How were the necessary testimonies beaten out of women in the NKVD departments? For non-official use.

  • 22.09.2019

1. Queen
... Ksyusha has always considered herself a queen. And in childhood, when she was a spoiled daughter of loving parents who did not refuse her anything. And at school, where classmates looked after her respectfully, like servants for a mistress. And at the university, where Ksyusha did not study and did not take exams, but only was listed: all her successes were paid for with bribes by a rich landlord. Now, in general, she had nothing to do, except for two or three times a month, when she served her high-ranking lover in bed. This rarely happened: Ruslan Albertovich had big problems with potency due to a disordered life, and there were many things to do, and there was not enough time for love. Nevertheless, he loved Xenia very much and gave her generous gifts. Ksyusha was disgusted to have sex with him, she despised his protruding belly, baldness, halitosis and hairy legs. But since he paid for all her whims, Ksyusha patiently lay down under him, endured his rough movements and heavy panting, after sex she always went to the bathroom and with disgust washed herself from his hugs and kisses.
She lived like a queen, but considered herself worthy of much more. The admiring glances of men who could not take their eyes off her thin figure, full breasts and firm, neat buttocks convinced her that she had not received everything in life. But you have to sleep with this fat monkey to have all this! Therefore, Ksyusha was rarely in a good mood. She lived in a huge apartment, had two cars, changed her cell phones almost every week, and often threw away dresses she wore only once. However, Ksyusha constantly felt left out. The girl took out her discontent on strangers, and did it with great pleasure.
Even at school, Ksyusha confessed his love to the most beautiful boy in her class, trembling and stammering with excitement. Ksyusha not only rejected his courtship: it would be uninteresting. No, she ridiculed him first in front of her friends, then in front of other students. She repeated the same thing ten times later, trying to put the guys in a humiliating position, and often even provoke them into a desperate act like a suicide attempt or a fight with a whole company.
Ksyusha herself understood that she was rejecting unnecessary options, because she knew for sure what kind of men she needed: wealthy, influential, generous. But these fools did not understand anything and again climbed and climbed with their love. The attention of men also annoyed Ksyusha, but she also despised women, and she also hated beautiful women as possible competitors.
While waiting for the driver to drive the jeep to her house (Ksyusha was a good driver, but she preferred to use her lover's driver so that she had someone to send for cigarettes), she remembered how she put one lakhudra in place about two weeks ago. She drove up in a Volkswagen and parked exactly at the place where Ksyusha usually waited for her car. Ksyusha was outraged by this impudence: the girl - obviously someone's bedding, smeared, in a short skirt, obviously a village fool, most likely, came to the city on the panel. She should understand that someone like her is supposed to yield to normal people. Therefore, Ksyusha herself got behind the wheel, pressed the gas and lightly pounded her jeep on the trunk of the Volkswagen. When this slut got out and tried to appear, Ksyusha stuck her head out of the jeep window and overlaid the ugly woman, as she deserved. And the driver, Slava, also shoved this bitch in the shoulder when she began to object. Ksyusha twisted her lips, remembering this girl: she still shakes her rights, wow!
Slava turned the jeep around, bringing it to the entrance. Ksyusha pushed back her hair, took out a pack of cigarettes from her purse and, taking a puff for the first time, thought about how to spend this evening. Terrible boredom! She had long wanted something extreme, tickling the nerves, adrenaline in the blood ... A quiet life was terribly tired. She wanted to have fun. Sitting in the car and nodding slightly to the driver, Ksyusha did not even pay attention to the guy who quickly approached the car from the driver's side. Only when he held out his hand and put a pistol with a silencer to Slava's head did Ksyusha turn around. At that moment, there was a dull bang, and drops of blood splashed onto Xenia's face, eyes, and clothes. She was so confused that for three to five seconds she could not make a sound. And a second later, two other guys approached from behind, opened the rear doors of the jeep and jumped into the back seats. The shooter pushed the body of the driver and got behind the wheel himself. At the same time, Ksyusha felt a hand poking out from behind the seat, putting the blade of a sharp knife to her cheek.
Ksyusha would certainly have screamed, but the unexpectedness with which everything happened made her numb. In addition, the blade touched not her throat, but her face, and this threatened her beauty rather than her life. And Ksyusha valued beauty very much. Therefore, she unquestioningly complied with the order - not to move and be silent. Yes, and there was no point in screaming: the jeep abruptly rushed forward, sitting behind quickly raised those windows that were open, and because of the tinted windows it was no longer possible to see what was happening in the car. Xenia still hoped that she would be able to divert their attention and do something. But a minute later she suddenly felt that a rag soaked in some liquid had been thrown over her face and pressed. She did not switch off immediately, but the last thought before falling asleep was a clear feeling that what was happening to her put an end to her entire previous life ...

