What is OGRN and why do you need a certificate of OGRN. What is Ogrn and Ogrnip: a simple decoding of complex numbers

  • 19.10.2019

OGRN from a certain time began to be used as main number characterizing the taxpayer-enterprise on the territory of the Russian state. This code contains a large number of information about the owner. Its exact decoding will allow you to find out about the company the information necessary to conclude a transaction.

What does this concept include?

OGRN is a special abbreviation for the full name - the state main registration number. This number is assigned each organization at the time of its official registration.

All entities with the status of a legal entity are included in the unified state register, according to their location.

On the other hand, this code can be regarded as guarantor the fact that the owner of the company carries out its official, registered activities in accordance with the regulations and legislation in force on the territory of the Russian Federation.

This fact is confirmed by the certificate, which contains the number.

Abbreviation decoding: example

TIN is a serial number, but the OGRN code is decrypted based on certain rules and contains a large amount of data.

As an example, you can consider one of the codes (1-14-77-46-30576-2) and decipher it in detail.

OGRN consists of 13 numbers - S-YY-KK-NN-XXXXX-H:

There cannot be two identical codes. At existing order In state accounting, the combination of numbers can be repeated no earlier than in 100 years, thanks to two numbers indicating the date of registration of the company. And the number of the IFTS in combination with the number of the region form a certain combination, so duplication of the code is excluded.

Types, main purpose and use

The details contained in the OGRN are used as legal entity official identifier and assigned to each company individually. Unlike the unique tax number, which makes it possible to obtain a limited amount of data exclusively about the tax service, the OGRN code contains extensive information about the enterprise itself.


The state registration number is of great importance for every organization. This code is evidence that a legal entity or a company established in a different organizational and legal form operates on legal grounds on Russian territory. It is easy to check this, since the OGRN is unique for each enterprise. Often it is indicated in the preparation of any documentation, various contracts, the design of the round seal of the company.

For organizations and individual entrepreneurs

OGRN code - the serial number of the official record of registration of the status of the company, which is recorded in the state general register legal entities.

Therefore, individual entrepreneur there is no such code, since they have an analogue -.

This abbreviation has some differences. The main thing is that the OGRN code consists of 13 numbers, and the details of an individual entrepreneur of 15 digits. OGRNIP, as well as OGRN, is contained in the certificate that the company receives during state registration

For non-resident legal entities

The registration official state code is a mandatory requisite of only Russian enterprises, since it is assigned only upon official registration by the Tax Service of Russia. For persons who are not citizens of the Russian Federation, the number issued by the authorized body of their state is valid. It is possible to use the abbreviation of the document on accreditation of a representative office, branch.

This information is indicated by non-residents where the OGRN code is required from companies registered in the territory of the Russian Federation. If the certificate is drawn up in the language of another state, then it must be translated and certified through a notary.

What is in the certificate

A document confirming that an enterprise has a registration code is one of the most important constituent official papers that determine its financial and economic activities.

In addition, this certificate is primary in relation to other constituent documents.

The following information is reflected on the document confirming the entry of the code into:

  • date of entry in the register;
  • the name of the registered company, full and abbreviated;
  • the name of the tax service that carried out the official registration.

Based on the data that the official OGRN code contains, you can get all the necessary information about the counterparty before concluding a transaction.

Document Loss

Based on the fact that the registration main state code is assigned to the company only once, if the original document is lost, a duplicate can be issued. To obtain a copy of the certificate, you will need to follow certain steps.

Pay the state fee

It is better to do this from an official account that belongs directly to the organization itself - thereby the legal entity will speed up the verification process.

With a mandatory payment in the amount 800 rubles some problems may arise, especially for companies registered before 2002, since no official registration code was used before that.

The data of the recipient of the mandatory payment can be clarified both with the tax service itself and on the official portal of the Federal Tax Service. To get details online you need:

  1. Go to the site page and follow the link "Payment details, addresses of the regional inspection".
  2. Fill out the form of the established form, through which you can find out all the necessary information - account, TIN, BIC, OKATO and other information.

To write an application

After paying the mandatory payment, you need to issue an appeal addressed to the head of the registration authorized body. The document on providing a copy of the PSRN document is drawn up in several copies, indicating the name of the enterprise, TIN and PSRN numbers, address and contact details.

You must submit your application in person. When contacting the competent authorities, you will also need to provide:

  • receipt of payment of state duty;
  • identity document.

After sending the application after 5 days, you will need to visit the tax office to pick up a duplicate of the document confirming registration.

