A strong conspiracy for a new wallet. Conspiracy for a new wallet: so that money flows

  • 16.10.2019

Philosophers, esotericists and even bankers believe that money is not just "a specific product with maximum liquidity."

Banknotes and coins, in their opinion, have a special energy and moreover, they themselves are energy and driving force. Therefore, it is no coincidence that a conspiracy is read for a new wallet.

It is believed that after this ritual, money will be attracted to the wallet and spent more carefully, the owner of the wallet will feel more wealthy.

Energy of the new wallet

Buying a new wallet is a pleasant and at the same time responsible business. Do not choose the cheapest wallet available in the range, because in this way you demonstrate to the universe your willingness to be content with little v financial plan, subconsciously set yourself up for poverty and forced savings.

Choose a wallet that you like, you will feel it intuitively. Some people subconsciously choose wallets with shiny jewelry, thereby associating the brilliance of accessories with the brilliance of coins made of gold and silver (as you know, coins made of precious metals were in use for a long time).

It's a good sign if your new wallet will have several compartments, thus you will demonstrate your willingness to "accept" a lot of money different denominations: credit cards, banknotes of different denominations and coins.

It will be a good omen if the first money you keep in your new wallet spend on something nice. The purchase does not have to be global, even if it is a trifle (for example, buy yourself a cake or a cup of coffee), but it must definitely please you and charge you with positive.

Thus, you will point your new wallet in the right direction: the funds that will be in it are intended for necessary and pleasant things. For the same reason, the first money that is stored in the wallet is not recommended:

  • pay off debts;
  • pay for things and services that are unpleasant for you.

If your old wallet has become unusable (torn, folds worn out or locks broken), then a new one should be purchased as soon as possible. The fact is that a shabby wallet carries negative energy poverty, lack and scarcity.

Choose a new wallet as soon as possible and perform a magical ritual over it before you start using it. There is a belief among the people that it really works, and in the most incredible way. In a charmed new wallet there will always be money.

We are not talking about untold riches, but these will be amounts with which it will be possible to easily and simply solve our problems. financial questions(and not just “Wishlist”, but really important and necessary things).

Conspiracy for a new wallet on the new moon

On the new moon, you will need to put the wallet on the table so that the light from the moon falls on it. Around the wallet, you need to put seven church candles and light them one by one. When all the candles are burning, you need to read the plot:

“In the new wallet there will be money, big and small, paper and copper. A person can be rich or poor. Each one is rewarded according to his work. I work honestly, and the money in my wallet arrives. My word is strong, my deed is true. Amen".

Exists various options conspiracies for a new wallet. You can perform such a ritual on the new moon: try to stand up so that you can see the moon. Put a white coin in your wallet and say:

“Just as a rich man’s purse cannot be empty, so my wallet cannot be empty. Money in the wallet to be found, I can not get enough of it. Money is good for me, not a test. Amen".

Read on a new wallet at home

For a conspiracy to a new wallet, it is not necessary to turn to fortune-tellers and magicians; this ceremony can be performed independently, at home. There is such a thing as household magic - its conspiracies are quite harmless and are not aimed at influencing other people (for example, a love spell or a lapel).

Their purpose - to make a person's life more successful and happier. Skeptics argue that everyday magic is considered so effective not because it involves unknown otherworldly forces, but because a person, reading the plot, programs himself for success.

After reading the conspiracy, a person feels more confident, so he gets the things he has planned. Whatever it was, but the conspiracies of household magic are effective and efficient.

It is noteworthy that it is not necessary to read the old text of the conspiracy, it can be improvisation. A good example of this is the money mouse. This ritual was invented in our days and is gradually becoming more popular. In a new wallet, you can “settle” a mouse (a miniature figurine, a charm-mouse or just a picture of this animal) and say the cherished words “Mouse, sit in your wallet, money, go!”.

Another simple example of household magic: in a new wallet you need put a coin, something remarkable for you, or a banknote:

  • it can be a coin from the country where you happened to visit and which you liked;
  • a coin that you won in the lottery or that got to you under a happy coincidence;
  • a banknote can be with a number that repeats your date of birth or there are letters in its number that repeat your initials.

It is believed that this lucky money will become a beacon for other money. Being constantly in the wallet, it will show the way to the cash flow, attract it to your wallet. Esotericists believe that in order to attract money to the wallet do not use religious symbols(for example, a cross), because money is the material world, and the cross is a symbol of the spiritual.

Growing moon conspiracy

The moon has a special, magical energy. It is not without reason that it is called the wolf sun and the luminary of the world of the dead. Many magical rituals held according to the phases of the moon. It is believed that the energy of the growing moon contributes to the increase in existing wealth and can increase wealth. That is why the conspiracy must be read precisely on the growing moon. In this case, the money in your new wallet will "grow".

