An example of calculating the dimensions of the unloading area. Requirements for unloading points and sites Requirements for sites for the operation of a loader

  • 16.06.2019




All work related to loading, unloading, warehousing and transportation of goods must be performed in accordance with GOST 12.3.009-76 “Loading and unloading works. General requirements security”, GOST 12.3. 020-80 “Movement processes in enterprises. General safety requirements”.

The main measure to improve and facilitate working conditions in the production of these works, as well as to ensure the safety of workers, is the widespread introduction of mechanization of loading, unloading and transporting goods.

Loading and unloading operations are carried out under the guidance of an experienced worker who must know the current safety and industrial hygiene regulations.

The work manager prepares the unloading site, establishes the procedure and methods for loading, unloading and moving goods, distributes workers according to their qualifications and experience, instructs workers, and provides the work site with serviceable devices, mechanisms and cranes.

Loading and unloading operations are carried out, as a rule, mechanized using cranes, loaders, unloaders and other machines, and in small volumes using small-scale mechanization. The mechanized method of loading and unloading operations is used for goods weighing more than 15 kg, as well as when lifting goods to a height of more than 3 m. Heavy loads (weighing more than 500 kg) are allowed to be loaded and unloaded only by cranes.

Loading and unloading of heavy and bulky goods is carried out

by specially appointed experienced workers under the guidance of a responsible person (foreman), who is obliged to monitor the safety of loading, transporting and unloading goods.

Loading and unloading platforms and platforms

In order to ensure safety and convenience in work, loading platforms should be planned and arranged on straight and horizontal sections. Sites designed for a service life of more than a year must have a hard surface.

AT winter time loading and unloading areas must be regularly cleared of snow and sprinkled with sand, slag or slag. The illumination of loading and unloading areas must comply with industry standards for artificial lighting.

Loading and unloading areas are equipped with special equipment and simple devices (crossing bridges, gangways, rolling boards, wheelbarrows, wagons, carts, conveyors) that ensure safety and facilitate the work. The inventory and devices used for loading and unloading operations must be kept in good condition.

Cargo platforms should have a height of 1.1 m at the level of the top of the rail head, and from the side of the vehicle entrance at the height of the floor of the car body. In places where loading or unloading of oversized cargo is not provided, as well as the passage of wagons with such cargo, loading platforms are arranged with a height of 1.2 m. Platforms and warehouses are equipped with ramps, the width of which from the side of the railway track must be at least 3.0 m, and from the side of the entrance of vehicles at least 1.5 m.

When storing material near a rail track or an entrance, the stack is brought to such a state that it eliminates any possibility of falling and collapsing it, as well as violating the clearance of buildings approaching.

Loads (except for ballast unloaded for work on the railway track) at a height of up to 1200 mm must be located from the outer edge of the head of the outermost rail no closer than 2.0 m, and when higher altitude no closer than 2.5 m. Cargo along the track must be unloaded with breaks for the workers to leave the track when the train approaches.

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4.2. Requirements for loading and unloading areas

4.2.1. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out on a specially designated area (site) with a hard surface without potholes and slopes exceeding 3 °. It is allowed to use planned sites with solid natural soil as loading and unloading sites that ensure the normal operation of vehicles within the design load from cargo and vehicles.

4.2.2. Access roads (including descents and ascents) to loading and unloading areas must have a hard surface without potholes and be kept in good condition.

4.2.3. At the intersection of access roads with ditches, trenches, railway lines, etc. decks or bridges with a width of at least 3.5 m must be provided to ensure a safe crossing.

4.2.4. The width of access roads should be at least 6.2 m for two-way traffic and 3.5 m for one-way traffic with the necessary widening at road curves.

4.2.5. The dimensions of the loading and unloading areas should ensure the placement of cargo, the normal scope of work for the required number of vehicles, mechanization and workers involved in the movement of goods.

4.2.6. Loading and unloading areas must have marked boundaries.

4.2.7. The choice of a place for loading and unloading sites and the placement of buildings and structures on them must be made in accordance with GOST 12.3.009 and comply with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80 *.

