Comic predictions of a gypsy. The image of a gypsy at an anniversary or corporate party

  • 20.10.2019

If you want to diversify the New Year's holiday, take care of the entertainment. A great option - comic predictions on New Year. Merry New Year's prophecies will appeal to relatives and friends. Such a game is also suitable for a corporate party. I advise you to choose positive and kind options so that no one is offended. In the article you will find comic predictions about the future that are relevant in different companies.

List of joke predictions


The selection begins with predictions about health. Of course, they have a humorous bias, but some can be adopted.

  • “You won’t get sick in winter if you don’t forget to put on a warm scarf!”
  • “With health, everything will be ok if you gather friends more often!”
  • “If you harden yourself, you won’t go to the doctor!”
  • “You will strengthen your health in the New Year, and you will conquer any peaks!”
  • “If you lie naked on the ice, then the microbe will no longer creep up to you!”
  • “So save yourself from ailments - do more sports!”
  • “To improve your health, you need to visit a bathhouse!”

Career and work

A lot of money and success prophesies this year!
Raise your glass
And may you be lucky!

Looking forward to a miracle in the New Year?!
And the occasion sounds like a toast -
Career growth awaits you!

If you work like a horse
It will not be sweet in life!
In the New Year there is also a minute to relax,
And for a driving weekend - this is not a joke!

In the New Year, evil jokes on colleagues
Create large gaps in the aura!

The year will bring good luck in work -
You can solve any problem.

Career rise promises courage -
You will move to the top floor!

Predictions about work in prose will also make the holiday interesting.

  • In the New Year, many exciting daily activities await you.
  • Already at the beginning of the year, you will hear a powerful explosion: your envious people and competitors will burst with envy.
  • After the New Year holidays, you will be attacked by ... incredible luck, happiness and prosperity. Resistance won't help.
  • When delays at work disappear, the desire to increase will be fulfilled.
  • The increase in the budget is already waiting at the beginning of summer.
  • Carefully look under your feet so as not to stray from a successful path.
  • There will be more finance. Where is your wallet thicker?!

Love and relationships

  • “The Yellow Pig advises not to grieve, because friends will be around all year.”
  • “Blood will play in the veins, because love will warm the heart.”
  • “This is the forecast the heavens promise you: in the new year there will be only miracles in life!”
  • “An unusual year awaits: a round dance will spin love!”
  • “In the coming year, you will feel everywhere like a fish in water!”
  • "On a sunny deserted beach, your fate will lie next to you."
  • “Everything will be fine on the personal front!”
  • “There will be a sea of ​​​​friends and bright happy days».
  • “You will have special luck - expect an addition to the family!”
  • “The year promises to be successful without fail: you will fall in love with two at the same time!”
  • “You are lucky in life, which means that great luck awaits the whole year.”
  • "Be careful with gifts from loved ones: heavy objects can cause bumps on the forehead."
  • "The New Year will be bright - get a lot of gifts."
  • "In the New Year, do not borrow - borrow forever."

What will be the year

Many are wondering what the year 2019 will be like in general. Here are some humorous parting words on this topic.

  • “A pig promises good luck and a brand new cottage!”
  • “It will be a very difficult year, because, whatever one may say, it is hard to carry a suitcase full of money.”
  • “The Pig promises you a lot of happiness and pleasant troubles in the New Year!”
  • “If you are energetic, then the year will be different.”
  • “Your income growth is coming and an exotic holiday in the middle of the year.”
  • “There will be some wonderful days in the coming year: your birthday and each new day that comes.”
  • "A lot of sharp and pleasant sensations."
  • “From the beginning of the year there will be luck of various kinds.”
  • “The New Year will bring chic gifts, and every day will be bright!”
  • “We hasten to disappoint - your dreams are very modest, and great luck awaits you.”
  • “There will be a reason for joy in the coming year - a new car will appear.”
  • “Can you believe that your cherished dreams will come true soon!”
  • “The pig is preparing new discoveries and pleasant events for you in the year.”
  • “In the New Year, you are in full dress - real life awaits in “chocolate”.

Video plot

Hollywood doesn't even imagine

Various magicians, all-seeing, fortune tellers and astrologers are very popular. A well-thought-out prediction, presented in a comic form, will capture the attention of guests for a long time and make the holiday even brighter. Trying to understand what and how to predict, think about Hollywood, or rather, about the names of popular films with an intriguing plot.

To implement the idea, the lights are turned off in the room, only candles and garlands remain, and quiet music is turned on. A glass vase in the shape of a ball is passed around in a circle. Neon lights or garlands are placed at the bottom of the vase, and sprinkled with rose petals cut from corrugated paper on top. On one side of the petal, one of the following parting words should be applied:

  • This year expects - "Big jackpot".
  • Next summer you will meet - "Midnight in Paris".
  • Meet the Parents Soon.
  • You will never be - "Third extra".
  • This year you will experience - "Fatal Attraction".
  • You will soon find out that you are a “Million Beauty”.
  • Tomorrow you will have - "Sex and the City".