There are several options for this ritual. Let's talk about the most popular ones.

A new wallet should be wrapped with a beautiful red ribbon and placed on the table so that the moonlight falls on it. Above the wallet you need to read the plot:

“Month-friend, fill the wallet. Money to come in it, but I don’t need to know. The coins in my wallet are jingling, they tell me to be rich.”

After the plot has been read three times, the wallet must be removed under your pillow without removing the tape from it. In the morning, you can start using it as usual.

On the growing moon, you can perform such a ritual. Put the wallet in front of the mirror, while the moonlight should be reflected in the mirror. The plot reads like this:

“Month - silver horns - give me good, fill my wallet with money. How full of gold and silver chests in the prince's chambers, so my wallet will be filled with gold and silver. They do not know poverty in heavenly halls, there is no poverty in my earthly mansions. My word is inviolable, so be it.

A plot for 40 coins in a new wallet is read on the growing moon. You need to stand up so that the light of the growing moon falls on you. Put forty coins in your wallet and read the plot:

“Forty magpies, forty winds, forty saints. Gold-silver in my wallet to arrive, but I don’t need to know. Money will help me live well while the money will be according to my merits and talents. There will be no unrighteous money in my wallet, so as not to bring trouble on me. My word is indestructible, my deed is true. Amen".

Reading this conspiracy, you need jingle coin in purse. To perform the ritual, you will need 39 white metal coins and one yellow metal coin. In the morning, these coins must be given to the poor.

When reading a plot for a new wallet, you need to believe in its effectiveness.

Since ancient times, a linen bag - a purse - has been a place to store money. He was hidden in his bosom so as not to become a victim of thieves. Now there are many varieties of such accessories. On any of them, you can read a plot for a new wallet, which will not only protect money from theft, but also help increase finances.

A new wallet can be spoken with special slander

The impact of the wallet on wealth

The place where money is kept also affects financial well-being. First you need to choose the right container for the hard-earned fortune:

  • the wallet should be spacious, bills should not bend or tear in it;
  • you should choose the right color: green, red, white, golden, silver;
  • you need to lay out the bills in ascending order, do not turn them over relative to each other;
  • give preference to natural materials;
  • wear it closed, do not show money to other people.

Additionally, to attract finance, place a small amulet: a special coin, banknote or figurine. Carrying money in your pockets is undesirable.

Do not leave it empty and do not give without money. An empty wallet as a gift is not a good sign. Do not put personal items with banknotes: wearable jewelry, photographs of loved ones. Do not put "dead" money in your purse, do not use Soviet coins as a talisman.

If you find money on the street, don't put it with yours. They can be charged with negative energy. It is better not to pick up a trifle, and a large bill should be immediately exchanged or a cleansing ritual should be performed.

You can put a banknote-talisman in the wallet

Rituals for energizing a new wallet

The ritual for a new wallet is not only a conspiracy. You need to choose the right container for money. Buy it during the growing moon, being in a great mood. Do not buy cheap wallets: better pay more, but buy decent storage.

Then a new item is charged for money. Conspiracies for a new wallet are also carried out during the growing moon. Such rituals include rituals for the moon, exercises with green candles.

Waxing moon ritual

This money wallet spell is easy to do at home. It is implemented according to the scheme below.

  • You should sit at the table in front of the window in the evening. Let your hair down for women, and remove your hat for men.
  • Light a candle and cross the object 3 times, say the words:

    “In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

  • Put a gold ring or a coin in your purse. Pronounce the plot, looking at the month:

    “Moon-moon silver horns, give my new silver-gold purse so that it grows, fills up and saturates with money. Yes, it will only be so. Amen".

This ritual for the growing moon with a coin improves the financial situation of the family. After that, the charmed little thing is worn with money for a day, then it can be laid out and stored at home.

Charging with green candles

Buy 7 green candles, plot a new wallet on the full moon. Light candles and place them in a place where moonlight falls. Put a wallet in the middle and say the words:

“The cash flow is striving and running, into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen".

Wait for the candles to burn out. Take the cinders outside the house. Now the purse is charged to carry money in it.

For the ceremony you will need green candles

Conspiracies to make money

In order for there to be a constant flow of money, talismans speak and conspiracies are pronounced. A money mouse is “settle” in a new purse. Often this is a figurine with a spoon for money. It helps to attract finances to the family. They talk about the arrival of money and Bay leaf.


Buy or make your own figurine of a mouse with a spoon. It must fit in one of the compartments.

