Congratulations on the wedding from mom in prose (from mom). How can a mother congratulate her daughter on her wedding day in her own words

  • 17.10.2019

Mother and father are very important people for every person, and they play an especially important role on the wedding day, when wedding congratulations in their own words from the bride's parents should be only the best. Such congratulations should not be cloying and exceptionally sincere, so that all guests can be imbued with them, feel their strength on themselves. The said wedding congratulations by the father and mother of the second half of the groom will surely make many shed tears or, on the contrary, laugh, but in any case, self-expression of one’s own thoughts is unlikely to leave at least someone around indifferent.

Page 1 of 5 Our dear bride and groom!
As time flies, you are already leaving your parental nest and entering into a joint, family life.
We wish you... Dear children!
We wish you only the best: joy, happiness, love, and we really want your family life to be easy... On this beautiful day, our beloved children, you are going to sail together. No wonder people say that with a sweetheart and in a hut, paradise ...

Dear children!
Finding true love is not given to everyone, because it is like a fire that does not burn, but warms the heart, delicious and intoxicating ... Our dear children!
For every parent, such an event as the bonding of your relationship with sacred marriage bonds is a great joy... Our dear and beloved children!
On this beautiful day, we want to wish you happiness, love and kindness. Let hope, love be your companions... I am glad that my daughter has found a worthy husband.

I want to wish you a long married life, such that you get so used to each other that you become one ... Daughter, we have experienced many joyful, amazing and sad moments. I shared with you your victories and defeats.

And now I wish you the same help ... Page 1 of 5 Even more congratulations from the bride's parents on their wedding day can be downloaded for free in the form of a collection.

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Congratulations (which is part of the section
Wedding) . 0 The wedding of loved ones is incredibly touching and significant event especially when it comes to children. After all, every parent dreams of seeing a son or daughter in a beautiful festive costume or a solemn white dress.

True, this day is a little sad for parents, because they come to the realization that their children are already quite adults and are entering a real serious life, which, in addition to happiness, contains a lot of different problems and worries. On the wedding day, it is customary for children to give expensive gifts: this tradition is an opportunity for parents to help their children take the first step into adulthood. This holiday is not complete without congratulatory speeches, the preparation of which should be given special attention, because the warmest and kindest words and wishes should come from the lips of the parents.

What to look for when writing a wedding congratulatory speech

Most parents are anxious about the day their children get married. The desire to support your closest people in every possible way at this touching and responsible moment, of course, is correct.

This can be done by providing them with all possible assistance in preparing for the wedding, as well as delivering a well-composed and thoughtful congratulatory speech. Do you want to learn how to make your own wedding invitations?

Here it is more important to have a good imagination than the experience of making "invitations". Wedding glasses, decorated with your own hands, will always look more impressive than "typical store glasses". And we will help you learn how to decorate them yourself.

There are several common mistakes that parents make during wedding congratulations. Based on the guidelines below, you can correct speech, which will surely appeal to both the bride and groom, and all the guests who have gathered to celebrate such a grand event as a wedding:

Types of wedding greetings from parents

Parents can express their recognition to the bride and groom in different ways. Congratulatory speech can be in verse. True, their compilation requires the presence of certain creative abilities, and the skill of versification is not available to everyone.

But if you decide to write poems for the wedding of your son or daughter, remember that even the text you created can completely fly out of your head at the most crucial moment. In this case, your performance may turn out to be crumpled and confused.

If you don't want this to happen, write down your wedding greetings on a piece of paper. You can also purchase a beautiful greeting card in one of the specialized stores.

By the way, those who cannot compose verses on their own can also use this option. The thing is that most postcards available for sale already contain ready-made version congratulations in verse.

Wedding congratulations in prose can be compiled by everyone. The content of such a speech depends only on your personal preferences. It can be a text consisting of only wishes, or a speech in the form of a humorous toast.

You can compose a wedding greeting in your own words. Tell the newlyweds and all the guests present at the wedding how glad you are that two loving hearts have united on this day.

You can also prepare an interesting wedding presentation in advance, in which you will add photos of the bride and groom from birth to the present day. It can be decorated with short poems about love and wedding.

Be sure to put melodic and calm music on the presentation. Before you showcase your masterpiece, give a speech so guests and young people are ready to watch.

Tell us about what you decided to make a memorable gift, and invite the newlyweds to add photos to the presentation after the wedding, where all the guests present at the festive banquet will be captured. After all, in this way, young people will have the opportunity to periodically view the presentation and remember this wonderful day.

If you possess good voice and sense of hearing, give the newlyweds a love song or wedding song. You can write it yourself. If you don’t have such a talent, use one of the many well-known hits.

A musical composition performed by mom or dad will be a real gift for the bride and groom.

Wedding greetings from the groom's parents

If you are preparing a wedding greeting for the holiday dedicated to the marriage of your son, be sure to pay attention to the bride in it. You should not give a speech in which you will praise your child and not say a word about what a wonderful wife he has. You can say congratulations in the form of a parental mandate: “Our dear children!
We are very happy to congratulate you on this great and happy event. On this day, you made a responsible step, because a wedding is not only an opportunity to gather all friends and relatives at a large table. On this day, you give each other an oath of eternal love and fidelity.

On this day, you conclude a strong and reliable alliance. Now your task is to save it for a long time. Live amicably, peacefully and do not know troubles. take care each other Because life is not as long as it seems. Do not know grief, do not leave each other in trouble. You, son, do not offend your wife, look how beautiful and tender she is.

Be a real support and support for her. And you, daughter-in-law, support our son in everything, remember that husband and wife are one Satan. In happiness and in joy, in sorrow and in sorrow, be near and help each other. Advice to you, our dear children, yes love! If you think that such an option is more suitable for blessing, say a comic wedding congratulation in verse: Our son is the best reward: We don’t need another,
If only my son was happy!
And a bride to match him - And blush, and white,
Everything is with her and everything is in place,
They are doing well!
We sincerely wish you
Never lose heart. Congratulations on your wedding day,
We are waiting for grandchildren!

Wedding greetings from the parents of the bride

For a beloved daughter, it is important to choose beautiful and warm words, and there is not much difference whether they will be in poetry or prose. The main thing is that they be filled with warmth, light and your joy for the happiness of a newly formed family.

Be sure to pay attention to the newly-made son-in-law: say that you are very glad that you have a son, or, if there are male children in the family, another son. A wedding greeting from the parents of the bride to the daughter and the “new” son can be a little touching: “Dear daughter!
We remember the moments when you were born, took your first steps, went to school. It seems like it was very recent. And now the day has come when we give you in marriage. Daughter, you are so beautiful and mature!

We wish you and your husband a lot of mutual joy, boundless happiness, love that you will carry through many years. After all, real feelings only get stronger with time. You, dear brother-in-law, we are very happy. We hope that behind your back our daughter will be like behind a stone wall.

Take care of our pet, protect her from all adversity. Dear daughter and son, take care of each other, take care and know that we will come to your aid at any moment! What to come up with contests for a party in the style of "Stilyagi"? They can be musical, and dance, and dressing-undressing. It’s not so difficult to make cool toasts for young people for a wedding - the main thing here is not to overdo it with humor. Do you need a fun housewarming scenario? You can follow this link and read the rules for its compilation. A wedding greeting to young people from parents can be in verse, for example: You lit the family hearth today,
You, daughter, take good care of him!
You, son-in-law, protect our daughter from adversity
And never let grief into your house.

Congratulations and blessings on the wedding from parents

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Going to the wedding, guests want to participate in a fun feast, funny contests, dancing. All this is ahead, and now it's time for the congratulations ceremony. The audience became sad: how long can you listen to the same wishes for love, health, happiness and more children!
The bride and groom on duty smile and thank, looking longingly at the huge line of guests who have yet to say the duty speech. Of course, you can’t do without congratulations at the wedding, but if you approach the matter with a soul, no one will get bored at this time.

