Pochaev icon description. Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God: meaning, what helps

  • 20.09.2019

The Pochaev icon of the Mother of God is widely revered both in the Orthodox and in Catholic Church... Its history is inextricably linked with the Pochaev Monastery in honor of the Assumption Holy Mother of God(Ukraine), where she has been for about 400 years. But long before that, Pochaev Mountain was marked by the grace of the Mother of God. Over 500 years ago, when the mountain was completely uninhabited, two monks came and settled in a small cave. It was they who witnessed the miraculous appearance of the Mother of God.

Once in 1340 one of them, after the usual prayer, wished to ascend to the top of the mountain. And suddenly he saw the Mother of God, surrounded by flames and standing on a stone. He immediately called another hermit, who also deserved to behold the wonderful vision. All this was seen by a shepherd named John Bossoy. He ran up the mountain, where he found both monks, and all three of them glorified God. On the stone where the Mother of God stood, the imprint of the right foot of the Most Pure One remained forever impressed. There is still water in this foot of the Mother of God, it never decreases and never overflows.

The Pochaev icon itself appeared in the monastery in the following way. In 1559, the Greek Metropolitan Neophytos went from Constantinople to Moscow for help. Passing through Volhynia, he visited the noblewoman Anna Goiskaya, who lived in the estate of Orlya, not far from Pochaev. “God-Boinaya” Goiskaya cordially received the distinguished guest and, as was customary, showed him the deepest respect. In gratitude for her hospitality, Metropolitan Neophytos blessed her with the ancient icon of the Mother of God with the Eternal Child, which he brought with him from Constantinople and kept with him as a family shrine.

For thirty years the icon received by Goya stood in her chateau chapel. But gradually Goyskaya's household began to notice that some kind of unusual light... The servants informed the landowner of this, but for a long time she did not want to believe their stories, until, finally, she herself saw in a dream the icon “in the great light”. Goiskaya then lit an inextinguishable lamp in front of her. When her lame brother Philip was healed of the icon, she handed over the icon to the monks who settled on Pochaev Mountain in 1597. A church was erected on the rock in honor of the Assumption of the Mother of God, and a monastery was created with it, for the maintenance of which Goiskaya gave funds. Since then, the icon began to be called Pochaev.

After the death of Goiskaya, Pochaev Mountain went to her nephew, a Lutheran and a hater of Orthodoxy, Andrei Firley. He robbed the monastery and seized the icon, which he kept in his home for twenty years. Once he decided to mock an Orthodox shrine. Summoning the guests, he dressed his wife in the vestments of an Orthodox priest, gave her a chalice, and she began to loudly shout blasphemy against the Mother of God and Her icons. But then she was punished. She began to torment evil spirit, and she was freed from a terrible illness only after her husband returned the Pochaev icon to the monastery.
Somehow a monk of the Pochaev monastery was captured by the Tatars. While in captivity, he recalled the Pochaev monastery, its shrines, divine services, and chants. The monk especially grieved at the onset of the feast of the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos and tearfully prayed to the Mother of God for deliverance from captivity. And so, through the prayers of the Blessed Virgin, once the walls of the dungeon disappeared, and the monk found himself at the walls of the Pochaev monastery.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), the regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, encircling it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not represent any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to the heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev (Comm. 28 October).

Monks and laity prayed fervently, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job. On the morning of July 23, with the rising of the sun, the Tatars began to storm the monastery, while the abbot ordered to sing the Akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the "Climbed Voevoda", the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared over the temple with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery. The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a stampede, without taking apart their own people, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some of the captives later adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever. In memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege, a celebration was established in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God July 23 / August 5.

In 1721 Pochaev was occupied by the Uniates. However, even at this difficult time for the Lavra, the monastery chronicle recorded 539 miracles from the famous Orthodox shrine. During the reign of the Uniates, in the second half of the 18th century, for example, the Uniate Count Nikolai Pototsky became a benefactor of the Pochaev Lavra for the following miraculous circumstance. Accusing his coachman that the furious horses turned the carriage over, the count pulled out a pistol to kill him. The coachman, turning to Pochaev Hill, raised his hands up and exclaimed: "Mother of God, manifested in the Pochaev icon, save me!" Pototsky tried several times to fire a pistol, which never betrayed him, but the weapon misfired. The coachman survived. Pototsky immediately went to the miraculous icon and decided to devote himself and all his property to the construction of the monastery. At his expense, the Assumption Cathedral and the fraternal building were built.