As you place it inside, say:

"The mouse sat down, the money came."

If you change the purse, shift the amulet to a new one and say:

"Mouse, in new house ik sit down, money in a new wallet run.

To attract money to the house, you can use the whisper of N. Stepanova for money. Read the words above the purse:

“Just as there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always enough. Amen."

The ritual will be effective on the new moon or full moon. Healer Natalya Stepanova offers a lot of whispers and slander for money in different options. You can also perform the Vanga ritual.

Ritual with bay leaf

Choose a whole and beautiful bay leaf. He is rubbed between his hands and asked to help in the accumulation of money. Words are spoken:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

A small talisman is kept in a stash or in a wallet. Lavrushka saves you from unnecessary expenses and helps to save money. The leaf brings good luck, you can get a promotion or Good work.

Rite with denominations

This conspiracy for a wallet for the full moon in the house is read over the vault, which contains all the denominations: from kopecks to large bills. Take, if possible, clean and new banknotes and recently issued coins. On the full moon, perform the ritual.

  • Open the purse in front of the window. Moonlight should fall on it.
  • Read the plot several times:

    “The full moon shone in heaven and brought money into my life every day. My wallet saw all the money, showed them to the full moon. The moon will now grow rapidly and carry money into my wallet every day. The moon - to grow and grow up, and to me - always live and live in wealth. Amen!"

After this ritual, the wallet will be full of money, they will come quickly and spend slowly.

Conspiracy for a new wallet

Rite with an old purse

To get rid of the energy of a lack in the family, one should ritually burn an old purse. The magic of destroying by fire things that bring bad luck is very old. The ritual must be performed alone.

  • A fire should be built in a remote place.
  • throw an old purse into it, in which there was no money. During burning, a plot should be read:

    "I let go of the old, I call on the new."

The next day they buy a new red one. How to speak it is written above. Profits will not keep you waiting long. After this rite, you can get an unexpected promotion or bonus.

Magic with water

Put a coin or banknote in a new purse. With it, they approach a spring or a river. You should wet your hand in water and sprinkle a purse and a coin three times, pronounce a conspiracy:

“Voditsa in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So money will always arrive in my wallet, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

The magic of water adjusts the cash flow to the new wallet. During next day the money you have promised should be spent.

A simple prayer for a new wallet

Strong rite to protect the wallet

These words speak not only to a purse, but also to a bag or a backpack. Read the words three times:

“In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image. Whoever offends me with theft will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Do not neglect safety rules, do not shine with money, and do not carry large amounts in your bag. If the theft happened, perform rituals so that the thief literally “dragged” back the stolen.


Protecting or attracting money is a practical white magic. Rituals are easy to carry out at home. First, they buy the right receptacle for money and carefully store bills.

You can charge a purse not only with words, but also with talismans. It can be a grabbing mouse, a bay leaf, special coins. Rituals are performed on the new moon or full moon (so that money is added).

It is worth protecting the vault for money and conspiracy against theft.

Today, August 1, the ritual "Money Way" ended. It was made throughout July by members of the Friends of Money club, which was organized by Natalia Litvishko on her blog. You can read more. And my article about what a wallet should be like to attract money is a feasible contribution to the work of the club.

Of course, she will sum up the results of the club. I will only account for myself - I went through the ritual of creating a fiat bill to the end. Surprisingly, it was not at all difficult to perform it.

Apparently, the fact that I was prepared for it (I collected coins in advance), plus the collective attitude and help of Natalia, had an effect. She not only reminded me every day of how many coins to set aside, but also published new, interesting material on the topic of money, achieving goals. All this did not let me forget to perform the ritual daily. Natasha, thank you very much!

What should be the wallet to attract money

When I was thinking about what to talk about this time, I received a mail from the mailing list from Igor Merlin, and in it about how to charge a new wallet.

Great topic, I thought. After all, we are doing money ritual, discovered a monetary channel for the receipt of money. So, we definitely need a new wallet and it doesn’t hurt to know what it should be like and how to charge it to attract money. So I decided to tell you about the advice of Igor Merlin and others, and you yourself decide whether to apply them or not, and which ones.

But before charging a new wallet to attract money, you first need to buy it and buy the right wallet.

How to choose a wallet to attract money

Experts in this field argue that buying a wallet should not be spontaneous, this issue should be approached as buying a house or apartment. It’s a joke, of course, but ... a wallet is a “house” for money. This means that our money in the “house” should be comfortable, so that they would like to not only live there, but also breed.

And so, the advice of experts, what should be the wallet to attract money:

  • You should buy a new wallet on the growing moon, until it has managed to reach the first quarter.
  • wallet must be rectangular shape, at least 18 cm in size, so that paper bills fit in the wallet entirely.

