The meaning of the icon is the life-giving source of the Most Holy Theotokos. Icon of the mother of God "life-giving source

  • 29.09.2019

The warrior Leo, who later became emperor (455-473), in a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, met a blind man who asked for water. For a long time Leo could not find a water source, when suddenly he heard the voice of the Most Holy Theotokos, who pointed out to him the source and ordered him to put mud from those waters on the eyes of the blind man. After that, the blind man received his sight, and the warrior, becoming an emperor, marveling and rejoicing at the miraculous healing, ordered to cleanse the source and erected a temple in its place. The temple was named - a testimony to the miraculous power of the source.

After the fall of Constantinople, the temple was destroyed and rebuilt only in 1834-1835.

In memory of this miracle on the day of the Icon Mother of God Life-giving source small blessing of water is performed - it occurs repeatedly throughout the year, the great blessing of water is performed only on the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany)

Iconographically, the image of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Source goes back to the Byzantine image of the Lady Victorious type, which in turn goes back to the image of the Sign type. Initially, the icon of the Life-Giving Source was transmitted in the lists without the image of the source, later a bowl (phial) was included in the composition, and then also a reservoir and a fountain.

On Bright Week, the service is filled with joyful Easter hymns, fasting on Wednesday and Friday is canceled, the entire Liturgy is served with open Royal gates and after each liturgy, a procession of the cross is performed.

On the same day, at the Liturgy, the Gospel about the expulsion of the merchants from the church is read.

The Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source"

In the 5th century in Constantinople, near the so-called "Golden Gate", there was a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. There was a spring in the grove that has long been glorified for miracles. Gradually, this place was overgrown with bushes, and the water was covered with mud.

Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Once the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met in this place a blind man, a helpless traveler who had gone astray. The lion helped him out onto the path and sit in the shade for rest, while he himself went in search of water to refresh the blind. Suddenly he heard a voice: “Lion! Don't look far away for water, it's close here. " Surprised by the mysterious voice, he began to look for water, but did not find it. When he stopped in sadness and thoughtfulness, the same voice sounded a second time: “King Leo! Go under the shade of this grove, draw up the water that you find there, and give it to the thirsty one, and put the mud that you find in the spring on his eyes. Then you will know who I am, sanctifying this place. I will help you soon to build a temple here in My name, and all who come here in faith and call on My name will receive the fulfillment of their prayers and complete healing from ailments. " When Leo fulfilled all his command, the blind man immediately regained his sight and without a guide went to Constantinople, glorifying the Mother of God. This miracle took place under the emperor Marcian (391-457).

Emperor Marcian was replaced by Leo Markell (457-473). He remembered the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God, ordered to cleanse the source and enclose it in a stone circle, over which a temple was built in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. Emperor Leo called this spring the "Life-giving source", as the miraculous grace of the Mother of God manifested in it.

Emperor Justinian the Great (527-565) was a man deeply committed to Orthodox faith... He suffered from water sickness for a long time. One day at midnight he heard a voice: "You cannot regain your health if you do not drink from My source." The king did not know what source the voice was talking about, and fell into despondency. Then the Mother of God appeared to him in the afternoon and said: "Get up, king, go to My spring, drink water from it and you will be healthy as before." The patient fulfilled the will of the Lady and soon recovered. The grateful emperor erected a magnificent new temple near the temple built by Leo, at which a populous monastery was later established.

In the 15th century, the famous temple of the Life-Giving Spring was destroyed by Muslims. A Turk guard was assigned to the ruins of the temple, who did not allow anyone to approach this place. Gradually, the severity of the prohibition softened, and the Christians set up a small church there. But it was destroyed in 1821, and the source was filled up. The Christians cleared the ruins again, opened the spring and continued to draw water from it. Subsequently, in one window, among the rubble, a leaf was found half rotten from time and dampness with a record of ten miracles from the Life-Giving Source, which took place from 1824 to 1829. Under Sultan Mahmud, the Orthodox received some freedom in the performance of divine services. They used it to erect a temple for the third time over the Life-Giving Spring. In 1835, with great triumph, Patriarch Constantine, co-served by 20 bishops and a large number the worshipers consecrated the temple; a hospital and an almshouse were set up at the temple.

One Thessalian from his youth had a strong desire to visit the Life-Giving Spring. Finally, he managed to hit the road, but on the way he fell seriously ill. Sensing the approach of death, the Thessalian took the word from his companions, so that they would not bury him, but took the body to the Life-Giving Spring, there they poured three vessels with life-giving water on him and only after that they buried him. His desire was fulfilled, and life returned to the Thessalian at the Life-giving source. He accepted monasticism and spent the last days of his life in piety.

The appearance of the Mother of God to Leo Markell took place on April 4, 450. On this day, as well as annually on Friday of Bright Week Orthodox Church celebrates the renovation of the Church of Constantinople in honor of the Life-Giving Spring. According to the charter, on this day, the rite of consecration of water is performed with Easter religious procession.

The Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant God is depicted on the icon above a large stone bowl in a reservoir. By the reservoir, filled with life-giving water, are depicted suffering from bodily ailments, passions and mental infirmities. They all drink this life-giving water and receive various healings.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Let us draw, people, celibacy for souls and bodies with prayer, the River foretolds all - the Most Pure Queen Mother of God, pouring out wonderful water for us and washing away the hearts of blackness, purifying sinful scabs, sanctifying the souls of the faithful with Divine grace.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mother and the patroness of all those who come running to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, called the Life-giving Source of blessed healing, heal the sickness of the suffering and pray for Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that you send down mental and physical health to all those who come to You and, forgiving us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grant us everything even to eternal and temporal life is necessary. Thou art joy to all who grieve; hear us, sorrowful ones; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; Thou art the exacting of the lost, do not allow us to perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all evil of the situation. To her, our Queen, our invincible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Thy face away from us for the multitude of our sins, but extend to us the hand of Thy motherly mercy and create with us a sign of Thy mercy for good: show us Thy help and make good haste in every deed good. Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and the thoughts of the evil one, may we always glorify Your holy name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.

Prince V.V. Golitsyn. Half a century later, the estate passed to Prince D.K. Kantemir, who ordered to replace old church on a new, stone, in the style of Peter the Great Baroque. Half a century later, his son, Prince M.D. Kantemir, renewed the building of the temple again, adding a northern side-altar to it and dedicating it in memory of his father to the great martyr Dmitry Solunsky. A little later, a southern side-altar appeared in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The prince's interest in this temple is associated with the veneration of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source", which is known for helping in finding a child. The childless prince M.D. Cantemir. In addition, the temple became the tomb of the family. In 1775, after the acquisition of the Kantemirov estate by Catherine II, this place was named the village of Tsaritsyno. In the 1930s, the Tsaritsyn Church, like many Moscow churches, was closed and in subsequent years was used for economic purposes. As a result, the church building and its murals were badly damaged. In 1990, the temple was returned to the believers, and after its restoration with a blessing Holy Patriarch Of Moscow and All Russia Alexy, who personally consecrated the revived church in 1998, divine services were resumed in it. At present, the church contains particles of the relics of many saints.
Address: Moscow, st. Dolskaya, 2. Tel .: 8 (495) 325-34-56.