In 1773, the faces of the infant Christ and the Mother of God were crowned with two pure gold crowns sent by Pope Clement XIV.
In 1831, when the union was destroyed, Pochaev went over to the Orthodox and was named the Pochaev Lavra. Catholics spread rumors that miraculous icon Leaving Pochaev, she was transferred to the neighboring Dominican monastery lying in Austria. But more and more healings refuted these rumors. So, in 1832, a blind girl Anna Akimchukova came to Pochaev with a 70-year-old grandmother 200 miles away - from Kamenets-Podolsk. Praying at the icon and washing her eyes with water from the foot of the Mother of God, she suddenly began to see. Her grandmother, who adhered to the Uniatism, was struck by a miracle, immediately converted to Orthodoxy. In memory of this event, a weekly reading of the Cathedral Akathist in front of the miraculous icon was established on Saturdays.

In 1869, the icon was decorated with a golden robe, strewn with precious stones, and inserted into a star-shaped icon case, the rays of which are lined with pearls and emeralds. The dimensions of the icon are small - 30x23 cm. It was written in ancient Byzantine script and belongs to the iconographic type "Tenderness". The image of the Mother of God is waist-length. On her right hand is Her Eternal Infant, in her left sheath, covering the Infant. In addition, there are Greek inscriptions on the icon, and on the margins there are miniature images of saints: the prophet Elijah, Saint Mina, the first martyr Stephen, the Monk Martyr Abraham, the great martyrs Catherine, Paraskeva and Irene.

In the Assumption Cathedral of the Lavra, there is a large icon, also called Pochaev. It was arranged by the people of Kiev in memory of the deliverance of Kiev from cholera in 1848 and is considered miraculous. The foot of the Mother of God is depicted on it below. Icons of this type are called "stacked", in contrast to those where there are faces of saints - "with those who are forthcoming."

About 300 miraculous icons with the image of the Mother of God "Pochaevskaya" are known.

During the Great Patriotic War When Pochaev was occupied by the Nazis, the icon was hidden in his home and kept by Protodeacon Stratonik († 1985), who served for sixty years in the Pochaev Lavra.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, a miraculous healing of nun Varvara took place in the Pochaev Lavra, whose both legs were paralyzed for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), with difficulty walking on crutches with the help of her companion nun Maria. Attaching herself to the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately got to her feet. The crutches she left in the monastery are still standing at the icon of the Holy Mother of God, testifying to the miracle that had taken place.

Dome of the main temple

The interiors of the temple

Inside the temple

The Miraculous Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

In 1991, the Uniates tried to seize the Pochaev Lavra. Buses with hijackers have already left Lviv. Monks and laymen, who came to the monastery at the call of the monastery bell, began to read akathists to the Mother of God and to the Monk Job of Pochaev in front of the miraculous image of the Mother of God. The prayer went on all night. The buses did not reach the Lavra.

In Moscow, in the church of the apostles Peter and Paul in Lefrtov there is a miraculous Pochaev icon. It was brought to the temple in the 1930s.

The miraculous copy of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God (the Pochaev icon was in Moscow in 2001) is also in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Danilov Monastery.

Troparion, voice 5:
Before Thy holy icon, the Lady, praying healings are vouchsafed, true knowledge of faith is accepted and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. The same for us, who fall to You, ask for the remission of sins, enlighten the thoughts of piety of our hearts, and lift up a prayer to Your Son for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1st:
Source of healings and faith Orthodox affirmation of Pochaev Thy icon, the Mother of God, appear the same as we who flow to her, from troubles and temptations of freedom, keep Thy laurel intact, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, and let Thy prayer book resolve sins: ...

Miraculous icons are one of the main treasures of the Christian world. Help was granted to many believers through prayers in front of the shrines, and news of the miracles manifested by icons appears to this day.

The Pochaev icon is one of the most revered miraculous shrines by believers. She is known not only in Russia, but also far beyond its borders. An important historical episode is connected with the miraculous divine intervention that took place through prayer in front of the icon - the liberation of the Pochaev Lavra of the Assumption from the invaders.

The history of the icon

The manifestation of the miraculous power of the icon is inextricably linked with the history of the Pochaev Monastery. On the hill where the monastery is located to this day, two monks settled in the distant fourteenth century. They lived there for a while, observing prayer rule and a strict fast, and one day one of the monks decided to ascend a little higher than the place where they were staying. Approaching the top of the mountain, he beheld the Mother of God, surrounded by a fiery radiance. Not believing his eyes, he called his comrade-in-arms - and he also froze in amazement. News about miraculous phenomenon quickly spread to many surrounding cities. At the place where the Virgin Mary stood, a print of her foot appeared, filled with healing water.

The miniature source does not dry out despite a large number of pilgrims taking water. According to numerous claims, the source is still filled with water. The Pochaev monastery was built near the source.