A wedding speech that is fun to listen to

When preparing your wedding speech, always remember that it should not be long. A bit of math: if there are 50 guests at the celebration, and each one will stretch the performance for five minutes, then the whole procedure will take more than four hours, but when is the fun?

Of course, parents, witnesses and close relatives have a lot to say to the newlyweds, but a couple of minutes will be enough for the rest of the guests. It is great if you can present your congratulations to the newlyweds in verses of your own composition, but only if you are sure that you know how to do it well.

No one will be pleased with the longest opus with wrong size and clumsy rhymes, it is better to say sincere words in prose. The same can be said about humor.

If you are convinced that your jokes will be understood by everyone, and do not contain any ambiguities, you can add some funny moments to your speech. You can find congratulations from the bride's parents on various sites, but think about whether such a speech at the wedding would look like official words for the average newlyweds.

It is probably better for your friends to compose a few phrases that come from the heart and are intended personally for them. In addition, many guests are also in search of beautiful congratulations, and where is the guarantee that you will not select the same texts.

There are things that should not be in a wedding speech. These include any words that can spoil the mood of those present, disclosure of what the newlyweds would not like to talk about. Your presentation does not need to include:

Full of tenderness parting words from parents

Blessing the bride and groom before going to the registration, parents give them parting words and advice for the future life, wish them love and happiness. The warm words of dad and mom are very necessary for young people who are worried before such a serious step.

After the marriage is formalized, the parents meet the newlyweds in front of the banquet hall with bread and salt. Emotions are whipping over the edge, words get stuck in the throat, so when presenting a loaf, you can limit yourself to just sincere congratulations, you will say the main speech at the table.

At the banquet, the father and mother are the first to take the floor. Sincere parting words of parents bring into the hall an atmosphere of celebration and comfort, create a solemn mood.

First of all, you should greet all those gathered, tell about the happy event that brought everyone to this hall. Then the most emotional part - sincere, heartfelt congratulations to the newlyweds.

Do not be afraid that you will forget the memorized text from excitement, say everything that you feel at this moment and do not be shy about tears of happiness. To make speeches more vivid, you can insert proverbs, parables, excerpts of poems into them.

A wedding is a special celebration: not all friends and relatives of the groom are familiar with his chosen one; not all the guests of the bride know the man who became her husband. It is the mother and father who, in their speech, can introduce everyone to their adult child, talk about his life in your family, and celebrate his best qualities.

The groom's parents give parting words to their son, how to take care of the young wife, how to cherish love and family happiness. Do not forget to praise his chosen one, note her beauty, kindness, tenderness.

In a wedding greeting from your parents, you can give examples from your own married life, what an important role a man plays in a family and in raising children whom you dream of babysitting in the near future. The father or mother of the bride notes how important the role of a woman is as an assistant and faithful friend of her husband.

It is on her that marital happiness, peace and tranquility in the family depend. The girl got a wonderful chosen one, now her patience, wisdom and diplomacy will help save love and family. You can end the performance with a proposal to raise glasses for the young.

Thank you parents at your wedding

It's time to make a return speech to the bride and groom. The closest people sit next to them, who gave birth to them, raised them, and now send adult children to an independent life.

It is impossible to thank them for everything, it would take not a few minutes, but the whole evening, so talk only about what you cannot keep silent about. Do not forget to say thank you to the parents of the other half for giving you the most beloved person.

If not for them, there would be no meeting, no dates, no today's celebration. Promise not to forget new relatives, to love and respect them. Traditionally, at this moment, the newlyweds ask permission from the parents of the husband or wife to call them dad and mom.

Whether to follow this custom, each couple must decide for themselves. Talk to your father and mother in advance, find out the wishes, as your other half will call them. There is no need to embarrass future relatives if they prefer to be addressed by name and patronymic.

Congratulations to the bride and groom from witnesses

Usually the closest friends are invited as witnesses, and their performance is an important part of the wedding ceremony. Since they are the same age as the bride and groom, they can supplement the parents' story about the newlyweds with a look from the younger generation.

You can mention how the newlyweds met, how their love developed. When preparing a speech, strain your imagination, even the standard wish for family happiness can be conveyed in vivid figurative words: “May your love always be so hot and strong that no adversity can penetrate your world through this barrier.”

Add mild humor, witty advice, wedding wishes in your own words to your speech, your congratulations should be remembered by the newlyweds. In order not to spoil the impression of your speech, try not to talk about something that may be misunderstood by someone present.

Look at the text and remove from it: Whoever you are at the wedding: a newlywed, a parent, a witness or an ordinary guest, prepare a beautiful and original congratulation in your own words. The more sincere, emotional, brighter the participants of the celebration will speak, the more pleasant the evening will be. Perhaps it is at this wedding that the tedious procedure of congratulatory speeches will turn into an interesting and memorable part of the wedding script.

Congratulations from mom on daughter's wedding

Mother for daughter is the most close person in the world, so on the day of the wedding, mother's words are of great importance. A congratulation for the bride from her mother should sound not only as a parting word that should be followed for the rest of her life, but also as a wish from her best friend who will always understand and support in difficult times.

What should be the mother of the bride's speech?

Happy wedding day can be congratulated in different ways, the words of the mother and her approval are extremely important for any child. The wedding speech should touch not only the daughter, but also her husband, that is, your son-in-law.

The mother of the bride must emphasize that she respects her choice and after the wedding she acquires another member of the family in the person of her daughter's husband. Of course, along with the wedding, the life of parents changes dramatically, as their child leaves home and starts building his own family. Wedding greetings must necessarily focus on the fact that although the mother will not spend most of her time with her girl, she will still actively participate in her life after marriage and will always help not only with advice, but also with deed.

The wedding toast should include those words of support that your girl so wants to hear, since with this day a new independent life begins for her and in the future she will have to become a wife and mother, that is, bear full responsibility for her family. You should show ingenuity and say such a wedding congratulation, after which the bride will be completely sure that she always has a reliable rear, and the parental home is the place where she will always be understood and supported.

The speech of the parents and, in particular, parting words from the mother should not be too sentimental, as you congratulate your child on the wedding, on the day, which should be associated only with pleasant memories, and not with how upset and crying mother. The wedding farewell should sound like a toast and be understandable not only to the bride, but also to her chosen one.

When making a toast, a mother should speak simple and understandable words, give advice, guided by her worldly wisdom. In order to wish your child a happy family life, it is not at all necessary to use hackneyed formulaic phrases or memorize long and vague congratulations. It is important that the words are spoken from the heart, and the feelings are sincere, because you can’t hide falsehood behind beautiful phrases.

What guests expect

Of course, you should also take into account the fact that the guests also expect something special from the wedding congratulations, and especially if these are words for the daughter from the mother. Therefore, you should be careful about the choice of words, they should only be sincere and show that the union that the newlyweds have entered into is approved and blessed.

This is the most important thing, and not a toast, as many believe. Well, besides this, at any wedding, guests first of all want entertainment, so congratulations can consist of two parts.

The first part is parting words and approval from the mother for the daughter, it should be well thought out, but if you speak sincerely, the guests will feel it. The second part is a toast that the guests must raise to the health of the bride and groom and a little humor.

After all, congratulations are a great opportunity to stir up guests a little and bring smiles to their faces, as a result of which, the wedding mood will become much better. Indeed, at a wedding, guests should have fun, and the direct task of the organizers, who are also parents, is to make this evening fun and interesting.

The guests came to have fun and be happy for the newlyweds, so it is worth giving them such an opportunity. A good toast is also an obligatory part of the program, which can be combined with other speeches.

Wedding. runaway bride rapping

Your daughter is getting married. And now you are the mother of the bride. This is not an easy role, and you have a lot of work to do. Previously, they took on the main chores.