2. Rack
... Ksyusha could not understand for a long time where she was and what was happening to her. When, by an effort of will, she opened her inflamed eyes, she saw a familiar room before her eyes. After some time, it dawned on her where she was: in an old dacha outside the city, where she had not been for several months. She could not move, and only gradually it dawned on her that she was sitting tied to an armchair, without outer clothing. She was only wearing a bra, panties and stockings. The mouth was gagged, which was held in place by a bandage pressing on the back of the head. There was no one else in the room other than her.
At first, Ksyusha was not very frightened. She knew how much her sponsor cherished her, and she hoped that he would quickly save her. She was more afraid of maniacs than criminals, but her kidnappers clearly did not belong to the number of maniacs, which means ... So, we need to find out what they want from her. Ksyusha began to fidget in her chair and mumble through the gag. A minute later she heard footsteps. Two men entered, no longer the ones who kidnapped her, but others. The first pulled off her bandage and took out the gag, but continued to hold it in his hand, showing his readiness to immediately insert it back. Ksyusha was outraged by the rough treatment, but she was sure that now everything would be cleared up, they would let her go and even apologize humbly.
Ksenia did not immediately realize that something had changed in the familiar interior. Several chairs were placed in the center of the room, several thick ropes were hanging from the ceiling, and next to the bench there was a strange wooden structure with some kind of incomprehensible mechanism. Nearby stood a barrel of water, and a little further, in an iron pail, firewood was burning. Nearby were laid out tools, of which she recognized only tongs.
- Let me go! Ksyusha squealed as soon as the guys holding her stopped. - I will tell Ruslan Albertovich, and he ...
“Ruslan Albertovich does not interest us,” a tall, thin young man, who was sitting on a chair in the center of the hall, interrupted her. Do you know why you were brought here?
– What the hell is that? - Ksyusha strained through her teeth, making furious attempts to escape. - Who you are? What do you want?
“Two weeks ago, at your entrance, you insulted a girl,” the young man continued, still quietly and calmly. – Remember this?
- Well? So what?!
- This girl, - her interlocutor lit a cigarette, - younger sister Very Respected Person. You saw that she didn't drive fancy cars, and so you allowed yourself to insult her. And her brother is a very fair man. More than anything, he does not tolerate rudeness, especially when it comes from people like you. For this you will be punished. And very cruel. It's too late to ask for forgiveness. So try to adequately endure the torture and understand that you deserve it.
– Torture?! - Ksyusha asked, not believing her ears. “Are you out of your mind, freaks? Do you know what will happen to you?!
“Absolutely nothing,” the young man said, still calm. “Just a thank you from my boss.
His voice brought more fear to Ksyusha than all previous events.
…First of all, the remains of her clothes were torn off. Ksyusha desperately resisted, tried to bite and poured streams of abuse on the heads of the executioners, but only threw away all her aggression and, with it, all determination. Now she was frightened outright. And when she was pushed closer to a wooden structure, the purpose of which she did not suspect, a hunch lit up her and made her cringe in fear. Rack!
- Please-a-a, what are you doing, let me-a-a! Ksyusha whined, but the men only grinned cheerfully. They felt that the girl was ready: now there was no need to wait for much resistance. And their victim died from animal horror. As soon as she was convinced of the seriousness of the intentions of the kidnappers, retribution stood before her in all reality. Mentally, Ksyusha was ready to give everything in the world, just to be able to travel back in time and apologize to this girl. Maybe she can still beg for forgiveness?
“No, don’t, I beg you, forgive me! - Ksyusha's face was distorted by a grimace of despair. “Please let me meet her… I want to talk to her… I want to apologize…!”
- You have already talked, - her interlocutor, whom Ksyusha mentally called the Executor, smiled mockingly. “And the girl you insulted will never know what happened here. She is too kind and can easily forgive the one who was rude to her. But you think too well of yourself to be corrected by forgiveness. Means, punishment is necessary, - he waved to two henchmen.
Ksyusha trembled, tapping her teeth lightly, and did not resist when her hands were tied behind her back. Her naked body, white and tender, was covered in perspiration. She didn't try to flinch as the hands holding her lustfully stroked her breasts, then her thigh. She did not protest when male fingers suddenly and rudely penetrated her pussy, pushing her labia apart. On the contrary, she was relieved: of course, she would not be able to avoid rape, but maybe this would help her avoid the torture that was intended for her.
Hands clasped her bare shoulders and pressed down, forcing her to her knees. Then she heard the zipper on her pants unzip. Everything is clear ... Ksyusha not only did not try to avoid the cock, which gently poked into her pussy, but even slightly spread her hips, helping him to enter inside. True, the next second, when a member abruptly burst into her vagina, causing discomfort, Ksyusha for a moment remembered her pride and tried to escape. But it was too late. The hands of the rapist grabbed her breasts and squeezed them, pinching her nipples with his fingers, and the other, who also stood behind her, took her by the lock of hair and twisted, not allowing the girl to escape and even move her head. Ksyusha understood that this was the least evil that could happen to her, and therefore ordered herself to endure.
Naked, in a humiliating position, she endured all those endless minutes when one of the men raped her, continuing to squeeze her nipples and panting directly into her ear. He did it right in his clothes, he reeked of beer and sweat, and Ksyusha choked with disgust. But the rape lessened her pride, and when the second rapist - she also did not see which of them - took her by the waist with his hand, first made her rise to her feet, and then bend down and touch the floor with his hands - when he put her in such an obscene position, Ksyusha obediently fulfilled his desire. He didn't have to keep the girl. Again she heard the sound of an unbuttoned zipper behind her, again she felt the rounded head of the penis with her ass. But this time, the cock did not enter her pussy. She felt that the penis was being screwed into her narrow hole, which was still virgin, despite Ksyushin's rich sexual experience - she did not allow anyone to do this. But now her permission was not asked, and she could not object. She was in unbearable pain when the cock tore her anus, she did not know how badly her ass had been injured, but it seemed that she would have to be treated for a long time. Tears themselves poured from her eyes, she rushed, but strong hands immediately stopped her. What happened next, she did not remember well. The pain was very severe, Ksyusha moaned and sobbed in a broken voice. But she continued to endure and only tried to understand if her captors intended to continue torturing her, or did she manage to buy mercy from them? The one who raped her first went to the window and smoked, looking out the window, and the young man sitting opposite her calmly looked at what was happening before his eyes, but did not show any emotions. He didn't seem to be turned on by the sight of anal rape. beautiful girl, nor her painful moans. His face was indifferent.
When the second man also finished in her, Ksyusha was able to straighten up. But no one was going to untie her hands, and suddenly she realized that the rape was only a prelude to torment. But really, really they will torture her?! Hang on a rack? Unheard of! She expected beatings, gang rape, but such medieval tortures? ..
“Go ahead,” the Executor nodded.
Ksyusha was tilted forward again, she was right under the crossbar. The girl guessed rather than felt how her bound hands were attached to the rope, which smoothly pulled her up. At the last moment, Xenia collapsed to her knees, trying to avoid the inevitable. But that only won her a few seconds.
Right in front of her she saw her bare knees, her bare feet were cold on cement floor, her heart was pounding so that it was ready to jump out of her chest, her mouth was dry ... Ksyusha still did not believe what was happening to her. She struggled to imagine that she was sleeping and having a nightmare. Alas, it wasn’t a dream… Her hands clasped behind her back inexorably pulled upwards, and soon Xenia felt that even if she bent even lower, her hands in the shoulder blades would no longer be able to turn further. Means?..
She took another breath, preparing to scream at the top of her voice, begging for forgiveness, but at that time her hands lifted up so that Xenia's feet left the floor, and she hung in the air for a minute. Ksyusha tried her best to endure, but it did not last long. Under the weight of the body, the girl's wrinkled hands began to wriggle out of their joints. Only a stifled cry escaped Xenia's mouth. The executor raised his hand. At this command, one of her executioners quickly turned the handle, lifting the victim even higher to the ceiling, and the other, holding Xenia's bare legs with his hands, pulled her down ...
... Ksyusha hung on her twisted arms, her mouth wide open and panting. Her body hung at a distance of half a meter from the floor - with all its weight on tense muscles. The girl slowly came to her senses. She moaned loudly and tried to say something, but her tongue would not obey. She knew about such torture, but she never imagined that this could happen to her - to the Beautiful Queen! Incredible! She hangs on the rack, and this, according to the words of the Executor, is only the beginning of the torture. And what's next?! She was afraid to say even a word, she was fettered by bestial horror. If a minute ago she was still capable of fighting, now... now she was completely at the mercy of her executors, ready for the most monstrous trials. Only one thought flashed through my head - someday this will end, sooner or later they will get tired of torturing her, and they will let her go ...

