The patron saint of women named Nina is Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina. Who is Saint Nino and her role in the history of Georgia

  • 29.09.2019

patron saint of women
bearing the name NINA
Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina

Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina - Enlightener of Georgia.
On the icon of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is a virgin, young in face, but on her head is the cover of an old woman. In the right hand of the virgin is the same cross made of vines, handed to her by the Most Holy Theotokos, intertwined with a lock of hair by the saint, in the left is the book of the Gospel, an attribute pointing to her educational activities. As a young girl, Saint Nina was ignited with a desire to enlighten this country, and having been honored with a vision of the Mother of God, she became even more strengthened in her decision. The icon of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is a wonderful shrine. Prayer before her will protect those who are baptized in her holy name, and all who turn to her for help in any matter, especially in spiritual enlightenment. She is asked for protection from attacks evil forces and cases that can lead to mental and physical ailments. Also, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is the patroness of those who are engaged in useful education - teachers, teachers. The life and events from the life of St. Nina are amazing.

Life and Events from the life of St. Nina

In 280, in the city of Kolastry, located in the province of Cappadocia, in Asia Minor, the future Christian enlightener of Georgia, St. Nina, was born. The times of persecution of Christians by the grace of God were already coming to an end: a little more than 30 years remained before the victory of Constantine the Great over Maxentius in the battle of the Mulva Bridge in 312. The result of the battle was the complete legalization of the Christian faith, and its widespread unimpeded distribution began, however, in the eastern provinces of the Roman Empire, indulgences for believers in Christ were already significant at that time.

The only daughter in the noble family of the Roman governor Zebulun, who was the brother of the holy martyr George the Victorious, and his wife Susanna, the sister of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, Saint Nina was brought up from childhood in a chaste spirit of faith and piety. From an early age, taught to read and write, she read inspired books, studied the Gospel with the help of her parents, grew up as a humble, obedient child and could serve as an example of virtue for many.

When the girl was 12 years old, her father and mother decided to visit Jerusalem to bow to the Lord's shrines. There, following a heartfelt call, my father decided to resign as governor and become a monk. Susanna agreed with her husband's decision, and Zebulun, after being tonsured, with the blessing of the Patriarch, retired to the desert of Jordan. The wife also devoted herself to serving God, becoming a deaconess at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, while Nina was taken in by the pious old woman Nianfora.

The young saint continued her growth in faith, understanding her deeper and deeper with all her heart. Reading the Gospel, reading about the passions of the Lord, about His Crucifixion, she wept. And when I read about how the soldiers shared His seamless, seamless tunic from top to bottom, which, according to Tradition, was woven by the Most Pure One herself (John 19; 23), I thought about how such a shrine could disappear without a trace. With these questions, Saint Nina turned to the old woman, and Nianfora told her that far in the northeast there is the country of Iberia (now Georgia), there is the city of Mtskheta. The chiton of the Lord Jesus Christ now resides there, but the peoples living in Iveria do not know Christ, but profess paganism. (Now Mtskheta is a small village, where the monuments of ancient Georgian architecture, which Georgia is so famous for, are partly preserved.)

Svetitskhoveli Cathedral
- main cathedral Georgia. Mtskheta

Nina was amazed - how is it, there is such a shrine, and no one knows about it! And she had a great desire to go to Iberia and find a chiton woven by the Mother of God herself. She began to earnestly pray to the Mother of God that the Most Pure One would help her in her aspirations. Her prayer was so sincere that one day in a dream the saint appeared to the Queen of Heaven Herself and ordered her to go to Iberia, preach the gospel there about Jesus Christ, revealing to people the wisdom of the Gospel, converting the pagans in His name. Thus, Nina will find favor in the eyes of God, and the Mother of God Herself will patronize her, all the more so when, after the Ascension of Christ, the apostles gathered for a common prayer in the Zion room and with them were the Mother of Jesus, and His brothers, and some of the wives, they threw lot - where to go to whom to convert the Gentiles.

As Stefan the Holy Mountaineer writes, the Most Pure One also wished to receive Her inheritance for the preaching of the Gospel. She also cast lots, and She got Iberia, which became the first of the four inheritances of the Mother of God on earth. It was already difficult for the Mother of God to embark on such a long journey, but the Angel who appeared to Her announced that it was not yet time for the gospel in Iveria, and when the time came, everything would be accomplished in Her lot. Thus, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina became the first of the saints who brought the faith of Christ to Georgia, therefore in this country she leads the number of the most revered saints here.

However, when the Blessed Virgin appeared to Nina in a vision, the young saint was amazed, how can a weak girl convert an entire nation, and even so far beyond the boundaries of the Holy Land? Then the Blessed Virgin gave the holy maiden a cross woven from a vine, with a special transverse crossbar, the ends of which were slightly lowered down, and said that this cross would be her shield, protect against enemies visible and invisible, and also by its power she would bring faith to the Iberian country .

A cross woven from vines, which, according to legend, the Mother of God handed over to Saint Nina. Stored in Bodba

The vision ended, and Nina immediately woke up, and in her hands was the cross given to her by the Most Pure One. The saint reverently kissed him and tied the cut strand of her hair around him. ancient custom: according to him, the master cut off the hair of the slave and kept it with him as a sign that this person is his slave. So Saint Nina announced to God that henceforth she was His eternal servant, a servant of His Cross. Her uncle, the Patriarch of Jerusalem, blessed her niece with joy, the Lord also sent her companions - from Rome through Jerusalem, Princess Ripsimia, her mentor Gaiania, pursued by the emperor Diocletian, and with them other girls who decided to devote themselves to God, were sent to those parts, pursued by the emperor Diocletian.

By the time the virgins reached Armenia, Diocletian had already found out that Hripsimia and the virgins had settled outside her capital, and wrote to the Armenian king Tiridates, who professed paganism, to find Hripsimia and do with her at his discretion - or send her to Rome, or take her as his wife. The servants of the Armenian king quickly found a place where the virgins settled, who decided to devote themselves to God, and Tiridates tried to persuade Ripsimia to marry, but she sharply refused him, saying that she was the bride of Christ, earthly marriage was impossible for her, and no one dares to touch her. Tiridates considered himself insulted and in anger ordered the girl and her friends and companions to be tortured, after which they died. By the way, later Tiridates was converted to Christianity by Saint Gregory the Illuminator, and did a lot for the conversion of the entire Armenian people.

At the same time, only Saint Nina escaped from the servants of Tiridates, hiding in a rose bush. She prayed for the martyrs, and suddenly, looking into the sky, she saw an angel meeting the souls of the martyrs, and with him a host of celestials. She saw how the souls of her friends ascended into heaven, and in sorrow she turned to God, asking why He left her here alone. And in response, she heard the Voice of God, which said that a little time would pass, and she, too, would be in the Kingdom of Heaven. Now she should go further north, where "the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few" (Matt. 9; 37).

And Nina went north. She walked for a long time, and finally came to a turbulent river. The Kura, the largest river in the Caucasus, was in front of her. On its shore, she met Armenian shepherds. At one time, her mentor Nianfora taught her the languages ​​of the Caucasus, and Armenian too. Nina asked the shepherds where the city of Mtskheta was, and they replied that Mtskheta was downstream, it was a great city, the city of their gods and their kings. And Nina realized that she had ended up in places where no one knows the Lord, and how she, alone and weak, could be, how to surpass such a mass of pagans, to convince them to convert to the true faith.

