Mystical disappearances of ships. Secrets of the missing ships

  • 30.09.2019

On Earth, everything that can be lost regularly disappears. These are planes, trains, cars, river and sea vessels, people. In this case, we will touch on such a topic as missing ships without a trace. There have been a lot of such cases in the history of human civilization. But it makes no sense to list everything, since many of them are extremely similar. The ship sailed, disappeared, and was never seen again. Therefore, we will dwell only on individual tragic episodes that give a general idea of ​​the problem.


In July 1881, the training warship of the British Navy, the Eurydice, disappeared without a trace in the Irish Sea. That day was extremely calm. But suddenly a storm broke out. It is assumed that it began so suddenly that the ship's crew could not react in any way to a sharp change in weather conditions. The ship with raised sails suffered in an unknown direction, and no one else heard anything about it.

There were 358 people on board. But subsequently, neither lifeboats nor people were found. The ship seemed to have vanished into thin air. A few years later, rumors spread that the Eurydice had become a ghost ship. The silhouette of the ship was seen several times in the fog. But the strange ship did not respond to the signals and disappeared just as suddenly as it had appeared.

"Mary Celeste"

In December 1887, the British ship Mary Celeste vanished without a trace. He went towards the Azores and disappeared into the waters of the Atlantic. The crew consisted of 29 people. The ship was carrying a large number of barrels of alcohol. A year later, a boat was discovered near Cape Roca in Portugal. Judging by the inscription on board, it belonged to the missing ship. But neither "Mary Celeste" herself nor the people have ever been found. Hypotheses were put forward about a mutiny on a ship, about an attack by pirates, about an infectious disease, about an attack by mysterious sea monsters.

10 years have passed, and the sailors suddenly started talking about a terrible ghost ship cruising near the Portuguese coast. Someone claimed to have clearly seen the name of this vessel. It was called Mary Celeste. The crew consisted of the dead, who considered it their duty to greet passing ships. After a few years, the conversations died down, and the authorities attributed this phenomenon to the rich imagination of the sailors.

Considering such a topic as missing ships, one cannot fail to mention the Danish sailing ship Copenhagen. In December 1928, the aforementioned ship sailed from the coast of Uruguay and headed for Australia. It was a sailing ship with 5 masts, was equipped with radio communications, an auxiliary engine and boats. The ship was considered a training ship and was manned by 60 cadets. Some of them belonged to rich Danish families. The last time the ship made contact was on December 22, and after that no one heard anything about it.

There were a variety of theories regarding the disappearance of "Copenhagen". The prevailing version was that he hit an iceberg and sank. In 1931, a message appeared that supposedly sailors from time to time see a ghost ship with 5 masts in the coastal waters of Australia. At the beginning of the 21st century, the wreckage of an old ship was found on the island of Tristan da Cunha in the Atlantic Ocean. Experts suggested that they belong to the missing Copenhagen.

Erebus and Terer

In May 1846, the two ships Erebus and Terer set sail from the coast of England and headed north. They set themselves the goal of crossing the Northwest Strait and getting from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Both crews numbered 134 people. The expedition was led by John Franklin. Not a single person returned from this voyage. It was suggested that the ships were stuck in the ice, and people tried to get to the continent, but died. Already in our century, the sunken wreckage of one of the ships was discovered. A logbook was also found. It stated that Franklin died in June 1847.

In 1979, the Poet left Philadelphia, heading for Port Said. On board were about 14 tons of wheat. But people did not wait for this valuable product, since the ship did not arrive at the port of destination. Communication with him was maintained for many hours, but then suddenly broke off. The ship did not give an SOS signal, and its owners did not report the loss for a whole week. "Sings" and the team members were never found. The ship seemed to have dissolved in the boundless ocean waters.


Another case of missing ships happened in the autumn of 1968 in the waters of Miami. During the party, the owner of the hotel with two guests wanted to admire the city lights from the side of his personal yacht. The company went to sea about 2 km from the coast. At the same time, the yacht was completely serviceable. But after 2 hours, a radio message was received from her to send a tugboat, as the ship broke down. The Coast Guard requested coordinates and fired a flare. The tugboat reached the indicated place in 25 minutes, but did not find the broken "Witchcraft". Rescuers combed the coastal waters for several days, but neither the yacht nor the people on it were found.