3. Queen on the Rack
"Where to start, boss?" - businesslike asked one of the two henchmen, who was turning the handle of an incomprehensible mechanism - short and bald.
“First fire,” the Executor replied, still quietly and as if even indifferently. But Ksyusha's everything was frozen inside, although she did not yet know what they intended to do with her.
Ksyusha felt that her right leg was pulled to the side and tied. Then they did the same with the left leg. Ksyusha wanted to break free, but the very first movement unpleasant feeling in dislocated shoulders that she froze. Therefore, the executioners did not have to mess with her for too long. Ksyusha was still hanging, but with her legs spread apart and her pussy open. The bald man stepped back a few paces and returned, holding at a distance a pail containing burning wood.
“No need,” Ksyusha whispered, and a few tears rolled down her cheeks.
The bald man put a bucket right under the parted legs of the suspended girl, so that her open pussy was a meter away from the dancing flame. Initially, Ksyusha did not feel anything at all, and with relief she imagined that they only wanted to scare her. But very soon, a jet of hot air, rising directly from the fire, first warmed her crotch and pussy, and then began to burn. Ksyusha begged to remove the fire and release her, but it was all in vain. She began to tear and twitch in different directions, but this only aggravated her suffering.
In complete desperation, the girl began to beg to untie her, offering to use her sexually, and in any way. She already knew that only a miracle would help her get out of here. The second of her two immediate tormentors - tall and fat - was clearly not averse to taking advantage of the offer of a beautiful and sexy girl. He was already stroking Ksyusha's buttocks and ran his hand over her pussy, protecting her from the scorching heat for a second. But the Executor reprimanded him with displeasure, and Xenia's suffering resumed. Loud cries of the girl filled the room, but the doors and windows were prudently closed.
... Ksyusha was tortured in this way for about twenty minutes. When she was already hoarse from screaming and began to lose her ability to think, the Executor ordered a respite. It seemed to Xenia that her pussy was just fried, and she thought with fear about what would happen to her next. These fears were not in vain. As soon as the tormentors untied her stiff legs, and Ksyusha got the long-awaited opportunity to bring them together, she saw what the next torture would be ... Tolstoy brought several bricks tied together with wire to the rack, and this heaviness, together with a friend, tied to Ksyusha's legs. The girl was horrified. When the bricks were released and they hung on her legs, the wire cut into her bare legs, and her body stretched like a string.
“I beg you, take me off, I beg you, I will do anything for you,” Ksyusha moaned and listed what exactly she was ready to do to get rid of the torment. Judging by the eyes of her executioners, the guys were not averse, but the Executor remained adamant. The girl helplessly dropped her head on her chest,
- Chief, let's fuck her in the mouth, then hang her up again? – asked, finally, Bald.
“Wait,” the Executor shook his head, glancing at his watch. A few minutes later, seeing that Ksyusha had almost lost consciousness, he waved his hand.
- Fuck you, take a break. Hurry up, we still have a lot to do.
It seemed to Xenia that a few more minutes - and she would die on the rack, so she was incredibly grateful to her tormentors when the handle creaked, and the bricks hanging on her feet touched the floor. Then the load was untied, Ksyusha stood on the floor with her feet - but from weakness, the legs under her gave way and did not hold her. The girl had to kneel, her arms still twisted and raised above her head. Despite this, Ksyusha gathered all her strength to give the blowjob the best she could, because she hoped that this would bring her indulgence.
She did not even realize whose members were thrust into her mouth one by one - it only dawned on her mind that there were three of them. Xenia sucked so hard, as if she really hoped for forgiveness. With her mind, she understood that after a blowjob she would be tortured even more cruelly, nevertheless, she worked with her tongue and lips with zeal, accepted and swallowed all the sperm that poured into her mouth, licked her lips and reached for the next member sticking out of her unbuttoned pants. Never knowing who gave it to her mouth in what order, Xenia raised her eyes only when the respite was over.
The fat man wanted to have some fun. He unbuttoned his pants, pulled out a member and stood opposite Ksyusha. A few seconds later, a trickle of yellow hot urine fell on the girl's forehead and flowed down her face. Even in her sleep, Ksyusha could not imagine that such a terrible humiliation could happen to her, but the torture broke her so much that the girl did not even try to evade. Bald, of course, also did not want to stay away. When he also relieved himself, Ksyusha's face was covered with urine, the hair on her forehead got wet, and she herself thought of only one thing - that this would last as long as possible.
“Pick it up,” the Executor commanded.
The handle spun again, and the naked body of the beauty again hung on the rack, almost at the very floor. The girl even lightly touched the floor with her toes. Xenia sobbed and moaned, realizing that the price she paid gave her only ten minutes of rest. And ahead - a new torture. She had no idea how much pain she would have to endure.
- Let's get a vice.
Ksyusha realized what the new test would be, and desperately kicked her legs when a terrible instrument was placed at her feet. Then Tolstoy firmly took one of her legs, and Bald at the same time caught Ksyusha's second leg, with which she tried to fight back, pulled her back and tied her again. Ksyusha only whimpered plaintively, expecting pain. And the pain was not long in coming. First, her tender toes of her right foot were inserted into the vise. The girl never thought that she would have to experience such torment. Her screeching echoed throughout the house and was probably heard at a great distance from him. But the dacha was secluded, and there was no one around who could hear the cries. Ksyusha did not call for help - she was just in pain.
When the toes of his right foot were crushed, Tolstoy put a vise on the girl's ankle and began to twist again. He was already working slowly, and his boss kept ordering him to do everything slower. Apparently, such was the order: to make Ksyusha suffer not only very hard, but also for a very long time. This time it seemed to Ksyusha that she was in hell. She almost passed out from the incredible pain. From time to time she heard the crunch of bones and only guessed that these bones were her own. When Tolstoy removed the vise from one leg and set about the second, Ksyusha was already absolutely indifferent to what would happen to her. She dreamed of only one thing: to lose consciousness for good, and if this did not work out, to die.
But still, the torture was over - Ksyusha could not understand how much time had passed, although hardly more than an hour: the sun was still shining outside the windows. My legs were in unrelenting pain. Ksyusha only whimpered and howled, not trying to move. She understood that maybe she would never be able to walk normally again, but she absolutely did not care ...
The young man for the first time in all this time got up and approached the hanging girl. It seemed that only now he had awakened interest in what was happening. Carefully looking into her eyes, he brought a smoldering cigarette to her lips and put it out on the lower lip, which still had lipstick. Ksyusha didn't even moan, she just shuddered.
- Well, girl, do you understand what you are punished for? he asked in a business tone.
- Yes, - squeezed out Ksyusha. "I beg you, have mercy on me..."
“No, I see they didn’t quite understand,” the ruthless executioner chuckled. Otherwise they wouldn't have asked me for anything. It should be clear to you that such behavior as yours is unforgivable. There are too many people like you now, beauty. It seems to you that the whole world is your property, and you consider everyone else to be rednecks. You should indicate your seat. Therefore, you are subjected to the execution that suits you best.
- Execution?! Ksyusha groaned. - So you ... won't ... let me go?
- Sorry! The young man threw up his hands. - That was the order, and I can not correct it, even if I wanted to. However, I don't want to. And your Albertovich, if he finds out what happened to you, will lose his dignity in one hour. So be patient. You don't have to suffer for long. Although…
He called his henchmen, who went outside to rest, and the torture continued. This time, Ksyusha learned from herself what red-hot iron is. In the bucket already known to her, Tolstoy heated up an iron rod, which he brought to the girl's pussy for a test. The pain was horrendous. Xenia let out a wild scream, twitched and lost consciousness. She was brought to life with a bucket of cold water.
“You have to be careful,” the Executor gently chided the fat man. Otherwise, she will not live to see the most important thing. We'll lose the prize.
... The sun was sinking below the horizon. Birds chirped in the soft evening air, and the breeze rustled the leaves of the trees. And from a distant house came the piercing cries of women. Ksyusha was now tortured according to all the rules of art, applying a hot rod now to her thighs, then to her ass, then to her back, then to her stomach. Each time, bright red swelling scars remained on the skin. Somewhere the skin immediately burst. There was a smell of burning meat. Sometimes, when the body was touched with a red-hot rod, a hiss was heard, more often it was drowned out by the cry of the tortured girl. From time to time, ash was shaken into her open mouth - she did not even notice it. Ksyusha wet herself several times - she didn’t care anymore, she only wanted death as a deliverance. But everything in the world comes to an end, and now Ksyusha, having come to her senses after another portion of cold water, saw that a rod and a bucket of smoldering coals were already far from her - where the vise was.
- Let me go ... home ... - Ksyusha whispered.
“Not now,” a voice answered. Whose? She no longer understood.
“Put it down, like this.” Give me a rope, tie her breasts. Careful! Amputation must be of the highest standard.
Amputation? Ksyusha no longer understood anything, and indifferently followed with her eyes how Bald tightly tied a rope around her left breast, and Tolstoy - right.
“Knife,” ordered the young man. - I'll do this myself.
The bald man handed him a wide-bladed knife, then a dirty, greasy apron. With one hand, the Executor took her left breast, with the other he put a knife and tried on. Ksyusha understood what they would do to her now, but she no longer protested. A quick movement of the knife... A new unexplored pain, and now her left breast is cut off.
- Stop the bleeding! Executor commanded.
Five minutes later, Ksyusha similarly lost her right breast. She didn't even scream, she only breathed haltingly and with a groan. The blood did not flow for long - Fat and Bald applied large pieces of cotton wool to the open wounds and put a tight bandage on top. Ksyusha saw her severed breasts lying on a tray. She no longer thought about anything and called for death. Even if she is rescued, why should she live mutilated? If only they didn't change their minds...
This time, her fears were unfounded.
As soon as Ksyusha came to her senses, the young man, who had already taken off his apron, personally turned the handle himself. Ksyusha's body rose high - higher than before. Her legs were stretched out again, even wider than before. Both assistants went out somewhere. A few minutes later they returned, and what Ksyusha saw made her die again with fear. It was a wooden stake that Fat Man was holding in his hand. His partner was carrying some logs, with the help of which, as Ksyusha saw a couple of minutes later, they began to fasten the stake to the floor with large nails. It was not difficult to figure out that the tip of the stake would look with its tip straight into her open pussy ...
Under the sobs and sobs of the hanging girl, loudly banging with hammers, the attackers did their job. Evening came. The executor carefully watched how the stake was set up, and when this last one was fixed, he personally checked whether it was staggering. Everything was OK.
“Well, guys, congratulations,” the Executor said calmly. - You have done your job. Now somebody shut her up.
It would seem that Ksyusha should have collected the remnants of all the forces that were still found in her body, and scream so that they could be heard far away in the district. But she only moaned, swallowing her tears. With her mind, she understood that terrible, perhaps the most cruel torment was yet to come, but her will had already left her. She dutifully allowed herself to be gagged and gagged, although Bald had to stand on a chair to do so. Ksyusha did not understand why she had not been gagged earlier. Obviously - there was no other explanation - her babble and requests were so pleasing to the twisted mind of the Executor that he extended this opportunity as long as he could.
And in the mind of the girl, a crazy hope still flickered. And only when she saw how the long end of the rope, by which she was suspended, was stretched across the whole room and secured, and a burning candle was placed next to it so that the flame would inevitably scorch the rope at some point, then it became clear to her what will be her death. They will leave, and the candle will burn slowly, very slowly, the stake under her open pussy will wait for the rope to burn out. And when this happens, in the next second she, Ksyusha, will sink onto the stake - first with her pussy, then with her whole body. She will die in terrible agony, and when they find her, no one will know all the details, no one will be able to tell what she experienced. Only she herself, Ksyusha, will know this - but she will take this knowledge with her to the grave.
One last time she tried to scream, but only a faint hum came out. The Executor caught her eye and smiled at her.
“Tie her here,” he ordered. - Let this whore wait and think about what lies ahead for her. And when she gets what she deserves, we will already be in the city. It’s a pity that they won’t write about it in the newspapers in full detail, so that there would be a lesson for all the other bitches. And do not forget to grab a tray with her boobs - I have to bring them to the customer. He loves to see the results of his work. Go!

