Some tips for eighth graders on learning English. How to organize the study of English in the summer for children? What should a seventh grader know in English

  • 25.07.2020

English grade 3

English for children in grade 3 can become one of their favorite subjects if the teacher was able to instill in them an interest in learning a foreign language. The main task of the lessons and homework is the development of communication skills, vocabulary, reading and writing.

What should a child know when studying English in 3rd grade? Skills that may seem secondary are actually the basis for successful English learning, these are:

the ability to listen and perceive by ear the English text;
understand the meaning of transcription;
be able to work with a dictionary and other auxiliary aids (GDZ, notebooks, audio cassettes, the Internet);
ability to write learned words in English;
the ability to read and translate, as well as read silently and at the same time understand the text and be able to answer questions on the content;
knowledge of the basic rules of reading and spelling according to the program "English Language Grade 3";
master expressive reading;
have sufficient intellectual baggage (to know the culture, history, geography and children's literature of England in the required volume);
have a well-formed pronunciation and a prepared articulatory apparatus;
know the verse and songs provided for by the program "English for Grade 3";
be able to compose written and oral stories, dialogues, participate in a conversation;
have a sufficient active vocabulary;
study the subject with interest and understand its necessity.

English grade 3 involves free communication in this language, the ability to build speech structures, write short essays and descriptions from pictures.

The best way to fully work through the material is the comprehensive practical application of knowledge. This is easily achieved with the help of didactic aids appropriate to the program.

    A traditional textbook with good and understandable pictures is a manual written by a methodological team led by Vereshchagina I.N. The book will help third-graders learn English and introduce students to the new rules and features of English speech and spelling.

    Third grade students and their parents will undoubtedly appreciate Kaufman's book by K.I. Magical adventures, charming characters, interesting educational stories about England - all this makes learning English fun, exciting and effective.

    Only systematic training gives a high result. That is why, in addition to textbooks, the authors must publish English manuals for moms and dads. A selection of program grammar rules for the third grade will help moms and dads in controlling home exercises.

    To reduce the verification time, it is advisable for parents to use the GDZ to the workbook of Biboletova M.Z. for grade 3. The collection will come to the rescue of dads and mom: it will help to see the mistake and correct it together with the student.

    Quizzes are one of the newest methods of verification that both teachers and parents like. In order for the third-graders not to fail at the real test lesson, it is necessary to teach them how to solve tests using the example of training tasks.

    Parts of speech is one of the fundamental topics in learning English. For better assimilation and memorization of the features of a given language, it is necessary to repeat as often as possible. Additional exercises for third graders are one way to improve knowledge.

    The intellectual Olympiad in English is very popular among schoolchildren. If the teacher finds an approach to the class, then participation in the competition can become one of the most important learning objectives (besides knowing the language). At the first stage, the whole class participates in the Olympiad, and the teacher can use ready-made tasks to prepare children.

    English puzzles arouse great interest among third-graders and activate their work in the lesson. Despite the game nature of the tasks, they provide a serious educational load, since in order to solve entertaining tasks, you need to remember 2-3 topics or rules at once.

    The textbook of the Millie series is included in the complex for learning English in elementary school. The book, in which there are so many interesting tasks and vivid illustrations, children cannot but like! And fascinating educational stories about England will introduce kids to the history and culture of this amazing country.

The work program in English is designed to work with students of the 7th grade in a comprehensive school at the beginning of teaching a foreign language from the 5th grade. The work program is designed for 105 hours of the school curriculum with a load of 3 hours per week.

The work program is developed on the basis of:

■ Exemplary program of basic general education in a foreign language (English);

■ Federal state educational standard;

■ Programs for teaching materials by O. V. Afanasyeva and I. V. Mikheeva “A New English Course for Russian Schools”. 1-5 years of study. Grades 5-9./ O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V.



Explanatory note

The work program in English is designed to work with students of the 7th grade in a comprehensive school at the beginning of teaching a foreign language from the 5th grade. The work program is designed for 105 hours of the school curriculum with a load of 3 hours per week and provides for a reserve of free time in the amount of 10% of the total hours. The duration of the program is 1 year.

The work program is developed on the basis of:

  1. An exemplary program of basic general education in a foreign language (English);
  2. Federal state educational standard;
  3. Programs for teaching materials by O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva “New English course for Russian schools”. 1-5 years of study. Grades 5-9./ O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V.

Purpose of the work program- specify the formation of the communicative competence of students, i.e. ability and readiness to carry out interpersonal and intercultural communication in four types of speech activity for the third year of study at the beginning of teaching English in the 5th grade.

