How to find out your future by date of birth? Prediction of the future by date of birth. Vanga horoscope by date of birth for each

  • 20.10.2019

At all times, people have tried to find out about the very future, and most often fortune telling was used for this purpose. One of the most effective is by date of birth.

It is believed that our fate is determined from the moment of birth, so using the date of birth, you can get any information about a person. Numerological divination -. Site site experts suggest you use a proven fortune-telling with which you can find out what will happen to you soon.

How to know your future by date of birth

To find out your future with the help of numerological fortune-telling, you need to make simple calculations. Based on their results, you can understand what awaits you in the near future and what you should be afraid of in the future. You can guess both on yourself and on another person.

For example, your date of birth is 03/30/1981. To begin with, you must add all the numbers of the date in this way: 3+0+0+3+1+9+8+1=25.

If, as in this case, you get a two-digit number, you need to add the resulting numbers together: 2 + 5 = 7. This is your individual number.

Numerological calculation will again help you to tell fortunes on a certain day. Suppose a fortuneteller is interested in what will happen to him on 04/13/2021. To do this, it is again necessary to sum the numbers of the date: 1+3+4+2+0+2+1=13. After that, we turn the resulting number into a single digit: 1+3=4.

To find out about the events that should happen to you, add the received date number and your individual number so that the result fits on the segment from 1 to 9: 4+7=11, 1+1=2. Then you need to read the transcript of the result - you will find it just below.

It is worth noting that no fortune-telling guarantees an accurate result. Therefore, even if you are guessing at events that should happen to you on a particular day, they may happen a little earlier or later.

1 — quite a difficult period. Probably illness or trouble at work. It is recommended to be more careful and beware of scammers, as this number promises big money problems. Perhaps a situation will occur that will lead to the loss of work.

2 — at this time, an acquaintance awaits you that will change your life for the better. Things started at this time will lead to success and prosperity. You will probably need help, but you can get it from loved ones.

3 — to achieve your cherished goal, you will have to work hard, but the result will be worth the effort. Laziness can be the main obstacle to success, but if you manage to overcome it, then from that moment on your life will change dramatically.

4 — up to this point you will work hard, but it is at this time that you will receive a well-deserved reward. Perhaps you will receive a monetary reward, a career promotion, or get married.

5 — this period will pass for you without fuss. You will probably be looking for a new job or go on vacation.

6 — at this time, luck will be on your side, so any undertakings will turn into success. However, even if these achievements are small, you should not be upset, as fortune may be offended by those who do not appreciate its gifts.

7 — the number promises danger and trouble, so at this time you need to be on the lookout. If possible, it is recommended to postpone long trips, not to make new acquaintances and avoid unjustified risks. Any oversight can aggravate the situation.

8 — you have to fulfill other people's duties, but such a combination of circumstances will lead to new successes and financial prosperity. However, it is worth taking on new cases only if you are confident in their effectiveness, otherwise there is a risk of wasting time in vain.

9 — everything that you have planned for this time can collapse overnight. This does not mean that you should sit back and not try to implement what you have planned, but it is worth considering a back-up plan.

According to karmic laws, all our actions and deeds, committed in the past or committed in the present, will certainly affect our future. If you are afraid that in the future you will have to face difficulties, you need to start clearing karma right now. A few simple ways will help you with this. We wish you happiness and success,and don't forget to press the buttons and

04.10.2018 08:09

Numbers play a huge role in our life. They help predict the future and reveal the secrets of the past. ...

Vanga's predictions by date of birth can help you understand what exactly you should expect from your life. To use the developments and methods of the famous Bulgarian soothsayer, you will not need much time - everything is done according to a convenient table, which even a child can use.

In the article:

Vanga's fortune-telling by date of birth - how to use the table

The great Bulgarian prophetess saw each and every person individually, but she understood that not everyone who wished would be able to get an appointment with her. Therefore, the woman, with the help of her students, created this table. It is designed for people who were born between 1940 and 1995. It is not known why Vanga did not want to make prophecies for people older and younger, perhaps she simply did not have time for this.

