What country is the thistle the symbol of? Thistle prickly - symbol, properties, application, recipes, treatment

  • 29.06.2020

There are enough national symbols in Scotland, but let's try to figure out how real they are? The Apostle Andrew is a real character in Scottish history; bagpipes - a national instrument - a symbol of Scotland; coat of arms, flag and anthem - an attribute of power; unicorn - a real representative of the animal world, which is depicted on the Scottish coat of arms; tartan - a fabric with an ornament, from which, in particular, kilts are sewn; Thistle is a symbol of Scotland, most often depicted on banknotes. Thus, all the national symbols of Scotland can be attributed to quite real and tangible things, another thing is that over time, the citizens of Scotland created many imaginary nuances around these symbols, thought out and invented some non-existent stories, but, in principle, retaining their main idea .
There are different versions of the story of how the thistle became the official symbol of Scotland.
One of the legends tells that when the army of the Norwegian king Haakon (Haakon IV the Old) intended to conquer the Scots and landed in 1263 on the coast at Largs. In order to surprise the sleeping Scots, the warriors took off their shoes and advanced in complete silence under the cover of night.
But one of the Norwegians stepped on the thistle and his cries of unexpected pain naturally woke the Scots and they abruptly entered the battle, eventually defeating the Norwegians.
Another legend tells of the Danes who were about to attack one of the Scottish castles. They also took off their shoes, then decided to jump into the moat to swim to the castle, but the moat was not filled with water, but completely overgrown with thistles. One can only imagine the screams of the Danes that filled the neighborhood. And in this version, the victory went to the Scots.
No matter how true the stories are - there is no written historical evidence - the thistle has been a state symbol since the 13th century, from the reign of the king of Scotland. Alexander III. It was first used on silver coins in 1470, and in the time of James II Stuart (James VII as King of Scotland) the symbol was included in the shield of arms in the 16th century.
Scottish Thistle or Cotton Thistle (Onopordon Acanthium) or Scott's Thistle is one of the herbaceous plants widely distributed in England. We know it as prickly Tatarnik. You meet him along the roadsides, in the most unexpected places, and the Scottish thistle prefers the chalky and sandy soils of the southern territories and the bright sun.
A biennial plant that blooms in late summer - early autumn, reaching two meters in height. The plant is very robust and branched, with wing-like descending branched stems wider than the plant's own diameter. The leaves are large, with sharp spines along the edges. In the first year, the plant presents a rosette of thorny, silvery-white foliage, hence the name cotton thistle. On the next year the flowers of the grown thistle acquire a light purple (lavender) color and are surrounded by a spherical cover with sharp spines. Cotton Thistle is grown as ornamental plant because of the large foliage and beautiful flowers.
In general, which species of the thistle genus is the true historical Scottish thistle, even Scottish antique dealers cannot always determine, since it is not at all necessary that Scotland is the birthplace of Onopordon Acanthium.
It seems that the first heraldic use of the plant was already on the own inventory of the Scottish king James II, described after his death in 1458, embroidered thistles on the drapery. It is certain that the thistle was already a national symbol in 1503, when William Dunbar wrote his poetic allegory, The Thistle and the Rose, in honor of the wedding of James IV and Margaret Tudor.
Pliny, and after him the medieval authors, repeat that thistle decoction restores healthy hair growth very well.
The ancients believed that thistle was effective in malignant diseases, and in relatively modern times, thistle juice has been used effectively for ulcers and cancerous tumors. A decoction of the thistle root has astringent properties and affects the reduction of secretions from the mucous membranes.
Juicy receptacle in the old days was eaten like artichokes. The cotton fibers at the base were collected to fill the pillows. The oil obtained from the seeds was used in cooking, for fire in lamps. Young stems without rind are eaten in the same way as those of Greater Burdock.
The oldest and most noble Order of the Thistle, symbolized by the Scottish national flower, with the exception of the Most Noble Order of the Garter, one of the ancient orders established in 1540 by James V and restored by James VII in 1687. The expressive motto of the order, Nemo me impune lacessit (No one will attack me with impunity), eloquently describes the thistle as a symbol of retribution.
True, the true historical date of the establishment of the order is shrouded in legends, like the symbol of the thistle itself in Scotland. One of them says that allegedly in 809 the Scottish king Achaeus entered into an alliance with Charlemagne and the Order of the Thistle appeared to commemorate the alliance. There is another interesting legend about the same king Achaea, when he saw the cross of St. Andrew in the battle with Æthelstan, the Anglo-Saxon king. He established the order and dedicated it to Saint Andrew. The order may have been founded by James III, who was responsible for the change in royal symbolism in Scotland to include the thistle. James V is said to have bestowed the insignia, "Order of the Burr or Thissil", as a reciprocal award to Francis I of France in 1535.
But during the years of the Reformation, the order seemed to cease to exist, until in 1687 James VII restored it with a new law to reward those who supported its political and religious views. According to one clause of the charter, it was required that "clothes be studded with golden thistles." According to the charter, the Order consisted of the Sovereign and twelve knight brothers, remembering the Savior and his Twelve Apostles.
After James VII, the order once again came out and was used, but was restored in 1703 by Queen Anne, the number of knights included in the order still remained twelve. Despite the Jacobite risings in 1715 and 1745, James the Old Pretender and the Young Pretender or Pretender Prince Charlie appointed Knights of the Order of the Thistle (and the Order of the Garter) during the years of exile. The first Hanoverians also rewarded Scottish nobles who supported the Hanoverians and the Protestant faith.
Interest in the order was renewed when George IV wore the order while visiting Scotland in 1822. By the charter of 1827, additional knight brothers were established (a total of 16 people), and in 1987, according to the charter, ladies could also join the order. Additionally, knights and ladies of the Order of the Thistle are appointed according to a special charter. So among the non-component cavaliers and ladies of the Order of the Thistle is Princess Anna (Princess Royal), who entered the order in June 2001 and for the first time in more than 200 years in 1962 King Olaf V of Norway was admitted to the order.
Sovereign of the Order of the Thistle - Elizabeth II.