Moscow region. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" (Kosmodamianskaya) in Metkino

The annals say that in the 17th century in the village of Metkino, not far from Moscow, there was a wooden church of Cosmas and Damian. In 1701 it burned down, but many icons were saved, they were placed in a small chapel built nearby. In 1848, the present stone church was built in its place, dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source". The appearance of the new church was not accidental. In 1829, an extraordinary event took place in Metkin - the appearance of the image of the Mother of God "Life-giving source". And in 1840, the soldier's widow Avdotya Evdokimova, who lived in Moscow, handed over to her homeland, in the village of Metkino, the image of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-giving source", presented to her by the merchant Anna Kiriyanova. From that time, people from all the surrounding areas began to flock to worship the image of the Mother of God. Two months later, the rector of the church, Father Vladimir, wrote to Metropolitan of Moscow and Kolomna, His Eminence Philaret, that “there are more and more people coming to worship the image” and the reason for this is the miraculous healings that come from the icon. The next rector of the church, Father John, in 1846 turned to the Metropolitan with a request to allow the construction of a new stone church In the name of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Spring" on donations from numerous pilgrims. Six months later, the foundation of the church took place. Its architecture harmoniously combines features of late classicism and pseudo-Russian style.

With the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source", which enjoyed great veneration among believers, processions of the cross were held every year to the surrounding villages. V Soviet time the temple was closed. Some of the icons were saved thanks to the parishioners who hid them in their homes under threat of death. But the miraculous image of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" disappeared without a trace. The church building has suffered many damage. Only in the 1990s, in complete desolation, it was returned to the believers, and intensive work began to restore the temple. Moreover, people participating in the restoration said that they heard angelic singing in the dilapidated walls of the temple. As if the Mother of God herself patronized his revival. The temple was consecrated in 2003, and the main altar was dedicated, as in the old days, to Saints Cosmas and Damian, and its two side-chapels - to the icons of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" and the holy Archangel Michael. The double name of the church is connected with this.
Address: Moscow region, Domodedovsky district, Domodedovo, White Stolby microdistrict, st. Metkino, 12.

Tver. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" (Sorrow Church)

Church of God Maeri Life-giving source.
Tver. XVIII century
Until 1750, there was a home for poor and homeless people on the Sorrow Hill. Then it was decided to build a temple here in the name of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” and open an almshouse with it. In 1763, during a big fire in Tver, the church burned down. After 30 years, a new stone church with the All Saints' side chapel and a bell tower was built in its place. A little later, two more side-chapels were added to it: in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Joy of All Who Sorrow" and the Mother of God "Life-giving source", which became the main one. The temple is distinguished by a special, unusual architecture for Tver. It is the only church in the city with a classicist rotunda and a seven-sided baroque altar. In Soviet times, the temple was closed, the porch was broken, and the building was used as a book warehouse. The church was returned to the believers in 1994. Now this working temple, well maintained, is considered to be the decoration of the city.
Address: Tver, st. Volodarsky, 4.

Arzamas. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Church of the Mother of God Life-giving source. Arzamas. XVIII century
This beautiful church with intricate decorative molding and rich history was built in 1794. Its main altar was consecrated in honor of the icon "Life-giving source", two small ones - in honor of the Archangel Michael and the icon of the Mother of God "Satisfy My Sorrows". The temple has a very interesting structure of the building - in the form of a ship. The carved iconostasis was made by the famous Arzamas masters Mitryashchevs. The church was closed in 1935, the icons were lost forever. However, in 1944 it was returned to the believers, and since then it has been a functioning temple. Of the many ancient Arzamas churches for which the city was so famous at the beginning of the last century, only two temples, standing on the main square of the city, have retained their original appearance. These are the Resurrection Cathedral and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source". It contains an ancient and rare prayer image - the icon "Cathedral of the Most Holy Theotokos", which is revered as the main shrine of the temple.
Address: Nizhny Novgorod region, Arzamas, pl. Cathedral.

Zadonsk. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" in the Zadonsk Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery

The Zadonsk monastery was founded at the beginning of the 17th century by two pious elders, schema monks, Kirill and Gerasim. The first monastery church was dedicated Vladimirskaya icon Of the Most Holy Theotokos. In 1692, the monastery, which at that time already had a considerable scale and fame, burned down to the ground. Only the miraculous icon, with which the monks began the construction of the monastery, did not touch the fire. After this miracle, through the efforts of numerous pilgrims, the monastery was restored. The source at the Zadonsk Monastery, according to the chronicle, became known from the beginning of the 18th century. In 1730, a chapel was built near it in honor of the Life-Giving Spring icon of the Mother of God, and in 1870 a temple was erected. After the 1917 revolution, the spring was filled up, the temple was closed, and various Soviet institutions were located within its walls: from a hospital to a food processing plant. The restoration of the monastery began in 1988 with the renovation of the main Vladimir Cathedral. Three years later the first monks settled in it. In 1991, the holy relics of St. Tikhon of Zadonsk, which were previously a revered shrine of the monastery, were solemnly transferred to the monastery. In 1994, the monastery source was restored and the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was recreated from the preserved lithography. A bathhouse has now been built at the spring for those wishing to plunge into the healing waters. In the main Vladimir cathedral of the monastery there are many locally revered icons, relics brought from Jerusalem, and particles of the relics of God's saints.
Address: Lipetsk region, Zadonsk, st. Commune, 14.

Sortavala. Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source" and the Life-Giving Trinity in Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery

The Valaam Spaso-Preobrazhensky Monastery, located on a high hill on the island of Valaam, on Lake Ladoga, was founded in the 10th century by the Monks Sergius and Herman of Valaam. At the turn of the XV-XVI centuries. the monastery was called "the great lavra", it was famous for its high spiritual life. Many famous Christian ascetics in different centuries asceticised within the walls of this monastery: the Monk Arseny of Konevsky, Venerable Alexander Svirsky, the Monk Savvaty of Solovetsk, the Monk Euphrosynus of Sinozersk and others. The Valaam monastery has been attacked by the Swedes more than once. After the complete ruin in 1611, the monastery remained in oblivion for more than a hundred years, and the Finns settled on its territory. Only the holy relics remained intact Venerable Sergius and Herman, hidden by the monks deep underground. In the 18th century, at the direction of Peter I, the revival of the Valaam monastery began. In 1782, the famous elder-ascetic Nazariy from the Sarov desert was appointed abbot of the monastery, and with his arrival a new creative stage in the history of the monastery began. He introduced the cenobitic charter of the Sarov Monastery in the Valaam Monastery. Under him, a five-domed stone Cathedral of the Transfiguration with a high bell tower and cell buildings with the Assumption and Nikolskaya churches were erected.