The purpose of teaching English- the development of foreign language communicative competence in the aggregate of its components - speech, language, sociocultural, compensatory, educational and cognitive, and the development and education of students in understanding the importance of learning a foreign language in the modern world and the need to use it as a means of communication, cognition, self-realization and social adaptation .

A foreign language (including English) is included in the general educational field "Philology". The changes taking place today in social relations, means of communication require an increase in the communicative competence of schoolchildren, the improvement of their philological training. All this raises the status of the subject "foreign language" (including English) as a general educational discipline. English as an academic subject is characterized by:

  1. interdisciplinary (the content of speech in English in grade 7 is information from such areas of knowledge as mathematics, Russian, geography, history, the world around us, art, music, physical education, the world of professions, etc.);
  2. multi-level;
  3. multifunctionality (acts as the goal of learning and as a means of acquiring information in various fields of knowledge).

The work program is implemented on the basis of the training course "New English Course for Russian Schools" 3rd year of study (authors O.V. Afanasyeva, I.V. Mikheeva). The main principles of the training course are as follows:

  1. communicative orientation of the entire learning process;
  2. differentiated and integrated training for all types of speech activity;
  3. active activity and conscious nature of the learning process;
  4. personality-oriented approach to learning a foreign language;
  5. simultaneous and interconnected communicative and socio-cultural development of students;
  6. use of all types of visualization;
  7. maximum repeatability of the material;
  8. gradual, unhurried assimilation of language material by students.

In the process of teaching English in the 7th grade, students must master it as a means of communication and form skills and abilities in four types of speech activity - listening, speaking (oral), as well as reading and writing (written).

Speech competence

speaking. Dialogic speech. Continued development of leadership skills:

  1. etiquette dialogue (start, maintain, end communication, delicately leave the conversation; congratulate, express wishes and respond to them, thank; politely ask again, express consent / refusal). Volume - 3 remarks from each student;
  2. dialogue-questioning (requesting and reporting information) the volume of up to 4 replicas from each student;
  3. dialogue-incitement to action (making a request and expressing readiness / refusal to fulfill it, give advice and accept / not accept it, an invitation to action and agreement / disagreement to take part in it). Volume - 3 remarks from each student;
  4. dialogue-exchange of opinions (express one's point of view, agree / disagree with the partner's opinion, express doubt, feelings, emotions) volume - 3 remarks from each student;

monologue speech. The following skills are expected to be acquired:

  1. speak about facts and events using description, narration, message;
  2. convey the main content of the read based on the text;
  1. express your opinion in connection with the text you read, listened to. The volume of a monologue statement is 8-10 phrases.

listening . Possession of the ability to perceive a foreign text by ear involves understanding simple texts with different depths of penetration into their content: understand the topic, choose the main facts, omitting secondary ones, selectively understand the necessary information in messages of a pragmatic nature based on a linguistic guess, context. The listening time of texts for listening is 1 - 1.5 minutes.

Reading . Students learn to read texts with an understanding of the main content (introductory reading - the volume of texts is 400-500 words excluding articles), with a complete understanding of the content (learning reading - the volume of texts is 250 words excluding articles), with a selective understanding of the necessary information (viewing reading). Regardless of the type of reading, it is possible to use a bilingual dictionary.

Letter . At this stage, the formed writing skills are improved and the following skills are further developed:

  1. make extracts from the text;
  2. plan the text;
  3. write holiday greetings, express wishes (up to 30 words, including the address);
  4. fill in questionnaires, forms, indicating the name, surname, gender, age, citizenship, address;
  5. write a personal letter based on a sample (ask the addressee about his life, health, affairs, report the same about himself, his family, friends, life events and affairs, express a request and gratitude).

The volume of a personal letter is 50-60 words, including an address written in accordance with the rules adopted in English-speaking countries.

Language competence. Graphics and spelling

Knowledge of the rules for reading and writing new words selected for this stage of learning and the skills to apply them within the framework of the studied lexical and grammatical material.

Phonetic side of speech

Skills of adequate pronunciation and discrimination by ear of all sounds of the English language; observance of the correct stress in words and phrases, semantic stress, observance of the correct intonation in various types of sentences.

The lexical side of speech

The lexical productive minimum of a student should be 800 units, i.e. 400 more lexical units in addition to 400 learned in grades 5-6, including stable combinations and speech clichés. The total volume of vocabulary is 1200 lexical units.

