So the door is in a dream. Open apartment door

  • 21.09.2019

In general, doors in a dream mean obstacles.

If the doors themselves open in front of you in a dream, then this means that everything you have planned can come true and success in business awaits you.

A dream about an open door portends a woman that she will soon have a new lover.

Opening the door yourself in a dream is a sign that you will have no one to blame or thank for what happened.

To see new doors in your house - to add a family or a change in lifestyle associated with new problems.

For those who are expecting the birth of a child, such a dream predicts the birth of a son.

The doors that slammed shut in front of you and those that you could not open are failures.

Searching and not finding the door in your own house is a sign of obstacles in business; such a dream predicts to the sick that his illness will last a very long time and may end in death.

To stop near a closed door in a dream and call it or make a phone call means that at the moment the implementation of your plans depends on other people. Expect disappointment.

To see open doors in a dream - to a gift or an unexpected pleasant incident.

Locks on the doors mean the intrigues of ill-wishers.

Locking the door with a key in a dream is a sign of imminent marriage for women.

If in a dream the door to your apartment or house suddenly flung open, then expect unpleasant news that will cause you a lot of trouble.

Sometimes such a dream predicts grief and loss. loved one. For some, a dream predicts that they will soon have to change their place of residence.

The creaking of a door in a dream will warn you of an unpleasant visit.

A door burning with a bright flame means a meeting with friends whom you will accept with open arms.

Burnt out doors in a dream - portend a great misfortune that can happen to one of your family members or to someone who had such a dream.

The dream in which you saw that you forgot to close the door means that through your own fault you will lose money or incur losses.

Entering the door in a dream is a sign that you will be engaged in some business that will cause you a lot of trouble.

If you dream that in a dream you entered the door of your parental home, then your anxieties will subside and your soul will find peace in the circle of loved ones.

The dream in which you saw the door close behind someone means a quick separation from this person.

For spouses, such a dream means a divorce (if you saw or know that the door closed behind your spouse).

Hearing a knock on the door in a dream is a bad omen. Wait for bad news - this is trouble knocking on your house.

If you dream that you are trying to close the door, and at the same time it falls, then beware of an accident.

If in a dream the door falls on someone, then this person is in danger in reality.

See interpretation: house, fire, key.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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according to Miller's dream book

If in a dream you enter the door, this portends your futile attempts to get rid of slanderers and ill-wishers. The only door you enter in your dreams - the door of your childhood home - promises you future happiness and an environment of kindred spirits. If you look at the door at night in the pouring rain, this promises you unforgivable antics and frivolous meetings. To see others entering or leaving the door means possible difficulties in putting your affairs in order; for peasants and politicians, this dream is full of particularly bad omens. If the door suddenly breaks off its hinges when you try to close it and injures someone at the same time, the dream portends danger to your friends.

What is the dream of the castle

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

see - fulfillment of desires; enter - unexpected happiness, a wedding with a recently acquaintance; to live in a castle - wealth, (for a woman) - an unwanted patron; leave the castle (leave) - breaking promises, breaking personal or business relationships; flaming - good consequences; closed gates - interference, obstacles independent of the sleeper, rock; loss of place (in the old service).

Dreamed of a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself in a castle means that you will be the owner of a significant fortune, enough to live the way you want. This dream will tell you that you have intentions to become a great traveler, there is a thirst for communication with peoples of many nationalities. Seeing an old castle overgrown with ivy means a penchant for romantic tastes. You must be careful to enter into a suitable marriage or apprenticeship. After such a dream, your commercial affairs may decline. To dream that you are leaving the castle means that you will be robbed or you will lose someone close to you.

Dreamed of a castle

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a castle in a dream means confusion. If you open or close the lock, it means that you will soon find that someone is harming you. If you are in love, you will find a way to defeat your opponent. In addition, you will make a successful trip. If you see that the lock does not work, you will be ridiculed and humiliated in love, and a risky journey will not bring you benefits. Fastening a lock on your bride's necklace and bracelet portends that you will have doubts about her fidelity, but subsequent events will completely destroy them.

