Aquarius fate. Woman born under the sign of Aquarius

  • 02.07.2020

Chapter 11

Air element, transformation zone, permanent cross. Rulers Uranus and Saturn, the Sun is in prison, Mercury culminates, Pluto is in the fall.
The transformation zone gives us a kind of ideal manifestation of the elements; in relation to the element of air, this no longer means mind and communication, but super-mind and super-communication, that is, hints of how these qualities are represented in the sphere of Cosmos or what they will be in the future.

Aquarius man.
Aquarius (along with Cancer) is one of the most mysterious signs of the Zodiac, although (unlike Cancer) he does not mean it at all. Aquarians are said to be actually messengers from the future or agents of flying saucers; Without discussing this issue in essence, it should still be said that there are certain indirect grounds for such opinions.

Aquarius is characterized by great coldness and detachment from the world; he is mainly interested in (mental) ideas, and people only insofar as they perceive his ideas. But if Gemini transmit information, so to speak, horizontally, from one person to another, then Aquarius uses vertical communication, from heaven to earth, i.e. ideas come to him directly from the Cosmos. Therefore, the main problems of Aquarius are very specific, inherent in him alone and incomprehensible to others. zodiac signs. The first problem of Aquarius is to decipher the information that came to him (as if in the order of insight or revelation) - an idea, a thought, an impulse. This, as a rule, is quite difficult, since adequate perception of fundamentally new ideas always requires the development of a special symbolic language, which Aquarius does not know at first (or simply does not exist). And usually an unprepared Aquarius perceives information from the Cosmos in a general (non-specific) symbolic language, not knowing the exact meaning of the symbols coming to him, sometimes not understanding at all, sometimes only guessing what they are.
Therefore, the first main task of Aquarius is to develop (in the process of dialogue with the egregor) an adequate language, with the help of which he himself, and through him the rest of grateful humanity, could understand what is at stake and what exactly information the Cosmos is trying to convey to Aquarius. However, this requires a lot of work and a sincere desire to figure it out, which, unfortunately, is not inherent in all Aquarians. Therefore, a significant part of them go around the world, saying strange and obscure things and somewhat abstractly preaching fantastic ideas that are completely raw material, which they feel great about.

An undeveloped Aquarius thinks something like this: "My job is to make a guess. And then a talented person will come and develop it into a discovery." The error of this reasoning lies in the fact that a person gifted enough to make a discovery on such an undeveloped idea will make it without the help of Aquarius, and the latter has already been given the key and must (karmically) Aquarius himself turn it.
The latter, however, does not mean that Aquarius should be engaged in the implementation of their discoveries into practice; his job is to develop a new and adequate language for his information channel and use it to create a sufficiently detailed mental construction that will express his revelations in a language understandable to people. After that, Aquarius, as a rule, loses interest in this idea as already banal and begins to be interested in the next one.

The second main task of Aquarius is to find the right addressee for their ideas. The problem is that society is usually not ready for them, because they come from a too distant future and are not directly realizable, or Aquarius himself does not understand them well enough. (Most of the time both are present.) Being a sign of air, Aquarius must karmically convey his ideas, and not only create an adequate symbolic language for expressing them, but also teach someone this language and pass on his knowledge (more precisely, a mastered information channel) further, and this may not be so easy , and the tasks of Aquarius include the development of an accurate language that would be understandable and convenient not only for him and the egregor, but also for potential students.

Therefore, the developed Aquarius, regularly staying in spaces (especially mental ones) that are completely inaccessible to other signs, always returns to earth after a foreseeable time and very carefully monitors the range of mental interests and problems currently existing in his environment, so that his ideas and the symbolic language was somehow consistent with it. An undeveloped Aquarius (as a rule), on the contrary, seeks to maintain and strengthen his information channel and is not at all concerned that others understand him poorly, consider him strangely eccentric or slightly crazy. He is extremely mentally independent and often stubborn, which (subconsciously) maintains the stability of his initially weak channel with an extremely unstable action, as a result of which the information he receives is greatly distorted. The constancy of Aquarius (permanent cross) is expressed, unfortunately, not in the stability and stability of its connection with the subtle world, but in the steadfastness with which the egregor tries to establish informational contact with Aquarius, as well as in the stubbornness with which Aquarius defends and tries to promote his ideas, although, unlike Gemini, he does not seek wide popularization, often limiting the conditions for the dissemination of his ideas to a narrow circle of friends and (relative) like-minded people. However, as Aquarius develops, his channel strengthens and becomes more stable, and interference decreases (but, however, never drops to zero) and then he needs to limit his eccentricity, reduce stubbornness and pay attention to the world around him, for which (that Aquarius tends to forget, but egregor always remembers) he exists.

The influence of the element of water in Aquarius lies in the fact that he (perhaps subconsciously) sees his ultimate task in transforming the reality around him in accordance with the ideas and ideals that flash in his head. This does not add an element of empathy to him, but it makes the concept of friendship extremely important for him. Friendship for Aquarius is a natural state that replaces all other types of relationships between people. Everyone in the world is his good acquaintance and with everyone who does not oppose this, he is friends, not investing in this concept of an emotional connotation, but bearing in mind the commonality of any interests. And since a normal Aquarius, as a representative of the elements of air, can be interested in any mental idea, the number of his friends is not limited.

In high Aquarius, the somewhat vague concept of friendship is replaced by a sense of unity of people performing a common karmic task or united by one egregor and a conscious principle of cosmic cooperation, which will become the main one in the Age of Aquarius. Some emotional coldness and detachment from the ordinary life of Aquarius give way to a sense of cosmic brotherhood of the Universe, following the path of evolution, where all living beings are considered as irreplaceable, relatively independent and developing parts of one large organism. Bringing this feeling of unity into the world is one of the main karmic tasks of Aquarius.