The icon itself was originally brought from Constantinople and presented as a gift to one noblewoman who lived on an estate near the Pochaev monastery - Anna Goyskaya. It happened in the middle of the sixteenth century. Soon, household members discovered that sometimes divine light emanated from the icon, and after a while, thanks to the icon, the mistress's brother received healing. The woman decided to give the holy image of the monastery, and it became her beautiful pearl.

The Pochaev Lavra had to endure many disasters over several centuries of its existence. But through prayers to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the Pochaev icon, the monastery overcame adversity and bad weather.

One of the most striking episodes and examples of the icon's miraculous power is the liberation from the Turkish invaders in the 17th century. According to legend, after the abbot and the brethren read a prayer to the Mother of God, the Virgin Mary herself appeared over the monastery with the Heavenly Host. Horrified opponents began to throw arrows into the heavens, but the weapons returned and mortally wounded themselves. The siege was lifted.

Description of the icon

The icon depicts the Blessed Virgin up to the waist, holding the Divine Child on her right hand, and squeezing a plate in her left, partially covering the Savior. The Mother's plate symbolizes the divine protection that every believer can hope for, even at the most difficult moment of his life. The Savior raises his right hand in a blessing gesture. Saints are depicted in miniatures along the edges of the icon. The original of the icon is enclosed in an elegant gilded setting.

Where is the icon

The oldest icon is kept in the Dormition Cathedral of the Pochaev Lavra, in the Ukrainian city of Pochaev. Lists of icons, made with the utmost precision, can be found in many Russian churches and temples. The shrine can be worshiped in the Moscow Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul in Lefrtovo, as well as in the Trinity Cathedral of the Holy Danilov Monastery. The latter contains a copy of the icon, revered as miraculous.

How does the Pochaev icon help?

The Pochaev icon is asked for protection, for the restoration of justice and an end to the war. Before the holy image of the Mother of God, they pray for healing from diseases, for the health of relatives, for the restoration of mutual understanding and the end of strife in the family, for the protection of the house from thieves and fires.

Prayer before the Pochaev icon

“We resort to the inexhaustible source of spiritual healing and faith, to Your miraculous icon, Queen of Heaven, begging You: save from troubles and temptations, save peace in the whole world, save from sin. Let Your mercy serve as a cover from evil, invaders and sorrows. We glorify you and give glory and worship to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

Days of veneration of the icon

The celebration of the icon takes place annually on August 5 and September 21 in a new style. These days are marked with a special divine service, and many pilgrims from all over the world flock to the Pochaev Monastery, wishing to worship the miraculous shrine.

The miraculous Pochaev icon of the Mother of God will be an excellent protection for your home and family happiness. Pray sincerely and your requests will surely be heard. We wish you peace of mind and strong faith. Be happy and remember to press the buttons and

05.08.2017 04:10

Among the many miraculous icons, the face of the Mother of God "Before Christmas and after Christmas the Virgin" can be distinguished. TO...

The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is one of the most revered shrines of the Russian Church. She is known to the entire Slavic world: she is revered in Russia, Bosnia, Serbia, Bulgaria and other countries. Along with the Orthodox Christians of other confessions come to worship the miraculous image of the Most Holy Theotokos.

In the Pochaev Lavra, the ancient stronghold of Orthodoxy, the miraculous Pochaev icon of the Mother of God has been in existence for about 400 years. The miracles that flow from the holy icon are numerous and are attested in the monastic books by the records of believers who prayed for deliverance from incurable ailments, deliverance from captivity and admonition of sinners.

The celebration in honor of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God on August 5 (in a new style) was established in memory of the deliverance of the Dormition Pochaev Lavra from the Turkish siege on July 20-23, 1675.

In the summer of 1675, during the Zbarazh war with the Turks, during the reign of the Polish king Jan Sobieski (1674-1696), the regiments consisting of Tatars, led by Khan Nurredin, approached the Pochaev monastery through Vishnevets, encircling it on three sides. The weak monastery fence, like several stone buildings of the monastery, did not represent any protection for the besieged. Hegumen Joseph Dobromirsky persuaded the brethren and laity to turn to the heavenly intercessors: the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job of Pochaev. Monks and laity prayed fervently, falling down to the miraculous image of the Mother of God and to the shrine with the relics of St. Job.

On the morning of August 5 (July 23, old style), at sunrise, the Tatars held the last advice on the storming of the monastery, while the abbot ordered to sing the Akathist to the Mother of God. With the first words to the "Climbed Voevoda", the Most Pure Mother of God herself suddenly appeared over the temple, "a white-shining omophorion dissolving," with heavenly angels holding drawn swords. The Monk Job was near the Mother of God, bowing to Her and praying for the protection of the monastery.