In an unequal fight against organized crime, as they say, all means are good - at least experienced "old-timers" of the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs (NKVD) thought so. To achieve recognition from traitors to the Motherland, state criminals and criminals, the Chekists used a variety of methods in practice. Here are some of them.
"Test" with cigarettes
Chekists often used especially taciturn people as an ashtray - in a closed room they smoked cigarettes together, and then extinguished cigarette butts right on the person's skin. This procedure was extremely painful and the screams of the victim were heard outside the room.

Beating without a trace
Employees of the NKVD were specially trained in the art of applying "heavy bodily" so that there were absolutely no traces left. They used the acquired skills during interrogations. The defendants were beaten with sandbags, wooden rulers and rubber overshoes. At the same time, they tried to beat only in the genital area.

Torturing people with sound
During the interrogation, the person was forced to loudly answer the questions posed, and if the victim played "silent", then the Chekists used another proven technique. They came close and, pointing the mouthpiece towards the ear, began to shout loudly, demanding recognition. Very often, the “subjects” lost their hearing or simply went crazy right in the cell.
Prolonged thirst torture
The man was kept in solitary confinement and completely deprived of water. At the same time, the victim was richly fed with salted food, as a result, he wanted to drink even more. As a rule, rarely anyone kept in such conditions for more than 3-5 days.

Standard "test" for women
If the fair sex refused to testify, the Chekists did not particularly stand on ceremony with them - they were placed in the same cell with criminals yearning for love, who raped unfortunate women for days on end. Usually, after everything that happened, the victims told everything and after that they committed suicide.

Just as no classification in nature has rigid partitions, so in torture we will not be able to clearly separate mental methods from physical ones. Where, for example, to include such methods:

“1) Sound way. To put the person under investigation six meters, eight meters away and make everyone speak loudly and repeat. It is not easy for an already exhausted person. Or make two mouthpieces out of cardboard and, together with a comrade investigator who came up, approached the prisoner closely, shouting in both ears: “Confess, you bastard!” The prisoner is stunned, sometimes loses his hearing. But this is an uneconomical way, it’s just that investigators also want to have fun in monotonous work, so they come up with who is into what much.