Uranus as the first ruler of Aquarius gives him a characteristic mental explosiveness and unpredictability. What Aquarius will say or do in the next moment, no one can foresee in advance, including himself. As the planet of higher revelations, Uranus gives Aquarius the opportunity to learn what no one knows and, most likely, will not be known soon, but, unfortunately, never says what to do with it. The management of the higher planet makes high demands on the spiritual level of a person who is counting on self-realization under Aquarius. The fact is that in the low and even middle octave of Aquarius, a person very poorly understands the meaning of what is happening to him, at the same time feeling its importance for the world.
However, not being able to look into the depths and correctly place accents, he considers his eccentric manners and sometimes absurdly original way of thinking to be filled with higher meaning, while they are only foam on the surface of a powerful mountain stream. But to get into the depths while remaining under Aquarius is extremely difficult. The only thing that helps the Aquarius man is his return to external reality and honest attempts to think out and implement his semi-fantastic ideas. Then he begins a deeper study of the idea, and, having penetrated into the higher mental spheres the next time, Aquarius will ask the egregor a question that clarifies the idea received last time, and thereby, on the one hand, will begin its practical implementation, and on the other - really will begin to implement the principle of cosmic cooperation, one of the manifestations of which is the assistance of the highest in evolutionary level to the lowest - to those who want it.

Saturn, as the second ruler of Aquarius, gives him some inner pessimism, which is usually not explicitly expressed by him, but clearly felt. This is due to the fact that Aquarius works at the junction of the present and the future, and he perceives the former as the past, often deep. Aquarius intuitively feels to what extent his ideas are ahead of his time and how small a part of them can be somehow implemented. At the same time, Saturn, when carefully worked out, gives Aquarius the opportunity to differentiate his ideas according to the degree of their accessibility to contemporaries and the ability to work hard and hard, so that the developed Aquarius, being also a constant sign, has great power and influence on his society.

Saturn extends his skepticism to the Uranian ideas of Aquarius, rejecting the most eccentric and lightweight of them and subjecting the rest to careful control and analysis. At the same time, sometimes coming to the fore, the limiting influence of Saturn can suppress the creative principle of Uranus, and then a person ceases to take his thoughts seriously. original ideas and impulses of action, considering them empty fantasies and constantly enclosing themselves in the rigid framework of certain (often socially accepted) dogmas.
Thus, Saturn grounds Aquarius, and Uranus lifts him to higher mental (and spiritual) realms, and balancing these two principles is the main task of Aquarius. In youth, the lower Uranus more often dominates, i.e. False eccentricity, independence and stubbornness, incomprehensible to anyone, but after thirty years, the opposite trend is likely, when the lower octave of Saturn comes to the fore, and the person becomes overly cautious, pragmatic and mentally limited. However, the opposite option is also possible, when the principle of Saturn comes to the fore from the very beginning, and the influence of Uranus begins to be felt only after the Saturn influence has been worked out; it is, rather, even more constructive, but it is psychologically difficult for a person to believe in his hidden possibilities of a breakthrough into the future and creativity after 30-40 years of gray everyday existence.
Nevertheless, the action of Uranus in any person, not only Aquarius, is often felt for the first time at 40-42 years old, with the opposition of its transit to a radical position; at a lower elaboration of this stressful period, a person "rages", commits chaotic insane acts, at a higher one - he tries to expand his consciousness, because at this time the influence of the World Mind is strong. At the age of 29 (the transit of Saturn on the radical Saturn), a person at a new level feels his responsibility to the world and himself, and he has about 12 years to think, and at the age of 40-42 Uranus really makes it possible to start life anew.

The imprisonment of the Sun puts for Aquarius a peculiar emphasis on his karmic task, the meaning of which is reduced to impersonal participation in the process of connecting the ideas of the future with the present. In other words, the developed Aquarius understands that the ideas that come to his mind are not (completely) the fruit of his mental efforts, but for the most part are information messages sent by higher evolutionary entities, the ultimate goal of which is to help the present in the process of evolution. Therefore, his will (the principle of the Sun) should be directed to the creation of ("their") ideas, and to the most accurate and detailed reading of information received from outside - this is a high realization of the principle of air. The initiative of Aquarius also extends to what problems of our time he considers more relevant (among those that interest his egregor) and in what direction he will develop the symbolic language in which he perceives information, and what clarifying questions he asks egregor.
Only with full awareness of one's karmic task and the development of appropriate modesty in attitude and behavior is it possible for Aquarius to work out this symbolic aspect (i.e., the imprisonment of the Sun) and self-realization.

The undeveloped Sun gives Aquarius a feeling of alienation from this world, but also a lack of inclusion in more subtle plans, it is, as it were, suspended between heaven and earth, the future and the present. His vague guesses seem to him the only true, brilliant, precise and clear concepts, unrealizable solely because of the impenetrable inertia and stupidity of humanity, its whims, false self-confidence and stupid eccentricity - a unique, incomparable and only possible way of behavior for him. But the confinement of the Sun affects in some way and positively even with a low level of study: Aquarius is still inclined to talk not about himself; in extreme cases - about his ideas, which he again perceives (subconsciously) impersonally, as if they were not his. Aquarius, although not very emotionally involved, will still talk with a new acquaintance not about his own, but about his interests, and if this is a woman, he will not start talking about his children and home right away, and if a man does not make a characteristic stand and not drag a stranger to bed after a ten-minute conversation.

The culmination of Mercury gives the developed Aquarius an extraordinary ability to create flexible symbolic languages, on the one hand, comprehensible to his contemporaries, and on the other hand, adequate enough to transmit the information transmitted to him through the channel. The development of such abilities is necessary for Aquarius in order for vague ideas and images to turn into real knowledge. This work of Aquarius is creative to a large extent, since he simultaneously creates new forms in the egregore, which transmits information to him, and at the same time determines the appearance, i.e. the form of their concepts, which is by no means indifferent to humanity and to some extent affects the laws of nature. Any system of concepts and definitions changes the world: a well-thought-out one makes it more harmonious, a rigid and clumsy one makes it ugly.
An undeveloped Aquarius tends to use too fragmentary and poorly coordinated concepts, signs and symbols in the vain hope that he will be understood anyway, at least to those who need it. He is too independent in his means of expression and is not inclined to develop and improve them; in particular, this applies to the subtle world, any information from which the beginning Aquarius tends to deify, completely unaware that it needs significant processing, correction and translation into a language more or less understandable to mankind, which Aquarius himself must gradually develop. Realizing and doing this is not at all easy; however, Aquarius is inspired by a common love for the new and the desire to help humanity in its development.