The same as everyone else ... Only ... Thistle.

Thistle - protection from sadness.

Thistle - salvation from trouble.

His flowers, exuding salvation,

Erase the traces of hard days in the soul.

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Nemo me impune lacessit

- no one goes unpunished .


botanical title - Carduus nutans L. or Silybum marianum

Pharmacy: milk thistle

Thistle means challenge, asceticism, vindictiveness, misanthropy.

It also symbolizes sin, sorrow, the curse of God when expelled from paradise; according to Genesis, Adam was punished with thistles. In Christian art, the thistle is the emblem of martyrdom.

But there is another side to the thistle symbolism. Like some others thorny plants, it is considered a talisman and endowed with the ability to heal wounds. It is a plant with strong magical properties.

The Latin generic name of the plant - Silybum - comes from the Greek word, which translates as a brush.

The specific name Silybum marianum is given in honor of the Virgin Mary. The name of the Mother of God in connection with this plant is mentioned in many European languages.

This is due to the belief that the white spots on its leaves are the milk of the Mother of God.

The Bulgarians call thistle - "gift of the Virgin Mary".

In China, the thistle is a symbol of resilience and longevity, as it does not lose its shape after pruning.

Pythagoras is credited with the expression that the sight of the Thistle, called "stoglav" (Centum capita), "excites an irresistible love for the opposite sex."

Thistle is a perennial herbaceous plant with a very branchy, thick stem and stiff and prickly leaves. It grows up to 2 meters in height, blooming on top of its heads are brightly purple. Thistle blooms from July to September. His homeland is most likely the Baltic countries, southern Siberia and North Africa. Quite often found in Central Europe in poor meadows, wastelands, sandy slopes and slopes, on roadsides.

