Where Jesus Christ was baptized. Sacred River Jordan: a trip to the place of baptism of Jesus Christ

  • 14.10.2019

An international team of scientists conducting excavations in the Holy Land has announced that it has finally managed to solve one of the mysteries associated with the New Testament - to establish the exact place of the baptism of Jesus Christ.

Until now, the prevailing opinion was that the place of baptism is located in the vicinity of the village of Qasr al-Yahud on the west bank of the Jordan River, reports Itar Tass.

However, the latest archaeological finds have shown that the rite of baptism was performed at a different point - on the eastern bank of the river, where the Jordanian village of Wadi al-Harar is now located.

The description of the place where Christ was baptized is contained only in the Gospel of John. It says that John the Baptist preached and baptized near the village of Bethany on the upper Jordan. However, it was not known where this place was located, because there were several villages with this name in Palestine.

There was no complete certainty about where the baptism of Christ took place until very recently, when during the excavations the base of the Greek column was discovered, representing a marble slab in the form of a square with a side of two meters. In the times of early Christianity, it was installed in the place of the river where John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan.

The find confirmed the correctness of the assumptions that Wadi al-Harar is the true place of the baptism of Jesus Christ, since in the works written by pilgrims to the Holy places during the heyday of the Byzantine Empire, a Greek column with a cross on top, marking this place, was often mentioned.

The slab discovered during the excavations is believed to be the base of that very column. It was discovered forty meters east of today's Jordan, which is consistent with the conclusions of scientists that in the 5th century the Jordan somewhat changed its course when it flowed into the Dead Sea. The marble slab was discovered during an exploration of the ruins of a Byzantine church, from which steps led down directly into the river. Not far from the last step, the base of the famous column was discovered.

Further research showed that three churches were built on this site. The first of them towered six meters above the ground on special arches in order to avoid destruction during the floods of the Jordan. However, over time, the churches fell into decay and the place of baptism was gradually forgotten.

Interesting fact

There is another ancient evidence that points to the place of Christ's baptism - this is a mosaic map of ancient Palestine of the 6th century , found in the temple - in the church of St. George, in Madaba.

It was with the help of this map that scientists discovered the undeniable place of baptism - the square marble base of the Greek column, on top of which there was once a cross - it was she who was mentioned as the place of Christ's baptism in the records of pilgrims from the time of the Byzantine Empire. Also, scientists have discovered steps leading to the water.

As part of the "Three in One" tour, we visited the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ on the Jordan River. There are actually two of these places - the first is well equipped and with clean water, and the second - with muddy water, but recognized by the Pope. We then visited him.

bathing process

Pope John Paul II during a visit to this place - mosaic

The Jordan River flows into the Dead Sea, it often passes along the border of Jordan and Israel, so this territory is borderline - you need to get to it. But, if you come with a package tour, then there is nothing to think about. The main thing is what we were warned about: "Don't take pictures of Jordanian soldiers. They don't like it!"

I couldn't resist and took one photo. Fortunately, a detachment of border guards did not notice this shooting of a fighter.

The bus stops at the parking lot, and the guide and tourists go to the place of baptism. If you want to definitely swim in the Jordan from the Jordanian side, you must have clothes. On the Jordanian side, you can’t swim in swimming trunks or a swimsuit, but it’s advisable to take a white shirt. In Aqaba, these can be bought for 4 dinars ($5.6), on the spot the price is already $10 for an ordinary shirt and $20 for a consecrated one.

The only shop at the place of baptism. They sell shirts and various consecrated souvenirs.

Looking ahead, I’ll say that from the Israeli side, you can plunge into the Jordan in swimsuits and swimming trunks. There are no such restrictions.

In Israel, the requirements for bathers are more lenient

Before swimming, we were shown the place where the baptism actually took place. Now the Jordan no longer flows there - the river has shifted a lot in 2000 years. But the original place was found. And the Vatican recognized it.

Here, they say, Jesus was baptized 2000 years ago

So, according to the guide, the Jordanian side is more correct.

Descriptions are on different languages, including in Russian.

This is what the place looked like 2000 years ago.

Bathing place from the Jordanian side.

At first, most of the group is very eager to bathe in a sacred place. But only tourists see the water, so it immediately begins - a rumble. For some reason, no one knew that the water here is very, very dirty.

The bottom, to put it mildly, is not visible.

"What is it here dirty water!" very religious aunts say from the first sight. "How cold it is here!" And then many decide that they will not swim here.