The fall of Pluto in Aquarius symbolizes the difficulty of the practical implementation of the ideas of Aquarius, which actually requires a fundamental restructuring of the existing state of affairs. An undeveloped active Aquarius acts in many ways destructively, destroying its environment, which is not able to perceive alien, but energetic thought forms, and this is the manifestation of the lower octave of Pluto. The development of this symbolic aspect means that Aquarius realizes the need for a detailed and comprehensive transformation of reality based on his initially rather abstract ideas. The difficulty (symbolized by the fall) here lies in the fact that Pluto gives either too outwardly practical or too subtle plans of work, equally difficult for Aquarius with his somewhat abstract mental categories. However, in general, the meaning of this symbolic fall, as well as the climax of Uranus in Scorpio, needs more detailed and thorough analysis than the scope of this textbook allows.

The situation of Aquarius is reflected in many works of science fiction, excluding only those where the socio-ethical orientation prevails (the latter is dominated by the background of Sagittarius). All kinds of inventions, unexpected witty Constructive decisions, an incomprehensible mental synthesis, when a harmonious building of an integral mental structure, scientific theory, etc. arises in place of scraps of knowledge, hypotheses and conjectures. - all this arises with the direct participation of Aquarius. The situation of Aquarius does not shine with emotionality and is not expressed in direct changes in dense forms, although sometimes it is accompanied by the collapse of outdated mental structures, concepts and theories, when they are subjected to witty and sometimes crushing criticism from an unexpected side. Aquarius pours from his two jugs living and dead water; the first (mostly Uranian) is intended for the constructive implementation of the ideas of evolution, the second (mainly Saturnian-Plutonic) serves the purposes of inspection, verification (Saturn) and destruction (Pluto) of everything obsolete that hinders evolutionary development. The mature situation of Aquarius is characterized not only by the originality and some fantasticness of the dominant ideas, but also by their great imperativeness (a permanent cross): it is felt that they cannot be brushed aside, that they have great power and in one form or another will certainly enter into life. One often hears about the strength and habits of the past, which are very difficult to overcome (the lesson of Saturn), but the imperative situations of Aquarius are rarely realized when the future rushes in like a tank attack.

The Aquarius situation of the lower octave is felt, on the contrary, as random, chaotic and accompanied by crazy ideas, false eccentricity, stupid and incomprehensible stubbornness and excessive demands for mental freedom without accompanying internal discipline. Here the idea of ​​friendship and cosmic cooperation can result in an attempt at collective sex (with a mental connotation) or group mental meditations without a clear constructive goal, especially within the framework of a mental religion with complex symbolism and ideology, but without a true religious content, i.e. channel to a fairly high egregor.
Harmonious Aquarius feels at ease and free in any intellectual environment; he is interested (at least superficially) in absolutely everything that can be said. He has a pleasant friendly smile, and absolutely everything wants to be friends with him, which Aquarius sometimes uses for personal purposes without much remorse, knowing full well that friendship is paid for services, and not reciprocal services; he himself (it seems in his manners) is ready to be friends with everyone, although in reality this is far from the case, people who share his way of thinking and aspirations become his real friends.

The ideas of a harmonious Aquarius do not come into sharp conflict with the views of his time; on the contrary, most often they (for a developed Aquarius) are original approaches to solving already urgent problems. If Uranus or Saturn are strong or there are other confirming factors, the harmonious Aquarius can become a famous inventor or scientist in the natural or mathematical sciences. The gulf between the present and the future does not seem terrifying and insurmountable to the harmonious Aquarius, and although he perfectly feels the unattainability of some goals today, he is not too upset, because deep down in his soul the present also often pleases him, such as it is.
The danger for a harmonious Aquarius lies in the fact that much that requires effort and development seems to him already quite clear. The main karmic task of Aquarius - the development of a symbolic language for an information channel of communication with the subtle world - seems to him simple, easily feasible and already practically completed when the real work had not even begun. Indeed, he has great abilities for her, but Saturn will put real obstacles and difficulties only when the first (easy) part of the path has already been completed, and the person will demonstrate to the egregor the seriousness of his intentions. Only after this begins the realization of the true karmic task of man.

The amazed Aquarius keenly feels the imperfection of the world around him and the abyss between the present and the future, where he makes regular flights, but receives fragmented and poorly expressed information, moreover, often distorted by the subconscious. At the same time, the last thing that the (undeveloped) amazed Aquarius strives for is the improvement of his connections with the subtle world and the development of an adequate language of communication - they seem to him completely satisfactory and even excellent - he is not satisfied with the world around him, which his ideas are at their best. case, he does not understand or ignores them, considering them stupid, unrealistic or incomprehensible, and considers the external behavior of Aquarius as a mixture of incomprehensible stubbornness, reaching fanaticism of commitment to his aspirations and unjustified eccentricity in thoughts and assessments.

The amazed Aquarius strives, but cannot at all be friends with people, often with a general benevolent attitude makes them endure his most unpleasant and unexpected tricks, but, however, (if there is no strong defeat) he considers others to have the right to have their own oddities and quirks, of which he suspects hidden meaning. He may have minor and major troubles, stemming from the best intentions, which poorly take into account the level of the environment and the degree of his readiness to correctly perceive the ideas of the struck Aquarius. The study of the sign goes mainly through methodical and lengthy work to improve contacts with the present and establish communication with the information channel, and the strengthening of Saturn, from which the affected Aquarius may have phobias and regular depressions with a mental component, the feeling "I don't know anything, I don't understand and I will never be able to do anything in the intellectual field, there is nothing original in me, except for idiotic, worthless and inappropriate fantasies.
The karmic task of the stricken Aquarius is not easy, he must establish a connection between his contemporaries who do not understand him, and the egregor, who gives out information that is obscure to Aquarius himself, but in some ways very constructive and essential for the world information, often also distorted. Therefore, huge mental (and intuitive) efforts are required from him and, not least, the development of great modesty in relation to himself in general and his abilities in particular, otherwise mental illnesses are likely for him, especially with a split personality and access to difficult areas. subtle world (the so-called hell). The low, amazed Aquarius considers his ideas to be personal to himself and therefore protects them and rushes with them doubly against an ordinary person, which causes severe irritation surrounding. However, it should be remembered that when worked out, he can give humanity something that no one else will give, and it is extremely important for him. His independence and stubbornness are in many ways incomprehensible to himself and in reality are often signs of the rigidity and strength of the main karmic program that leads him through life. This rigidity is due to the fact that the affected Aquarius must (unlike the harmonious one) turn on for humanity an information channel for which it is not ready or which is disharmonious to it, and here the mistakes of Aquarius are often irreparable, so that the egregor has to lead him, as they say, on a short leash, at least up to a certain level of elaboration.