The Church in honor of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was built in 1814 under the successor of Father Nazariy - Hegumen Innokenty. The building style is Byzantine. The monastery was repeatedly visited by the imperial persons and spoke highly of it. Emperor Alexander I ranked the Valaam monastery among the first-class ones. After the 1917 revolution, Finland became independent, and Valaam ended up on its territory, which made it possible to save the monastery from ruin for a while. In early 1940, the monastery was heavily bombed by Soviet aviation. The brothers were forced to evacuate to Finland. The monastery bell sounded sadly for the last time, announcing the death of the monastery. After the transfer of the Valaam archipelago Soviet troops the monastery suffered the tragic fate of slow destruction. Only in 1989, the authorities of Karelia allowed to transfer part of the former monastery, and the first monks arrived on Balaam for a revival monastic life... Since 1990, the monastery has come under the jurisdiction of His Holiness Patriarch Alexy II of Moscow and All Russia. V next year the monastery acquired a spiritual treasure - the incorruptible relics of the Valaam ascetic, hieroschemamonk Antipas, from which miracles of healing continue to this day. The old relics are gradually returning to the monastery, for example, the ancient reliquary cross with a particle of the relics of the great martyr Panteleimon the healer. One of the main shrines of the monastery is the Valaam image of the Mother of God, through prayers before which healings are performed. Saint Ignatius (Brianchaninov) wrote: "Valaam, on which you see granite ledges and high mountains, will become for you that spiritual height, with which it is convenient to go to the monastery of paradise." And now thousands of pilgrims come to Valaam with the desire to touch the life-giving source of faith.
Address: Republic of Karelia, Sortavalsky district, about. Valaam, Sortavala.

Complete collection and description: prayer to the icon is a life-giving source for the spiritual life of a believer.

You are the source of truly living water, Lady, ailments of souls and bodies of fierceness, wash away with Thy only touch, pouring out the Water of Christ's salvation.

Today, by the flow of faith to the Divine and celibate image of the Most Holy Theotokos, pouring out drops of her outpourings, and to the faithful who have shown miracles, even we see and hear, spiritually celebrate and kindly cry out to heal our ailments and passions, as well as Karkin's and the most healed passions. We also pray to Thee, Most Pure Virgin, pray to our Christ our God incarnate from Thee, to save our souls.

From the inexhaustible Thy, the Graceful Source of God, give me, sharpen the waters of Thy grace, ever flowing more than words. As for the Word that gave birth to more meaning, I pray to Ti Xia, sprinkle me with grace, but I call Ti: Rejoice, Savior of Water.

O Most Holy Lady the Lady Theotokos! Thou art above all Angel and Archangel, and all creatures are most honest; Thou art helper of the offended, hopeless hope, poor intercessor, sad consolation, hungry for the nurse, naked garment, healing the sick, salvation of sinners, Christians of all position and offensive. O All-merciful Lady, Virgin Mother of God, by Thy mercy, save and have mercy on His Holiness Orthodox Patriarchs, Most Reverend Metropolitans, archbishops and bishops and all priestly and monastic order, and all Orthodox Christians with Your honest robe; and pray, O Lord, from Thee without seed the incarnate Christ of our God, that He may gird us with Thy power from above against our invisible and visible enemies. O All-Merciful Lady, Lady of the Mother of God! Raise us up from the depths of sin and deliver us from gladness, destruction, cowardice and flood, from fire and sword, from finding aliens and internecine warfare, and from vain death, and from the attack of the enemy, and from pernicious winds, and from deadly ulcers, and from all evil. Grant, O Lord, peace and health to Thy servant, to all Orthodox Christians, and enlighten them the mind and eyes of the heart, hedgehog for salvation; and you are honored, your sinful servants, of the kingdom of your Son, Christ our God; as if His kingdom is blessed and glorified, with His Beginning Father, and with the Most Holy, and Good, and His Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and forever and ever. Amen.

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Celebration of the Life-Giving Source icon takes place on Friday of Bright Week.

What they pray for Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source": pray for the preservation of a righteous life; about the healing of severe bodily and mental ailments and passions; about help in sorrow.

Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source"

Prayer to the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source"

O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady the Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-giving Source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, you gave us; Even so, thank the being, we earnestly pray to Thee, the Most Holy Queen, pray to Thy Son and our God to give us the forgiveness of sins and to every soul that grieves and embittered mercy and consolation, and liberation from troubles, sorrows and diseases. Grant, Lady, protection to this temple and this people, preservation of hail, deliverance and protection to our country from misfortunes, so that we will live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to come in to You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son and our God. To Him be glory and power with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer for the icon of the life-giving source

Friday of Bright Week

Description of the icon of the Mother of God "LIVING SOURCE":

In the 5th century, near Constantinople, there was a grove dedicated, according to legend, to the Most Holy Theotokos. In this grove there was a spring, for a long time glorified for miracles, but gradually overgrown with shrubs and ooze. In 450, the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met a lost blind man in this place, helped him to get out onto the path and settle in the shadows. In search of water for the traveler who had lost his strength, he heard the voice of the Mother of God, commanding him to find an overgrown source and anoint the eyes of the blind with mud. When Leo fulfilled the command, the blind man immediately received his sight. The Mother of God also predicted to Leo that he would become emperor, and seven years later this prediction came true.

Becoming emperor, Leo Markell remembered the apparition and prediction of the Mother of God and ordered to cleanse the source, surround it with a stone circle and erect a temple in honor of the Mother of God on it. The emperor called the holy key the "Life-giving source", since the miraculous grace of the Mother of God was manifested in it. The icon of the Mother of God, painted for the new church, was named in the same way.

In the 6th century, Emperor Justinian the Great, after drinking water from a spring, recovered from a serious illness, built a new temple near the temple built by Emperor Leo, at which a populous monastery was created. In the 15th century, after the fall of the Byzantine Empire, the Temple of the Life-Giving Spring was destroyed by Muslims. Later built a small church was also destroyed in 1821, and the source was filled up. The Christians again dismantled the ruins, cleared the source and still drew life-giving water from it. After the Orthodox received some relief in the performance of divine services over the Life-Giving Spring, a temple was rebuilt, at which a hospital and an almshouse were set up.

The icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-giving source" was deeply revered in Russia. In the Sarov Hermitage, a temple was erected in honor of this icon. Those sick pilgrims whom the Monk Seraphim of Sarov sent to pray in front of the miraculous icon of the Mother of God, received healing from her.