4.2.8. Places of loading and unloading operations and access roads to them must be equipped with road signs and signs.

4.2.9. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas, the distance between the dimensions of vehicles standing one after another must be at least 1 m, and between the dimensions of vehicles standing side by side, at least 1.5 m.

4.2.10. When carrying out loading and unloading operations near buildings, the distance between the building and the vehicle with the load must be at least 0.8 m, while the presence of a sidewalk, a crash bar, etc. is mandatory.

4.2.11. Areas for stowage of goods must have a designation of the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them. Placement of goods in the aisles and driveways is not allowed. The distance between the stack of cargo and the vehicle must be at least 1 m.

4.2.12. Places for unloading cars - dump trucks at slopes, ravines, etc. must be equipped with wheel guards. If these are not installed, then the minimum distance that a vehicle can drive to a slope for unloading is determined by the specific conditions and the angle of repose of the soil. In this case, the presence of a signalman is mandatory.

4.2.13. Motor vehicles supplied for loading or unloading in reverse must not maneuver at the same time. The exit from the place of loading and unloading must be free, and its width must not be less than 3.5 m.

4.2.14. When loading bulk cargo from the hatches of containers, it is necessary to install signs for the location of the vehicle and apply demarcation lines on the road at the entrance to the hatch.

4.2.15. Overpasses intended for unloading must have the necessary margin of safety to accept fully loaded vehicles, and are also equipped with side rails and wheel guards.

4.2.16. On platforms for loading and unloading packaged piece cargo, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the bearing surface (body floor) of vehicles should be installed.

4.2.17. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

4.2.18. Sites intended for intermediate storage of goods should be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from railways and highways.

4.2.19. Illumination of loading and unloading areas at night should provide normal conditions performance of work in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95. Illumination should be at least 10 lux, uniform, without blinding effect of lighting devices.

4.2.20. Overhead power lines are not allowed to pass over the loading and unloading areas and cargo storage areas. If it is necessary to install lighting masts inside the site, the supply of electrical wires to it is carried out by a cable laid underground.

It is allowed to lay the supply cable on the ground on the trestles.

4.2.21. When carrying out loading and unloading operations in enclosed spaces, the latter must have artificial and emergency lighting according to

4.2.1. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out on a specially designated area (site) with a hard surface without potholes and slopes exceeding 3 °. It is allowed to use planned sites with solid natural soil as loading and unloading sites, ensuring the normal operation of vehicles within the design load from cargo and vehicles.

4.2.2. Access roads (including descents and ascents) to loading and unloading areas must have a hard surface without potholes and be kept in good condition.

4.2.3. At the intersection of access roads with ditches, trenches, railway lines, etc. decks or bridges with a width of at least 3.5 m must be provided to ensure a safe crossing.

4.2.4. The width of access roads should be at least 6.2 m for two-way traffic and 3.5 m for one-way traffic with the necessary widening at road curves.

4.2.5. The dimensions of the loading and unloading areas should ensure the placement of cargo, the normal scope of work for the required number of vehicles, mechanization and workers involved in the movement of goods.

4.2.6. Loading and unloading areas must have marked boundaries.

4.2.7. The choice of a place for loading and unloading sites and the placement of buildings and structures on them must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.009 and comply with the requirements of SNiP II-89-80 *.

4.2.8. Places of production of loading and unloading operations and access roads to them must be equipped with road signs and indicators.

4.2.9. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas, the distance between the dimensions of vehicles standing one after another must be at least 1 m, and between the dimensions of vehicles standing side by side - at least 1.5 m.

4.2.10. When carrying out loading and unloading operations near buildings, the distance between the building and the vehicle with the load must be at least 0.8 m, while the presence of a sidewalk, a crash bar, etc. is mandatory.

4.2.11. Areas for stowage of goods must have a designation of the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them. Placement of goods in the aisles and driveways is not allowed. The distance between the stack of cargo and the vehicle must be at least 1 m.

4.2.12. Places for unloading dump trucks near slopes, ravines, etc. must be equipped with wheel guards. If these are not installed, then the minimum distance that a vehicle can drive to a slope for unloading is determined by the specific conditions and the angle of repose of the soil. In this case, the presence of a signalman is mandatory.