Castle in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The castle is a symbol of indecision, isolation, barrier, obstacles. The dream in which you lock the door means spiritual emptiness and an attempt to get away from solving problems. Seeing a broken lock in a dream is a betrayal of friends. To dream of a castle without a well - you are too arrogant, so you may not count on a quick solution to the problem in the near future. If in a dream you saw a castle of an unusual shape, you will witness interesting events. To see a fallen castle in a dream means that in reality you will be able to unravel some kind of mystery or prophecy.

Dreamed of a key

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing keys in a dream means unforeseen changes. If you lost your keys in a dream, unpleasant events in reality will sadden you. Finding the keys is a sign that family peace and revival in business awaits you. Spoiled keys portend separation, the cause of which will be death or jealousy. If a young woman in a dream lost her clasp with jewelry- this promises her a quarrel with a loved one and anxiety because of this. If she sees an unlocked door, she will get a new humble admirer. If she sees in a dream that she is locking the door with a key, she will marry, and if she sees that she has lost the key, then it is possible that she will damage her reputation with her inability to think and act sensibly.

Key in a dream

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

The key means finding solutions to problems, wanting to solve problems in an easier way. Opening a door in a dream with a key is evidence that great discoveries will be made in all areas of knowledge in the future. Perhaps a time machine will be invented, with the help of which people will be able to travel to the past and the future. To the dreamer, such a dream prophesies a predicament from which he will try to find a way out. Finding a key in a dream is a sign that great things await you. Most likely, you will greatly move up the career ladder, thanks to which you will ensure the comfortable existence of your family. Perhaps you will meet a person who will change your life for the better. Breaking a key in a dream means that in the future the inhabitants of the Earth will have a terrible message about a space accident. Most likely, the space station will suffer from this accident. If you dreamed of a bunch of keys, then this means that in the not so distant future you will have the opportunity to make amazing journey to many countries. On this journey, you will not only have a good time, but also learn a lot of new and interesting things. Seeing two keys in a dream is an unexpected turn of events. Lose the key - be in an awkward position. Seeing in a dream how someone gives you their keys is an unexpected help in a difficult situation. A dream in which you see an old man with keys on his belt means that humanity is facing severe trials. To see a golden key in a dream is yours, the efforts that you spent searching for the truth will be rewarded according to your deserts. To dream about how you are looking for the keys to your house - in reality, trying to find a solution to your personal problems.

Why is the key dreaming

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

answer to something, decision; lose - squabble in the house, loss of a lover; find - get away from the hassle; unlock the door - fall under suspicion; parting due to a quarrel; new love will not justify hopes; close the door a good choice in personal; avoid publicity; broke - a false decision or hope; on the table - to a quarrel, clarification family relations; v clean water- the answer to everything; muddy - you will find out the secret; see Castle.

The meaning of sleep about the deadbolt

according to Freud's dream book

To close something with a bolt in a dream means that in reality you are trying to avoid the courtship of a person for whom you do not feel a single gram of sympathy. He disgusts you by the very fact that he dared to "lay his eyes" on you. Opening a bolt in a dream - this dream promises you an acquaintance with a person who will make significant changes in your life. It is he who will become the indirect "culprit" of your renewed life, and there is hope that you will have a very close relationship.

The meaning of sleep about the heck

according to Freud's dream book

Close the door on the heck - some event will soon occur, as a result of which you will want to end any relationship with your sex partner. If in a dream you, on the contrary, opened the latch, it means that soon your complex, poisoning your sex life, will finally disappear. This will happen after you are convinced of the groundlessness of your doubts and fears.

I dreamed of a heck

according to Miller's dream book

If you dream that you are closing the latch, this means that you will not respond to someone's urgent request for help. Seeing a broken latch portends disagreements with your best friend. This dream can also mean a disease awaiting you.