On the Friday of Bright Week after the Liturgy in Orthodox churches usually a prayer service for water is performed in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source". The faithful sprinkle their gardens and orchards with the water consecrated at this prayer service, invoking the help of the Lord and His Most Pure Mother for the gift of the harvest.

Before the icon of the Most Holy Theotokos "Life-Giving Source" they pray for the preservation of a righteous life, for the healing of bodily and mental ailments, passions, for help in sorrow.

Prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-giving source"

Oh, Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Lady Theotokos, Thy Life-Giving Source, heal gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world, give it to us, so much the same, thank the creature, we fervently pray to Thee, Most Holy Queen, pray to Thy Son and our God to give us the abandonment of sins and every soul that grieves and embittered mercy and consolation, and liberation from troubles, sorrows and diseases. Grant, O Lady, protection to this temple and this people (and to observe this holy monastery), to preserve the city, to save our country from misfortunes and to protect us, let us live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of Your Son. and our God. To Him be glory and dominion with the Father and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion to the Most Holy Theotokos in front of Her icon, called the "Life-Giving Source"

Today, by the flow of faithfulness to the Divine and celibate image of the Most Holy Theotokos, pouring out drops of her outpourings, and to the faithful showing miracles, we even see and hear spiritually celebrate and kindly cry: heal our ailments and passions, as well as Karkinski and our passionate ones; so much the same we pray to Thee Most Pure Virgin, pray to the incarnate Christ of our God for our soul to be saved.

Let us draw, people, celibacy for souls and bodies with prayer, the River foreruns everyone - the Most Pure Queen of the Mother of God, pouring out wonderful water for us and washing our hearts blackness * , sinful scabs cleanse, souls sanctify the faithful with Divine grace.

* Blackness- a property of black, meaning sinfulness.

From the inexhaustible You, the Source of God-gracious, give me, sharpen, the waters of Your grace, ever flowing more than words, as if the Word gave birth to more meaning, pray, sprinkle me with grace, and I call Ty: rejoice, saving water.

We magnify Thee, Blessed Virgin, and we honor Thy holy image, even as our diseases are healed and our souls are raised to God.


Chosen from all generations to the Lady of the Theotokos, who reveals grace-filled help to us, we will praise Thy Rabbi Theotokos. You, like the Abiding Mother of God, pour out on us your great and rich mercies, heal our ailments and relieve our sorrows, but we call you grateful: Rejoice, Lady, pouring out Life-giving Source to the faithful.

The Archangel and the Angel are perplexed by the multitude, It is reasonable for You from God the Word, having established the earth on the waters, praise according to the commons. We, the Most Honest Cherub, and the Most Glorious without comparison, Seraphim, in tenderness for Your good deeds, who were upon us, dare to call You: Rejoice, Lady, chosen by God the Father; Rejoice, illuminated by the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, exalted in the birth of the Son of God; Rejoice, blessed in wives. Rejoice, O Great Mother of God; Rejoice, pleasing from all generations. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Seeing, Merciful Mother, blind from thirst of the suffering one, The source of living water for drink and healing for the sake of the governor, who wanders in the wilderness, you have shown: he is gratefully crying out to You: Alleluia.

Understanding Your Divine voice, the voivode, indicating the source of water, and knowing it like the Font of Siloam, it will not only give water to the thirsty one, but also frees the one who is thirsty, but we are looking for Your mercy, we cry to Thee: Rejoice, Lady, painting the font of salvation; Rejoice, healing blindness of soul and body. Rejoice, weakened affirmation; Rejoice, walking of the lame. Rejoice, Mother of Light, opening the eyes of the blind; Rejoice, illumining those who sit in the darkness with the light of truth. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

The Power of the Most High overshadows everyone, who flows with faith and reverence to Thy Life-Giving Source, Most Pure Lady Mistress. By the power of the Most High Autumn, we, Bogomati, humbly leaning towards You and crying prayer: Alleluia.

We have an ineffable wealth of mercy, to all the sick Lady, Thy helping hand, healing ailments, healing passions, in Thy Life-giving Source we find: for this, for the sake of crying out to Thee: Rejoice, Source of endless joy; Rejoice, Cup of inexpressible goodness. Rejoice, treasure of grace that is not depleted; Rejoice, always giving mercy to those who ask you. Rejoice, healing of various ailments. Rejoice, satisfaction of our sorrows; Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

In a storm of bewilderment, the blind man was embarrassed, seeking water to quench his thirst. And behold, as it was ancient, by the power of God, water flowed out of the stone: so also now in the desert there is a waterless source, Tamo Moses, the source of water: here You are Yourself, O Bogomati, servant of miracles, so we pray: our thirsty souls of piety give water to drink, yes we call to you: Alleluia.

Hearing the governor, Thy wondrous voice, Mother of mercy, indicating a source of water, indicating a hedgehog thirsting for water and healing blindness, and seeing the event of words in sight, cry out to the face: Rejoice, Lady, comforting sufferers; Rejoice, restoring the sick. Rejoice, granting words to the dumb; Rejoice, healing all the weak. Rejoice, help to those in need; Rejoice, consolation of despondent. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Divine water from Thy Life-giving Source, pouring out currents of grace, drawing out for the healing of mental and physical ailments, Virgin Mother of God, gratefully crying Ty: Alleluia.

Seeing the people of the blind, with the water of Thy Life-giving Source, who has seen His sight, Bogomati, sweeping with songs as if to serve Thee with gifts: Rejoice, Lady, opening the doors of the faithful to mercy; Rejoice, you who do not shame those who trust in You. Rejoice, you who comforts those in need; Rejoice, liberating from misfortunes. Rejoice, fortifying those who are weak; Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

The preaching of Your miracle, Mother of God, is a voivode, as if a blind man is wondrous with water from Your Life-giving Source, enlighten the eyes and we enlighten the dark apple of your soul, so gratefully preach Your mercy calling: Alleluia.

Raise Thy Life-Giving Source to us, Merciful Mother, the many-different grace of Thy Son and Our God, Christ the Life-Giver exuding. For this reason, we bring Ti the singing: Rejoice, Lady, our zealous Intercessor; Rejoice, Guardian of the temples of God. Rejoice, glorious Abbess of the holy monasteries; Rejoice, discipline in monasticism. Rejoice, strengthening of the monastics in obedience; Rejoice, protection and protection of all the Christians. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Desiring the pious Leo, the voivode, by Thy king, Lady, named, grateful to bring to Thee, build a temple on the place of Thy miracle, naming this Life-giving Source, so that all Thy haves here gain all help, crying to Thee: Alleluia.