The number of entries is limited by the imagination of the person who compiled them and the number of films and series whose names are part of the joke. Each person at the table can receive several pieces of paper. A good game will come out of this idea, the winner of which is the one who has more rose petals and, accordingly, more predictions. The reward can be a dance to your favorite song or permission to come up with parting words for each participant.

With a song for life

Song lyrics are an inexhaustible source of information. The main ringleader of the holiday approaches each of the guests with a large dish, on which pieces of paper with a prediction are scattered in a chaotic manner, and asks to take one of them.

On parchment you can write:

  • Next year expects - "There are so many separations on earth."
  • In February you will meet - “Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world.
  • In the spring, you should be more careful with - "Oh, this wedding, wedding, the wedding sang and danced."
  • You should beware of a woman with a name - "Natasha, Natasha, my heart and soul."
  • A stranger will say - "But I did not know that love can be cruel."
  • Working days will be similar to - "And I'm walking like this all in Dolce Gabana."
  • After promotion wages you - "Oh, I feel, the girls will go on a spree."

The choice of song can be anything. The prediction must be carefully listened to. Everyone who can sing the next verse in the song and name its performer is given a small gift.

Poetic predictions among friends

New Year 2019 is a time for relaxation and rest. To make the holiday more provocative, you can please your friends with the execution of comic predictions in poetic form:

There will be money and success
Sex, girlfriend is the best
And salary, and work,
But one more concern
If a new limousine
Will not give you Georgians,
Not to see all these blessings
Somehow it is like that!

After the holiday party
Don't forget to buy a cart.
The sea of ​​​​money will be soon
Row them, forgetting about grief.

If you meet the New Year you are in sour cream, like a cat,
There will be happiness and success for a long time to please everyone
Therefore, do not sit here, hurry to the store
And buy not a liter, not two, but a bucket and a half -
Vodka, beer, moonshine, cognac, more liquor,
So that honest people remember the New Year for a long time!

In the New Year, a new salary,
coat, bag, boots,
thorn branch,
Glory, a little honor.

All desires will be fulfilled
And there will be success in everything
But for a big confession
Break everyone with your teeth.

There is a danger that colleagues
They will roll you out on a cart,
So that you will never see such a shame,
It is better to sit in a corner, quietly drink your juice.

You are such a prediction
Silence does not bring good
For you to be successful
Sing a song for everyone.

Predictions in prose

Before the start of the festival, each guest is given 1 prediction. When it is his turn to make a toast, instead of his speech, he reads what is written on a piece of paper. Expanding the message to the very toast is not recommended.

“This year, everyone will find a treasure – a spouse’s stash, a bill lost by the boss, a 50-year-old coin rolled behind the sofa.”

“In the coming year, you will be attacked. Among the criminals there will be luck that you cannot fight back.

“Smile more often, and then sign a lucrative contract with a toothpaste manufacturer.”

“Working hard in the year of the Boar will make you feel like a pilot in a time machine, as it will throw you back into the year of the Horse.”

“Next year you will win a million dollars, which will allow you to quit your job exactly before next year».

“Expect big shocks at the end of the year. Shocked by your success, all the envious and competitors will explode with anger.

“By giving your other half a diamond ring, you will become as close as possible to your colleagues, since you will have to spend the rest of the year at work.”

Make up jokes in such a way as not to offend a person, make him smile, and maybe even reflect on the advice received. Don't predict something big. Talking about personal tragedies, lack of money and turmoil at work is not something you should think about at the New Year's table.

For a prediction to be truly interesting, it must be designed for specific people. So, if a family of children, youth and the elderly has gathered at the table, then it is clearly worth refraining from jokes on intimate topics. The theme can be shared pleasant memories. The theme for children is favorite fairy tales and cartoons. Not knowing how to make a prediction for an adult, you can look into a book with your favorite poems. Many psychics do just that.

Pay attention to the design. Show your imagination and creativity. At the same time, keep in mind that in 2019, the trend will be elegance and unpretentiousness. What are the options for making comic forecasts?

  1. Biscuit. It will turn out a treat, an occasion to have fun, to make the evening more fun.
  2. Postcards in the form of snowflakes, Christmas trees or Christmas balls. Inside, the New Year's prophecy will be written.
  3. Packages with forecasts of the future in beautiful organza bags. Also a great idea would be to add in the form of sweets.
  4. Paper rolls in a large glass vase so that each guest can dip his hand into it and choose a fun forecast.
  5. Air balloons. So guests can burst the balloons and read the forecast about upcoming events.

You can use cookies, nuts, Christmas mini-socks, which will contain bundles with prophecies, place candy wrappers with forecasts on Christmas trees. New Year's celebration itself is bright, therefore, it requires correspondence in everything. Make sure that forecast wrappers are also in the subject.

Pay attention to the meaning of the predictions so that they create a festive mood and delight those present. Cheerful forecasts will make the New Year's party humorous, unpredictable, bright. You can also use catchphrases from movies, bright titles, song quotes. For example:

  • "Oh, this wedding, wedding, wedding sang and danced ...".
  • "... The trailer will move, the platform will remain."
  • "And I'll sit in a convertible and go somewhere."
  • “There are millions of chances that everything will come true soon”
  • “Million, million US dollars, life will be good…”

I hope the holiday will be cheerful and positive thanks to such interesting entertainment as comic predictions.

