Chalk from bedbugs “Mashenka. Chalk "Mashenka" from cockroaches: the principle of action, composition and reviews

  • 14.06.2019

When faced with an insect infestation, people need cheap but effective remedy to fight them. Since Soviet times, it has been customary to use the Masha chalk from harmful cockroaches: it is easy to use, almost harmless to people, highly effective and economical, because 1 chalk for 20 rubles. it is possible to process a living space up to 40 m2.

In the world regularly appear innovative technologies, medicines and means are being developed to destroy domestic insects. These include emulsions, gels, sprays, pencils from cockroaches, ants, bedbugs. However, such an “old” remedy as the “Mashenka” crayon from cockroaches does not lose its popularity. It is constantly bought by people to destroy cockroaches and cockroaches, because it has high efficiency and safety during use.

Appearance of the product and form of release

The poison resembles ordinary white chalk (20 g) in a blue cellophane package. In stores you can buy "Mashenka" chalk only in this form. 1 crayon is enough to process living space up to 40 m 2.

Active ingredients "Mashenka"

On the shelves of stores, the remedy for malicious cockroaches "Mashenka" appeared back in Soviet times and is still in use today. However, it is considered to be modern, because the manufacturer makes changes to the composition of the chalk in order to increase its efficiency.

Means "Mashenka" from cockroaches contains the following components.

The principle of operation of "Masha"

Pros and cons of the tool

Many remember from childhood that in some houses, especially in apartments, they saw painted stripes on the walls, around sinks, and next to them - dead insects. It was "Mashenka" from cockroaches, because insects like to settle in high-rise buildings, multiply and infect large living spaces.

There are also disadvantages of "Mashenka".

"Masha" is also dangerous for a person if he does not take precautions.

Precautionary measures

Instructions for the use of chalk "Mashenka" from cockroaches says that it is required to use the product rationally, using protective equipment.

  1. To prevent poisons from getting on the skin, the room should be treated with protective rubber gloves.
  2. In order to avoid damage to the respiratory tract by Masha, it is required to draw lines on the walls by wearing a respiratory mask.
  3. To prevent harmful particles of chalk from entering the oral cavity, after processing the room, wash your hands with soap and water.

We need to explain to the children that the lines drawn in chalk are poisonous, and make sure that the kids do not touch them with their hands!

Method and rules of application

  • near baseboards and cracks in the walls;
  • sinks, washbasins, toilet bowls and other plumbing fixtures;
  • trash can;
  • heating and water pipes ny systems;
  • refrigerators, furniture.

The crayons have a solid structure. Some believe that it is in this form that the agent is most effective, while others prefer to grind the insecticidal agent and use it in other forms. In addition to the classic crayon, it can be used in the following ways.

  1. Powder. It is in demand when cracks are visually visible from which insects crawl out. People grind chalk with an unnecessary grater and throw it into the wall.
  2. Solution. To prepare it, you need to pour "Mashenka" with a small amount of water and wait until the chalk dissolves. The resulting solution wash the floor, surfaces of furniture, baseboards.
  3. Some powder the living space with crushed chalk, but this method of application is hazardous to health, because the owners of the apartment will inhale the insecticide.

Chalk "Mashenka" is an effective tool, even if they just paint the surface of the walls. When an insecticide is additionally applied in the form of a solution and powder, the effect is many times higher.

Validity of "Mashenka"

The manufacturer of the chalk guarantees the action of the insecticidal agent for 2 weeks. However, over time, the chalk particles crumble, insects erase them with their bodies, and then the chalk becomes less effective. It is recommended to use it at least 2 times a week, regularly refreshing the lines.

Many consumers consider "Mashenka" time-tested. It appeared in the nineties and immediately fell in love with the people for destroying domestic Prussians quickly and mercilessly. What is the effect of this crayon and how harmless is it to people?


"Mashenka" is a pencil-crayon white color. It is packaged in blue. "Mashenka" is produced in Russia, there are also Chinese analogues of the product. The pencil weighs 20 grams.

The composition of the product

The agent contains an organophosphorus compound of the poisonous type chloropiphos. It is in the composition of the chalk 0.5%. The rest of the weight falls on the cementing agent, which also negatively affects cockroaches. Chloropyphos is a pesticide and is widely used for pest control in agriculture.

