Fortune telling three cards for the near future. Demanded fortune-telling "Three cards

  • 16.10.2019

by the most simple layout on tarot cards for viewing the near future is fortune-telling on three cards. The near future is a period equal to approximately one month to one and a half from the date of fortune-telling. You can also set your own frames and gaps.

The prediction on three cards answers frequently asked questions and mainly refers to a layout that helps to understand the current situation, get Additional information and find a way out of a difficult situation.

These methods can be used to clarify events in any area of ​​life, we can say that this is a universal alignment for all occasions. Also, this type of mantle is general characteristics the situation. Questions regarding a three-card spread should be specific and clearly worded.

There should be no hidden meaning or sub-question in one question. If there are several interested in topics, then it is better to make several layouts to avoid confusion.

Fortune telling can be done both on the Major Arcana and the Minor Arcana, you can also use a full deck of 78 cards. For any prediction, it is not forbidden to pull out additional and explanatory cards. As already mentioned, the layout consists of three cards, which can be laid out according to the following schemes and interpretations for them.

Option 1

1 - the past and its influence on the present state of affairs or on question asked.

2 - the present and how it manifests itself, the influence of the present on the current situation.

3 - the result, the answer to the question asked. Summarizing the information received in positions 1 and 2. Advice on how to deal with the information received, and what actions should be taken.

Option 2

1 - the present state of affairs, the true vision of the situation. The way the Universe sees the situation and the Tarot cards, not you.

2 - the past, describing all the events until the day of divination. Also here you can see the moments that you did not pay attention to.

3 - the future, what awaits in the near future, the answer to the question or the resolution of the situation.

Option 3

1 - the source of the current situation, why it happened.

2 - the current state of affairs. The answer to the question: “Where am I now?”

3 - the expected future, if everything is left as it is.

In some layouts, the final card 3 can give advice on what to do in order to correct the situation or the course of events.

Option 4

Alignment to clarify the situation in personal life or relationships.

1 - characteristics of the situation, proposed actions in the current situation.

2 - a warning what not to do.

3 - result - advice - a question for turning inward, analysis of the situation.

The layout of the three cards "Mood of the day"

general mood for a given day, your emotional state. Also, this card can serve as a meditation card for the day.

2 - obstacles and difficulties that may arise in the established day.

3 - the results of the day, what can be learned from the path traveled, what positive points waiting for you to pay attention.

Also for this position of the cards: 1, 2, 3 the following interpretations can be used:

If you need to know the feelings and actions of a particular person.

1 - sincere thoughts of a person about a fortuneteller.

2 - a person's feelings for a fortuneteller. Feelings that a person experiences and those that show can be reflected here.

3 - the actions of the person of interest to the fortuneteller.

If you need to find out who and what did about you.

1 - who did something.

2 - what was done and in what form.

3 - why this was done, and how to correct the current situation.

Fortune telling for the near future:

1 - what should happen or happen.

2 - how it will happen or happen.

3 - how to react to the situation, your actions.
1 - where something happened or in what area.

2 - who is involved, who is involved, who participates.

3 - why it happened.

1 - what happened.

2 - why it happened.

3 - how to treat it or how to solve the problem.

To get information about what is done wrong in a given situation.

1 - in the center the situation is formed, the state of affairs at the moment.

2 - the circumstances of the situation.

3 - actions that should be taken or something that should be refrained from or abandoned.

1 - the essence of the issue and the current situation.

2 - wrong actions. You shouldn't do that.

3 - the right actions. What needs to be done or done.

1 - the essence of the problem, the true state of affairs.

2 - solution to the problem option 1.

3 - solution to the problem option 2.

Also, under these provisions and schemes, you can make your own interpretations, thereby making the author's layout.

The most common version of the layout is laying out the first card in the middle, thereby forming the essence of the issue in the center, and attention is focused on the current situation. And on the left and right are the answers to the questions, what led to this position (past) and how it will all end or how to act (future).

Since divination for three cards portends the near future, then the interpretation of the cards should be assessed at the moment. For example, if fortune-telling was carried out after a quarrel with any person (no matter in what area) and the card of the Major Arcana Tower of Lightning fell out, then the value should be regarded as a violation of the relationship now at the moment, something collapsed and left right now, and not the collapse of a relationship or a break in the future.

Despite the fact that the cards speak of the near future, you can voluntarily set a period of time during which the result of the spread will be valid.

Interpretation examples

Consider an example of the interpretation of the same cards, but in response to different questions. Three cards are given: 4 of Swords, 5 of Cups and 8 of Swords.

Question: it was, it became and how it will end.

1 - past (4 swords) - a decision was made in the past.

2 - present (5 cups) - now there is a difficult state of affairs due to that very decision.