Planets in Aquarius
Aquarius without planets
Flat Aquarius.
A person who has no planets in Aquarius and is not aspected by Uranus will not be particularly eccentric in thinking and manners, unexpected solutions to mental problems will rarely come to him, his reasoning will lack a characteristic "zest", and he will hardly be given bad a prepared intuitive mental synthesis, which will save him from many false ideas and projects, but will greatly weaken the creative moment in life as a whole. But those around him will rarely have unexpected troubles from him.

Sun in Aquarius
Cosmic Aquarius.
The confinement of the Sun shows that the karmic task symbolized by this aspect is difficult. The elaboration of the aspect is associated with a certain self-denial, conscious submission of one's will to the will of the egregore, who broadcasts information to solar Aquarius. The first step towards working through this aspect is the realization of the fact that a person does not generate, but perceives information that appears from time to time in his head in the form of flashes-revelations, and that his task is to serve "only" as a transmitter of this information to people.
The Sun requires the subordination of all the conscious will of the developed solar Aquarius to this goal and accordingly forms its ethics, which is headed by the principle of cosmic cooperation and voluntarily rendered and accepted help of the higher in the evolutionary development of the lower. Since at present this ethics on Earth is socially unacceptable almost everywhere, it is formed in the subconscious of Aquarius and is realized by him in a very distorted form, so that the study of this aspect is not easy. Therefore, solar Aquarius is usually perceived by others as cold, aloof, talented in the sciences (air sign), but incomprehensible in behavior and internal motivations. The coldness of Aquarius is connected, on the one hand, with the fact that his ethics is partly the ethics of the future, which to a limited extent excites the lower emotions of the present: they are greatly distorted, since the correct vision of the world and evolution is largely closed to him, and on the other hand, with the moment self-denial (imprisonment of the Sun), since strong personal emotions do not give a person the opportunity to accurately fulfill the will of egregor. It should be noted that this self-denial is voluntary only at a high evolutionary level, when a person begins to see the laws of karma and the true goals of group work, and until then solar Aquarius is much more deprived of free will than other solar signs, except perhaps solar Leo. .

Moon in Aquarius
Practical Aquarius.
Lunar Aquarius has a very unpleasant moment in his inner life: he constantly feels like he is suspended between heaven and earth, he wants to go into the future, but they don’t let him go there, and the present is already of little interest to him and is perceived by him mainly mentally, and therefore superficially. At the same time, the Moon gives Aquarius the possibility of a deeper perception of reality (both present and future) and the desire for this, which Aquarius feels as an urgent need, but is usually rationalized simply as a desire to connect with cosmic information flows, while the Moon requires that Aquarius feel them well, almost materialize for himself, so to speak. The developed aspect gives Aquarius the opportunity to deeply feel the influence of his information flows on the reality around him and develop a very accurate symbolic language for communication with his egregor, with which, in turn, the lunar Aquarius can have a very intimate relationship and on which the developed Aquarius has a great influence .
Lunar Aquarius is very sensitive to the subtle information flows passing through it, and in their absence it languishes, and at the same time its tastes are changeable; it is very important for him to have an adequate environment of like-minded people who understand his spiritual needs well and have similar group goals and systems of views. During his life, he needs to solve the following problem: on the one hand, he is drawn to life, and on the other hand, something decisively does not allow him to essentially merge with it, and here he must not fall into despair, but find this line and come to terms with it. This is a difficult aspect, but its study gives amazing abilities, including psychotherapy.

Mercury in Aquarius
Formal Aquarius.
The developed aspect gives Aquarius excellent combinatorial abilities in any sphere of mental ideas, the ability for witty synthesis and for any kind of communication, both with the surrounding reality and directly with the subtle world.
Mercurial Aquarius is able to create large and detailed symbolic languages, in which information messages, hitherto absolutely impossible to transmit, from egregor and to egregor, including the spiritual ones, can be broadcast. Strictly speaking, the mystical-spiritual plane is difficult to convey by Mercurial symbolic systems; they serve rather as means of tuning a person to the corresponding mental states in which perception proceeds directly, telepathically. This, of course, is very difficult, since the mystic has to speak in a language unusual for her. However, such systems are necessary, and in the highest octave of the aspect, their creation succeeds.
At the same time, Mercury orients Aquarius to a purely mental perception of the world and tempts him to look at reality as a certain game that can be described by formal (for example, mathematical) methods, and tries to narrow Aquarius’s already not very large abilities for essential and emotional perception, giving he is compensated too well. Why try to feel something when mental pictures so easily arise in the head, so well, clearly and conveniently describing and explaining everything? Mercury Aquarius still needs to understand that these pictures, as well as all kinds of logical reasoning, arise in him too easily to claim the adequacy of reality. However, a rational mind, applied to the unknown reality of the future that Aquarius deals with, can grossly simplify the subtleties and in fact not understand everything new that the egregore is trying to convey. Therefore, in this aspect, there is a great danger of accepting the mobility of the mind, i.e. combinatorial abilities, for its depth and breadth. In the process of communication with the subtle world, Aquarius has the primary impulse of Uranus (instant informational revelation), and only then should go Mercurian processing and comprehension; and here there is a temptation to pass off the products of rational, albeit brilliant, thinking as Uranian inspiration.

