The procedure for replacing the gas meter in the apartment. Terms for replacing a gas meter in a private house

  • 23.06.2020

Any device has its own service life - we periodically refer cold and cold meters for verification. hot water, systematically the inspector comes to check the metering devices for electricity, heat and gas. If problems are identified or the expiration date has expired, the device must be changed - its further use is unsafe and unprofitable.

Since we are talking about a metering device for housing and communal services, it’s just not possible to replace it on our own - there must be permission from the utilities, and the procedure itself must be carried out by a specialist who has access to such operations.

According to Government Decree No. 824, the replacement gas meter carried out if:

  • Its service life has expired.
  • The device is defective and cannot be repaired.

Who is responsible for changing the device and who is responsible for paying. Everything will depend on where the counter is installed:

  • If this private house- payment for new device and must be installed by the property owner.
  • If this is an apartment, but not privatized, that is, located in municipal property- replacement of the device is the concern of the state.
  • If this is an apartment that has been privatized, the replacement of the meter is within the competence of the owners of the premises.

But, the replacement of the meter can be free of charge for the privileged category of citizens. In this case, these include:

  • WWII veterans.
  • Large families.
  • low-income pensioners.

Only the employee has the right to change the device, carry out its sealing gas service- he must have access to such operations and a certificate of the established form.

Be sure to check the documents of the employee before letting him into the premises!

How much will it cost?

If a citizen does not belong to the privileged category of citizens, he will have to pay for the procedure for replacing the meter on his own. You will also have to buy a new gas meter - its cost will depend on the model and manufacturer, up to 30,000 rubles.

The replacement procedure itself varies depending on such factors:

  • Region.
  • Rates.
  • The state of the gas pipeline.
  • The length of the pipe for the output of the counter.
  • The complexity of the work.

On average, you will have to pay 900-3000 rubles for installing a meter. In the capital, the amount can reach up to 4,000 rubles for the replacement of a gas meter.

The subscriber will have to pay for the following services (except for the purchase of a new meter):

  • The work of the master to dismantle the old meter and install the jumper pipe.
  • Installing a new counter.
  • Verification of a new counter.

In general, the procedure for replacing, verifying a new meter can reach up to 15,000 rubles. On your own, even if you know exactly how to do it and have the relevant experience, you can’t do it - you will be fined for unauthorized connection.

What documents need to be prepared?

The standard package of documents includes:

  • Passport to the old counter.
  • Civil passport of the property owner. A copy is allowed.
  • Meter installation project.
  • Data on the last verification of the meter.
  • Agreement on technical VDGO.
  • House plan.

You will also need to write a statement, which indicates the following information:

  • Passport and contact details of the subscriber.
  • The address where the meter needs to be replaced.
  • Registration number and type of meter model.
  • Indicators of devices before replacement.
  • Date of the first and last verification of the meter.

The application can be written at the territorial office of the service.


According to Government Decree No. 354, the time for replacing a gas consumption meter should not exceed 30 days. After the new meter is installed, within 3 days the management company must contact the subscriber and agree on the date of sealing the meter.

During the time until the new meter is suitable for use, the charge for the use of gas will be carried out according to established by law standard.

The procedure for replacing the counter

An example algorithm is:

  • Application and submission of documents to management company.
  • On the appointed date, a specialist comes to the facility - he inspects the facility, draws up an estimate, and finds out what model of the meter should be.
  • The meter itself is purchased.
  • The installation of the counter is carried out, the act of work is signed.
  • Putting the device into operation, sealing.

Sealing the gas consumption meter is not paid - this is a free procedure.

Like any technical equipment, gas meters have a certain service life. It depends on the type and brand of the device. Replacement measures are best taken in advance to avoid delay. We will tell in the article how the gas meter is replaced, when it is changed and what documents you will need.

It is forbidden to change the gas meter on your own. This is done by gas specialists who have the right to carry out work to replace measuring instruments.

Self-replacement of the counter is fraught with serious consequences. This is dangerous!

How to replace a gas meter? The algorithm will be the following.

Step 1. It is necessary to contact the territorial management company that deals with gas networks. You should write an application and provide the required documents.