The Tatars mistook the heavenly army for a ghost, in confusion they began to shoot at the Most Holy Theotokos and the Monk Job, but the arrows returned and wounded those who fired them. Horror gripped the enemy. In a stampede, without taking apart their own people, they killed each other. The defenders of the monastery rushed in pursuit and captured many. Some of the captives later adopted the Christian faith and remained in the monastery forever.

More than half a century ago, on June 17, 1950, in the Pochaev Lavra, the miraculous healing of nun Varvara (in the world Elena Konstantinovna Putyatina) took place, whose both legs were paralyzed for 48 years. She came from the city of Chkalov (now Orenburg), with difficulty walking on crutches with the help of her companion nun Maria. Attaching herself to the list of the miraculous image of the Mother of God, the nun immediately got to her feet. The crutches she left in the monastery are still standing at the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, testifying to the miracle that had taken place.

Troparion, voice 5:
Before Thy holy icon, the Lady, / praying healings are vouchsafed, / true knowledge of faith is accepted, / and the Hagarian invasions are reflected. / For the same to us, who fall to You, / ask for forgiveness, / enlighten the thoughts of piety of our hearts, / and lift up a prayer to Thy Son / for the salvation of our souls.

Kontakion, voice 1st:
Source of healings and faith Orthodox affirmation of Pochaev Thy icon, the Mother of God, appear as we who come to her from troubles and temptations of freedom, keep Thy Laura intact, affirm Orthodoxy in the surrounding countries, and resolve sins Thy prayer book: the tree is more desirous , you can.

Prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God:

To You, O Bogomati, we, sinners, flow in prayer, Your miracles in the Holy Lavra of Pochaevsty, revealed in remembrance of our contrite sins. Vema, the Lady, vema, as if it is not befitting us, sinners, to ask for something, only leave us for the hedgehog righteous Judge of our iniquity. Everything we endured in our lives, sorrows, and needs, and diseases, like the fruits of our falls, vegetating to us, this God allowing us to be corrected. Even so, all this, by His truth and by His judgment, the Lord guided His sinful servants, and in His sorrows to Your intercession, O Most Pure One, and in the tenderness of their hearts they cry out to Thee: sins and iniquities of ours, Good, do not remember, but more honorable hand of Thy having raised up, stand up to Thy Son and God, let the fierce deed by us let us go, yes, for the many unfulfilled promises our face will not turn away from His servants, but He will not take away His grace, helping our salvation, from our souls. To her, Lady, wake our intercessor for our salvation and, having not abhorred our cowardice, look at our groans, even in our troubles and sorrows before Thy miraculous way we exalt. Enlighten our minds with affectionate thoughts, strengthen our faith, confirm hope, grant love to the sweetest gift to accept us. These ubo, Most Pure, by gifts, and not by sickness and sorrow, let our belly be raised to salvation, but from despondency and despair of our souls, save us weak from the troubles and needs that are on us, and the slander of humanity and unbearable diseases. Grant peace and prosperity to the Christian intercession by Thy intercession, Mistress, confirm the Orthodox faith in our country, throughout the world, do not betray the Apostolic and Cathedral Church to belittling, the statutes of the saints, Father forever unshakable, save all those who come to You from the perilous moat. Also, bring the heresy of our deluded brethren or saving faith in sinful passions that ruined the packs to true faith and repentance, so that, together with us, those who worship Your miraculous image will confess Your intercession. Grant us, Most Pure Lady Theotokos, even in this belly, behold the victory of truth by Thy intercession, grant us gracious joy before our death to perceive, as in ancient times the inhabitants of the thought of Thy appearance showed the conquerors and enlighteners of the Agarens, yes, we are all grateful and with a heart together prophets, and apostles, and with all the saints, Your mercy is glorifying, let us give glory, honor and worship in the Trinity to God the Father who is singing, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

What they pray for in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God

Before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, they pray for:

  • Strengthening faith;
  • Liberation from bad addictions;
  • Help in any business;
  • Healing from infirmities;
  • Protect from enemies.

Through prayers in front of the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, miracles happened more than once.

  1. The grace of the Most Holy Theotokos did not leave the believers during the time the icon was in the possession of the Uniates.
  2. The man born blind has become clear.
  3. Healing of nun Barbara.

Based on materials from open sources of the Internet

Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God. Video

Veneration of icons is one of the differences Orthodox faith from other directions of Christianity. There are many holy images that are of particular importance to the Russian people.