Mastering the following word-formation means:

  1. affixation (suffixes for the formation of nouns -tion, -ance, /ence, -ment, -ist; adjectives -less, -ful, -ly; adverbs -ly; prefix un- for the formation of adjectives and nouns with a negative meaning)
  2. conversion (formation of adjectives and verbs based on the substantive stem chocolate - chocolate cake; supper - to supper.)

Introduction to adjectives and verbs controlled by prepositions (to be afraid of, to be sure of, etc.)

Distinguish units little/ a little, few/ a few, not many/ not much to express different quantities.

Use of lexemes so, such as intensifiers.

The grammatical side of speech.


  1. Countable and uncountable nouns. The transition of uncountable to the category of countable nouns (glass - a glass)
  2. Nouns used only in the plural (shorts, jeans, pajamas clothes etc); and used only in the singular (money, news etc)
  3. Special cases of plural formation of nouns

a) foot - feet, tooth - teeth, goose - geese, child - children, deer - deer, sheep - seep, fish -

b) nouns ending in -s, -x, -ch, -f, -y, (bus - buses, box -
boxes, wolf - wolves, lady - ladies etc);

  1. The use of articles with geographical names, names of languages, nations and their individual representatives
  2. The use of the zero article before the nouns school, church, hospital etc in structures like to go to school.


  1. Absolute form of possessive pronouns (mine, ours etc)
  2. The negative pronoun no and its equivalents not a, not any;
  3. Pronouns any, anybody in the meaning of "any, anyone"
  4. Pronouns some, somebody, something in questions that are a request or an offer


  1. Degrees of comparison of adjectives (monosyllabic and polysyllabic, including disyllabic ones ending in -y, -er, -ow)
  2. Suppletive forms of the formation of comparative and superlative degrees of comparison of adjectives (good - better - best, bad - worse - worst)
  3. Comparison of adjectives in the structures as ... as; not so/as ... as.Numeral:
  4. Ordinal numbers, incl. and suppletive forms (first, second etc)

Cardinal numbers to indicate the order and numbering of objects / subjects (Room 4).


  1. Temporary forms past simple (questions and negations); future simple, past progressive.
  2. Consideration of past simple / past progressive tenses in opposition to each other.
  3. Comparison of tenses Present progressive, future simple and turnover to be going to expressions of the future
  4. Modal verbs may, must, should, need and turnovers have to, be able to To convey modality
  5. Verbs not used in continued forms (know, understand, want, have etc)
  6. construction Shall I do something? to offer help and get advice
  7. structure have got for expressing possession and its comparison with the verb to have


  1. incentive sentences with the verb let (Let "s do it! Don" t let "s do it!)
  2. subordinate clauses introduced by the unions who, what, whom, which, whose, why, how.
  3. Relative clauses of time and conditions with conjunctions and introductory words if, when, before, after, until, as soon as and punctuation features in them
  4. The use of the verb in the present simple in subordinate clauses of time and conditions for conveying the future, in contrast to explanatory clauses (If they go to Moscow, they will be able to do the sites of the city. / I don "t know if they will go to Moscow.)
  5. Questions to the subject, as well as disjunctive questions in sentences of the indicative mood.

sociocultural competence.

Students are reacquainted and continue their acquaintance with:

  1. with state symbols;
  2. with the sights of Great Britain;
  3. with holidays, traditions, customs of holidays: Christmas, Easter, New Year, St. Valentine's Day;
  4. with the system of school and higher education;
  5. mastering ways of congratulations on various national and personal holidays.

Compensatory competence

The improvement and development of compensatory skills, begun in grades 5-6, continues. In addition, the following new compensatory speaking skills are mastered:

  1. use synonyms
  2. describe an object
  3. ask for help
  4. Ask a Question
  5. ask again

Particular attention at this stage is paid to the formation of compensatory reading skills:

Use linguistic and contextual guessing (international words, word-formation analysis, calculation of keywords in the text)

Educational and cognitive competence

Further improvement of the skills formed at the first stage and the formation and development of new ones are carried out, which is due to the complication of the subject content of speech, the expansion of the problems of the issues under discussion, which requires students to be able to independently obtain knowledge from various sources. At this stage, the following skills are expected to be mastered:

  1. work with bilingual dictionaries, encyclopedias and other reference literature
  2. perform various types of exercises from the textbook and workbook
  3. perform control tasks in the exam format
  4. participate in project work, draw up its results in the form of a tablet, a wall newspaper, an illustrated album, etc.