New Year is everyone's favorite holiday. Great time to get together and eat tasty food, make gifts and share wishes. Children see magic in it, that Santa Claus visits houses, leaving gifts there. And so that he knows which ones, the kids write letters. For adults, the New Year is also a time of waiting for a miracle. After all, they make wishes, make plans and believe that it will definitely turn out better than the previous one.

Therefore, the game is so popular - predictions for the New Year. Moreover, these are comic predictions concerning various topics. There are allegorical, where there are hints or lengthy expressions. There are accurate, reflecting the existing reality. There are many options to play this game. The main thing is to prepare in advance.

Comic predictions for films and songs

A great opportunity to have fun with a company when the gala dinner is eaten and dessert is left ahead. Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea New Year's predictions will surely like it.

How to apply:

Predictions can be hidden in a special cookie.

  • you can bake special cookies by putting notes with funny predictions inside them instead of stuffing;
  • inflate a dozen multi-colored balloons and give the players one by one a needle so that they burst them - put notes inside;
  • print multi-colored candy wrappers, placing notes inside, then wrap them in them chocolate candies and serve to guests for dessert;
  • write a dozen prophecies on identical pieces of paper, fold them and collect them in a box or hat - let the guests take them out one by one;
  • make short prophecies and assign a number to each, tell the guests at the feast the numbers or ask them to choose for themselves (for example: “Name the numbers one by one from 1-10”).

It is more interesting to guess for the coming year from films or songs. The results are funny sayings.

For example, find suitable song titles:

  • Dark night;
  • Night, night (Factor 2);
  • New turn;
  • One day the world will bend under us (c) (Time Machine);
  • Goodbye;
  • Wait, locomotive - from the film, Y. Nikulin / G. Vitsin sing;
  • Hope - A. German;
  • Renunciation - Fleur;
  • They won't catch up with us - Tatu;
  • Furry bumblebee;
  • White roses;
  • Winged swing;
  • Combat;
  • The wind of change;
  • Tenderness - M. Kristalinskaya;
  • Beautiful far;
  • There is only a moment;
  • What a woman!
  • White roses;
  • Farewell, love - A. Makarsky;
  • Memories - Factor 2;
  • I will stay - City 312;
  • Love - Dan Balan.

Interesting! You can make prophecies not just by taking the name, but by turning on the composition and listening to it. It will be a real musical evening. Many songs carry a deep meaning, give thought.

Examples of predictions that can be made based on the films of the current years:

"The evening of memories will end unexpected meeting. Perhaps an old school or student friend is coming?

“Goodbye, love of delicious donuts! The new year will clearly start with a new advanced diet!”

“A mysterious stranger will send you white roses. Who is he? The answer will surprise. Perhaps an admirer or an old friend?

“The year will fly by like a winged swing - up when you are lucky and the work is arguing, then down when difficulties arise. Keep swinging, the black stripe will definitely change to white.

“When a dark night comes without a moon, make a wish. It will come true soon."

"The usual life after new year holidays will end. The wind of change is inevitable! At first, the changes will seem like an unpleasant surprise to you, but then you will realize that everything is going great.”

Everyone makes certain plans for the coming year, so the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bNew Year's predictions will surely appeal to you.

Movie titles

You can guess by songs or movie titles. It's simple, at the same time original way get comic predictions for the New Year 2019. Then the guests themselves will be involved in the procedure for decoding the "prophecy", and most of the results will turn out to be cool. A list of used film titles should be compiled in advance or written later, with guests. Let them remember the pictures, and the facilitator writes down. In a column, no numbers. Then, the players call the numbers and the presenter finds the desired name in this list. According to him, he predicts for a year, adding a decryption option from himself or pre-distributing paper notes to everyone, where there will be names.

For example:

A bright version of the design of predictions.

  • Predator;
  • Armageddon;
  • Curse of a nun;
  • The scent of a woman;
  • The Taming of the Shrew;
  • The escape;
  • Sex in the big city;
  • Groundhog Day;
  • Deal with the devil;
  • Stranger;
  • Quiet place;
  • Titanic;
  • Big jackpot;
  • reincarnation;
  • The Wedding Planner;
  • A forty-year-old virgin;
  • Love affair at work;
  • Good luck zigzag;
  • Christmas trees;
  • matchmakers;
  • Long road in the dunes.

Examples of predictions for the new year:

"Awaits you ... a big jackpot!" - obviously about money.

“The taming of the obstinate awaits” - perhaps the authorities will take special measures to “educate” a negligent employee, or this “surprise” concerns the house. Will you have to educate your child more strictly?

“A colleague has been looking at you for a long time. Previously, he did not try to take action. An office romance will start suddenly. A stormy whirlpool of passions will swirl! Be extremely careful and trust your intuition!”

"Reincarnation forgotten project will bring an unexpectedly successful result, even if you have to try!

“Be careful, you will have to unite the team when the boss entrusts a new major project. Work as a united front, otherwise you will sink like the Titanic!

“The ominous curse of a nun awaits you! Perhaps your beloved mother-in-law or mother-in-law will soon arrive?