3 - the future (8 swords) - the situation will not improve, the situation is obsessed, you are captivated by the current situation.

Q: Need advice.

1 - advice given by cards (4 of Swords) - a decision needs to be made, action is needed.

2 - Precautions (5 Cups) - Do not go on about.

3 - total (8 of Swords) - you may have to go to conflicts to avoid repetition and captivity. After we have learned the essence of the situation, we are ready to solve the existing problem.

Question: Description of the current situation.

1 - a description of the situation, the essence of the issue, the key to understanding what is happening (4 of Swords) - the need to make a decision.

2 - commentary on the situation, the source of the current situation (5 Cups) - you should not go on about.

Question: personal relationships.

1 - what is worth doing or what has already been done (4 of Swords) - the decision has been made, the crisis situation has passed.

2 - what is done (5 of Cups) - the next step is taken, the choice is made to remain in the relationship

3 - total (8 Swords) - this is the future, which leads to the next stage, captivity is chosen, which means that there is readiness and strength for further battle.

Thus, from this example it can be seen that the same cards mean the same thing, but call for different actions and describe the situation in different ways, adapted to the question asked.

The meaning of Tarot cards in world civilization had different interpretations, ranging from mockingly contemptuous to divine, who was addressed as the Great Prophet. How many people there are, there will be so many opinions on this matter. If you had a negative attitude towards what we propose to do (and we propose to do the “Three Cards” layout), you would simply turn the page and would not waste your time on us. But you don't rush to do it. So, everything we talk about will be useful to you. And, if you are already familiar with this question, then repeating it never hurts.

Features of divination Tarot "Three cards"

The presented alignment belongs to the category of one of the simplest. But they turn to him in cases where it is impossible to answer the question unambiguously. Remember how we learned to make a forecast for the day. We pulled out one card from any deck the day before or in the morning on the same day that we were going to live. By general view map and its position, one could immediately tell what color we would spend the next 24 hours with.

A positive color, of course, turned out the best, and the mood that day was wonderful. A card carrying a negative charge was alarming and kept in suspense all day. Warned by the map, we no longer reacted so violently to troubles and always tried to find the right way out. We drew one card for a long period, so that we could get to know the cards better and clarify the situation. But there are days when the day cannot be characterized as purely positive or negative. Appeared additional values in the middle of a phenomenon that required additional clarification.

This is how we came to the layout of the Three Tarot Cards:

  1. First, they will try to explain to you what happened in the past, and how it affected you. Many impatiently demand to move on to the next positions, since they themselves know the past well. This is the first mistake of a person who came to make a deal. Your vision of the past may not coincide with how the three cards see it, and therefore you should not interrupt fortune telling. If you think that there was a tragedy in the past, then the cards will call this situation a problem that you have not fully resolved, and which is still waiting for your intervention.
  2. The second card of the layout will reveal the state of affairs at the moment.
  3. The last card will indicate to you the development of the situation in the future.

Make sure that all of the above is clear to you - and then you can proceed to this simple and very useful alignment.

The Three Card Tarot layout is suitable for analyzing any situation, event or question! This is truly the most versatile tarot spread, suitable for all occasions. You can determine the value of the positions of the cards in this divination yourself or choose the appropriate ones.

The approximate values ​​​​of the positions of the cards that will help you in analyzing the past, present or predicting the future are presented below, but you can also use this alignment as a clarifying or additional to any other tarot divination.

Possible values ​​of cards in positions 1 - 2 - 3:

  • past present Future;
  • what will happen - how it will happen - how to act;
  • the cause of the problem - the main thing in the problem - the solution;
  • where - who - why;
  • what - why - how;
  • essence of the problem - prospects for solution No. 1 - prospects for solution No. 2;
  • feelings - thoughts - actions;
  • the essence of the situation - actions to the detriment - actions to the benefit;
  • the desired goal - what will accelerate its achievement - what hinders its achievement;
  • what a person thinks about - what he wants - where he is / what he is doing;
  • my condition today - how will the day go - card advice for today;
  • main event of the day - mood of the day - surprise today

    If before fortune-telling you experience a feeling of excitement or anxiety, we recommend.

    The scheme and meaning of the cards of the Tarot layout "Three cards"

    So, focus and ... look at the alignment!

    MAP 1

    MAP 2

    The card "Strength" shows desire, passion, readiness to fight, good health and optimism, the victory of mental and spiritual forces over animal forces. Refusal of aggressive suppression of one's instincts in favor of their soft, gentle domestication, release of additional internal energy reserves. Belief in victory, in one's own strength, resilience. The joy of physical labor and sports.

