Steel spring hardness 65g. The initial chemical composition of steel and the requirements for parts made from it. Optimal technological processes of material heat treatment

  • 20.07.2018

This alloy is a structural spring steel. This material has a high elasticity. In order to achieve such properties, the alloy is initially quenched, then subjected to medium temperature tempering.

As a rule, the following types of delivery are carried out from this material: long or shaped steel, calibrated and ground bars, silver pieces and tapes, thick-walled sheets, strips and wires, forged blanks, etc.

Combination of microturbines with industrial heat generators Maximum energy efficiency - up to 96 percent overall efficiency Use of steam as process heat for chemical production. The main applications of these chemicals are in stabilizers for plastics, in the cosmetics sector, in the field of polymer chemistry and the use of rubber.

It consists of two 200 kW microturbines as well as an adapted cabinet control technology. The components of the system are exactly matched to each other, which ensures perfect synergy. The remaining 67 percent is available as thermal energy in the exhaust stream at about 280 degrees Celsius and with about 18 percent oxygen. The oxygen content of the turbine exhaust gases is effectively used to maximize the overall efficiency of the plant.

Products made of steel grade 65G are used in modern industry and engineering. An example of such details are:

  • thrust washers and springs,
  • gears and friction discs,
  • springs and brake bands,
  • clamping and feed collets,
  • flanges and bearing housings,
  • parts with high wear resistance,
  • various elements that work without shock loads.

The exact chemical composition of steel grade 65G

Operational and specifications products made from this alloy, as well as its exact chemical composition, are regulated by the GOST 14959-79 standards. As part of 8 elements, the most common are: manganese, carbon and silicon. The secondary ones are:

In the production process, we need a lot of heat. Combined with waste heat recovery and afterburning, the microturbines provide almost twice the overall output of conventional gas engine systems – in other words, the customer only needs half of the primary energy due to this combination. This saves money and pays for itself in cash in the medium term.

In addition, we also have a large number of requests regarding this innovative solution. Microturbines benefit from high availability, low maintenance requirements, low emissions and flexible heat usage. This press release contains forward-looking statements based on the management's beliefs environment. As used in this press release, words such as "anticipate", "believe", "estimate", "expect", "intend", "plan", and "project" are intended to identify forward-looking statements.

  • Chromium,
  • Nickel,
  • Copper,
  • Sulfur and Phosphorus.

The exact percentage of all components is presented in the table below, and is also clearly shown in the diagram.

from 0.9 to 1.2

from 0.62 to 0.7

from 0.17 to 0.37

less than 0.25

Many factors could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected herein, including, but not limited to, changes in general economic and business conditions, changes in exchange rates and interest rates, introduction of competing products, lack of acceptance of new products or services, and changes in business strategy. The system will remove water from the air, reverse cycle air conditioning and electricity, and be powered by natural gas.

This reduces the need for grid installation and lowers the carbon footprint. The system can also operate as a backup power source in the event of a power failure. Estimated capital costs are projected over a period of 5 years. Electricity costs charged by the grid in Australia have increased by more than 40% over the past 3 years and are expected to increase by another 60% over the next 2 years. Gas prices rose just 5% last year and are expected to be robust with a projected annual increase of 3 to 5%.

less than 0.035

less than 0.035

Properties of steel grade 65G

The specific gravity of this material is 7850 kg/m3. The hardness of the alloy according to Brinell reaches 10 -1 = 241 MPa. Critical points occur at the following temperature indicators:

  • Ac1 = 721°
  • Ac3(Acm) = 745°
  • Ar3(Arcm) = 720°
  • Ar1 = 670°
  • Mn = 270°

The initial forging temperature is +1250°С, the final temperature varies from +760°С to +780°С. Workpieces with a cross section of up to 100 mm are cooled in air, cooling of products with a cross section of 101 mm to 300 mm is cooled in a trough.

Achieve energy efficiency as a result of many output functions from a single clean fuel source than the grid, and reduce dependence on the power grid, buffer, the ever increasing grid electricity price is rising, create peak shaving savings as an educational aid, reduce greenhouse emissions gas and, Make water out of air. We expect to receive additional orders over the next few months from similar campuses. The public voting for the best new app starts on May 17th and ends on May 31st.

Machinability is available in quenched and tempered condition with Brinell hardness of 240 units and tensile strength of 820 MPa.

Basically, products made from 65G steel are not used for welded structures. However, contact-spot welding is available for them without restrictions.

Parts made of this material may be prone to temper brittleness, provided that the composition contains about 1% manganese. In this case, the alloy is quite insensitive to the effects of flocs.

Polished rod and silver:, GOST 7419.0-78, GOST 7419.8-78. Sheet thick: . Tape:, GOST 1530-78, GOST 19039-73. Strip: , . Wire: . Forgings and forged blanks: .
Class: Structural spring-spring steel
Industrial use: springs, leaf springs, thrust washers, brake bands, friction discs, gears, flanges, bearing housings, clamping and feed collets and other parts that require increased wear resistance and parts that work without shock loads.

