Anarchy tattoos may be asked for. The meaning of the tattoo is a sign of anarchy

  • 29.06.2020

Among the many symbols in the art of tattoo art, anarchy occupies a special place. This sign was stuffed by body art fans back in those days when tattoos were banned and were considered a humiliating stigma. Though modern society refers to tattoo art more than democratically, the symbol of anarchy does not lose its relevance.

A bit of history

The term "anarchy" is translated from ancient Greek as "anarchy, anarchy" and means the absence of organized power, primarily the state. The anarchist ideal is a free society in which no one feels oppressed or oppressed. Coercive control over a person or people, in their opinion, leads to enslavement and provokes confrontation. A similar stateless society existed in primitive times, when people existed within the framework of tribes. Hierarchy, of course, was present, but unlimited power was not given to anyone. The ideal of a classless society is the basis of the political teachings of Marxism and anarchism.

Representatives of subcultures were the first to pick up a similar idea: punks, skinheads and even sexual minorities. Free views were supported by rockers and bikers. To this day, there are many fans of anarchism who have formed various currents. For example, "left" anarchists oppose free market relations, capitalism and private property.

With the release of the American TV series Sons of Anarchy, the demand for such tattoos has increased. The plot of the crime drama is based on the story of the founding of the international biker club in California. The young leader, having found like-minded people, fights against the lawlessness that is happening in his city. The series was a resounding success among young people, won numerous awards and ended with its seventh season.

Who will suit

Anarchy tattoo symbolizes love of freedom, unwillingness to obey anyone and never. This may concern both the state authorities and parents. The owner of the symbol is a wayward person, always defends his interests, regardless of the opinions of others. In fact, the interpretation of the tattoo is similar to a black cross or a skull with bones.

Many consider such a protest to be the prerogative of men, although in reality this is not the case. The symbol is popular with both sexes, especially with the advent of equality. Independent, self-confident girls are also not averse to joining the anarchists. They defend the rights of women, do not recognize patriarchy, and in some ways are even similar to the warlike Amazons.

Drawing sons of anarchy may indicate passion and love for the series of the same name. The main characters of the crime drama have tattoos that were specially selected for the image. Now fans perpetuate similar images on their bodies to resemble their favorite character.

Execution technique

Looking at the anarchy tattoo photo, you can see that the vast majority of works look quite expressive, sometimes aggressive and gloomy. The right style will help you better express your emotions and feelings, and convey your position to others. The trash polka symbol seems like a cry from the heart. Blood-red smears and dripping drops of blood emphasize the whole tragedy of the situation. Such a pattern looks equally impressive both on a large and on a small scale, on the chest and on the arms.

The letter “A” intersecting with “O” in the style of minimalism looks simple and concise. For more large drawings you can place thematic inscriptions like “anarchy is the mother of order” or the words “chaos”. V male sketches often there are skulls, bones, sometimes flames or an imitation of a symbol burned into flesh. Tattoos in any style are dominated by black and red. A tattoo in the form of a symbol of anarchy on a cross was worn by the soloist of the Russian rock band "Korol i Shut" Mikhail Gorshenev, better known among fans of the musician's work as Pot.

Video about the essence of anarchy

Photos of tattoos

A selection of sketches

A tattoo depicting the sign of anarchy means freedom, confidence, rebellion, denial of power, aggressiveness, individuality, originality, rebelliousness.

Anarchy tattoo meaning

In Greek, "Anarchy" literally translates as the absence of power. Those who consider themselves to be the sons of anarchy absolutely do not perceive any power. For them, the best is a society in which there is no coercion and exploitation of man and society in any of its manifestations.

There are several branches in the direction of anarchism, but "left anarchism" remains the most popular. Its supporters reject capitalism, absolutely do not recognize private property, and oppose trade and market relations.

A tattoo depicting the sign of anarchy is interpreted in a variety of ways.

The symbol of anarchy is the letter A inscribed in the letter O, and the interpretation of this symbol has a different meaning due to the fact that in different time this image personified both punks and skinheads and even sexual minorities.

But despite this, basically the symbol of anarchy characterizes a certain social system in which there is, first of all, coercion, and supporters of this direction deny any political regime and do not recognize state power.

The "sons of anarchy" put into the tattoo the meaning of maximum love of freedom, negation of the opinion of the rest of society, consider themselves individualists.