Panorama of the place.

Men take the lead from women. They are more determined, and begin to prove that the water is not so cold. Among the men in the group are those who decided to swim anyway, and they set an example for the rest.

The first daredevils

Women start to follow the men. The guide hurries everyone - he says that we have very little time. There is a queue of groups wishing to swim, and some French or Germans begin to gather behind us. There is no time to pull - you have to swim.

Relaxed people were sitting on the Israeli side. Our tourists greeted them in English, but answered them in Russian. It turned out that "Our people" were there too. On the Israeli side it was somehow calmer. Although there is just a wider bathing area.

Russian-speaking tourists from the Israeli side.

The guide explained that the Israeli bathing side looks more comfortable because the Jordanian government strives to make everything as original as possible - just like it was 2000 years ago. "We honor history and they build beautiful stone stairs instead."

The most indecisive women were the last to sink. It was important not only to plunge into the Jordan, but also to make beautiful photo. One of the male tourists in our group swam among the first, then looked at the photos that his companion took, he did not like them, and he climbed into the river again.

An important question - is it necessary to wear a swimsuit under a bathing shirt? Yes, it's better to wear it. Otherwise, the shirt after bathing will shine through, and eroticism is not very appropriate in such a holy place. It is not necessary to swim in standard white shirts - you can wear any other (look at the photos of swimmers). You can take them with you in advance.

Getting in and out is not easy.

Everyone noted that the water is very very cold.

Container with clean water.

Also, the water from the Jordan is considered holy. It is recommended to put it in a bottle. The turbidity should settle and disappear, and a bottle of holy water can be brought home in your luggage. If you do not like to draw water from the river, then there is a special jug with relatively clean water.

Selfie on the background of the Jordan.

I haven't tested it since I haven't swum myself. Still, I'm not a very orthodox believer. But a little later this year I still swim in the Dead Sea. About which I will write separately.

The church next to the bathing area was closed.

There is another swimming place in Jordan in Jordan. It is well equipped, but historically not so true.

View of the Jordan.

The Jordan is a very small river. It used to be wide, but now it's smaller. Following it, the Dead Sea also dries up. But this is a different story.

Christians around the world treat the Jordan as a sacred river, because according to the Gospel, Jesus Christ was baptized in its waters. But where this very place is located for sure, it became known only at the end of the 20th century.

The source of the Jordan River from Lake Kinneret (Sea of ​​Galilee)


The Gospel of John indicates the exact address of the place where John the Baptist preached and baptized - Bethabara near the Jordan (Heb. John 1, 28). But where exactly is this village located? The fact is that in Palestine at that time there were several villages with the same name.

For a long time it was believed that Bethavara is located in Israel, not far from the town Qasr El Yahud, which is 4 kilometers from the place where it flows into.

Map of the Holy Land in the Temple of St. George (Madaba, Jordan)

A mosaic on the floor in the temple of St. George, in the Jordanian city of Madaba, helped determine its true location. The 15 x 6 meter mosaic image, dating back to the 6th century AD, is a perfectly preserved accurate map of the Holy Land, indicating all Christian Shrines.

The map indicated that the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the Jordan River is not in Israel, but on the opposite bank of the river, in the territory of modern Jordan in the town Wadi al-Harar.

It is noteworthy that in the place where the rite of Baptism took place 2000 years ago, there is no more water. For such a huge period of time, the river changed its course at the confluence with the Dead Sea and now flows several tens of meters closer to Israel.

In confirmation of this version, in Wadi al-Harar, on a dry place in 1996, archaeologists discovered the ruins of three Byzantine churches and a marble base slab, on which it was assumed that there was a column with a cross, installed in early Christianity at the site of the Baptism of Jesus Christ.

It is this column that is often mentioned in the written testimonies of Byzantine pilgrims who visited the Holy Places.

Wadi al-Harar - the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ

After a heated debate, scientists around the world and leaders of leading Christian denominations came to the conclusion that Wadi al-Harar is the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the waters of the Jordan River.

So, in the spring of 2000, the visit of Pope John Paul II to these places ended with the official recognition by the Vatican of the fact that Wadi al-Harar is the greatest Christian Shrine.

Orthodox Church of John the Baptist in Wadi al-Harar (Jordan)

Russian Orthodox Church in recognition of this fact, took part in the construction on the territory of Wadi al-Harar Orthodox church in honor of John the Baptist. The temple is based on the very place where, according to legend, Jesus Christ left his clothes before plunging into the waters of the biblical river.