Many of them disappeared without a trace, and some were found, but not a single living soul remained on board. All crew members seemed to have vanished into thin air or were dead. The reasons for the disappearance or death of the team are still a mystery. The only version is that the missing ships became victims of terrible supernatural phenomena. Another rational explanation not yet.


An unusual find at the end of the 19th century was discovered by residents of the coastal regions of the state of Rhode Island (USA) - the Seabird ship crashed into the rocks. When the eyewitnesses of the incident decided to inspect the ship, they were amazed: despite the fact that there were traces of the recent presence of people on board (food boiling on fire, fresh food leftovers in plates), none of the crew members on the sailboat were found. The only living being is a frightened dog. The sailors seemed to have left the ship in a hurry. But what made them flee and where they disappeared is not clear.

"Mary Celeste"

The ship, previously called the "Amazon", was considered cursed from the first days of its existence. tragic events pursued the sailors who worked on the ship. For example, the first captain of the Amazon died after accidentally falling overboard. In order not to tempt fate, the ship was renamed. However, the ship, now the Mary Celeste, was doomed. In 1872 he mysteriously disappeared. The missing ship was found a month later, but there was not a soul on board. All the things of the sailors remained in place. But where did their owners go?


The history of the cargo ship is reminiscent of the story of the mystical Flying Dutchman. From 1911 to 1931, the ship made nine very successful voyages. But, one day, he got stuck in the ice of the Arctic. The team decided to wait out the bad weather in the nearest Eskimo settlement. Leaving the ship, the captain hoped to return there as soon as the situation normalized. But after another winter storm, the ship was not in place. Assuming that the Beychimo sank, the command stopped searching for it. However, there were eyewitnesses who claimed that they not only saw a mysterious ship in the waters of the Arctic, but even boarded it. Their testimonies were very plausible, because they could quite accurately describe what Beychimo looked like. For many decades, the ship has been disappearing, then reappearing in the field of view of sailors. How a ship without control was able to cruise in the waters of the ocean for so many years - no one can explain.

An Australian fishing yacht that set sail on the high seas in the spring of 2007 was found abandoned a week later. There was no damage to the ship, but all three crew members were missing. Items found on board (a radio on, a working computer, a set table) indicated that no one was going to leave the yacht. The search for the team did not bring any results. According to the official version, one of the fishermen suddenly began to sink, and his two friends rushed to the aid of a drowning comrade. All three died. But no direct evidence of this version was found. Any explanation of the incident has no evidence.

It is generally accepted that there are no white spots left on the map of the Earth, but this does not mean at all that people are able to control the entire space of a huge planet. No matter how huge the liners that people build, the oceans are much larger and can easily get lost there, as there is evidence that we have combined into a list of the most amazing disappearances of ships.

SS Baychimo is a mystical ghost ship that belonged to Hudson's Bay Company. Back in 1911, this steam ship got stuck in the ice of the Arctic. The crew was removed from its board, but several people, along with the captain, remained to wait out the bad weather. A blizzard began, and when it subsided and the rescuers returned. Neither the crew nor the ship could find it. Periodically, there are reports that in the Arctic waters, some have seen Baychimo, which drifted among the ice.
The SS Poet, originally named Omar Bundy, was used to transport troops during World War II. Subsequently, it began to be used to transport goods. The name Poet was given to the ship after it was taken over by the Hawaiian company Eugenia Corporation of Hawaii in 1979. After the ship headed from Philadelphia to Port Said, carrying 13.5 thousand tons of corn on board, no one saw him. The ship did not issue a distress signal, and the search for the coast guard did not yield results.

The SS Awahou, which was built back in 1912, left Sydney on September 8, 1952 in the direction of the private island of Lord Howe. After 48 hours, a “crunchy” radio signal came from him, the message was impossible to make out. The search yielded no results, although it is known that a large number of lifeboats were on board the 44-meter ship.