The action of the drug

The effect of the action of "Mashenka" in the first application always makes an indelible impression on people - cockroaches begin to literally climb out of all the cracks, fall from the ceilings, and soon the apartment is covered with their lifeless bodies. The process itself, judging by the reviews, is also impressive - the body of cockroaches bends and seems to be torn from the inside.

This powerful action produces chloropyphos - a strong nerve poison of intestinal and contact action. When it enters the body, it blocks nerve impulses by acting on acetylcholineserase, a substance responsible in the body for transmitting a nerve impulse.

To get rid of cockroaches, our readers advise the Pest-Reject repeller. The operation of the device is based on the technology of electro-magnetic pulses and ultrasonic waves! Absolutely safe, ecological product for humans and pets.

As a result, all muscles begin to convulsively contract, which quickly develops tremor and paralysis of all systems. Chlorpiphos enters the body of cockroaches when eating chalk and in contact with it. It is important that chlorpiphos is very resistant to environment and is not afraid of temperature changes. Therefore, it is able to act for a very long time - according to some reports, the remedy works for 40-70 days without losing its toxic properties. Therefore, the newly arrived insects will have the same unenviable fate.

The cementing compound also has a bad effect on cockroaches, although it is not poisonous. Once inside, it clogs the blood vessels, causing death to occur even faster.

Ways to deal with cockroaches (video)

Pros and cons of the drug

The pencil has a lot of advantages, which determines its popularity.. He:

  • quickly and effectively acts on cockroaches, getting rid of them in one application;
  • acts for a long time, maintaining activity for several weeks;
  • easy to use;
  • is very cheap.

Like any drug, it has its drawbacks. Chlorpiphos is a fairly potent poison. The instructions for the drug say that the substance belongs to the 4th hazard class. But if you read about chlorpiphos separately, you can find out that preparations based on it are considered to belong to 2-3 hazard classes. Accordingly, they can already be dangerous for humans, and therefore it is necessary to work with the drug carefully, observing all safety rules.

Cons of the drug:

  • the product should not be applied in a house where there are small children and animals, as they may accidentally touch the poison;
  • it is necessary to monitor the correct application of the drug;
  • safety rules must be followed very carefully.

Processing rules

It is necessary to work with Masha with gloves and a mask. Applying the product is very simple: you need to draw lines for them in the room:

  • along all baseboards;
  • around the vent;
  • behind all cabinets;
  • under window sills;
  • along the doors
  • in the area of ​​​​sewer and water pipes, as well as through pipes;
  • around the trash can
  • along the rapids;
  • around furniture;
  • on the back of cabinets, drawers.

It is extremely important that the line that the pencil draws is continuous. Otherwise, cockroaches may not step on it and will not be poisoned.

Do not smoke, drink water, eat or touch your face while working. Processing should be carried out as quickly as possible.


The manufacturer of the pencil claims that the remedy is valid for one week. And manufacturers of chlorpiphos claim that it lasts up to two months. Of course, there is only half a percent in the chalk of chlorpyphos, and therefore it acts much less, but still some residual effect persists for several weeks.

Many consumers advise the pencil not to save and apply more than the manufacturer recommends, but it is better not to exceed the indicated doses. Experiments are not very appropriate, especially if there are animals and children in the house.

If the substance is ingested

  • If the rules for working with the drug are not followed, poisoning is possible. This can manifest as abdominal pain, vision problems, seizures, insomnia, and weakness.
  • If the product is ingested, then before contacting a doctor, you should drink a glass or two of a two percent soda solution. You should try to induce vomiting and empty the stomach until the poison is absorbed.
  • If the product gets into the eyes, then atropine is instilled into them.
  • If the pencil just got on the skin, then you need to wipe it with an alcohol solution and rinse with water.
  • After getting the product inside, and especially when symptoms of poisoning appear, you should definitely consult a doctor. Substances of this class are quite dangerous, despite their minimum doses.

Remedies for cockroaches (video)

Pencil "Mashenka" - a highly effective means of combating cockroaches. It is easy to use, it works quickly and quite reliably. In combination with low price this makes the tool very attractive and popular.

Pencil "Mashenka" is an insecticidal preparation of contact action - it acts on cockroaches after they come into contact with the treated surface. The tool is available in the form of a white pencil, packed in blue cellophane packaging.