The new font of Siloam, more than those of ancient times, appear, Most Pure Lady, Your temple, in Nemzha we worship the icon of the Life-Giving Source, for you will not give the health of the body alone in the summer and only to those who come first, but I will take out every mental and physical ailment, you will heal. For this, we cry to You: Rejoice, font, in it our sorrows are immersed; Rejoice, cup of joy, in which our sorrows dissolve. Rejoice, give a stone to those thirsty for life; Rejoice, tree that delights the bitter waters of the sea of ​​life. Rejoice, source of life-giving water that is not depleted; Rejoice, bathhouse, our sinful filth, washing conscience. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

A strange and glorious miracle is the temple of Thy Life-giving Source, the Mother of God, in her spiritual and bodily thirst is quenched, and the diseases of obsession are healed. We are such a glorifying cry of Ti: Alleluia.

To all who come with faith to Thy Life-giving Spring, give me something, Merciful to the Lady Theotokos. About all of these, I am grateful to you crying to Thee: Rejoice, Lady, incarnate incorporeal; Rejoice, consolation of suffering mothers. Rejoice, guardians of the motherless children; Rejoice, young Mentor. Rejoice, education of babies: Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Every angelic and human nature marvels at Your mercy, Most Holy Virgin, as if the Helper and Intercessor are always and to everyone, who sing to You: Alleluia.

The vetias of the multi-message cannot praise the Life-giving Source of Thy inexhaustible grace with dignity, below explain the power of Thy miracles for the healing of the sick and for every benefit of the soul and body manifested by man, but we will praise Thee with praise: Rejoice, Temple of the Living God; Rejoice, Home of the Holy Spirit. Rejoice, Glory of Angels; Rejoice, Universe Power. Rejoice, salvation of the world; Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

To save all the suffering, the source of life was revealed to the world, the Most Holy Theotokos, in the waters of grace, and all in sorrow and sorrow receiving healing and consolation, we gratefully call You: Alleluia.

Wall and cover in troubles and needs of Your help to those who ask for things, the Lady of the world, the Life-Giving Source to everyone, may there be a fence from all diseases, in misfortune and sorrow, consolation to those who cry: Rejoice, Lady, proud and obstinate people, pacification; Rejoice, suppression of wicked and evil intentions. Rejoice, intercession of the offended; Rejoice, you who offend admonition. Rejoice, punishment for the guilty; Rejoice, innocent justification. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

We bring the packs and packs to You, the Mother of God, in repentance, crying from the depths of our souls, all-heart-filled singing before Thy Life-giving Source: Lady, accept Thy servant's prayers and deliver us from all sorrow and illness, need and sorrow, and cry out to God for You: Alleluia.

Thy Divine Source shines with a radiant candle in the world with rays of grace, the Most Holy Theotokos, enlightening the wonders of the minds and hearts and instructing to call to Thee: Rejoice, Lady, enlightenment of minds; Rejoice, purification of our hearts. Rejoice, renewal of the spirit; Rejoice, consecration soul. Rejoice, strengthening of health; Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Thy Grace The Life-Giving Source has, the Most Holy Virgin, we resort to Thee, as to unbreakable wall and intercession, look with mercy, Most Holy Theotokos, for our fierce anger and heal our souls and bodies of sorrow and illness, may we call You: Alleluia.

Singing Thy miracles, we praise and glorify Thy Life-giving Source, Most Holy Virgin, from worthless currents of many different grace, we magnify Thy praises with titmouth: Rejoice, Lady of God Chosen; Rejoice, Bride of God. Rejoice, blessed in wives; Rejoice, exalted more than above. Rejoice, the one who is standing before the throne of the Lord; Rejoice, our Intercessor, always praying for peace. Rejoice, Lady, pouring out the Life-giving Source to the faithful.

Oh, all-chanting Mother, Thy Life-giving Source to the world, pour out great and rich mercies from worthlessness, accept our grateful prayer, grant us the source of the present and future belly: let me call you: Alleluia.

(This kontakion is read three times, and then ikos 1 and kontakion 1 are read)

Also read on our website:

Icons of the Mother of God- Information about the types of icon painting, descriptions of most of the icons of the Mother of God.

Lives of the Saints- Section dedicated to the Lives of Orthodox Saints.

Beginner Christian- Information for those who have recently come to the Orthodox Church. Spiritual instructions, basic information about the temple, etc.

Literature- Collection of some Orthodox literature.

Orthodoxy and occultism- The view of Orthodoxy on fortune-telling, extrasensory perception, evil eye, corruption, yoga and similar “spiritual” practices.

Orthodox icons and prayers

Information site about icons, prayers, Orthodox traditions.

Icon of the Life-Giving Source in which it helps

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The icon to the Life-Giving Source of the Mother of God dates back to the 5th century. It was then that near Constantinople a miraculous image with the help of a source was able to heal the blind. This miracle could not go unnoticed, and after that it became known to everyone about this diva by the decree of Emperor Leo I, in honor of the created miracle, a temple was built not far from the divine source.

It is very difficult to name even an approximate number of those people who were able to heal themselves in this temple. And soon, from the image of a nearby source, they began to write lists, which were then distributed throughout the world, bestowing healing and God's grace on Orthodox people.

The shrine itself depicts the Mother of God sitting in a font with a little Jesus in her arms. From such a type as Nicopeia Kyriotissa (Lady the Winner), the iconography of this face of the Virgin comes. From the very beginning, the source was not painted on the shrine, but after that Fiala (bowl) was included in the overall composition. And later they began to depict a reservoir and a fountain at the shrine.

The meaning of the icon and how it helps

The holy face of the Mother of God has a much deeper meaning and significance than just its healing properties from the holy water in the original source or later fonts and springs that were consecrated in her honor.

The Life-Giving Source of the Most Holy Theotokos is the personification of the Holy One, who bears in her bosom the universal Savior, giving life to all who sincerely believe in him and in his Father, who is always in his soul.

After all, it is not for nothing that many say that the Lord is our Life, calling him the Life-Giving Christ, and the source is the beginning - She, the Mother of God, not for nothing in the Russian icon-painting tradition one of the names of the face sounds like "Source". That is, this is the embodiment of the beginning of the source of life, which in the festive kontakion is read as the Water Savior or the God-gracious Source.

She can heal the bodies and souls of earthly inhabitants, like a real caring mother who has taken the whole human race under her wing.

How does the Life-Giving Source icon help?

In front of the Sacred Image, which was named after the healing waters discovered at the behest of the Mother of God by Emperor Leo I Markell, they ask for help:

  • When getting rid of bad habits, as well as for salvation from harmful passions;
  • For the treatment of physical and mental ailments;
  • The Mother of God helps to preserve a sinless life;
  • To those who burden their souls with the burdens of sorrow and deprive them of vitality The saint will provide support;
  • A sincere prayer addressed to the image will help to overcome even the most severe ailments.