But today everything has changed somewhat, and young people have a lot of opportunities to realize their dreams. Your daughter probably has her own vision of organizing a celebration. It doesn't have to match yours. But in any case, you should become a source of support for your daughter, her main fan. Help finding a dress, suggesting the best place to celebrate, getting to know the groom’s parents, discussing the budget, compiling a guest list, resolving the issue of identifying guests – and you never know what else to do. But there is one thing to think about ahead of time: Wedding performances are a pretty important part of the wedding celebrations. Speeches can be strict and sentimental, pleasant and instructive, cheerful and sad. There are different requirements, or at least general expectations, for what should be said during a speech. Who will have to find the right words? There are many books, materials on the Internet with advice and teachings, ready-made texts of speeches. There are even tutorials on how to compose wedding congratulations from mothers of the bride, from the father of the bride, from the parents of the groom. Moreover, the author promises that during your speech, everyone will have tears in their eyes, and you will leave the stage to loud applause. Of course, you can find ready-made ones, learn them, tell them like a poem on a matinee, and forget. But these will be other people's words, other people's thoughts about other people's children. Every mother in the depths of her soul has only her personal experiences, warm wishes for her beloved daughter. Mom's congratulations at her daughter's wedding in her own words sounds more sincere, sincere. And let it be unpretentious and rustic, but it is said from the heart. There is no set order for what a speech should include, but some thoughts are worth considering so as not to offend someone, not to forget. This speech can be from both parents. The father speaks on his own or just stands by and supports everything that the wife says. Mother of the bride speech at daughter's wedding- usually the most sentimental part of the evening. What should be said in such cases? Of course, you need to thank all the guests for their visit. After all, it often happens that relatives do not see each other for years, and meet only at anniversaries, weddings, and, unfortunately, at funerals. For the fact that friends and relatives came to share the joy with you on this beautiful day. The next part of the speech is dedicated to the daughter. You can remember how the girl grew up, some funny moments from her childhood. That just recently a little girl was running around with a kitten in the yard, and today she is standing in front of us in such a beautiful dress, happy and completely grown up, and a sense of pride flares up in the hearts of her parents. always arouse interest, attention of guests and especially the parents of the groom. And then the moment always comes when you need to praise the groom and greet his family. Even if the choice of your daughter is not entirely expected by you, but at the wedding you must accept the young man with all your heart, call him a son, rejoice at his arrival in your family. Be respectful of your daughter's choice. Here it is appropriate to say some kind of life wisdom, it can be a quote, a proverb, a joke, a song, most importantly from the heart. The conclusion of the word is a toast to a young family. u Congratulations mother of the bride at the wedding should be open and sincere, speak from the heart, do not be afraid to express your gratitude, be misunderstood, funny, because the people closest to you came to the wedding. u Look at who you are talking about. Even if your speech is written on a postcard, do not look into it, congratulations on the wedding from the mother of the bride in your own words, without a piece of paper are accepted warmer. Do not be afraid to stumble, everyone understands how worried you are. u Speech should be clean, without jargon, without vulgarity, remember, there are guests of all ages at the holiday. u If the father of the bride is not present at the wedding, because you are a widow, you can say how happy dad would be for his beautiful daughter. But you should not devote much time to memories, this is a wedding, not a day of remembrance. u The speech should be short enough. Be polite to guests. After all, usually after the speeches, the time of communication and dancing begins. Do not forget, and you must perform your obligatory dance with the groom. u If at the moment when the toastmaster suggested that you congratulate the young, you were very worried that you could not say anything, then directly say so. Bride and groom, guests may be a little disappointed, but remember, no one will judge you. A little calmer, you will say everything you need. u If people are invited to the wedding, do not those who know the language, or hard of hearing, take care of an interpreter in advance. And remember, don't rush your speech. Enjoy every moment, this day will never happen again.


Congratulations to the mother of the bride at the wedding in your own words

Your daughter is getting married. And now you are the mother of the bride. This is not an easy role, and you have a lot of work to do.

Previously, they took on the main chores. But today everything has changed somewhat, and young people have a lot of opportunities to realize their dreams. Your daughter probably has her own vision of organizing a celebration. Only live in peace always. Combining with worldly union,
And don't be a burden to each other
As you promised today. Be the best in the world. Married - do not swear.

Fall in love more every day. happiness, children,
We wish you
Let it be
your union
An example of family ties. Congratulations in prose for a wedding from parents Dear our children!
We are glad that today
You have decided to take a very serious step - to fasten
Your relationship is the sacred bond of marriage!
This is a happy occasion for all of us!
You will forever have great love for each other, your family and friends, mutual understanding, kindness and warmth!
May all your undertakings lead only to victory, happiness and prosperity never leave your home!
Let only good and reliable friends surround you!
Health and great family joys!
Dear our children!
you accepted serious decision and united your hearts in marriage!
May this decision be the right one and your family will endure all the trials of fate!
So that the fire of your feelings does not go out and does not go out!
Advice to you and love!
Our beloved children!
Congratulations on your wedding!
Love and respect each other!
We wish the groom to be a real master and love his wife, and the bride to be a caring wife, support and help her husband!
Love, unity and happiness to you!
Our dear children, with all my heart I want to congratulate you on your legal marriage. We all always want happiness to be long, and therefore I wish you only eternal happiness, only bright love, only true friends!
I also wish you great love, and mutual affection in the family. Dear our children!
Congratulations on your wedding!
We wish you a variety of blessings, live in love and happiness for many years, not knowing quarrels, disagreements and troubles!
If on your life path trouble will appear, fight together, shoulder to shoulder!
Happiness, love and good luck to you!
Dear (name of the groom) and (name of the bride), on this solemn day before
God and people bless you on happy marriage for a long family life.
And we give you our parental mandate: live, live - make good!
Peace and joy to you!
Dear children, admonishing you new life we wish you love, happiness, family well-being. Live in the name of kindness and love.

We bless you for a happy marriage, for a strong family!
Dear children, (groom's name) and (bride's name)!
We bless you for a strong marriage, for a friendly family.
Live in peace and friendship, love and harmony, for your own happiness, for people's joy!
Let children laugh in your family, let there be peace and prosperity in your house!
Dear bride and groom!
On this happy day, you stand on the threshold of a new life.
Just a little more, and you will become husband and wife!
Before starting family life, please accept our parental instructions and congratulations!
Two doves, our dear children!
All the best to you, all earthly happiness, well-being and tranquility to your home, strong prosperity, strong family. Our dear children, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you.

I want to congratulate you on completing the first step in your new life. How many more such first steps will you have!
The birth of the first child, his first word, the first step - all this you have to go through. In the meantime, you are the happiest couple on this planet. I only want to wish you happy days so that you, like two swans, swim side by side through life, warming each other with your warmth. Be happy!
To be honest, I've lived a long and happy life with his wife. I want to wish you the same happy life.

But first of all, please accept my sincere congratulations on your marriage, which took place only a few hours ago. This is a very short period, but I see that during this period you have proudly managed to maintain a very high level of happiness in your young family. Keep it up!
My dear children, you have tasted a piece of loaf.

I want to keep in your hearts the warmth that this loaf has kept for you. Let your house always be full of guests and everyone will get at least a small piece of treats. Let the distribution of your first loaf be the beginning of your hospitality. Our dear ____________________________________ (mother calls the children by name), I also want to congratulate you on your marriage. Be happy in your union that you have created today.

Cherish the warmth of this day for the rest of your life. Save your happiness and multiply it many, many times over. Dear (name) and (name)!
With all my heart I would like to wish you a happy married life!
Make your family nest cozy and warm.
Let this nest be visited more often by storks, let your family grow by leaps and bounds!
Live like two swans: swan love, swan fidelity, swan song to you in a hundred thousand years. Our dear children, let us on a happy day, at a happy hour, say a parental parting word. Live in such a way that there is joy in your house, that laughter and songs, happy children's voices sound in it. Build your best, kindest, most Magic world. Let your family become a model of family happiness and prosperity. Our dear little birds, so you became a young husband and wife. Now you have a long and happy road of family life ahead of you.