    MAP 3


Types and schemes of Tarot layouts for today

Usually the Tarot layout for today is used to learn about the main events. current day, this is something like an individual forecast for today, it can also be compared with a daily horoscope, but not general, but individual, prepared for you personally. Let's look at the options with which you can find out the events of the day.

One card

Prognostic. Determines the main energy of the day, and also describes the nature of the events that will happen to you today. You simply draw one lasso from the deck and interpret it.

Educational. Suitable for people studying tarot cards. But in this case, instead of a forecast, one card will set the tone for today. In this case, the card can be pulled out open and closed. In the case of the first option, you analyze the events that happen to you during the day and connect them with the meaning of the card, so to speak, live it through experience, not really trying to change the course of events.

In the second case, in the evening of the current day, open the map, and based on the events of the day, as well as your inner feelings and moods, analyze what happened to you during the day.

Three cards

With different options positions. For example, I met similar Tarot layout schemes for today, for the day:

On the various areas life. For example:

  1. relations
  2. career

Eventful and atmospheric. For example:

  1. events of the first half of the day
  2. afternoon events
  3. third

And also, according to the same principle, today can be divided into equal time periods and analyzed in advance how the day will develop. For example, provided that you make yourself a layout in the morning:

  1. from 8 am to 1 pm
  2. from 13 to 18 hours
  3. from 18 to 23 hours

Dispositions with a different, convenient for a fortuneteller, combination of questions. For example:

  1. what awaits me today
  2. what to pay attention to today
  3. what will be important today
  1. how will i feel today
  2. what will I think about
  3. what actions will I take

More than three cards

These options are suitable for lovers of complex analysis. And also for those days that, for one reason or another, seem important to the questioner (birthday, wedding, dissertation defense, etc.). In this case, the tarot layout for the day may have something like this:

  1. what will i think about that day
  2. what feelings will I experience
  3. possible events of the day
  4. what will go well on this day
  5. possible consequences of the day

You can also add items:

6. what should be paid attention to on this day and 7. what should be feared.

When to do

There is no fundamental difference, you can do layouts in the morning of the current day. Or in the evening. If you do in the morning, you should line up the Tarot request like this:

Alignment for today for Mary

If you are guessing the next day in the evening, you can say:

Schedule for tomorrow for...

You can make a layout in advance, in which case you will need to name in the request the number for which you are doing the alignment, or the day of the week.

What to look out for

"Bad" cards

In the presence of "bad" cards, attention should be paid to the neutralization of situations that contribute to the development of unkind scenarios, if possible. For example, you saw 5 swords, portending a conflict. To begin with, evaluate your mood, if you have a bad mood in the morning, you may need to correct it so as not to encounter trouble. And in the event that you are peaceful and complacent, at the beginning conflict situation, which I hope is not initiated by you, do everything in your power to avoid a collision.

If you are a quarrelsome person, and energized by conflict, this recommendation, of course, will not work. I dare to hope that you are inclined towards self-improvement and see in the Tarot an assistant for your own spiritual or personal growth. There are situations, of course, that are difficult to get around, but some of the bad omens can be smoothed out.

Major Arcana

If you see the predominance of cards with Roman numerals, it means that the day will be significant for you, not necessarily significant in a global sense (although this is possible), but, for example, more important than previous days.

suit predominance

For example, all Tarot cards in your three-card daily spread belong to the suit of swords. This means that on this day you will pay more attention to intellectual activity, your thoughts, the logical side of life.

Figure cards

If you saw some figure in the layout (often a card of the same gender as the questioner symbolizes him and some side of his personality, depending on the suit), suppose a different gender with the questioner, and whom this person means specifically, in Tarot layout for today, you can always clarify the method on "yes - no" (or "daat"), going through the names of people who may fit the description of the card. Then this person during the day is given one of the main roles, and perhaps the main one. Often this figure card can warn with whom you will have interaction during the day, and the arcana surrounding it, if any, can tell what kind of interaction will be.

As a conclusion, I will draw out a card-advice for the reader of this article for the current day, and if you are reading this text in the evening, then the next. And it's in a straight line. So the advice is this - allow yourself to be a child on this day, do not burden yourself with serious adult problems, solve all the tasks that confront you on this day, playfully, enjoy the current moment. Have fun from the heart.


The woman looked at her reflection in a huge mirror.

- "My light, mirror, tell me ..."

As if sensing attention, she turned around. Leaning on the door frame, the beloved man watched his soul mate intently.

- Well, and what, answers? Maybe the future will prophesy?

- The mirror does not prophesy. But three Tarot cards will quickly put the near future into alignment.

The man took a few steps forward, placing a hand on her shoulder. Both turned to the mirror.

- This is nonsense. The future cannot be put into a triplet. Let's go drink some tea!

“Let’s go,” the woman agreed, “just don’t drink tea, but guess about the near future.”