Most organizations offer their services for issuing duplicate certificates in order to reduce the time spent on processing a package of documents and visiting the tax office. But do not forget that for this the owner of the company will need to provide a passport, a receipt for making a mandatory payment, several copies of the application.

At the same time, the director of the enterprise himself must submit an appeal and pick up the finished duplicate. You should not trust such firms, since it will not be possible to achieve the proper result (only an extra waste of money).

The OGRN code is assigned to an organization, an enterprise during state registration. Deciphering the number will provide an opportunity to obtain the necessary information about the counterparty, which will help to avoid unforeseen situations when concluding a transaction.

Today we will analyze an important concept hidden behind the abbreviation. What is OGRN? How is the letter combination deciphered and the code itself that it denotes? How to recognize it, how to check a counterparty using the OGRN? We will talk about all this further.

Letter combination and concept

The decoding of the abbreviation OGRN is as follows - the main state registration number. What does it mean? OGRN - records on the creation of a legal entity, on its inclusion in the lists of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of All Legal Entities in the Russian Federation).

This sequence of numbers is unique. Moreover, through simple arithmetic operations, you can verify the authenticity of the OGRN (we will talk about this later). Under the current accounting procedure, the repetition of this entry number in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities will happen at least a century later (since the number contains the last two digits of the year the company was registered).

The process of state registration of legal entities (legal entities), the assignment of PSRN is regulated by the relevant Federal Law of the Russian Federation ("On state registration of legal entities").

Number decoding

This number is not a random combination of characters. OGRN is 13 digits, the groups of which contain certain information about the legal entity.

The structure of the number is as follows: 1 22 33 44 55555 6. Now let's imagine the decoding of the OGRN.

The first character (1) indicates the assignment of this registration number to codes adjacent to it:

  • The main state registration number (OGRN itself) is the numbers 1, 5. It can only be assigned to a legal entity.
  • Another state number (GRN), which can determine the entry in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, is the numbers 2, 6, 7, 8, 9.
  • The main state number is OGRNIP. In this case, the first number will be 3.
  • Another registration number of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (EGRIP). This is number 4.

The second group (22) is the two digits of the year (2018 - 18) in which the entry about the legal entity was entered into the register.

The third group (33) is the number of the subject of the federation where the legal entity is registered. It is determined according to the list established by Art. 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.

The fourth group (44) is the code of the branch of the Federal Tax Service that registered the legal entity.

The fifth group (55555) - a combination of numbers from the 8th to the 12th indicates the serial number of making this entry in the register in the current year.

The last digit (6) of the OGRN is the control number. To check, the entire 12-digit combination (except for the last digit) of the number is divided by the 11th digit. The control number in this case must match the least significant digit of the remainder of the division. Exception: when the remainder is 10, the last digit of the OGRN is 0.

This verification with the help of a check number helps to make sure that the number in front of you is not fake, not generated from random numbers.


The abbreviation OGRN is already clear to us. Close to her is OGRNIP. The letter combination hides the main state registration number of the individual entrepreneur. It is assigned to each entry in the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs.

The procedure for assigning such numbers (OGRN, OGRNIP) has been relevant since 2002. Based on the Decree Russian government №438.

Thus, OGRN is the number of a legal entity (LLC, enterprise), and OGRNIP is an individual entrepreneur. The number of digits also distinguishes them. In OGRN - 13, in OGRNIP - 15.

OGRNIP decoding

The combination of characters in OGRNIP is also not meaningless. The structure of the number is as follows: 1 22 33 44 5555555 6.

The decoding is as follows:

  • 1 - assignment of the record to the USRIP. It's always number 3.
  • 22 is the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the register.
  • 33 - the serial number of the region, republic, territory, joint-stock company, etc., on the territory of which the entrepreneur is registered (registered).
  • 44 - code of the branch of the tax service.
  • 5555555 (seven digits) - serial number of the registry entry for the current year.
  • 6 - check digit.

To check its authenticity, the first 14 digits of the number (excluding the control number) are divided by the 13th character. For a non-false, real OGRNIP, the remainder of the division result will be equal to the control number.

How to find out OGRN?

How is it possible to quickly find out the OGRN of an organization? The easiest way to do this is through the Internet. Two methods are known today:

OGRN check

As we have already determined, PSRN is a unique, non-repeating number that allows you to quickly identify the desired organization. In addition, it is this combination of numbers that helps to determine whether a particular company exists legally, whether it has the right to engage in a particular activity. Therefore, checking the OGRN is one of the important initial stages of working with counterparties.