4.2.13. Motor vehicles supplied for loading or unloading in reverse must not maneuver at the same time. The exit from the place of loading and unloading must be free, and its width must not be less than 3.5 m.

4.2.14. When loading bulk cargo from the hatches of containers, it is necessary to install signs for the location of the vehicle and apply demarcation lines on the road at the entrance to the hatch.

4.2.15. Overpasses intended for unloading must have the necessary margin of safety to accept fully loaded vehicles, and are also equipped with side rails and wheel guards.

4.2.16. On platforms for loading and unloading packaged piece cargo, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the bearing surface (body floor) of vehicles should be installed.

4.2.17. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

4.2.18. Sites intended for intermediate storage of goods should be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from railways and highways.

4.2.19. Illumination of loading and unloading areas at night should ensure normal conditions for the performance of work in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95. Illumination should be at least 10 lux, uniform, without blinding effect of lighting devices.

4.2.20. Overhead power lines are not allowed to pass over the loading and unloading areas and cargo storage areas. If it is necessary to install lighting masts inside the site, the supply of electrical wires to it is carried out by a cable laid underground.

It is allowed to lay the supply cable on the ground on the trestles.

4.2.21. When carrying out loading and unloading operations in enclosed spaces, the latter must have artificial and emergency lighting according to SNiP 23-05-95.

5.4.1. Loading and unloading areas located in the building or on the territory of the organization and intended for entry different kind vehicles and storage of goods must comply with the requirements of section 4 of SNiP 2.11.01-85 * "Storage buildings".

5.4.2. Loading and unloading areas on the territory of the organization should be located away from the main flow of vehicles, have a planned profile, clearly marked boundaries, markings for stacking goods, driveways and walkways.

5.4.3. Loading and unloading areas should have cargo-free zones sufficient to ensure turns, installation for loading (unloading) and passing of vehicles, lifting mechanisms, mechanization, movement of workers engaged in servicing operations for the movement of goods.

5.4.4. Platforms and access roads to them should have a smooth, preferably hard surface and be kept in good condition: descents and ascents in winter should be cleared of snow and ice, sprinkled with sand or fine slag. At the intersection of access roads with railway tracks, decks or bridges with a width of at least 3.5 m should be arranged to ensure the safety of crossing the railway tracks. The width of the access roads and the size of the sites should provide the necessary scope of work for the specified number of vehicles. The width of the access roads must be at least 3.5 m for one-way and 6.2 m for two-way traffic of vehicles with the necessary expansion at the curves of the roads.

5.4.5. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading sites for loading or unloading, the distance between them in the depth of the column must be at least 1 m, the distance between them along the front must be at least 1.5 m.

5.4.6. If a vehicle is installed for loading or unloading near a building, then a gap of at least 0.8 m must be provided between the building and this vehicle, the distance between the vehicle and the stack of cargo must be at least 1 m.

5.4.7. The movement of vehicles at loading and unloading sites and on access roads should be organized according to the transport and technological scheme and regulated by road signs and road markings in accordance with appendices 1, 2 to the traffic rules of the Russian Federation *(7) , GOST 10807-78* "Road signs. General specifications", GOST 23457-86* " Technical means traffic organization. Rules of application". The movement of the vehicle for loading or unloading must be organized without maneuvering in the work area.

5.4.8. For loading and unloading packaged piece cargo (bales, barrels, boxes, rolls, etc.) in warehouses and warehouses, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the floor level of the body of the corresponding vehicle should be arranged.

In case of unequal height of the floor of the vehicle body and the platform, overpass, ramp of the warehouse, the use of ladders is allowed. The ramps on the side of the entrance of vehicles must have a width of at least 1.5 m with a slope of not more than 5 degrees.

The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

5.4.9. Cargo platforms, ramps, overpasses and other structures must be equipped with permanent or removable fenders that prevent the vehicle from tipping over or falling.

5.4.10. When placing vehicles on the site for loading or unloading, measures must be taken to prevent their spontaneous movement.