What a miracle the divine shrine performed

In Thessaly, one of the inhabitants from a young age dreamed of seeing the place where flows Miraculous source... And now the time came when he and other Orthodox Christians were finally able to begin his long pilgrimage journey.

However, on the way, the young man was overtaken by illness and realizing that he did not have long to live, the inhabitant of Thessaly expressed his request to the pilgrims traveling with him, that if the inevitable happened, they did not immediately bury his body, but took it to the Holy Spring and poured it out on it. body three vessels miraculous water, and only after that they gave his body to the ground.

Orthodox people prayerfully fulfilled the request of the dying man, however, when the third vessel was spilled on the body of the pilgrim, the young man came to life. After the accomplished miracle, the Thessalian decided to spend the rest of his days in service and asceticism to the Lord and the Mother of God, through whose prayers the Son of God, by the will of his mother, restored his life to him.

There are a huge number of other examples of water healing of springs consecrated in honor of the Saint, however, a miracle occurs only when a person ardently and with all his soul says a prayer and lives in constant faith in God, it is then that he will receive the long-awaited relief and healing.

Celebration of the Life-Giving Source Icon

The festive day in honor of the miraculous image of the Mother of God was established as a sign of memory of the reconstruction of the Church of the Life-Giving Spring in Constantinople, which was erected by Emperor Leo I Markell by the will of the Mother of God over the miraculous spring.

This day fell just on the Friday of Bright Week, and now every year in Orthodox churches on Holy Week, with an Easter procession of the cross, they hold the rite of consecration of water.

In which churches is the icon of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Source

Today, more than a hundred chapels and temples are known, which were named in honor of the Mother of God. Below are the details of some of them:

  • Church of the Image of the Mother of God (Kosmodamianskaya) in Metkino, Moscow region. According to the chronicles, in the 17th century near Moscow there was a wooden church of Damian and Cosmas, but in 1701 it was burned down, but many icons were saved by transferring them to a small chapel located nearby. On the site of the destroyed church in 1848, the present temple of god, dedicated to the miraculous image of the Mother of God, which was not accidental, because in 1829 an amazing appearance of the face of the Saint took place. And already in 1840 Avdotya Evdokimova, the widow of a soldier, handed over to her homeland in the village of Metkino from Moscow a miraculous icon, which was presented to her by the trader Anna Kiriyanova. And since then, people from all around the country began to come to church for the worship of the face;
  • In Tsaritsyno (Moscow) there is also a church of the Holy Mother of God;
  • Cathedral of the miraculous image of the Mother of God (Sorrow Church) in Tver;
  • The temple of the miraculous image of the Saint is located in the Nativity of the Mother of God monastery in Zadonsk;
  • The miraculous image can also be seen in the temple of Our Lady in Arzamas.

What they pray to the icon of the Life-Giving Source

In a prayer service to the Divine Image, they ask for the cure of physical ailments, the bringing of vitality and the deliverance of mental infirmity (especially among people of retirement age).

Prayer to the Life-Giving Source

« O Most Holy Virgin, All-Merciful Lady Mistress Theotokos! Thy life-giving source, healing gifts for the health of our souls and bodies and for the salvation of the world that sharpens, gave to us; also, thank you very much, we earnestly pray to Thee, Most Holy Queen, pray to Thy Son and our God to give us the forgiveness of sins and to every soul that grieves and embittered mercy and consolation, and freedom from troubles, sorrows and diseases. Grant, Lady, to this temple and by this people, protection (and keep this holy), to preserve the city, to save our country from misfortunes and to protect us, but we will live a peaceful life here, and in the future we will be honored to see You, our Intercessor, in the glory of the Kingdom of the Son Thy and our God, to Him be glory and power with the Father and with the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen".

“O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mother and the patroness of all those who come running to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, called the Life-giving Source of blessed healing, heal the sickness of the suffering and pray for Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that you send down mental and physical health to all those who come to You and, forgiving us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grant us everything even to eternal and temporal life is necessary. Thou art joy to all who grieve; hear us, sorrowful ones; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; Thou art the exacting of the lost, do not allow us to perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all evil of the situation. To her, our Queen, our invincible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Thy face away from us for our many sins, but extend to us the hand of Thy motherly mercy and create with us a sign of Thy mercy for good: show us Thy help and make good haste in every deed good. Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and the thoughts of the evil one, may we always glorify Your holy name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen".

God bless you!

It will be interesting for you to watch the video story about the miraculous icon "Life-Giving Source".

With boundless love and reverence in the Christian world they treat the Heavenly Queen - the Blessed Virgin Mary. And how can you not love our Intercessor and Prayer Book before the Throne of God! Her clear gaze is fixed on us from the countless multitude of icons. She showed great miracles to people through her images, glorified as miraculous. One of the most famous among them is the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source".

Miracle manifested in the sacred grove

The sacred legend tells that in ancient times, when Byzantium was still a prosperous state and the heart of world Orthodoxy, near its capital Constantinople, not far from the famous "Golden Gate", there was a sacred grove. She was dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary. Under the canopy of its branches, a source flowed from the ground, bringing coolness to the hot summer days... Then there were rumors among the people that the water in it had some healing properties, but no one took them seriously, and gradually forgotten by all the source of thickets and grass.

But one day, in 450, a certain warrior named Lev Markell, passing through a grove, met a blind man lost among thick trees. The warrior helped him, supported him while he got out of the thickets, and sat in the shade. When he began to look for water to drink the traveler, he heard a wonderful voice commanding him to find a nearby overgrown source and wash the eyes of the blind man with water.

When the compassionate warrior fulfilled this, the blind man unexpectedly regained his sight, and both of them fell on their knees, offering to the Blessed Virgin, as they realized that it was her voice that was heard in the grove. The Queen of Heaven predicted the imperial crown to Leo Marcellus, which came true seven years later.

Temples are gifts of grateful emperors

Having reached the supreme power, Marcellus did not forget the miracle that appeared in the sacred grove, and the predictions about his so amazing rise. By his order, the source was cleaned and surrounded by a high stone curb. Since then, he began to be called the Life-Giving One. A temple was erected here in honor of the Blessed Virgin, the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was specially painted for him. Since then, the blessed spring and the icon kept in the temple have become famous for many miracles. Thousands of pilgrims began to flock here from the most distant ends of the empire.

A hundred years later, Emperor Justinian the Great, then reigning, suffering from a serious and incurable illness, came to the sacred grove, where the Church of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" stood. Having bathed in the fertile waters and having performed a prayer service in front of the miraculous image, he regained health and strength. As a token of gratitude, the happy emperor ordered to build another temple nearby and, in addition, to found a monastery, designed for a large number of inhabitants. Thus, the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was more and more glorified, prayer before which could heal from the most serious ailments.