Thinking, she dozed off, and in a dream someone of majestic appearance appeared to her with a scroll in his hands. Sayings from the Gospel were inscribed on it in Greek, which said that the one who preaches the faith of Christ would not be abandoned by the Lord, but would receive “mouths and wisdom, which all who oppose you will not be able to contradict or resist” ( Luke 21:15), and when they stand before the rulers and authorities who do not confess Christ, let them not care what they say, “for the Holy Spirit will teach you in that hour what you should say” (Luke 12:11, 12 ). And the last saying was: “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit, and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen” (Matthew 28:19, 20).

Mtskheta - the ancient capital of Georgia

The Word of God strengthened Saint Nina, and she went on to Mtskheta. The path was difficult, Nina was starving, she was tormented by thirst, wild animals roamed around, but she reached ancient city Urbanisi, where she stopped for a while to get to know the customs of the Iberian people better, to study their language, and then again moved towards the goal of her journey.

At that time, King Mirian and Queen Nana ruled in Iveria, and Saint Nina ended up in Mtskheta just on the day when the men were going to big holiday worship of the local idols Aramaz and Zaden, to their temples on the top of the mountain. A huge crowd at the head of the cortege of the king and queen with numerous servants went up to the altar.

The worst thing is that human sacrifice still existed here. When the barbaric rite began, the priests burned incense, and to the sound of trumpets and drums, the blood of the innocent was shed, and everyone, including the royal couple, fell prostrate before the idols. Saint Nina with tears began to pray to God that He, by His will, would stop the excesses and destroy the idols, turn them into dust. Her quiet voice was not heard among the crowd and the loud sounds of chants, but God hears another voice - the voice of sincere and heartfelt prayer, which sounds louder than drumming. No one at first noticed how black clouds began to gather from the west towards the mountain of idols. They were flying fast, and therefore the peal of thunder thundered suddenly, a flash of lightning struck the temples. The idols collapsed, and all the remnants of the altar, breaking into pieces, collapsed into the Kura and were carried away by its fast waters.

Everything happened very quickly, everyone was shocked, the next day they began to look for the remains of the figures, found nothing, and began to think if their gods were so strong, and maybe there is another, stronger God? ..

And Saint Nina entered the gates of the city like a wanderer. She needed shelter, and the Lord did not leave his servant. When Nina walked past the royal garden, she met Anastasia, a kind woman, the wife of a gardener. The king's gardener's family had no children, they had long regretted it. They liked the quiet, humble girl, and they set up a tent for her in the corner of the garden, where Nina settled.

Confluence of Aragvi and Kura,
and a view of the ancient capital of Georgia, the city of Mtskheta

Saint Nina prayed day and night so that God would give her understanding on how to fulfill the vow she had given to the Mother of God and find the tunic of the Lord. And so the first miracle was that, through the prayers of Nina, Anastasia began to have children, and so she and her husband believed in Christ, and Saint Nina told them about Him, read the Gospel to them, thus enlightening in faith. One day, a woman's child became seriously ill. No one could help, everyone believed that the child was doomed. In complete despair, she went out into the street and began to loudly ask for help in the hope of a miracle. These requests were heard by Nina. The child was brought to her in the tent, the saint laid her cross on him, turned to God, and at the same moment the child opened his eyes, the next moment he stood up healthy, and his mother, hearing Whose name her child was healed, also believed.

From that day on, Saint Nina began to publicly preach the teachings of Christ, calling on everyone to repent and believe. Her talks were attended by many, especially from Jewish wives. The first to come to the true faith was Sidonia, the daughter of the Jewish high priest Abiathar, and Abiathar soon came to believe after her. About this there are recorded "Evidence ..." of Sidonia and Abiathar themselves, in which the life of St. Nina, which they were witnesses, is described in great detail. She revealed to Abiathar the secret of her desire to find the tunic of the Lord, and he told her that his family kept the memory of how his great-grandfather Elioz was in Jerusalem on the day of the execution of Christ and bought the tunic of Jesus from the soldier who got it by lot. This is recorded in the "Testimony of Abiathar the High Priest about the tunic of the Lord."

Jvari. The place where St. Nina installed the first cross
and from where you can see the confluence of two rivers

It is known from him that at the hour of the crucifixion of the Lord, the mother of Elioz suddenly felt ill - as if a hammer was beating her heart, hammering nails into it. She exclaimed, "The kingdom of Israel has perished!" and fell dead. When Elioz returned home with the tunic, his sister Sidonia, in memory of whom Elioz later named his daughter, took the tunic from her brother's hands, pressed it to her heart, and also died immediately. Before the burial, they tried to take the tunic out of her hands, but no one was able to do it. Saint Sidonia was buried like that - with Christ's tunic pressed to her chest. Where the place of her grave was was forgotten, they only remembered that now it turned out to be somewhere in the royal garden. They say that a cedar with healing power grew by itself in the garden, and it is believed that this place is where Sister Elioza was buried, and with her a tunic woven by the Mother of God for the Son.

Saint Nina saw an important sign in this story and began to pray at a large cedar tree so that the Lord would reveal to her whether the legend was true. She prayed all night, and again she had a vision. Many black birds flocked to the royal garden, and from there they flew to another large Georgian river - Aragvi. Having bathed in it, they became the purest whiteness, again flew to the royal garden, sat down on the branches of a wonderful cedar and began to sing songs of paradise. When Nina woke up from the vision, its meaning was clear to her: the birds are the local peoples, the transformation of their plumage from black to white after bathing in the waters of Aragvi is a sign that they will receive the sacrament of Baptism into Christ, and the songs of paradise are the hymns of worship in the temple , which will be erected on the site where the cedar was now growing.

Iveria belonged to the eastern region of the Roman Empire, where Tsar Constantine the Great already ruled, and the Christians were under his protection, therefore Tsar Mirian did not interfere with Nina in her Christian preaching. Queen Nana was angry with her. But, apparently, this was the Providence of the Lord - soon the queen was visited by an illness that quickly worsened, and all the doctors were powerless. When things got really bad, the courtiers, who heard about healings and miracles performed through the prayers of a wanderer living with the gardener of the king, that she did not refuse help to anyone, decided to call her to the queen. However, Nina refused to come to the palace, ordered to bring the queen to her and said that she believed in her healing by the power of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The cross placed by St. Nina in the ancient temple on Mount Jvari

There was no time for royal pride, and the queen was brought on a stretcher to Nina's tent, accompanied by her son Rev and other people. In the tent, Nana was laid on a bed of leaves (according to other sources, felt), and the saint prayed for a long time beside her. After that, she got up and laid her cross on the head, legs and shoulders of the patient, as it should be with the sign of the cross. The Empress immediately felt a clear and serious relief, and Saint Nina offered up a prayer of thanksgiving to God and loudly confessed the name of Christ before everyone.

The healing of the queen and her subsequent recognition of Christ as her God made a great impression on those present, many believed and were ready to accept Baptism, but the king himself hesitated to accept the new faith. This was largely due to political reasons.