All educational material UMK-3 is divided into 7 blocks, each of which includes lessons from a textbook, workbook, book for reading and ends with a control task in the Workbook called Test. However, tasks are not tests in the strict sense of the word and are not based on the rules for compiling real scientific tests with mathematical data processing.

Criteria and norms for assessing the knowledge, skills, abilities of students in relation to various forms of knowledge control.

Grade 5 speaking is put as a type of speech activity if:

  1. The volume of the statement is at least 5 phrases that meet the set communicative task, do not have grammatical errors. The pace of speech corresponds to the expressive oral speech of the student in his native language.
  2. The statement is logical, has a semantic completeness, as well as an expression of one's own opinion.

Grade 4 placed if:

  1. The volume of the utterance is at least 5 phrases, the phrases correspond to the set communicative, but have grammatical errors, although the act of communication is not violated.
  2. There is a logical statement and argumentation of one's point of view.

Score 3 is given if:

  1. The volume of the statement corresponds to the stage of learning, their linguistic correctness is within the limits when the act of communication is partially violated.
  2. The logicality of the statement, as well as its coherence, does not correspond to the set communicative task, the pace of speech does not correspond to the norms.

Score 2 is given if:

  1. The volume of the statement is 50% lower than the norm, it does not have semantic completeness.
  2. The language design of the remarks completely violates the act of communication and does not correspond to pronunciation standards.


Score 5 is given if:

  1. The communicative task was solved, while the students fully understood and comprehended the content of the text in the amount provided for by the task, reading corresponded to the program requirements for each class.

A score of 4 is given if:

  1. the communicative task is solved, the students understood and comprehended the content of what they read, in the amount provided for by each class.

Score 3 is given if:

  1. the communicative task is solved and at the same time the students understood and comprehended the main idea of ​​the text, in the amount provided for by the task, reading basically meets the program requirements.

Score 2 is given if:

  1. the communicative task has not been solved, the students did not understand the content of the read text in the amount provided for by the task, and the reading does not meet the program requirements.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students in grade 7

As a result of studying English in the 7th grade, the student should: know/understand:

  1. the main meanings of the studied lexical units;
  2. basic rules of reading and spelling;
  3. basic ways of word formation;
  4. features of the structure of simple and complex sentences;
  5. features of intonation of various communicative types of sentences;
  6. signs of the studied grammatical phenomena;
  7. basic norms of speech etiquette;

Sights of cities and countries of your country and the country of the language being studied (Great Britain).

be able to :

in the field of listening:

Understand the main content of simple authentic texts related to various communicative types of speech (message / story); be able to determine the topic and facts of the message, isolate semantic milestones; emphasize the main, omitting the secondary.

in the field of speaking:

Conduct a simple conversation with a speech partner in connection with the presented communication situation, as well as the content of what is seen, heard or read;

  1. ask the interlocutor, and answer his questions;
  2. express a request, advice, respond to the proposal of the interlocutor with consent / refusal;
  1. briefly convey the content of what was read with direct reference to the text, express one's attitude to what was read.
  2. speak about facts and events using such types of speech as narration, message, description.

in reading:

  1. read aloud and silently with full understanding texts built on program language material containing unfamiliar words, the meaning of which can be guessed from the context;
  2. understand the main content of authentic fiction and popular science texts, including unlearned words, the meaning of which can be guessed from the context;
  3. read the text with a selective understanding of the necessary or interesting information;
  4. divide the text into semantic parts, highlight the main idea, causal relationships in the text, compare facts in cultures.

in the field of writing :

  1. fix in writing key words, phrases as a support for oral communication;
  2. write out the necessary information from the text;
  3. plan the text;
  4. fill out questionnaires;
  5. write a personal letter;
  6. write a postcard with a holiday or birthday (up to 30 words including the address)

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:

  1. achieving mutual understanding in the process of communication with native speakers of a foreign language
  2. awareness of the place and role of the native language and the studied foreign language in this world. - familiarization with the values ​​of world culture through foreign language sources of information

acquaintance of representatives of other countries with the culture of their people.

Educational and thematic plan.


Name of sections and topics

Total hours




The control

Visit to Britain.


Traditions, holidays, festivals.

The world around us.

Appearance. Clothing.




7th grade

I quarter

No. p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Date planned

date actual



Block I

Travel in Russia and abroad.

Step 1

Acquaintance with the sights of Britain.

Britain map

Repeat III f. ch.

Step 1

Working out the structure to be going to (in Past Simple).


Step 2

The verb "could". Introduction of new vocabulary.


The verb "can"

Step 2

Development of vocabulary in reading and speaking.