“Wait for the matchmakers! Is your beloved niece getting married?

Lines from songs

At the same time, train your memory, remembering the lines of some favorite compositions or the names of paintings. You can print them on leaflets in advance and distribute them to guests.

Suitable for forecasts (for the next year) song excerpts:

"Forget it, forget it" (c) "Hands up."

“Such tenderness, on the mirrors” (c) Maxim.

“Million, million, million scarlet roses” (c) A. Pugacheva.

"Oh mom, I'm going crazy!"

“Do not listen to anyone, only your heart - it knows everything” (c) Max Korzh.

“But when everyone leaves, stay, sit next to me” (c) Olga Marquez.

“I really want to be with you, but sorry, zai, fuck it” (c) Vitya Ak-47 - Sorry, zai, fuck it.

“And even if the whole world turns to dust, I will carry your heart in my hands” (c) Olga Marquez.

“Money, money, money. Always sunny in the rich man's world"

“Wait a little more. We will show you the way” (c) “The way.

"I am free! Like a bird in the sky!

“How lucky you are - my bride” (c) Mumiy Troll.

“Dad bought a car” (c) A. Pugacheva

“Everything will be awesome, everything will certainly be awesome” (c) P. Volya.

“Only, a glass of vodka on the table!” (c) G. Leps.

“The plane easily takes me away” (c) Valeria.

“For a week, until the second. I will go to Komarovo!”

“If you have a pack of cigarettes in your pocket. So everything is not so bad today ”(c)“ Cinema ”.

Interesting! Each line is a ready-made prophecy, the participants only need to choose! Wise wishes are hidden somewhere, somewhere there is a reason to laugh, at the same time to think.

In addition to lines from various famous songs or movie titles, you can write your own humorous predictions. At the same time, add meaning so that, in addition to a joke, they bring benefits to the players.

Examples of prophecies for this year:

Drink tea regularly, at the same time never get sick

Interesting texts for New Year's comic predictions.

your keyword will become: "Swiftly"

Rapidly - your career will develop in the new year,

Also rapidly - wages will increase.

Rapidly - relations will strengthen,

Swiftly - you have to run when the boss calls.

Quickly - there will be a bonus accrual.

Rapidly - the working year will fly by and a leisurely (there is no need to rush here) vacation will begin!

Look cheerful - everything will turn out great in the new year.

Verse predictions.

Happiness will come in your personal life,

At the same time, income will increase.

He will live peacefully, without worries and no worries.

Smile more often - and fate will answer you with a smile!

The year is bound to be successful.

You will calmly solve all the tasks.

Fulfill the plan, distinguish yourself with zeal,

And the authorities will praise, noticing this.

Ask for a prize, don't be shy.

At the same time, you will receive an increase sooner!

The prince is waiting for you, arrived long ago. A white horse, stable work, a bouquet of flowers - I collected everything. It remains to give him the answer: “Yes!” and take a step. Look around, he's near!

For a long time conceived - will certainly come true in the new year,

Troubles unexpected - will go unnoticed.

Expect by all means

The arrival of a harmful relative!

He will grumble all the time

But it will bring good luck and unexpected income.

He will come for a short time - he will visit everything,

At the same time, problems, sadness and troubles will take away!

Don't be sad, open better door wider.

How would you like to celebrate this New Year?


Happiness let in the New Year.

Hope will come with him, stand a little,

You take her out of the way.

Love will pass freely, impossible to hold.

With her, you can safely wait for a visit.

Prosperity will gradually approach the threshold,

The house, the threshold and the situation, he will closely examine.

He decides - it is necessary to stay, the people are pleasant, it is comfortable here.

Gather this company at your place, treat you with tea,

Wish or tell something - write it all down.

Feed deliciously, read fairy tales and put to sleep.

Now you always live with them!

It will be long, even dreary and difficult. Takes enough time, perhaps helps the nerves. But the result will definitely justify all investments - a new house!

Soon in the coming year, you will become the victim of an unexpected attack. In the evening, after all the New Year holidays, a group of unknown people will find you. Among them is luck, she will hold tight. Love will turn out to be an active ringleader, she is also the organizer of the attack. The third is prosperity, and inspiration will come with them.

It is worth warning - the attack will succeed and you will not be able to escape.

Smile more often, then you will get an unexpected offer. The director of a toothpaste factory will want to work with you.

Your wealth in the coming year will increase significantly after receiving a million dollar win! Be careful, do not waste money on trifles.

On a holiday, your numerous relatives will unexpectedly remind you of yourself. Everyone will invite you to visit, tasty food and give a gift!

You will feel like a prisoner of a time machine - you will have to work hard and it will seem as if you have returned to the year of the Horse. However, the results will justify the time and effort invested!

The end of the year will bring a series of strong upheavals. Your success will amaze your envious, competitors and other ill-wishers.

Expect a stranger to visit. He will appear on Sunday morning and shock you. Maybe it's the postman? Send you a notification of a million dollar win! Gotta let him in!

You will lose seven things: failure, debt, an unpleasant acquaintance, resentment, misfortune and a bad habit.