There is one expression - if your wallet does not fit large bills so you don't expect them.

Worth considering, right? And yet - they say that money does not like to be bent. Therefore, a wallet in which banknotes are placed, but they have to be folded, does not suit us.

  • There should be several compartments in the wallet, it is desirable that bills with different numbers of zeros lie in different compartments, for example, 5000 and 1000 in one, 500 and 100 in another, 50 and 10 in the third. There should be a compartment for small things, and a compartment for talismans will not hurt.
  • The wallet should be of high quality - stable color, fasteners and locks that work well, there should be no uneven seams and protruding threads. In a word, the "house" for our money must be reliable.
  • The wallet must be natural materials- leather or suede. If buying a wallet made of leather or suede was not part of your plans at the moment, but you still need a new wallet, buy a fabric one, it will also “work”. But it is not recommended to buy wallets made of artificial materials, they act as reflectors of the flow of monetary energy.

Here, however, there is one BUT ... If you still have the opportunity to buy a leather wallet, then buy it, do not save on future well-being. Remember, money is friends with the thrifty, but not with the greedy.

  • The wallet must be of a certain color. Any color has energy and affects us (you can read about the influence of the color of products). Colors also affect the monetary energy. It is believed that money tends to shades of earth energy (black, brown, green, yellow, orange) and metal energy (white, silver, gold).

I foresee the question - where is the red one, because we often hear that the wallet should be red. Yes, the red color for the wallet is also welcome, since it is believed that the red color has a very strong energy and its power is used for a variety of purposes, the red color is used to enhance magical items and symbols. For a red wallet to work to attract money, it must have a clean, bright hue. The wallet should look as expensive as possible. It is better if it is made of high-quality patent leather.

And one more important point when buying a wallet - you should intuitively like it, taking it in your hands, you should understand - this is your wallet. There should be a kind of energy exchange between you and the wallet.

After all, you will constantly pick it up, carry it in your bag, that is, it will be a rather long contact, which should cause positive energy, which will also work to increase your well-being.

We now know what a wallet should be to attract money, but this is not the end of the matter. Experts recommend performing a ritual or conspiracy.

Ritual for a new wallet

I mentioned Igor Merlin's letter. His ritual for a new wallet:

Here is such a ritual for a new wallet, there are others, but I won’t voice them all, it’s better to talk about amulets for a wallet and other important points.

How to charge a new wallet to raise money

And again, we turn to experts on this issue for advice, they say that amulets for a wallet work very well to attract money. What can serve as an amulet? There are many options, you don’t need to use all of them, choose for yourself what you liked:

  • 3 Chinese coins connected by a red ribbon - they attract wealth;

  • The first coin or banknote earned. But, since few people have it, it is advised to put 1 dollar. It is on this banknote that the symbol of success is drawn - the all-seeing eye;

  • Plants are able to attract money, money luck, improve financial condition, so they are also advised to be used as amulets for a wallet.

For example, a cinnamon stick, a sprig of veres, a mint leaf (you can put a drop on the lining of your wallet). essential oil mint), a clover leaf, a green tea bag, a dried lavender flower, a grain of wheat or a spikelet, a dry geranium leaf - you can also put images of these symbols. A piece of dried horseradish root (better if you dig it up and dry it yourself);

  • A small mirror to double the money;
  • Gold - you can have a piece, you can also have a whole golden product - this amulet makes the financial situation more stable and durable.
  • Runes (or their image) "fehu" and "otal". Together they work well - "fehu" increases wealth, "otal" protects. You can draw them on one sheet of paper the size of a bill and put them in your wallet, but it is important that the “fehu” be on the left, “otal” on the right.

Finally, a few more tips:

  1. Your wallet must be in order. Keep track of the condition of banknotes - they should not be shabby, dirty, wrinkled, with curled edges. Do not keep banknotes that are out of use in your wallet.
  2. Put the bills in the wallet from largest to smallest, face up and front side to you.
  3. Never spend all the money from the wallet, even a few coins, but they must remain.
  4. If a trifle suddenly spilled out of your wallet, then collect it only right hand, and leave one, last coin with the words: “I leave one, I get the rest.”
  5. You can’t store in your wallet, photos of relatives, children, friends, pets, as well as business cards, receipts, bills, tickets - all this has nothing to do with the energy of money, therefore, not only will it not be useful, but it can also harm your cash flow .
  6. Different opinions about plastic cards. Someone says that they do not have special energy, but they are our non-cash money, so you can keep them in your wallet so that they are charged with the energy of money. Others say they don't belong in a wallet. How to proceed is up to you.