Step 3

Interrogative sentences in Past simple.


Step 3

Development of dialogic speech skills. negative suggestions.


Step 4

Summer vacation. Presentation to the NLE on the topic: "Training in the use of the phrase to be located."

step 5

The use of the article with geographical names.

step 5

Construction of special questions in Past Simple. Learning reading.





Performing lexico-grammatical exercises.


Teaching writing. Dictation number 1.

Control work number 1.

Protection of the project on the topic.

Block II

Visit to Britain.

Step 1

Introduction to the construction of an incentive sentence.

Step 1

Familiarization with the turnover have (has) got.

Step 2

The use of indefinite pronouns.


Step 2

Acquaintance with the features of word formation. Suffixes - er, -y, -ly. Polysemy of words.


Step 3

Introduction to vocabulary. Learning to read.

Step 3

Presentation of degrees of comparison of monosyllabic adjectives. The “as…as” construction.

Step 4

The study of the degrees of comparison of polysyllabic adjectives. (Exceptions).

step 5

Introduction and primary consolidation of new vocabulary.

step 5

Teaching oral speech on the topic: "World famous sights."

SB p.72-73 AB p.38


Development of listening skills. Learning to read with complete reading comprehension.


Training in performing lexical and grammatical exercises. Dictation No. 2 (AB p. 26)

Control work number 2.

Project protection.

II quarter

No. p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Date planned

date actual



Block III


Block II

Improving skills on the topic:Degrees of comparison of monosyllabic and polysyllabic adjectives.


Repetition. AB

Block II

Vocabulary activation. Fulfillment of individual tasks in grammar.

SB page 69 AB

Block III Step 1

Learn how to express negation. Use of prepositions up/down.

Step 1

Presentation of ordinal numbers. Practice in reading.

SB page 84 #10

Step 2

Filling out a questionnaire about yourself. The use of indirect questions.

Step 2

Introduction of new vocabulary. Exploratory reading training.

SB page 92 No. 8

Step 2-3

The absolute form of the possessive pronoun (my - mine)

Step 3

General question in indirect speech (it). Introduction of new vocabulary.

H/R page 98 text. SB page 96

Step 3

Development of reading and speaking skills. Project work.

Step 4

Plural of nouns. (Exceptions).

step 5

Subordinate attributive sentences.

step 5

Development of oral speech skills. Fulfillment of individual tasks. Project protection.


Development of listening skills.


Development of speaking skills.


Home reading.


Home reading.


Development of writing skills. Dictation number 3.

AB page 80

Control of listening and reading №3.

Generalizing repetition and preparation for control work.

Lexico-grammatical test №3.


Training in performing lexical and grammatical exercises.

3rd quarter

No. p / p


Lesson topic

Number of hours

Date planned

date actual



Block IV

Traditions, holidays, festivals.

Step 1

Past continuous tense (Past Progressive) - introduction. New vocabulary.


Step 1

Interrogative sentences in Past Progressive.


Step 2

New vocabulary. Verbs not used in the Past Progressive.


Step 2

Vocabulary activation. Exploratory reading.


Step 3

New vocabulary. The phrase each boy + Vs, each of the boys + Vs.


Step 3

Reading with a detailed understanding of the text.

Step 4

Contrasting use of Past Progressive and Past Simple.


Step 4

Development of monologue speech skills. Activation of new vocabulary.

step 5

Use of prepositions on, at, in. Introduction and activation of new vocabulary.


step 5

Reading a thematic text with full understanding.




Improving the skills of monologue speech on the topic of the block.




Auditing work. Control of listening skills.





Dictation number 4. Preparation for the project.




Test No. 4 (vocabulary and grammar).




Project protection.


Block V

"The world around us"



Step 1

Indefinite pronouns and their derivatives. .




Step 1

Introduction to the Future Simple.




Step 1

Interrogative sentences in the Future Simple.




Step 2

turnoverto be going to.



Step 2

Introduction of new vocabulary.



Page 160


Step 2

Determination of temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit. Reading Chatting Online.




Step 3

Adverbial clauses of time and conditions.


Page 170


Step 3

Reading with full understanding of the text. Vocabulary activation.



Step 4

Development of listening skills. Compound sentences with a subordinate clause.



Step 4

Introduction of new vocabulary. Reading work.


Page 177


step 5

Adverbs of time in complex sentences (before, after, until, as soon as).




Design“Shall I…?”. Development of dialogic and monologue speech skills.




Control of listening skills.




Test No. 5 (vocabulary, grammar).