Step 2 Gas experts assess specifications to install the measuring device in the room. At the same time, attention is also drawn to the supply of gas networks to a private house or apartment.

Step 3. Acquisition of a counter in specialized stores. It is better to entrust this to a specialist who knows exactly which counter to buy. There are many nuances that an uninformed person may not know. You need to clarify the cost of replacing a gas meter with the company that will perform the installation. Experts will be able to announce the price for replacing a gas meter after studying the technical data of the gas pipeline in your home.

Step 4 After the gas meter is replaced, everything should be carefully checked. If the owner is satisfied with everything, it is necessary to sign a certificate of completion.

Step 5 The final stage after replacing the gas meter is sealing. Without this procedure, the measuring instrument cannot be put into service.

When dismantling the old gas meter, the owner should record the latest indicators in order to transfer them to the management company in the future.

The gas measuring instrument is mounted in accordance with established requirements. It can be located at a distance of 80 cm from another gas equipment. The height above the floor must be at least 1.2 m.

What documents are needed when replacing a gas meter?

To apply for a replacement gas meter, the following documents will be required:

  • owner's passport and its copy;
  • a document confirming ownership and a copy;
  • gas meter passport or certificate with a copy;
  • paper with data on the last verification of gas equipment;
  • a project for installing a gas meter in a residential area with a list of gas consumption points.

In the application sent to the management company, for sealing and putting the meter into operation, you must specify:

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  • passport details of the owner;
  • contact details for communication;
  • the estimated date of commencement of the use of the meter;
  • registration number of the measuring device;
  • counter model type;
  • the address where the gas meter needs to be replaced;
  • the name of the gas company that installed the device;
  • meter readings before replacement;
  • date of the next verification.

The Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011 established the Rules for the provision utilities owners and users of residential premises.

According to this document, the period for replacing a gas meter in a private house and in an apartment cannot exceed 30 days. During this period, the calculation of the utility bill will take place according to the standard established in your region.

After the replacement of the gas meter, from the moment the application for sealing is submitted, the management company must contact the owner within three days. If this does not happen, you have the right to contact the housing inspectorate and file a complaint.

How much does it cost to replace a gas meter?

According to the decree of the government of the Russian Federation, the replacement of a gas meter is carried out at the expense of the homeowner. This is because all the equipment in your home belongs to you. And, therefore, the operating costs fall on your shoulders.

This fact is established not only for owners of private houses. Art. 158 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation clearly indicates that the owner of an apartment in apartment building bears all expenses for the maintenance of the premises.

Thus, you will have to pay:

  • purchase of a gas meter;
  • the work of specialists in removing the gas meter and installing the jumper pipe;
  • the cost of services for verification and repair of the device;
  • services for the direct replacement of the gas meter.

The cost of meter replacement services will be determined by specialists on site. The price depends on the complexity of the work, the number of devices, the length of the pipe for the output of the gas meter, as well as on the region of residence and the tariffs of the organization.

On average, about 15 thousand rubles will have to be paid for the device, and no more than 7 thousand rubles for the services of replacing a gas meter.

All listed expenses are related to the owners of private houses and apartments. If your housing is owned by the municipality, then they must bear all the costs of replacing the gas meter.

Which is better - checking or replacing a gas meter?

If the verification period of your meter is coming to an end, you will also pay for the verification work yourself. Owners consider verification inappropriate for the following reasons:

  • you have to pay not only for the verification itself, but also for the dismantling, installation and sealing of the meter;
  • delivery of the gas meter to the laboratory for verification is carried out by the owner independently and at his own expense;
  • if the measuring device does not pass the verification, it will have to be replaced, but the cost of verification work is paid anyway;
  • the verification period may take up to three weeks - during this time the owner will pay for gas consumption according to the standard.

Therefore, it is believed that at the end of the calibration period it is much more profitable and faster to replace the gas meter. The interval between verifications depends on the brand and type of measuring instrument. It can vary from 5 to 12 years.

It is possible to work in installments, please check with the dispatchers about discounts and promotions for pensioners. Prices can be much lower!