5.4.11. Sites for intermediate storage of goods should be flat, preferably with a hard surface, have access roads and an organized drainage of surface (storm) water, be separated from the head of the nearest rail of the railway track or from the nearest edge of the carriageway highway not less than 2.5 m.

5.4.12. Illumination in the production of loading and unloading operations and the placement of goods in production and warehouses must meet the requirements clause 4.2, places of work outside buildings - clause 7.15 of SNiP 23-05-95 "Natural and artificial lighting".

4.1.1. Safety requirements for loading and unloading cargo must comply with GOST 12.3.009 “Loading and unloading works. General safety requirements” and “Intersectoral rules for labor protection during loading and unloading operations and placement of goods” POT R M 007-98.

When performing loading and unloading operations, the driver is obliged to monitor the correct loading and placement of cargo on the vehicle, as well as the correct and durable fastening of cargo, sides and other devices.

4.1.2. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out under the guidance of a responsible person appointed by order of the head of the organization performing loading and unloading operations.

4.1.3. The mass of the transported cargo and the distribution of the load along the axles of the vehicle must not exceed the values ​​established by the manufacturer of the vehicle.

4.1.4. The movement of goods on the territory of the organization should be carried out in accordance with the transport and technological scheme approved by the management of the organization, as well as with technological maps, projects for the production of works, technological instructions.

4.1.5. Loading and unloading operations should be carried out mainly by mechanized means. It is allowed to lift and move loads manually only if the standards stipulated by GOST 12.3.020 are observed.

4.1.6. Personnel who have been trained and tested on occupational safety and first aid in case of accidents are allowed to perform loading and unloading operations.

4.1.7. Workers involved in loading and unloading operations are required to undergo preliminary and periodic medical examinations.

4.1.8. Involvement of vehicle drivers in loading and unloading cargo is permissible only with their consent, provided that they are trained in safety rules for such work and are certified.

4.1.9. For the safe performance of loading and unloading operations, drivers of vehicles are required to first familiarize themselves with the access roads, the condition of loading and unloading areas and mechanization.

4.1.10. In the event of a hazard during the production of loading and unloading operations, the person responsible for their implementation must stop work until the hazard is eliminated and take measures to eliminate (prevent) this hazard.

4.1.11. Workers engaged in loading and unloading operations are prohibited from performing other work, in addition to those indicated by the head or not provided for by their job duties.

4.1.12. Managers and specialists responsible for the safe conduct of loading and unloading operations must be tested for knowledge of the technical process, labor safety requirements, safe operation of vehicles, mechanisms and devices, fire safety and industrial sanitation in accordance with their duties.

4.1.13. Checking the knowledge of managers and specialists responsible for carrying out loading and unloading operations should be carried out by a special commission of the enterprise within the time limits stipulated by the Rules for organizing work with personnel at enterprises and institutions of energy production RD 34.12.102-94.

4.1.14. Before starting loading and unloading operations, the person responsible for their implementation is obliged to check the serviceability of mechanization, rigging and other loading and unloading equipment and devices, as well as the condition of the surfaces of platforms, floors, platforms and passages.


4.2.1. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out on a specially designated area (site) with a hard surface without potholes and slopes exceeding 3 °. It is allowed to use planned sites with solid natural soil as loading and unloading sites, ensuring the normal operation of vehicles within the design load from cargo and vehicles.

4.2.2. Access roads (including descents and ascents) to loading and unloading areas must have a hard surface without potholes and be kept in good condition.

4.2.3. At the intersection of access roads with ditches, trenches, railway lines, etc., decks or bridges with a width of at least 3.5 m must be arranged to ensure safe crossing.

4.2.4. The width of access roads should be at least 6.2 m for two-way traffic and 3.5 m for one-way traffic with the necessary widening at road curves.

4.2.5. The dimensions of the loading and unloading areas should ensure the placement of cargo, the normal scope of work for the required number of vehicles, mechanization and workers involved in the movement of goods.

4.2.6. Loading and unloading areas must have marked boundaries.

4.2.7. The choice of a place for loading and unloading sites and the placement of buildings and structures on them must be made in accordance with GOST 12.3.009 and comply with the requirements of SNiP II -89-80*.