The sailboat USS Porpoise was known for its high speed, which is why it was used to chase pirates in the 19th century. Once he was sent on an expedition, which set itself the goal of confirming the existence of Antarctica. Following the study of several islands in the Pacific Ocean, he briefly moored in one of the ports of China, and then, in 1854, left for further navigation. No one else heard of him. It is believed that the ship was caught in a typhoon, but there is no evidence of this fact.

The minesweeper USS Conestoga was launched in 1917 and refitted in 1921 and sent to Samoa. The vessel was supposed to serve as a floating station. After the ship went to sea on March 25, 1921, there is no information about it.

The sloop USS Wasp, which went missing in 1814, was the fifth ship to receive this name. The ship was used to fight British ships, and after the capture of the brig, Atalanta was supposed to escort the captured ship to an allied port. The ship then steered towards caribbean and disappeared without a trace. Not a single witness or trace could be found that would lead to this ship.

FV Andrea Gail is a fishing vessel and is very weather resistant, but in 1991 it got into a storm due to the captain's decision to find a place with the best catch. It is assumed that the ship was caught in a storm, but the rescuers who arrived on the radio signal found only a buoy and a few debris. It is believed that this ship was caught in a hurricane and collided with waves that reached a height of 30 m.

Of the smaller sea transports, the Witchcraft pleasure boat can be distinguished. In 1967, the owner went to sea on it at a distance of 1.5 km from the coast to look at the Christmas Miami. At about 9 pm, the owner signaled to rescuers that his boat had collided with an object. To indicate his location, he fired a flare.

The Coast Guard arrived at the scene in 20 minutes, but did not find the slightest trace of the boat. There was no news about the people who disappeared with him. about 3100 m2 of ocean was tested, but this did not bring any results.

However, one should not think that larger ships go missing less often. The huge tanker Marine Sulfur Queen, whose length was 160 m, disappeared in the Bermuda Triangle. It is reported that it was in excellent condition and was intended for the transport of sulfur. In 1963, the ship left the port in Texas, a few days later transmitted a signal that everything was in order, and then disappeared without a trace, along with 39 people on board.

The frigate USS Insurgent, which was captured by the US Navy after a battle with French troops, departed from a port located in Virginia. Since then, no one has seen this ship, it is assumed that it fell into a storm that raged almost 2 months after it left the port, but during this period of time no one saw the ship and it did not call at any port.

It is possible that over time the data of the vessel will be discovered, such as the SS ship. Cotopaxi, which disappeared without a trace in 1925 and was found on May 16, 2015 by the Cuban Coast Guard. Remarkable is the fact that no people were found on board, and the logbook does not contain any hints of a disaster. What happened all this time with the ship is still a mystery. There are also frequent cases of ghost ships appearing on which there are no signs of life, although there is no special damage to the hull. The ocean is still fraught with many mysteries and it is quite possible that it will still bring surprises to humanity.

Alexey Efedorov

A sailor is one of the most romantic professions. Just imagine - you wake up in the morning, and instead of a boring gray city, there is an immense ocean expanse, clean air before your eyes. Comrades are always ready to keep you company in raids on taverns, and in every port they expect a beautiful girl... This profession seems like this to any uninitiated.

But there is also back side medals - anything can happen to the ship during a long voyage. You can get caught in a storm or be captured by pirates, who, oddly enough, have not died out in the 21st century. And sometimes there are mysterious disappearances of ships, and then the ships disappear without a trace. Some blame it on supernatural forces and legendary inhabitants. sea ​​depths- such as, and others - the Maelstrom whirlpool, the Bermuda Triangle and others natural phenomena.

1943 - the disappearance of the ship Capelin (SS-289)

Capelin (SS-289) - submarine, launched on January 20, 1943. On November 17, 1943, the ship patrolled the waters of the Celebs and Molucca seas, paying special attention to the Davao Gulf, the Morotai Strait, as well as the trade routes located near the island of Xiaoe.

