Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazakh. Place of popular veneration of Christians

  • 25.09.2019

For the first time, the place where the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazek now stands was mentioned in the annals of history as early as the 16th century. Once there was built a wooden church in honor of St. Basil the Great. In the 17th century, they decided to overlay it with stone, but in the middle of the 18th century, the bell tower fell from a height and collapsed. This misfortune occurred due to the close proximity to the river Rachka, which flowed from the pond, which is now called Chisty.

The crustacean crossed Pokrovskaya Street. In the spring, or after prolonged rains, the river overflowed and turned the whole district into mud. That is why this area got its name.

church warden

In 1812, when Moscow was on fire, the church was not damaged, but by the middle of the 19th century, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazakh was unable to accommodate all the parishioners. Therefore, the headman of the church, philanthropist and Evgraf Vladimirovich Molchanov, decided to rebuild it at his own expense.

Evgraf Molchanov was a major entrepreneur, the owner of several textile and cotton-printing factories in Moscow and the Moscow region. All his life, Evgraf Vladimirovich helped the poor, orphans, and his workers.

And so, in order to realize his plan and build a temple, he turned to the famous architect and his friend M. D. Bykovsky.


Temple Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazek near the Pokrovsky Gates soon takes on a new look. On the western side of the church, the architect decides to build a three-tiered bell tower, which will be completed in 1870. The facade of the temple is made in the classical style,

In 1861 the construction was completed. The Metropolitan of Moscow then was St. Philaret, who consecrated the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazakh - this is an amazing building, since many things are connected with it. interesting stories. That's where it's stored miraculous icon with a touching story.

miraculous icon

The icon is called "The Holy Family", and the author is the famous Italian artist Raphael. Even before the reconstruction of the temple, one pious artist brought it from Italy and presented it to his relative, who turned out to be the rector of the temple on Gryazeh. Some time later, after the death of the artist, the rector placed the icon on the porch of the church.

Forty years later, a miracle happened with the icon. One woman's husband was slandered and exiled to Siberia, the property was returned to the treasury. And the only son was in captivity. The poor woman cried day and night for the help of the Mother of God. One day, while grieving and praying, she heard a voice telling her to find the icon. Holy Family and pray before her. Fortunately, the woman finds the icon and prays with all diligence. After some time, the husband of the woman is rehabilitated, the dwelling is given to the owners, and the son returns from captivity.

The Temple of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazek becomes a place of pilgrimage for believers, and people give the icon the name “Three Joys”.

There is also an icon of the great Georgian ascetic in the temple. The life of the saint is written in the Cheti-Minei. They say that during the life of David of Gareji, priests-sorcerers, for a certain bribe, persuaded a certain girl to disgrace a Christian preacher in public. The girl accused the saint of her pregnancy, then the man of God, holding out his staff and touching the girl's stomach, asked if he was the father of the child. To which everyone heard the voice “No” from the womb. This formidable story is well known to Georgian women, so they ask the saint for help in childbirth, giving children, and so on.

In 1929, the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazeh Moscow, or rather, the Soviet government, decided to turn it into a granary, and starting from the mid-50s of the twentieth century, a club was opened there. After the events of 1991, the building of the temple again belongs to the church, it still operates now, the rector is Archpriest Ivan Kaleda.

The first mention of a temple on this site dates back to the 16th century - it was a wooden temple in honor of St. Basil, later side-chapels were consecrated in honor of the Intercession Holy Mother of God and Holy Trinity. In the middle of the 17th century, the temple was built in stone - it stood for almost a hundred years, but in 1742 the bell tower of the temple with the lower and upper refectories collapsed. This probably happened because the site on which the temple was built was flooded from time to time - the Rachka River flowed nearby, flowing from the pond, which is now called Chisty - it crossed Pokrovka and went further down Kolpachny Lane. In the spring, and also after heavy rains, the Rachka overflowed and turned the neighboring properties into a swampy and dirty area - in fact, this is where the name "on the Mud" came from.

In 1745, construction began on a new church with the main chapel of the Life-Giving Trinity. The temple, completed by 1752, was made in early baroque forms; there is a version that its builder was the famous architect Ivan Michurin.