4.2.8. Places of production of loading and unloading operations and access roads to them must be equipped with road signs and indicators.

4.2.9. When placing vehicles on loading and unloading areas, the distance between the dimensions of vehicles standing one after another must be at least 1 m, and between the dimensions of vehicles standing side by side - at least 1.5 m.

4.2.10. When carrying out loading and unloading operations near buildings, the distance between the building and the vehicle with the load must be at least 0.8 m, while the presence of a sidewalk, a crash bar, etc. is mandatory.

4.2.11. Areas for stowage of goods must have a designation of the boundaries of stacks, aisles and passages between them. Placement of goods in the aisles and driveways is not allowed. The distance between the stack of cargo and the vehicle must be at least 1 m.

4.2.12. Places for unloading dump trucks near slopes, ravines, etc. must be equipped with wheel guards. If these are not installed, then the minimum distance that a vehicle can drive to a slope for unloading is determined by the specific conditions and the angle of repose of the soil. In this case, the presence of a signalman is mandatory.

4.2.13. Motor vehicles supplied for loading or unloading in reverse must not maneuver at the same time. The exit from the place of loading and unloading must be free, and its width must not be less than 3.5 m.

4.2.14. When loading bulk cargo from the hatches of containers, it is necessary to install signs for the location of the vehicle and apply demarcation lines on the road at the entrance to the hatch.

4.2.15. Overpasses intended for unloading must have the necessary margin of safety to accept fully loaded vehicles, and are also equipped with side rails and wheel guards.

4.2.16. On platforms for loading and unloading packaged piece cargo, platforms, overpasses, ramps with a height equal to the height of the bearing surface (body floor) of vehicles should be installed.

4.2.17. The width of the overpass intended for the movement of vehicles on it must be at least 3 m.

4.2.18. Sites intended for intermediate storage of goods should be located at a distance of at least 2.5 m from railways and highways.

4.2.19. Illumination of loading and unloading areas at night should ensure normal conditions for the performance of work in accordance with the requirements of SNiP 23-05-95. Illumination should be at least 10 lux, uniform, without blinding effect of lighting devices.

4.2.20. Overhead power lines are not allowed to pass over the loading and unloading areas and cargo storage areas. If it is necessary to install lighting masts inside the site, the supply of electrical wires to it is carried out by a cable laid underground.

It is allowed to lay the supply cable on the ground on the trestles.

4.2.21. When carrying out loading and unloading operations in enclosed spaces, the latter must have artificial and emergency lighting according to SNiP 23-05-95.


4.3.1. Goods transported by vehicles are classified depending on:

type and method of storage;


shapes and sizes;

length of cargo;

the degree and nature of the danger.

4.3.2. The group, depending on the type and method of storage, includes:

piece oversized cargo (metal structures, machines, machine tools, engines, mechanisms, large reinforced concrete products, etc.);

piece stacked loads (rolled steel, pipes, timber and lumber, bricks, standard reinforced concrete products, slabs, panels, blocks, boxes, barrels and other products of geometrically regular shape);

bulk cargo (coal, peat, slag, sand, crushed stone, cement, small metal shavings, etc.);

semi-liquid plastic cargoes (concrete masses, mortars, lime paste, bitumen, lubricants, etc.);

liquid cargo - cargo that does not have a specific shape (water, liquid fuels and lubricants, acids, alkalis, mastics, etc.);

gaseous goods.

4.3.3. Depending on the mass, goods are divided into four categories:

lightweight cargo - cargo weighing no more than 250 kg (felt, leather, tow, plywood, dry plaster, light parts, etc.);

heavy cargo - all stackable and non-stackable cargo, the mass of which is in the range from 250 kg to 50 tons;

very heavy cargo - cargo, the mass of which exceeds 50 tons. These include piece non-stackable cargo;

Dead weights are weights of unknown mass.

4.3.4. Depending on the shape and size, the goods are divided into:

oversized cargo - cargo, the dimensions of which do not exceed the norms, established by the Rules traffic of the Russian Federation;

oversized cargo;

long cargo (parts and assemblies of large machines, equipment, metal structures).