The last time an American submarine was seen was on December 2, 1943, reported by the Bonefish (SS-223). The official reason for the disappearance of the ship is considered to be enemy minefields, which could be located in the area of ​​​​patrol of the submarine. There was no exact confirmation of this fact.

There is another version of this catastrophe, which official sources rejected due to its fantastic nature. According to her, Capelin (SS-289) could become a victim of an unidentified sea monster, which was repeatedly stated by local fishermen. According to the sailors, the animal resembled the huge size of an octopus.

1921 SS Hewitt disappears

This cargo ship made voyages along the coast of the United States. On January 20, 1921, a fully loaded ship left the Texas city of Sabine. The ship was under the command of Captain Hans Jacob Hensen. The last signal from this ship came on January 25, the radio call did not report anything unusual. The ship was then spotted 250 miles north of Florida's Jupiter Inlet. Further, the thread breaks, and the SS Hewitt, like other disappeared ships, has become part of history.

Along the entire route followed by the ship, a thorough check was carried out, but it did not give results - the mystery of the disappearance of the SS Hewitt ship has not been solved so far. There were many rumors and speculation about this incident. It was even suggested that the ship's crew fell victim to a rare voice of the sea, as curious as the whirlpool of the Maelstrom.

for reference: - a natural phenomenon that affects the psyche and human health. The sea generates infrasound, which is below the limit of human hearing, but affects his brain. Infrasound can have a variety of effects - from auditory and visual hallucinations to nausea and other symptoms of motion sickness. Strong exposure to infrasound can cause death - vibrations lead to cardiac arrest.

Who is to blame for the disappearance of ships?

It is believed that one of the most dangerous areas on the surface of the sea is the maelstrom whirlpool. Literary sources describe this natural phenomenon as having terrifying power, and detrimental to any ship that finds itself in its zone. In fact, the danger of the Maelstrom is somewhat exaggerated. A much more significant threat can be considered, the height of which can exceed the mark of 30 meters!

If this whirlpool was dangerous for ancient ships - wooden sailing boats, then modern ships, once in these waters, do not receive any damage. The speed of the Maelstrom whirlpool does not exceed 11 km/h. And yet one should not be careless about this natural phenomenon - the direction of water movement can change in the most unpredictable way. Therefore, even modern ships avoid the strait located to the north of Mosque Island, there is a danger of breaking on coastal stones.

The Maelstrom whirlpool is located between the islands of Moskenesøy and Ferø. It is formed at certain hours due to the collision of ebb and flow waves, the emergence of a whirlpool contributes complex relief bottom and broken coastline. Maelstrom is a system of eddies in the strait. But, despite all the dangers, tourism in Lofoten is very popular. The guidebooks state that "winter fishing in the archipelago is an incomparable pleasure."

Bermuda Triangle - the secrets of the deep sea

The Bermuda Triangle is one of the most famous, located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico and Miami in Florida. Its area covers over a million square kilometers. Until 1840, this zone was unknown to anyone, until the mysterious disappearances of ships and then aircraft began.

For the first time, the Bermuda Triangle was discussed in 1840, when the crew from the Rosalie ship completely disappeared, which was drifting near the capital of the Bahamas, the port of Nassau. The ship had all the equipment, the sails were raised, but the crew was completely absent. True, as a result of the checks, it was found that the ship was called Rossini, and not Rosalie. The ship ran aground while sailing near the Bahamas. The crew was evacuated on boats, and the ship was swept out to sea by tidal waves.

The greatest activity in the Bermuda Triangle in terms of the disappearance of ships or crew occurs in the 20th century. So, for example, in the Atlantic Ocean on October 20, 1902, the German four-masted merchant ship Freya was spotted. The ship had no crew at all. There is still no explanation for this incident.

In 1945, scientists became interested in the waters of the Bermuda Triangle. The data obtained by the researchers did not solve the mystery of this anomalous zone, but only added questions. Since the beginning of tracking, there have been more than 100 cases of the disappearance of ships and aircraft, both civil and military aviation. Most of the equipment disappeared in the most mysterious way - no oil stains, no debris, no other traces.