Test No. 5. Reading.3






Block VI

"Appearance. Clothing".



Step 1

Use of verbscan/ to be able to.




Step 2

Word formation prefix-unand suffixful.



Step 2

Introduction of new vocabulary on the topic "Appearance". Features of the use of modal verbs.


TSO, table


Step 3

Practice using modal verbs.



Step 3

Exploratory reading. Introduction of new vocabulary.



Page 199


Step 3

Activation of new vocabulary on the topic "Character, personal qualities."



Step 4

The use of plural nouns (trousers). Introduction of new vocabulary.




Step 4

to be, have got, can.



step 5

tag question with verbsdo/did.Pronounsnobody, everybodyin a divisive issue.




step 5

New vocabulary. Separated question (there is/are).




step 5

Exploratory reading. Vocabulary activation.




Test No. 6 (vocabulary, grammar).




Test No. 6 (listening and reading).



Block VII




Step 1

New vocabulary. Countable and uncountable nouns.




Step 2

Brief answers to the disjunctive question. Training exercises.



Step 2

New vocabulary. Use of verbssay, tell, speak.




Step 2

Study reading "Schools in England" part I



Step 3

Development of listening skills. New vocabulary.




Step 3

School items. Study reading "Schools in England Part II".



Step 4

Schools in Russia. Comparative characteristics of Russian and English schools.



Step 4

New vocabulary. Oral speech on the topic.




step 5

Question to the subject and a short answer. Use of wordssuch, so.




Test No. 7 (listening and reading).





Test No. 7 (vocabulary and grammar).


According to contemporaries, the school gives us a compass of knowledge for drawing the square of life. Do you remember how at school in English we were forced to cram texts about the pioneer Petya, whose father works at a factory, and his mother at school? How much effort we made so that all the words and texts “bounced off the teeth”, as required by the teachers. Now it seems that all this was in vain: we did not speak English, and we did not speak it after 10 years of cramming. Today we want to remind you of how we were taught English at school, and tell you how CORRECTLY you need to learn English. Follow our advice and everything will work out!

At the beginning of the article, we would like to make a small disclaimer: we do not accuse school teachers of "wrong" teaching methods or incompetence. The principles we have outlined are the most common stereotypes about schooling. Almost all students faced some of them, only some schoolchildren faced some of them. We propose to consider these stereotypes and get rid of them forever.

Don't let schooling interfere with your education.

Don't let school work interfere with your education.

13 principles of learning English from school that are holding you back

Rules, rules and only rules... It seems that the life of a schoolboy consists of them. Meanwhile, not all school rules and teaching principles are worthy of taking a place in your life. In fact, most of them prevent you from gaining knowledge. Let's see what principles of schooling should be forgotten like a bad dream, and what principles should be used in language learning.

1. Textbooks are everything

We always associate school with a mountain of textbooks that occupied half the closet in our room. We were taught: if you learn everything in the manual by heart, you will be happy. Only now, digging in the textbook did not bring any happiness, on the contrary: now, at the mere mention of this word, we feel bad.

Right Principle: Textbooks - one of the components of learning.

Without a textbook, learning is really impossible, but the manual is not the key to success. In addition to the textbook, when learning English, be sure to use all available materials: videos, audio podcasts, songs, online tests and games. And it is best to choose a British textbook, it is built on a different principle than our Vereshchagin and Plakhotnik. In modern English-language manuals, information is presented clearly and interestingly, you do not need to cram anything, you learn English in the process of communicating with your teacher. You can choose a suitable manual for yourself from our review "", then your studies will be not boring and effective, and most importantly, you will speak English.

2. Grades are a measure of your intelligence

Oh, this assessment system, how many complexes it has generated among schoolchildren! And how many adults still believe that the “troika” in English at school is proof that they have no language skills and should not even take up their studies.

Right Principle: The main thing is knowledge, not grades.

The goal of your training should be knowledge and the ability to use this knowledge for your own benefit. Forget about your bad grades at school. The main goals of learning English are to speak it, understand it and be understood. And use various tests to check how well you understand a particular topic, and which topics should be given more time.

3. Mistakes are terrible.

Remember how in school we were afraid to make a mistake because the teachers scolded us for it, lowered our grades and threatened to complain to our parents about our negligence? After such a study, we have a conditioned reflex: I will not speak English, otherwise I will make a mistake and I will be punished. The fear of making a mistake is detrimental to learning English. The fear of “blurting something out” is the founder of the language barrier. Precisely because teachers were strict about mistakes, high school graduates today cannot speak English, even if they know grammar well and have a good vocabulary.