The opening of this greatest site in Christendom was made possible as a result of the peace agreement signed between Israel and Jordan in October 1994.

At present, in the area of ​​the Evangelical Bethavara, both on the Jordanian and Israeli sides, all conditions have been created for pilgrims who want to perform the ritual of ablution or even baptism in the waters of the Jordan River.

On the foreground pilgrimage complex in Qasr el-Yahud (Israel), in the background in Wadi al-Harar (Jordan)

On the Israeli side, the pilgrimage complex is located in Qasr al-Yahud. The distance from Jerusalem to Qasr el-Yahud is 50 km.

On the Jordanian side, the pilgrimage complex is located in Wadi al-Harar, on google maps this place is designated as Al-Makhtas. The distance from Madaba to Al-Makhtas is 40 km.

Israel and Jordan in this place are separated only by the Jordan River, only a few meters wide, the border between the two states runs exactly in the middle.


Many pilgrims who visit Israel every year are wondering: where else is there an opportunity to take a dip or even perform a rite of baptism in the waters of the Jordan River?

Jordan River (Israel) - description, history, location. Exact address, phone number, website. Reviews of tourists, photos and videos.

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One of the most famous rivers on the planet, the Jordan River is a natural border between Israel and Jordan and a popular place of pilgrimage for Christians rushing to undergo a symbolic rite of baptism in the very place where Jesus Christ once received it from John the Baptist. Jordan is repeatedly mentioned not only in the New, but also in Old Testament as a place of numerous miracles: the prophets crossed it on dry land, the waters of this river parted before Joshua, who led the Israelites with the Ark of the Covenant, marking the end of their forty-year wanderings in the wilderness. Today you can see the Jordan and dive into its holy waters from both the Israeli and Jordanian shores.

A bit of history and geography

The Jordan River stretches for 252 km from the foot of Mount Hermon, through Lake Kinneret, flowing into the Dead Sea. This natural border between the modern states of Israel and Jordan once separated the territory of the Promised Land, where, according to the promises of the Almighty, Joshua led the Jews wandering for 40 years in the wilderness. Then the waters of the Jordan parted before the procession, and this is far from the only miracle of the river described in religious texts. The prophets Elijah and Elisha crossed the Jordan on dry land, and numerous miracles of healing were revealed here. Belief in the healing power of its water was widely used in the Byzantine period.

However main reason The pilgrimage of Christians to the Jordan River lies in the New Testament. According to the Bible, in the waters of the Jordan, Christ was baptized by John the Baptist, after which the heavens opened and the Holy Spirit descended to earth in the form of a dove, testifying to the Messianic mission of the Savior.

Baptism in the Jordan River

What to watch

Like the Dead Sea, the Jordan River can be visited by tourists from both Israel and Jordan. The Israeli side of the Jordan is more comfortable and convenient to visit, but also more commercialized - this is especially felt at the site of the baptism of Christ. Jordanian - almost untouched by man, wild and pristine, but less comfortable.

The most popular place to touch the waters of the Jordan from Israel is the Yardenit tourist complex, located at the exit of the river from Lake Kinneret, a few kilometers from Tiberias. More than 400 thousand tourists and pilgrims visit Yardenit every year, most of them to accept a symbolic baptism. Yardenit does not correspond to the exact place of Christ's baptism, but was chosen by the Israeli authorities as a symbolic landmark. In a comfortable bath with a smooth descent into the water every day (and not free, for 10 or 25 USD, depending on the set of services), you can go through the ceremony of triple immersion in the Jordan, and in the store you can buy consecrated Orthodox cult items. Prices on the page are for July 2018.

From the Jordan side, the symbolic place of Christ's baptism looks simple and utilitarian: a wooden platform with three steps, along which pilgrims descend into the water. There is no charge for diving, but there are no facilities and services here either.

The Baptism of the Lord is one of the most important events in the history of Christianity. It marks the beginning of the mission of Christ, as well as the appearance of Jesus to the entire Christian world. For the gospel, the Triune God turned to John the Baptist, who led the ceremony. It is the Jordan River that is the site of the baptism of Jesus Christ.

sacred water

Jordan River

About 2000 years have passed since people from all over the world come to the banks of the sacred river for spiritual and physical recovery. Everyone believes that after washing, it will be possible to heal the soul and body. The river changed its course more than once, and the borders of neighboring states also moved directly. Man's faith in God, in his power to give a miracle to everyone, remained the only constant thing.