You will gain seven things in return: love, prosperity, luck, inspiration, hope, happiness and a bonus.

Be careful, the word "big" haunts you. If the salary - get a big one, if the project - they will entrust a large one, if the gatherings - then large-scale ones, where a lot of people will gather! So try to use this word wisely! Then the big boss will certainly be pleased with you.

The year will fly by! Get a cool car, have a cool rest at your favorite resort. Life will change dramatically, and a cool boss will order to give out a stunning bonus!

Looking for destiny? Be sure to visit a nudist beach and look around carefully. Perhaps your happiness will find you and settle down next to you in the new year!

A lot will pass in life. Only a few things will remain: happiness, prosperity, good health and good luck.

Prepare dinner, decorate the Christmas tree and open the door: Santa Claus will definitely come to visit! Treat him, entertain him with a conversation. At the same time, tell him about your plans. In return, the good old man will bring you a wonderful gift!


When composing the text of the notes, one must be guided by the age and hobbies of the audience. The main thing is not to offend, but to make those present laugh. If a company has gathered where there are children, it is better to avoid vulgarities. If all the guests are relatives or friends and they have been talking for a long time, you can add segments of pleasant memories to the prophecies.

It would be nice to write a few individual messages targeted at a specific recipient. His hobbies, professional activities and character will be clues.

You can use ready-made (written on postcards, etc.) texts

1. Happiness will come to your house,
This year will be generous.

2. Fun, joy and smiles
Will give you a violin.

3. You need to start a dacha,
So as not to weave intrigues.

4. Get yourself a dog -
You will avoid intrigues and fights.

5. Do not spare your legs -
Hit the gate more often.

6. Exercise in the morning -
You will not be exposed to colds and winds.

7. Don't go to karaoke
Follow the figure:
You're at risk
Don't mess up your registration.

8. I'll tell you a secret:
Charging will add power,
Not the internet.

9. You will study "excellent",
If you behave yourself.

10. A surprise awaits you:
Go on a summer cruise.

11. The package is waiting for you very much -
There will be mushrooms in it.

12. Do not go to the forest tomorrow -
The snow has completely disappeared.

13. Tomorrow you go to the river -
You will meet the prince along the way.

14. Not there, girlfriend, look:
It's dangerous, don't go.

15. Let the Christmas tree stand until March -
Protects the house from the wolf.

16. You memorize carols -
They are better than doctors.

17. Drive a round dance more often -
pies all year round will be sweeter.

18. They will bring you gifts,
But they need rewards.

19. Do not forget to congratulate everyone -
Don't miss out on success.

20. Do not spend the night on the Internet -
You will not meet the prince of the earth there.

21. Eat more carrots -
Be healthy and smart!

22. "Don't sit on the stove" -
Tears will be hot.

23. Develop your mind in your studies -
You will be a moneybag in life.

24. The traveler will knock on the house -
Gift silver.

25. If there is someone in mind,
Smile and he will notice.

26. Two roads ahead -
Don't walk on the curve
There will be no happiness
Cold only, bad weather.

27. If you meet a young man -
Give him cold
Kohl his mother -
Give her some porridge!

28. There are many stars in the sky,
But go your own way
Don't go where heaven is
You sip grief over the edge.

29. Have a good heart -
Do not dare to whitewash your enemies.

30. You will do a lot,
If you sing.

31. Don't throw your boots into the wind:
The betrothed-mummer will not notice him.
Stand by the road yourself and shout:
- Cold feet!
The betrothed will come and take you to the registry office.

32. In the year of the Goat, do not be a goat -
The house will be a bowl full.

33. When a sheep gives a fur coat,
The wolf will not become kinder
The goat will not become any.

34. Year of the Sheep when it enters,
The stately fellow will come.

If you are modest
You will forever love him.

He will take by the hand
And lead through life.

You will be in happiness
For a hundred and twenty-five years.

35. You buy mittens,
Sprinkle holy water
Put wheat grains in them -
Believe: soon your son will be born.

36. Look through the window at midnight:
If the sky is in the stars - three guys
They dream about you in their dreams.

In the fog the sky, in the clouds -
One, but the best and in verse
Will send you a message -
AT eternal love confession.

37. When you meet a car,
Look what color the tires are.

When they're darker than the night
Take the shorter route home.

When they are already in the snow,
Wait for an offer
About me, just not gu-gu.

38. Tell fortunes in the snow:
Sticks to mittens - drop it.
Why do you need Velcro?
You are a beautiful thing.

39. Draw a circle at midnight -
A beloved friend will appear in a dream.
If you don't leave your place -
You will be his bride forever.

40. Take these three flowers:
You will have a son and a daughter.

41. Coffee grounds prophesies paradise for you.

42. If your family is dear to you,
Hang goat horns over the entrance.

43. In order not to confuse a mug with a hoof,
You just need to shave in the morning.

44. To keep your feet on your own,
Do not go with a goat to Uncle Vanya.

45. To go for you red maiden,
The stubborn goat should evaporate from you.

46. ​​So that the milkies go to the ends of the world for you,
Work, and do not be goats yourself.