Theologian's opinion

Theology professor Alexei Ilyich Osipov has repeatedly touched upon the issue of icon worship in his lectures. He says that it is necessary to separate the concept of worshiping an icon as a kind of magical object, which in itself is endowed with a certain power, and as an image of a specific saint. In the latter case, the prayer is addressed specifically to the saint, who was known for his righteous life and can become a heavenly patron for the one praying. Ultimately, only the Lord knows the fate of people, so all requests and supplications should be addressed specifically to Him.

Osipov also mentions the existence different types worship: the first is worship of God - religious worship, essentially meaning faith. And the second type is worship in the meaning of admiration, veneration. Thus, you can worship, for example, a person whose qualities are highly valued. The same thing happens with the worship of icons and relics of saints.

About prayer before icons

Aleksey Ilyich also says that a prayer in front of any icon, offered without faith in God, without humility and reverence, has no power. It is worth remembering the prayer of Jesus Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane: "... Yes, your will will be, not mine." This example should be followed by Christians, making prayer requests to the Almighty.

We should not forget that Christianity is aimed primarily at healing the spiritual ailments of a person, which are sins. "Give me your soul, son," - so said Christ. Therefore, for spiritual benefits and for the healing of spiritual ailments, you need to pray first of all. And if a person calls out to Heavenly Father with some earthly, material request, then he should ask with humility, because only the Lord knows what is evil for a given person and what is good.

If we talk about the miraculousness of icons, then you need to understand that the icon itself is not miraculous. Miracles are performed by God, who always hears prayers addressed to Him with faith, repentance and humility. Icons can only contribute to the proper attitude of a person to prayer.

The apparition of the Virgin

One of the most revered icon-painting images in Orthodoxy is located in the Ukrainian city of Pochaev, above the monastery church. In addition to the original, there are also several copies of the Pochaev icon. Prayer to the Lord in front of these icons can be brought in the churches of Moscow, St. Petersburg and the Tobolsk region.

There is the following legend about the acquisition of this image. In the fourteenth century, two monks lived near the mountain on which the monastery now stands. Once, after praying, one of them saw the Most Holy Theotokos, who appeared standing on the mountain in flames. This monk called another to come and also see the miracle. A local shepherd also came to the call. The stone on which the Virgin Mary stood has forever imprinted the imprint of Her right foot. All three climbed the mountain and thanked God for the miracle he had shown in prayer.

Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. Finding a shrine

In the second half of the sixteenth century, Neophytos was on a visit to Russia. Driving through the Volyn lands, he also visited the small town of Pochaev, which was part of the possession of the noblewoman Anna Goyskaya. Vladyka stayed at her estate for some time.

In gratitude for the warm welcome, the Metropolitan of Constantinople presented the owner of the estate with an icon of the Pochaev Mother of God. Prayers for the healing of her blind brother began to be regularly offered by the noblewoman in front of the holy image.

Thanks to the true faith that Anna showed in her prayers filled with humility and repentance, the Lord heeded her request, and a miracle happened - the blind man received his sight.

Anna's servant, fulfilling her household duties, more than once noticed a halo of glow near the very same owner of the estate began to see dreams in which the Mother of God appeared to her. Goiskaya took all this as a sign from above and gave the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God to the monks. Prayers before her began to be offered up by them in the cave of the mountain where they lived, and where, several centuries before, the Mother of God appeared to their predecessors. The holy image was transferred there by a specially assembled solemn procession of the cross.


Soon a monastery was erected on that mountain, it was possible to do this thanks to donations for the construction, which were made by Anna Goiskaya. Almost a century later, the miraculous image was taken away from the monastic community by a descendant of Goiskaya. This wicked nobleman kept the icon on his estate for two decades. But after his wife became possessed, he turned for help to the abbot of the Pochaev monastery Job, who was known among the people for his sagacity and righteous life and after death was glorified by the church as a saint. He gave the nobleman advice to immediately return the shrine to its rightful place, which he, in turn, did.

At the end of the seventeenth century, there was a war with Turkey, during which numerous Tatar troops who fought on the Turkish side, passing through Pochaev, besieged the monastery. The walls of the monastery, not designed to withstand powerful siege weapons, could not hold back the enemy's attacks. The enemies, who surrounded this place from all sides, came closer and closer.

Heavenly intercessor

He called on all the monastic brethren to kneel before the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God in prayer for mercy. After a while, when the Tatars organized a council of war, at which the fate of the monastery was decided, the Mother of God herself arose over the temples of the monastery, surrounded by an army of angels with drawn swords. Saint Job stood beside the Mother of God, begging her to intercede for the fate of the besieged monks. At the sight of this grandiose spectacle, panic arose in the Tatars' camp. They opened archery at the heavenly intercessors of the monastery.