In some cases, the sign of anarchy can be a skull and bones or a black cross, and in some cases, the sign of anarchy can be a palm clenched into a fist.

The body pattern of anarchy is chosen by both men and women, but these tattoos are especially common among young people, since the radicalism of their thinking is very similar to the postulates of anarchism.

Often, men apply this symbol in order to show waywardness, their disagreement with the position of the state and society. Emphasize their individuality and rejection of social norms.

Girls depicting this tattoo report that they have a daring disposition, a complex character, self-confident and uncompromising. They also indicated with their tattoo that they did not care about public opinion.

Although there can be several different symbols for anarchy, the most popular is the large letter A in a circle. Most often, she is depicted on her arms so that the tattoo is more noticeable and you can easily identify your supporters.

In some cases, this sign is applied to the left side of the chest, showing that this direction of anarchism is extremely close to this person and he keeps it close to his heart.

The main colors used in this type of tattoos are red and black. These colors carry aggression and severity, emphasizing the special connection between a person and his tattoo.

At the mention of the sign of anarchy, the image of the letter “A” inscribed in a circle immediately appears before your eyes. It's really common, but far from the only one...

By Masterweb

30.04.2018 13:00

At the mention of the sign of anarchy, the image of the letter “A” inscribed in a circle immediately appears before your eyes. This is indeed a common (thanks to subcultures), but far from the only symbol of the idea of ​​anarchy. Its history goes back hundreds of years. It was used long before the appearance of the anarchists. Each sign of anarchy has its own history. Let's talk about it in the article.

And in a circle

Many are wondering what meaning the letter “A” carries in the ring, which some teenagers wear around their necks as decoration. What does the sign of anarchy mean in this performance? This must be recognized as a monogram "A" and "O", where the first letter, whether it be the Latin or Cyrillic alphabet, is inscribed in a circle, that is, in the letter "O". "A" means "anarchy", "O" - "order". Linked together, the symbols mean "Anarchy is the mother of order." This famous phrase of the French philosopher and politician Pierre Proudhon is quoted by marginalized teenagers who identify themselves with a particular subculture. At the same time, they do not think about what meaning the scientist put into this phrase. Often on their clothes you can see this particular sign of anarchy. The photos presented in the article show what it looks like.

A similar symbol is found in the sources of the 17th century, for example, in the book of Michelspacher. This is an alchemical work based on Agrippa's opinion of Kabbalah and magic. The letter "A" means the name of the god Agla, as well as the beginning and end of everything that exists on Earth. This idea is recorded as "alpha and omega" - the first and last letters of the alphabet of the glorious Greeks.

Use by anarchists

The "A" in the circle was first used by the Spaniards, members of the Federal Council of State of the International Workers' Association.

Then such symbolism appeared in the period civil war in the country. Its use has even been documented. There is a picture in which an anarchist of the shock group with reverse side own helmet wore the image of A in a circle. The symbol was later adopted by the Anarchist Workers' Union based in Brussels. Later, in 1964, the French organization "Libertarian Youth" armed with this symbol.

Punks, hoy!

The sign of anarchy A in a circle became widely known in the seventies of the last century, thanks to the punk rock movement. Actually, with the filing of the punks, the symbol spread around the world, but with a slight change. The deliberately careless image of the letter "A" goes beyond the uneven circle. Anarchist ideologues avoid using the sign of anarchy in such an interpretation. It abhors the seriousness of anarchist ideology, is often distributed for commercial purposes and is identified purely with the punk movement.

Black cross with a fist

V Russian Empire there were many different anti-monarchist organizations. Many of them were underground. The Anarchist Black Cross was no exception. Their symbol was a black cross topped with a clenched fist. The sign meant a connection with anarchism, that is, a refusal to recognize power. The fist is an image of unity. “Each finger individually is weak, but pressed together is strength.”

The anarchist black cross originated as a modification of the symbolism of the Red Cross, which is used by the largest international humanitarian organization. The organization was originally called the Anarchist Red Cross. She was involved in supporting political prisoners. After the revolution, the name was changed to avoid confusion. Some mistakenly considered the organization to be part of the International Committee of the Red Cross, which also dealt with the release of prisoners.

wild cat

Also among the symbols of anarchism, you can put the emblem of a black cat. This sign of anarchy is the symbol of the IWW. The workers' organization called for strikes and radical unions. The design of the black cat symbol with an arched back and extended claws was Ralph Chaplin, one of the organizers of the IWW. She played an important role in racial and gender tolerance. The IWW is one of the first trade union organizations in the US to accept blacks and women into its ranks. Their merits also include the establishment of an eight-hour working day. They played an important role in increasing freedom of speech at the beginning of the last century in the States.