In the fire of 1812, the church was not damaged and was not plundered by the French. However, by the middle of the 19th century, the Trinity Church became cramped and could not accommodate all the parishioners. The then church warden of the temple, merchant and manufacturer Evgraf Vladimirovich Molchanov, decided to rebuild it at his own expense. He turned to a well-known architect who developed a project for a new Trinity Church. He radically redesigned old temple, significantly increasing the area of ​​the church building. The new temple was crowned with a large dome, a high three-tiered bell tower was erected on the western side (the architect's son took part in its construction, which lasted until the 1870s); the facades of the temple were made in classical forms. Construction works completed in 1861, the church was consecrated by St. Philaret, Metropolitan of Moscow. The locally venerated icon was kept in the temple Mother of God"Three Joys", from which he received his second name - "Three Joys". The temple built by the architect Bykovsky became the new high-rise dominant of the Pokrovka and Ivanovskaya Gorka districts, along with the ancient Church of the Assumption and the Church of the Archangel Gabriel (Menshikov Tower).

The donor of the Trinity Church Evgraf Molchanov - a hereditary honorary citizen and state councilor - was a major manufacturer, the owner of several textile and cotton-printing enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow region. He was also known as a philanthropist who helped poor families and orphans. Molchanov had an estate on Pokrovka, directly opposite the Trinity Church, of which he was the headman for many years. Architect Mikhail Bykovsky built a lot on Molchanov's order - in the same 1860s, he rebuilt his manor house on Pokrovka (current house 10), and built the Church of the Sign in the Molchanov estate of Khovrino (Grachevka).

After the Bolshevik revolution of 1917, the temple continued to operate until it was closed in 1930 for the construction of a granary here. The high dome of the temple and 3 tiers of the bell tower were dismantled, a floor was added above the former side chapel, the interior space was divided by ceilings and partitions - after these reconstructions, the former temple could hardly be identified in the building. Since the 1950s, the house of culture has been located here. In the early 1990s, the temple was returned to believers, but a full-scale restoration has not yet been carried out and neither the dome nor the bell tower of the temple has been restored.

At the beginning of the century before last, a pious painter brought from Italy a copy of the painting "The Holy Family" and left it in Moscow with his relative, the priest of the Trinity Church, on Gryazekhi (which is on Pokrovka), and he himself soon went abroad again, where he died . The priest, having received the news of his death, donated this icon to his church and placed it in the porch above the entrance. Forty years have passed since then. One noble woman in a short period of time suffered heavy losses, one after another: her husband was somehow slandered and sent into exile, the estate was taken to the treasury, and her only son, his mother's consolation, was captured during the war. The unfortunate woman sought consolation in prayer and asked the Queen of Heaven to be an intercessor before God's mercy for the innocent sufferers. And then one day she hears in a dream a voice commanding her to find the icon of the Holy Family and pray before it. The grieving woman searched the Moscow churches for a long time for the desired icon, until she finally found it at the porch of the Trinity Church on Pokrovka. She prayed earnestly in front of this icon and soon received three good news: her husband was acquitted and returned from exile, her son was released from a heavy captivity, and the estate was returned from the treasury. That is why this holy icon received the name "Three Joys".

And today the icon does not cease to show miracles. In the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Gryazakh, near the Pokrovsky Gates (Pokrovka, 13), where she was glorified, an akathist to the icon of the Mother of God "Three Joys" was recently brought. Prior to this, an akathist to St. Nicholas was read in the church on Wednesdays. Now the question arose whether to continue reading the akathist to St. Nicholas, or to start reading it to the revered icon of the Three Joys. In the midst of discussions at the icon of the Mother of God "Three Joys" a lamp was lit by itself. Since then, the akathist to the icon of the Mother of God "Three Joys" began to be read in the temple on Wednesdays at 17.00. She is considered the intercessor of the slandered, separated from loved ones, those who have lost their accumulated labor, an assistant in family needs, and the patroness of seed well-being.

The image of the Mother of God “Three Joys” shows its grace to servicemen who need her high patronage in the hot spots of our long-suffering Motherland. Under the special patronage of the Mother of God are people who are left alone, including, as already mentioned, those who find themselves in captivity and in a foreign land.

