The azimuth value is expressed in. Cons: inconvenience of use on the ground

  • 25.09.2019

Azimuth - the angle measured on the horizontal plane between the vertical planes of the meridian and the line of sight; the angle between the direction to a point and the direction to some other point or object. Yes - magnetic azimuth, geographic. The azimuth is measured from 0 to 360 degrees.

Azimuth are called real, geographical or astronomical, in which case they are counted from the direction of the geographic meridian; they are measured from a meridian determined from astronomical observations.

Magnetic azimuths are measured from the direction of the magnetic meridian, indicated by the direction of the magnetic needle. Azimuth is called conditional when a conditional meridian is taken for counting. The direction of the true meridian and the magnetic one at the gift point do not coincide, and therefore the real and magnetic azimuths differ from each other by a certain angle - the declination angle.

Knowing the angle of declination for a given point and in a given era, it is possible to find the present, and back, with a certain accuracy in magnetic azimuth. All meridians converge at one point - at the pole; the angle between 2 meridians is called the angle of approach of the meridians; in that case, a few meridians are crossed by a straight line, then azimuths will be created at the intersection points, which differ from each other by the angle of approach of the meridians; the value of the angle of approach of the meridians of 2 points of the same straight strip depends on the length of the strip, its direction and on the latitude of the place. The azimuth measured at the starting point of the strip is called direct; The azimuth measured from the end point to the starting point is called the reverse azimuth. The reverse azimuth (a2) is equal to the direct azimuth (a1) plus or minus 180 ° and plus the angle of approach of the meridians t, i.e. a2 - a1 ± 180 ° + t.

In middle latitudes, for a strip of 15 km, the approach angle is approximately equal to 10 "; in almost all cases of daily practice, they treat a similar approach angle of the meridians and consider that the direct and reverse azimuths differ by exactly 180 °, or a2 \u003d a1 ± 180 °. This accepted in lower geodesy for small areas of the earth's surface, however, for huge distances and measurements with greater accuracy, calculations are performed according to the rules of higher geodesy, taking into account the convergence of meridians and spherical kurtosis(cm.). In such cases, the formula a2 \u003d a1 ± 180 ° + te is used, where t is the angle of approach, calculated according to special formulas, and e-kurtosis, or excess current, over 180 °, the sum of the angles of a spherical triangle on the earth's surface, also determined according to a special formula.

Azimuth in astronomy:

Azimuth luminary is called the arc of the mathematical horizon from the south point to the vertical circle of the luminary, or the angle between the noon line and the line of intersection of the plane of the mathematical horizon with the plane of the vertical circle of the luminary.

Azimuths are measured in the direction of the daily rotation of the celestial sphere, in other words, to the west of the south point, in the range from 0 ° to 360 °. From time to time azimuths are measured from 0° to +180° to the west and from 0° to -180° to the east. (In geodesy, azimuths are measured from the north point.)

Azimuth in geodesy:

Azimuth- the angle between the direction to the north and the direction to some distant object. It is usually counted clockwise.

When determining the azimuth by compass, you need to enter a correction for the so-called. magnetic declination arising from the mismatch of the geographic and magnetic poles of the earth.

directionazimuth in degrees north0° or 360° northeast45°east90°southeast135°south180°southwest225°west270°northwest315°

Primary sources:

Wikipedia - azimuth in astronomy;

Wikipedia - azimuth in geodesy;

Azimuth | Techno encyclopedia. - Techno encyclopedia

Calculation of constant azimuth and length of rhumb strip between 2 points for geodetic coordinates (GIS-lab)

Calculation of distance and initial azimuth between 2 points on a sphere (GIS-lab)

Preparing data and moving along azimuths - Determination of azimuth by compass. Determination of magnetic azimuths. Movement in azimuths

Azimuth is real and azimuth is magnetic - orientation in a tourist trip.

Azimuths and movement along azimuths (Adelbaev Vadim)



the angle between the meridian plane of the observation point and the vertical plane passing through this point and the observed object (an object on the ground or a luminary). Azimuth is counted from sowing. (in geodesy) or from the south. (in astronomy) the end of a meridian clockwise from 0 to 360°. There are true (astronomical), geodetic and magnetic azimuths. When determining the magnetic azimuth, instead of the plane of the geographic meridian, take the plane of the magnetic meridian. When moving in any direction, a direct azimuth is distinguished, determined at the starting point of the direction, and a reverse azimuth, indicating the direction from the end point to the starting point, it differs from the direct one by 180 ° and the amount of convergence of the meridians. Determining the azimuth is necessary when moving on the ground, in maritime and air navigation. In navigation, instead of the term "azimuth", the term "bearing" is often used.