Someone takes this horoscope from Vanga seriously by date of birth, while someone considers it to be ordinary entertainment like fortune cookies. Decide for yourself whether to believe in the power of the prophecies of a clairvoyant with the name of world significance. According to statistics, almost all predictions came true, including,.

Carrying out Vanga's fortune-telling by date of birth is very simple. You need to find in the table your year of birth, and then the corresponding number. After that, see the meaning of the indicated number in the interpreter, which is below.

Horoscope from Vanga by date of birth - the meaning of numbers from 1 to 20

If in the table of predictions from Vanga by date of birth you got the number 1 your life will be extremely happy. You will get everything you desire. God has drawn a smooth and straight road that will lead to a dream without stops and obstacles.

2 - the desired will be achieved only if influential people in this industry help you, and events turn out well. chances of happy life high, but it all depends on specific actions.

3 - Almost all plans will be hindered by unexpected obstacles. Problems arise in life one after another. You may be able to achieve what you want, but you will have to make a lot of effort even on what other people easily get.

4 - the degree of happiness depends only on the amount of effort that you are willing to put in to achieve your goals. You won’t be able to get anything just like that, you will have to work hard and hard, show patience, and then the long-awaited reward will not keep you waiting long.

5 - you need knowledge, and it is better to deal with their accumulation in any free minute. Happiness can depend solely on experience and knowledge gained. It is recommended to devote time to learning not only in youth.

6 - there is every chance to achieve what may be necessary for happiness. However, the slower you drive, the more distance you can cover. You are getting there slowly but surely. Be patient and don't make hasty decisions.

7 - A lot of difficulties and trials await you. They are sent so that you temper your character, develop the necessary character traits and pay attention to the spiritual side of life. Do not be afraid of trials and pass them with honor, then you will achieve your goal.

8 You must believe in yourself and your strengths. Uncertainty should not force you to retreat from the chosen path. Show resourcefulness, ingenuity and patience, and then the doors that block the path to a happy life will surely open.

9 - you do not have enough patience. If you learn to wait, life will get better very soon. Don't make hasty decisions, it won't do you any good. Especially beware of excessive impatience at important moments.

10 - you should rely solely on yourself. The help of an outsider to someone who got a dozen can only do harm. Not necessarily it will be the intrigues of enemies, unfortunate coincidences are also likely, which will have disastrous consequences.

11 - Your victory will be a pleasant surprise. You will be rewarded for your efforts much sooner than you expect. You can count on a wonderful life only if you do not spoil your own happiness with your own hands.

12 - Do not interfere with caution and prudence. You are fearless, but this can lead to recklessness. Do not overestimate your strength, and then you will be able to find right decisions needed on the path of life.

13 - attempts to achieve what you want can only lead to disappointment and nervous illness. It is better to be content with little and learn to enjoy life, regardless of whether you have what you need or not.

14 - you lack peace of mind. Learn to control your emotions, control your anger, otherwise it will control you. Resentment and anger are the causes of illness, such could be heard by the sick who turned to the seer for help. Household chores will help such a person to be distracted.

15 - it is very difficult to implement the conceived ideas. You are threatened by loneliness and misunderstanding of loved ones. Perhaps you were ahead of your time. If you do not have like-minded people, you may not be able to achieve your goal.

16 - spontaneity can be your trump card. Be sure to learn how to do something that you have never tried before. Unexpected decisions are always the best among all made.

17 - think more often, carefully consider your actions. Perhaps some of the ideas will disappear by themselves, because you really do not want to achieve all the goals. Try to retire more often and walk in nature to understand yourself.

18 It is easier to wait out difficulties than to try to cope with them. If you have patience, your life will be wonderful. Avoid actions under adverse circumstances, it is better to wait for the right moment.