And yet, scientists managed to do one thing important discovery. In the zone of disappearance of ships, in the very center of the Bermuda Triangle, a giant pyramid was discovered. It was discovered by American researchers in 1992. It seems incredible, but its dimensions exceed the dimensions of the Egyptian Great Pyramid of Cheops by more than 3 times. The pyramid is interesting not only for its size. Its surface is in perfect condition - sonar signals showed that there are no algae or shells on the surface. It is likely that the ocean cannot have any effect on this mysterious material from which the pyramid is made.

Devil's sea - another mystery of nature?

Scientists - oceanologists believe that our planet is encircled by a certain zone called the "Devil's Belt". It includes five "dead" places - the Afghan anomalous zone, the Bermuda Triangle, the Hawaiian anomalous zone, the Gibraltar wedge and the Devil's Sea. This sea is located about 70 miles from the east coast of Japan.

What are the characteristics of anomalous zones, and what is their danger? A person present in such a zone is subject to causeless, it seems to him that he is being watched. At times, he is seized by bouts of insomnia, which are replaced by deep sleep. Abnormal zones also have a negative effect on plants - the extremes of yeast respiration undergo changes, the germination of grains of beans, cucumbers, peas, and radish seeds stops. Mice grown in such places are characterized by numerous deviations - the development of tumors, underweight and even devouring their offspring! Besides, in anomalous zones disappearance of ships and aircraft.

Sailors began to fear the Devil's Sea after a disaster occurred in this area. whole line inexplicable disappearances. At first, state authorities were skeptical of the reports, as only small fishing boats were missing. But between 1950 and 1954 in the Devil's Sea, there were 9 cases of disappearance of ships. They were massive cargo ships, equipped with reliable radios and powerful engines. A number of cases of the disappearance of ships occurred against the backdrop of fine weather.

Such phenomena of nature as the Maelstrom are quite explicable from a physical point of view. And the phenomenon of the Bermuda Triangle or the Devil's Sea has not been unraveled to this day. Who knows - will technological progress win, or will the mysterious disappearances of ships continue? And who is to blame for these disappearances - anomalous natural phenomena or otherworldly mystical forces?

Ghost ship is a term used most often in the works fiction, a ship afloat, not inhabited by a crew. The term can also refer to a real vessel that (often as a vision) was seen after it sank, or found at sea without a crew on board. Legends and reports of ghost ships are common throughout the world. In most cases, they are associated with some kind of shipwreck. Usually ghost ships depict exactly the scenes of their wreck, which they can repeat over and over again. This is especially true on nights when there is a storm.

Joyita - M. V. Joyita

This ship was found in 1955 in the Pacific Ocean. It was heading towards Tokelau when something happened. The rescue team was already equipped, but the ship was found only after 5 weeks. Joyta was badly damaged, and there was no cargo, no crew, no passengers, no lifeboats on board.

After a detailed study, it turned out that the ship's radio wave was tuned to a distress signal, and several bloody bandages and a doctor's bag were found on board. None of the passengers were found in this way, and the secret of the ship was not revealed.

Octavius ​​- Octavius

Octavius ​​is considered a legend, whose ghost ship story is one of the most famous. In 1775, the ship Herald came across Octavius ​​while sailing along Greenland.
Herald's team boarded the ship and found the bodies of the passengers and crew frozen in the cold. The ship's captain was found in his cabin, in the middle of filling out a journal that marked the year 1762. Based on the legend, the captain argued that a short time will return to the UK via the Eastern Route, but the ship is stuck in the ice.

Flying Dutchman - De Vliegende Hollander

The Flying Dutchman is the most famous ship ghost. The ship was first mentioned in George Barrington's Voyage to Botany Harbor (1770s). Based on history, the Flying Dutchman was a ship from Amsterdam.
The ship's captain was Van der Decken. When a storm began near the Cape of Good Hope, the ship sailed for the East Indies. Van der Deccan, determined to continue the journey, went mad, then killed one of his assistants and vowed to cross the cape.
Despite his best efforts, the ship sank, and according to legend, Van der Decken and the ghost ship are doomed to roam the seas forever.

