Why dream that they want to amputate their hands. Dream Interpretation of the 21st Century Why Amputation Dreams? Dreamed - Amputation

  • 23.09.2019

Why dream of losing a leg? The seers agree that in reality your position is very unstable. Problems will arise like an avalanche from scratch, self-esteem will decrease, and confidence in the success of the enterprise will disappear.

Miller's interpretation

Why dream of amputation of the leg, carried out urgently? Miller foresees conflicts with superiors or subordinates, financial losses.

Any doubts?

  • Did you cut off your loved one's lower limb? Cooling will appear in the relationship and conflicts will begin.
  • A colleague or friend lost his leg, the dream book indicates your thirst for revenge on this person.
  • The person on the operating table is unfamiliar to you - waking communication will be awkward.
  • In a dream, a leg grew in place of the stump - in reality, attempts to harm you are doomed to failure.


Amputation of a leg in a dream indicates a serious problem that needs to be resolved as quickly as possible. How to do this - look for a hint in a dream. In addition, this plot symbolizes the lack of inner harmony.

The dream book, if a limb was cut off without asking for consent, predicts that in reality, those around you will put a lot of pressure on your decisions.

Why dream of observing the progress of the operation? In reality, you will part with a dear person. One of possible causes termination of communication - his death.

Suddenly, in a dream, they discovered the absence of a leg. In reality, you will meet an interesting, extraordinary person who will eventually get into serious trouble. In addition, the dream book deciphers this plot as endless doubts and financial losses.


Why dream of leg amputation as a result of the development of gangrene? Trying to help your neighbor, only harm yourself.

Was the surgery agreed with you? So, get rid of the excessive guardianship of parents.

The dream book, if you had to cut off both feet, foresees that you will become dependent on a higher personality. Get ready to be in complete control of your actions.

Features of the operation

For a more accurate definition of what the loss of a leg portends, the dream book recommends taking into account the nuances of the plot.

During the amputation, everything was covered in blood - a protracted serious illness or a difficult parting with a loved one awaits.

A separate stump in a dream - you are making a big mistake, divorce is possible.

To cut off one's own leg is a sacrifice, a voluntary deliverance from all that is superfluous.

The operation is carried out without anesthesia - expect stormy showdowns, scandals; under anesthesia - the dream book warns that it is useless to express your opinion, they will not understand you and will make you extreme.

There is no blood or very little - a painless parting.

In a dream, after an amputation, did you have to move on crutches? Get into an unpleasant situation. But if you “dressed” a new modern prosthesis, then they will help you.

Do not hurry

Did you decide to cut off your leg in a dream without obvious medical indications? An extremely unfavorable period is coming. Trying to improve things will only hurt.

Dream Interpretation Amputation A dream about an operation to amputate certain parts of the body can mean minor annoying troubles at work. If you dreamed that your leg was amputated, you may lose the friends you value most, and scandals and an abnormal atmosphere in the house will make your life unbearable. To lose both arms and both legs in a dream - you should not get involved in trading operations, and if you are directly related to trade, your business will decline. To those who are currently experiencing great misfortune, similar dream is a warning sign. From what? This will only show the further course of real events. Dream interpretation from A to Z

Dream Interpretation Amputation Amputation: giving up a certain part of yourself. For example, amputating a leg may mean you can't get your way. Amputated Arm: May indicate that you have no control over the situation. Releasing something that we think is part of ourselves, but which is not really part of our true being. American dream book

Dream Interpretation Amputation Amputation. Seeing in a dream the amputation of any parts of the body means small losses in the service. The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream is a decline in commercial affairs. For sailors, such a dream portends a storm, loss of property. For people experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign. Big dream book

Dream Interpretation Amputation If you saw in a dream the amputation of any part of your body, get ready for a small loss in the service. The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream means a decline in commercial affairs. For sailors, such a dream portends a storm and loss of property. Those who are experiencing great misfortune should take this dream as a warning. D. Loff wrote that amputation of limbs and any other damage to the body that we often dream of indicates physical weakness or a self-destructive psychological principle. If you saw such a dream, try to determine what caused the amputation, how is it carried out? Also analyze the state of alarm caused by this process. Try to understand how the amputation will affect your future life. Is it only inconvenience associated with it, or does it bring you a sense of liberation? The background of such a dream can be different - religious, moral or ethical. Adherents of various beliefs follow similar stereotypes at the subconscious level. Christians, for example, firmly believe in the Holy Scripture, which says that it is better to rip out an eye than to commit a sin and go to hell. And the followers of some religious sects perceive their own body as the worst enemy of the social or religious principles they profess. If you dreamed that you amputated someone's body part, try to analyze your relationship with this person. Depending on what exactly you amputated him, the area in which you feel wounded is determined. Inflicting bodily harm on a work colleague may be caused by a simple desire to avenge something on him. If you fail to do this, then your colleague is clearly in a stronger position than you. Injuring a stranger can be regarded as a manifestation of a sense of awkwardness in forced everyday communication with different people. Big universal dream book