It is up to you to decide about all the information received, because someone believes in it, someone does not. But even the great Einstein had a horseshoe nailed to the door. And when he was asked why, if he does not believe in omens, he replied:

The fact is that signs come true regardless of whether I believe in them or not.

So let them come true for the benefit of us all.

P.S. And what to do with the old wallet, you ask. Recommendations are:

If you felt good with the old wallet and there was money there, it just got worn out, then you can leave it for good luck and new income. Put it in the eastern part of the house with a small bill, which in a month should be changed to a larger one.

If your relationship with the old wallet was not very good, they still do not advise throwing it away. Better to burn with the words:

Burn with a red flame, and take poverty with you into the fire. What used to be in you will triple, what was not there before will appear. So be it. Amen.

Happiness to you, good luck, financial well-being.
Finally, watch the video.

Elena Kasatova. See you by the fireplace.

Human life is completely dependent on financial well-being. Often, in order to improve material well-being, people rush about in search of a successful job, but the money continues to evaporate. What is a conspiracy for a new wallet and how will it help in gaining wealth? Let's analyze the most popular and working methods.

Fundamental rules

For centuries, people have tried to increase financial stability through the use of magic, so sophisticated witchcraft tools have been developed. However, the simplest and most affordable option for a non-specialist is to “charge” a purse for prosperity. But before proceeding with the ceremony, it is worth choosing a new "home" for banknotes.

A money-raising wallet should never be cheap or ragged. After all, it is unpleasant for you to walk in an old, shabby outfit, then why do finances have to endure such a disgrace? To feel all the delights, try walking to work in worn-out shoes or a shapeless coat. You can not use other people's used items: they carry the energy of another person and will not adapt to the new owner.

You should not go to extremes and give several of your salaries for your wallet. Brand haberdashery looks stylish and presentable, but not always suitable for a mascot. Experts advise choosing golden mean. If, when choosing a product, it “fell into your hand”, then you should not postpone the purchase.

By the way, in order for the ceremony or conspiracy to work on the wallet, you need to choose the right material. Wealth magic doesn't work on plastic and polyethylene. The most suitable raw materials are:

  • leather;
  • suede;
  • natural textiles.

The color of the wallet matters to attract money. The most optimal will be earthy shades - yellow, brown or gold. Cash flows go well with green tones. Neutral black is great for witchcraft. The Chinese science of Feng Shui recommends purchasing red items for wealth.

Preparatory procedures

Remember that any rituals for financial well-being must be performed on the growing moon. Choosing a waning phase, a person may lose the last funds. To avoid problems, we advise you to check the period according to the calendar. If the purchase of the future amulet occurred on the wrong day, then it is better to postpone the ritual.

A wallet as a gift is a favorite present among compatriots. The presence of a coin inside indicates that the donor has already charged the item. Experienced magicians do not advise using such an instance, because it is difficult to reconfigure it to the desired background. The universe is difficult to deceive, so trust your own instincts.

Conspiracies for a new wallet are best read in the evening. Try not to let anyone close to you interfere or distract you. Before the ceremony, the room is cleaned and aired. By the way, we advise you to choose clear weather, when the young horn of the moon illuminates the entire room.

Clothing for the ritual must be light, clean and loose. So that the energy does not go in cycles, it is better to remove any circular objects - chains, rings and belts. Our grandmothers let their hair down and only then began magical actions. In order for the wallet to be complete, it is necessary to accurately pronounce the texts presented.

For candles

How to speak a new wallet? The book by the Siberian healer Natalya Stepanova presents an ancient Slavic method that allows you to charge your purse for money. For the ceremony, seven green church candles will be required. If you did not find the lights of the desired shade, then you can buy them in a regular supermarket, and only then consecrate them with water and prayers.

When buying ritual elements, you can not bargain and take change. If the seller refuses to leave coins, then give to the poor for alms. Any magical action always has a "rollback". To avoid it, you must give the amount as a sacrifice to higher powers.

In the evening, as the horn of the growing moon illuminates the room, you can proceed to the ceremony. A purchased wallet is placed on the table, and candles are placed around it. It is necessary to try to ignite the flame from one match. They sit next to each other and concentrate on the fire and begin to read the plot seven times.

“Lets cash flow into my wallet. The house is full, full of goodness, gold and silver. Increases income and reduces expenses. Poverty and destitution flee before the power of the holy fire. Amen (three times)."

The purse is wrapped in natural fabric and hidden under the pillow. In the morning they put bills and coins in it. Remember that a magical item cannot be given to anyone. Someone else's touch will remove the spell. Before use, the healer recommends repeating the ceremony for several days in a row.