There is no reliable information about the appearance of the symbol of anarchy in the form of a black cat. One of the stories says that the sign served as a talisman for one seemingly failed strike. Then many strikers, having received a fair portion of police batons, ended up in the hospital. At the same time, a beaten and thin cat wandered into the strike camp. The proletarians began to feed her. The animal began to recover. At the same time, things began to improve at the strike committee. The workers were satisfied with all their requirements, and after that the animal became their talisman.

But there is another version explaining the meaning of the sign of anarchy, the photo of which is given above. The black cat comes from the word "strike", which in English sounds similar to the phrase "wild cat". This play on words formed the basis for the creation of the symbol.

Sabo - sabotage

More than one machine was broken with this wooden shoe. So the workers of Holland in the 19th and 20th centuries sabotaged the work of factories. Even the word "sabotage", according to one version, comes from the name of the working wooden shoes. The workers took off their clogs, threw them into the machines to interrupt their work. The image of the clog has become a symbol of the protest movement of factory workers.

All Black

Since 1880, anarchists began to use black as one of the symbols of the idea of ​​the movement. It is present in the names of anarchist groups, their periodicals.

Solid black means rejection of repressive structures. Since any state uses bright colors for the flag, the black flag is a symbol of the negation of the state. It is in contrast to white, a symbol that means surrender to the mercy of the winner (surrender). Also, black is the color of grief for brothers who fought and died for the ideas of anarchism.

Different branches of the anarchist movement used two-color variations of the flags, depending on the ideological orientation. For example, the black and red flag was used by anarcho-communists and anarcho-syndicalists. They followed principles based equally on anarchism and socialism. Therefore, their banner consists of their black and red colors. For the first time such a sign appeared during the uprising in Leon in 1831.

Anarchists, who care about both people and nature (forests, lakes, rivers, animals), performed under a black and green flag. And women anarcho-feminists fought against sexism with patriarchy under a black-and-purple banner. Among the offshoots of anarchism, there were also anarcho-capitalists who used black and yellow tones. Their values ​​included the individual and private property.

Other signs and symbols of anarchism

What does the sign of anarchy black rose mean? One of the first to explain and popularize it was Liz Heileman. Its primary use is to separate anarchist literature from the rest. It came from a translation from English of the Irish ballad "Black Rose". This symbol can be seen at the anarchist book fair last held in 2012.

"Eat the rich" is a sign of anarchy, the meaning of which speaks for itself. It looks like a "Jolly Roger", only instead of crossbones, a table fork and knife flaunt under the skull. Used as a symbol of anarcho-punk. He gained great popularity in the eighties of the last century after the release of the single "Motourhead" in 1987 for the comedy film "Eat the Rich".

The symbol of red anarcho skinheads (rushes) can be added to the list as another sign of anarchy. The meaning of his three red arrows inside the circle is deciphered by the motto “Freedom. Equality. Mutual assistance. They acted in Germany, from the beginning of the thirties of the 20th century, as an anti-fascist organization.

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If we turn to the ancient Greek language, we can understand that the literal translation of the word “anarchy” is anarchy. Yes, initially representatives of political parties that denied any state power were called anarchists. Recently, however, this word has been applied not only to people engaged in any political activity, but also to representatives of various subcultures, whose worldview is based on the denial of social morality, generally accepted rules. Representatives of such subcultures are the most frequent guests of Syndicate Tattoo. To emphasize their beliefs, they decide to decorate the body with an appropriate tattoo. Consider what its features are, what exactly it means.

Basic values

What is the meaning of the tattoo? Contemporary anarchists see anarchy not as a form of political order, but as a state of mind. Every anarchist can easily explain what exactly he is against. The goals of the majority of representatives of this movement are reduced to the overthrow of systems that have lost their relevance, to confront traditional forms behavior. To some extent, anarchy can be considered a synonym for primordial chaos, from which, in turn, new ordered forms are born.