Fall of Byzantium and destruction of temples

But the terrible disasters of 1453 fell upon Byzantium. The great and once prosperous empire fell under the onslaught of the Muslims. The great star of Orthodoxy has sunk. The wicked invaders set fire to Christian shrines. The temple of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" and all the monastery buildings that stood nearby were thrown into ruins. Much later, in 1821, an attempt was made to resume prayer services in the sacred grove, and even a small church was built, but it was soon destroyed, and the blessed spring was covered with earth.

But people, in whose hearts the fire of true faith burned, could not calmly look at this sacrilege. Secretly, under cover of night, the Orthodox cleared their desecrated shrine. And just as secretly, risking their lives, they carried away, hiding under clothes, the vessels filled with it. This continued until the internal policy of the new masters of the country changed, and the Orthodox were given some relief in the performance of divine services.

Then a small church of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was built on the site of the destroyed temple. And since Orthodoxy cannot be without mercy and compassion, they built an almshouse and a hospital at the church, in which many suffering and crippled people gained health through prayers to our Most Pure Intercessor.

Veneration of holy icons in Russia

When, with the fall of Byzantium, the sun of Orthodoxy set in the East, it shone with renewed vigor in holy Russia, and with it, liturgical books and holy images appeared in abundance. And then life was inconceivable without the humble and wise faces of the saints of God. But a special attitude was towards the images of the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. Among the most revered icons were those painted in ancient times on the shores of the Bosphorus. One of them is the Life-Giving Source icon of the Mother of God.

It should be noted that since the 16th century in Russia it has become a practice to consecrate springs and reservoirs located in the territories of monasteries or near them, and at the same time dedicate them to the Most Holy Theotokos. came to us from Greece. Numerous copies of the Byzantine image of the "Life-giving source" also became widespread. However, compositions written in Russia earlier than the 17th century have not yet been found.

The image of the Mother of God in the Sarov desert

As an example of a special love for her, one can recall the famous glory of which the unfading light of Orthodoxy - Sarov, brought with its name. In that monastery, a temple was specially erected, in which the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" was kept. Its significance in the eyes of believers was so great that the monk elder on especially important occasions sent pilgrims to pray to the Mother of God, kneeling before this miraculous icon of Her. As is clear from the memoirs of contemporaries, there was no case when the prayer remained unanswered.

An image that strengthens in the fight against sorrow

What is the power possessed by the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"? How does she help and what can you ask her for? The most important thing that this miraculous image brings to people is deliverance from sorrows. Life, unfortunately, is full of them, and we do not always have enough mental strength to cope with them.

They come from the enemy of man, as they are the product of disbelief in the providence of God. It is in these cases that the "Life-giving source" - the icon of the Mother of God, brings peace to human souls. What do they still pray to our Most Pure Intercessor? About protecting us from the very sources of these sorrows - the troubles and hardships of life.

Celebrations in honor of the holy icon

As another example of the special veneration of this icon, it is worth mentioning the tradition that has developed over many centuries to serve on the Friday of Bright Week a prayer service for water in front of this image. It is served in all churches immediately after the end of the liturgy. Since ancient times, it has been customary to sprinkle with water consecrated at this prayer service, gardens, orchards and arable land, thereby invoking the help of the Most Holy Theotokos in granting a rich harvest.

It is customary to celebrate the feast of the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" twice a year. Once this happens on April 4, since it was on this day in 450 that the Mother of God appeared to the pious warrior Leo Markell, commanding to build a temple in her honor in the holy grove and pray in it for the health and salvation of Orthodox Christians. On that day, the akathist to the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" is certainly performed.

The second holiday takes place, as mentioned above, on the Friday of Bright Week. On that day, the church remembers the renovated temple in honor of this icon, which was once located near Constantinople. In addition to the rite of consecration of water, the celebration is also accompanied by an Easter procession.

Features of the iconography of the image of the Virgin

Special attention should be paid to the iconographic features of this image. It is believed that the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source" traces its roots to the ancient Byzantine image of the Most Pure Virgin, called "The Lady Victorious", which, in turn, is a derivation of the Mother of God image "Sign". However, art critics have no consensus on this issue.

If you study the lists of icons that were distributed at one time, then it is not difficult to notice some significant compositional changes introduced over the centuries. So, in the early icons there is no image of the source. Also, not immediately, but only in the process of developing the image, a bowl called a phial, a reservoir and a fountain entered into his composition.

The spread of the holy image in Russia and on Athos

The spread of this image in Russia is evidenced by a number of archaeological finds. So, for example, in the Crimea, during excavations, a dish with the image of the Virgin was found. Her figure with prayerfully raised hands is depicted in a bowl. The find dates back to the 13th century and is considered one of the earliest images of this kind located on the territory of our country.

A description of another image, corresponding to the image of the "Life-Giving Source" of the XIV century, can be found in the work of the church historian Nicephorus Callistus. He describes the image of the Mother of God in a phial, set over a reservoir. In this icon, the Blessed Virgin is depicted with the Christ Child in her arms.

The fresco "Life-giving source" located on the Holy Mount Athos is also interesting. It dates back to the beginning of the 15th century. Its author, Andronicus the Byzantine, presented the Mother of God in a wide bowl with the blessing Eternal Child in her arms. The name of the image is written in Greek text along the edges of the fresco. Also, a similar plot is found in some icons stored in various

Help poured out through this image

But still, what is the inimitable attraction of this image, what is so attracted to people by the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"? What does it help and what does it keep from? First of all, this image brings healing to all those who suffer bodily and in their prayers those who hope for the help of the Queen of Heaven. It was with this that his glorification began in ancient Byzantium. With this, he won love and gratitude, finding himself among the vastness of Russia.

In addition, the icon and mental ailments are successfully treated. But the main thing is that it saves those who resort to it from the pernicious passions that so often overwhelm our souls. It is from their influence that the Life-Giving Source, the icon of the Mother of God, saves. What do they pray in front of her, what do they ask the Queen of Heaven for? First of all, about the gift of strength to cope with everything low and vicious that is inherent in us by human nature, damaged by original sin. Unfortunately, there is much that exceeds human capabilities and in which we are powerless without the help of the Lord God and His Most Pure Mother.

Source of life and truth

In all cases, no matter what compositional decision the author of this or that version of this image stops at, one should first of all understand that the Life-giving source is the Most Pure Virgin Herself, through which the One Who gave life to all beings on earth was incarnated into the world.

He spoke the words that became the stone on which the temple of true faith was erected, He showed people the way, and the truth, and life. And the Heavenly Queen, the Most Holy Theotokos, became that blessed Life-giving source, the streams of which washed away from sin and fed the Divine field with themselves.