When St. Nina converted Khvarasneli, a relative of the Persian king Khozrov, who had previously been a follower of the Zoroastrian teaching, to Christianity, Mirian's consent to the free practice of Christianity became dangerous for the Iberian king. Saint Nina healed Khvarasneli from obsession, praying with her disciples for him under the shadow of a wonderful cedar. After the noble husband was unconscious, and Nina prayed for him for two days, evil spirit came out of it, the nobleman recovered and surrendered to Christ with all his soul.

Therefore, in order not to incur the wrath of a strong state neighbor, a fire-worshipper, Mirian decided to exterminate the Christians altogether. During a forest hunt in the Mukhran forests, he loudly and decisively declared to all those accompanying him that all Christians would be exterminated, and if the queen persisted, then the same fate would befall her. At the same moment, on a clear day, as on the day when the Iverian idols collapsed and fell into the Kura, a thunderstorm came up. Lightning flashed, blinding Mirian, so much so that the world in his eyes plunged into complete darkness, a terrible thunder fell on everyone, his companions rushed in all directions. In horror, the king began to cry out to call on his gods, but he remained alone and blind. Then he remembered the many miracles of help and healing that people, including his wife, received from the wanderer Nina, and called on God, in whom Nina believed. Moved by a lofty feeling, he promised to confess His name, and promised that he would erect a cross to His glory and a temple to His name and be a faithful servant of God and His messenger Nina. At the same moment he received his sight, and the storm subsided as suddenly as it arrived.

Svetitskhoveli. Tower over the grave
Sidonia and the Chiton of the Lord.

The Life-Giving Pillar is located almost in the center of the modern temple; a stone canopy is built over it, which is painted with frescoes. Most of the surviving fragments of frescoes illustrate the history of the Chiton of the Lord and the Pillar itself.

So Mirian also believed in Christ, and on the advice of St. Nina he himself sent a letter to Constantine the Great asking him to send priests to Iveria to baptize and enlighten his people. Another part of Nina's vision of the cedar also came true: the Christian king Mirian ordered that a temple be erected in his garden on the site where the miracle cedar stood and erect it before the arrival of the priests from Constantine. By order of Mirian, the cedar was cut down, six pillars were hewn out of six branches, and a seventh from the trunk, but it was so heavy and large that they could not lift it in any way. And a lot of people, and powerful machines could not even move the cedar pole from its place.

Saint Nina again began to call on God for help and prayed in the garden all night long. By early morning, a bright young man appeared to her, entwined with a fiery belt, quietly said something to Nina, and Nina immediately fell to her knees and bowed to him. The young man easily raised the pillar, which sparkled like lightning and was visible from all parts of the city. Then everyone saw how the pillar slowly sank to the place where the cedar stood, and myrrh began to flow from under its base, the fragrant aroma of which flooded the whole district. The pillar rose and fell many more times. Many sick people were brought to him, and they were instantly healed. The time came when the miracle stopped, and the first wooden temple in Iveria-Georgia was founded on that place. Now in the same place there is a cathedral in honor of the Twelve Apostles, Svetitskhoveli - translated into Russian "Life-Giving Pillar" in memory of those miraculous healings by Divine grace. It is believed that the chiton of the Lord is still kept here.

Meanwhile, a letter from Tsar Mirian, sent at the request of Saint Nina, was delivered to Constantine the Great. Having learned about everything, the Equal-to-the-Apostles Tsar and Equal-to-the-Apostles Empress Elena rejoiced. Constantine the Great sent Bishop John to Iveria with priests and deacons; among the gifts to the temple were the holy cross, icons of the Savior and the Mother of God, and other gifts. In a response message, he thanked the Lord for the fact that now new regions were converted to the true faith, and Saint Helen sent a letter of praise to Saint Nina.

When the priests arrived in Mtskheta, all royal family, servants, and after them the rest of the people were baptized. This was the beginning of the spread of Christianity in Georgia and the accomplishment of what was commanded by the Mother of God, Saint Nina. The king also asked the consent of Saint Nina to build a temple on the site of her tent, to which the holy wanderer agreed with joy and thanked God that her prayerful labors in Mtskheta would be another place to offer praise to the Lord.

Later, also at the request of King Mirian, Saint Constantine sent to Mtskheta a part of the Life-Giving Tree of the Lord, acquired through the labors of Empress Helen, with nails that nailed the Body of Christ, that part that served as a support for the feet of Jesus, as well as architects and builders for the construction of stone churches and more priests to lead worship in the new churches, as the number of converts grew. However, the ambassadors brought a part of the Life-Giving Cross of the Lord from Constantine not to Mtskheta, but to Maiglis and Yerusheti, located on the very borders of the state. King Mirian was very upset by this, but Saint Nina consoled him, saying that the glory and power of the Lord now protect his country on its borders, spreading the faith of Christ further, and then - how can you be sad if there is such a shrine in your country as the most pure chiton of the Lord Himself, worn by Him during His earthly life!

However, the crowdedness of the city was difficult for Nina, as, indeed, for all the saints, who, although they were the greatest and most merciful philanthropists, tried always, when possible, to make their communication the smallest among the vanity of the earthly people, preferring one interlocutor, to whom day and night they turned their prayers of the Lord. For them, it was important, first of all, to serve Him, and Saint Nina continued her gospel of Christ in difficult mountainous places, in the upper reaches of the Aragvi and Iori, where she enlightened the mountain peoples in the faith, and then headed to Kakhetia and there she passed through all of Georgia and adjacent to her Caucasian territories.

While preaching in Kakheti, Saint Nina received from the angel of God the news of her imminent death. Upon learning of this, the saint sent a letter to Tsar Mirian asking him to send a priest, Bishop Jacob, to prepare her before she departed to God. Everyone went to her - the bishop, king Mirian and all his nobles. Everyone wanted to see their mentor for the last time, who had done so much to educate the people of Iberia, thereby saving their souls for Eternal Life. At that time, many disciples had already gathered near the saint, and now they were inseparably with her. One of them, Solomiya Udzharskaya, wrote down a lengthy story about the life of St. Nina from her words. Testimonies from Sidonia, Aviathar, and King Mirian added to it substantially. After that, they became one of the main sources of exposition of the life of Nina by St. Demetrius of Rostov.

Having received the last communion from the hands of the bishop, Saint Nina peacefully passed away to God in the year 335 from the Nativity of Christ at the age of 55 and was buried according to her will in the village of Bodbi, otherwise it is called Bodbe. In 342, at the place of her burial, Tsar Mirian erected a temple in the name of a relative of St. Nina, the holy martyr George the Victorious, and in 1889, at the behest of the emperor Alexander III a monastery was formed here in the name of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina. Here, under a bushel, the relics of St. Nina rest, but the temple itself has now fallen into extreme desolation.

Tomb of Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina in Bodbe

After the burial of Nina, King Mirian, contrary to the promise given by the saint, wanted to transfer her relics to Mtskheta, but in no way could anyone move her imperishable relics. They still rest in Bodby, in the temple, which was renovated at the beginning of the 19th century by Metropolitan John.