2) Extinguish a cigarette on the skin of the person under investigation.

3) Light way. A sharp round-the-clock electric light in a cell or box where a prisoner is kept, an exorbitantly bright light bulb for a small room and white walls. The eyelids are inflamed, it is very painful. And in the investigation room, room spotlights are again directed at him.

4) Such a notion: Chebotarev on the night of May 1, 1933 in the Khabarovsk GPU all night, twelve hours, they didn’t interrogate, no: they took him for interrogation! Such and such - hands back! They took me out of the cell quickly up the stairs to the investigator's office. The output is gone. But the investigator, not only without asking a single question, but sometimes without even giving Chebotarev a chance to sit down, picks up the phone: pick it up from 107! They take him, bring him to the cell. As soon as he lay down on the bunk, the castle rattles: Chebotarev! For interrogation! Hands back! And there: take it from the 107th! Yes, in general, methods of influence can begin long before the investigation room.

5) The prison begins with a box, that is, a box or cabinet. A person who has just been captured from the outside, still in the summer of his inner movement, ready to find out, argue, fight - at the very first step in prison they slam him into a box, sometimes with a light and where he can sit, sometimes dark and such that he can only to stand, still crushed by the door. And they keep him here for several hours, half a day, a day. Hours of total obscurity! “Maybe he’s walled up here for the rest of his life?” He's never seen anything like it in his life, he can't guess! His first hours go by, when everything in him is still burning from the unstopped mental whirlwind. Some lose heart - this is where they do their first interrogation! Others become embittered - so much the better, they will now offend the investigator, commit negligence - and it is easier to wind up the case for them.

6) When there were not enough boxes, they also did this, Elena Strutinskaya in the Novocherkassk NKVD was put on a stool for six days in the corridor - so that she did not lean against anything, did not sleep, did not fall and did not get up. That's six days! And you try to sit for six hours? Again, as an option, you can put the prisoner on a high chair, like a laboratory one, so that his legs do not reach the floor. They flow well then. Let him sit for eight or ten hours. And then during interrogation, when the prisoner is all in sight, put him on an ordinary chair, but like this: on the very tip, on the rib of the seat (more forward! still forward!), so that he does not just fall down, but so that the rib painfully presses him the whole interrogation. And do not allow him to move for several hours. Only and everything? Yes, that's all. Try it.

7) According to local conditions, the box can be replaced by a divisional pit, as it was in the Gorokhovets army camps during the Great Patriotic War. In such a pit, three meters deep, two meters in diameter, the arrested person collides, and there for several days under open sky, for an hour and in the rain, there was for him both a cell and a lavatory. And three hundred grams of bread and water were lowered to him on a string. Imagine yourself in this position, and even just arrested, when everything is bubbling inside you ...

8) To force the defendant to kneel - not in some figurative sense, but literally: on his knees and so that he does not sit on his heels, but keeps his back straight. In the investigator's office or in the corridor, you can make yourself stand like that for twelve hours, and twenty-four, and forty-eight. (The investigator himself can go home, sleep, have fun, this is a developed system: a post is placed on his knees near a person, sentries are replaced. (Who is it good to put like that? Already broken, already inclined to surrender. of this method: putting the young Lordkipanidze on his knees, the investigator drenched his face!

9) And it's so easy to make you stand. It is possible to stand only during interrogations, this also tires and breaks. It is possible during interrogations to plant, but to stand from interrogation to interrogation (the warden makes sure that he does not lean against the wall, and if he falls asleep and crashes, kick and lift). Sometimes even a day of endurance is enough for a person to become exhausted and show anything.

10) In all these agings, they usually do not give drink for three-four-five days. The combination of psychological and physical methods becomes more and more clear. It is clear that all the preceding measures are combined with (11) insomnia, which was not at all appreciated by the Middle Ages: it did not know about the narrowness of the range in which a person retains his personality. Insomnia (moreover, combined with perseverance, thirst, bright light, fear and uncertainty - what are your tortures?) muddies the mind, undermines the will, a person ceases to be his "I" ...

12) In the development of the previous one - an investigative conveyor. You are not just not sleeping, but you are three - four days continuously interrogated by shift investigators.

13) Punishment cells. No matter how bad it is in the cell, but the punishment cell is always worse than her, from there the cell always looks like paradise. In the punishment cell, a person is exhausted by hunger and usually by cold (there are also hot punishment cells in Sukhanovka). For example, the Lefortovo punishment cells are not heated at all, batteries heat only the corridor, and in this “heated” corridor the guards on duty wear felt boots and a padded jacket. The prisoner, on the other hand, is stripped to underwear, and sometimes to just underpants, and he must stay motionless (crampedly) in the punishment cell for a day, three, five (hot gruel only on the third day). In the first minutes you think: I can’t stand even an hour. But by some miracle, a person hatches his five days, perhaps acquiring a disease for life. There are varieties of punishment cells: dampness, water. Already after the war, Masha G. was kept in the Chernivtsi prison barefoot for two hours to the ankles. ice water- confess! (She was eighteen years old, what a pity for her legs and how much longer you have to live with them!).

14) Should locking up in a niche be considered a kind of punishment cell? Already in 1933, in the Khabarovsk GPU, S. A. Chebotarev was tortured in such a way: they locked him naked in a concrete niche so that he could not bend his knees, neither straighten and move his arms, nor turn his head. That's not all! Began to drip on the crown cold water(how textbook! ..) and spill over the body in streams. Of course, they didn’t tell him that this was only for twenty-four hours ... It’s scary, it’s not scary - but he lost consciousness, he was opened the next day as if dead, he woke up in a hospital bed. He was brought into ammonia, caffeine, body massage. He could not immediately remember where he came from, what happened the day before. For a whole month he became unfit even for interrogations.

15) Hunger. This is not such a rare way: a confession from a prisoner to starve. Actually, the element of hunger entered the general system of influence.

16) Beating that leaves no traces. They beat with rubber, they beat with mallets and sandbags. It hurts a lot when they hit the bones, for example, with an investigator's boot on the shin, where the bone is almost on the surface. Brigade commander Karpunich-Braven was beaten twenty-one days in a row. (Now he says: “And in thirty years all the bones and the head ache”). Remembering his own and from stories, he counts fifty two methods of torture. Or here's another way: they clamp their hands in special device- so that the palms of the person under investigation lie flat on the table - and then they hit the joints with the edge of the ruler - you can scream! Is it possible to single out from beating especially - knocking out teeth? (Karpunich was knocked out eight). As everyone knows, a blow with a fist to the solar plexus, catching the breath, does not leave the slightest trace. Lefortovo Colonel Sidorov, after the war, used a free kick of galoshes on hanging male appendages (footballers who got a ball in the groin can appreciate this blow). There is no comparison to this pain, and consciousness is usually lost.