Venus in Aquarius
Harmonic Aquarius.
Venus orients Aquarius to the aesthetic aspects in the perception of the world, and in general, like the Moon, increases his level of direct perception of reality. True, Venusian Aquarius presents aesthetic categories in the mentally progressive framework characteristic of him. In the highest octave of the aspect, Aquarius has the opportunity to navigate the information that comes to him, evaluating it with the help of (intuitive) aesthetic criteria, which greatly increases the level of his activity. In a harmonious variant, the development of the aesthetics of the Venusian Aquarius is in harmony with the aesthetics and needs of his time, and the ideas he conveys attract contemporaries not only intellectually, but also aesthetically and emotionally; if Venus is struck, the tastes of Aquarius turn out to be very strange, and his ideas often seem ugly to people of his era, although when worked out (by Aquarius himself or time) they can turn out to be much deeper and more fundamental than with harmonious Venus. Venus does not make Aquarius warm, but the cold beauty of formal sign systems becomes clear to him, and he begins to strive for it, which has a positive effect on his interaction with egregor, since the terms "harmoniously - inharmoniously" are much more constructive for their dialogue than "right - wrong "; and although the aesthetics of the information flows of the distant Aquarian egregor is comprehended with some difficulty and not at all immediately, it is very promising for cooperation.
Venus also orients Aquarius to social problems, he begins to look for promising forms of development of his contemporary society, which is rather difficult, since the nature of social relations in the future is largely determined by the spiritual level of people, which is difficult for Aquarius to imagine, but absolutely necessary, at least purely mentally. With the defeat of Venus, the modern social structure is so alien to Aquarius that it may have conflicts with the environment, which in principle can mean a potentially deep look at social problems, but in need of development.

Mars in Aquarius
Restless Aquarius.
Mars gives Aquarius great strength; he also directs his attention to the development of society and thoughts related to energy problems. These are, for example, the dynamics of social relations during wars and revolutions, many branches of physics (elementary particles, the theory of gravity, all concepts of energy interactions, etc.), chemistry (energetics of chemical reactions), biology, etc. In principle, this is the aspect of the scientist and researcher; its danger lies in the fact that it gives the temptation to interpret energy as the only source of life; this is so, but only if one understands energy broadly enough, in particular, one can take into account subtle energies, such as the energy of a directed thought. At a high level of elaboration of the aspect, a person gets the opportunity to create a direct enough energy channel of communication with an egregore, which is controlled mentally; in other words, it means a lively meaningful dialogue with an egregor.
In terms of interaction with the outside world, a well-developed Mars gives Aquarius words, endowed with energy that can do a lot. Here it is important not to succumb to the charm of force and to accurately find the object of its application, for which you need to pay special attention to the perception of reality and not rush to correct it right there and according to the first idea that came to mind. In the highest octave of the aspect, the Martian Aquarius directs maximum energy precisely to the perception of the outside world and to the improvement of the communication channel with the egregore (i.e., the symbolic language) in a direction that is especially relevant for the present moment.
At the same time, there are parallel changes in the egregor, which are of main interest from the point of view of evolution. In the lower octave, Mars (especially struck), on the contrary, forces Aquarius to hasty speeches and propaganda of ill-conceived ideas to a society that is not ready for their perception, which leads to embitterment and intolerance. This is the aspect of inventors who make their own inventions; if Mars is afflicted, it is often much more effective to focus on working with the subtle world and to devote minimal effort and time to implementation.

Jupiter in Aquarius
Aquarius with wide eyes.
The developed aspect gives Aquarius the opportunity to see the present through the eyes of the future, overcoming the characteristic inertia and narrowness of the views of his social environment. Here the karmic task is to show the present picture of the future with broad strokes, in general and the main thing, without focusing on insignificant and yet unknown details. An undeveloped aspect leads to the temptation of a superficially optimistic view of the surrounding life, since Jupiter gives Aquarius wide and easy opportunities for receiving information through channels from the subtle world, and until this information is properly processed, it has a characteristic Jupiterian light-rainbow character: ".. .and we all, holding hands together, will easily and freely build a bright future, smart, cultured and educated. "
The developed aspect gives Aquarius significant opportunities for cosmic cooperation and progressive influence on the society around it through the introduction of advanced scientific views and religions, but working through here requires overcoming a double obstacle: the mental isolation of Aquarius, enhanced by the general superficiality of Jupiter. Beautiful slogans that do not have real power, i.e. well-developed information and energy channel, lead to nothing.
Jupiter gives Aquarius great opportunities for compensation, and, in particular, switching from activities related to the surrounding society to activities related to the development of a new information channel to the subtle world and back; in case of failure, he always has a new field of activity, which, with an undeveloped Saturn, can lead to a complete grinding of both Aquarius himself and his affairs.

Saturn in Aquarius
Disciplined Aquarius.
Saturn puts the problem of the sign on the agenda; in the case of Aquarius, he poses two problems: interaction with the outside world and with the subtle world. Saturn makes Aquarius very serious and greatly facilitates his contact with the outside world; he is practical, tries to maintain one general line and is not inclined to adventures. However, the Uranian influence is felt here as well; albeit implicitly, Saturnian Aquarius constantly has rather peculiar and often unexpected ideas that require development and implementation, and their fate depends on the level of development of the aspect.
The undeveloped aspect gives the intellectual skeptic; he tests all ideas (including his own) from a narrowly practical point of view, and everything that turns out to be new or unexpected is subjected to decisive doubt; the future appears to him as a simple linear continuation of the present, and thinking is squeezed by the narrow framework of ideas received in childhood; however, greater methodicalness and consistency of thinking is possible, especially with a harmonious Saturn.
As the aspect develops, Aquarius begins to pay more attention to his original ideas and tries to explore them more seriously, relying on Saturnian discipline. However, insignificant progress in terms of attempts to create an adequate symbolic language for the perception of subtle information runs into the limitations of Saturn's fantasy, and nothing happens for a long time; on the other hand, Aquarius begins (often successfully) to exploit that one original thought that Saturn approved of him.
The developed aspect is characterized by the already constant close attention of Aquarius to the original ideas that come into his head; he tries to classify them and gradually comes to the creation of a sufficiently developed language, with the help of which he can discuss in detail with his egregore certain issues of interest to him, and then offer the world theories and concepts that are already largely ready for practical application. But he is always distinguished by the thoughtfulness of the final result of research, his slogan "There is nothing more practical than a good theory."
However, at all levels of development of the aspect, Aquarius cannot get rid of the characteristic clamp of thinking, especially felt during contacts with egregor. He can very carefully sharpen the perfect instruments he has created, but their number (as it seems to him) is always limited, free creative flight over the boundless unknown spaces of the mental plane of the subtle world is not given to him, and he always (at least subconsciously) feels it very keenly.