Right Principle A: Mistakes are normal.

Do not be afraid to make mistakes, modern English teachers do not punish you for mistakes, they will not scold you or consider you a stupid person. The approach has changed: now mistakes are just an indicator that you need to repeat a topic in which you feel insecure. Feel free to speak English, even if you know that your speech is imperfect. Until you know where you are making mistakes, you will not correct them and, therefore, will not speak English fluently and competently.

4. Dictionary in three columns - the best friend

From the first months of learning English, we started a dictionary notebook, divided into 3 columns: word - transcription - translation. It was assumed that with such a dictionary it would be easy and convenient for us to learn new vocabulary. However, in reality, it turned out that we could at best memorize the words, but the principles of their use in speech remained beyond our understanding.

Right Principle: Topical dictionary is more efficient.

Don't divide your vocabulary into three columns, this way of doing things has already proven to be ineffective. New vocabulary is best learned in context, so write out a whole sentence with a new word or phrase for yourself. Then you will learn not just the translation of the word, but the principle of its use. Moreover, write out words on one topic in one section of the dictionary notebook, it will be easier for you to learn vocabulary related in meaning.

5. Textbook and dictionary - all you need to study

The strict school program assumed that schoolchildren were taught only from textbooks. Very, very rarely, teachers used any additional materials. At the end of school, we suddenly found that we did not understand English at all by ear, and from the phrases in English we only remember the notorious “London is the capital of Great Britain”, which in no way will help us find a common language with foreigners.

Right Principle: Use a variety of resources.

Learning materials should be interesting to you, especially today on the Internet you can find hundreds of different learning resources to your taste. Supplement the learning from the manuals with multimedia materials. Read about. Listen to podcasts, we have detailed how to work with them in. Read books, you can start with adapted literature, the benefits of which can be found. And you can also learn English with the help of music, check out the article "".

6. Pronunciation doesn't matter

At school, even the strictest teachers allowed us to say "fenkyu" (thank you) and "zys" (this). Perhaps they thought that it was overkill to load children's heads (or rather, languages) with subtleties of pronunciation. However, in reality, it turns out that when we speak English, we are understood only by compatriots whose pronunciation does not differ from ours.

Right Principle: Good pronunciation is the key to mutual understanding.

7. Play and study don't go together.

We were always taught at school: the learning process is a serious thing, there is no place for games. Outside of the lesson, we had to perform exercises according to the same uninteresting textbooks and write out words in a dictionary. Maybe that's why we've grown up and think of school as boring textbook cramming and vocabulary learning from A to Z.

Right Principle: Entertainment and English are quite compatible.

Not all entertainment is a waste of time. English can and should be learned through games, apps and social networks. For example, take a look at one of the . Or install some of the . Also, don't forget to subscribe to newsgroups that post useful English content, such as our groups for English learners: In contact with and Facebook.

8. Cramming theory is the main thing

Remember how we learned by heart the long wording of the rules of the English language or 40 new words? Knowledge of the theory and mechanical cramming for some reason did not help us to speak English. Despite this, some teachers believed that the main thing was to get students to memorize another paragraph or a couple of dozen words, and everything would immediately fall into place.

Right Principle: Theory without practice is nothing.

Learning by heart is useful, but memorization will not help you understand, for example, when to use the word choose and when to use select. You need to back up the theory with practice: use these words in speech, guided by the context, read the learned words in articles, listen to audio and video. In this way, it will be easier to memorize new vocabulary. Theory must be supported by a significant amount of practice.

9. Curriculum - "not one step aside"

The school curriculum was the same for everyone, regardless of the interests and characteristics of the student. We all had to strictly follow it, no matter how illogical and inconvenient it was at times. So it turned out that after 10 years of study, most of us remember only a phrase like “Who is on duty today?”, which we have nowhere to apply today. However, teachers cannot be blamed for this: they were the same "prisoners" of the education system, like us.

Right Principle: The training program should be tailored to your needs.

If you study English with a personal teacher, then you have every right to an individual approach. For example, in our online school, teachers adapt to your needs and skills: each topic is covered for as long as you need to understand it, and the teacher tries to make the lessons as interesting as possible for you. And if you are engaged in, then the training program is completely created for your needs and interests.

Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.

Education is what remains after you have forgotten what you learned in school.

10. Study for the sake of study

At school, no one told you what you were getting knowledge for. The vague “if you don’t study, you become a janitor” had little effect on anyone. Learning a language “because it’s necessary” is not at all interesting.