For gold

Another ancient remedy that will increase the attraction of money to your wallet. Ancestors believed that gold has the ability to attract financial well-being. To forget about poverty, we recommend charging your wallet with precious metal - jewelry or a tiny piece.

Before the ceremony, all items with fasteners are removed, because they interfere with the natural flow of energy. The curtains are thrown open and the light of the growing moon freely enters the room. A table or a stable high stool is placed by the window.

On the surface of the "altar" set three church candles and set fire in turn from one match. The purse is placed between the lights, making the sign of the cross three times. Then 3 times they read the words of a prayer for money to St. Spyridon of Trimifuntsky.

Pour into a transparent glass holy water and throw a golden object. The container is placed next to the candles and the wallet. repeat again prayer words. After the ceremony, the fire is put out with the fingers, and the precious metal is pulled out of the liquid. Now it is an amulet that must be constantly kept in a secret pocket of a wallet.

For a coin

At home, you can create a powerful financial magnet. Magicians are advised to activate the purse with the help of money. For the ritual, you can not use banknotes that have gone out of circulation or states that have gone into oblivion. Leave rare items to collectors, and pick up a clean and beautiful coin yourself.

When the growing moon shows a thin bend of the horn in the sky, you need to go to the window and show the future talisman. Mentally imagine how the energy of the night star fills the metal. The thing is left on the windowsill until the morning.

The next day, the item is placed in a purse in a hidden pocket. Now it is a fiat coin that will attract money. It cannot be borrowed or given into the hands of other people. Charged on a specific person, the amulets lose their power. The touch of black sorcerers can quickly convey damage.

By the way, many compatriots prefer to keep money amulets in transparent wallet compartments. Such carelessness leads to the deactivation of the magical item. Constant presence in front of the eyes will destroy even the most powerful spell.

On a spoon

The moon is in charge financial flows, and silver is the elemental metal of the night light. Ancient sorcerers have long used raw materials in the preparation of various amulets that attract wealth. Among modern options the rake spoon is gaining popularity. What it is?

A tiny table attribute is a souvenir that attracts money luck. It is rare to find such a product in the markets, most often they are ordered in specialized stores or from professional sorcerers. Like a coin, a spoon lives in a wallet in a separate pocket.

Before the first use, the amulet must be charged. On the growing moon, the object is placed in a container with fresh water, in which a pinch of rock salt is dissolved. The glass is left overnight on the windowsill, and in the morning it is taken out, washed and wiped thoroughly. In order to attract a lot of money with a rake, they read a slander over it.

“Spoon, spoon help, rake in a lot of money. I will be friends with you, give happiness, joy to everyone.

Then the amulet must be put in a purse and each time thank you for the financial benefit received. If suddenly luck suddenly turned away, then the item is taken out and the above ritual is repeated again. By the way, magicians advise wrapping the little thing in green cloth and leaving it overnight under the light of the new moon.

red wallet

How to charge a new wallet? The bright fiery color has long been considered an excellent financial magnet. If you decide to purchase a noticeable accessory, then we recommend activating the amulet. For the ritual, a clear night is chosen, when the light of the new moon illuminates the earth.

The text is repeated three times, and then money is put into it. Arriving home, the talisman is hidden under the pillow and immediately go to bed. If unpleasant, heavy dreams are disturbed, then this is a sign of damage. It is she who interferes with prosperity and will not allow the wallet to work.

Unusual talismans

What to put in your wallet? In addition to the usual coin, you can hide various interesting amulets in a purse. Let's analyze the brightest and most original options available at home.

Runes are ancient signs, information about which is just beginning to be revealed. Scandinavian symbols were used not only to preserve knowledge and events, but also for magical rituals. To attract monetary luck, you need to put an amulet with written hieroglyphs in your purse.

  1. Dagaz. Removes obstacles on the way to wealth.
  2. Teyvaz. Used to achieve victory.
  3. Fehu. strong sign abundance and financial prosperity.

Runes can be written on a piece of paper, although experts advise burning them on any natural material - wood or stone. Leather is allowed, but marks are difficult to apply. Most suitable color Scandinavians consider blue for symbols.

The purse mouse is a modern talisman that came to us from Feng Shui. Now it is also used to make money flow. A tiny souvenir must be put in the purchased wallet, and before that, the words of the conspiracy must be pronounced.

“Mouse, they settled in a new house, keep money in your wallet and don’t transfer.”

By the way, the Chinese believe that three coins tied with a red ribbon and hidden in a purse will surely attract financial luck. It’s a good idea to put pictures with money images - a “pot of wealth” or “golden fish”. If the space of the accessory allows, then a mint leaf or a cinnamon stick will have the same effect.