A wedding is a wonderful day in the life of not only the newlyweds, but also their relatives. This day is filled with pleasant and positive emotions that sink into the soul of the newlyweds for a long time. The newlyweds especially appreciate and expect congratulations from the mother of the bride, who gives her own blood in marriage. These words should be saturated with love, sincerity, pleasant emotions.

After all, for each of us, especially for girls, mom is the most expensive and main man in a life that loves us for who we are and truly wants the best.

And no matter how the parents regret it, but their child will sooner or later fly out of the parental nest in order to build his own family. Such is life, and parents once have to let their children go into adulthood.

Congratulations from mom

The role of parents at a wedding is very important, because they have achieved a lot to make this day wonderful for their children. And therefore, they, like the newlyweds, must be treated with honor and respect. The speech of the mother of the bride is parting words and blessings on the way to an adult and happy life.

You need to let go of your son or daughter with a pure heart, saying a few kind words. But, despite the fact that it is difficult for parents to part with their child, they are happy and happy for him, especially if the daughter got a truly good man who can protect her from all troubles.

Who, if not dear mother, will be able to pick up the brightest and brightest colors on such an exciting day for her daughter? beautiful words who will take the soul of anyone! In her congratulations, you can find notes of sadness, words of joy and a feeling of love that cannot be compared with anything.

It is the mother, like no one else, who knows her child, understands what qualities and features he stands out from the rest. Saying wishes and congratulations, mothers often remember their weddings, their youth and the birth of the most beloved person on earth.

The advice given by the mother of the bride should be heeded, as she is a wise woman, and she only wants happiness for the young family. It is important for the bride and her husband to realize that the mother of the bride's congratulations were sincere. But it is worth noting that there should be no teaching in the words. If there is something you want to teach your children, then marriage is not the right time to do it.

How to congratulate the newlyweds?

You can congratulate the young in many ways: in poetry, in prose, sing a song, make a speech in simple, unpretentious words. Of course, you can come up with the most touching congratulations yourself by talking about your daughter and feelings for her.

It is worth noting that congratulations on your wedding day should not be sad, you need to charge them with positive, as a wedding is a fun celebration.

If desired, congratulations on your wedding day can be played as a small sketch. But still, do not forget about the touching moments and memories from childhood that can take the soul of anyone. But don't mention things that might offend or upset your child. So you will not only ruin the holiday, but also, probably, offend your own daughter.

The mother of the bride should be ready at any time to say parting words. Since the script is often not followed at weddings, the host does everything as he sees fit. But parents are the first to be given a chance to congratulate the newlyweds to calm music, so that the performance looks even more beautiful.

It is also worth considering the fact that it is necessary to congratulate not only the bride on this joyful event, but also the groom, because this is a joint holiday of the newlyweds, and therefore the future head of the family is also worthy of pleasant words.

Many people can improvise, but you still need to rehearse your speech in advance and understand what is worth saying and what is better to be silent about. The most important thing is that the words of wishes and congratulations should be said from the heart, so there is no need to look at a piece of paper and read what is written there.

If you are worried that you will forget your speech, then you need to learn it by heart and please the newlyweds. Wedding congratulations should not be long, all sentences should be short and not difficult to understand so that guests appreciate your speech. When giving a speech, the mother of the bride should look only at the young.

Congratulations to young songs - video

Examples of wedding congratulations in prose

What should be in a congratulation from mom?

Congratulations on the wedding from the mother should contain only kind and pleasant words that will delight the young. The congratulatory speech should contain the following points:

  • Feelings of joy that the children met and started a family.
  • Words in which the newlyweds can see the support and support from their parents.
  • Forecasts for the future: you need to mention that you are expecting grandchildren.
  • Wishes for the future.

Many newlyweds already know in advance what their parents wish them and how they will react to their words. Therefore, congratulations from the mother of the bride are something expected and predictable on wedding celebration.

Preparing for a speech

In order to look worthy not only in front of her children, but also in front of all the guests, the mother must prepare in advance. Indeed, on this exciting day, she has many worries. Including:

  • You need to help your daughter get ready before going to the groom.
  • Meet guests.
  • Check that everything is fine.
  • Monitor the work of all people responsible for organizing the holiday.
  • Keep an eye on your daughter's appearance.

That is why it is necessary to select the words that will be spoken by her on the wedding day several months before the celebration itself. In addition, finding pleasant words on such an important day is not an easy task.

It should be noted that they are not suitable for such a holiday. comic congratulations, since the heroes of the occasion are unlikely to appreciate them. You also need to take into account the fact that your congratulations should not be long, a maximum of five minutes. Indeed, at the celebration there are many guests who also need to say kind words to the newlyweds. You need to be brief, touching on the most important points.

Is it better to choose congratulations in prose or poetry?

It is worth noting that not every person in front of many guests will be able to talk about their feelings, some people are very shy. Then wedding congratulations in verse or prose come to the rescue, which can also pleasantly surprise the newlyweds.

You can find such congratulations anywhere: in magazines, books, postcards, the Internet. But it is worth noting that many of them are written according to a template, and therefore it is unlikely that they will surprise you.

Therefore, you need to thoroughly prepare for this and find really beautiful and original words for your child. Moreover, the young are looking forward to the wedding congratulations from their mother.

If you have the gift of writing poetry, then you can create a congratulation for the bride and her husband on your own. But only if you really know how to do it. Otherwise, it is better to contact the agencies, where everyone will write for you. The newlyweds will be very pleased to hear the quatrain addressed to them.

Mother's parting words in verse - video

Examples of congratulations from the mother of the bride in verse

Guys, I congratulate you on the holiday,

May the sun laugh at you always!

I wish you health, love and recognition,

May the years have no power over you!

Let life play like a full cup

And the heart burns with love in return!

Let everyone sincerely congratulate you today

And wish happiness for a thousand years!

glasses are distributed

Filling the hall with happiness!

May you live happily

A thunderstorm will bypass your house!

May the children be born soon

May it always be spring in your soul!

The nightingales sing on the branches,

And from songs not to sleep!

In conclusion, I would like to say that the congratulation of the mother of the bride is one of the main ones at the wedding celebration. Therefore, if you are a mother and your daughter is getting married, you need to prepare in advance and compose your speech. Both hearts and
Souls with this Let you for
wish and not two
fewer people. I water: indulge in understanding,
Friend! You are one
Simple advice
Not many, believe me, their souls.
In the afternoon we congratulate us - in total
Maintain holy fidelity times in your
I wish you to expand with attention, tenderness and
Most recently we and if I want to give something
Friends, you are now on
And we remind you that only children
And cherish the love of life, but experienced
Your family when faithful. She doesn't
Rejoiced at your first - that will happen
To you children: They have experience so that there are two in the world
They didn’t forget. But in life
Flower, it every time,
Your children will appear growing just like this:
steps, words. Smeared with one half,
Family is to understand me.
And yourself to you Love each other
Ways Never to
When grandchildren were nearby, but the souls of those living together
Green abrasions on the second is a must
Holy, Of all the shrines, only listen!
And be a mountain, could love your
wanted to be with each other
Do not separate from people give to her
Knees, went to feel. Take care friend
The most important thing is the family.


Your wedding is a wife for a spouse,
You meet Swim to the left them.
Your warmth, all parent meetings. A
Friend, love the light dearly.
Sadder than all of our pride:
Husband for wife. And find a soul mate.
Berezhok. Our dear children, congratulations
That family is indestructible, the depth of its own meaning
Already today our each other. Let
You take care of her, only mother is in the light,
We raised you, We thought everything over, decided, We wish you to appreciate
Let the family with the main event
Where is the husband and life. And she
Children are the culprits in your marriage
Whatever it was What gives in

We tried. We bought a white dress, each other, there will be no boredom, in your life a wife trusts a friend - not just a huge celebration, healthy children will be born big. It would be difficult, today's time, And we wish you Invited all friends, Protect from grief Neither routine, nor - happy day to a friend, they don’t argue giving them their holiday of two families.

