

We wrap the entire leg with yarn. Next, we take a piece of foam plastic and cut out two cylinders from it, but this is quite difficult and time-consuming. It is much easier to take two reels on which the tapes are wound. Their size is 5 cm by 3 cm.

We put them on our feet.

And cut off the bottom so that it looks like a real chicken leg.

Wrap with brown yarn.

Let's go back to the house and add some details. We glue three pieces of skewers no more than 1 cm long on the facade.

We take a strip of ordinary cardboard measuring 4 cm by 8 cm. We glue it.

We glue with sticks of dark color.

Glue a 10 cm long skewer with sticks from a broom. We glue our stupa, and a broom into it.

Fly agaric. We heat the gun well, squeeze it out of it for glossy surface(you can take the cover from landscape sheet) round drops of glue. We leave them to freeze. Remove, glue each hat on a piece of skewer. We paint with paints.

We glue the fly agaric on a harsh thread, and glue the bunch on the hut.

Some more mushrooms near the stupa.

And ladybugs, the manufacturing process of which can be seen in the master class "Autumn Topiary".

Now the most important thing: you need to glue the legs to the hut. The main thing here is to choose the right balance. Therefore, do not be too lazy to put the hut on its legs several times, choosing the most stable option. We circle the selected place with a pencil or felt-tip pen, apply glue to each and from the legs and glue them one by one.

We glue the hut on the stump.

Fly agaric does not happen much.

We glue a dry autumn leaf on the roof.

Here in our house there is a piece of a fairy tale.