4.3.5. Marking of goods (except dangerous) must be carried out in accordance with GOST 14192-96.

4.3.6. According to the degree and nature of danger, cargoes are divided in accordance with GOST 19433 into 9 hazard classes:

explosive materials (EM);

gases compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure;

flammable liquids (flammable liquids);

flammable solids (LVS);

oxidizing substances (OC) and oxidizing peroxides (OP);

poisonous substances (NS) and infectious substances (IV);

radioactive materials (RM);

caustic or corrosive substances;

other dangerous substances.


4.4.1. Loading and unloading operations must be carried out in accordance with GOST 12.3.002, GOST 12.3.009, GOST 12.3.20, the requirements of these Rules and other regulatory documentation.

4.4.2. Loading, unloading and transportation of goods must be mechanized, regardless of the distance of its transportation.

4.4.3. Loading and unloading of goods is permissible only in the absence of people in the vehicle cabin.

4.4.4. The location and securing of the cargo must be carried out in such a way that during transportation it does not shift or fall.

4.4.5. Piece goods laid above the sides of the body or on a platform without sides must be securely fastened with ropes, awnings, special nets. The use of metal ropes and wire is prohibited.

4.4.6. Securing the load on the vehicle is carried out with the mandatory control of the driver. When transporting goods in trailers, the driver is obliged to check the reliability of closing the sides of the car and trailers.

4.4.7. The height of the vehicle together with the load must not exceed 4.0 m from the ground.

4.4.8. Transportation on the territory of the enterprise of oversized cargo with a height of more than 4.0 m and a width of more than 2.6 m, as well as cargo, the transportation of which is prohibited by the relevant traffic signs, is allowed only with the written permission of the employee of the organization's traffic safety service, and in his absence - the employee labor protection services. In this case, these goods must be accompanied by a specialist responsible for their transportation.

4.4.9. Bulk cargo in the vehicle must be evenly distributed over the entire area of ​​the body and not rise above its side.

4.4.10. Transportation of unified technological, box, mesh, rack, etc. packaging should be made when it is placed in no more than 2 tiers. For unified boxes with a height of less than 500 mm, transportation in 3 tiers is allowed.

4.4.11. Piece cargo (boxes, barrels, etc.) must be packed tightly, without gaps and secured so that when the vehicle is moving, it cannot move along the surface of the body. If there are gaps between the weights, they should be filled with wooden spacers or spacers should be installed.

4.4.12. Glass containers with liquid are allowed for transportation only in special protective packaging and are installed with the cap up. In case of installation of glass containers in two rows, it is necessary to use safety pads between the rows.

4.4.13. Barrels with liquids should be installed with the stopper up, stand on plank spacers for each row. The end rows of boards must be wedged.

4.4.14. Transportation of loaders or other persons accompanying the cargo is allowed only in the cabin of the vehicle. When transporting light cargo, in exceptional cases, it is allowed to find people in the body of an onboard vehicle. At the same time, the load must be packed in such a way that there are comfortable and safe places to sit.

4.4.15. If people in the vehicle get into situations that are dangerous for their lives, the driver is obliged to immediately stop the vehicle and take measures to help them. The incident should be immediately reported to the person responsible for the release of the vehicle on the line and to the traffic safety service.

4.4.16. It is forbidden to stand in front of rolling loads (barrels, drums, rolls, etc.) or behind rolling loads.

4.4.17. Carrying out loading and unloading operations with lifting mechanisms in the presence of people in the cab or in the body is prohibited.

4.4.18. When carrying out loading and unloading operations, it is allowed to take goods only from above the pile or heap. At the same time, the work manager is obliged to first make sure that the cargo is not pinched, not powdered, not frozen and that the materials, parts, equipment that are located are in a stable position.

4.4.19. When loading and unloading timber, devices must be provided to prevent the collapse of timber.

4.4.20. When unloading bulk cargo from embankments or when backfilling pits or trenches with soil, dump trucks should be installed at a distance of at least 1 m from the edge of the natural slope.