19 - you must take advantage of the chances that your destiny provides. It is rich in happy cases, but only the future depends on the person himself. If you take action when it is needed, you will achieve a lot.

20 - not enough harmony. Learn to relate to other people and the world around you. Only when a person gives kindness can he receive kindness in return. During her lifetime, Vanga said that evil deeds always return.

Vanga's birthday prophecy - numbers from 21 to 40

The birthday prediction from Vanga for the one who got the number 21 is the following - ideas and plans rarely come true. But instead of them, you can always get unexpected new opportunities for the implementation of profitable projects, if you do not get distracted from the goal.

22 - get rid of selfishness, which can play a very cruel joke. Do not withdraw into yourself, learn to cooperate and communicate with other people. Develop tact, patience and the ability to diplomacy. A close-knit team is the key to success in life.

23 - there are always a lot of people nearby, but enemies among them appear quite rarely. Such a number of positively minded individuals is not accidental - when you achieve your plan, it benefits those who are nearby.

24 - all ideas that you consider only fantasies have real chances to be realized. Don't listen to people who don't believe it, even if it's close friends or family members, go for your goal.

25 You don't always know how to choose the right path. Such people often make mistakes, make wrong decisions, and only because of this they fail. If you do right choice, success and prosperity will not keep you waiting long.

27 - self-improvement will be the main key to success throughout life. Never stop developing. Knowledge and experience gained is something that should not be underestimated. Only they are needed on the path to success.

28 - You lack optimism. Gloomy people often fail for no apparent reason. Try to look at things from a different angle. Real optimists can see opportunities even in problems.

29 - achieving success without good business connections and communication with friends who can help, in your case, can be called impossible. Communicate more with people, make useful acquaintances, this will come in handy.

30 - you will have to learn a tactful approach to communicating with people, even when it comes to your subordinates. Be polite in any situation, and sooner or later such an approach to people will justify itself in the form of unexpected and very beneficial cooperation.

31 - Get out of the habit of wasting time. During her lifetime, Wang advised not to waste time in vain, not to be lazy, to occupy yourself with something useful every minute. There are enough complex tasks in life that sooner or later will have to be solved, no matter how much this moment is postponed.

32 - You can only succeed through radical change. If you want to change something in your life, it is better to act immediately. Old fears and insecurities must be overcome.

33 - stagnation will be a frequent companion. If you get rid of distrust, but at the same time do not become too gullible, learn to be selective about people, you can make significant progress.

34 - you always have to spend more effort than expected at the very beginning of the enterprise. There is nothing wrong with that, because you still achieve your plan. But you need to be prepared for the fact that you have to try to achieve success.

35 Any contradictions and double meaning should be avoided. Long-term plans are almost always in great danger. Achieving short-term goals can jeopardize everything that you have previously received.

36 - you know how to arouse the envy of others, maybe even enjoy the envious glances of others who seem to you to be losers. Remember that a person can harm not only gossip, which is a lot about you.

Vanga's prediction by the date of birth of a person (table) has interested many people who want to know their future. Unlike astrological forecasts, which should be done almost every day of the year, the Bulgarian blind seer made a magic rectangle, laying in it the values ​​​​of numbers from 1 to 40, defining each number with its own meaning.

It turned out to be a kind of collection of tips on what to do in life.

Date of birth as a way to find out the purpose: Vanga's table

Chaotic, at first glance, the arrangement of numbers helps everyone, according to their year and month of birth, to find out their life purpose, following in the indicated direction of which one can achieve success and prosperity.

How the blind woman managed to depict her table, calculate its value, remains a mystery. The age of clients who can find out why they came to this world is limited by the years of birth from 1940 to 1995. Either Vanga did not have time to extend her prediction table, or did not want to.

Or maybe she just thought that this category of people would be interested in their future. One can only guess what awaits those born after 1995.