The people said this about the habitat of the thistle: Thistle grows in places that are unkind, protecting our world from evil. People living nearby were judged by this plant: thistle grows - either people are evil, or the place is not good; Either way, it's best to stay away from him.

Since ancient times, it has been used both in medicine and in cooking and magical rites. (See references) This is a very strong plant, which, of course, has magical powers, capable of driving away evil spirits and evil in general.

Thistle in translation from Old Russian means "frightening devils." This is quite consistent with the abilities of this plant. The devils are really afraid of him, so this plant was hung at the entrance to the house so as not to let evil spirits into the dwelling. They planted thistles on the graves of sorcerers and cursed people to prevent evil spirits from dragging their souls into hell.

The thistle means sin, sorrow, the curse of God upon expulsion from paradise. In Roman mythology, Ceres, the goddess of the harvest, the patroness of fertility, lights a torch from dry thistles.

Each country in Great Britain has its own symbol: England has a rose, Wales has a daffodil, Northern Ireland has a clover, and Scotland has a thistle.

Like everything in the UK, this fact has deep historical roots.

The thistle is a symbol of Scotland, according to legend: when the Danes who invaded in the 8th century tried to secretly get close to the Scots barefoot at night, they fell into the thistle thickets; from their cries, the Scots raised the alarm and completely defeated the Danes.

The thistle was adopted as the emblem of Scotland in the reign of James III ; appeared in the British coat of arms in 1702 along with the motto Nemo me im ripe lacessit "No one touches me without getting hurt." This emblem is also central to the breastplate of the "Most Ancient and Noble Order of the Thistle"; cavaliers of this order are inferior in rank only to cavaliers of the "Order of the Garter".

Thistle - amazing plant. Many consider it an annoying thorny weed that interferes with other plants. However, the thistle is fraught with a lot of surprises. There are more than a hundred of its varieties: prickly, curly, small-headed and many others. Recently, some European designers have been using thistles to decorate gardens and outdoor areas. Moreover, botanists began to hybridize this plant and get more and more new varieties.

Thistle is also grown as a vegetable plant. The flower heads are boiled and eaten like artichokes.

Legends of the Flower Horoscope.

prickly thistle

In the language of flowers, thistle means "I'm dangerous to deal with."

The thistle caused dislike in the church, because it did not want to show humility, and after all, humility is the main foundation and the main requirement of any religion. Therefore, in Christianity, the wayward plant was anathematized and branded as a symbol of evil and sin, accused of fierce malice that oppresses virtue.

Already in biblical mythology the thistle, bred under the name of the thistle, appears as a symbol of God's punishment for the sins of Adam. This is evident from the words of the angry Creator addressed to our common ancestor:

“...Cursed is the earth for your sake, in sorrow you will eat from it all the days of your life. Thorns and thistles she will grow for you; and you shall eat the grass of the field” (Gen. 3:17-18).

In Christian iconography, the prickly thistle has become an emblem of martyrdom. True, the Savior's suffering on the Cross was usually conveyed by another spiked thorn - the crown of thorns, but the images of many holy great martyrs were framed precisely by the thistle's antennae.

And yet, the reputation of the glorious hero from the kingdom of Flora was not trampled into the dirt - he had too many merits, both imaginary and genuine. In folk magic, since time immemorial, this fighting plant, capable of causing a commotion among the minions of Satan, was recognized as the strongest amulet. It was believed that the thistle reliably protects against damage and the evil eye, magic spells and dark spells, and hung over the doors of the house, it guarantees its inhabitants complete immunity from evil spirits.

Nikolay Zabolotsky

They brought a bouquet of thistles

And they put it on the table, and behold

Before me is a fire, and turmoil,

And fires crimson round dance.

These pointed stars

These splashes of the northern dawn

And they rattle and moan with bells,

Lanterns flashing from within.