Rites and conspiracies for a new wallet can be treated as you like, but even the most seasoned skeptics use them. These are ancient and proven methods that help a person gain well-being. Money will stop flowing like water and financial stability will appear. Thanks to our recommendations, you will find the optimal solution to your problems.

Having the right amount of money in your life makes you happier, all whims and desires begin to come true. It is important to pay due attention to the wallet where you store money, it must be treated with care. It's good if you always take care of him from the magical side. A wallet plot is a must-read in many situations.

In order to always have money in the wallet, it is necessary to conduct conspiracies

The most important part of your wealth is your wallet. One has only to look at what purse you have, as it will immediately become clear whether you have money or not. It is very easy to attract wealth into your accessory for money, charge it with a strong energy of attracting money.

For more profit, choose the right money storage accessory:

  • pay attention to appearance and on cost. Everything needs a measure, do not take a flashy wallet or a nondescript one; very expensive or the cheapest. Choose the one that suits your financial situation;
  • the purse should have many departments for different denominations of money;
  • it should not be empty, if you paid off in such a way that there was no money left at all, throw a little change into the smallest department;
  • try to avoid transparent compartments for unnecessary things.
  • after choosing a purse, pick up the right ritual. If your wallet needs a replacement, do not rush to throw away the old one, it can be used as a piggy bank.

Apply simple rituals to the old, new and donated wallet.

Rituals for replenishing the wallet

Once you have purchased a decent purse, you need to charge it for banknotes. Be sure to follow lunar calendar, a plot for a new wallet is carried out in the phase of the growing moon. Most strong conspiracies reading on a full moon.

Ritual with a coin

With the onset of dusk, sit down by the window to see the month and light a candle, preferably a church one. Get ready to read the main prayer, cross yourself, you can say the prayer Our Father to yourself.

In your wallet, put a lucky bill or any gold jewelry with the words:

“Moon-moon silver horns, give my new silver-gold purse so that it grows, fills up and saturates with money. Yes, it will only be so. Amen".

Conspired money must be kept so that no one sees

You do not need to constantly keep the charmed little thing in your purse, you can leave it in a box at home so that no one sees it. This will be your secret amulet to attract money.

Rite with green candles

This ritual charging to the wallet is performed on the full moon. Moonlight has a strong property to charge objects and money.

Light a green candle with the power of fire. You need to put it on the windowsill under the moonlight. Say the magic spell:

“The cash flow is striving and running, into my magical new wallet. Multiplies my income, expenses have become minimal. The energy of money caresses me, and poverty rather runs away from the holy fire. Yes, it will only be so. My word is strong. Amen".

While the candles are burning, imagine your financial condition, visualize the arrival of the amount you need. The Full Moon New Wallet Spell loves when you know the exact number you would like to receive. Keep in mind that with the advent of large amounts of money, the right conspiracy brought you more work. Extinct candles should be buried close to the house.

Conspiracies of healers

Natalya Stepanova writes a lot about money rituals and suggests reading a simple whisper on a banknote to attract wealth, which must be read on the new moon:

“Just as there are a lot of stars in the sky, as there is enough water in the sea, so is my wallet, so that there is a lot of money and always enough. Amen."

Following Natalia's whisper, you can get rich in a short time.

“I call in a purse for a housewarming party a thousand gold and a thousand silver. Live, but call your friends of money - there is enough space for everyone. There is a lot of grain in the golden ears, but here (point to the wallet) there is still more money. And so it will be as long as this wallet exists. Amen".

Or sprinkle holy water on him with the words:

“Orders of the most holy, reverend, angelic, Archangel, overshadow this thing from above for the sake of righteous wealth. For you know that a man does not live without money, just as a fish does not live without water. Therefore, make sure that I, (name) always have (a) as much as I need. I release the word that was said, I attract money through you!

Ritual with water

To perform the ritual, you need to go for spring water early in the morning. Sprinkle with clean water, reading a plot for big money and a wallet:

“Voditsa in the river (spring) flows and does not end. So my wallet will never run out of money. Water flows, always silver and sparkle. So money will always arrive in my wallet, sparkle and silver for my joy and for the good of everyone.

The ritual requires spring water.

Rite for protection

very strong and necessary protection purse from various disasters: so that thieves do not steal, for loss, stupid waste of money.

“In the forehead of the eye, on the wall of the image. Whoever offends me with theft will hate himself. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

You need to talk about a new wallet along with the place where you store it, for example, a bag.

home conspiracy

Practical magic is as simple as possible for the layman. Prepare for the ceremony to attract money at home:

  • a sheet of green paper;
  • green or herbal tea and honey;
  • simple pencil.