Competitive pricing policy is what helps keep our company afloat. Taking into account the interests of the client, we inform him about each item in the invoice for our services. Transparency and accessibility are the main principles of pricing in our organization.

No. p / p
1 Norma / St. Petersburg 1600 rub.
2 Gerrida / Kazan 1950 rub.
3 Itelma / Germany 2500 rub.
No. p / p Name of the meter / city manufacturer Cost (included: installation, meter, filter, connecting kit, package of documents, sealing)
1 Norma / St. Petersburg 1300 rub.
2 Gerrida / Kazan 1550 rub.
3 Itelma / Germany 1950 rub.
No. p / p Name and number of verified meters at one address Cost (included: verification and package of documents)
1 1 counter 450 rubles each
2 2 counter 350 rubles each
3 4 counters for 325 rubles.
4 Gas meter ( gas stove) 1500 rub.
5 Gas meter (gas stove and water heater) 1500 rub.
6 Gas meter (private house) 2500 rub.
No. p / p Name of the meter / city manufacturer Cost (included: installation, counter, package of documents)
1 SGM 1.6 / Orel (on a gas stove) 3500 rub.
2 GSN 1.6 / Moscow (on a gas stove) 3500 rub.
3 SGM 4 / Orel (on a gas stove and a column) 6490 rub.
4 BK - G4T/ Arzamas (for a private house) 11500 rub.
No. p / p Name of gas equipment at one address Cost (included: inspection, check and mark in the subscriber book)
1 Gas stove 590 rub.
2 Gas stove + column 890 rub.
3 Gas stove + boiler 1490 rub.
4 Gas stove + water heater + boiler 1490 rub.
No. p / p Name Price
1 Gas stove installation 1200 rub.
2 Gas hob installation and oven(including a note in the manufacturer's passport about installation by a specialized organization, for warranty)

2 500 rub.
(included: gas manifold, three taps and two gas hoses)

3 Installation of a geyser (including a mark in the manufacturer's passport about installation by a specialized organization, for warranty)

3 000 rub.
("turnkey" including the dismantling of the old column)

4 Boiler installation

from 6 500 rub.
(including commissioning)

No. p / p Name Price
1 Calling the master and diagnostics (without parsing components and assemblies) 300 rub.
2 Calling the wizard and diagnostics (with analysis of components and assemblies) 700 rub.
No. p / p Name of the meter / city manufacturer Price
1 STE 10 BERILL (Germany) plus mounting kit 11500 rub.
2 STE 21 BERILL (Germany) plus mounting kit 11500 rub.
No. p / p Replacement conditions Price
1 Replacing a water meter for a period of less than 3 months from the date of installation Is free
2 Replacement of a water meter for a period of more than 3 months from the date of installation 600 rub.
3 Replacement of the gas meter for a period of less than 3 months from the date of installation Is free
4 Replacement of the gas meter for a period of more than 3 months from the date of installation 600 rub.

Water meters

Prices for the installation of water meters are formed according to the principle of summation and the complexity of the operations performed. Installation price includes:

  • Counter (hot/cold water) with internal filters;
  • Connections, bushings, gaskets;
  • Coarse filter;
  • Sealing of metering devices.
  • A specialized and comprehensive package of documents. It is being coordinated with the managing organizations to which the connected premises belong.
  • Manufacturer's warranty period (it depends on the specific brand of the meter, on average, it is 3-4 years).
  • Official connection.

If during the next verification of the meter, the error of its readings was more than 5% (it turned out to be faulty), then we will install the water meter without charging a fee for the verification passed.

Gas meters

Prices for the installation of gas meters depend on:

  • mounting method. A small meter is much easier to install than a standard meter. In this regard, the cost of its installation will be significantly lower. The non-weld method requires much less effort than the welded method.
  • The number of devices to which the meter must be connected. With one gas stove, the price will be the same, if the gas stove and the boiler are different, etc.
  • The total amount of work. If the installation of the meter involves changes to the layout, causes the need to turn off the gas in other apartments, or has other nuances, the amount of the final bill may increase.

Our qualified specialist will name the total cost after the departure, when he receives information on the spot and inspects the proposed place of work.