Chemical composition in% steel 65G
C 0,62 - 0,7
Si 0,17 - 0,37
Mn 0,9 - 1,2
Ni up to 0.25
S up to 0.035
P up to 0.035
Cr up to 0.25
Cu up to 0.2
Fe ~97
Mechanical properties of steel 65G
GOST Delivery condition, heat treatment mode section, mm σ 0.2 (MPa)
σ in(MPa) δ5 (%) ψ % HRC, no more
GOST 14959-79
Steel categories: 3, 3A, 3B, 3B, 3G, 4, 4A, 4B. Hardening 830 °C, oil. Holiday 470 °С Samples 785 980
GOST 1577-93
Sheets normalized and hot rolled
Hardening 800-820 °C, oil. Vacation 340-380 °С, air
Hardening 790-820 °C, oil. Vacation 550-580 °C, air
Hardenability of steel 65G
Distance from the end, mm Note
1,5 3 4,5 6 9 12 15 18 27 39 Hardening 800 °С
35-47,5 31-45 Hardness for hardenability bands, HRC
Physical properties of steel 65G
T(grad) E 10 - 5(MPa) a 10 6(1/deg) l(W/(m deg)) r(kg / m 3) C(J/(kg deg)) R109(Ohm m)
20 2.15 37 7850
100 2.13 11.8 36 7830 490
200 2.07 12.6 35 7800 510
300 2 13.2 34 525
400 1.8 13.6 32 7730 560
500 1.7 14.1 31 575
600 1.54 14.6 30 590
700 1.36 14.5 29 625
800 1.28 11.8 28 705

The use of steel 65G and heat treatment of products: spiral springs, sheet and spring washers are made of steel 65G and other spring steels. Spring steel is used to make springs. The hardness of the springs is within R c = 40-50, and spring washers R c = 40-48. Upon acceptance, the springs are checked for hardness and elasticity. The test method should, as far as possible, approximate the actual operating conditions of the springs (tension, compression or bending).

Springs made from heat-treated (patented) wire or tape of classes H, P and B undergo additional tempering at a temperature of 250-350 ° to relieve internal stresses that have arisen during their manufacture and to improve the elastic properties of the wire.

Spring release is best done in saltpeter baths for 5-10 minutes, depending on the cross section of the material. When tempering in oil or electric furnaces, special attention should be paid to the uniformity of heating. Vacation time in these furnaces is 20-40 minutes.

Springs made of annealed steel are quenched and tempered. In the case of making springs from wire with a diameter of more than 6 mm, before hardening, a high tempering is performed at a temperature of 670-720 ° to eliminate hardening resulting from cold winding. Hot-wound springs are normalized before hardening.

For heating for quenching, the springs are placed in chamber furnaces or salt baths heated to the required temperature. To avoid deformation, large springs are heated in a special device.

Small springs are loaded into the oven on a baking sheet. Exposure in the furnace should be the smallest - to prevent oxidation and decarburization. To reduce the residence time in the oven, small springs are placed on a preheated baking sheet. In the absence of a protective atmosphere in the furnace, the springs are packed in an insulating environment, or small amounts of charcoal are thrown into the furnace. Cool the springs in oil. It is not recommended to cool the springs in water to avoid cracking. If hardening in water is necessary, the exposure should be no more than 2-3 seconds. followed by cooling in oil.

Before release, the springs are cleaned of oil by washing in a soda solution or thoroughly rubbing in sawdust. Oil that is not removed from the springs flares up during vacation and changes the vacation conditions, which leads to uneven heating and low hardness. The tempering temperature is 300-420°. The annealing of the extreme turns is carried out in a lead bath.

Large springs are put on pipes before release to eliminate warping.

Attention should be paid to the surface of the material used for the manufacture of springs. Risks, hairlines and other defects lead to the formation of cracks, and the decarburized layer leads to a decrease in the elastic properties of the spring.

Quite often, anti-corrosion coatings used on a number of springs make them brittle due to hydrogen saturation of the metal during etching and during the coating process. This is especially noticeable on springs made of wire or tape of small cross section. This brittleness, called etching or hydrogen, is eliminated by heating the finished springs in oil, glycerin or an oven at a temperature of 150-180 ° for 1-2 hours.

However, during prolonged etching, the metal is saturated with hydrogen so strongly that the indicated temperature does not eliminate brittleness and the springs must be annealed. To avoid deep hydrogenation, springs made of thin wire or tape should not be pickled before coating, but should be sandblasted and heated after coating, as indicated above.

Short designations:
σ in - tensile strength (ultimate tensile strength), MPa
ε - relative settlement at the appearance of the first crack, %
σ 0.05 - elastic limit, MPa
J to - torsion strength, maximum shear stress, MPa
σ 0.2 - conditional yield strength, MPa
σ bend - ultimate strength in bending, MPa
δ5,δ4,δ 10 - relative elongation after rupture, %
σ-1 - endurance limit during bending test with symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
σ compress0.05 and σ compress - compressive yield strength, MPa
J-1 - endurance limit during torsion test with a symmetrical loading cycle, MPa
ν - relative shift, %
n - number of loading cycles
s in - short-term strength limit, MPa R and ρ - electrical resistivity, Ohm m
ψ - relative narrowing, %
E - normal modulus of elasticity, GPa
KCU and KCV - impact strength, determined on a sample with concentrators, respectively, of the type U and V, J / cm 2 T - temperature at which the properties are obtained, deg
s T - limit of proportionality (yield strength for permanent deformation), MPa l and λ - coefficient of thermal conductivity (heat capacity of the material), W/(m °C)
HB - Brinell hardness
C - specific heat capacity of the material (range 20 o - T), [J / (kg deg)]
- Vickers hardness p n and r - density kg / m 3
- Rockwell hardness, C scale
a - coefficient of temperature (linear) expansion (range 20 o - T), 1/°C
HRB - Rockwell hardness, scale B
σ t T - ultimate strength, MPa
- Shore hardness G - modulus of elasticity at shear by torsion, GPa