The magic of numbers has always attracted clairvoyants and astrologers who wanted to prove that using the numbers that make up the date of birth of a certain person, you can see the pattern of events in the life of each person that are unique to him. Numerology is the science of the dependence of numbers on the main events of the life of each individual.

Vanga's prediction by date of birth table - good example how the Bulgarian seer used the science of numbers.

Interpretation of table numbers

  • 1. Achieve everything you want. The road is free.
  • 2. The case, circumstances or people who appeared at the right time will help you get what you want.
  • 3. Well, there will be many obstacles along the way. Stock up on patience and perseverance.
  • 4. Success awaits those who do not give up. Everything will work out for the stubborn.
  • 5. Power in knowledge. Accumulate them.
  • 6. Don't rush. Everything will work out if you don't rush things.
  • 7. Don't lose your head during times of difficulty. This will help you adequately deal with problems.
  • 8. Circumstances favor you. Add some of your courage and willpower.
  • 9. Be patient and keep calm, nothing else will help you.
  • 10. You will have to achieve everything yourself. Helping other people can only hurt.
  • 11. You will get what you want unexpectedly. Pleasant surprises.
  • 12. Realistically evaluate your strengths and skills. Otherwise, you will get into trouble.
  • 13. Periods of depression. During these periods, it is better not to make efforts, but to postpone desires until a more favorable moment.
  • 14. Everything has its time, you will get everything.
  • 15. Frequent misunderstanding of others, which will interfere with the fulfillment of desires. Single.
  • 16. Your strong point is surprise. Do not plan, improvisation will be more effective.
  • 17. Consider your desires - do you really need it?
  • 18. Wait for favorable moments. Without their desire it will be impossible to fulfill.
  • 19. You create your own life. Use any chance that fate gives.
  • 20. Absolute harmony with the world - you get what you give.
  • 21. What seems interesting will be abandoned. Life itself will give you the direction of development.
  • 22. Egoists will have a hard time. Get over it. You need to be more diplomatic and look for allies.
  • 23. The fulfillment of your desires benefits not only you, but also those around you.
  • 24. Your ideas will be brought to life.
  • 25. There is a dissonance between your expectations and reality. Think over several ways to achieve and choose the best one.
  • 26. You can be a leader in your own family. It may happen that you have no other option. Take this twist.
  • 27. There is no limit to perfection. Therefore, you will always have to engage in self-improvement. And it's good for you.
  • 28. Be more optimistic and look at problems from the outside - then you will find unexpected solutions.
  • 29. You will always be in contact with people. This is your strength.
  • 30. Be tactful with people - this will help you achieve success.
  • 31. You can realize even the impossible - if you catch the right moment.
  • 32. During a crisis, do not lose your head. You may need to completely change your lifestyle. But it will be beneficial.
  • 33. There are times when you do not trust anyone, even a mirror. At times like these, don't start over.
  • 34. Sometimes for the fulfillment of desires you have to invest more than you get in the end.
  • 35. The more zealously you strive to reach the peaks, the slower you will go to it. Do not take unnecessary actions - one, but a calculated blow is much better than a dozen “into milk”.
  • 36. They envy you, but don’t worry, spiteful critics are only capable of gossip.
  • 37. Love for squandering is not the most the best quality. Learn to save.
  • 38. Just wanting is not enough. We will have to work ourselves.
  • 39. You are helped by the necessary information received at the most opportune moment.
  • 40. The more you work, the more you get.

The years of birth in the table are paired with dates separated by a period of 28 years, which in astrology is considered the third part of the 84-year cycle of planets, except for Pluto and Neptune, around the Sun. Every 28 years are characterized by the personal growth of a person associated with the influence of certain planets.

No one can change the nature of the influence of the planets and its results. Considering Vanga's table from this point of view, the seer invented a way to calculate the meaning of life for every person living on Earth. It is enough to take into account the cyclicity of 28 years.