Dream Interpretation Amputation If in a dream your arm or leg is amputated, this is a serious warning about the impending death of a person close and dear to you (wife or husband, child, parents or lover). A heavy loss, alas, is your inevitable lot. Old English dream book

Dream Interpretation Amputation See amputation: you have a lot of extra connections, it's time to get rid of them. Produce yourself: it will be difficult for you to get rid of unnecessary acquaintances and attachments, you will have to “cut to the quick”. Parts of the body fall off on their own, if without blood: some connections will fall off by themselves, if with blood, then you are emotionally unprepared for the parting that you will soon have to endure. Esoteric dream book

The meaning of sleep Amputation Renunciation of a certain part of yourself. For example, amputation of a leg may mean that you will not be able to insist on your opinion. An amputated arm may indicate that you have no control over the situation. Releasing something that we think is part of ourselves, but which is not really part of our true being. Dream Interpretation Lynn

Sleep Amputation Amputation: Can symbolize giving up a certain part of yourself, depending on which part is being amputated in your dream. For example, amputation of a leg: may mean that you will not be able to insist on your own. Or perhaps you will lose the ability to move freely through life. Amputated arm: may indicate that you will not be able to maintain control over the situation. Dream Interpretation Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn

Dream Interpretation Amputation If you saw in a dream the amputation of any part of the body: get ready for a small loss in the service. Complete loss of arms and legs in a dream: means a decline in trading affairs. For sailors, such a dream: portends a storm and loss of property.

Do you have creepy and ominous dreams? If dreams began to frighten you with their monstrous plots, know that your subconscious advises you to pay close attention to your health. If you want to learn how to recognize a barely born illness, compare the content of your dream with interpretations that have come down to us from ancient times.

Miller's free online dream book is your guide from the world of mysterious dreams to the realities of the present

Do you want to combine the scattered, intricate images of a dream into a colorful mosaic of reality? Look into the famous dream book of Gustavus Miller! Discover the amazing research of the great psychologist!

Modern dream book - the key to unraveling secrets

Why do we have orange dreams? Which good dream, and what bears a negative? How to unravel the secrets of dreams? Modern dream book opens the door to wonderful world dreams and allows you to accurately decipher any dream you see

Why dream of Amputation

Amputation in a modern dream book

Dreams in which you see that a doctor is amputating a limb for you mean that minor troubles await you in business or at work. These problems will not significantly affect your life, but they will cause a lot of anxiety, so in the near future you should be especially careful in making decisions and not taking on unnecessary responsibility. For a person who is engaged in business and has his own business, to see himself without limbs in a dream is an omen of a difficult period, such dreams mean a decline in business and the appearance of debt obligations. Dreams in which you yourself amputate some organ or limb to a familiar person are a sign that on a subconscious level you are afraid of this person or you don’t like him for something. You need to understand yourself and analyze the relationship with this person so that in the future hidden hostility does not develop into a conflict. If you dream that one of your acquaintances had limbs amputated, this is a signal that you are dishonestly doing business and do not take into account anyone's interests, except for your own benefit. Also, such dreams may mean that you are trying to build your well-being on someone else's grief.

Amputation in Miller's dream book

Dreams in which you are amputated in one limb mean that you will have small problems and minor but unpleasant difficulties at work. If you dream of a complete amputation of arms or legs, this is an omen of stagnation and decline in your business or a deterioration in the state of affairs in the structure where you work. For sailors, dreams that they are amputating limbs mean an unsuccessful voyage, a storm, and the loss of valuable property. If amputation is dreamed of by people in whom a great misfortune has happened, this is an omen that they should prepare for the worst, since the black streak in their fate has not yet ended.

Amputation in Freud's dream book

An amputee dreams that in the future you will experience a little stress and disappointment - it will seem to you that those around you do not like you, and those close to you do not pay due attention to you. But you shouldn’t worry too much after such a dream - your blues will pass in a few days, and you will again enjoy life. To see yourself in a dream as an invalid with an amputated limb - bad sign, indicating that a crack will appear in your family life or in a permanent relationship. Now it seems to you that in your personal life everything is wonderful, but what will become main reason conflict has already happened.