47. Milka loves, milka is waiting,
When a friend of her heart brings her a ring.

48. A road awaits your family to the Black Sea,
Do not let your wife do a lot of shopping:
Five swimsuits just -
Will swim without you.

49. If you buy boots for your daughter,
Wife - a hat, granddaughters - handkerchiefs,
You will be happy all year long
Full of energy and no hassle.

50. Health is the sea, energy is watts,
You will be strong and rich all year long.

51. There is a chest on the mountain,
Sound comes out of it:
There sits a simple sage
With a white long beard:

"If you find a chest,
You will find happiness immediately.
Will you be healthy, rich,
There will be peace and harmony in the family.

52. Your dream will definitely come true:
Do not be a sheep - and your friends will not let you stumble.

53. The Year of the Goat is not simple,
But hide your horns -
To butt - to remain without a loved one.

54. Do not look at life with caution,
After all, fairy tales happen in life.

55. Don't change a goat for a donkey:
Life will not be better than it was.

56. Buy a folk sundress -
All deceit will be revealed.

57. Call the one who is waiting
All the negativity will go away.

58. Came to "Russian Radio" hello,
The foreigner will write you an answer.

59. Sakhalin is a dream for Nin:
Your fiance is there, and not alone.

60. Go to Kamchatka -
On volcanoes you will get recharge:
You will be strong and beautiful
For his woman - the most beloved.

61. Our native Sochi is waiting for you,
From there, the path to love is shorter.

62. Give me an orange -
You will never be alone.

63. Do you want a son or daughter,
Put a bullet point on alcohol.

64. Do not expect a mink coat as a gift,
Otherwise, you will eat bread crusts.

65. A cruise awaits you
Photo session and prize.

66. You will be all in chocolate -
You don't need to eat a lot of chocolate.

67. Eat more, my friend, cabbage -
Will not be empty in your pocket.

68. Blue color wear more -
There will be true love.

69. Eat cabbage all year round -
The people will love you.

70. Do not let the goat to the cabbage -
Life will be bright and skillful.

71. If you are a single guy,
Don't smoke, but sing songs.

72. Take care of your braid,
Don't answer stupid questions.

73. Will you be smarter and more beautiful,
If you love oatmeal.

74. Eat cabbage and carrots -
You will be strong and smart.

75. Give a gift to a friend -
You will become his wife.

76. A goat without horns prophesies the road to hot countries:
Do not believe this - take your feet.

If he kneels, he will be lucky on a reindeer team.
If he gives flowers, you will be with his mother on “you”.
If you give a ring, your heart will beat.

77. Like cheese, you will ride in oil -
Don't forget to swim only.

78. You will be sweet as a pie,
And handsome as an ancient god.
Just don't forget about one thing:
Do not be a goat in your family.

79. In life, you are infinitely lucky,
A friend is waiting for you around the corner.

80. Do not count your years -
You will stay young forever.

81. Beauty saves the world -
If only your idol did not become a goat.

82. Rich people will come to you,
Will give a beard from cotton wool.

83. Decent people have gathered here,
But be careful: the goat is cute.

84. Cabbage will bring you a bag -
Don't be shocked by this.
You need to chop the greens
It is best to keep it in a glass jar.

85. Mirrors will say today,
That you're cuter than you were.
And tomorrow? There would be no sadness
We removed all mirrors from our eyes.

86. What eyes! How he sings!
Beautiful nose, beautiful mouth
But beware - it will lead
That only the devil will understand him.

87. Handsome in heart and soul,
By spring, he will be, believe me, with you.

88. Left, my friend, do not go,
You will not meet happiness ahead.

89. You will buy a car by spring,
Smile - do not make us face.

90. Wait for a gift car
And a bag of shoe polish.

91. You will definitely win the Olympics,
Just prepare well.

92. A business trip is waiting for you,
A barrel of honey and a sweatshirt.

93. Waiting for you, my friend, guests
Grind their bones.

94. Don't get into debt,
Eat less pies.

95. A journey awaits you and a plane ticket,
Sea, palm trees and romance, if it's not a hoax.

96. A friend will come to ask for forgiveness -
Put all the treats on the table!

97. With health, you will be fine,
A very cute gift is waiting for you!

98. If you are not lazy,
You can achieve success.

99. You will shine with your beauty,
Just please don't be shy.

100. You will have a great New Year,
You will provide the family with bread.

101. You will rest on the sea,
Forget all about problems.

102. You will conquer Moscow with your mind,
You will receive a prize in the Kremlin itself.

103. Your road will be smooth,
Everything will be fine in school.

104. Worldwide glory awaits you -
Be softer only in temper.

105. You are already rich in soul,
Do not rush to run somewhere:
You will get everything, everything will come -
Happiness is near, it is waiting.

106. You will receive a bag of dollars,
Do not put in the bank:
There will be shock.
Bring me -
I'll save everything
I will return then only the photo "Nu"

107. You will be rich over the edge:
You will meet a couple of Rai at once.

Marry to live in paradise
I will sing a song about my mother-in-law.

If you are going to arrange a holiday, be it a birthday, corporate party or any other celebration, pay attention to comic fortune-telling for guests at the table. Light, funny and humorous predictions will brighten up the festive evening and will not let the guests get bored. And today we will tell you about the most popular types of this entertainment.