This is also an image of the universe,

An organism woven from rays,

Battles of unfinished flaming

The blaze of raised swords,

It's a tower of rage and glory

Where a spear is attached to a spear,

Where are the bunches of flowers, blood-headed,

Cut right into my heart.

I dreamed of a high dungeon

And the lattice, black as night,

Behind bars - a fabulous bird,

The one with no one to help.

But I also live, apparently, badly,

Because I can't help her.

And the thistle wall rises

Between me and my joy.

And a wedge-shaped thorn stretched out

In my chest, and for the last time

Shines me sad and beautiful

The gaze of her inextinguishable eyes.

W. Shakespeare

Translation by S.Ya. Marshak

Who, owning evil, will not cause evil,

Without using the full power of this power,

Who moves others, but like granite,

Unshakable and not subject to passion, -

Heaven grants grace to him,

The earth brings dear gifts.

He was given greatness,

And others are called to honor greatness.

Summer cherishes its best flower,

Though he himself blooms and withers.

But if vice found shelter in it,

Any weed will be worthy of it.

Thistle is sweeter and sweeter to us

Corrupted roses, poisoned lilies.

Pronina Natalya


Crimson fire thistle

Fluffy honey brush.

When I can't breathe from pain

I pray childhood sweet: "dream!"

Dream me a red field from the heat,

And the air trembles above me.

Let the wings behind me again

Again they will carry over the children's country.

Above the hut, the wrecked barn,

Above the gray houses of bees.

Where the bumblebee buzzes solemnly and deafly

My royal thistle has blossomed.

Like he's alone in this field

And he lit his candle for me.

It smells like honey! No more patience

To him, to him fragrant I fly!

Sergei Fatulev

Among the fragrant garden flowers,

Suddenly one grew up without crazy curls.

His calling is not tinsel games,

He drives devils of all stripes from the yard.

Even if slightly deprived of nature,

He was secretly in love with Romashka alone.

A little prickly, but not so bad,

Just like everyone else... Only...:// www. symbolarium. ru/index. php/% D0% A7% D0% B5% D1%80% D1%82% D0% BE% D0% BF% D0% BE% D0% BB% D0% BE% D1%85

Thistle - a beautiful and prickly flower - national symbol Scotland. Literally everything in this country is decorated with it, for example, coins, flags, coats of arms and T-shirts, souvenirs and jewelry with thistles are especially popular. This plant is admired and loved by the inhabitants of Scotland, for which it received the name "Scottish rose" from them.

Of course, about this symbol, like about any other, there is a local legend. Once, the warriors of Scotland fell asleep, not suspecting that Scandinavian pirates were approaching them. The Vikings almost managed to sneak up unnoticed, because for silent movement they took off their shoes. But with their bare feet, the unfortunate attackers landed in a thistle, from the thorns of which they began to scream at the weight of the forest.

The Scottish warriors heard these cries and successfully defended themselves from the attack by defeating the enemy. In connection with this legend, the thistle is also called the Guardian.

Historians cannot reliably confirm the reality of this story, but the possibility of such a case cannot be denied either. In favor of him is the fact that in different parts of Scotland they tell this story in their own way, with slight changes, as well as the thistle itself, which has freely grown over the fields of Scotland.

The Scots are sure that their character is similar to the character of the thistle - picky, proud, invincible.


The thistle has been considered a symbol of Scotland for over six centuries. His image is minted on silver coins of the 15th century, or rather 1470.

The symbolism of this plant was so significant that in 1687 the Knightly Order of the Thistle was established. One of its symbols is a chain of gold, each link of which depicts this plant. The order's motto is: "No one angers me with impunity." The head of the Knightly Order of the Thistle is the monarch of Great Britain, now Queen Elizabeth.

Traditionally, the thistle is considered a simple plant, unsightly and unsightly. In fact, he is quite attractive and graceful. The flower of the plant itself is especially pleasant, pale purple, fluffy and soft. Everyone knows about the thistle thorns, which are so sharp and dangerous that they can injure human skin.