Placement of holy crosses

History has preserved the legend that when the people of Tsar Mirian were baptized, Saint Nina ordered him to put worship crosses on the most high mountains where bright stars will rise. One star rose over the confluence of Aragvi and Kura, the second - in the west, the third over Bodbi, where St. Nina was buried. According to legend, a tree of marvelous beauty was found for the crosses near the city of Mtskheta. The Iberians-Georgians told Bishop John about it, and he blessed them to build worship crosses from this tree. When they came to cut the tree, Bishop John also came with the people and ordered that neither a leaf nor a branch from this tree be damaged during the felling. After it was cut down, it lay untouched for 37 days. When in May everything fruit trees blossomed, holy crosses were made from this tree and the first one was placed in the new church. And there was a sign in Mtskheta: a bright pillar stood over the temple, and Angels descended and ascended along it, and around it a starry crown shone. After the placement of all three crosses, many miracles and signs happened, and many miraculous healings recorded in the Narrative of the Establishment of the Holy Crosses under Tsar Mirian.

Cross of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina
Trinity Church is located at an altitude of 2,170 m
at the foot of Kazbek along the Georgian Military Highway
in the Georgian village of Gergeti.
During the Persian invasion of Tbilisi (1795)
in Gergeti they hid the cross of St. Nina.

The Holy Cross of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina made a great journey through the Caucasus and Russia. Until 453, it was kept in the Mtskheta cathedral church. When the pagans began to persecute Christians, the cross was taken by the monk Andrew and transferred to the Taron region in Armenia, where it was kept in the church of the Holy Apostles, which was called among the Armenians Gazar-Vank (Lazar's Cathedral). The persecution of the Persian magicians led to the need to transfer it to different fortresses, until in 1239 the Georgian queen Rusudan and her bishops begged the Mongolian governor Charmagan, who conquered the city of Ani, to return the cross of St. Nina to Georgia. The governor agreed, and the cross returned to Mtskheta. However, the turbulent and warlike history of the Caucasus did not allow the holy cross to find peace: it constantly traveled around Georgia - this is how it was saved from desecration or loss, until in 1749 it came to Russia through the labors of Metropolitan Roman of Georgia, who secretly took it to Moscow, where he handed it for the preservation of Tsarevich Bakar Vakhtangovich. After that, the cross of St. Nina was kept in the Nizhny Novgorod province, in the village of Lyskovo, where the estate of the Georgian princes was located. In 1808, the grandson of Bakar Vakhtangovich, Prince Georgy Alexandrovich presented the holy cross of Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina to Emperor Alexander Pavlovich, who decided that the shrine should be returned to Georgia.

Since then, the holy cross, handed over to St. Nina by the Most Holy Mother of God, has been kept in Tiflis Zion cathedral, in an icon case bound with silver.

Memorable places of St. Nina in Georgia

Svetitskhoveli - Cathedral Patriarchal Church of Georgia

Svetitskhoveli, the "Life-Giving Pillar" - the main cathedral of Georgia, is located in Mtskheta, a small village, and during the arrival of St. Nina with a sermon - the ancient capital of Georgia. The early history of its origin and the miracles that preceded it have already been described in detail above in the section "Events from the Life of the Saint", in a brief biography of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, otherwise the temple of the Twelve Apostles. The first temple building on the site where the great cedar grew, under which Saint Sidonia was buried with the tunic of Jesus - the robe of the Lord, was a wooden church founded by the pious king Mirian in the 4th century.

In the fifth century, during the reign of Vakhtang I Gurg-Aslani, a stone temple in the form of a basilica was erected in its place and existed here until the 11th century, when the Catholicos of Georgia Melchizedek began the construction of a cathedral - a new patriarchal cathedral, the construction of which lasted from 1010 to 1029. The main architect of the temple was the architect Arsukidze. There is a legend that his teacher, seeing the temple, envied the student and took revenge on him by slandering him. The architect's right hand was cut off. Whether this is true or a legend, but above the central arch of the northern facade of the building you can see the relief of a hand with a square and the inscription: "Hand of God's servant Arsukidze. Remember."

Monastery Samtavro

And in the northern part of Mtskheta, not far from Svetitskhoveli, there is the Samtavro Monastery. It also originated in the 11th century. Here, one of the oldest churches of the 4th century, Makvlovani, the “small” church of St. Nina, is preserved, associated with a legend according to which there was a tent of the holy enlightener built for her by the royal gardener of Tsar Mirian. This is one of the few temples representing the early Georgian architecture, which has retained its original features to this day.

Sioni - temple in Tbilisi

Another holy place for Georgia is the Sioni temple in Tbilisi, where the cross of St. Nina is now kept. One of the two main temples of the country, consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, is named after Mount Zion. The temple stands on the banks of the Kura in the historical center of the Georgian capital.

At the end of the 6th century, a church was built here, and then, after the liberation of Tbilisi from the invasion of the Saracens, David IV the Builder erected a new temple here at the beginning of the 11th century, which stood until the new invasion of the Arabs and the earthquake of the 17th century. The temple suffered another destruction in the 18th century from the invasion of Aga Mohammed Khan, and was restored again, but despite such frequent renovations, the temple has retained the main features of its original appearance today.

The temple where the relics of St. Nina are kept is the most important place for many pilgrims

And the most important place for many pilgrims to the places associated with the name of St. Nina - Bodbi or Bodbe in Kakheti, 2 km from the city of Sighnaghi, the last refuge of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina on earth. Her honest remains lie here, which King Mirian, no matter how much he wanted to take them for burial to the then capital - Mtskheta, which is now called Mtskheta, could not even raise them. The desire of the saint to be laid to rest here was irresistible.

Once St. Nina founded a community of disciples here, then a monastery grew up here, where all the buildings are ascetic in terms of architecture, but the earthly path of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina was just as ascetic and full of hardships. This small church is often referred to as St. Nina's House at Bodby. The name of the architect has not been preserved.

How does the icon protect

The icon of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is a wonderful shrine. Prayer before her will protect both those who are baptized in her holy name, and all who turn to her for help in any matter, especially in spiritual enlightenment. She is asked for protection from attacks by evil forces and cases that could lead to mental and physical ailments. Also, St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia, protects all those who are engaged in useful education - teachers, teachers. And of course, all of Georgia and all Georgians living in their homeland and outside it are under the special care of St. Nina.

What does the icon help with?

Prayer before the icon of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina helps in healing from mental and physical ailments, even in very difficult cases. Everything depends only on faith, according to which, as you know, it is given to us. Saint Nina healed with a cross from a vine given to her by the Most Pure Virgin herself, having at the same time unbreakable firmness in devotion to Christ, so that Saint Nina can be asked for spiritual help and strengthening in faith. Carrying out a mission comparable to the apostolic, and therefore canonized in the face of the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints, Saint Nina was, in essence, engaged in teaching, and therefore patronizes teachers and lecturers. And, of course, she especially helps everyone who is baptized in her honor.

For Georgia, St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is the leading saint, along with her cousin, St. George the Victorious. Therefore, wherever fate brings the one whose homeland is ancient Iveria, he knows that St. Nina always helps those whose ancestors lived on the earth, where St. Nina fulfilled the will of the Mother of God for Her first destiny.