17) In the Novorossiysk NKVD, machines for pinching nails were invented. Many Novorossiysk people later saw peeled nails during shipments.

18) And the straitjacket?

19) What about bridging (“swallow”)? This is the Sukhanovsky method, but the Arkhangelsk prison knows it too (investigator Ivkov, 1940). A long, harsh towel is laid through your mouth (bridging), and then tied through your back to your heels. So, with a wheel on your belly, with a crispy back, lie down for two days without water and food. Should I list more? Is there much more to list?

20) But the worst thing that they can do to you is: undress below the waist, lay on your back on the floor, spread your legs, henchmen (glorious sergeants) will sit on them, holding your hands.

Female prisoners of the ELEPHANT. Broken guard tower. Solovki.

Coercion to cohabit

When harassment encounters resistance, security officers do not hesitate to take revenge on their victims. At the end of 1924, a very attractive girl was sent to Solovki - a Polish girl of about seventeen. She, along with her parents, was sentenced to death for "spying for Poland." The parents were shot. And the girl, since she did not reach the age of majority, the capital punishment was replaced by exile to Solovki for ten years.

The girl had the misfortune to attract Toropov's attention. But she had the courage to refuse his disgusting advances. In retaliation, Toropov ordered her to be brought to the commandant's office and, putting forward a false version of "concealing counter-revolutionary documents", stripped naked and in the presence of the entire camp guard carefully felt the body in those places where, as it seemed to him, it was best to hide the documents.

On one of the February days, a very drunk Chekist Popov appeared in the women's barracks, accompanied by several other Chekists (also drunk). He unceremoniously climbed into bed with Madame X, a lady belonging to the highest circles of society, exiled to Solovki for a period of ten years after the execution of her husband. Popov dragged her out of bed with the words: "Would you like to take a walk behind the wire with us?" For women it meant being raped. Madame X, was delirious until the next morning.

Division 1. Article 55.
The guards are subject to all the rules established above for guards, the conditions for admission and the procedure for serving.

("Regulations on Solovetsky camps special purpose of the OGPU ". 2.10.1924. Secret.)

Uneducated and semi-educated women from the counter-revolutionary environment were mercilessly exploited by the Chekists. Particularly deplorable is the fate of the Cossacks, whose husbands, fathers and brothers were shot, and they themselves were exiled. ( Malsagov Sozerko. Hell Islands: Owl. prison in the Far North: Per. from English. - Alma-Ata: Alma-at. Phil. press agency "NB-Press", 127 p. 1991)

"The position of women is truly desperate. They are even more deprived of rights than men, and almost everyone, regardless of their origin, upbringing, habits, is forced to quickly sink. They are entirely at the mercy of the administration, which exacts tribute" in kind "... Women surrender for rations of bread. In this regard, the terrible spread of venereal diseases, along with scurvy and tuberculosis. "(Melgunov Sergey. "Red Terror" in Russia 1918-1923. Ed. 2nd supplement. Berlin. 1924)

Sexual abuse of women ELEPHANT

The Solovetsky "Detcolony" was officially called the "Correctional labor colony for offenders of younger ages from 25 years old". In this "detcolony" a "childish offense" was registered - the gang rape of teenage girls (1929).

“Once I had to be present at the forensic autopsy of the corpse of one of the prisoners, taken out of the water, with her hands tied and a stone around her neck. The case turned out to be top secret: a gang rape and murder committed by prisoners of the VOKhR shooters (military guards, where prisoners were recruited, previously, at large, who worked in the punitive organs of the GPU) under the leadership of their Chekist chief. I had to "talk" with this monster. He turned out to be a hysterical sadist, a former head of the prison." ( Professor I.S. Bolshevism in the light of psychopathology. Magazine "Renaissance". No. 9. Paris. 1949. Cited. by public Boris Kamov. Zh. "Spy", 1993. Issue 1. Moscow, 1993. S.81-89)

Women in Calvary Skete

"Women! Where are the contrasts brighter (so beloved by me!) Than on our thoughtful islands? Women in the Skete of Golgotha!

Their faces are a mirror of Moscow night streets. The saffron color of their cheeks is the vague light of brothels, their dull, indifferent eyes are the windows of haz and raspberries. They came here from Sly, from Ragged, from Tsvetnoy. The stinking breath of these cesspools of a huge city is still alive in them. They still contort their faces in a friendly-coquettish smile and with a voluptuous-inviting flair pass by you. Their heads are tied with scarves. At the temples with disarming coquettishness, there are peysik curls, remnants of cropped hair. Their lips are scarlet. A gloomy clerk will tell you about this alosti, locking the red ink with a padlock. They are laughing. They are carefree. Greenery all around, the sea like fiery pearls, semi-precious fabrics in the sky. They are laughing. They are carefree. For why care for them, the poor daughters of a pitiless big city?

On the slope of the mountain graveyard. Under the brown crosses and slabs are hermits. On the crosses is a skull and two bones. Zvibelfish. On an island in Anzère. Magazine "Solovki Islands", No. 7, 07.1926. C.3-9).

Medical care in the Solovetsky concentration camp
Solovetsky women of the 19th and 21st centuries
Finnish women in Solovki: the President of Finland could not get to Solovki, and the wife of the chairman of the Finnish Communist Party committed suicide in Solovki.
Women's barracks of death During the morning rounds, the baroness sat on the floor, then lay down. The madness has begun...

The archives of the FSB, referring to the Law "On State Secrets", continue to keep under the heading "Secret" the criminal cases of former NKVD officers convicted, among other things, for "illegal methods of conducting an investigation and falsification of cases." However, some evidence of such actions becomes known from the archival files of rehabilitated citizens.

The repressions affected people of all nationalities who lived in those tragic years on the territory of the USSR, they did not bypass the Chinese who lived and worked in Moscow and its environs.

In February 1938, a Chinese citizen of the USSR, Andrei Andreevich Sun-Run-Du, a mechanic at the Krasny Truzhenik factory, was arrested. He came to Russia in 1910 after the conclusion of the "Russian-Chinese labor loan". At the end of 1917, he was in a partisan detachment, and in 1918 he voluntarily joined the Red Army, where he served until 1923. Since 1920 - a member of the CPSU (b). In a word - "Soviet" people.

Arrested in February 1938 as conducting “among those around him counter-revolutionary agitation directed against the Soviet power and its leaders,” Sun-Jun-Du received 10 years in the camps - already as a Japanese intelligence agent who carried out espionage work on the territory of the USSR.

The case of Andrey Andreevich was conducted by the NKVD Department for the Moscow Region, the head of which at that time was the commissioner of the State Security Service of the 1st rank Zakovsky, and the direct executors were employees of the 2nd department of the 3rd department of the UGB of the NKVD.