Advantages and disadvantages of a pencil

Chalk "Mashenka" has a lot of important advantages:

  • High efficiency;
  • Easy application;
  • Low toxicity - for the period of treatment you do not have to leave the apartment, as the product is safe for animals and people;
  • Multifunctionality - acts not only on cockroaches, but also on bedbugs, ants, fleas, wood lice and other insects;
  • Lack of smell;
  • Availability. Where to buy Masha's crayon? It is sold at any hardware or specialty store;
  • Low cost.
Important! Despite the safety, in a house with small children it is better not to use chalk.

As for the shortcomings, there will not be so many of them:

  • Limited exposure time - you need to regularly update the drawn lines;
  • The need for special storage conditions - low humidity air, dark place, room temperature;
  • Local exposure - the cockroach becomes infected only by direct contact with the line.

A cockroach infected with insecticides, which are contained in the "Mashenka" chalk, brings the infection into the nest to relatives and they also die

Important! When outlining the right places, make sure that the line is continuous. Only in this way will you eliminate all possible loopholes!

How to use the chalk?

Pencil "Mashenka" can be used in several ways.

Method 1. Drawing

It involves the application of a chalk line on the surface to be treated. Perhaps this is the most convenient way that does not require special protective measures. The main thing is that the line remains continuous, otherwise the insects will easily cross it. Stripes are best applied along the entire perimeter of the apartment, carefully circling the baseboards and doorways. One chalk is enough for about 30 meters.

Method 2. Dusting

In this case, the surfaces are showered with crushed chalk powder. This method is justified in cases where you have no way to draw a continuous line (solid bumps or hard-to-reach areas). To disadvantages this method may be associated with an increased risk of poisoning. In addition, when dusting, the adhesion strength of the insecticide to the surface is significantly reduced. Therefore, it is justified only as an additional measure in hard-to-reach areas.

Important! Having settled on this method, take care of the means of protection. To avoid contact with poison, put on gloves on your hands, and protect your mouth and nose with a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator.

Method 3. Aqueous solution

Chalk can also be used in liquid form. To prepare the solution, it is necessary to grind the crayon to a powdery state, and then dilute it in 5 liters of water (warm). The resulting liquid is used to wash floors and wipe other surfaces. This method allows you to significantly increase the cultivated area. But do not forget - the concentration of the poison will be an order of magnitude smaller, reducing the effectiveness of the remedy. A solution prepared from one pencil is enough for an average 2-room apartment.

Dissolve one crayon "Masha" in a bucket of water and you will get an excellent solution for processing walls and floors

Advice! After about a week, the action of the chalk begins to decline, so the procedure will need to be repeated. Before doing this, be sure to remove the remnants of the product with a damp cloth. Carry out the treatment until the complete disappearance of insects.

Processing rules

  • Kitchen sink and washbasin;
  • Gas stove;
  • Refrigerator;
  • Entering pipes into the riser;
  • Bin;
  • Dinner table;
  • Ventilation holes;
  • Back sides of countertops and kitchen furniture;
  • Garbage chute;
  • Walls under windows;
  • Skirting boards;
  • Thresholds;
  • Food lockers.

In the summer, it is necessary to process the space behind the heating radiators or close to them. During the heating period, this remedy will not give any results, since the elevated temperature completely kills the insecticidal properties of the chalk. All surfaces must be pre-washed and wiped dry.

Important! Before starting work, be sure to inspect your home and try to find all cockroach nests.

You also need to follow a few simple rules:

  • Don't take the chalk with bare hands- release it from the packaging only up to half the length and hold it by the packed end;
  • Apply a fairly wide line - 2-4 mm;
  • Finding cockroaches only in the kitchen, do not limit yourself to this territory. Walk with a pencil through other rooms, otherwise the insects will simply run there in search of shelter;
  • Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water after disinfection;

  • If there was contact with the skin, immediately wipe it with an alcohol tincture;
  • If the powder gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, seek medical attention immediately.

There are many drugs that protect our home from harmful insects, but many housewives like the good old Mashenka chalk for efficiency and ease of use. This remedy has been known for a long time, and recommendations were passed from mother to daughter: to draw white stripes along the floor and walls. This method is effective, but if you use only it, you will not get half the benefits of a popular insecticide. If you have already opted for white bars, try to reveal all their positive qualities when applying.