I learned a lot in dreams, people there talk without looking back.

Stanislav Jerzy Lec

A dream about an operation to amputate certain parts of the body:
can mean minor annoying troubles at work.

If you dreamed that your leg was amputated:
you may lose the friends you value most, and scandals and an abnormal atmosphere in the house will make your life unbearable.

To lose both arms and both legs in a dream:
you should not get involved in trading operations, and if you are directly related to trading

To those who are currently experiencing great misfortune:
such a dream is a warning sign. From what? This will only show the further course of real events.

Dream Interpretation of a Modern Woman Amputation

Partial limb amputation: means minor failures in business

loss of legs or arms:
unusual stagnation in trade. The sailor has such a dream

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Hope of Winter Amputation

A dream about the loss of any organ or part of the body most often has nothing to do with health:
first of all, it is a symbol of losses, not necessarily significant, but unpleasant.

Lose your arm in a dream: means impotence and decline in business.

Leg amputation:
the instability of your position in society and the difficulty in advancing your plans.

Loss of thumb or index finger:
a sign of weakness. Most likely, you lack the determination to carry out any plans.

Loss of other fingers:
a sign that in some cases you risk being left without the support of friends and associates.

Combined dream book Amputation

In a dream, amputation of any part of the body portends problems at work, and the simultaneous loss of arms and legs:
problems in business and trade. For sailors such a dream

Eastern dream book Amputation

I dreamed that you were amputating a limb:
in business, small, but very annoying troubles threaten. Be extremely careful.

Dream Interpretation of the XXI century Amputation

Seeing amputation in a dream: may mean a slight deterioration in business.

Seeing yourself in a dream without arms or legs:
means the decline of both business and trade, someone familiar with amputees

Dream Interpretation Denise Lynn Amputation

can symbolize the rejection of a certain part of yourself, depending on which part is amputated in your dream.

For example, leg amputation:
may mean that you will not be able to insist on your own. Or perhaps you will lose the ability to move freely through life.

Amputated arm:
may indicate that you will not be able to maintain control over the situation.

Dream Interpretation 2015 Amputation

the need to get rid of the problem (block) corresponding to the part of the body amputated in the dream. A reflection of the lack of integrity.

Modern dream book Amputation

In a dream, amputation of any part of the body means trouble at work, and the complete loss of arms and legs:
decline in trade.

Esoteric dream book Amputation

Amputation to see: you have a lot of unnecessary connections, it's time to get rid of them.

Produce by yourself:
it will be difficult for you to get rid of unnecessary acquaintances and attachments, you will have to “cut to the quick”.

Body parts fall off on their own if without blood:
some connections will disappear by themselves, if with blood, then you are emotionally unprepared for the separation that you will soon have to endure.

American dream book Amputation

giving up a certain part of yourself. For example, amputating a leg may mean you can't get your way.

Amputated arm:
may indicate that you cannot control the situation. Releasing something that we think is part of ourselves, but which is not really part of our true being.

Family dream book Amputation

If you saw in a dream the amputation of any part of the body:
get ready for a small loss in the service.

Complete loss of arms and legs in sleep: signifies a decline in trade.

For sailors such a dream: portends a storm and loss of property.

English dream book Amputation

If in a dream your arm or leg is amputated:
this is a serious warning about the impending death of a person close and dear to you (wife or husband, child, parents or lover). A heavy loss, alas, is your inevitable lot.

Dream Interpretation of David Loff Amputation

If you cut something from a loved one:
it indicates an area where you feel hurt. Injury to a work colleague may be caused by a simple desire to get even with him or to benefit from it.

If a severed organ is regenerated in a dream:
it seems that this colleague or rival is lucky: he is not subject to your influence.

If you injure a stranger:
this is a manifestation of a sense of awkwardness in the forced daily communication with different people.

this often speaks of a person's physical weakness or a self-destructive psychological beginning. Try to determine what caused the amputation, how it is carried out, and also analyze the state of ALARM caused by this process. Also see how amputation affects your future life and what inconveniences are associated with it, or maybe it brings a sense of liberation? Think about how far away a part of the body you need in real life for the functioning of the body. Amputation in a dream may have a religious, moral or ethical background. For followers of some religious sects, their own body

Seeing in a dream the amputation of any parts of the body means small losses in the service.

The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream is a decline in commercial affairs.

For sailors, such a dream portends a storm, loss of property.