Mary Celeste Mary Celeste

This is a merchant ship sailing the Atlantic Ocean and abandoned by the crew. The ship is in very suitable conditions with sails up and ample supplies of food. But the crew, the captain and the boats of Mary Celeste mysteriously disappeared. There were no signs of a struggle. You can also rule out the version of the pirates, because the things of the team and alcohol remained untouched.
The most likely theory is related to technical problems or a storm that forced the crew to abandon the ship.

Lady Lovibond - Wikiwand Lady Lovibond

The captain of the ship, Simon Peel, recently got married and is going on a cruise to celebrate a happy occasion. Despite the sign that the woman on board unfortunately, he took his wife.
The journey began on February 13, 1748. Unfortunately for the captain, one of his assistants was also in love with his wife and, out of anger and jealousy, took the ship to the shallows. Lady Lavibond and all her passengers sank. According to legend, since the shipwreck, a ghost has been seen every 50 years near Kent.

Baychimo - The Baychimo

This steel cargo steamer was abandoned and drifted on the seas near Alaska for 40 years. The ship was owned by the Hudson Bay Company. It was launched into the water in the 1920s, transporting skins and furs. But in 1931, Beichimo was trapped in the ice near Alaska. After several attempts to break through the ice, the crew abandoned the ship. In a strong storm, the ship escaped from the trap, but was badly damaged, and the company decided to leave it. Surprisingly, Beychimo did not sink, but continued to swim for another 38 years near Alaska. The ship has become something of a local legend. The last time he was seen in 1969, again frozen in the middle of the ice.

Carroll A. Deering

This ship sailed near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, in 1921. The ship had just returned from a trading trip from South Africa. It ran aground in the Diamond Shoals, an area that was very shipwrecked. When help arrived, the ship was found to be empty. There was no navigational equipment and a logbook, as well as 2 boats. After careful research, it turned out that several other ships mysteriously disappeared at almost the same time. According to officials, this is either the work of pirates or some terrorist organization.

Ourang Medan

The history of Urang Medan began in 1947, when 2 American ships received a distress call off the coast of Malaysia. The caller introduced himself as a member of the crew of the Urang Medan, a Dutch vessel, and allegedly reported that the captain and the rest of the crew had died or were dying. The speech of the person became more and more illegible, until it disappeared with the words I'm dying. The ships quickly sailed to the rescue. When they arrived, they found that the ship itself was intact, however, the entire crew, including the dog, was dead, their bodies and faces frozen in terrible poses and expressions, and many were pointing their fingers at something invisible to the eye. Before rescuers could sort it out, the ship caught fire. The most popular theory for the death of the crew is that the ship was transporting nitroglycerin without special packaging, and it leaked into the air.

High Aim 6

One of the mysterious "marine" stories of our time is connected with the Taiwanese vessel High Aim 6. The vessel High Aim 6 was discovered off the northwestern coast of Australia in January 2003 without a single soul on board. The ship left the port back in 2002. The holds of High Aim 6 were filled with tuna, which was already starting to spoil. They tried to give different explanations for the disappearance of the team: it could have been captured by pirates, however, the safety of the cargo and the absence of damage on the ship refutes this version; the High Aim 6 team was suspected of transporting illegal immigrants, but after opening the holds, this version was abandoned; the threat of sinking the vessel could hardly exist, since it was in good condition. The main version of the events that took place on the High Aim 6 ship is the version of the crew's mutiny and the captain's murder. In favor of her speak the testimony of the only sailor whom the investigators managed to find and one more circumstance. Two weeks after the discovery of the High Aim 6, a man from the phone of an engineer from the High Aim 6 called the police and told about a riot on the ship and the death of the captain and engineer. According to him, the team went home. There is still no other information about the fate of the ship's crew and its owner. And it's unlikely to show up.