The captain of state security (GB) Sorokin led the 3rd department, and his 2nd department was led by Lieutenant GB Wolfson. The employees of the department were: detective, ml. lieutenant of the State Security Service Shlicht, Svirsky (his position and rank could not be established), detectives, sergeants of the State Security Service Vodenko, Mochnov, and others. In all documents of the cases, the NKVD officers are indicated only by their surnames, neither initials, nor even names and patronymics are indicated ...

The accusation was based on the "testimonies" of a Chinese citizen arrested earlier, a citizen of the USSR, a "Japanese spy" Nikolai Andreevich Yaroslavsky (aka Yang-Gin-Fun, aka Wan-Ling, aka Wang-Wan-Len), who, during interrogations, was guilty of did not acknowledge. He "was exposed by the testimony of other accused," among whom was a certain Chinese Li-Ming...

In August 1938, Beria was appointed First Deputy People's Commissar of Internal Affairs and on November 25, 1938 he replaced Yezhov as People's Commissar (who, after a short pause, was arrested on April 10, 1939), and already in September 1938, Beria begins another "purge" in NKVD. Many security officers are arrested, and many are simply fired ...

On May 3, 1939, prisoner Sun-Run-Du writes a statement addressed to the People's Commissar of Internal Affairs of the USSR Beria, in which he indicates that during the investigation he did not admit to his Trotskyist and espionage activities until physical measures of influence were applied to him …

This statement was not ignored, and an audit was carried out, which left us invaluable documents about the methods of work of the NKVD officers in falsifying criminal cases and obtaining confessions.

First, lists of persons scheduled for arrest were compiled.

From the protocol of interrogation as a witness of the former employee of the 2nd department Svirsky Ilya Markovich dated January 29, 1939 (the spelling and punctuation of the documents are preserved):

“The arrests were carried out according to the lists, without the presence of compromising materials, such facts can serve as an example: the arrest of about 40 Chinese people on the instructions of Wolfson, Ryazantsev wrote the information - the former [former] deputy. early 3 of the Department ... moreover, in order to collect compromising material at the place of residence of persons scheduled for arrest, employees of the department were sent to ZHAKT'y [housing rental cooperative partnership] to interview janitors and house managers. (GA RF, f. 10035, op. 1, d. 23350, l. 67)

And this is how it is reflected in the certificate on Wolfson’s archival and investigative case:

“From the testimonies of witnesses who exposed WOLFSON in criminal activities, it is clear that the Chinese were arrested according to the list, simply according to the installation data, it was not uncommon for the arrests of the wrong persons for whom certificates of arrest were issued.” (GA RF, f. 10035, op. 1, d. P-23350, l. 66)

Then, despite the fact that there was no compromising material on people, “certificates for arrest” were issued, the content of these certificates was of a standard nature.

“... The operatives who carried out the operation mixed up the addresses and instead of the Dangauer collarbone, they got to the address of the Dangauer settlement and accidentally to the Chinese man's apartment. This Chinese man was arrested and taken to the Department. At the first interrogation, I found that there had been a mistake with the arrest, about which I reported to Wolfson and offered to release him. Wolfson replied: “We will not release him, we must stab him, he must give a sabotage group ...”

We can smile and remember from the popular New Year's film "Third Builders Street, house 25, apartment ...", but in this case, a person's life was behind it ...

During interrogations, the detainees were beaten, and each investigator did it in his own way.


Feodosia Alekseevna Ershova was born in 1906 in Troitskosavsk (now the city of Kyakhta in Buryatia). She had an elementary education, after graduating from the 4th grade of school, she did not study anywhere else. She began her career as a messenger in the department of public education. From September 1921, she got a job as a typist in the Cheka of Verkhneudinsk (Ulan-Ude) and since then, changing cities, she has been growing in the KGB service. By the mid-1930s, already at operational work in the Moscow UNKVD: detective of the 2nd department of the 3rd department (counterintelligence) of the UGB UNKVD with the rank of junior lieutenant of state security. From 1937 she specialized in investigative work. At that moment, she had a surname after her husband - Schlicht.

Nikita Petrov,

The detective, junior lieutenant of state security Shlicht (Ershova Feodosia Alekseevna), for example, “... beat the arrested with a rubber stick cut out of a horse-drawn carriage tire. Her stick was about 50 cm long. Moreover, she also practiced beating the arrested with her belt buckle.” (GA RF, f. 10035, op. 1. D. P35500, sheet 48)

From the protocol of interrogation of December 13, 1956 (GA RF, fund 10035, op. 1. d. P35500, sheets 48-50) of a witness who was a state security sergeant in 1938, Ivan Georgievich Mochnov:

“In the course of the investigation of their cases, physical measures were applied to the prisoners, and some of the arrested, who stubbornly did not testify, were sent to the Lefortovo prison for a special regime.

I personally saw how measures of physical coercion were applied to the arrested. Both in the office building itself, and in the Taganskaya and Butyrskaya prisons. Usually, the use of measures of physical coercion was practiced in the office premises of the Office, where the arrested were brought from prison and here the employees of the department helped to interrogate and apply physical coercion. Measures of physical impact on the arrested, as I remember, were used by all the employees of the department. When I was interrogated in prison, I also personally saw how other employees of other departments and departments of the Directorate used physical coercion against the arrested. In prison, as a rule, the interrogation was carried out at night and in the investigation room, where the investigators worked, the screams and groans of the arrested were heard, and the arrested, who did not give the necessary evidence, had to say, “Listen, this can happen to you.” After that, in a number of cases, the arrested gave the necessary confessions. At the same time, since physical coercion measures were applied to many arrested at that time, and the arrested, while in the cell, saw this - their beaten cellmates, they often came to interrogations frightened and ready to testify.

The testimonies of persons who were subjected to measures of physical coercion and intimidation often served as materials for the arrest of other persons, and then, in the further course of the investigation, face-to-face confrontations were already made with them.

“... Physical measures, as I remember, were applied to those arrested by Kosyrev, Schlicht Feodosia Alekseevna, Morozov, Ivanenko, Vershinin and Wolfson.”

“... While working in the 3rd department, I also applied physical measures to those arrested, but to whom specifically, due to the prescription of time, I don’t remember now.”

... "In addition to the persons I have indicated, Svirsky also applied measures of physical coercion to those arrested."

Mochnov himself "used fists" and, in his words, "did not use foreign objects." “The testimonies ... with which I got acquainted and that during the investigation I allegedly planted him with my coccyx on the corner of a chair, I deny this, because. I have never used this method. Working in the authorities, I always went to work in uniform and during the interrogation of the arrested I didn’t even take off my belt, considering it indecent, but used only my fists, ”Mochnov replied, having read the testimony of one of his detainees ...

But Vodenko Nikolai Ilyich, a former detective of the 2nd department of the 3rd department, who took part in the interrogations of Sun-Jun-Du and drew up an indictment against him, did not admit his guilt in beating the defendants. Already being a junior lieutenant of state security, deputy head of the 3rd department of the 121st rifle division, giving explanations on this case, on March 15, 1941 he wrote:

“In the archival and investigative case against the accused Sun-Rong-Du, I cannot give an objective explanation of the issues of interest to the investigative department of Moscow, due to the limitation of time.