For people experiencing great misfortune, this dream is a warning sign.

Interpretation of dreams from Miller's Dream Interpretation

See in a dream Amputation

Cut off part of your body. Dreams often paint us pictures in which we damage any parts of the body. people dream various forms damage. This often speaks of a person's physical weakness or a self-destructive psychological beginning. Try to determine what caused the amputation, how it is carried out, and also analyze the state of ALARM caused by this process. Also see how amputation affects your future life and what inconveniences are associated with it, or maybe it brings a sense of liberation? Think about how far away a part of the body you need in real life for the functioning of the body.

Amputation in a dream may have a religious, moral or ethical background. For followers of some religious sects, their own body is worst enemy professed social or religious foundations and values. Christians, for example, firmly believe in the Holy Scripture, which says that it is better to pluck out the eye that tempts you than to keep it, but commit a sin and go to hell. Adherents of various beliefs follow similar stereotypes at the SUBCONSCIOUS level.

Cut off someone else's body. To understand why in a dream you cut off body parts from another, it is important to analyze the relationship between you and this person. If you cut off something from a loved one, it indicates an area in which you feel hurt.

Injury to a work colleague may be caused by a simple desire to get even with him or to benefit from it. If a severed organ regenerates in a dream, it seems that this colleague or rival is lucky: he is not subject to your influence.

If you injure a stranger, this is a manifestation of a sense of embarrassment during forced everyday communication with different people.

Interpretation of dreams from Loff's Dream Interpretation

What does sleep Amputation mean

If in a dream your arm or leg is amputated, this is a serious warning about the impending death of a person close and dear to you (wife or husband, child, parents or lover). A heavy loss, alas, is your inevitable lot.

Interpretation of dreams from the English dream book

See in a dream Amputation

Amputation (operation) - See - you have a lot of extra connections, it's time to get rid of them. To produce yourself - it will be difficult for you to get rid of unnecessary acquaintances and attachments, you will have to "cut to the quick." Parts of the body fall off by themselves - if without blood, then some connections will fall off by themselves, if with blood, then you are emotionally unprepared for parting, which you will soon have to endure.

Interpretation of dreams from the Esoteric dream book

What do dreams mean Amputation

A dream in which you see that some part of your body has been amputated is a sign of loss, failure, collapse of plans. Loss of arms or legs means separation from a loved one and the loss of some little thing that is very dear to you. For patients, such a dream portends that close friends and relatives on whom they rely will turn away from them, leaving them to their fate. See interpretation: by the names of body parts.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

What does Amputation mean in a dream

Seeing amputation of legs in a dream - to death; hands - to the loss of a person without whom you cannot do. See separately lying amputated hands or legs - to a break with his wife; amputated fingers - to theft.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpreter of Dreams

What does Amputation mean in a dream

A dream about an operation to amputate certain parts of the body can mean minor annoying troubles at work. If you dreamed that your leg was amputated, you may lose the friends you value most, and scandals and an abnormal atmosphere in the house will make your life unbearable.

To lose both arms and both legs in a dream - you should not get involved in trading operations, and if you are directly related to trade, your business will decline. For those who are currently experiencing great misfortune, such a dream is a warning sign. From what? This will only show the further course of real events.

Interpretation of dreams from Dream Interpretation alphabetically

The meaning of sleep Amputation

Amputation in a dream of any part of the body means a small loss at work. The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream indicates a decline in commercial affairs.

Interpretation of dreams from the Modern Dream Book

Dream Interpretation Amputation

Decline in business or loss of property.

Try to imagine that after the amputation a new living organ has grown in you (not a prosthesis - this is important!). You are healthy again and can do any work.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of Simeon Prozorov

What does Amputation predict in a dream

If you saw in a dream the amputation of any part of your body, get ready for a small loss in the service.

The complete loss of arms and legs in a dream means a decline in commercial affairs.

For sailors, such a dream portends a storm and loss of property.

Those who are experiencing great misfortune should take this dream as a warning.

Interpretation of dreams from the Psychological dream book

What does it mean to see Amputation in a dream

A dream about the loss of any organ or part of the body most often has nothing to do with health: first of all, it is a symbol of loss, not necessarily significant, but unpleasant.

Losing a hand means powerlessness and decline in business.

Amputation of the leg: the instability of your position in society and the difficulty in advancing your plans.

Loss of the thumb or index finger: a sign of a decline in will. Most likely, you lack the determination to carry out any plans.

Loss of other fingers: a sign that in some cases you risk being left without the support of friends and associates.

Interpretation of dreams from