So how do you know the authenticity of this registration number? There are three ways:

OGRN certificate

One of the main constituent documents of the organization is precisely the certificate confirming that the legal entity has a PSRN. It determines the activities of the company, will be the fundamental basis for any other registration paper.

Certificate of OGRN (tax service - place of its initial issue) - a document with the main sections:

Lost certificate...

Since the organization is determined by the OGRN, such a number is assigned to it once and forever. Why the loss of evidence is an unpleasant thing, but not terrible either. If this happens, you just need to order a duplicate of it.

The procedure begins with the payment of state duty - today it is about 800 rubles. It is much more reasonable to deduct funds from the company's current account - it significantly speeds up the verification. If the organization was registered before 2002 (when the OGRN had not yet been introduced), then the amount of the fee is specified directly with the employees of the local tax office.

Details of the branch of the Federal Tax Service for transferring funds can be found in two ways:

  1. Directly at the tax branch.
  2. On the official website of the Federal Tax Service in the section "Payment details of your inspection".

To make a payment, a standard form is filled out:

  • name of company;
  • region code, locality;
  • OKATO;
  • TIN etc.

After the fee has been paid, an application is made in 2 copies addressed to the head of the local registration authority of the Federal Tax Service for the issuance of a duplicate certificate of assignment of the OGRN. The paper should include:

  • Name of company.
  • OGRN.
  • The address.
  • Contact number.

Such an application is submitted only in person. The representative of the organization must also have an identity document and a receipt of the paid state duty with him.

A duplicate will be ready in just five business days. You can pick it up in person by presenting your passport. As you can see, the procedure is very simple, so trusting it to firms offering to restore this certificate for you is a waste of money.

PSRN - a unique number of each legal entity (OGRNIP - entrepreneur) in Russia. It helps to identify the company, to make sure that its activities are legal.

Any organization must, before starting its activities, without fail. It is at this point that the company is assigned. Data about it is entered in, and organizations are issued supporting documents on its assignment, but before receiving the OGRN, it is necessary to register with the provision of a certain package of documents.

Required documents and information

Before assigning the OGRN and receiving a confirmation form, you must go through. It begins with the collection of a package of documents. The list is rather short:

  • (Form N Р11001)
  • Original and copy of the applicant's passport
  • Original form of receipt for payment of state duty.

The application must indicate data about, her, information about the founders and. This information is also found in the articles of association and cannot differ from what is provided in the application.

About where and how to get a certificate of PSRN for individual entrepreneurs and legal entities, including urgently, read below.

Responsible authorities

The number itself is assigned during the registration of the company, but in confirmation of this it is necessary to obtain a special form. It indicates the main state registration number itself and the date of its assignment. Also, in parallel, a document is issued confirming the entry of data about the company into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities.

The issuance of all registration documents is carried out by the tax office at the location of the company. In simple words, OGRN receive where they submitted documents for registration. If intermediaries were involved in registration, then either a power of attorney is required to issue these forms, or they will tell you which branch of the IFTS you need to drive to receive them.

We will tell you below how you can get the OGRN of a legal entity (pr.) and.

Issuance conditions

It is important to know that throughout the entire operation of the organization, its state number is unchanged. For legal entities, it consists of 13 numbers and does not change when changing activities. Data about it are indicated in the financial statements, in contracts and documents for all state funds.

The conditions for the initial issuance of PSRN are simple - the number will be issued upon registration. At the same time, there is no possibility to get some special number. , in the OGRN, data on the tax itself, the year of registration and other information are encrypted. Earlier, during registration, the company was obliged to confirm the presence of documents by the time of submission of documents. authorized capital, now it can be done within the next 4 months.

Sometimes it is required to re-issue the form with the main registration number. After applying to the tax office and paying the state duty, a document will be issued indicating the same number as before.

How to get PSRN

Conventionally, the procedure for assigning a registration number is simple. It is required to go through only 3 stages - collection of documents, their submission and receipt of forms confirming the fact of registration. Depending on the type of company, it is sometimes necessary to comply with additional conditions, but a simple registration of a legal entity does not require this.

  • The most important step is the preparation of documents. Of particular difficulty are the charter and the statement. The application form can be downloaded on the official website of the Federal Tax Service, and the charter can be ordered from a law firm. It can also be redone from a similar document of another company with a similar form of activity. In this case, do not forget about the correct entry of codes.
  • After collecting all the documents, they must be re-checked for correctness of filling. Further, the entire package is submitted to the tax office at the location of the future organization. If all the data is provided correctly, then the process of obtaining PSRN will take only 5 days. After this time, it will be possible to receive official documents with the registration number indicated in them.