A - true azimuth; δ is the magnetic declination; A m - magnetic azimuth

Geography. Modern illustrated encyclopedia. - M.: Rosman. Under the editorship of prof. A. P. Gorkina. 2006 .


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    azimuth- azimuth, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    Azimuth: Wiktionary has an entry for azimuth

    - (from Arabic assumut road). 1) the arc of the horizon enclosed between the meridian of a given point and the vertical circle of any luminary. 2) the angle made at the place of observation between the noon line and the line of sight directed to the observed ... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    azimuth- a m. azimuth m. Arab. al samt. 1544. Lexis. 1. In astronomy and geodesy, the angle between the meridian plane of the observation point and the vertical plane passing through the given point and some luminary measured along the horizon. ALS 2. Through what ... ... Historical Dictionary of Gallicisms of the Russian Language

    - (from the Arabic word assumût, i.e., paths, roads) the luminary is the angle formed by the plane of the meridian with the vertical plane passing through this luminary, and measured by the arc of the horizon, which is contained between these two planes. Azimuth happens ... encyclopedic Dictionary F. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (arab. ac stick, pl. from ac samt way, direction *a. azimuth; n. Azimut, Marschrichtungszahl; f. azimut; and. azimut) dihedral angle between the plane of the meridian of the observation point and the vertical plane passing in the given direction... Geological Encyclopedia

    - (Arabic as sumut plural from assamt path, direction) of an object, direction, angle (azimuth) between the meridian plane of the observation point and the vertical plane passing through this point and the observed object. Measured from the north (in geodesy) ... ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

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Azimuth- horizontal angle measured clockwise from the north direction of the meridian to the direction of the landmark or to the direction of movement. The azimuth is measured in degrees from 0º to 360º.

Movement in azimuth provides for the ability to maintain the direction of movement with the help of a compass and exit to the intended point.

The azimuth is determined on the map or on the ground after choosing the direction of movement or landmark. If the route consists of several segments of different directions, the azimuth is determined for each segment.

Azimuth can be true or magnetic, depending on whether it is measured from the true or magnetic meridian.

The directions of the true and magnetic meridians do not coincide, since the magnetic and geographic poles are located at different points. The angle between these meridians is called magnetic declination.

Fig.2 Magnetic declination and azimuth

On a compass, magnetic declination looks like a deviation of the magnetic needle by a certain angle from the true meridian to the left (western magnetic declination - considered negative) or to the right (east magnetic declination - considered positive).

If we, turning the compass, match the arrow with the north direction and measure the azimuth, it will be magnetic.

To determine the true azimuth, it is necessary from the obtained value take away magnetic declination value, if it is western , or add if it is east. The magnetic declination is indicated on the map. If it is not on the map, it is determined from the reference book.

Azimuth. Personal experience.

On practice, when moving along the azimuth, referring to the compass, it is easier to set it (the compass) so that the arrow indicates the magnetic declination. Then the angle between the north direction and the direction of movement will indicate the true azimuth (see Fig. 2). In this case, there is no need to calculate and indicate the correction for the magnetic azimuth when laying a route for movement in azimuth on the map, since it will be taken into account each time the compass is accessed.

movement in azimuth.

Movement in azimuth has its own limit of accuracy. When measuring on a map and using a compass, inevitable errors occur that affect the accuracy of the direction of movement and, ultimately, the accuracy of reaching the destination and the accuracy of determining the azimuth value.

There are two ways to mitigate the effects of these errors.

First way involves minimizing error. This is achieved in several ways:

1. The method of movement in azimuth along intermediate landmarks. It consists in the fact that the entire transition is divided into segments according to clearly visible landmarks and the azimuth is calculated for each segment. In this way we will move from one to another clearly visible landmark.

2. The method of movement along the alignments, when the direction is checked by milestones left on the way (sticking branches), heaps of snow, a chain of tracks or a ski track. Looking back, we check the straightness of the movement, correct deviations. One variant of this method is to observe the people in front and correct the direction of their movement. It is easier to notice the deviation of the one ahead than one's own.

3. Bypass small obstacles alternately on the right and left. In this case, the errors in the direction are mutually leveled.

4. The method of controlling the distance traveled in time when moving in azimuth or in pairs of steps (the average length of a person's step is 0.7 m, the length of one's step can be specified). In this case, there is less risk of missing the destination.