How to pray in front of an icon

The words of God to the servant, in the apostleship of the sermon to the first-called Andrew and the other apostle imitated, the enlightener Iberia, and the Holy Spirit to the tsevnitsa, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, pray to Christ God to be saved to our souls.

O all-praiseful and marvelous Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, we resort to you and tenderly ask you: protect us (names) from all evils and sorrows, enlighten the enemies of the saints of the Church of Christ and shame the opponents of piety and implore the All-good God our Savior, now stand before Him, may He grant the people Orthodox peace, long life and haste in every good undertaking, and may the Lord lead us into His Heavenly Kingdom, where all the saints glorify His all-holy name, now and ever and forever and ever. Amen

When is the holy day

The meaning of the icon

The hagiographic ambiguity of the icon of St. Nina is also contained in her cross, handed over to her by the Most Pure: it was woven from a vine - it has always been an associative symbol of Georgia, and will twist a lock of the saint's hair as a sign that she is a voluntarily servant of God. And, looking at us from the icon, Saint Nina seems to be asking: how ready are today's believers just as unconditionally and voluntarily to twist in their hearts, figuratively speaking, with a lock of their hair their cross, which everyone who follows Christ carries?

The icon is a great shrine and often the root cause, the beginning of a closer, deeper spiritual enlightenment. And how and when it will begin is the will of God. Saint Nina wept over the Gospel when she read about the last days of Christ's earthly journey. So, imbued with the lives of the saints, living them while reading as much as it is accessible and open to us, we multiply our connections with the holy archetype through his icon-painting image and the legend about him, and this is God's special mercy to us and His grace, given through a miracle. Russian icon painting.

The meaning of the name NINA

Nina is a good and kind name, gentle, beautiful, feminine female name.
- The origin is Greek.
- The meaning of the name Nina is "royal", "great", "affectionate"

The corresponding zodiac sign is Aquarius.
- The ruling planet is Uranus.
- Talisman stone - carnelian, sapphire, zircon.
- Talisman-color - lilac, blue, red, a combination of matte blue and beige.
- Mascot plant - vine, cypress, violet, orchid, forget-me-not.
- Animal talisman - doe, dove.
- The most successful day is Friday.
- A predisposition to such traits as - calmness, adherence to principles, peacefulness, sociability, intuition, receptivity. Like her totem, the vine needs care in order to bloom in time. happy marriage or an interesting job for her is an important basis of life.
- Nina's birthday - January 27, May 14, November 19.

The icon of the glorified Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is a miraculous icon. The saint is remembered as the patroness of teachers, the intercessor of all who were baptized with her name, as well as those who ask her for help, especially in spiritual enlightenment.

If you are in search of your own, then the prayers addressed to Saint Nina will help you succeed in this. life path the saint was distinguished by true faith in the Lord. But in order to fully understand what the power of the miraculous icon lies in and why the saint received the Equal-to-the-Apostles status, it is important to turn to the history of the life of the righteous.

The life story of Nina Equal to the Apostles

Holy Nina considered the patroness of Georgia. While still at a young age, the girl wished to carry the word of God and enlighten the minds of people by the will of the Mother of God, who appeared to her more than once in visions. This strengthened Nina's faith. Preaching about the purpose of life and the path of Christ, God-pleasing Nina more than once showed miracles to the world. According to the legends, she did many charitable deeds. Almost all of Iberia converted to Christianity. For this, the saint was recognized as the patroness of people who have strayed from the true path. For thirty-five years, the faithful Nina performed feats, and then retired. This happened on January 14, 335. Later, at the place where she left the world, a temple was erected in the name of the martyr George, a relative of the righteous. The memory of Nina is also associated with the discovery of Christ's chiton, which, after various events, was transferred to Georgia.

Description of the icon of St. Nina

The saint is depicted on the icon waist-deep, with a staff in her hands. A small backstory about the miracle of its appearance is connected with the staff. One day, the Mother of God appeared before the saint in order to bless her and give her a cross made of vines, which became for Nina a shield and the main weapon in the fight against evil. To date, this crucifix is ​​kept in Tbilisi, in the Sioni Cathedral. The tenderness in the look with which God's servant looks at the audience clearly conveys the state of her soul: pure, bright, kind and immaculate. Many believers pray before this icon, in whose hands is the life of others.

What does the icon help with?

Words addressed to the saint help to heal mental and bodily ailments, even in very neglected and difficult cases. Of course, much is in the power of your faith, according to which help comes from Above. The Blessed One healed people with the cross given to her by the Mother of God. Nina had unbreakable faith and devotion to Christ, which is why you can ask her for spiritual help and strengthening of faith. Fulfilling her mission on earth, which would later be called equal to the apostolic, blessed Nina was posthumously canonized among the Equal-to-the-Apostles saints. Her life purpose lay in preaching and teaching people, therefore teachers and teachers often ask the saint for help. And, of course, she helps all women with the name Nina.

George the Victorious is the cousin of Saint Nina. The population of Georgia especially honors these saints. People believe that no matter where life takes them, the patronage and intercession of the saints will not leave them outside the land where Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina lived and fulfilled the will of God.

Prayer Equal to the Apostles Nina

You can turn to the servant of God in a nutshell. It doesn't matter what words you say, what matters is what the essence was in them. Prayer will help you cleanse yourself of negativity and start a dialogue with the saint, whose help will not be long in coming:

“Oh, righteous Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, we turn to you and implore you: hear our prayers (names) and protect our lives from all misfortunes, passions and sorrows, show our enemies the true path that lies in Christ, and punish all opponents of piety. We beg you, convey our words to the Lord, may he grant the Orthodox people peace, prosperity and well-being in all endeavors. May the Almighty lead us to the Kingdom of Heaven, while all who now live in faith praise His name. Amen".

Where is the miraculous icon

Icons of Blessed Nina can be found everywhere in Georgia. Unfortunately, there is no historical data on the painting of the first icon, which is why it is impossible to trace the place where the righteous face is located. But the lists from the icon are no different from the original. Although nothing is known about the whereabouts of the ancient relic, there is nothing to worry about. Saint Nina left behind a lot memorable places where pilgrims from all over the world go every year.

1. Bodbe monastery- the place where the relics of the saint are buried. The temple itself is one of the largest in Georgia and is of aesthetic value and has a beneficial effect on every parishioner.

2. Vine cross, donated by the Mother of God, is located in the main cathedral of Tbilisi. Near the temple of Zion there was a cave where the righteous woman once prayed. There she prepared for a long time for a difficult mission in the mountains. Because of the prayers and tears in this cave, water began to seep from the stone. Now it is a divine source that gives people healing.

3. Temple of St. Nina Equal to the Apostles in St. Petersburg opened recently. There is also an icon of St. The events with which the name of the righteous woman is associated are attributed to the period of the blockade of Leningrad.

4. Temple of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina in Cheryomushki in Moscow. This is a relatively new monastery, completely built of wood.

Days of celebration

Saint Nina's prayer will help you strengthen your fortitude, get rid of diseases, take the right path, especially on the day of her memory - January 27. On this day, the saint left the mortal world, leaving behind a great legacy and memory of her exploits in the name of Christ and faith.