Right Principle: Study for the sake of achieving the desired goal.

To make your study as productive as possible, determine the purpose of learning English. If you know that you are learning English in order to reach the heights of the career ladder, communicate with foreign partners, feel comfortable while traveling, enter a prestigious foreign university, watch new TV shows before anyone else in the original language, then you are unlikely to have a desire to quit everything. on the halfway. A tempting prospect will be a great incentive to study.

11. Holidays are the time to forget about studying.

And this principle, rather, we have deduced for ourselves. Remember how we fussed before the end of each quarter or semester, and after receiving an assessment, we instantly forgot about definite articles, English tenses, passive and active voices. Rest - time free from study.

Right Principle: Regular classes are the key to success.

If you want to feel constant progress, then you will have to forget about long breaks in learning English. Knowledge disappears from the head much faster than it gets there. Agree, it is foolish to spend time and money on learning a language in order to forget everything in a couple of months. Therefore, do not allow long breaks in training. The best results come from regular practice. It is advisable to practice 2-3 times a week for 1-1.5 hours, and on other days to devote at least 15-20 minutes to English. 1-2 days a week "take a day off" in English. With such a schedule, in a couple of months you will feel significant progress. In order not to get bored, choose a few activities for yourself and make a small schedule. For example, on Monday you watch 1 episode of your favorite TV series in English, on Tuesday you do some grammar exercises, on Wednesday you read a chapter of a book, etc.

12. A school teacher is enough to talk

The school teacher was considered the only person capable of teaching you English. It was believed that the teacher can give all the necessary knowledge, and there is no need to study outside the school.

Right Principle: Look for every opportunity to communicate in English.

If you want to learn to speak English - use every opportunity to communicate: English courses, individual lessons with a teacher, communication with native speakers. You can chat with native speakers at or Chat, chat, improve your English.

13. Group learning is your only option.

At school, the class was usually divided in half, and we learned English in a group of 10-15 people. Moreover, this group included both diligent students who quickly mastered the material, and negligent losers who did not learn the there is / are construction until the 11th grade. The whole group was taught according to one program, regardless of the personal characteristics of the students.

Right Principle A: Private lessons are the right choice.

Learning English in school is not very effective, not because of the teachers or the program, but because there are 20-30 people in the class, this is too much for productive classes. Therefore, instead of being disappointed in your own abilities or scolding school teachers, try the most effective way to learn a language - individual lessons. And if you are limited in time, then try at our school. Online lessons are a new word in learning, and you may like this word.

As you can see, those rules of learning English that we were taught at school can be forgotten. Time is changing and we are changing with it. However, there were also very useful tricks at school, which we wrote about in the article "". So if you failed to learn English at school, do not despair: new methods and techniques for learning the language will be your key to unlocking the lock on the door of knowledge. Try new principles and don't forget to read our blog, we will help you achieve your goals.

You need to remain optimistic and believe in yourself, understanding how important it is now to know English, how it affects your career and helps you travel. You should not expect that you will speak English in a couple of years after learning it, losing motivation, seeing that there is no result. It takes years.

Set achievable and specific goals for yourself, then you will be motivated to spend time on an English textbook: by the New Year, learn 1000 new words, learn to understand what they say in films without translation, read a book in the original, etc.

Language learning should be systematic. In this regard, schoolchildren are lucky, since their classes are on schedule, and there is no escape from them. But for greater effect, you should continue to develop knowledge at home using available means: online courses, additional materials, etc.

Can't figure out your homework? Use the solver! On the Internet you can find gdz in English grade 8, verified by experts. You just have to write off the solution, after paying attention to the mistakes that you made during independent work. With the help of the Reshebnik, doing homework will turn into a real pleasure and will not take much time.

Pay special attention to grammar, learn more new words

Practice as much as possible in pronunciation of English words and building phrases. Read books and newspapers in the original, watch films and programs (fortunately, any content can be found on the Web). It is very important to immerse yourself in the language environment, using English as often as possible.

It is useful to communicate with a native speaker, and modern technologies, namely Skype, will help organize such communication. You can easily find someone to help you improve your speaking and listening skills. Communicate regularly, polishing knowledge.

Learn new words. Set yourself the task of replenishing your vocabulary with a certain number of words, terms and phrases every week. Do not be lazy, doing grammar exercises, without understanding it, you will not be able to correctly build sentences.

Take your studies seriously, let your final grade be 5. And if the school curriculum seems too difficult, resort to the help of solvers.