On January 19, the Epiphany of the Lord is celebrated annually. And on this day, when the patriarchy serves a festive prayer service on the Jordan River, the waters form a circuit, turn around and begin to flow in the opposite direction. The river itself flows from the mountains for 400 meters and flows into Lake Kinneret. It does not become salty immediately; due to the power of the stream, it flows for several hundred meters more. The Jordan then flows into the Dead Sea.

When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit descended on him and the waters turned back. Since then, this has been repeated every year. Before Epiphany, the Orthodox let wooden crosses along the river into the Dead Sea, on which candles burn. On January 19, they sail back for the reverse current. Accordingly, on this day the fresh waters of the biblical river are salty.

Since the sacred place is located in Jordan, local authorities allow the blessing of water only on the feast of Epiphany. Only on this day the patriarch can hold a service.

The current of the Jordan is very strong, therefore no one dares to attribute the miracle that happens every year to writing it off natural phenomena. In addition, more than one thousand people are present at each prayer service.

Many pilgrims come just to take a dip. Some - take the rite here. It is customary to plunge into the river seven times with your head.

Ceremony center

Yardenit is a territory with various structures, which is located on the Jordan River. It belongs to the complex in the northern part of Galilee, located near the shores of Lake Tiberias.

Note! You can get to it by following the road number 90.

Yardenit names the place where the river leaves the lake. Today, it is here that a symbolic ceremony is held, during which baptism takes place for parishioners of the Greek Orthodox and Catholic churches.

The place of baptism of Jesus Christ is located downstream of the Jordan. Qasr el-Yahud is considered a sacred point, where rites of baptism of pilgrims take place today. But the territory is located on the border of two states, so there is no free access. Since 2011, you can visit it only on the day of the Epiphany of the Lord, at other times absolutely everything is closed.

Since 1981, Yardenit has been chosen as a conditional point of baptism, and it is here that ceremonies are held today for those who wish. The territory belongs to the Kinneret and is run by members of the kibbutz.

A bit of history

Baptism in the Jordan River

The entire territory is described by a well-known saying from the Gospel, translated into various languages. It says that the Jordan River is the place where Jesus Christ was baptized.

In Christian historical facts it is indicated that in reality the ceremony took place in the settlement of Vifawara - today's Qasr el-Yahud. Access to the territory was blocked due to the consequences of the Six Day War. Visits were allowed only after the signing of a peace treaty with Jordan. It happened only in 1994.

Due to the events that have taken place, the Ministry of Tourism decided to build a complex that will serve as an additional site. Therefore, since 1981, it was Yardenit that was one place of the sacrament from the side of the Jordan, which was subject to regulation, until Qasr El Yahud was opened in 2011.

Later, excavations were carried out, as a result of which the remains of a Byzantine church were discovered. Therefore, it is believed that the place that was indicated in the Bible, Bethavara, was the village of Wadi al-Harar in Jordan. Only today there is no riverbed there, because over the years it has changed its route.

Another place of baptism was Lake Kinneret, near the restored temple of the Twelve Apostles. But still, it is the waters of the Jordan River that carry the very innermost spiritual meaning.


Yardenit is a complex with all kinds of amenities for visitors: souvenir shops, restaurants, parking. For those wishing to take a bath, there are changing rooms and shops where you can rent or purchase the clothes necessary for the ceremony. Paths are laid here, places for dipping are equipped, and there is a center for pilgrims nearby. Every year about 400 thousand tourists come to this place.

The borders between countries are not visible, it is more conditional. But from the side of Jordan you can always see several armed soldiers. From Jordan, you can get to the place of baptism at will, but from Israel, access is open only in a peaceful situation (Palestinian territory).

These banks of the river were very fond of various fish, as well as nutria, which used to be found near the Hula valley. This is due to the fact that due to the constant influx of visitors, they have enough plentiful food.

The whole diving process will take no more than half an hour. It is advisable to take swimming accessories with you (swimsuit, towel, slates). But if necessary, everything can be purchased, this also applies to the christening gown. No one takes money for bathing in sacred water.

The Jordan River and the place of the baptism of Jesus Christ in the photo looks small and muddy. The speed of the water current lifts all the clay from the bottom of the river, because the water here is not very clean. But after you put it in a bottle and let it settle, you can make sure that it becomes transparent.

For every believer, this place is special, so you should not miss the opportunity to go there.

Apart from sacred waters it is worth going to see the Dead Sea with its beautiful landscapes.