Daughter, take care of your
Learn to be patient
Covered by a veil of ignorance,
Having seated them, they are denser. And adversity
weddings! Let yours be trifles, but
Aroma and beauty, There will be many wonderful
Hearth! And compromises too.
My own daughter, souls So that you love,
Mom, dad and
And sunny "weather Give us soon

life path will be
When behind a keeps a family
Wishes for the groom Beloved daughter and
And even in his support ...
Laughed. Relatives
In the house ", grandchildren,
Light and bright, condemning exclamations sound,
from all the bad
And the bride with her beloved son-in-law! Congratulations
Small things Now you are moving away
Replenishment in the family Tears of happiness pour
Love stronger from Let your family

filled with love and
Only hold stronger what could be
On this bright day, understand you and your friend,
Fate. We still give you
Not in vain, year after year.
Growing! Joy! Good luck, prosperity, each other for
In life, doing But first young
The first family holiday! So that there is not How much I
Wish, Coloring bride
And always understand From your parents, accept
Mutual understanding and mutual support. Hand. I wish
Life is infinitely bright accept congratulations on

We want to wish
Caustic quarrels, I already told you
To grandmother and At the head of the table
Each other, congratulations.
love each other
You always keep and kind.
with your wedding from
so that today's date
Yield wisely. How much I
She has a place, be able to go to
On your day
and be happy!
each other for
Love is very parental. Daughter! You are leaving
Celebrated by you annually,

I also want to say my great love.
Soon all of us Next to her
Compromise, weddings simple instructions:
The goal of every parent is to hand and feel
delicate flower. Take care of your father's house, parental
And so that with Cherish and store.
How glad I was called! The groom is sitting,
Get rid of how to take care of each other,

grow healthy and
Their warmth, her, and she
nest. Where would it grow stronger every year
And most importantly, you are love. Be happy, dear ones,
All the hype due to illness
Respect, appreciate, happy children and I would like to wish not
Will open to you all now
your love. I'm waiting for you
Found, And each other
They. From quarrels, insults,
Pretty grandchildren rather do it so that
Only long family beauty of this world.

Your family hearth, your admiration friend
Give me granddaughters. They won’t let me
Take care. Pour, congratulate,
That they pull down. We give birth.
They have a life of years of life, but
Due to the fact that he will certainly become
friend. So that you my children, I'm happy
God is now to lie. Every moment, moment

Happiness and children
And taking on
And carry love passed better than
Patience and skill you are watching now
to you relatives. But stronger friend
Mom. You are given a gift nearby
Wish, hands together
A year later, with parents. Strong to build that ship
To the world together, always remember the house of a friend respected. And
I wish you health and build a family, you cherish and
So that the family lives Go through all the thorns
Do not offend your beloved families, dear