4.4.21. Transportation of dusty goods on board vehicles is allowed only when compacted in bodies, while the goods should be covered with covering material (tarpaulin).

4.4.22. Long loads (loads that exceed the dimensions of the vehicle in length by 2 m or more) should be transported on vehicles with trailers.

4.4.23. Cars intended for the systematic transportation of long loads should not have sides, but they should be equipped with removable or folding racks that protect the goods from falling.

4.4.24. In the case of simultaneous transportation of long loads of different lengths, shorter ones should be stowed on top.

4.4.25. Transportation (movement) of goods of unknown mass should be carried out after determining their actual mass. It is forbidden to transport cargo, the mass of which exceeds the carrying capacity of the vehicle.

4.4.26. Filling liquids into tankers and draining them must be carried out only with the help of pumps, pipes and hoses designed for pumping these liquids.

4.4.27. The participation of the tank truck driver in filling and draining the liquid is allowed only if automatic filling systems are used and subject to the driver passing special instructions. At automatic system loading flammable liquids, the driver must be at the emergency stop filling control panel.

4.4.28. Loading and unloading of other dangerous goods is carried out only with the vehicle engine turned off, except for loading and unloading liquids using a pump driven by the vehicle engine. In this case, the driver must be at the pump control point.

4.4.29. Transportation of flammable liquids is carried out on special vehicles with appropriate inscriptions and grounding with metal chains. Containers for transporting flammable liquids must also be grounded.

4.4.30. Flammable liquids and gas cylinders may only be transported in vehicles equipped with spark arresters on the exhaust pipes.

4.4.31. When transporting liquids and toxic substances, it is allowed to use electric transport only as a tractor and only if it has fire extinguishing equipment.

4.4.32. Vehicles and places of loading and unloading contaminated with toxic (toxic) substances must be thoroughly cleaned, washed and rendered harmless.

4.4.33. Cylinders with liquefied gas should be transported on sprung vehicles in a fixed state, laying them across the body with protective caps in one direction. Cylinders can only be transported in a vertical position in special containers. Cylinders with compressed, liquefied or dissolved gas under pressure must not be thrown and subjected to shocks.

4.4.34. When transporting cargo in containers, the body or platform of the vehicle must be cleared of foreign objects, snow and ice before loading the containers.

4.4.35. Cabins of vehicles that do not have special fencing, when transporting containers, must be protected by shields or bars.

4.4.36. After loading the containers, the driver of the vehicle is obliged to check the correctness of their installation and fastening.

4.4.37. Passage of people in the back of a vehicle during the transportation of containers is prohibited.

4.4.38. When transporting containers, the driver is obliged to pay special attention to the height of gates, bridges, contact networks, etc., not to brake sharply and reduce speed when cornering and rough roads.

4.4.39. Dangerous goods are allowed for transportation in tare and packaging that meets the requirements of GOST 26319.

4.4.40. When transporting compressed, liquefied, gases dissolved under pressure and explosive, flammable liquids, smoking is not allowed in the cabin and near the vehicle, as well as at the locations of goods awaiting loading or unloading, at a distance of less than 10 m from them.

4.4.41. Conditions and methods of preparation, production of loading and unloading operations and transportation of dangerous goods must comply with the requirements of GOST 19433, the Rules for the Transportation of Dangerous Goods by car, Guidelines for the organization of transportation of dangerous goods by road, Fire Safety Rules in the Russian Federation.

4.4.42. When transporting flammable goods in separate containers installed on a vehicle, each container must be grounded.

4.4.43. When transporting liquid oxygen, it is necessary to take measures to protect the fittings of the containers from contact with oils and fats. A car carrying liquid oxygen must be equipped with a fire extinguisher, signal red flags installed in the left front and rear corners of the body sides. The exhaust pipe of the car must be equipped with a spark arrestor.

4.4.44. Liquefied gases and flammable liquids are allowed to be transported in glass containers with thick walls and in appropriate protective packaging.

4.4.45. When loading flammable liquids in bulk, the driver must comply with the shipper's safety and fire safety instructions.