Here is the testimony of one colonel Russian army: "To the Temple Holy Trinity I was led by a desire to receive a blessing before leaving for a business trip to the peacekeeping forces in Abkhazia. Father John blessed me and gave me an icon with the image of the Mother of God “Three Joys”.

In December 2002 we moved along broken roads to the place of permanent deployment, it was an unpleasant drizzle. Upon arrival at the location of the military unit, located far from the settlements in the destroyed poultry farm, I saw only one mountain Urta, and my soul became sad from such an environment. Having settled in a damp room without light and heat, I put the Icon in a prominent place, after praying in front of it, my heart immediately felt warm. In my further service, I prayed in front of the icon every day, and leaving for checkpoints that were on the line of separation of the warring parties and where peacekeepers served, protecting, among other things, civilians from bandits, I always took it with me. On 14 February 2003, a mine was reported at checkpoint 301, on a road near the Inguri River. On duty, I needed to understand the situation and make a decision. Taking the icon with me, I arrived at the place and saw that there was a mine with an unknown improvised fuse near the refugee tent, the second mine was found under the bridge. Setting up the cordon and evacuating people, I found myself 15 meters from the mine and at that time an explosion occurred. The dispersion of fragments with a continuous defeat at the mine is up to 200 meters, but thanks to the icon, not a single fragment hit me. Being at the “front line” in the conditions of a mine war and constant clashes with bandits, no one died out of 1,500 soldiers and officers who were under my command for a year of service.

September 18, 2003 Bandits captured Private Derevyannykh A.V. During the search, I had to move at night through the areas of operation of bandit formations, and everywhere the icon was with me and kept me. On October 1, 2003, after the bandit group was disarmed, the hostage was released.

In December 2003 I gave the icon to the mother of another hostage who was taken by bandits in Gagra in July 2003. She had been trying to free her son for six months already, she was in a desperate state, because. Russia's law enforcement agencies could not do anything in Abkhazia. Negotiations with the bandits were very difficult - they demanded a huge amount of money and threatened to kill the hostage.

December 31, 2003 hostage - 18-year-old Muscovite Vorobyov Alexei was released in very dangerous and difficult conditions - two mines were removed along the way of the detachment's retreat, while all participants in the operation remained alive.

Wonderful are Thy deeds, Lord, by the intercession of Thy Mother!

We can say that it was from this icon that the revival of spiritual life began in the Muranovo estate and in the area, which has rather deep spiritual traditions. In 1998, by decree of His Eminence Metropolitan Yuvenaly of Krutitsy and Kolomna, the rector of the church Passionate icons Hieromonk Feofan (Zamesov) was appointed to the Mother of God in the village of Artemovo, he was also appointed responsible for the revival of the amazing holy place of our Great Russia- the estate "Muranovo" named after F.I. Tyutchev. In this event, the initiator and active participant was and continues to be the director of the museum V.V. Patsyukov.

In June, on the feast of the Holy Trinity, the first prayer service was performed on the street in front of the restored church. At the end of the service, a woman in the rank of schema nun approached the rector of the temple, who, out of love for God, even during the period of hard times, accepted monasticism and took care of the great Russian ascetic of piety of the 20th century, Sheigumen Savva. This woman, schema-nun Michael, handed the priest a whole pack of icons - these were the icons of the Three Joys. She fulfilled the will of her mentor, who blessed her to distribute these images to people. By the way, Schemagumen Savva spent the last days of his life ascetic in the Pskov-Caves Monastery, for his advice and kind word Russian people traveled from all over our vast Motherland. The rector treated the offered icons with special responsibility, and later they were distributed to the pilgrims. In fact, the Mother of God blessed the opening of the Murano temple through this image.