Chalk "Mashenka" from cockroaches - the advantages and disadvantages of the drug

An inexpensive white bar can solve the problem of harmful insects in an apartment where children or allergy sufferers live. The drug deserves a lot positive feedback. Consumers particularly like the low toxicity to humans and pets and the high effectiveness in killing insects.

TO positive qualities also applies:

  • low cost;
  • no unpleasant odor;
  • easy to apply on any materials and just as easy to wash off;
  • helps against several types of insects.

Of course, any poisonous drug is dangerous for babies, who, while crawling on the floor, can erase a strip with a pen, and then put their dirty fingers in their mouths. If there are small children in the apartment, draw lines only in places inaccessible to them. Adult cats and dogs are unlikely to lick traces of chalk, and kittens and puppies may be interested in an incomprehensible pattern - protect them from contact with poison. It is most convenient to process the apartment when the whole family with pets goes to the country for several weeks, before returning them you will spend wet cleaning, collect dead insects with a vacuum cleaner - and there will be no dangerous traces left.

There is a drug "Mashenka" and disadvantages. An apartment with white stripes on the walls and along the baseboards does not look very aesthetically pleasing. It is advisable to carry out processing at a time when guests rarely come to you. Users also refer to the minuses the effect of the drug for a short time. The lines have to be periodically updated, especially quickly the drug is destroyed by sunlight.

Chalk "Mashenka" is not a brand, its name is not protected by copyright, and many companies produce this drug. Often negative reviews come from those who bought cheap bars on the market, released no one knows where. Chalk is not that expensive, when buying, give preference to companies that specialize in the production of insecticides and have earned a good reputation.

How does the "Mashenka" chalk work on pests?

The active ingredients of the crayon - zeta-cypermethrin and deltamethrin - make up only 5-10% of the weight of the pencil. The rest of the mass includes gypsum and chalk. Contact drug: in order for an insect to be poisoned, it must touch the drawn strips. Usually one bar is enough for big room, to process a private house or apartment, you need to stock up 3-4 crayons.

Chalk "Mashenka": instructions for use

It is very simple to use the Masha chalk, it has the shape of a bar, familiar to everyone from school times. Do not rely on your skills, the instructions for use are not written in vain, you should read it. You can simply draw dashes in hard-to-reach and inconspicuous places for children, but there is no guarantee that there will be active movement of insects. For maximum efficiency, outline the entire room around the perimeter with a continuous line at least 2 cm wide. Draw a closed outline along the baseboards on the floor and on the walls. Now the cockroach will not be able to leave or enter the room without touching the poisonous trail.

Treat the entry points of communications, ventilation openings, window sills. If there are gaps or holes in the structures, draw a solid closed path around them. Circle hard-to-reach places where insects like to nest: the back walls of furniture, the internal cavities of cabinets and sofas. For convenience, you can grind the bar and sprinkle the places where pests accumulate with powder.

When dealing with harmful insects, you need to take precautions and protect yourself from contact with poison. When drawing lines, you can open one end of the package and hold the drug by the cellophane wrapper, but it is better to wear rubber gloves. Try not to get particles of the drug on your face: if you grind chalk or sprinkle insect nests with powder, it is advisable to protect your eyes with glasses. After work, wash your hands and face with soap and water before touching food.

Chalk "Mashenka" from bedbugs

We can't always choose clean neighbors. If dirt, disorder reigns behind the wall, insects run freely throughout the apartment, then soon they may move to you.

For prevention, carefully treat all places where uninvited guests may appear:

  • window and door openings;
  • ventilation holes;
  • pipeline route locations;
  • area around outlets.

Chalk "Mashenka" - processing an apartment from fleas

To get started, arm yourself with a vacuum cleaner and clean all hard-to-reach places, cracks, upholstered furniture and toys, so you will collect the bulk of both insects and their eggs. Burn the filter or treat with an insecticide. Take the "Mashenka" crayons, draw stripes along the floor and walls. The bedding of a cat or dog can be covered with powder, and after a while washed in hot water.

Does the "Mashenka" crayon help against ants?

Cockroaches and fleas can jump over or fly over the drawn lines. Ants, on the other hand, do not possess such abilities, and a line 2 cm wide will become an insurmountable obstacle for them. They will bring pieces of “delicacy” to the nest, feed all the inhabitants, and treat the female laying eggs. After a while, the entire family will be destroyed.