Chiron in Aquarius
Promising Aquarius.
The developed aspect makes the connection of egregore with Aquarius almost material. He learns to distinguish information from the higher layers of the subtle world, which is always intuitive and difficult to interpret in any formal language, from information coming from lower layers, which can be accurately interpreted in a suitable language, which is an extension of already known ones, and further check for applicability in current living conditions of chironic Aquarius. He is essentially a practitioner; but for him practical are such problems that before him were considered not only unsolvable, but even sometimes taboo in society.
The last generation of chironic Aquarius refers to the laws of karma and the life of the subconscious as something quite real, specifically regulating our lives and just as accessible for study and practical use as the already discovered laws of inert nature (the laws of physics, chemistry, geology, etc.). .P.). There is hope that this generation will significantly advance epistemology, establish the dependence of the potential boundaries of human and human cognition on their evolutionary level, and be able to discover new principles of teaching that would take into account the actual abilities and capabilities of students. The result of such training should be a real opening of channels to the subtle world, and not mental surrogates of knowledge.
A developed aspect gives extraordinary mental powers; a person learns to work regularly with an egregor, i.e. solves problems systematically by the method of "brilliant insight", which needs only a slight purely mental refinement. At the same time, the undeveloped aspect gives constant ersatz "revelations", i.e. thoughts unexpected enough for a person to consider them not "one's own", but coming from somewhere above, and be confused by them, but not developed enough to be practically used, although it seems that a little bit is missing . To work through this aspect, a significant expansion of mental consciousness is required, and Chiron gives an impulse and a hint, but this alone is not enough. It takes a big and dedicated personal work. However, overall this is a very promising aspect.

Uranus in Aquarius (1995/96-2003)
Forward looking Aquarius.
Uranus focuses the attention of Aquarius on the subtle world. He gives Aquarius new strength and fills his jug of living water to the top. This generation discovers fundamentally new scientific ideas that can greatly change the direction of human development. When defeated, this aspect provides devastating evidence that the old ideas are outdated and the old principles of uniting people are false. The maturity of the last Uranian Aquarius fell on World War II, where Aquarius demonstrated the principle of cosmic cooperation and the brotherhood of people in the lower octave, in the face of mortal danger and unheard of suffering. As a result, there have been great shifts in the public subconscious, in particular, the idea of ​​an aggressive world war is no longer popular. In addition, the sexual revolution was prepared, which, although it ended in failure, somewhat clarified the role of sex in human relations. In the late 40s, computers were discovered and the industrial revolution began, uniting those the developed countries where it took place; the dependence of politics on the economy has increased dramatically, national and global egregores have become stronger.
At the same time, Uranus strongly distracts Aquarius from practice, which is especially felt in individual horoscopes. The undeveloped aspect gives extreme eccentricity of views, fantastic ideas related to the most distant future and often quite odious on closer examination: contempt for the present and the assertion of new forms of human community for which humanity is clearly not ready; with appropriate aspects, it can be a false prophet, a herald of the new in words and a talented swindler in essence, speculating on people's desire for progress. The developed aspect gives the ability to look far into the future and put the cornerstones on the path of human development, as well as to see and indicate its dead ends.

Neptune in Aquarius (1998-2011/12)
Inspired Aquarius.
Neptune gives Aquarius a mystical inspiration that is very difficult to fit into the constructive framework of the element of air. The developed aspect removes the excessive rational principle of Aquarius, replacing (where necessary) the rational synthesis with the mystical. Here Aquarius has the opportunity to experience the true unity of the past and the future and their mutual influence on each other and to know the true meaning of history. Neptune brings an additional mystical meaning to the symbolic systems of Aquarius, that is, it enhances the energy of the symbols. At the same time, an undeveloped aspect is manifested in the fact that for Aquarius both images of the outside world and information begin to lose their clear outlines. coming from the subtle. Here, the study is very difficult, since the mystical fog greatly interferes with understanding the egregor's not particularly clear signals. Nevertheless, Neptune, interfering at the first stage of the development of a symbolic language for the egregor's information channel, significantly helps in the next in creating a language with a very large bandwidth, often of a hieroglyphic type (such as astrology, which will receive great development and distribution in the Age of Aquarius) , where the main symbols have a fuzzy, but very rich content, and the clarification of their specific meaning is done contextually, so that each text has a great depth, comprehended by a person gradually, as his evolutionary development. In an individual chart, a developed aspect can mean strong abilities for clairvoyance and especially prophecy, a vision of the past, previous incarnations, special abilities to communicate with the subtle world, a synthetic vision of all plans at the same time.

Pluto in Aquarius (2023/24-2043/44)
Opening Aquarius.
This generation is revisiting historical traditions and changing views on the future and progress. In a disharmonious version, this happens forcibly or with elements of violence, innovators are viewed as malicious renegades and rebels, and they are dealt with disproportionately cruelly in relation to their words and deeds in a purely external plan; this means that in fact there is a very serious war on the astral plane and the restructuring of the egregore, in which obsolete parts die off or are replaced by new ones.
The developed aspect makes it possible to reconsider the types of relations between individual collectives and humanity as a whole with the subtle world, untie very ancient karmic knots and more meaningfully lead evolution on Earth and cosmic cooperation. This aspect opens a new cycle of self-knowledge of mankind as part of a single cosmic brotherhood, about which there is still the most fragmentary and vague information.


1. The eleventh sign of the Zodiac, the sign of Air.
2. Type - male. The main feature is intelligence.
3. Astrological symbol - a man pouring water.
4. Ruling planet - Uranus, Saturn.
5. Lucky day - Saturday.
6. Favorable dates of the month - 8, -17, 26.
7. The corresponding color is black.
8. Talisman stones: garnet, zircon, sapphire.
9. Metal - uranium.
10. Flowers - myrtle, narcissus.
11. Symbols, indices - Aquarius, silver hands, wings, plane, zigzags, icon.
12. Talisman - icon.