But the arrows fired by them returned in their own direction, inflicting tangible losses on the army. Soon the confusion reached such an unprecedented level that the warriors began to swing their swords, trying to protect themselves from the arrows. Often the blows hit their comrades-in-arms. The army was demoralized and retreated in horror. The monks moved after them, overtook the enemy, and captured many Tatars. Some of these captives subsequently converted to Christianity, as they witnessed the power of the Lord.

The Pochaev icon, the prayer before which turned out to be salutary, is now within the walls of this monastery, in the Assumption Cathedral.

Grace prayer

Before the siege of the walls of the Lavra by the Tatar army was repelled, the miracles that took place thanks to the Prayer in front of the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God were not documented. But the fame that the icon promotes grace-filled prayer, spreading from mouth to mouth, spread throughout Russia. Thousands of pilgrims began to gather at the icon, most of whom brought the prayer of the Mother of God for the healing of bodily diseases.

Many miracles are associated with the Pochaev icon, many of which are inscribed in special monastic books. One of the first records tells about the healing of a sick boy. The lad had a thorn in one of his eyes. The saddened parents came with the child to the church, washed him with water from the trace of the Mother of God and began to pray in front of the Pochaev icon. Their request was heard, and the son was cured in a day. Soon he suffered another terrible disease, from which the child died. The boy's grandmother, who was a deeply religious woman, did not become discouraged, but came to church and turned to God for help. And the Lord showed another miracle. Her grandson is resurrected.

Miracles of Faith

Since those distant times, many believers have come to the Assumption Cathedral every day, hoping to receive healing from ailments, both physical and spiritual, for which they pray to the Mother of God, from the Pochaev icon looking at them.

V new history there is a known case of the healing of nun Barbara, who suffered from paralysis of the lower extremities and moved only on crutches. Thanks to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God, the prayer for the health of this nun was so sincere that the Lord healed the suffering woman. Crutches, which turned out to be unnecessary for her, now stand under the icon, reminding the parishioners of the power of righteous prayer and of the boundless love of Heavenly Father for his children.

One of the ancient legends tells of a certain monk who was captured by the enemy during the war with the Turks. This monk belonged to the brethren of the Pochaev Monastery. He was distinguished by the meekness and diligence of his service to the Lord. The monk regretted that he could not perform a prayer in front of the Pochaev icon. By God's Grace, one day he was transferred to his native monastery.

Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. What are they praying for?

The cases described show that the miraculous image helps to strengthen faith and fortitude. The written sources mainly mention the healing of worshipers from visible problems, bodily diseases. But many people turn to God with requests for deliverance from spiritual ailments: envy, pride, despondency. Many holy fathers say that it is precisely such prayers that are most pleasing to the Lord. But cases of such healings are described extremely rarely due to the complexity, and sometimes the impossibility of describing these purely personal vices. Therefore, in the traditions of the church about miraculous deliverance from material troubles, it is customary to see something else, symbolic meaning... For example, when the legend tells that the prayer of the Mother of God at the Pochaev icon from prison and captivity preserved or contributed to the liberation, then it should be understood that such a prayer can also save from spiritual bondage - to free a person from the captivity of his sinful passions.

The case of the healing of Anna Goyskaya's blind brother can be viewed as a symbol of spiritual insight, understanding of one's sinfulness and the need for improvement, which can only occur when a person turns to faith. And any faith, any religion, first of all, calls a person to prayer. Religion without prayer has no meaning and is reduced only to the meaningless performance of rituals.

Following the same logic, the pages of the annals of the monastery telling about the reflection of the Tatar army with the assistance of the Mother of God can be interpreted as confirmation that the Lord is ready to deliver people from any enemies, including invisible ones, that is, sins.

How does prayer help the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God?

Answering this question, it should be recalled that one should not pray to the icon itself, but to the Mother of God, who is depicted in this icon and can act as an intercessor before God for people who are praying. The icon itself does not have any divine power, but it can contribute to the correct attitude to prayer. Aleksey Osipov, professor of theology, spoke about this more than once, who, in turn, refers to many sayings of the holy fathers concerning this topic. Therefore, this opinion is not his subjective vision of this issue, it is based on the concordant teaching of the holy fathers.

Artistic characteristics of the icon

This sample of icon painting is an icon of the so-called type of Tenderness. This is a half-length image of the Mother of God, with one hand holding the baby Savior, and with the other - a veil that covers the legs and back of Jesus. With one hand, Christ is holding on to the shoulder of his Mother, and with the other he makes a gesture of blessing.