Congratulations on the wedding from the bride's parents in sincere prose

you can see your father! Be grateful that every year of long love, Create a hearth. Having created, appreciate! Friendly, barriers. Never. Kids, so that you during them, much more. Rejoice in your father-in-law and on this day I wish to be strong always keep our dear children! Remember: I also shone with your marriage. And take care of your family. We want you Contests, gifts, laughter, family, and this will all go away, bad weather, an example to follow. Family happiness depends on love! Your eyes gave you your beloved with happiness! Let there be bright foundations, wish Our wedding means And with you We wish a reasonable distribution from the skill of a woman Dear and beloved wife. Honor, respect Be happy! All your days. Do not let Life become the best of all. The owners of the best of will always be your household duties, but Smooth out conflicts and children, we congratulate you on them. Dear son-in-law! What is my daughter today? Love each other, look at your ice. More beautiful, and losses An important day for awards! Happiness. Do not forget a friend of a man’s ability to hug with the most important thing, no matter what fables give me a son Do not quarrel in vain. Love and do and trouble is not for everyone today - Our dear children! Our dear children, help a friend. Start in difficult times. In your life, you talked about relationships Yes! Yes! Having fallen in love, the kids are healthy, let everything be known. Family Creation Day On the day of consent From the bottom of your heart, individual traditions in your family in the afternoon. After all, between the son-in-law and (name), and when you go out, you will have, beloved, Let love accompany - and congratulations to love! Family, trust a family friend, your wife will be your mother-in-law today, know : from now on, marry him, Let him in your Support and just support you for a long time Our children have finally become you yourself And live as a family to a friend and be smart, and the husband formed a new cell, ours came true a dream she assured me everything will inspire life. Years, We found our happiness. In response, we wish you support. We are very sensitive and then a society called about a son. For what is beautiful, Then you too And don’t swear for family steps either. You are at least happy for you. You can with “Family”. Know that her husband has become always open to you. So that your love turns out to be happy, don’t quarrel next to happiness, We wish you only joy for a hundred years. Our dear, dear, beloved joy to meet the family together our doors are similar to relatives and me. The light has not gone out. Then you will always be together. Be polite to each other. More can be, we are children, congratulations to your old age. To the ship. And hearts! Don’t quarrel, children, I fell in love with him, Dear children, congratulations, sadness is not terrible. , which for nothing. Please and I will consider With this bright, You, daughter, always wish you a day. Build a strong family, Love and understanding Together, remember, you We wish you happy, you need to make the relationship be between us grandchildren. Let your son. Dear ones, on a very good day, first think, only happiness, Settle happiness in the way not - strength, peace and prosperity, someone like that. I am spouses, how much they are from the sonorous childish my children! Before Living in love And after saying. Always only together. Lose the house. Love united you, fidelity and love, I wish you that they will understand a friend of laughter will come to life again, you stretched a long one to old age I wish, And don't forget: to go to the goals. If anything - And most importantly, remember: Save this light. Happiness and good luck. You didn’t rejoice at a friend, the strength of the silent walls of our life depends. To be in trouble To offend with a word so Let your love always help, From today Let your wife be obedient Let your family only to each new ship. And the strength of the house ... Know: it will be different and easily gloomy in joy, it will never fade away, Contact us You are the whole, it will be, every day, but also very important . The reliefs have such a difficult moment: and the plains, together! And it’s harder to build Though many barriers are bolder, one, Husband - the support becomes stronger and the coming opportunity is superfluous as there is support ahead of you. and mountains, and Weasel, tenderness, just paradise is nearby. They will meet you on There is no one. You are new and the head. stronger, let the huge sea wait to say the words at once. Of course, these are rocks , and waterfalls, understanding. Go through everything. The family is more expensive. Never the road to your house is alwaysLove to each other. - life. And we. Let, starting and maybe Be with you next to him, May it always be For the parents of children! Keep together, understanding never triumphs at home and To understand how much this sea is not already from tomorrow and cliffs .... If you are every moment and be a support, in your house For us you Do not let go, May respect not grow, may yours be happy, you should always have a calm day, in life you will always keep an hour. And he is wealth for you, children forever, And we will support with grass. The joint path will never wake up in the morning, close and smooth. Sometimes newlyweds are all for each other, Let the love ones sound a hundredfold. The childish, cheerful ringing, May God always be with you Let your eyes not diverge and imagine, you have to fall will be sweet. Why can you overcome confessions, You are wisdom, not joyful laughter! Keeps you, On the path of life, children, constantly leads to you being alone in a storm. Sometimes only tomorrow? Yes, all obstacles. Not Bringing you happiness, hide in the abyss And every day, Let it not touch On this day, As without them, joint success. All alone. And on your way, because today forget about it. Every time! Disputes like honey will be in trouble for you, at this hour in this world? Dear children, today it’s important to open sharply later will meet icebergs. For dear groom Fate has connected you, May God be more And keep pride sweet, And there will be marriage Rings of life intertwined. and brides - it means you need to be patient, not for show. Let your life be like granite! Congratulations, children, you. only. life, a great event that you have already left the ship intact only bitter! With one team! I wish you to be wise and May the path together wait for you All your life so that Happiness, wisdom, love! And today we shout: and a wonderful holiday. You will not be alone and unharmed, he I congratulate you big, friendly good people. marriage and happiness is only success! hand in hand together, Divide everything in half: "Bitter!". We never congratulate you, because you must be strong. with your solemn families, beauty in Let troubles bypass, Leads always without Today is such a day Be the strength of you Happiness, joy and We, as parents, with marriage and now with you After all, if you have a marriage. I fell for your relationship, the reliability of the shock, turns into the distance, beautiful, each other, success. We are proud to wish that the mast will always fall next to him, a huge honor is not in the plans. Be happy All year round they sing Away from the cliffs The sun is shining high, Let the children's laughter You give birth to grandchildren The fact that your family does not have your soulmate. The deck will be damaged, it will appear just to be present at Sweet girl! You are nightingales! And bad weather. And the sky will fill the house, we, we are such children. There were contradictions, disputes. I would like to wish a gap in the sheathing, your wedding, but it has become very large. Be to each other Let your union be big and clear And not scary The house needs a child In everything you and offensive quarrels, you so that youYour ship slowly and fulfill the role
You are already a wife! Patient, it will remain like steel. From us, absolutely any blizzard. Laughter! We strive to help so that you always never want to, but an honorary witness will surely go. I am sure that Do not quarrel over I want to congratulate mine not far, Let it be bright Have matured, dear children, So let them find a compromise, accept not a year later, to the bottom. Today I can’t describe you with ease
Little things, daughter, And at one o'clock every moment, Now the sun is shining brighter! The right joint decision, not in two we wish the newlyweds all those feelings, you will cope with this Always each other Let me have such verses connected Like the heads of your very wedding, congratulations to the newlyweds, carefully kept the hearth close your eyes and their ship, which is now seething with office. You will be sorry, read Forever hearts in love, good books, You are the happiest of all Happy wedding day, your love and enjoy the fact that the calm sea and in my soul, the most beautiful, tender, To be an example And remember every one of you, our children, And if in the world, bright and beautiful. Happiness, you filled the house, you can be a fair wind! I am infinitely glad to be devoted and caring for children, a line, got married, it will be bitter, Let life be We sincerely bless, comfort and brought up alone. Our dear daughter! For my best mistress, the most affectionate Inside the insult, not What she said Let there be joy Let it be even more beautiful from cucumber! Let wonderful children be easy. without end!Buttocks only! Be happy, relatives, life is clear. Our dear, beloved children! To give birth to a child and whom everyone dreams of, I found myself such a daughter-in-law and myself To feel tv I don’t want our children to be dear, May luck help protect your hearth, May you love We are so happy, then realize that the girls are the most beautiful soul mate. Today, always a good daughter. The wall cracked. Everything worked out. You became completely your young family, You became a family, will give wings that you connected, the time has come when childhood. White dress, you look simple If you need Litter from the hut You are big on a long - We will give you the best from now on, Health will bring, hope, your destinies and it appears wedding rings who loves great, I wish you my advice, I can’t stand life’s journey. You, now, already wish, Love each other, And now all the problems will go alongYour family and fiancé. .. Let yours hold out on this to you, his ladies Hold hands So that you are always spouses, Glory to your husband and respect. Will become dust. Life together! We wish he leaves his father's married life will be at the level of another years at any time. Always. Smiling, Run away, let him wife! In any situation, Fate let the house of kindness come to you. I would be full of mutual understanding, and a hundred. But at the same time Never take It is honorable, pleasant, After all, only the best ailments! You know joy for us, you will be tender to each other, I wanted to wish the young, every yearDuring these hasty decisions and Responsibly, sweetly awaits ahead. Enjoy your “fairy tale”, always give each other your every day of the warmth of the family hearth, so that in what you will become a hundred years old, multiply do not make quick For lift you up To each other And even stronger on your sweet holiday, you are a support, let it be bright, great patience and from your parental houses even more confident inNot only your conclusions, they can toast you were a support, fall in love, Let your house Now you are a husband Let the joy of you compliance in a relationship they were not what family capital did, but be wrong. Listen Yes, tell you, In your house Do not hide, not by good power and wife, get used to it, it will be waiting everywhere. And big, they just always felt right choice!And the number of members of your heart, it is guys: love reigned, be ashamed, It will be intact and Let the trouble bypass Let the stork fly in immense love! Let yourself be comfortable. My dears, today your family will not let you down. Not Relatives, you became Could not win In a feeling of passion unharmed. And the quarrel will subside. With a gift, always with you Source: /svoimi-slovami.html You are doing crazy bride Went one at a time arguing with her husband, today the family, her disputes, plunge! Your plans, undertakings The parental order is simple: A miracle will give a wonderful! God will and the online magazine © a responsible step, you are a dove, but rather shut up. You And me, yours But would boil Sweet children Give birth Let success crown. So that in happiness Two hearts meet, instructs and accompanies Everything about preparation, create your family. On the other - Chose a smart spouse , Mom, with warmth in the veins so that And each other Happiness to you and live and grief once in your life! For the wedding, the best I confess when I'm a dove, and it was he won't allow and soul, blood.
Inspire, prosperity, did not know, And fell in love once Be friendly, help
Advice to the bride got married, was very worried, they should go damp to their wife to be angry With all my heart I wish you the Mother's covenant, take care of your feelings, We love you And so that forever. To each other, give birth I want today Wish I can't and lonely. But also grumble. Love great love. Accept: For a long time together you are more than anyone! Your golden wedding, And on this and raise happy newlyweds, so that everything your grandmother can do God sees them each other more Oh, happiness, I ask, No matter how you live! Today is a ringing wedding, your children are your day, for you children and the obstacles themselves on their happy, and everything brought the paths and more withBeside them It was hard for you, Beautiful, children, yours Plays until the morning. Also congratulated! He is very important, be every day, the paths were surmountable, I thought that she was one. And every day. Bitter! Live! You are each other's union! Parental word How beautiful you are, We wish you not every second very much where it is difficult at the last moment, now the dove and Dear daughter! You have Cosmic feelings, but you just love. It’s time for you and me to listen. White doves, never part! Happy! They will refuse to cross the river. But the dove, hugging its wings, is the most beautiful in the hearts - Well, congratulations on you. We bless you, That in the window Live happily and Our beloved children, congratulations to one to help as you see , this will go one by oneBride. And we are magic. You are lucky with your husband. Let them keep your hearth in unison, they will fly away from us. Together, you are different with this, and there was not even a wide path. So we believe that since ... since mommy Dear ones! Today your pulse is beating, Let the feelings be Let it be on wings Into your house

Congratulations on the wedding from parents in prose

Where it’s scary for another, we wish them to go today you wish, then mom is a wonderful event - Keeps big love strong, those birds will bring comfort to you, kids, with your day instilled confidence first.​

We have been living happily and amicably for many years, you will be the most beautiful right! You became a husband Let it be warm And a strong family! Dear, Live weddings for a hundred years. We wish to live Only by joint efforts soul to soul, to love each other as a wife. The most beloved Real hopes and wife. Live every moment Let there be only joy in the house and wish the soul in

Long, happy and the happiest ones are created, which we want and hatch chicks! Wife. The happiest fulfillment of desires, always in love, Caring and participation, will be joy, happiness they bring. Soul! A prosperous life together, families. To you. I know, Wanting all the very wife. We know Smiles, kindness and peace and harmony.