5. Obstacle avoidance method with restoration of the previous direction. If we need to get around, say, a lake, we start moving to the right or left along a new azimuth, noticing the distance traveled. Then, moving in the main direction, we go around the lake, and on the opposite bank we return along the reverse azimuth to the observed bypass distance. Then we continue the main direction of movement.

6. The method of preparing the scheme of movement in azimuth and compiling a table. Work is carried out before the exit to the route. First, a diagram is drawn up, azimuths are determined, the distances are measured and entered in the table.

This is the first way to move in azimuth. It is good for small routes, as well as for training purposes.

movement in azimuth. Personal experience.

More practical in practice and more convenient to use the second way of movement in azimuth . It is characterized by ease of movement and orientation.

In this case, the azimuth is not perceived as a mandatory line of motion, but as a general direction.

For example, we need to move to the northeast. Azimuth 45º. We are moving to the northeast, imagining where the north is, where the east is. At the same time, for the convenience of moving, we can deviate to the side, subsequently making an amendment to take into account this deviation.

And if we need to go to the hut on the river bank, then it is not necessary to break through the bushes and ravines according to the calculated azimuth. It is more convenient to go along the road of a passing direction to the river upstream or downstream, and then go along the shore to the hut.

Or the case of moving in azimuth, a little more complicated, when there is a group camp on the shore of the lake that we need to get to. In the direction towards it, the area is swampy. Therefore, it is more expedient and more convenient for passing and orientation to go, say, to the bank of the river, along it to go to the mouth of a noticeable stream, from where it is more convenient to get to the lake. At the same time, you can check the direction using the compass and the map. Normal heroes, as you know, always go around.

With this method of movement in azimuth, it is advisable to control the distance traveled by the time of movement and compare the area with the map.

Having studied the map, we will know that after 10 kilometers to the right of the route, a lake should appear two kilometers to the right, and a noticeable bend of the river with an island on the left. This means that at the next bend we need to turn right and reach the height, etc.

When moving in azimuth, it is more convenient to use linear landmarks that are easier to notice - a river, a road, ridges, valleys.

This method makes it possible to choose convenient landmarks and ways to avoid obstacles. It is simple, convenient and practical.

What is azimuth? This is the angle counted clockwise from the direction of north to the direction of given subject(reference point). Azimuth measured in degrees from 0 to 360. If the geographic meridian is taken as the initial direction, the azimuth is called true; if the magnetic meridian is taken as the initial direction, the azimuth is called magnetic.

Movement in azimuth

It consists in determining the desired direction on the ground given azimuth and maintaining this direction on the way to the exit to the intended point. In a campaign, movement in azimuth is usually resorted to in closed areas or off-road, for which magnetic azimuths and distances to landmarks are determined in advance on the map.

Movement using intermediate landmarks

When moving in azimuth, practical homing accuracy is usually up to one tenth of the route traveled. Therefore, it is always desirable to mark intermediate landmarks on the route. To do this, before moving, set the sighting device of the compass to the desired direction and orient compass. Then they sight in the right direction (or next to it) some pronounced and not very distant landmark, to which they move. Reaching landmark , the operation is repeated again. When determining the direction, it is necessary to ensure that the north end of the compass needle coincides with the north mark on its limb.

When moving in azimuth, tourists may encounter significant obstacles in width, such as a lake or a rocky area. To strictly maintain the general direction, it is desirable to bypass them along a broken line with the least number of “knees”. When walking around, you should clearly record the values ​​​​of intermediate azimuths and the distances traveled along them.

In order not to stray from the right direction, it is useful to draw on a notebook sheet (on a tablet) during the movement, a bypass path with angles and lengths of the “knees”.

Movement without clear guidelines

In the absence of guidelines

In the field, tundra, steppe, where there is no landmarks, or in poor visibility you can move alignment method. The tourist leading the movement controls the direction, being at the end of the group: he sees the entire chain of tourists, can compare its direction with given azimuth and – provide timely warning of deviations.

In the presence of the sun (moon, stars), you can move in azimuth by measuring the direction angle with respect to these celestial bodies. Every half an hour, their position in the sky must be clarified using a compass. Of the methods of such orientation, the most common is orientation by one's own shadow.

In windy weather, it is useful to remember the direction of the wind or the movement of clouds relative to the sides of the horizon.

On wide open spaces in winter it is possible to orient movement along snowy sastrugi. In a densely forested area, in order to maintain the direction, it is recommended to alternately bypass the encountered obstacles - trees, bushes, blockages - either from the left or from the right side.