Those born from January 21 to February 1 under the influence of Jupiter are shy and delicate, melancholic and sophisticated in love.
Important years: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

Those born from February 2 to 12 - under the influence of Mercury - are gentle, smart, a little conceited, have humor.
Important years: 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

Born from February 13 to 20 - under the influence of the Moon - Natures are disappointing, restrained, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant.
Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Aquarius is the most freedom-loving sign of the zodiac. There are two varieties of Aquarius, one ruled by Sature, the other by Uranus. Saturn is the planet of sad memories, melancholy, unfulfilled hopes. Uranus, on the contrary, is the planet of action, the inspirer of scientists.
Aquarius is very attractive to other people because of its humanity. Every Aquarius has something of an inventor obsessed with the idea of ​​improvement. He has periods of laziness and inactivity, but then he overcomes them and in a week he can complete the amount of work calculated for a month. In dealing with Aquarius, you need to be prepared for all sorts of surprises. He loves to shock the townsfolk with his antics. Being calm and kind by nature, Aquarius takes great pleasure when he manages to defy public opinion.

Aquarius can be funny, original, independent, but can also be diplomatic, sympathetic, timid, gentle. There are dark periods of loneliness in his life when he does not want to see anyone. However, no matter what state he is in, Aquarius always retains his sharp insight, which is much deeper and sharper than that of other signs.

Aquarius hates routine, pedantry. Uranus makes him an euntar who instinctively feels that the old traditions are wrong, that the world and people need drastic changes. He constantly analyzes the situation, acquaintances. People around you can feel awkward when Aquarius asks them direct and often tactless questions, getting to their most intimate feelings. But after solving another puzzle, he loses interest, and sometimes even gets upset because of it. The feeling that you have ceased to be interesting to Aquarius and he turned his back on another, more meaningful person is very insulting and not easy to survive.

Aquarius does not have many friends, as he strives for quality, and rarely establishes strong relationships. He is always interested in new people, so he does not have many real attachments. If Aquarius has lost interest in you, it is useless to appeal to his feelings. However, Aquarius is one of the few signs that can offer friendship to a partner after a completed romance.

Aquarius is surrounded by a special atmosphere of isolation. People often don't understand it. This is due to the fact that others simply do not keep up with him, since Aquarius lives mainly in the future and comes to the present only for short periods. Astrology claims that today's Aquarius is 50 years away from ours. This sign is known as the sign of geniuses, since 70% of outstanding people were born under this sign of the zodiac. On the other hand, among Aquarians, the percentage of patients in psychiatric institutions is very high.
Aquarius is not a fighter, although not a coward. He is often not built to fight and is more likely to agree with the wrong opinion, just so as not to enter into a long discussion.

Aquarians, as a rule, have a bad memory, but they don’t need to memorize much, since they get their knowledge in a different, somehow mysterious way.
Aquarius does not tolerate lies and deceit, does not like to lend and borrow himself. If this happens, he will repay his debts on time, demanding the same from his debtors.

Aquarius is a curious mixture of coldness, practicality and eccentric fickleness. His mind and body must be free as the wind. Trying to stop Aquarius is like putting the wind into a bottle. Aquarius is the embodiment of the hopes and ideals of humanity.

Aquarius Woman

She is very charming. She is constantly changing, you will never get bored with her. The Aquarius woman loves to work, but does not tolerate strict discipline. She is a pleasant conversationalist. Usually he behaves with restraint, but after this a change typical for Uranus can come - and she will behave so unpredictably that she will unsettle even experienced people.

She can't stand monotony. Being an individualist, the Aquarius woman is not afraid to be alone. The list of her friends and girlfriends is not very numerous, but they are truly faithful to her.
Men who are interested in Aquarius need to remember that in love it is also paradoxical, as in everything else. She lacks emotions, like all other Air signs. Physical love is not the main thing for her; platonic relationships can also suit her. It cannot be tied to a stove or a bedroom. It belongs to everyone and no one.
Aquarius woman is very freedom-loving. At the same time, she is graceful, witty, bright and knows how to adapt in an amazing way to people from any walk of life. One of its virtues is the complete absence of money-grubbing. Money is far from her first priority. In a man, she appreciates primarily intelligence, and not his bank account. In addition, under normal circumstances, the Aquarius woman is devoid of suspicion. She will never check where her beloved went, she will not call work, putting him in an awkward position. But if she finds out about her partner's infidelity for sure, it will inflict a deep wound on her.

It often happens that she maintains good relations with former lovers. But there is an exception here: the Aquarius woman remembers her first love throughout her life. As for fidelity in marriage, she rarely starts romances on the side. Honest relationships for her are more important than fleeting hobbies.
The appearance of the Aquarius woman is striking. As a rule, she is pleasant and even beautiful, but can be very changeable. Like Libra, Aquarius is often the most beautiful woman in the Zodiac, at worst - the most interesting. She also dresses unusually: sometimes super fashionable, sometimes in a grandmother's style. Her hairstyles are also different and always different from other women. In general, it is elegant and interesting.
It is quite difficult to lure an Aquarius woman into marriage. She needs to be convinced that marriage is not synonymous with prison. In addition, she still has to properly study the applicant for the role of her husband, weigh everything and find out what her chosen one is capable of. Moreover, the opinions of her relatives and friends mean little in this matter.
Marriage with an Aquarius woman is not easy. She will not reject her husband's advice, but she will do everything in her own way. She is a lover of experiments, so even the most elementary things she will do differently than everyone else. Most fast way to lose it is to show jealousy, some kind of prejudice, intolerance or ultra-conservatism.

She has great developed intuition. Her predictions almost always come true, although not immediately, but after some time.

Aquarius man

This sign means some inconsistency. Although he is one of the three air signs, which suggests mobility, he is also constant, containing the qualities of inertia. Aquarius' temperament is not always understood by friends and family. In general, he is optimistic, but often changeable in mood and for some time can succumb to seeming indifference and despondency. Their view of the world is characterized by philosophical impartiality and weak dependence on conventions. Rich hatuition makes them good judges of people's characters.