There were no physical measures of influence on SUN-JUN-DYU on my part, this is just slander.” (GA RF f.10035, op. 1, d. P-23350, l. 73)

Wolfson also denies his involvement in the beatings, but willingly "surrenders" his subordinates:

“Personally, I did not use physical measures of influence against those arrested, but in general this was practiced in the NKVD in the Moscow region. My subordinate detective Mochnov allowed physical measures of influence, but I forbade him, in my presence I did not allow it, I did not allow it at all ”(GARF, f. 10035, op. 1, d. P-37962, l. 147)

It is quite possible that Wolfson did not need to beat the arrested, because he used a more “simple” way to obtain the necessary testimony - he invented them himself:

“It was just as impudently that Wolfson carried out operations against the Harbinites and the Chinese in February-March 1938. When I [Sorokin] checked the investigative files on the Chinese and tried to interrogate some of them, nothing came of it, since they were very weak they know Russian, but without looking at it, Wolfson interrogated them without an interpreter, after which he transferred their cases to the Troika of the NKVD of the USSR, which sentenced them to imprisonment in camps on different dates... ”(GA RF, f. 10035, op. 1, file P-32596, l. 63)

Wolfson also used another method for obtaining the necessary readings:

“... In the practice of his work, Wolfson used methods of deception - to sign confession protocols prepared by him in advance, by persuasion. By this method, Wolfson "persuaded" the arrested Chinese Li-Ming to sign a protocol drawn up in advance by him about his k / r espionage activities, which included dozens of names of Chinese unknown to Li-Ming. This protocol was reproduced on a rotator in the amount of 300 copies and invested in each case on the arrested Chinese as a commentary material. (GA RF, f.10035, op. 1, d. P-23350, l. 66)

The protocols did not correspond to the testimonies of the arrested, given during the interrogation, they were not written from their words, but were composed by the investigator and given to them for signature. These protocols often included large groups persons unknown to the arrested person, but this made it possible to create a "high-profile" case. Here is what Mochnov writes about this in his report in February 1939, however, after the arrest of Sorokin and Wolfson:

“... on the part of WOLFSON, for example, such instructions were given: all the arrested Chinese, who were the heads of Chinese laundries before the arrest, were to be recorded as members of the counter-revolutionary Trotskyist espionage-terrorist and sabotage organization of the Chinese, “created” by Li-Ming. In fact, no such organization was opened. Li-Ming's interrogation protocol, which talks about such an organization, is the fruit of Wolfson's fantasy, who fraudulently obtained the signature of the accused Li-Ming on the protocol and in this case hoped to create a career for himself, anticipating quite realistically to receive an order.

In the interrogation protocol of Li-Ming, Wolfson attributed a group of people from among those previously convicted in other cases, as a result of which this protocol received the appearance of a document of a vulgar falsification of the investigation.

These inscribed "dead souls" gave such a protocol an efficiency that made it possible to multiply it on a rotator up to 400 (four hundred) copies.

Wolfson's task for this part was as follows: to put the Liminovsky protocol into the investigation file of every Chinese, as those arrested earlier, as well as into the cases of those Chinese who will be arrested, for the so-called orientation.

Condemn again the same persons for the same crimes. (GA RF, f.10035, op.1, d. P-23350, l. 70)

It was also practiced to draw up so-called "corrective" and "generalizing" protocols. Here is what Mochnov shows about this in 1956:

“As the head of the department, he corrected some protocols for the interrogation of the arrested, after which he gave instructions to re-interrogate the arrested. They also practiced such cases when he corrected the so-called generalized protocols for some cases, which, after the correction, were rewritten and given to the detainees for signature. (GA RF, fund 10035, op. 1, d. P-35500, l. 50)

So, when the necessary, incriminating evidence was obtained, an indictment was drawn up, and the case was sent for consideration, as in the case of Sun-Run-Du, "to the court, in accordance with the order of the NKVD for" No. 00593 dated 19.09. .10035, op.1, d. P-23350, l. 16), which was the extrajudicial commission of the NKVD and the USSR prosecutor ...

This is the infamous so-called order on the Harbinites, the preamble of which reads: “The NKVD bodies registered up to 25,000 people, the so-called“ Harbinites ”(former employees of the Chinese-Eastern railway and remigrants from Manchukuo), who settled in the railway transport and in the industry of the Union.

Accounting intelligence and operational materials show that the overwhelming majority of Harbin residents who left for the USSR consist of former white officers, policemen, gendarmes, members of various emigrant spy-fascist organizations, etc. The vast majority of them are agents of Japanese intelligence, which for a number of years sent them to the Soviet Union for terrorist, sabotage and espionage activities.

Investigative materials can also serve as proof of this. For example, in the railway transport and industry, up to 4,500 Harbin residents have been repressed over the past year for active terrorist and sabotage and espionage activities. The investigation of their cases reveals the carefully prepared and systematically carried out work of Japanese intelligence to organize on the territory Soviet Union sabotage and spy bases from among the Harbinites.

The order ordered all arrested Harbin residents to be divided into two categories:

What relation could Sung-Jun-Du, who came from China to still tsarist Russia, have to do with the "Harbinites"?

By the way, the “CLOSED LETTER” sent along with this order

ABOUT THE TERRORIST SUBVERSION AND SPY ACTIVITIES OF THE JAPANESE AGENCIES FROM KHARBINTS” is still classified as “Secret” in Russia and will remain so until at least 2044…

But let's get back to Sun-Rong-Du's complaint, or rather, to its resolution. In October 1942, in the Resolution on his case of the Secretariat of the Special Conference under the NKVD of the USSR, it was noted that in connection with the application received from the convict Sun-Run-Du, additional investigative measures were taken, six witnesses were again interrogated, who characterized Sun-Run-Du positively, no anti-Soviet judgments and manifestations were made on the part of the latter, but one witness testified that the Chinese visited Sun-Rong-Du's apartment.

In his statement, Andrey Andreevich retracted the testimony given at the preliminary investigation, stating that they were given "under the influence of physical pressure from the investigation."

The case of the convict Yaroslavsky, who, according to the investigation, recruited Andrei Andreevich, was also checked, and it turned out that Sung-Rong-Du did not appear in his testimony. It is also already known that Captain GB Sorokin and Lieutenant GB Wolfson have been arrested and convicted for falsifying criminal cases and unlawful methods of conducting an investigation.

And what is the decision? Reconsider the case? Release? No, based on the given data, “the complaints of the convict and his wife about the review of the case should be left without satisfaction ...”

So, knowing all the facts about the criminal conduct of the investigation, the NKVD did not want to recognize the conviction of Sung-Rong-Du as illegal. He defended the "honor of the uniform", although what honor can the NKVD have ...

especially for the new