4.4.46. It is possible to transport cylinders by car in a vertical position (standing) only in special containers if there are access roads at the places of loading and unloading. At the same time, loading and unloading of containers must be mechanized. Propane cylinders are allowed to be transported in an upright position without containers.

4.4.47. Joint transportation of oxygen and acetylene cylinders, both filled and empty, is prohibited.

4.4.48. Vehicles intended for the carriage of compressed gas cylinders, petroleum products and other flammable liquids must be equipped with additional fire extinguishing equipment.

4.4.49. The body of the car (trailer) used for the transportation of cylinders must be equipped with racks with recesses according to the size of the cylinders, upholstered with felt. Racks must have locking devices.

4.4.50. In order to avoid accidents, accidents, the movement of vehicles with dangerous goods must be carried out strictly along the specified route indicated in the waybill.

4.4.51. The movement of goods within the organization must be carried out in compliance with the requirements of GOST 12.3.002, GOST 12.3.020 and these Rules.

4.4.52. Loading and unloading operations are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection during Loading and Unloading Operations and Placement of Goods (POT R M 007-98) and the Intersectoral Rules for Labor Protection during the Operation of Industrial Vehicles (POT R M 008-99).

4.4.53. In existing electrical installations, loading and unloading operations are carried out only with a work permit.

4.4.54. Vehicle drivers, loaders, slingers, machinists working in existing electrical installations or in security zone overhead power lines (VL), must have group II for electrical safety.

4.4.55. The passage of vehicles through the territory of the outdoor switchgear and in the security zone of the high-voltage line, as well as the installation and operation of machines must be carried out under the supervision of operational personnel, the employee who issued the work permit, the responsible manager with group IV, and in the security zone of the overhead line - under the supervision of the responsible manager or a work foreman who has group III for electrical safety.

4.4.56. It is not allowed to leave unattended vehicles with the engine on (running) in existing electrical installations.

4.4.57. During the operation of vehicles with a lifting body in the security zone of the power line, the voltage with overhead line power lines should be removed. If it is justified that it is impossible to remove voltage from the overhead line, the operation of vehicles is permitted provided that the distances from the lifting or retractable parts of the machines are not less than those specified in GOST 12.1.051. Machine bodies must be grounded.

4.5.1. Lifting loads, the mass of which is close to the maximum carrying capacity, should be done smoothly, without jerks.

4.5.2. The longitudinal slope when transporting goods by loaders should not exceed the angle of inclination of the loader frame.

4.5.3. The load must be lifted with the forklift tilted as far back as possible and with the forklift braked. The load must be placed on the load gripping device symmetrically and not go forward beyond its limits by more than 1/3 of its length.

4.5.4. It is forbidden to place the load directly on the load handling device of the loader with a crane.

4.5.5. Forklift trucks designed to transport small or unstable loads must be equipped with a safety frame or carriage to stop when moving.

4.5.6. Incorrect position of the load on the fork legs of the loader may only be eliminated by re-grabbing after the forks have been previously released.

4.5.7. When driving with a lifted load, do not brake hard, change the inclination of the load handler, or lift or lower the load.

4.5.8. Transportation of long loads by forklifts can only be carried out in an open area with a flat surface.

4.5.9. The movement of bulky goods that restrict the visibility of the forklift driver must be accompanied by an instructed signalman.

4.5.10. When stacking loads, in the absence of a cabin, a removable guard must be installed above the driver's workplace.

4.5.11. Transportation of people on loaders and electric cars is prohibited, except as provided by the design and regulatory and technical documentation of the manufacturer.

4.5.12. When the electric motor battery is located under the cargo platform, transportation of flammable and aggressive liquids (acids, alkalis) on electric vehicles is not allowed.

4.5.13. When working on an electric car with a lifting platform, the platform should be brought under the container to failure, while avoiding shocks.

4.5.14. When using two-axle trailers for transporting goods using wheeled tractors, it is necessary to use the towing device included in the additional equipment of the trailer. If trailers have a rotating hitch, it must be locked.

4.5.15. When transporting goods on a cargo motorcycle, it is allowed to transport no more than one loader. Transportation of people on a cargo scooter is prohibited.