Expert Answers


Dreamed unfamiliar workplace, spacious shop, type of building. We did not have toilet paper, so the team tried, they brought a lot. I came with a very, very large light bag. When it came time to close the store, it turned out that there were no locks on the second door at all, and an aunt with three ill-mannered children entered it, but managed to get her out. I informed the boss about the absence of the lock and woke up. What is it for? (K, Svetlana)

A dream means that in reality you are not satisfied with the current state of affairs and would like to change a lot, but you need to be careful in making decisions. Judging by the fact that there was no lock on the door, all obstacles in your way will be easily removed, even if they initially frighten you.


I dreamed that I was approaching a huge high door, pushing it - I want to open it. It is very heavy and I barely open it, but I ask someone on the other side to help open it. Nevertheless, I squeezed through and ended up in an incomprehensible place - along the way I come across some people whom I am afraid of, like a brothel. At the end, a drug addict chases me and wants to inject me with a syringe. I'm afraid and I see a classmate in him, I take off my scarf. He didn't prick. Why is this a dream? (Natalia Garipova)

A dream means that in reality you are experiencing difficulties in achieving some goal or are in a situation that you cannot solve without outside help it's hard for you. You seem to be having a hard time coping with what's going on. You would really like to get away from circumstances and relax, but you just can’t do it.

Curiosity. This is what pushes a person to new knowledge and discoveries. Both in reality and in the night's slumber, it is not easy to resist not to see what is hidden behind the open door. And why dream open or closed door? You can find out about this by reading the most interesting and useful interpretations of dream books.

It turns out that this is a symbol of an ever-changing being, and the interpretation of night vision depends on what is happening at the moment in real life sleeping. It is curious that the interpretation of a vision can have both a purely pragmatic meaning and a philosophical one. And it is also a likely warning about deceit, deceit and other troubles that await the dreamer in the near future.

Locked or wide open?

Opened door often dreams of people who are not accustomed to wearing a stone in their bosoms, simple-minded, honest, frank. But closed - in night vision it characterizes the sleeping person as a rather insidious person, ready for intrigue. However, the same plot may be associated with hidden obstacles that a sleeping person has to overcome in reality.

What else can dream of both a closed and an open door? Dream Interpretations recommend, if possible, to recall the context of the vision, first of all, the actions that were performed in night vision.

Miller's opinion

The dreamer is actually trying to get rid of the attacks of enemies and restore his honest name, that's what dreams, according to Miller, that you opened the door and entered the room.

Dreams are one of the usual and at the same time mysterious manifestations of the human subconscious. The ability to see dreams is given to everyone, however, the fast pace of life and stress over time can deprive the ability to remember what you saw in a dream. However, learning to remember dreams again and thus receive clues from the subconscious is not at all difficult.

Signs and beliefs associated with dreams

Want to always get enough sleep and see good dreams? Get acquainted with the folk wisdom regarding dreams and passed down from generation to generation.

Freud's dream book

Freud's dream book is one of the most effective dream books ever. How did a representative of the scientific world manage to achieve such accuracy in interpreting the world, which is practically not amenable to scientific understanding?

Why is the door dreaming

Door in a modern dream book

If you open a door somewhere in a dream, slander from your enemies awaits you in reality. The exception is a dream in which you open the door of your home - this is a good sign, portending prosperity and well-being. If in her dream a woman opens the door in the pouring rain, then in reality she is prone to various pranks. For a man, such a dream predicts an unexpected romantic meeting and ruin. A dream in which you see people opening doors portends long and unsuccessful attempts to resolve your problems. If such a dream appeared to the writer, then in reality the work on which he is working will not meet with success. If in a dream the door closed by you fell off its hinges and injured someone, then in reality you will soon give advice that will bring your friend big problems. If this dream is repeated, then in reality you will be powerless in helping your loved ones.

The door in Miller's dream book

If you enter somewhere in a dream, then in reality you are waiting for unsuccessful attempts to get rid of the slander of ill-wishers. If you enter your father's house, then in reality you will never be alone and unhappy. If you approach the door in the darkness of the night, a waking dream promises rash acts.

The door in Vanga's dream book

The door, intricately and richly ornamented in a dream, portends wide prospects that will open before you. If you open the door in a dream, in reality you are not sure about the stability and long-term nature of your current work. An empty doorway predicts a romantic acquaintance while on vacation. Moreover, this acquaintance has a chance to grow into something more important. If you lock the door in a dream, then in reality you dream of being alone for a little while, but your hopes will turn out to be unpromising.