Sometimes, in the absence of intermediate landmarks, it is useful to make a deliberate deviation in a certain direction from a given azimuth. Having passed the distance calculated in steps or according to the time of movement to the final landmark, the tourists turn sharply to the side and look for the desired point on the ground in a new direction (in one, and not in two opposite directions, as it would be if they were moving straight along a given azimuth).

At large distances, it is necessary to outline restrictive (lateral) landmarks, and choose the final landmark as linear as possible and such that it is deployed with a wide front towards the direction of movement of tourists.

Loss of orientation

On an easy section, you can continue to move forward with the whole group until you reach a known place. On a difficult section of the route, this cannot be done: here it is better to spend time on thorough reconnaissance than to go blindly.

Most people, going to the forest or mountains, wonder how to find the bearing . In order to do this, you need to stock up on special items. Most often, a compass is used to determine the azimuth. But there are also a huge number of other ways that will help you find this value and quickly determine the location of a person on the map. To determine the azimuth in the old, old-fashioned ways, there are many simple devices that can always be at hand.

What it is

Azimuth helps to determine the position on the ground if someone is lost in the forest, mountains or steppe. When a person goes for a walk in nature and for some reason cannot find his way back, a compass will help him. It is necessary to determine the azimuth. This concept means the angle between the direction to the north and to any noticeable object on the ground. But many do not know how to find the bearing, so they cannot determine their location.

These skills are taught at school, for this there are special classes that every person should attend. In the school curriculum, the teacher must necessarily teach each child how to find the azimuth using a compass . Pass workshops, where the children will independently determine this value. Finding the azimuth is necessary in order to quickly find out your location. In the future, having learned to do this, a person can easily lay out a route that will help find the way home.

Ways to determine the azimuth

Every person in his life can face trouble during outdoor recreation, especially if he is in an unfamiliar place. Therefore, with you to nature, you need to take a compass, which will indicate how to find the azimuth .

There are several ways to do this:

  • using a compass;
  • by the sun;
  • improvised means;

Every person should know all these methods, because situations are different, and determining the azimuth can be a salvation. This angle can be determined using special modern instruments that are created according to the latest technologies. Now there are a huge number of navigators, electronic maps and other devices that can easily determine the azimuth. All modern gadgets have many functions that can easily not only determine the location of a person, but also lay the necessary route.

Determination of the magnetic azimuth

This will help to find the right route for a person who is lost. In special orientation lessons at school, the teacher tells the children how to find the magnetic azimuth.

This topic needs special attention. Before finding the azimuth using magnetic field, you need to prepare a compass that works. Determining bearing is finding north on a map, compass, and waypoint where you want to get to. If everything is done correctly, a person can easily determine his location.

Determination of the azimuth using a protractor

If you do not have a compass at hand, you can use other means. An experienced professional who can easily find a way out of any situation also knows how to find the azimuth using a protractor.

Of course, this item is rarely taken on a hike, but situations are different, for example, schoolchildren can get lost in countryside. In this way, they will be able to find out their location. Determining the azimuth using a protractor is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. In addition to this item, a person will need:

  • map;
  • ruler;
  • pencil.

With the help of these devices, a person can easily learn how to find the azimuth . It is necessary to take a map, calculate the azimuth angle using a ruler, and draw the desired route with a pencil. This is the method most people use most often in practice, especially if you have all the necessary items somewhere in your bag.

Determination of the true azimuth

More hard way used by tourists, athletes. In order to properly navigate the terrain, they need to know how to find the true bearing. In order to find it, you need to understand what it is.

True azimuth is an angle with two faces, which is connected by several planes, vertical and geodesic. With it, you can determine the exact location of the route on the map. The true azimuth is measured from the north geographic pole clockwise to the line on the ground. Such calculations are a little more complicated than the others. But experienced people who know well how to determine the azimuth in this way will cope with it without difficulty.

Orientation on the ground

In order to determine your location well, you need to study a lot useful information. Without such knowledge, it is not recommended to go far from populated areas. Orientation on the ground is a clear definition of the location of a person on the map. Now there are a huge number of special devices that can do this instantly.

Nowadays, all people have mobile phones that have special location capabilities. There is a special program for determining the azimuth.

Using all these simple tips, a person can not be afraid to go camping. With the help of devices such as a compass and a map, you can be calm while relaxing in nature. Therefore, before you go to nature, you need to put them in your bag first of all. Mobile phone can of course help difficult situation, but it tends to discharge, so it's better to trust the old and reliable method.