The appearance of these signs in the culture of body painting can be associated with the active development of the punk subculture. Appearance representatives of this movement clearly testified to the protest and unwillingness to obey social norms. They tried to make their image as bright, aggressive, non-standard as possible. Of course, there was a place for a good tattoo in it.

Interestingly, the specific meanings of the most common sign of anarchy, that is, the stylized letter “A” in a circle, differ somewhat for representatives of Western and Russian society:

  • In Russia, the symbol is often associated with a political party that was active even before the October Revolution. They themselves said that anarchy is the mother of order. Modern Russian punks still adhere to this motto, and some call the saying their own life position.
  • In the West, the symbol became widespread thanks to the English punks, who actively opposed the actions of the government of their state. It was Britain that gave the world many well-known bands playing such music, the texts of these bands often expressed precisely the protest against government actions. In the West, the motto has been adopted that people are not consumable for politicians. It turns out that the bearer of such a tattoo says that every member of society is a full-fledged person, not a slave of the system.

It is believed that the meaning of a tattoo for men and women is somewhat different. For example, for the representatives of the stronger sex, the emphasis is on the willingness to fight for their own ideals, regardless of the stereotypes accepted in society. Such people are ready to defend their rights, they do not plan to put up with restrictions on their own freedom.

We have repeatedly asked our clients what a tattoo means to them. The rating of the most common answers can be represented as the following list:

  • Willingness to part with the old life, to completely change views and beliefs, not to live “yesterday”.
  • Fighting stereotypes.
  • Confrontation political system, finally rotten, turning people into a submissive herd.
  • Active expression of one's own political and social position.
  • Willingness to take active action against the regime.

Girls who adhere to such radical views are not inferior to men in their courage and persuasiveness. According to them, the main meanings are as follows:

  • The absence of any restrictions and prejudices.
  • Maximum freedom.
  • Defending the right to life only own rules, according to personal ideals.
  • Willingness to actively defend their civil rights and freedoms.

Anarchy in popular culture

The most famous example of the owner of such a tattoo is Pot, aka Mikhail Gorshenev, one of the vocalists of the famous punk band King and the Jester. Unfortunately, Mikhail left this world for several years, but his songs are still well known not only to fans of punk music, but also to many other listeners who are far from extreme currents. Fans of his work often choose as a tattoo that once adorned the chest of an idol. The pattern was quite simple - a classic stylized letter "A" in a circle made with black and red pigments. Nothing superfluous, strict adherence to traditions. Real punk's choice!

The popularity of such tattoos was promoted by the series “Sons of Anarchy”, which tells about the life of a biker gang. The bodies of almost all the characters in the series were decorated with tattoos. Many of the clients of our studio are inspired by these sketches, and among them are not only motorcyclists, but also ordinary people who liked the characters and ideas of the characters. The themes of rebellion, death, protest, love for weapons and two-wheeled vehicles - these drawings have a lot of motives, and all of them are not only filled with meaning, but are also characterized by a worthy visual performance. No wonder, because real professionals worked on their creation. For example, Kurt Sutter spent a lot of time studying the culture of bikers, deducing the basic rules and principles, and Freddie Korban visualized all these principles, using, among other things, real sketches of gang members.

Common Sketches

The classic version, of course, looks like the letter “A” enclosed in a circle. Interestingly, the Spanish Workers Association was the first to use this symbol, it was its “logo”. In its original form, the letter "A" did not go beyond the boundaries of the circle, but was clearly inscribed in them. Subsequently, the symbol began to spread widely among youth organizations and began to change. Despite the graphic simplicity, it is very symbolic. “A” itself in this case means anarchy, and the circle means order, which fully corresponds to the saying “anarchy is the mother of order”.

This symbol is extremely popular, but anarchy also has other designations:

  • A black cross, the upper beam of which is a hand clenched into a fist. This cross was the official badge of the Anarchist Black Cross, an organization that was active back in the days of tsarist Russia. The main task of the organization is the elimination of prisons, and its representatives actively supported all those convicted under political articles. The hand clenched into a fist, in this case, acts as a powerful symbol of unity.
  • Wooden shoe. True anarchists remember this sign, which symbolized the movement at the turn of the 19th and 10th centuries. Why a shoe? Wooden shoes thrown into the machine would certainly break it, disrupting production. The word “sabotage” even came from this, because “sabot” is the name of wooden shoes.
  • Black cat. The author of this sketch is Ralph Chaplin. He himself explained his idea by the fact that many people associate a black cat with protest. To emphasize aggression, the animal is depicted with rearing hair, arched back and extended claws.