The 12 months at the top of the table correspond to the signs of the Zodiac, representing the animals of the Chinese astrological calendar. With the help of the meaning of each sign, the emotional and psychological background of the events occurring throughout life is determined for a certain circle of people. Propensity is not necessarily formed in specific life situations, but these characteristics are inherent in all people from the selected category.

The prediction of the clairvoyant Vanga, how to determine the life purpose of a person by the date of birth of a person, helps to reveal the table compiled by the seer. If you know the pattern that is embedded in each cell of the picture, then you can easily continue the prediction by adding later or earlier dates of birth of people.

The table of predictions from the famous blind seer of the last century Vanga by date of birth is very popular with everyone who wants to know their future. It is very easy to use, which adds to its success with people.

The table is presented in the form of a rectangle with numerical values from one to forty, each of the numbers has its own specific meaning. As a result, a kind of assembly of tips and recommendations came out on how best to act in life to achieve happiness and success.

Rules for using the Vanga table

The most famous seer from Bulgaria saw through people, but she understood that she could not help absolutely everyone. It was for this reason that she decided to create a special table for predicting the future.

Those people who were born in the period from 1940 to 1995 will be able to use it. It is no longer possible to establish why Vanga did not want to make a forecast of the future for those born outside these time frames. It is likely that the woman simply did not have enough time for this.

Using the table will not make it difficult for you - you just need to find in the table your year of birth with the corresponding number. And then find out the meaning of this number from the list below.

Values ​​​​of numbers from one to twenty

  • unit - portends an unspeakably happy life. A person will go through life on an even path and will be able to achieve everything he wants;
  • deuce - you can get what you want only on the condition that influential people will help you and with a favorable turn of events. To become happy, you need to act, not just dream;
  • three - you will constantly face various obstacles and problems in your life. The desired will become a reality only under the condition of very hard work;
  • four - this figure will make a person happy exactly as much as he is willing to work for this. Nothing in life will come easy, but hard work will be rewarded;
  • five - in this life, the most important thing for you is the comprehension of knowledge, because the degree of happiness will be directly proportional to the experience and knowledge you have gained;
  • six - you have every chance to achieve happiness. You tend to act slowly but surely, patience is a valuable thing for you, which you need to stock up on more and not make hasty decisions;
  • seven - on the path to happiness you will have to face various difficulties and trials, but they are important for tempering your character and developing the traits necessary in it. Therefore, do not be afraid of falling, only in this case the goal will be achieved;
  • Eight - It is very important to have unconditional faith in yourself, because insecurity can lead you astray. Therefore, be resourceful, patient and quick-witted to open the doors to happiness;
  • nine - you lack patience. If you wait longer, your life will change for the better. Don't act hastily, it won't do you any good;
  • ten - in this life your main support is yourself. And from the help of strangers you will only suffer;
  • eleven - victory will be unexpected for you, life will present you with a reward much earlier than you expect it;
  • twelve - you should be more careful and reasonable, as your fearlessness can result in problems. Don't overestimate yourself;
  • thirteen - an excessive desire to get what you want will result only in disappointments and nervous shocks. Learn to enjoy even the little things in life;
  • fourteen - you are not calm enough, you need to take control of your emotional sphere and anger so that it does not control you;
  • fifteen - the implementation of ideas will be quite problematic, you may encounter misunderstanding and loneliness;
  • sixteen - it is important for such individuals to act spontaneously, because they will be able to achieve success precisely thanks to unexpected decisions;
  • seventeen - pay more attention to thinking about your actions. It is important to spend enough time alone with yourself and communicate enough with nature;
  • eighteen - it would be better to wait out the problems than to try to fix them. A sufficient amount of patience will make you a truly happy person. Wait for favorable moments for action;
  • nineteen - be sure to use the chances provided from above. There will be many happy accidents in your life;
  • twenty - there is little harmony in your life. It is important to learn how to build peaceful relations with other people and the world. Remember that everything you send comes back.