On the garden plot you can sprinkle powder on the ground around the anthill. If there are aphids on the plants, make an aqueous solution and spray the affected bushes with a spray bottle. In this way, you can deal with 2 types of pests at once. The same liquid composition can be poured directly into the anthill. Remove upper layer earth and pour the powder or pour the liquid preparation into the place where the insects accumulate. The principle of action of the drug in any form is absolutely the same.

Cockroaches in the house make you look for new ways to destroy them. It happens that a new tool appears on the market. Effective. Over time, earns bonuses for excellent pest control results. And, as soon as the demand for it increases, firms immediately appear that begin to flood the same market with counterfeit. A consumer who does not understand the intricacies of packaging, the presence of watermarks and other intricacies, having bought into the advertisement of the original drug, gets a “dummy”: often much cheaper, but absolutely ineffective. As a result, there are completely opposite reviews. It is difficult to understand the list of domestic and foreign drugs today.

Mashenka is a piece of chalk that many people choose because of its recognition

The insecticide is characterized by the contact method of exposure. The active elements are deltamethrin, zeta-cypermethrin, gypsum and chalk. The insecticides included in the composition account for about 5% of the weight. They belong to the fourth (highest) degree of danger. They are characterized by increased toxicity to pets and birds, humans. The lion's share (almost 95%) in the composition of the chalk is occupied by chalk and gypsum. The term of activity of drugs decreases when exposed to the sun and high temperatures.

How does chalk kill cockroaches?

Trying to get to food or water, the insect overcomes the line drawn in small pieces, getting dirty in the composition.

Attention! Outlining the right places, you need to ensure that the line is not interrupted. This eliminates loopholes through which a cockroach can get through unstained.

Processing method

  • Prepare surfaces to be treated: wash and wipe.
  • You should not take the chalk in your hands with your bare hands. The face must also be protected with a mask or respirator.
  • After tearing the package from one end, release the chalk by half the length. You need to take it for another, packed end.
  • Pencil Mashenka from cockroaches is usually applied with a solid thick line 2-4 mm wide in habitats where insects feed: garbage chutes, trash cans, bins, sinks (on the underside), shelves with cereals, flour, etc.

The refrigerator, stove, countertop (with reverse side), thresholds, back walls of cabinets, cabinets. Do not forget to outline the entry of pipes into the riser, ventilation holes, baseboards, thresholds, walls under the windows.

  • Behind heating radiators or close to them during the heating period, there will be no effect from the pencil, because. high temperature "kills" all insecticidal qualities.
  • If the application surface is uneven, it is difficult to draw a solid line, you need to proceed as follows: crush the chalk and sprinkle the surface with powder.

Attention! Another way to use chalk is to dissolve it in water. Wipe all surfaces with this solution. But it is not recommended to use an aqueous solution, because. the effectiveness of insecticides is sharply reduced.

If cockroaches are found only in the kitchen, do not limit yourself to this room. Other rooms in the apartment should also be treated, where insects can move, escaping from the same kitchen. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and water after disinfection. If the pencil accidentally touches the skin, rinse this place with water or wipe it with alcohol tincture. In case of ingestion or on the mucous membrane of the eye, immediately contact a medical institution.

Objective characteristics of the chalk "Mashenka"

  • Availability. You can always buy it without any problems through the Internet market, in special departments of hardware stores, in the markets.
  • Pretty effective result small price, but the duration is limited.
  • The substance is odorless, it is not necessary to remove animals and people. However, in an apartment with small citizens it is better not to use chalk.
  • Simple application.
  • Low toxicity.
  • Multifunctionality: ants, fleas, bugs, wood lice, flakes fall under the action.
  • Manifestation of local impact: the cockroach becomes infected only by direct contact in the area of ​​​​application with a small line.
  • Needs special storage conditions: a dark place, room temperature and low humidity.

Attention! In cases of severe infection of the apartment with colonies of cockroaches, the use of one piece of chalk will not be enough. You need to use gels, traps or repellers at the same time.

Summing up, we can summarize: the remedy for cockroaches Masha is most useful in the initial stage of infecting an apartment or as a preventive measure. It can be an addition to the main method with a more powerful insecticide.

Masha can be dissolved in water and used like this