In addition to external qualities, the thistle also has magical fame. Based on the name, one can guess that this plant drove away evil spirits. The smoke of the burning plant fumigated the dwelling and the barn. The flower itself was worn behind a belt or threaded into a buttonhole to ward off evil spirits.

Thistle is a beautiful and thorny flower - the national symbol of Scotland. Literally everything in this country is decorated with it, for example, coins, flags, coats of arms and T-shirts, souvenirs and jewelry with thistles are especially popular. This plant is admired and loved by the inhabitants of Scotland, for which it received the name "Scottish rose" from them.

Of course, about this symbol, like about any other, there is a local legend. Once, the warriors of Scotland fell asleep, not suspecting that Scandinavian pirates were approaching them. The Vikings almost managed to sneak up unnoticed, because for silent movement they took off their shoes. But with their bare feet, the unfortunate attackers landed in a thistle, from the thorns of which they began to scream at the weight of the forest.

The Scottish warriors heard these cries and successfully defended themselves from the attack by defeating the enemy. In connection with this legend, the thistle is also called the Guardian.

Historians cannot reliably confirm the reality of this story, but the possibility of such a case cannot be denied either. In favor of him is the fact that in different parts of Scotland they tell this story in their own way, with slight changes, as well as the thistle itself, which has freely grown over the fields of Scotland.

The Scots are sure that their character is similar to that of the thistle - picky, proud, invincible.

The thistle has been considered a symbol of Scotland for over six centuries. His image is minted on silver coins of the 15th century, or rather 1470.

The symbolism of this plant was so significant that in 1687 the Knightly Order of the Thistle was established. One of its symbols is a chain of gold, each link of which depicts this plant. The order's motto is: "No one angers me with impunity." The head of the Knightly Order of the Thistle is the monarch of Great Britain, now Queen Elizabeth.

Traditionally, the thistle is considered a simple plant, unsightly and unsightly. In fact, he is quite attractive and graceful. The flower of the plant itself is especially pleasant, pale purple, fluffy and soft. Everyone knows about the thistle thorns, which are so sharp and dangerous that they can injure human skin.

In addition to external qualities, the thistle also has magical fame. Based on the name, one can guess that this plant drove away evil spirits. The smoke of the burning plant fumigated the dwelling and the barn. The flower itself was worn behind a belt or threaded into a buttonhole to ward off evil spirits.

Thistle is a wild-growing weed plant, reaching a height of about a meter and even one and a half, with a straight stem, its branches and leaves are covered with thorns, which, when touched, can sting strongly.

Thistle flower is a large basket that has a beautiful purple color.

In Christianity, this plant did not gain popularity, it was perceived as symbol of sin and great evil, even in icon painting - the images of the great martyrs are necessarily framed with thistle tendrils.

In magic, it is considered the strongest amulet against dark forces, a talisman against the evil eye and damage. If you hang it in front of the entrance to the dwelling, then no evil spirits will enter the house.

But this flower has won a special love among the people of Scotland.

All thanks to the fact that he became the unwitting defender of this country, playing the role of the best sentry.
There is such a legend:

Since then, it has been a symbol of courage and retribution. And according to the Scots, it has a warlike character.
King James II adopted this flower as the main symbol of Scotland and ordered the minting of coins, a thistle flower appeared in the country's coat of arms.

Also founded knightly Order Thistle.

The hallmark of the adherents of this Order were such regalia as

But not only in Scotland this plant is valued.

  • In the coat of arms of the city of Nancy in France, there is also a thistle flower. It is depicted there in honor of the historical defense of the city from the troops of the Duke of Burgundy Charles the Bold. And the motto on the coat of arms, to some extent, coincides with the motto of the Order - "Who touches, he pricks"
In China, this plant is considered a symbol of longevity and resilience.

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