Door in Freud's dream book

The symbolism of the door denotes the female genital organs. Doors closed in a dream symbolize your indecision and lack of initiative in sexual relations. If you decide in a dream to check the locked door, and it turned out to be open, then in reality the object of your passion will happily enter into sexual contact with you. If the door does not give in, then in reality you may have some problems in sexual relations. The keys to the door lost in a dream symbolize your inattention to your partner, the habit of not attaching importance to details important to your partner. If you unlock the door for someone in a dream, in reality you are gnawed by dissatisfaction in the sexual sphere. An even more serious symbol is the change of doors - a dream marks your craving for frequent changes in sexual partners.

Dreams associated with opening a door in many dream books are interpreted as dreams that bring good luck, success, financial stability, new opportunities and career growth. Also, a similar plot may indicate that on the path of a person all obstacles that previously prevented the realization of certain plans will be overcome.

What if you dream of opening the door?

If you turn to the most popular dream books among the people and find out why you dream of opening the door, you can learn a lot of interesting things. So, for example, in his dream book, Tsvetkov connected the opening of the door with mutual love or some generous increase. For men, such a dream promises a meeting with an incredible lady. In Hasse's dream book, opening a door in a dream is a harbinger of an important gift. But esoteric dream book they interpret the plot of such a dream in a slightly negative way, making this dream a harbinger of the fact that a trap is being prepared for a person. Well, if you believe Tsvetkov’s dream book, such a dream plot promises success in business.

But whatever it was, opening the door in a dream is a positive sign that does not depend on other circumstances of the dream plot. Such a dream indicates that new paths are opening up for the dreamer, and people nearby, in case of trouble, will always be happy to lend their shoulder.

Most dream interpreters note the curious fact that the doors themselves in dreams represent the state of indecision of the owner of the dream. Therefore, a person who does not decide on any act in reality, in a dream, by opening the doors, tries to overcome his indecision on a subconscious level.

As for the dream in which a person opens the door, and there is a crowd behind him, such a dream acts as a warning that difficulties may arise on the dreamer's path that interfere with business. Such a dream plot is a negative omen for farmers and politicians. Creative person similar dream portends oppression and general discontent on the part of others.

If a person opened the door and saw there someone whom he knows well in real life, then this acquaintance is waiting for attention and mutual sympathy from the dreamer.

By the way, very often people in their dreams open the doors to their childhood. Such dreams in the future promise a person well-being and guardianship from relatives and friends.

There are dreams when the dreamer, after opening the door, immediately closes it, or simply cannot move the door, which means that in reality he needs to find a suitable hobby for himself that diversifies life. Plus, such a dream means that in reality the owner of the dream cannot erase from the memory of the person with whom he broke up and forget the past.

What portends?

If at the moment of sleep the dreamer opens the door in a public place, the dream indicates that he needs to become kinder towards his relatives. Having shown care, a person in real life will be able to feel how he is changing for the better.

Open the door and stand near it, while not being able to enter - a dream is a harbinger of difficulties and loss of self-control in real life, as well as quarrels with relatives and friends. Dreams in which a person opens doors and does not let go for a long time door handle promise new acquaintances.

The opening of the doors to the state house, seen in a dream, indicates that the time has come to forget about a carefree life and start thinking seriously about your present and the future of your family.

But, and if, according to the plot of the dream, a person opens the doors on a rainy night and enters them, this dream promises impermissible tricks to the girl, and speaks to the man about his unforgivable act, and about the upcoming secret meeting.

By the way, if at the moment of opening the door itself makes a strong creak, dangles and makes an unreliable impression, this dream indicates a possible trap. In other words, about the prospect, which in fact can become a trap set by ill-wishers.

And finally, it is worth adding that any opening of doors means that the dreamer is ready for new achievements and is looking forward to when they are already realized. Such a dream tells you that you need to start acting, and not put everything aside.