Brew strong tea, add honey to it and put the drink on green paper. Stir the tea not with a spoon, but with a pencil. While stirring, think about the amount you need, a specific figure. Take a sip of tea and write this number on the sheet, and under it the text:

"Tea, there will be money."

Drink your tea to the end, enjoying its taste, and fold a sheet of paper into a small envelope and place it in the largest compartment of your wallet. The rite charges with monetary energy for the whole year.

Ritual with apples

The ritual will have the most powerful effect if you collect 20 apples manually. If this is not possible, purchase them at the supermarket. Be patient and carefully study the instructions for your actions by day.

20 apples to pick in the garden or buy

On the first day you give 14 apples to the poor people on the street, the next day you do the same, only give 3 apples. So that the house is full of prosperity, on the third day, take the apples to the temple and read the slander on the apples:

“Remember my poverty for peace, and let wealth remain with me. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual with an old wallet

Some magicians believe that the old wallet should be radically disposed of, the ritual of burning it should be performed.

Do not use an old wallet for a month, let it just lie in a dark place. At the end of the term, light a small fire in the wasteland. Throw him into a strong fire, saying a plot:

“I let go of the old, I call on the new.”

Do not regret this loss, but buy a new red wallet for the waning moon. He will need to be spoken for good luck and money, as well as against theft, in one of any of the ways presented.

Ritual for a red purse

Red color will not only attract money into your home, but also give you self-confidence. This Simoron rite, which can also be found in Feng Shui magic, is very popular with those who are not indifferent to their financial condition.

Read the plot on the red wallet on the growing moon, on the street, looking at the sky:

“Clear month, lunar friend! Illuminate everything around! Give all the power to the wallet, Without it I can not! Let your income grow as you grow, Let wealth come to me!

Collect all available money in your wallet and go to bed with it.

Conspiracy for Christmas

Christmas magic works flawlessly. Cover the table with a white tablecloth and put 4 icons of saints. Light the candles and lay out the money of each denomination.

At Christmas, the conspiracy is more effective

Read the plot:

“Lord Jesus Christ, son of God, on your birthday, bless me and my wallet for gold and good, full of silver, cover and protect from misfortune and poverty.”

Then read the prayers to all the saints you have exposed.

Conspiracy for Easter

The bright holiday of Easter will bring financial well-being to your home if you ask the saints for it.

You need to buy 3 purses and in the morning, go to the service in the temple with products that need to be consecrated for the holiday. Write one magic text on three different pieces of paper:

"I give you, I add to myself."

Leave one text under the products, the other in your clothes, and bring the last one home. When will you leave Holy place, tell strong prayer and thank you higher power and father:

“Father in Heaven, Queen Mother, Holy Spirit! I ask you for help and strength, I want to cleanse my mind of filth. I am not asking you for money, but for prosperity so that the children do not need anything. To raise and educate, to be able to give to everyone. The hand will not become impoverished, the heart will not harden. For good, for happiness, without any deceit. Amen (3 times)."

Money Talismans

Most effective way attract prosperity to your home, speak amulets for cash flow. Then the money will always be found and your family will never need it.

Laurel leaf since ancient times helped in various life situations: increase income, find a good job or get promoted.

Bay leaf will help increase income

Rub one bay leaf in your palms, saying:

"Money to money, prosperity to prosperity."

Scatter bay dust over your wallet, completing this mysterious rite, you turn an ordinary leaf into a talisman to attract money.

mouse spoon

Many stores offer a wide range of different mascot toys. Just buying one of them is not enough, you need to talk a wallet for wealth.

"The mouse sat down, the money came."

For each change in your wallet, you need to read another plot on the mouse and on the wallet:

“Mouse, they settled in a new house, money in a new wallet.”

As these precious stones shine, so will your money sparkle. Choose the whole fiery palette: red, golden, red, bronze, brown and other shades. You do not need to speak such stones or crystals, the main thing is to always carry them with you, like a money amulet.

Gems must always be carried with you

Rite with denominations

Collect bills and coins of all denominations in one pile and put them next to your wallet. Under the moonlight, open it and lay out the money, starting with the smallest, with the words:

“The full moon shone in heaven and brought money into my life every day. My wallet saw all the money, showed them to the full moon. The moon will now grow rapidly and carry money into my wallet every day. The moon - to grow and grow up, and to me - always live and live in wealth. Amen!"

People often do not notice that their material condition depends on their attitude to the storehouse of money. Belief in omens helps us pay some attention to this. But only magical rituals for money and rituals for a new wallet, as well as your strong desire and faith in the fulfillment of a dream, will save your finances.