Years of tireless labor and prayer have passed. Hieromonk Feofan was appointed responsible for the pastoral care of the legendary Sofrino operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. The subdivisions of the unit were constantly and are, performing combat missions, in places of regional ethnic conflicts on the territory former USSR, aiming to establish law and order there - Baku, Fergana, Nagorno-Karabakh, Tbilisi, Dagestan and Chechnya. A few years ago, the mutual desire of the command of the brigade and the clergy of the Pushkin Deanery was expressed to build a temple on the territory of the unit. And on September 27, 2003, a temple was laid in the name of the Holy Blessed Prince Alexander Nevsky, and soon its construction began. According to existing practice, during the construction period, a chapel-temple is being built, where a full range of Divine Services can be held. The leadership of the military unit allocated a suitable room where, in the shortest possible time, a temple was equipped in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir the Baptist, the collector and defender of Russia, who is the patron of the internal troops of our state. During the construction of the holy place, the Lord visibly helped this good cause - there were people who donated the necessary utensils and liturgical books. In the Easter week of 2004, a small rite of consecration was held here by Dean of the Pushkin District John Monarchek, and after that the first Liturgy was already held, at which the soldiers received the Sacrament of Holy Communion. By the way, some spiritual work was carried out earlier, including Confession, Communion and Baptism. During the close cooperation between the clergy and the military, about 1,000 fighters were baptized. The rector of the temple, Hieromonk Feofan, repeatedly came up with the idea that it would be good to have an icon here that helps the soldiers in their difficult field, and which would be their protector. For this purpose, at the end of the Liturgy, a moleben was served in the Muranovo church, addressed to the Lord and His Most Pure Mother. A few hours later, pilgrims from the city of Khimki near Moscow entered the refectory, bringing humanitarian aid for the soldiers, including spiritual content. After a short conversation, Sergius, the servant of God, unfolded the bundle and took out an old icon ... - it turned out to be the image of the Mother of God “Three Joys”. By the way, there are very few such icons. According to those who came, this image has already helped the wars in their difficult service. They handed it over to the priest with the firm conviction that the icon of the Mother of God "Three Joys" would help the soldiers of the Sofrino brigade. Seeing the providence of God, the priest placed the shrine in a worthy place in the temple-chapel in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir.

Orthodox people, having learned that the miraculous image of the Mother of God is in the church community, expressed a desire to pray before him. The icon of the Three Joys was taken out of the military unit for a short time by the rector, Father Theophan, so that everyone could ask for the intercession of the Most Holy Mother of God. In the following days, there were repeated cases of grace-filled help and intercession of the Queen of Heaven for those praying in front of her image.

How harmoniously intertwined in the world of God are the destinies of people who are now living and those who have already died, what surrounded them, and what was valuable to them ...

Anna Feodorovna Aksakova (nee Tyutcheva), who was the first tutor of Grand Duke Sergei Alexandrovich (son of Alexander II), wrote in a letter to Sergei Alexandrovich that she would like to present it to his bride unusual gift... Many years ago, after a prayer service and a vow at the shrine St. Sergius Anna Feodorovna presented the mother of Sergei Alexandrovich (Empress Maria Alexandrovna) with the image of the Virgin "Three Joys". This image was always with her and she prayed before it every day. The image was returned to A.F. Aksakova after the death of the Empress ... “I would like (Anna Feodorovna wrote) that your bride (Grand Duchess Yelezaveta Feodorovna, who visited the Muranovo estate several times and was the godmother of one of the descendants of the poet F.I. Tyutchev) took this image as a blessing coming from your mother and from the saint, who is the patron of Russia, who, at the same time, is your patron.

Now the image of the Mother of God "Three Joys" has taken its rightful place in the way of life of the Sofrino operational brigade of the Internal Troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. This shrine is taken to the parade ground or to the assembly hall on special occasions in the life of the brigade - the Day of the Brigade and the Day of Remembrance of the fallen Sofrinsky soldiers, as well as when sending fighters on business trips and during prayers and religious processions- in the blessing and help of military personnel.