People and religion should always be in harmony. Without faith, life becomes inexorably difficult. A person needs spiritual support, because with its help life takes on meaning. May your path be bright and faith strong. We wish you peace of mind. take care of yourself and don't forget to press the buttons and

In addition to the fact that Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina is the patroness of all who are baptized with the same name, she helps everyone who asks her for intercession.
Nina is considered the patroness of those people who are associated with education (teachers), because in essence she was an educator, taught people the faith of Christ.
Before the icon of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, one can pray for the cure of various diseases and mental illnesses - her most important weapon was a cross made of a vine, which she received from the Mother of God herself.
In Georgia, a lot of girls are called by the name Nina - after all, the saint is considered the patroness of this country and its inhabitants.
It must be remembered that icons or saints do not "specialize" in any particular area. It will be right when a person turns with faith in the power of God, and not in the power of this icon, this saint or prayer.
and .


Saint Nina was born around the year 280 in Cappadocia (this is the center of modern Turkey) in a noble family. Her father Zebulun was a noble nobleman, he himself favored reigning emperor Maximian. There were several famous saints in this family, Zebulun had a relative - Saint, and St. Nina herself was his cousin.
At the age of twelve, Saint Nina ended up in Jerusalem with her parents. Her father Zabulon became God's servant in the Jordanian deserts, and her mother, Susanna, had a great honor - she served at the Church of the Holy Sepulcher. Saint Nina was brought up by the pious old woman Nianfora, who taught her to fulfill the numerous rules of the faith and instilled in her a love for reading the Holy Scriptures.

One day she was reading the gospel and thinking about the Chiton of the Lord (John 19:23-24). Nianfora told her a legend that the Mtskheta rabbi Eleazar took the sacred Chiton of the Lord to Iveria (Georgia), which became one of the Destinies of the Mother of God.
The enlightenment of Iberia fell to Saint Mary by lot with the apostles, but the Angel of the Lord who appeared to her said that Georgia would be Her lot after the end of her earthly life, and during her life, by, She was to put Her holy labors on Athos.
Having learned this story from Elder Nianfora, Saint Nina began to fervently pray to the Most Holy Theotokos to help her enlighten Georgia, and suggested the location of the Chiton of the Lord, lost to people. And then one day, in a dream, the Mother of God appeared to the righteous woman and said to her:

“Take this cross, it will be your shield and fence against all visible and invisible enemies. Go to the country of Iberia, preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ there, and you will find grace from Him: I will be your Patron.

With these words, the Blessed Virgin gave Nina a cross made of vines, which the girl, waking up, saw in her hands.

Currently, this grape cross is located in the Tbilisi Sioni Cathedral in a special bow.

When St. Nina told her uncle, who was the Patriarch in Jerusalem, about this, he without hesitation spoke to her for the apostolic service, after which she went to Iberia, where she arrived in 319.
She fell in love with the local people, studied their customs, language and preached Orthodoxy, while her sermons were accompanied by many signs.

Once in the city of Mtskheta (the capital of ancient Georgia) there were pagan celebrations and at the same time the Christian one came. On this day, during the prayer of St. Nina, a very strong wind who demolished the idols to which people made sacrifices and prayed on them.
In Mtskheti, Saint Nina found shelter in the family of the royal gardener. For many years there were no children in this family, and now, through the prayers of St. Nino, the wife of this man, Anastasia, was finally able to give birth to a child and immediately believed in Christ.

A little later, Saint Nina helped the Georgian Queen Nana overcome a serious illness, after which she turned from an idolater into a zealous Christian and accepted Baptism. Nana's husband, King Miriam (265-342), of course, saw the miraculous healing of the queen, but, despite this, he believed the evil slander against Nina. He ordered her to be seized and executed, but during the execution of the holy righteous woman, the sun suddenly darkened and darkness fell. The ruler was stricken with blindness, and his courtiers began to pray to their pagan gods for the day to return to them. But their, as they thought, "holy" idols remained did not help and the darkness intensified. Then the frightened people called out to the Lord God, whom Nina preached, and immediately the darkness dissipated and the sun came out. This happened in 319 on May 6th.
King Mirian was healed of blindness by Saint Nina, immediately believed in Christ and, together with his court, accepted holy baptism.
To help St. Nina, at the request of King Miriam, the Byzantine emperor Constantine sent Bishop Eustathius and five other clergy, who by the year 324 finally established Christianity in Georgia.

But Jesus Christ was still unknown to the mountainous regions of Georgia. In order to enlighten the people living near the rivers Aragvi and Iori, Saint Nina went to them with two assistants and began to preach the Gospel. After her labors, many highlanders received Holy Baptism.
Then Nina went to Kakheti (East of Georgia), where she led an ascetic life, lived in a tent and explained to people the essence of a new faith for them. According to her works, they turned to the faith of Christ a large number of people, together with their queen of Kakheti Soja (Sofia) and her courtiers.
All this time, Saint Nina dreamed of finding the Chiton of the Lord. Finally, through her prayers, the Lord revealed the location of the shrine - the Chiton was found. And on this site was built the first Christian church in Iberia. At first it was a wooden structure, later a stone temple was erected. Now it is a cathedral in honor of the 12 Holy Apostles in Svetitskhoveli.

Completing her apostolic service in Georgia, Saint Nina was informed from above about the end of her earthly life. She asked King Miriam to send Bishop John to her to prepare her for her last journey. The king, having received such news, himself, together with many priests, went to the saint, where all the clergy witnessed the healings of people coming to visit the dying Saint Nina from serious illnesses.
St. Nina's students asked her to tell about her life, one of the students, Solomiya Udzhamarskaya, wrote down this story, which became the basis of St. Nina's life.

After 35 years of apostolic labors, Saint Nina, partaking of the Holy Mysteries, in the year 335 (according to other sources - in 347) peacefully passed away to the Lord. At that moment, Nina was 67 years old. According to her will, the body was buried where she lived recently - in Bodbe.
Mirian, the clergy and the people greatly mourned the death of the bright righteous. The king even wanted to move her remains closer to him, to the cathedral church of Mtskheta. But the saint did not want this - her coffin simply could not be moved from her resting place.

This place was founded convent St. Nina, there is also a temple founded in 342 in the name of Nina's cousin, the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious
The relics of the holy illuminator became famous for countless miracles and healings.
The Georgian Orthodox Church, with the consent of the Patriarchate of Antioch, named the Enlightener of Georgia Equal-to-the-Apostles and, ranking her among the saints, established her memory on January 27 (January 14, according to the old style), on the day of her blessed death.


We magnify you, Saint Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, who enlightened the whole country of Iver with the light of the Gospel and led to Christ.


January 27 - the day of memory of St. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia.

Among the saints Orthodox Church there are some amazing women who are famous as Equal-to-the-Apostles. Their activity for the benefit of the Christian faith was thus equated with the mission of the holy apostles. Indeed, through the labors of these ascetics, entire nations turned to Christ...