Graphic Design and Locations

If you look at numerous photos with such tattoos, you can come to the conclusion that there are no special restrictions in terms of graphics. Some prefer simple graphic solutions, concise, with an emphasis on meaning, someone likes more complex pictures. Note that an anarchy tattoo does not have to consist only of a specific symbol. It is quite possible to add other elements to it, moreover, the symbol itself can play an auxiliary role in revealing the general plot. For example, images of death are often depicted, on the cloak of which the sign of anarchy is depicted, motorcycles, weapons, skulls with crossed bones.

If speak about color design, then combinations of black and red look the most aggressive. This combination is very common among rock fans, just look at the logos of bands playing music in this style. It is not surprising that such a combination is taken as the basis more often than others.

In terms of location on the body, there are also no restrictions. The most common solution is on the arm, in the shoulder area. There is quite enough space here for application, even, if necessary, it can be hidden under clothing without any problems. An extreme option is on the neck, this method makes it possible to once again focus on one's radical views and beliefs.

Regardless of your preferences and wishes, the Syndicate Tattoo salon is ready to take on the job, guaranteeing its quality execution. We pay attention to every detail, from sketch accuracy to safety. A professional tool, high-quality pigments, absolute sterility - all this guarantees the successful completion of the process and the absence of any problems with healing!

For prisoners and ex-prisoners, tattoos play an important role and have a special meaning that not everyone understands. A tattoo on the body of a prisoner can tell a lot about the owner: from the number of walkers to the character and status in the criminal world. Nowadays, the concepts of certain tattoos have changed somewhat, and an expert will help us understand all this variety of prison arts.

A tattoo with a pirate is a sign that its wearer has been convicted of robbery. The robbers also wear tattoos with a skull and a dagger. “In addition to the classic prison tattoos (the pirate is one of them), there are those that have come into fashion recently. Inscriptions in foreign languages, aphorisms from French, English, and German are very popular today. Latin is also popular. catchphrases from ancient greece and ancient Rome,” says the expert.

The grin is one of the most popular prison tattoos. Previously, it was interpreted as follows: "Bared his mouth at Soviet power". It has not lost its relevance even today and means rejection of the prison administration. Anyone who wears such a tattoo, as it were, says: "I consider myself a criminal and I am not going to cooperate."

A prison tattoo with a picture of a bear is a sign of a safecracker, a safecracker. “New criminal tattoos are extremely rare. The only exception I've come across is the image of a syringe. This is a traditional sign of drug addicts. Recently, a fashion has appeared to put next to it the letter designation of a specific drug that a person has used, ”Sidorov notes.

A tattoo with the image of a cat with keys is a sign of an apartment thief (“burglar”). “The thieves' world has its own tattoos. For example, pickpockets used to prick themselves with insects - beetles, bees, cockroaches (J.U.K. - I wish you successful thefts). True, now they have moved away from this practice: it corny gives out pickpockets.

“A rose against the background of a lattice or in barbed wire means that the bearer of such a tattoo met his 18 years in prison. Tulip means the same, but at 16 years old. Tattoos of youngsters are called "partaches" and are most often of poor quality. But they account for most of the prison tattoos.

The Virgin and Child (like the crucifix) is a tattoo meaning "My home is a prison." According to Sidorov, tattoos with religious themes (both Christian and Muslim) are now in vogue among prisoners. But political tattoos are gradually fading away.

Thieves' stars are the "legend" of prison tattoos. “Before, thieves' stars were the hallmark of authorities. Now everything has changed: they can be found not only among serious thieves, but also among ordinary prisoners. Their status has fallen somewhat. In general, today the more tattoos a person has, the less importance he has in the zone. To carriers a large number tattoos are treated like fools. In the days of the USSR, for example, thieves' stars fought on the collarbones (which meant "I will never put on a shoulder strap") and on my knees ("I will never kneel before the cops"). These were purely ideological, thieves' tattoos. If such stars were beaten by a person who did not belong to the thieves' world, one could answer for this according to concepts. Then, closer to the 90s, many people who had nothing to do with thieves began to beat the famous tattoos, and the stars became less status tattoos. Today there is a prison concept "There is no answer for a tattoo." It means that if someone foolishly stuffed himself with a tattoo with a serious meaning, you don’t need to touch him, you’ll take it from a fool. Although, of course, sometimes such people have to be responsible for their actions, ”the expert says.