The warrior Leo, who later became emperor (455-473), in a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos, met a blind man who asked for water. For a long time Leo could not find a water source, when suddenly he heard the voice of the Most Holy Theotokos, who pointed out to him the source and ordered him to put mud from those waters on the eyes of the blind man. After that, the blind man received his sight, and the warrior, becoming an emperor, marveling and rejoicing at the miraculous healing, ordered to cleanse the source and erected a temple in its place. The temple was named - a testimony to the miraculous power of the source.

After the fall of Constantinople, the temple was destroyed and rebuilt only in 1834-1835.

In memory of this miracle, on the day of the Icon of the Mother of God of the Life-Giving Spring, a small consecration of water is performed - it occurs repeatedly throughout the year, the great consecration of water is performed only on the feast of Epiphany (Epiphany)

Iconographically, the image of the Mother of God the Life-Giving Source goes back to the Byzantine image of the Lady Victorious type, which in turn goes back to the image of the Sign type. Initially, the icon of the Life-Giving Source was transmitted in the lists without the image of the source, later a bowl (phial) was included in the composition, and then also a reservoir and a fountain.

On Bright Week, the service is filled with joyful Easter hymns, fasting is canceled on Wednesday and Friday, the entire Liturgy is served with the Royal Doors open, and after each liturgy, a procession of the cross is performed.

On the same day, at the Liturgy, the Gospel about the expulsion of the merchants from the church is read.

The Appearance of the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-Giving Source"

In the 5th century in Constantinople, near the so-called "Golden Gate", there was a grove dedicated to the Most Holy Theotokos. There was a spring in the grove that has long been glorified for miracles. Gradually, this place was overgrown with bushes, and the water was covered with mud.

Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Once the warrior Leo Markell, the future emperor, met in this place a blind man, a helpless traveler who had gone astray. The lion helped him out onto the path and sit in the shade for rest, while he himself went in search of water to refresh the blind. Suddenly he heard a voice: “Lion! Don't look far away for water, it's close here. " Surprised by the mysterious voice, he began to look for water, but did not find it. When he stopped in sadness and thoughtfulness, the same voice sounded a second time: “King Leo! Go under the shade of this grove, draw up the water that you find there, and give it to the thirsty one, and put the mud that you find in the spring on his eyes. Then you will know who I am, sanctifying this place. I will help you soon to build a temple here in My name, and all who come here in faith and call on My name will receive the fulfillment of their prayers and complete healing from ailments. " When Leo fulfilled all his command, the blind man immediately regained his sight and without a guide went to Constantinople, glorifying the Mother of God. This miracle took place under the emperor Marcian (391-457).

Emperor Marcian was replaced by Leo Markell (457-473). He remembered the appearance and prediction of the Mother of God, ordered to cleanse the source and enclose it in a stone circle, over which a temple was built in honor of the Most Holy Theotokos. Emperor Leo called this spring the "Life-giving source", as the miraculous grace of the Mother of God manifested in it.

Emperor Justinian the Great (527-565) was a man deeply committed to the Orthodox faith. He suffered from water sickness for a long time. One day at midnight he heard a voice: "You cannot regain your health if you do not drink from My source." The king did not know what source the voice was talking about, and fell into despondency. Then the Mother of God appeared to him in the afternoon and said: "Get up, king, go to My spring, drink water from it and you will be healthy as before." The patient fulfilled the will of the Lady and soon recovered. The grateful emperor erected a magnificent new temple near the temple built by Leo, at which a populous monastery was later established.

In the 15th century, the famous temple of the Life-Giving Spring was destroyed by Muslims. A Turk guard was assigned to the ruins of the temple, who did not allow anyone to approach this place. Gradually, the severity of the prohibition softened, and the Christians set up a small church there. But it was destroyed in 1821, and the source was filled up. The Christians cleared the ruins again, opened the spring and continued to draw water from it. Subsequently, in one window, among the rubble, a leaf was found half rotten from time and dampness with a record of ten miracles from the Life-Giving Source, which took place from 1824 to 1829. Under Sultan Mahmud, the Orthodox received some freedom in the performance of divine services. They used it to erect a temple for the third time over the Life-Giving Spring. In 1835, with a great triumph, Patriarch Constantine, co-served by 20 bishops and with a large number of pilgrims, consecrated the temple; a hospital and an almshouse were set up at the temple.

One Thessalian from his youth had a strong desire to visit the Life-Giving Spring. Finally, he managed to hit the road, but on the way he fell seriously ill. Sensing the approach of death, the Thessalian took the word from his companions, so that they would not bury him, but took the body to the Life-Giving Spring, there they poured three vessels with life-giving water on him and only after that they buried him. His desire was fulfilled, and life returned to the Thessalian at the Life-giving source. He accepted monasticism and spent the last days of his life in piety.

The appearance of the Mother of God to Leo Markell took place on April 4, 450. On this day, as well as annually on Friday of Bright Week, the Orthodox Church celebrates the renewal of the Church of Constantinople in honor of the Life-Giving Source. According to the charter, on this day, the rite of consecration of water is performed with an Easter procession of the cross.

The Most Holy Theotokos with the Infant God is depicted on the icon above a large stone bowl in a reservoir. By the reservoir, filled with life-giving water, are depicted suffering from bodily ailments, passions and mental infirmities. They all drink this life-giving water and receive various healings.

Troparion to the Icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

Let us draw, people, celibacy for souls and bodies with prayer, the River foretolds all - the Most Pure Queen Mother of God, pouring out wonderful water for us and washing away the hearts of blackness, purifying sinful scabs, sanctifying the souls of the faithful with Divine grace.

Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God "Life-giving source"

O Most Holy Virgin, Mother of our Lord Jesus Christ! You are Mother and the patroness of all those who come running to You, look with mercy on the prayers of Your sinful and humble children. You, called the Life-giving Source of blessed healing, heal the sickness of the suffering and pray for Thy Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, that you send down mental and physical health to all those who come to You and, forgiving us our voluntary and involuntary sins, grant us everything even to eternal and temporal life is necessary. Thou art joy to all who grieve; hear us, sorrowful ones; You are the quenching of sorrow, quench our sorrow; Thou art the exacting of the lost, do not allow us to perish in the abyss of our sins, but always deliver us from all sorrows and misfortunes and all evil of the situation. To her, our Queen, our invincible hope and invincible intercessor, do not turn Thy face away from us for the multitude of our sins, but extend to us the hand of Thy motherly mercy and create with us a sign of Thy mercy for good: show us Thy help and make good haste in every deed good. Turn us away from every sinful undertaking and the thoughts of the evil one, may we always glorify Your holy name, magnifying God the Father and the Son of the Only Begotten Lord Jesus Christ and the Life-giving Holy Spirit with all the saints forever and ever. Amen.