Equal-to-the-Apostles Mary Magdalene preached on a par with the apostles, the holy Empress Helena played a significant role in the conversion to the true faith of her son Constantine, the first Christian emperor, and after this conversion she worked hard for the triumph of Christianity in the Roman Empire, in particular, it was she who led, speaking modern language, an archaeological expedition that found the Cross of the Lord; the wise ruler, the holy princess Olga, laid the foundation for the future baptism of Russia by her grandson Prince Vladimir. However, even against their background, the missionary feat of the Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina looks especially.

Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina(Georgian წმინდა ნინო) - apostle of all, blessed mother, as the Georgians call her with love. Her name is associated with the spread of the light of the Christian faith in Georgia, the final establishment of Christianity and its declaration as the dominant religion. In addition, through her holy prayers, such a great Christian shrine as the non-sewn Chiton of the Lord was found.

Saint Nina was born around the year 280 in the Asia Minor city of Kolastry, in Cappadocia, where there were many Georgian settlements. She was the only daughter of noble and pious parents: the Roman governor Zebulun, a relative of the holy Great Martyr George, and Susanna, the sister of the Patriarch of Jerusalem. At the age of twelve, Saint Nina came with her parents to the Holy City of Jerusalem. Here her father Zebulun, burning with love for God, left and hid in the Jordanian desert. For everyone, the place of his exploits remained unknown, as well as the place of death. The mother of St. Nina, Susanna, was ordained a deaconess at the holy church of the Holy Sepulcher, while Nina was given to be brought up by one pious old woman, Nianfora, and after only two years, with the assistance of the grace of God, she comprehended and firmly assimilated the rules of faith and piety. The old woman said to Nina: “I see, my child, your strength, equal to the strength of a lioness, which is more terrible than all four-legged animals. Or you can be likened to an eagle soaring in the air. For her, the earth seems like a small pearl, but as soon as she notices her prey from a height, she immediately, like lightning, rushes at her and attacks. Your life will be exactly the same."

Reading the gospel narratives about the crucifixion of Christ the Savior and about everything that happened at His cross, St. Nina dwelled on the fate of the tunic of the Lord. From her mentor Nianfora, she learned that, according to legend, the unsewn Chiton of the Lord was taken by the Mtskheta rabbi Eleazar to Iveria (Georgia), called the Lot of the Mother of God, and that the inhabitants of this country still remain immersed in the darkness of pagan delusion and wickedness.

Saint Nina prayed day and night to the Most Holy Theotokos, that she would be able to see Georgia turned to the Lord, and that she would help her find the Chiton of the Lord. The Blessed Virgin appeared to her in a dream, and handing Nina a cross woven from vines, she said: “Take this cross, go to the country of Iberia, preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ there. I will be your patroness."

Waking up, Nina saw a cross in her hands. She kissed him passionately. Then she cut off part of her hair and tied a cross around it in the middle. At that time there was a custom: the owner cut off the hair of a slave and kept it to confirm that this person was his slave. Nina dedicated herself to the service of the Cross.

Taking a blessing from her uncle the Patriarch for the feat of evangelism, she went to Iberia. On the way to Georgia Saint Nina miraculously escaped martyrdom from the Armenian king Tiridates, which were subjected to her companions - Princess Hripsimia, her mentor Gaiania and 53 virgins (Comm. 30 September), who fled to Armenia from Rome from the persecution of Emperor Diocletian. Guided by an invisible hand, she hid in the bushes of a wild rose that had not yet blossomed. Shaken with fear at the sight of the fate of her friends, the saint saw a luminous angel addressing her with words of consolation: “Do not grieve, but wait a little, for you too will be taken into the Kingdom of the Lord of glory; this will be when the thorny and wild rose surrounding you is covered with fragrant flowers, like a rose planted and cultivated in a garden.

Fortified by this Divine vision and consolation, Saint Nina continued on her way with inspiration and new zeal. Having overcome hard work, hunger, thirst and fear of animals along the way, she reached the ancient Kartalinsky city of Urbnise in 319, where she remained for about a month, living in Jewish homes and studying the customs, customs and language of the people new to her. Her fame soon spread around Mtskheta, where she labored, for her preaching was accompanied by many signs.

Once a huge crowd of people led by King Mirian and Queen Nana went to the mountain peak to make an offering there to the pagan gods: Armaz, the main idol, forged from gilded copper, with a golden helmet and eyes made of yakhont and emerald. To the right of Armaz stood another small golden idol of Katsi, to the left - a silver Gaim. Sacrificial blood poured out, trumpets and tympanums rattled, and then the heart of the holy virgin flared up with the zeal of the prophet Elijah. Through her prayers, a cloud with thunder and lightning burst over the place where the idol altar stood. The idols were smashed to dust, the torrents of rain threw them into the abyss, and the waters of the river carried them downstream. And again the luminous sun shone from the sky. It was on the day of the most glorious Transfiguration of the Lord, when the true light that shone on Tabor for the first time transformed the darkness of paganism into the light of Christ on the mountains of Iberia.

Entering Mtskheta, the ancient capital of Georgia, Saint Nina found shelter in the family of a childless royal gardener, whose wife, Anastasia, through the prayers of Saint Nina, was freed from infertility and believed in Christ.

One woman, crying loudly, carried her dying child through the streets of the city, calling on everyone for help. Saint Nina placed her cross of vines on the little one and returned him to his mother alive and well.

The desire to find the tunic of the Lord did not leave Saint Nina. To this end, she often went to the Jewish quarter and hurried to reveal to them the mysteries of the Kingdom of God. And soon the Jewish high priest Abiathar and his daughter Sidonia believed in Christ. Abiathar told Saint Nina their family tradition, according to which his great-grandfather Elioz, who was present at the crucifixion of Christ, acquired the tunic of the Lord from a Roman soldier, who got it by lot, and brought it to Mtskheta. Elioz's sister Sidonia took him, began to kiss him with tears, pressed him to her breast, and immediately fell dead. And no human power could wrest the sacred garment from her hands. Some time later, Elioz secretly buried the body of his sister, and buried the tunic of Christ with her. Since then, no one knew the burial place of Sidonia. It was assumed that it was under the roots of a shady cedar, which grew by itself in the middle of the royal garden. Saint Nina began to come here at night and pray. The mysterious visions that she had at this place assured her that this place was holy and would be glorified in the future. Nina undoubtedly found the place where the chiton of the Lord was hidden.

From that time on, St. Nina began to openly and publicly preach the Gospel and call the Iberian pagans and Jews to repentance and faith in Christ. Iberia was then under the rule of the Romans, and Mirian's son Bakar was at that time a hostage in Rome; therefore, Mirian did not prevent Saint Nina from preaching Christ in her city. Only Mirian's wife, Queen Nana, a cruel and zealous idolater, who erected a statue of Venus in Iberia, harbored malice against Christians. However, the grace of God soon healed this woman who was sick in spirit. Soon she became terminally ill and had to turn to the saint for help. Taking her cross, Saint Nina laid it on the sick woman's head, on her legs and on both shoulders, and thus made the sign of the cross on her, and the queen immediately got up from the healthy bed of illness. Having thanked the Lord Jesus Christ, the empress confessed before everyone that Christ is the true God and made Saint Nina her close friend and companion.