The benefits of humorous fortune-telling

Laughter prolongs life - it is known to each of us. And what could be better than a well-spoken joke? When the feast lasts too long, the guests get tired of eating and talking, and not everyone likes to dance, so the idea of ​​adding variety to the celebration with a musical break is good, but sometimes not everyone can appreciate it. But comic gypsy divination for an anniversary or fun themed predictions on corporate party many will appreciate it. In a word, it is fun, cool and unusual, and besides, it will appeal to guests of any age - both adults and the smallest.

Comic fortune-telling for birthdays and anniversaries

If you have a birthday coming up, try to surprise the guests with something new, fresh, unusual. In the end, a banal feast with salads and cake is already last century. For most of the divination that we suggest you consider, guests do not even need to get up from their seats.

Notes with predictions

The simplest comic fortune-telling for guests at the birthday table is funny notes with predictions. If you are celebrating a holiday in a cafe or restaurant, before it starts, while the invitees have not yet entered the hall, put a small postcard or a beautiful mini business card under the plates. Naturally, the predictions on them must be pre-printed or handwritten. It will be very cool if you know exactly where and which of the guests will sit - then you can compose interesting individual forecasts for each person. Usually no one looks under the plate, so the risk that your idea will be revealed ahead of time is minimal.

It is best to notify people that you need to look under the plate after they have already eaten hot and are now sitting waiting for desserts and tea. You can even create a mystical effect by asking cafe workers to turn off the light for a few seconds, and after lighting it, as if by chance, look under the plate and say, “Look what I just found!” - in this case, the guests will immediately begin to raise their plates. Of course, it is better for each person to read their prediction aloud, especially if we are talking about a company of close people who know about each other's lives.

wizard hat

A wonderful surprise for the holiday is the game "Wizard's Hat". You can dress up one of the guests or a specially invited person in the outfit of a wizard from some famous fairy tale or movie. He must have a hat in his hands. The wizard invites the guests to find out their future, approaches each of them and asks them to pull out a piece of paper with a prediction from the hat, reading it aloud. A great option is comic fortune-telling in verse - they are usually perceived with delight. It is not at all necessary to compose a whole poem for each card, simple rhymed lines are enough, for example:

  • “Be with the one you love. And you can even buy a car!
  • “A successful month awaits you - there will be many dances, songs!”
  • “Wait for a salary increase and an active movement!”
  • “Expect a lot of love, and also - the road to your relatives!”
  • “Your dreams will come true - soon you will become a dad!”

Prediction on cups

Before drinking tea, the birthday man or his assistant puts small objects into tea cups - one in each. Each item should symbolize something.

  • Key - buying an apartment or a car
  • Coin - to money
  • Hairpin - a lot of social events
  • Button - household chores
  • Pacifier - the birth of a child
  • Ring - wedding (for singles), important events personal life(for married)
  • Pin - beware of ill-wishers

You can include other items in your set, the main thing is that they be meaningful. Next, the host or hostess puts the cups on a tray so that their contents are not visible and approaches one of the guests - he must choose any cup he likes, after which the birthday man tells what to expect in the near future to this invitee. After fortune-telling, the object is again placed in the cup so that other guests do not have to guess on the remaining things.

Comic New Year and Christmas divination

Now let's talk about what fun predictions you can arrange for your guests during the celebration of the New Year or Christmas.

fortune pie

Everyone will definitely like this comic fortune-telling for guests at the table at Christmas or New Year, because in order to find out their future, those present will literally have to eat. The hostess of the house where the celebration takes place bakes pies or one large pie in advance, in each piece of which she puts a piece of paper with short prediction, for example, "long trip", "romantic date", "new love", "family chores", "friends support". Each guest must try the treat and read aloud what awaits him in the coming year. In the company of young people or teenagers, you can come up with more ridiculous predictions related to the lifestyle and habits of those gathered at the table.

magic bag

Comic fortune-telling "Magic Bag" is ideal for celebrating the New Year. In the midst of the holiday, Santa Claus (of course, he will be a disguised acquaintance) should come into the room with a huge bag and invite all guests to find out what awaits them in the coming twelve months. Symbolic gifts are put into the bag in advance, according to which you can make a prediction. For example, a toy car can report that a person will buy a car, a baby saucepan - that a person will spend a lot of time in the kitchen, a soft toy heart - that a lot of love awaits the questioner, a baby doll - the birth of a child, a plush kitten - that a pet will appear in the house, and so on. . So that guests cannot guess by touch what exactly is in the bag, you can tie a rope to each surprise and invite guests to pull it. It is desirable that there are more gifts than guests, so that the one who pulls the gift last has a choice of at least three options.

Love New Year's forecast

Another interesting comic fortune-telling for guests at the table for the New Year is connected with love. The one who conducts the predictive session needs to prepare several identical items in advance different colors e.g. hair ties. Each guest is invited to close their eyes and choose one of the things, and then those present make a love forecast based on its color.