It is worth knowing that potential partners are now circulated. In the absence of them in the tax register, the illegality of their activities becomes clear. When introducing the concept of assignment state numbers to all Russian organizations, all companies received them. Previously registered legal entities were required to re-register in order to receive the OGRN.

We also separately talked about how to get a duplicate of the OGRN certificate of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur and an extract from it, as well as free online via the Internet.

Here you will find out what is OGRN, you can check the one you are interested in OGRN or OGRNIP on the authenticity of the existence of the number itself OGRN find out where you can register and get OGRN, you can find out what types and types OGRN happen, find out the verification algorithm OGRN.

OGRN check


What is OGRN?

OGRN- this is the state registration number of the record on the creation of a legal entity or individual entrepreneur ( OGRNIP).

Where to get OGRN?

Issuance of relevant OGRN certificates are handled by the interdistrict tax inspectorate at the place of registration of the relevant organization or individual entrepreneur.

OGRN types

1. OGRN 13-digit. It is intended for registration of legal entities in the corresponding register of the Unified State Register of Legal Entities (Unified State Register of Legal Entities).
2. OGRN 15 digit. It is intended for registration of individual entrepreneurs in the corresponding register of the Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs (Unified State Register of Individual Entrepreneurs).

Types of OGRN

1. OGRN of a legal entity.
2. OGRN of an individual entrepreneur ( OGRNIP) .

OGRN decoding

OGRN 13-digit.

OGRN.13. WITH(1st character) - a sign of assignment of the state registration number of the entry:
--- to the main state registration number (OGRN) is equal to 1 or 5
--- to another state registration number of the entry is equal to 2
--- to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur ( OGRNIP) is equal to 3
OGRN.13. HH OGRN legal entity
OGRN.13. XXXXX(from the 8th to the 12th character) - the number of the entry made in the state register during the year
OGRN.13. H(13th character) - control number, represents the least significant bit of the remainder of dividing the previous 12-digit number by 11

OGRN 15 digit (OGRNIP).

OGRN.15. WITH(1st character) - a sign of attributing the state registration number of the entry to the main state registration number of an individual entrepreneur ( OGRNIP) is equal to 3
OGRN.15. GG(from the 2nd to the 3rd character) - the last two digits of the year the entry was made in the state register
OGRN.15. QC(4th, 5th characters) - the serial number of the subject of the Russian Federation according to the list of subjects of the Russian Federation established by Article 65 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation
OGRN.15. HH(6th and 7th characters) - interdistrict number code tax office issuing OGRN legal entity
OGRN.15. XXXXXXXXX(from the 8th to the 14th character) - the number of the entry made in the state register during the year
OGRN.15. H(15th character) - control number, represents the least significant bit of the remainder of dividing the previous 14-digit number by 13

OGRN verification algorithm

Algorithm for checking the 13th digit OGRN.
OGRN.13.1) 12-digit number obtained by discarding the last 13th character in the tested OGRN, divide by the number 11.
OGRN.13.2) We discard the remainder of the resulting number in step 1 and multiply by the number 11.
OGRN.13.3) Calculate the difference between the number obtained in step 1 and step 2.
OGRN.13.4) The resulting number in step 3 must match the control number (13-digit) of the tested OGRN ORGN incorrect.

Algorithm for checking the 15th digit OGRN.
OGRN.15.1) 14-digit number obtained by discarding the last 15th character in the tested OGRN, divide by the number 13.
OGRN.15.2) We discard the remainder of the resulting number in step 1 and multiply by the number 13.
OGRN.15.3) Calculate the difference between the number obtained in step 1 and step 2.
OGRN.15.4) The resulting number in step 3 must match the control number (15-digit) of the tested OGRN. Otherwise, verifiable ORGN incorrect.

Question-answer on OGRN

1. When they began to maintain a register of legal entities, I mean when they began to assign legal entities. persons OGRN? I have not seen something in the legal. persons of PSRN assigned earlier on 01.08.02. Can a legal Is the person registered before he receives the OGRN, or is it immediately issued upon registration?
---> Yes. before OGRN did not issue. However, everyone was forced to re-register and receive OGRN. Now they are given out to everyone and in any case.

2. Can I order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities on the basis of only one OGRN?
---> Yes, of course, on the basis of only one OGRN you can order an extract from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities for the organization you are interested in, this can be done, for example, here.

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