On the icon you can see inscriptions made in Greek. On the sides are small icons of several saints. The face of the Blessed Virgin is painted on wood in oil in a manner characteristic of the Byzantine school of icon painting. At first, the image was covered with a silver frame, but it was lost. Now the icon is framed by a star made of pearls of small caliber, which was donated to the monastery Russian emperor Alexander II as a token of his gratitude for the hospitality of the monks, which they showed during his pilgrimage to the Lavra in the middle of the nineteenth century.

The origin of the icon

The authorship of this icon has not been established. Most experts agree that this image is a family icon. It is possible that initially it belonged to the family of the Greek patriarch Neophytos himself.

As you know, some peoples had a custom to choose a heavenly patron for the family. The day of veneration of this saint became a family holiday, and the icon with his image enjoyed special respect. There were also those that were given to newborns. They got this name because of the size of the image and the height of the newborn baby. Some researchers are inclined to believe that the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God was painted by Russian icon painters.

Celebration and daily veneration

The fifth of august Orthodox Church celebrates the holiday of the Pochaev icon. What do they pray for on this day? This holiday was approved in memory of the miraculous reflection of the Tatar army by the forces of the Most Holy Theotokos and St. Job, the first abbot of the monastery. In addition, every day after the morning service, which begins at exactly five o'clock in the morning and is held in the light of some lamps, the icon, located in the third row of the iconostasis, on special mounts descends to the level of human growth. At this time, the church choir sings the chant "The Impenetrable Gate".

By tradition, there should be a hieromonk near the icon, who is called an icon case monk. He is the first to approach the icon in order to venerate it. After him, all the monks of the monastery apply to the image, and after them comes the turn of the laity who are present at the service. You can also venerate the shrine on Saturdays, these days, before lowering the icon, the monks read the cathedral akathist. The image is lowered on ribbons for general worship on Sundays and holidays after the Late Divine Liturgy has been served.


A large number of residents of the city of Pochaev flock to worship the holy image every day. The Assumption Cathedral also receives a huge number of pilgrims. They all come to the icon to pray and ask the Blessed Virgin for help in front of the Pochaev icon. What do they usually ask of the Heavenly Intercessor?

Most often, prayers relate to physical health, since, as already mentioned, according to church tradition, this image favors a special mood for just such a prayer.

It is also believed that it is good to pray in front of the icon for people in prison, or ask for protection from unfair punishment. But even if a person has committed a crime and is sure of the inevitability of punishment for his deed, then in this case it is never too late for him to kneel in repentance and thereby follow the example of the right robber from the Gospel.

You just need to remember that a certain attitude is important for prayer, and also, in addition to the request, it must certainly contain words of gratitude to the heavenly patrons. As for the texts of the prayer before Pochaev way, then there are about five prayers, each of which contains a different request. You can also read the Akathist to the Pochaev Icon. Its content is based on the events of the military conflict with Turkey, when the monastery withstood the siege of the enemy army.

Of all the manifest miraculous images the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos is one of the most revered Christian shrines. The Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God is worshiped not only by Orthodox, but also by Christians of other trends and religions in all Slavic countries. The ancient face of the Mother of God has been located in the ancient stronghold of the Pochaev Lavra for more than 400 years.

Apparition of the Virgin Mary

The footprint of the Virgin Mary is depicted under the faces of the Mother of God and the Savior. It is displayed in memory of wonderful appearance the Queen of Heaven herself. This happened in 1340 on the mountain where the Pochaev Lavra is now located. Then two monks settled on this dais, wishing to retire from worldly life and devote themselves to prayers and service to the Lord.

As a reward for this, they were honored to see the Tsaritsa. As well as greatest miracle could see a shepherd who was tending a flock of sheep nearby. According to legend, the Queen of Heaven descended in a pillar of fire. Unharmed by the flame, she touched the stone with her foot, and in this place there was an imprint of her foot, which was filled with clean water... It still exists today, many pilgrims visit this place to collect miraculous water.

This legend is displayed on one of the miraculous icons called the Burning Bush. It is believed to protect against fires, which is why it is often placed in homes. The military, pilots, firefighters, doctors, rescuers ask her for help, considering the icon as their patroness. People who suffer for a long time from their sins believe that a miraculous image can incinerate their sins in repentance. It also helps with mental ailments, infertility, disorders of the musculoskeletal system and diseases that were beyond the power of doctors.

History of the Pochaev Icon

In the 16th century, the image of the Mother of God and the Child belonged to Metropolitan Neophytos of Constantinople. One day he passed through Pochaev and stayed with the noblemen of the Goysky. In gratitude for the warm welcome and in memory of his visit, he blessed Anna Goiskaya and presented her with a shrine. Soon, the metropolitan was appointed patriarch, and the holy image became famous for the most glorious miracles. Since then, the icon of the Pochaev Mother of God has become the lamp of faith of many pilgrims and the shrine of the whole nation.