  • Red - passion, sexuality
  • Black - quarrels, omissions
  • Blue - mutual understanding, the transition of relations to a new level
  • Green - the birth of a child
  • Orange - joint creative project, active life
  • Blue - cloudless relationship
  • Purple - unusual and even sometimes mystical events
  • White - the situation will remain as it was

Gypsy fortune-telling at a corporate party or other holiday

It was believed that the gypsies were the best at predicting the future. Therefore, comic fortune-telling by a gypsy for a holiday, anniversary or corporate party remains popular at all times. Agree that the appearance of a charismatic predictor of the future will have an indelible effect on your guests.

crystal ball

This is a very interesting and exciting comic gypsy fortune-telling at a corporate party that always goes with a bang. When everyone present has already eaten, drunk and danced, a real gypsy suddenly enters the room - in a bright colorful skirt, gold jewelry and a black wig. She takes out a crystal ball and approaches each of the guests in turn, and then, looking into her magical instrument, tells something about the past, present and future of the chosen person. This fortune-telling will make a real sensation if the role of a gypsy is completely stranger, to whom the organizer of the holiday will tell in advance interesting information about each of those present. However, in the place of the crystal ball, the fortuneteller can simply ask for the hand of each of those present and tell something by reading the lines. It will be no less effective. The main thing to remember is that the comic fortune-telling of a gypsy at a corporate party should be exclusively positive. Avoid bad or ambiguous predictions, because among the public there may be suspicious people who take everything to heart.

Thematic gypsy fortune-telling for the anniversary

Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy for the anniversary of a woman or a man does not have to take place in a mystical atmosphere at all. You can make a funny prediction from a book or from a geographical atlas. This is done as follows: a gypsy woman enters the room, carrying some book under her arm (any fairy tale, some kind of funny work or even poetry will do). Then she approaches the hero of the day or someone present and asks the person to ask a question. Questions should be fairly simple, such as “will I have a vacation this year?”, “will we go barbecue this weekend?”, “will I buy new car?”, “Will I receive an award?” etc.

After the man has asked a question, the gypsy asks him to close his eyes, open the book to any page, and point his finger to the right place. Then the person opens his eyes and reads out the sentence he pointed to with his eyes closed. Most often, such predictions are very funny. Another way is to guess from a geographical atlas, only questions need to be asked related to the place, for example: “where will we go on vacation?”, “Where was I yesterday?”, “Where will I go today after the holiday?”. And you can successfully combine both of these methods, choosing either a book or an atlas, depending on the question received.
Comic fortune-telling by a gypsy at a corporate party and all other funny predictions presented in the article can be modified at will, introducing more and more new elements into them.

Gypsy 1: Happy New Year, chavelles!

Gypsy 2: Happy New Year, ravels!

Gypsy 2: (to youth) Ah, you are young, blue-eyed, why are you looking around? I see you're in love? You will get married in the new year. Of course, if the girl does not refuse.

Gypsy 2: (to girl) And you, dove, have to wait another 2 years. Lavane-nane and life nane. Gold your pen!

Gypsy 1: We'll tell you everything, we'll show you everything (who gives the coin).

Gypsy 2: Thanks, darling (to viewer) if you want to know which month in the new year will be lucky for you, drive a coin. The coin is copper, the gypsy is harmful. He doesn’t say everything at once, he doesn’t reveal secrets, be patient a little.

Gypsy 1: In a year of days, as in a herd of horses. Now a black day, then a white day, and only one happy (to viewer) show money. The money is round, the gypsy is swarthy, you add more, I'll tell you everything.

Gypsy 2: They gave a penny, you will learn for a ruble. And, come on, falconers who were born in December, January, February, stand up. Wow, how many of you! Look at each other, remember. And sing along to the winter song (song about winter).

Gypsy 1: And who is the birthday cake baked in March, April, May? Stand up, smile at each other, wave and sing a spring song (song about spring).

Gypsy 2: And to whom is the loaf sung in June, July, August? Please, a summer song sounds for you (singing a summer song)

Gypsy 1: My diamonds, diamonds, only autumn trees remained. Who is being pulled by the ears in September, October, November? (song about autumn) Thanks, have a seat.

Gypsy 2: And now everything is in a row: winter, spring, summer, autumn.

Gypsy 1: Whose camp will be the most cheerful and friendly, he will win. Well, well, my pearl, yacht, victory for .... (announces)

Gypsy 2: Not surprisingly, they are more fun, there are more of them, stand up, we will admire you again.

Gypsy 1: Tell me, precious ones, which of you is the most precious? Who has more gold and silver on their fingers, on their ears, and on their navels? (We are looking for the most precious and it comes out).

Gypsy 2: A colored skirt is for a gypsy, what a beard is for Santa Claus, and, well, chavelles are ravellas, who has more flowers in their clothes? Here you, beloved, have both green and blue, so don’t count, don’t go astray, go on stage.

Gypsy 1: Tighten those who made everyone happy with their appearance, the year is big, the road is long. On the road, they wonder who has the longest hair? The road fell out on the stage to go.

Gypsy 2: Well, my diamonds, the wolf's legs are fed, and the gypsy's cards. Whoever pulls out which card, he performs this or that number.

(tasks are glued on the cards)