Numbers twenty-one to forty

  • twenty-one - a rather rare implementation of plans and ideas, but getting new unexpected opportunities;
  • twenty-two - it is extremely important for such people to eliminate selfishness in themselves and learn how to work in a team, as well as become more tactful, patient and diplomatic;
  • twenty-three - you are almost constantly surrounded by people, you have few enemies, which is not accidental - achieving your goals benefits your environment;
  • twenty-four - your most fantastic ideas can be realized in life, the main thing is to unconditionally believe in them and in yourself;
  • twenty-five - far from always you go the right way, you need to learn how to make the right choice in order to protect yourself from failures;
  • twenty-six - the time spent with loved ones is priceless. Probably, your destiny will be realization in the family, and not in society;
  • twenty-seven - in order to achieve success, do not stop improving yourself, constantly develop;
  • twenty-eight - you are not optimistic enough, and pessimists often suffer from failures. Try to change your angle of view and everything will work out;
  • twenty nine - success will be achieved only if friends or other people help you. It is worth making more connections;
  • thirty - learn to interact with others tactfully, even if it concerns your subordinates, this will in due time bring you very beneficial cooperation;
  • thirty-one - you should stop wasting time. In general, Vanga was very categorical in matters of time: she advised never to waste it and find for yourself useful activities for every minute of your life;
  • thirty-two - only radical changes will help you achieve success. If you want some kind of life change, take action, and also eliminate your old fears and insecurities;
  • thirty-three - in your life you will often encounter stagnation. It is important for you to find the line between gullibility and distrust, this will help you in your further growth;
  • thirty-four - it is typical for you that you spend on all things more energy than you initially think. In general, this is not bad, because anyway, in the end, you achieve your goal;
  • thirty-five - make sure that any contradictions and double subtext go out of your life;
  • thirty-six - others often feel jealous of you, which often even gives you satisfaction, because you perceive others as losers. Other people can bring you trouble;
  • thirty-seven - you need to take strict control over your financial sphere and not spend more than it should;
  • thirty-eight - if you want to move forward in life, you need to be more proactive and independent, if you sit still - no changes will happen. Increase your self-confidence and be more courageous;
  • thirty nine - you often encounter deception from others. Therefore, in order to protect yourself from unpleasant consequences, it is important to always check the information received very meticulously. Also try not to succumb to other people's gossip;
  • forty - to get what you want, you will need to make a lot of effort and spend a large number time. Your success will be directly proportional to the efforts spent for him.

Many people who used Vanga's prediction table confirmed that it provides true information and corresponds to the results of other fortune-telling methods. In addition, statistics show that for the most part all the predictions of the Bulgarian clairvoyant were realized, even those that at first glance seemed very vague and unexpected.

Human thoughts in all ages have been directed to the future. Some plans were built and painstakingly worked on their implementation. But there were also those (and now there are many of them) who tried to lift the veil by magical means. By the way, there are many of them. Let's talk about how to find out your future by date of birth. The method is interesting and in demand. It has been known, according to experts, for many centuries.

The magic of numbers

It is not known when the account was actually invented. But calendars existed in almost all ancient peoples. Consequently, sooner or later they began to note the date of birth. It was analyzed, compared various people. Most likely, science was born in this way. Numbers fascinated, attracted, forced to think. Especially inquisitive people decided to find out how to find out their future by date of birth. Work, it should be noted, gigantic. Apparently, people had to be observed for hundreds of years to identify patterns. In fact, it is unlikely we will ever know the details. But the method itself “how to find out your future by date of birth” is now not a secret. Anyone can use it.

What is needed for divination

Surely you, too, sometimes want to know the future. By date of birth, as it turns out, it is possible to determine not events, but trends. Some say that this date determines the fate of a person. Today, you can use both simple and complex methods of counting.