Caleuche - Caleuche

One of the most famous legends Chile describes the Caleuche as a ghost ship that appears every night off the coast of the island of Chiloe. According to legend, the ship carries the souls of people who died at sea. Those who have seen him say that he is very beautiful and bright and is always accompanied by the sounds of music and the laughter of people. Appearing for a few seconds, he disappears again or goes under the water. It is said that the souls on the ship regain the life they had before.

Iron mountain

It is clear that the ship could get lost and drown in the vast ocean or sea, but how can a ship disappear into a river without a trace? In June 1872, the ship S.S. Iron Mountain followed the Mississippi River from Vicksburg to Pittsburgh. When the ship did not arrive at the appointed time, a tug was sent to it. After several days of searching, the ship was found, and part of the cargo it was carrying appeared on the surface of the water. The ship just disappeared.

Bel Amica - Bel Amica

Schooner in “ classical style” was found off the coast of the island of Sardinia, without a crew on board. This ghost ship was discovered by the Italian Coast Guard in 2006. In the cabins of the sailboat lay French maps of the North African seas, the Luxembourg flag, the remains of Egyptian food and wooden planks with the name "Bel Amica". Italian authorities discovered that the ship had never been registered in any country. Since the ship was mistakenly recognized as antique, it soon aroused public interest, but it was soon found out that it was a modern yacht, man-owned from Luxembourg, who probably did not register her for tax evasion purposes.

Schooner Jenny - Jenny

“May 4, 1823. No food for 71 days. I am the only one left alive. “The captain who wrote this message was still sitting in his chair, pen in hand, when this message was found in his journal 17 years later. His body, and the bodies of 6 other people aboard the British schooner Jenny, were preserved in the cold weather of Antarctica, where the ship was frozen in ice and resulted in death. The crew of the whaling ship that discovered Jenny after the disaster buried the passengers, including the dog, at sea.

Marlborough - Marlborough

The sailing ship "Marlborough" was built at the shipyard in Glasgow. It was considered quite reliable for ocean voyages. The sailing ship was commanded by Captain Hyde, a knowledgeable and experienced sailor. On the last flight, the Marlboro had 23 crew members and several passengers, including one woman. Leaving New Zealand for England, a sailboat loaded with frozen lamb and wool disappeared in 1890. He was last seen on April 1 in the Pacific Ocean between the entrance to the Strait of Magellan and Cape Horn - in an area that sailors call the "cemetery of ships" for good reason. An investigation by maritime authorities yielded no results. The sailboat was considered missing, a victim of the rocks off Cape Horn. A storm rages in these ominous places 300 days a year, the current helps the wind and waves, dragging the doomed ships here and throwing them on formidable stones ... But after 23 and a half years, in October 1913, near Punta Arenas off the coast of Tierra del Fuego, that is, in almost the same place, the Marlboro appeared - the ship was again under full sail! The sailboat seemed untouched. Everything was in place. Even the crew was where they should be on a sailing ship. One person is at the helm, three are on the deck at the hatch, ten are on watch at their posts and six are in the wardroom. The skeletons were in rags left over from clothing. It seemed that people were struck down by some sudden attack, a mysterious force. The logbook was covered with moss, and the entries in it became illegible. Other papers turned out to be eaten away by insects. The sailors from the ship that met the sailboat in the ocean were perplexed ... First of all, they counted the skeletons: it turned out that there were ten fewer of them than there were people on the Marlboro, according to 23 years ago. Where are the absent? Have they died before? Were they landed on any shore? Were they washed off the deck after death, or blown off their masts by the wind in a moment of tragic "overwhelming confusion"? As always in such cases, a version was put forward about an epidemic, poisoning. The captain of the ship that discovered the Marlboro made an accurate report of everything he saw. Inclement weather did not allow him to take in tow and deliver the ghost ship to the port. However, what was stated in his report was confirmed under oath by everyone who witnessed this meeting. Their testimony is recorded by the British Admiralty. The Marlboro was never seen again. Apparently, he died in one of the stormy days.