“Rings are often hit on the “youngster” by prisoners who find themselves in places of deprivation of liberty under the age of 18. They can tell a lot about their owner: for example, a black ring with a white cross says that the prisoner visited the famous St. Petersburg "Crosses". And a black ring with a white diagonal is a sign that the owner has gone through a "youngster". There are dozens of varieties of such tattoos. By the way, a no less popular tattoo is “One in four walls” (five dots between the thumb and forefinger), denoting a prisoner, ”says Sidorov.

The sailboat (like the galloping deer) is a symbol of escape. It means that the wearer of the tattoo strives for freedom. “A huge number of plots of criminal tattoos are taken from English marine tattoos. The sailboat is one of them."

“The temple with domes is one of the most common prison tattoos. The number of domes indicates the number of "imprisonments". When the term is fully served, a cross appears on the dome. A tattoo with domes without crosses in a person at large immediately raises many questions; people "in the know" will definitely look at him with suspicion.

Shoulder straps or epaulettes on the shoulders of the convicts are adapted into ZK tattoos from pre-revolutionary military uniforms and indicate a negative attitude towards the justice system. Epaulettes are worn by high-ranking criminals, who may also have a corresponding nickname such as "Big" or "Colonel". Shoulder straps with three small stars or skulls stand for: “I am not a camp slave, no one can force me to work”, “I am a prisoner, but I was born free”, “I am a zone colonel - I will not get my hands dirty with a wheelbarrow”, “ The strong wins - the weak dies”, “Horses die from work”.

Inscription on the knuckles - tattoo female name Nadia. The “ring” on the index finger means: “Trust no one but yourself”, “Kid” is one of the most privileged criminal tattoos among prisoners of the penitentiary. On the middle finger is a tattoo of pickpockets - "the cross of thieves". Ring finger: “Served in full”, “From beginning to end”, “Served without the right to parole”: the prisoner served a full term in the colony, without transferring to a free settlement on parole. The little finger tattoo: "Dark Life" indicates that the wearer spent a lot of time in the punishment cell. The skull and crossbones, pistol, knife and the letter "K" (Iller - ed.) stand for the killer.

Rings in a criminal tattoo and their meaning

The ring is a very informative type of ZK-tattoo, it transmits in encrypted form information about what type of crime the offender was in prison for, what regimes he was serving his sentence in, how he behaved in the "zone" (was a "refusenik" or worked honestly, behaved in a disciplined manner or violated the regime, was in a group of positive-minded convicts or was a member of a "denial", collaborated or was at enmity with the administration, etc.). By rings you can learn about the position of the criminal in the criminal hierarchy, about his value orientations and behavioral attitudes.

1. Was convicted (or judged) The tattoo is applied to the index finger.
2. Thief Tattoo is applied on the thumb.
3. Dissatisfied with the verdict Applied to the ring finger.
4. Passage through the "crosses" and the "zone" (usually for those convicted more than once).
5. "Hello thieves"
6. "Mokrushnik", tried under Art. 102 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR.
7. Card player, swindler
8. Ring of minors: authority, was twice in prison.
9. Passage through the zone of a Muslim With a cross - through the crosses (?).
10. "Anarchy" - a ring, applied by convicts who are negatively disposed towards the regime and discipline.
11. A symbol of power, authority among criminals.
12. Combined ring, usually only for an authoritative convict.
13. "Destroyed Youth" He was convicted as a minor.
14. "Death to the mounds"
15. "The third walker in the zone" (?).
16. Kumovskaya ring
17. Judged (or judged) by a minor (Two flowers on one branch - a champion of bloody revenge.)
18. Passed the "crosses"
19. Was judged
20. "Anarchy" or conviction under Art. 146 of the Criminal Code of the RSFSR
21. Women's ring - "denied", I will not give a hand to the cop.
22. a) in men: beat activists; b) in women: I devote my life to women. Kobls are tattooed (see the dictionary of slang words and expressions).
23. In the circle of thieves (female ring).
24. Ring of underage girls: "They are not judged."