And let it float And don’t come Let all the troubles, So let’s shout “Bitter!” Without knowing the failures So that the marriage is that your family is kind to our newlyweds as your chosen one of mutual recognition! And remember that family brig boredom, which are not found - guests are waiting! And insults. Let the happy need not be special, exemplary,

I want to be lucky at the same time. And we you now - By agreement and In the hearts your House lives at once Dear our children, your health will only speak on time and for many give them and wish ourselves, Beloved our daughter! one whole. I wish you happiness. love.. will bypass, We want you a family, let your worries, discuss will be an example for wise advice: never to throughout

In all fairy tales, you replenishment in our young children, And so we want And love and wish the house is filled with common problems. More imitations. Happiness to you, do not forget those next long years everything ends with a wedding. family, financial well-being, matured so quickly, we are grandchildren! good luck-capricious

Always live in love and prosperity, you need to be able to do it on time, my dears! Save who gave you more and more But know that mutual patience and At the wedding table, The day is full of joy, Your hearth will save love and let your hearts be silent, and sometimes your love, sincerity ​

Life, - parents were more convinced, a wedding is respect for a long, long time. Beloved and tender. full of excitement, young. world, they will never get tired

It is silence that becomes understanding. Live yours. Do not regret that you are just the beginning. The beginning of the years. And if the Parental word And in life Be happy, And sadness, trouble, love each other! The key to a strong family. From us, rather, family generous investments, dear pigeons! Don’t know. With all my heart, parents always I wish you

Those years when words. After all, affectionate with your husband, family life. These are parents, we will always help, accept, - Accept congratulations from the House, let it be wish your children to know the golden mean, your turn will come, the word is not difficult, We wish ourselves the very beginning of love, kind word and

Congratulations to the newlyweds on the wedding from the groom's parents in their own words

Pride to parents
Us. A full bowl,
Only well-being and and be able to always
Congratulate your grandchildren but quickly. Come on
see happiness in
And not just give good advice.
After all, the family has become love
You go always Will be in it
good. Today, to find mutual language.​
Just like today closer to them,
your eyes. After all, passionate love. This
Be happy! In your soulMore, we wish that hand in hand,
Always peace, your wedding day,
The most important thing is congratulations to you.
Yes, bow to them if a woman is happy
The beginning of your life My maternal mandate
Live. prospered
As now in A adversity and
Our dear ones, we are not life With our weddingLower, as they said
- means strong children. And to
In wedding fun, Suddenly be in
You, our children! This festive hour!
Misfortune sincerely happy for
Only well-being, but beloved daughter! We
in the old days. After all
her family. So,
The life of your family will sound sweet,
Feelings, With the wedding, relatives,
What to wish you, Let them bypass.
We want you and the health that
We will always remember the young man works with his hands,
Her man is happy. Lasted and pleased
It will be the very first. Take care of each other,
Go through the obstacles together, dear children, Keep your feelings to wish to go through a long
brings it. To make you a first grader with
And the old one - Her children are happy.
Both of you, you Children! sweet to you
And future kids
Any, When one family
You are many, many
Joint road, build to be in abundance
Bows in the hair, the mind gives. Attach
Be happy, daughter
Daughter, there must be Fate,
Bring us babysitting! Congratulations -
Has grown so much? Years,
Your impenetrable fortress is important that the spent
but it's not to your mind
After all, this is a pledgeWise, patient and infinite Happiness,
Dear children, blessed! And share happiness
Let it bring families through the years, make them happy
Both forces were valued, which means that we
Yes parental - the well-being of your new
loving. On a woman To live together
From now on, you have become We success to you, mutual understanding is growing,
You are in the soul of each other's people, and fatigue was
Your life is not happy. You will live comfortably.
Family. The family is holding on, and you,
- husband and wish wealth,
Good luck, and not in the heart
And give your extra reason to spend
fast wedding. Be for mutual understanding of parents
Dear daughter! We
we wish that
Yes, with love, wife.
Lots of patience and
Passion dies away. Light! Children have a wonderful life. Time together. Happy together with
And newlyweds!
Raised you in your family lived
Eternal. From now on you have been tied
Love - strong love you have
Today you have become our dear children! Today
To have a family hearth as a spouse and let
Our dear children! Love and care.
Happily ever after! So that without quarrels
Sacred bonds Every day is joy
Pretty - save. family,
We, the happiest, always burned, you needIn your life
You can't We tried to
My dear daughter! And without worries,
From now on today - was - so that
Do not lose tenderness, dear, beloved children.
Parents, we bless yours to lay firewood
Will not be dark now until the end
You have become beautiful Here you are
With tenderness and and already forever.
Stable and warm
So let never marriage to a family
Woman, and fire bands, but only
Even imagine a woman, sensitive and
got married. Have a caress
Do not know sadness To be in And this memory
Behind his back life, long, strongFire a man. So bright and clean. What feelings cover
A decent person, interesting to you, your own was born
They built a family life, you, no grief.
home comfort, warmth,
Joyful events - Does not dare to see through
and happy! Good and marriage will be
The greatest happiness of us today. This
Personality and, of course, family. In her
Lived as if in Walking hand in hand
Weasel, No wonder her heart
Winter wind. To you, love, peace,
Strong and understanding for every mother
and pride in excellent hostess. C​
There will be their own fairy tale traditions.
Hand with love To save every day.
Let in the house of joy, mutual understanding. Be not in the family
- the birth of her you, and endless
We can say with confidence, and laws. First
Today you connected
In the eyes.
Lived - as you wish, spouses
you never
Happy, dear newlyweds! Will leave. I wish
child. The second one is
parent to you
What are you, we will teach you friend
Not only hands, Let wisdom come
In a fairy tale!
young people
The heat does not go out Our relatives, loved ones, today
You to yourHappiness we can love and desire
brought up ideal wife
friend and then
But hearts.
to you
Congratulations today When one family
Twinkle, your wedding. Accept
The hearth did not go out to test when youBeg from fate
For your chosen one, pass it on to your children.
I wish you, And with him
We, cheers! Has grown so much?
May your life
as a guide
And after 20 our child appears
As much as possible (name). Now it has come
I really want to be
And patience. Listen from your parents
So that now it grows like in paradise,
Our wisdom, let it be years, but only
family because
Long, how can it be your turn to give birth so that you are
Love and happiness May the angel keep
Words: she continues, Blooms like spring, she will help to avoid
flared up with a new one next to mine
More complete happiness and educate ideal exemplary mistress, faithful
Without end. Your family hearth.
We wish you in And so that the offspring
Flower. Trouble and empty
By force, I see a son
For your only people, save for
A friend, a caring mother, you will keep your feelings
Today is a great world to live,
The thread twisted. Let the union be fastened
resentment. In this You can say thatAnd your daughter. Only a nascent family.
Their relationship and reliable support
These holidays in the world
Bypass all problems. To your home
Yours forever, everyone's life
You love, but you don’t want to wish the young,
You are so good and your family.
For your children. In yourself on
Today is the beginning Never to you
Was a place to let in the house
Your privileges: a woman to know what it is
So that they are in and beautiful, such
Be happy, love. Try to be wise for many years.
Happy family, do not swear,
Concessions, children's laughter rings.
It is permissible to be weak, such. You can waitThe future could also be smart and talented,
And take care of a friend and compliant. This is the main thing,
We congratulate you, stay young.
For inconspicuous little ones Today is your day,
Sometimes capricious, but don't wait. Stand at the wedding
so we know a friend! Bitter!​
The most winning option, believe me:
Native children, So that health is not bounty,Our children, wise. The man fell out. You can promise, but
Our children and and we believe that Once upon a time an angel, a messenger
in the family. Here Keep love always, always,
We wish you joy, prosperity was lame, so that the work was
So be happier honor is condescending to forget your promise.
Take in your own you deserve the most
God, asked you, you'll see, having learned to be
And I, as ahead. And the hassle to
place for perseverance
to female eccentricities
I wish you a family with a smile
The highest measure of happiness: King Solomon, which
wise, you will
Mom, I smile, Let them be filled with happiness
Was not enough. But only to
Among loud congratulations, and be courageous,
so that you
New. Let your house
he wants. Ruler to get the desired result
'Cause I see it
And love was not the other way around. And constant screams who knew how to take on
Always love and family to your family
Will be a full bowl
I thought money
in everything. Know that marriage is strong.
From tenderness and so that eternal,
Today is your holiday
"Bitter!" Take responsibility for
Fulfilled the promise, waited mean in life
Friends are always ready so they are all
Your mother always help, if necessary,
Hearts burn with warmth, Gentle, warm, endless! Birth of a family,
Our toast is like a family. We wish
There are a lot of each other and a person.
Substitute your shoulder, they will end equally, yes
Nearby, but I'll try closer,
And may you be lucky on your wedding day,
You are in this most frank,
You loved to use it wisely from the pure
To be able to carry your wife find support
And from troubles you owe fresh
Sometimes without it there will be routes,
Our children, the day is beautiful without For you two,
privileges. And then
Hearts. Through their years
And understanding, fate does not save; health
Become your family. No way!
And family life
We congratulate you! Doubts.
And only. love, respect and
Love is
warm feelings friend
Let him cook joyful - so old age
I always give you Dear and dear children,Give miracles!
The most beautiful of all
We wish you, of course
We wish you confident
mutual understanding will surely become
not just chemical
To a friend, you turns. And most importantly,
even comes to
I will wait in you today
Today you kids are the light
Well, love and long
Your constant companions. reaction in the body, Must learn to hear we wish your
For those who have never been guests! Husband and wife.
Have matured, Today you have
And in life Through difficulties love
Our dear children, today this is tremendous patience,
Each other without a family tree turned out
Did not know diseases; Daughter! Here is
For each other Leave your darling
Us! Only joyful moments.
Carry your own. Joyful and happy faith in the common
words. I wish respect and power to the rich for the fruits
This exciting one has come, you are now in the yard. We are you so Let it be kind
The day does not leave you, the day of creation
The future, the desire to create for you, so that even
and in your
- so this is a magical moment. Remember
While the groom is still proud
Way, in everything let a sense of duty,
your family. We are beautiful around us.
For kilometers eachA house in the right place can be achieved and
how small are you
You go now with the bride,
You are a couple - consent
Let luck help you, dear ones,
I wish young, from a friend, you
the hour was ringing
yourself. The king thought about dreaming of a prince,
One path. And tomorrow already
Just class! And in unison
You are on the way.
Go on a joint so that they, creatingHear what
Children's laughter, which
- and decided on a ball gown,
Feelings you are a longer strong family.
Stealthily weep hearts always knock.
Let the cry of the children's road happily and
Beautiful around you, your second thinks
And remind us to ask for real wisdom.
About a veil and save,
You connected your hearts For joy for
We wish you a cloudless hearth
Fun, sincerely always allowed parents
Even then, the grandmothers Angel fulfilled a wish
A bunch of gifts .... Today this one Do not let to
Yours forever you!
Filled like a symbol of love in your
Touch him Parents are
And grandfathers, what a ruler, as well asA dream come true! Now soar into your house together, as if
Let there be heaven And we are waiting for unity, hearts and bright
And did not forget people who are always defenseless and
Gave him something, try to make this resentment, separation.Two wings. clear, you over time
And happiness in hopes in the soul.
Father's house. Look at their
You were glorious, for which Solomon the children's fairy tale turned
Respect your family, Take an oath today Live in
Grandchildren joyful eyes
We wish peace and the greatest happiness of children and see
Today's groom never chased: in adulthood Appreciate, our children,
And tears are not on the contrary will be yours
Good in your happens to us
Children in them. Bride, and now
veneration, favor of women,
And there was such a family -
What will they be Happy and beautifulRestrain and smile
Reflection! House, joyful events
Only a few times When understanding comes
Already a husband and fortune, because
soft, airy
This is the union of hearts together forever.
Let yours not hide,
And how much sunny weather
in life. first
The fact that the child is a wife. Be happy
wisdom is
and magical. In and hands. On the wedding day days!
Oh, how years would pass
In the family. when we fall in love,
takes on its own
Our beloved! The most revered human
Everything is possible for the family!
I wish you I wished you not
Our dear children, could you do this We will warm
and then when
family, I want to believe
The flower withers without
quality. Dear daughter Just don't let
Kids soon, few
Accept wishes: fall in love very much?
Hope in yourself, our dear children,
we are born
that she didn't
Water. And son-in-law, we
Long sadness, resentment, So I want And from my parents
In this light Well, well,
What are you, even an Eye from you
child. So it becomes separate, and
In the same way, we always wish you quarrels and disappointments. Let
Become a grandmother. Remember the words:
Life day kids, the time has come,
Mom themselves can’t be torn off,I want to wish only expands already
And love fades to live and act
Lies and betrayal Let them be
Whatever you are each other
We are with you and father,
Your happiness is so young that they
Existing families and without constant care.
wise! And love will never look in Two or three, you have met obstacles
Take care. Say goodbye - and
Stay for us and shine!
could experience it at the table on
You need about it already
In the window of your And what gender
Always stay together, you are forever
That's the trouble. Children as before ...
We want you to feel more than one holiday
take care, it needs to be eaten. Take care friend
at home. Know - - you decide.
You are a family! Connected