King Mirian himself (the son of the Persian king Khozroy and the ancestor of the Sassanid dynasty in Georgia), still hesitated to openly confess Christ as God, and once he even set out to exterminate the confessors of Christ and together with them Saint Nina. Overwhelmed by such hostile thoughts, the king went hunting and climbed to the top of the steep mountain Thoti. And suddenly, a bright day turned into impenetrable darkness, and a storm arose. The flash of lightning blinded the eyes of the king, and the thunder scattered all his companions. Feeling the punishing hand of the Living God above him, the king called out:

God Nina! dispel the darkness before my eyes, and I will confess and glorify your name!

And immediately everything became light and the storm subsided. Amazed by the power of the name of Christ alone, the king called out: “Blessed God! in this place I will erect the tree of the cross, so that for eternity the sign shown by You to me today will be remembered!

The appeal to Christ of King Mirian was resolute and unshakable; Mirian was for Georgia what Emperor Constantine the Great was at that time for Greece and Rome. Mirian immediately sent ambassadors to Greece to Tsar Constantine with a request to send him a bishop and priests to baptize the people, teach them the faith of Christ, plant and establish the holy Church of God in Iberia. The emperor sent Archbishop Eustathius of Antioch with two priests, three deacons, and everything necessary for worship. Upon their arrival, King Mirian, the queen and all their children immediately received holy baptism in the presence of everyone. The baptismal was built near the bridge on the Kura River, where the bishop baptized military leaders and royal nobles. Somewhat below this place, two priests were baptizing the people.

Even before the arrival of the priests, the king wished to build a temple of God and chose for this a place, according to the instructions of St. Nina, in his garden, exactly where the said great cedar stood. The cedar was cut down, and six pillars were hewn out of six branches, which they approved without any difficulty. But the seventh pillar, hewn from the very trunk of the cedar, could not be moved by any force. Saint Nina remained all night at the site of the construction, praying and shedding tears on the stump of a felled tree. In the morning, a wondrous young man appeared to her, girded with a fiery belt, and said three mysterious words in her ear, hearing which, she fell to the ground and bowed to him. The young man went up to the pillar and, embracing it, lifted it high into the air with him. The pillar shone like lightning and illuminated the entire city. Unsupported by anyone, it rose and then fell and touched the stump, and finally stopped and stood motionless in its place. A fragrant and healing myrrh began to flow from under the base of the pillar, and all those suffering from various diseases, who anointed themselves with it with faith, received healing. Since that time, this place has been honored not only by Christians, but also by pagans. Soon the construction of the first wooden temple in the Iberian country was completed. Svetitskhoveli (gr. - life-giving pillar), which for a millennium was the main cathedral of all Georgia. The wooden temple has not been preserved. In its place, there is now an 11th-century temple in the name of the Twelve Apostles, which is listed among the monuments world heritage and is currently considered one of the spiritual symbols of modern Georgia. Throughout its existence, the cathedral served as a place of coronation and a burial place for representatives of the royal family of Bagration. V classical literature In Georgia, one of the brightest works is the novel "The Right Hand of the Great Master" by the classic of literature Konstantin Gamsakhurdia, which tells about the construction of the temple and the formation of Georgia connected with this event at the same time. The epic work describes in detail the process of building a temple, the formation of Christianity in Georgia and the Georgian state.

The presence of the tunic of the Lord under the root of the cedar, both during the life of St. Nina and after, was manifested by the outflow from the pillar and its root of a healing and fragrant world; this myrrh stopped flowing only in the 13th century, when, by the will of God, the chiton was dug out of the ground. During the years of the invasion of Genghis Khan, one pious man, foreseeing the death of Mtskheta and not wanting to leave the shrine for desecration to the barbarians, with a prayer opened the coffin of Sidonia, took out the most honorable chiton of the Lord from it and handed it over to the chief archpastor. Since then, the Lord's chiton was kept in the sacristy of the Catholicos, until the restoration of the Mtskheta temple, where it remained until the 17th century, until the Persian Shah Abbas, having conquered Iberia, took it and sent it as a priceless gift to His Holiness All-Russian Patriarch Filaret, father of Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich, to enlist the favor of the Russian royal court. The tsar and the patriarch ordered to arrange a special room with precious decorations in the right corner of the western side of the Moscow Assumption Cathedral and put the clothes of Christ there. Since then, the feast of the position of the robe, that is, the tunic of the Lord, has been established in the Russian Church.

Inside the temple

Avoiding the glory and honors that both the tsar and the people bestowed on her, burning with a desire to serve for even greater glorification of the name of Christ, Saint Nina left the crowded city for the mountains, for the waterless heights of the Aragva, and there began to prepare by prayer and fasting for new evangelistic labors in the neighboring countries. Kartalia areas. Finding a small cave hidden behind the branches of trees, she began to live in it.

Accompanied by Presbyter Jacob and one deacon, Saint Nina went to the headwaters of the Aragvi and Iori rivers, where she preached the Gospel to the pagan highlanders. Many of them believed in Christ and received holy Baptism. From there, Saint Nina went to Kakheti (Eastern Georgia) and settled in the village of Bodbe, in a small tent on a mountainside. Here she led an ascetic life, being in constant prayer, turning the surrounding inhabitants to Christ. Among them was the Queen of Kakheti Soja (Sofia), who was baptized along with her courtiers and many people.

Having thus completed in Kakheti the last work of her apostolic service in the Iberian country, Saint Nina received a revelation from God about the approach of her death. In a letter to Tsar Mirian, she asked him to send Bishop John to prepare her for her last journey. Not only Bishop John, but the king himself, together with all the clergy, went to Bodbe, where, at the deathbed of St. Nina, they witnessed many healings. Instructing the people who came to bow to her, Saint Nina, at the request of her disciples, spoke about her origin and life. This story, recorded by Solomiya Udzharma, served as the basis for the life of St. Nina.

Then she reverently took communion from the hands of the bishop of the saving Mysteries of the Body and Blood of Christ, bequeathed her body to be buried in Bodby, and peacefully reposed in the Lord in 335 (according to other sources, in 347, in the 67th year from birth, after 35 years of apostolic feats).

Her body was buried in a wretched tent, as she wanted, in the village of Budi (Bodbi). The deeply saddened tsar and the bishop, and with them the whole people, set out to transfer the precious remains of the saint to the Mtskheta cathedral church and give them to burial at the life-giving pillar, but, in spite of all efforts, they could not move the coffin of St. Nina from the place of rest chosen by her.

Tsar Mirian soon laid it on her grave, and his son, Tsar Bakur, completed and consecrated the temple, in the name of a relative of St. Nina, the Holy Great Martyr George.

Troparion, tone 4 The words of God to the servant, / in the apostleship of preaching to the First-Called Andrew and imitating the other apostles, / the enlightener Iberia / and the Holy Spirit tsevnitsa, / holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Nino, / pray to Christ God / be saved to our souls.

Kontakion, tone 2 Come today, all, / let us sing of the chosen from Christ / equal-to-the-apostles preacher of God's word, / the wise evangelist, / the people of Kartalinia who led to the path of life and truth, / the disciple of the Mother of God, / the zealous intercessor and our unsleeping guardian, / Nina the most praised.

On the announcement: Natalia Klimova. Equal-to-the-Apostles Nina, Enlightener of Georgia