- 15 minutes. by bus H3; 22 min. by bus 122

Luzhniki - 51 min. by bus M3

Nagatinskaya - 56 min. by tram 3; 1 hour 10 min. by bus 3N

Nakhimovsky Prospekt - 1 hour 20 min. by tram 3; 1 hour 30 min. by bus 3H

Novokuznetsk - 13 min. by tram 3, 39, bus 3N

Okhotny Ryad - 11 min. by bus 122, H3, T25, M3

Paveletskaya - 20 minutes. by tram 3, 39, bus 3H

Partisan - 1 hour 5 min. by bus H3

May Day - 1 hour 25 min. by bus H3

Gagarin Square - 53 min. by tram 39

Revolution square - 8 min. by bus 122, H3, T25, M3

Semenovskaya - 39 min. by bus M3; 52 min. by bus H3

Sokolniki - 1 hour by bus 122

Sports - 53 min. by bus M3

Sretensky boulevard - 4 min. by tram 3

Tula - 41 min. by tram 3, 39; 51 min. by bus 3H

University - 1 hour 20 min. by tram 39

Chertanovskaya - 1 hour 40 min. by bus 3H; 2 hours 5 min. by tram 3

Shchelkovskaya - 1 hour 30 min. by bus H3

Electrozavodskaya - 30 minutes. by bus T25, M3; 42 min. by bus H3

Upper Boilers - 1 hour 10 min. by bus 3N

ZIL - 44 min. by tram 3; 57 min. by bus 3N

Kazan Station - 18 min. by bus H3; 26 min. by bus 122

Leningrad Station - 22 min. by bus H3; 30 minutes. by bus 122

Lower Boilers - 58 min. by tram 3; 1 hour 10 min. by bus 3N

Paveletsky railway station - 25 min. by tram 3, 39; 28 min. by bus 3N

Electrozavodskaya - 32 min. by bus T25, M3; 45 min. by bus H3

Yaroslavsky railway station - 27 min. by bus 122

from stop "The Pokrovsky Gate"(170 meters)

Alexander Garden - 18 min. by bus M3

Arbat - 17 min. by bus M3

Baumanskaya - 18 min. by bus T25, M3; 26 min. by bus H3

Upper Boilers - 57 min. by tram 3, bus 3N

Izmailovo - 54 min. by bus H3

Kakhovskaya - 1 hour 25 min. by tram 3, bus 3N

China town - 7 min. by bus 122, H3

Komsomolskaya - 15 minutes. by bus H3; 23 min. by bus 122

Krasnoselskaya -

Red gate - 10 min. by bus H3; 18 min. by bus 122

Kropotkinskaya - 22 min. by bus M3

Kuznetsky bridge - 8 min. by bus 122

Leninsky Prospekt - 55 min. by tram 39

Luzhniki - 51 min. by bus M3

Nagatinskaya - 59 min. by tram 3, bus 3N

Nakhimovsky Prospekt - 1 hour 20 min. by tram 3, bus 3N

Novokuznetsk - 14 min. by tram 3, 39, bus 3Н

Okhotny Ryad - 10 min. by bus 122, T25, M3

Paveletskaya - 22 min. by tram 3, 39, bus 3N

Partisan - 56 min. by bus H3

May Day - 1 hour 15 min. by bus H3

Gagarin Square - 55 min. by tram 39

Semenovskaya - 36 min. by bus M3; 46 min. by bus H3

Sokolniki - 1 hour by bus 122

Sports - 50 min. by bus M3

Sretensky boulevard - 6 min. by tram 3

Theatrical - 11 min. by bus 122, T25, M3

Tula - 43 min. by tram 3, 39, bus 3N

University - 1 hour 20 min. by tram 39

Chertanovskaya - 1 hour 25 min. by bus 3H; 2 hours 5 min. by tram 3

Shchelkovskaya - 1 hour 20 min. by bus H3

Electrozavodskaya - 31 min. by bus T25, M3; 38 min. by bus H3

ZIL - 43 min. by tram 3; 45 min. by bus 3N

Kazan Station - 19 min. by bus H3; 26 min. by bus 122

Leningrad Station - 22 min. by bus H3; 29 min. by bus 122

Lower Boilers - 58 min. by tram 3, bus 3N

Paveletsky railway station - 25 min. by tram 3, 39, bus 3H

Electrozavodskaya - 32 min. by bus T25, M3; 40 min. by bus H3

Yaroslavsky railway station - 20 minutes. by bus H3; 27 min. by bus 122