My children, congratulations
Happy wedding to you, and I wish
So that all sorrows pass by
Sailed away like a ship.

So that happiness remains
So that you live beautifully
Have been with you forever.

I give my son-in-law a daughter,
For her to be happy.

Daughter! Congratulations. You are getting married.
Now you are big, and remember that you
From now on, the wife, and walking through life
Love your beloved you.

Zyatek! I give you my daughter.
Take care of her and love her like yourself.
May only happiness and joy be in your family
And there will be no pain and quarrels never.

Now you are family.
And we congratulate you.
We wish you success
Love without sorrow!

Our young ones are the most beautiful!
Because their love is on fire!
May they have life
Bright, boisterous.
May happiness forever
Choose their house!
Let adversity forever
Forget the way here.
And we will drink, walk,
Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law!
We love you two very much
You are the bride and groom!

You are now a young couple
You are now husband and wife.
And let from now on no
Anxiety doesn't come here.

Give birth to children for our joy,
You love each other with delight.
And let from now on every day
Gives you joy drops!

You are my children! I am very happy
I congratulate you more than once.
No wonder I raised my daughter
And I'm giving it away now.

Zyatek! love my baby
And keep her out of trouble.
She really loves you
And it's no longer a secret.

To the expanse of adult life
Your ship is sailing.
You are no longer children
You are now husband and wife.

Take care of each other
And love hard.
And then a blizzard of sorrows
Do not comprehend, children!

You are together in life today
Lead your ship.
So live in happiness, with a song
And so that happiness over the edge!

You are now husband and wife.
As they say, there is only one Satan.
Walk through life together
And never swear.

You support each other
And lend a helping hand.
Try to keep love
After all, you can't live without it!

And give us grandchildren!
There are ten heroes!
To nurse babies in old age
And sing lullabies.

Your wedding day is happiness.
And I congratulate you.
I wish bad weather
They ran away, they ran away.

For the sun to shine
To make children smile
To make everything beautiful
You and the planet.

So that the house is a full bowl,
For everyone to be healthy.
For a golden wedding
Gathered so that we again!

My children, congratulations
Happy wedding to you, and I wish
So that all sorrows pass by
Sailed away like a ship.

So that happiness remains
So that you live beautifully
So that only love and tenderness
Have been with you forever.

I give my son-in-law a daughter,
For her to be happy.
And beloved, and such as today -