- Three cards?

- On three.

What is a triplet in tarot

A triplet, according to the interpretation of explanatory dictionaries, is a set or a whole system of three. Three objects, three parts, three components.

For beginners in Tarot, the triplet layout is a good help in developing reading skills. In such fortune-telling there is no strict established rules and bounding boxes. It characterizes the general state of the situation that is being guessed at. It should be remembered that the triplet gives an answer specifically to the near future, and not to the future as a whole. If, for example, one is guessing at relationships immediately after a quarrel, then the fallen Tower may not indicate an upcoming divorce, but the destruction of the harmony of today. The main thing in the triplet is a clearly posed question. It should not belong to the category of general questions like: “How will I live my life?”, But point to a specific moment: “Give me a fur coat?”

How to do a three-card spread for the near future

From the point of view of the Tarot, triplets can be divided into several feet that are completely unrelated to each other, depending on the specifics of the issue. That is, from what exactly the querent wants to know.

Stage one - step one

- "I'll tell you, my dear: What happened? What will happen? How will it end?" Want?

- Want. Make a three-card spread for our relationship.

From randomly drawn cards from a deck, a row is formed (which is read from left to right), in which:

- the first characterizes the past (points to the source of the situation),

- second present (reports on the current state of affairs),

- and the third - promises the future (assumes a probable outcome).

For example, 4 of Swords - 5 of Cups - 8 of Swords in the past-present-future triplet speaks of decision, which led to a difficult condition, which became captivity.

Stage two - step two

- Why are you not cheerful, my dear? Why did you hang your head? Maybe you need to give advice: love or not?

- Yes, the alignment would be for love: take out three Tarot cards again ...

In this case, in the generated row:

- the first card will give advice (characterize the situation on the question: what to do?),

- the second - will serve as a warning (indicate what to do),

- the third - will be the result (an explanation of the situation or a question to oneself).

The same 4 of Swords - 5 of Cups - 8 of Swords in the triplet "advice-warning-result" will beat the answer to the question in a different way. “We need to make a decision”, “not to follow the lead” and “in order to escape from captivity, you need to go into conflict. Ready to make a decision?"

Stage three - step three

- What does it do? Does our relationship have a future?

- Question…

The next version of the Tarot layout for the future of relations with a woman (man) can be three cards - a question. Similarly, three Arcana are selected, which will give a detailed answer to the question. So, 4 of Swords - 5 of Cups - 8 of Swords in the “three together” triplet indicate that a man is not ready to make a decision in captivity, he needs to free himself from captivity and only then make a decision.

Other interpretations of the near future

The above interpretations are not an exhaustive list of triplets. Each master tarot reader can create their own layouts. Such layouts can work both for all fortunetellers, and only for the one who created it. Here are a few of them:

  • Thoughts, feelings - actions. For example, answering the question: “How does a person treat me?”
  • Who - what - why. For example: “Who brought damage to me?”
  • The numerical value of the cards is summed up (1 + 2 + 3). The resulting value = is the answer number (CA number). For example: "What are the consequences?"
  • Not so - the crux of the matter - so. In the center is the main card, and on the sides are circumstances or actions (on the left - incorrect, on the right - correct). For example, the answer to the question: “What can be done to build relationships?”
  • And so on, so on, so on...

In spite of everything, one of the most used by beginners is the triplet called "Situation". In it, the reading of cards is carried out not from right to left, as in the above stages, but through the card. That is, the first of them is in the middle and characterizes the situation with the question (the key to the answer). The second is located to the left of the first and is a comment to it (indicates the source of the problem). The third is placed to the right of the first and represents a recommendation (an explanation of the necessary action in this situation).

4 of Swords - 5 of Cups - 8 of Swords. I need to make a decision - I can’t go on about it - I need to break out of captivity - am I ready for an emotional conflict?

Once again, spreading out the Tarot triplet, the woman sadly looked at her mirror image.

- What's the use of the fact that I'm sweeter than everyone, and blush, and whiter? Even the most beautiful are not immune from loneliness.

The chime of the clock echoed through the empty rooms. The ensuing silence slowly but surely took over the territory.

A knock on the door mercilessly broke the web of many months of anguish and made the hostess shudder.

- Who is it? - she painfully tried to understand, fiddling with the lock for no reason.

Leaning on the door frame, the beloved man watched his soul mate intently.

- I've made a decision. Captivity is better than freedom. After all, he is with you!

- 4 of Swords - 5 of Cups - 8 of Swords. The crisis has passed - take the next step - here it is, my future trap, - the woman whispered with a smile ...

Video on the layout of three cards for the near future

To consolidate the material covered, we bring to your attention the video "The layout of three cards for the near future."