The photo at first glance illustrates that the face of the Virgin Mary was executed by a talented painter in the Byzantine style. In this case, the artist used oil paints, and the image itself is depicted on a linden board. The icon was decorated with a small silver covering made in the form of a riza, but it was badly worn out. Over time, it was replaced by a pearl placer.

For several decades the Pochaev icon was kept in a pious Christian family Goiskikh. Although the icon was placed in a home prayer house, its owner was not distinguished by great strength of faith. When the maids said that they saw a bright radiance from the image, Mrs. Goyskaya considered this nonsense of commoners and did not attach importance to the miracle. But soon the mistress saw a dream in which the Most Pure One herself appeared to her in a shining light. After this, near the holy image, Anna ordered to light an inextinguishable icon lamp

In 1597 a miracle happened, which forever changed Mrs. Goyskaya's attitude to religion. Leaning against the icon during prayer, her brother Philip was healed. This made such a strong impression that Anna decided to transfer the shrine to the monks who settled on Pochaev Mountain. There they soon built a temple in honor of the Dormition of the Mother of God, and a monastery was built there. Goiskaya allocated considerable funds for this. Since that time, the icon has acquired the name "Pochaevskaya".

After the death of Anna Goyskaya, the mountain, together with the church and the monastery, went to her nephew Andrei Fereley, who was not Orthodox Christian... He removed the holy icon and other valuables from the church and kept them with him for about twenty years. Once he decided to mock the shrine in front of the guests, and for this he disguised his wife as a priest. She began to loudly shout blasphemy against the Mother of God, for which she was immediately punished. According to legend, an evil spirit entered her, and the offender fell ill with a mental illness - demonic possession. Only after Fereley returned the holy image to the monastery, his wife recovered.

The meaning of the image

In her right hand the Most Holy Mary holds God's Child, a the other covers His legs and back... The Blessed Virgin leaned her head against the Face of the Infant, which symbolizes her boundless maternal love. Right hand He gives his blessing, and holds the other on the shoulder of the Mother.

In addition to the Holy Faces, the Icon also depicts seven God's Pleasants.

Miracles of the shrine

Healing of Philip of Goyski was the first manifestation of the holy image that has survived to this day, but by no means the only miracle of the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. What the shrine helps in and what miracles it does is known practically from the moment of its appearance.

There are more than 500 cases of healing described in the annals. But miracles still happen today. The rescue of a nun from Orenburg is known. She could not walk and came to the shrine to pray for her recovery. Grace descended on the nun and went home on her own. Her crutches are still near the image.

Now a miraculous icon stays in the Holy Dormition Cathedral Pochaev Lavra as part of the iconostasis, which the monastery inherited from Alexander II. Every day the ministers lower the image on silk ribbons so that Christians can bow before him and read a prayer. Thousands of people, amazed at the healings that the miraculous icon created, come to bow before it in the hope that the Most Pure Virgin will help them in the same way as it happened before. Therefore, Orthodox believers value and revere the Pochaev icon of the Mother of God. What do they pray for and come with such requests? Primarily:

  • to give health to yourself and loved ones, to heal ailments of the body and soul, to get rid of lameness and blindness;
  • endow the family with peace and quiet, help get rid of disagreements, quarrels and enmity;
  • protect your home from enemies and unwanted guests, thieves;
  • guidance on the true path, strengthening faith, protection from wrong thoughts.

Prayer of the Pochaev Mother of God

When petitioning, one should cleanse the soul and mind of bad intentions, forgive your offenders, open your heart and sincerely wish forgiveness for the sins you have committed. When reading a prayer, you need to completely trust the Virgin Mary, and these promises must be fulfilled, otherwise you can draw on yourself anger and punishment.

The Akathist before the image tells about the appearance of the Lady on Pochaev Mountain, where her trace remained, about the history of the holy icon, about the healings that occurred by the grace of the Virgin Mary. It is performed in the form of a hymn, which must be sung while standing. Akathist to the Pochaev Icon of the Mother of God was created and approved for general church use in 1883.

Celebrating this shrine takes place on August 5 - in honor of the deliverance of Pochaev from the Turks and on September 21 - in honor of the transfer of the miraculous image to Pochaev Mountain. These dates are considered the days of commemoration of the icon.

When praying, one should not forget that the greatest miracle is the healing of the human spirit, the softening of the heart so that it can empathize and sympathize with its neighbor; filling it with love and forgiveness, which leads to peace and tranquility. Then a person can help others - heal their spiritual wounds. This should be asked first in prayer.