If in the first only the date itself is needed, then in others it is also the time of birth. Let's stop at easy way. He is no worse than everyone else. All you need is a piece of paper and a pen. Additionally, it is recommended to remember the lessons of arithmetic. There we were told about It is to them that we should reduce the date of birth, written down in full. It means that the year cannot be shortened. A month is written in numbers from one to twelve. In addition, a table is needed in which the characteristics of the numbers are given. That, perhaps, is all.

Counting example

Let's for a better understanding of the future by date of birth, on an imaginary person. Suppose his documents indicate that he appeared in this world on December 2, 1990. This date must be written in numbers. "02.12.1990". Now we need to put them together. We carry out the simplest calculations: 0 +2 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 9 + 0 = 24. The number turned out to be not simple. We add further: 2 + 4 = 6. So we found what we need!

In such a simple way, the future life is determined by the date of birth. In the example shown, "0" appears. It obviously doesn't affect the amount. It was left for everyone to understand exactly how to carry out the calculations.

Deciphering the result

Now, in order to determine the future by date of birth, you need to look at the table (book) of interpretations. It should be noted that many of them have already been written. You may come across various options. Do not criticize or reject them. They all say the same thing, only different words. Do a little research yourself if you wish. You will find that predicting the future by date of birth is almost universal. The texts suggest the direction in which the personality should move, emphasize its innate qualities. It is interesting that such a method, as it were, contradicts the predictions of astrologers, who also focus on the date of birth. However, this is not quite true. It just uses broader patterns. But that's up to you to judge. You know how and what you live, your talents and shortcomings. So compare them with the table.

Characteristics of numbers

The unit speaks of the energy and purposefulness of a person. He takes responsibility for everything he does. But not flexible enough, which often interferes with him.

Two represents a person prone to introspection and solitude. These are very reliable and often gifted people. However, they should spend more time in a team so as not to withdraw into themselves for a long time.

Troika gives its owners faith in higher power. These are mystics or dreamers. Their life often flows in two worlds. These personalities always have intuition, which is recommended to use.

Four speaks of good health, but earthiness. Such individuals rarely venture on a creative flight.

Five endows people with breadth of soul and generosity. These are the most reliable people in the world. They truly love and hate.

Six speaks of wisdom and the gift of foresight.

Seven - about talent, which must be realized. People of this number always become real professionals.

Eight speaks of a difficult fate, often crowned with glory.

Nine is a sign of a huge mind, the ability to make non-standard decisions.

Why is all this necessary?

Sometimes people, having figured out the method of counting, wonder about its use. Indeed, it turns out that determining the future by date of birth is not particularly difficult. Here you have carried out simple calculations, read the result. What to do next? Looking for talent in yourself or trying to feel intuition, which has not yet manifested itself? In fact, the above are only general trends. They can be expanded and deepened. And this knowledge is needed so that a person can open up more fully, better understand himself. For example, why try to become a rocket scientist if you are drawn to maps and ghosts? Know that the date of birth is such that you should receive information from the “other world”. It is necessary to direct energy to this, to study. Although no one forbids working by profession either. But in the process, try to use your mystical abilities. Get more results. Try it yourself.

What else can you find out by date of birth

There are techniques that allow you to characterize any day or year. Its date simply needs to be summed up with your number. It turns out new code. Decrypt it according to the same table of values. But not only. The results obtained must be combined, to see how they are combined. For example, your number is three. You want to know what to expect from the coming year. We did the calculations and got a five. Let's look at the meanings of the numbers. Three is mystic. Five - openness and love. What happens? Unusual, perhaps romantic events await a person in the coming year. Only he must feel them with his soul, with his heart. Events must be dealt with openly and sincerely. It is forbidden to cheat and hide. Then happiness is guaranteed. So you can analyze at least every day (or hour). By the way, it's fun. It becomes especially pleasant when a person begins to understand the patterns of combinations of numbers. They are not as simple as it seems at first glance. It takes practice and some experience to become a good predictor! Good luck!