Aquarius' circle of friends can run the full social spectrum, from the rich and famous to the poor and unknown. Possessing an innate friendliness, he treats everyone with the same courtesy and somewhat impersonal courtesy. The mind of Aquarius is inquisitive and perceptive. He tends to completely disregard the prevailing moral and political tenets of society and embraces radical ideas with fervor, as if they reflected absolute truth. He can easily become a fanatic both in religion and in science or art.
The weakness of Aquarius, regarding which you need to be especially vigilant, is optionality, failure to fulfill promises. In addition, he still has inherent flight from reality, hesitation, whims and pessimism - Aquarius is curious, he is attracted by everything new until he comprehends the truth. He is rather a contemplative of life, but he can also be generous in soul. A man often oscillates between instinct and reason.

Emotionally, he reveals himself in a difficult way, his sensitivity merges with his own imagination. He likes to dream about the unusual, especially in his youth, surrounds the object of love with a mystical halo, rarely corresponding to reality. In other words, Aquarius often idealizes the chosen one, then becomes disappointed and refuses love in the name of friendship.

Some dwell on "relative" happiness, in which the former sentimental traits play a subordinate role. Others hide their inner vulnerability under the mask of indifference and cruelty.

The thirst for prestige is a trap for the Aquarius man. The idea that life, especially love, can easily hurt him is an illusion. Passion can pass through him, but not destroy the heart. He invariably returns to the source of his life force - friendship and chosen affections. The feeling of hatred visits him rarely. For him, his personal freedom is very important, with any attempt on her, and even minor restrictions can force Aquarius to leave the family. Men of this sign have the highest percentage of divorces.
For a temperamental woman, the Aquarius man is most likely not suitable. His sexual sphere is small and is located somewhere in the back of the soul. Erotic claims are minimal, and he completely manages with rare connections in which he finds not so much physical pleasure as satisfaction in the very fact of possessing a beautiful woman. The temperament and experience of a partner for Aquarius do not really matter. In many ways, his sexual behavior is determined by conversations with friends and related literature.
During intimacy, he calmly and willingly submits to a woman, because he is simply not ready for another role. In marriage, he does not allow betrayal, because his head is occupied with work and family affairs.

A woman who decides to connect her life with an Aquarius man should remember that it is impossible:
- limit his freedom;
- make fun of his ideals;
- flirt with his friends;
- to criticize his acquaintances;
- be boring and uninteresting.
He will be interested in one that will be sincere, tolerant and condescending, friendly, original, inquisitive.


Influence - ankles, wrists, bones of the lower extremities, vision. Diseases - varicose veins, nervous disorders, swollen calves of the legs.
With a favorable planetary alignment, Aquarius has physical beauty and abundant vitality. But even in this case, their health is fragile and they are prone to nervous breakdowns during prolonged stress. There is a constant need to purify the blood with an appropriate diet in combination with vitamins and mineral salts. Aquarius, more than any other sign, is sensitive to changes in the position of the planets and, as a result, can be subject to mental disorders.

Aquarius tends to be subject to varicose veins, swollen ankles and muscle spasms in the legs. Therefore, it is better to avoid work in which you need to stand on your feet for a long time. In the last years of life, high blood pressure and atherosclerosis may develop. With an unfavorable position of the Sun at the time of birth, Aquarius during critical periods of his life can become a victim of an accident when working with electrical equipment, from explosions or from incorrectly prescribed drugs.

Aquarians sometimes suffer from strange and unusual illnesses of mysterious origin that are difficult to diagnose and treat for normal medical practitioners. In such cases, the help of a medical astrologer is especially valuable. Leg cramps are a common disease. Their causes are poor blood circulation and lack of daily exercise. Some medicines, breathing exercises, and massage from the knees to the heel to the toes help alleviate this painful condition.

Every Aquarius is a natural healer, although, oddly enough, very few realize this. Aquarius can have a strange and calming effect on people who are emotionally agitated - even the mentally ill calm down.
Aquarians often have unhappy and emotionally unsatisfied marriages. Family crises and disharmony, even if this is not visible from the outside, are reflected in the supersensitive psyche of Aquarius, causing various psychosomatic diseases. The most common are neuralgia, nervous disorders, impaired renal function and rare diseases that are difficult to diagnose.

If there are no other indications from the position of the planets at the time of birth, food does not take too much place in the life of Aquarius. He can fully enjoy a fine table decorated with delicious dishes, and no less - from simple food cooked on a fire during some kind of rest.

Aquarius is ruled by Uranus, the most powerful planet, according to astrologers, despite its remoteness from the Earth. Its physiological effect lies in the tendency to poor circulation, especially in the vessels of the kidneys and legs. Therefore, the Aquarius diet should be supplemented with vitamin C and bioflavins (including rutin) to strengthen the venous system. Vitamin E taken daily helps prevent vascular disease, especially after the age of 35. The daily menu of Aquarius should include fresh fruits: oranges, lemons, apples, pears, grapes, pineapples.

The unfavorable position of Uranus at the time of birth weakens the production of hormones that regulate the calcium-sodium balance. As a result, it increases nervous tension, irritability and fatigue. Calcium deficiency should be replenished with milk, hard cheese, mustard and turnip greens, soybeans, molasses rum and almonds.

The cell salt of Aquarius is sodium chloride, that is, table salt. With its deficiency, water in the body cannot be properly distributed and controlled. Dropsy, mucosal inflammation, diarrhea and, in extreme cases, delusions may occur. This deficit is not replenished, unfortunately, by adding table salt to food, an excess of which can only bring harm - skin diseases, headaches and kidney disease. Foods containing this salt in the right state are: cabbage, spinach, asparagus, celery, radishes, carrots, grains, lentils, ocean fish and seafood, strawberries, apples, figs.

Aquarius (lat. Aquarius) is a sign of the element Air, ruled by two planets at once - Uranus and Saturn. This is one of the most complex and controversial signs zodiac constellation, whose representatives are constantly in search of new sensations. In the sign of Aquarius itself, it was originally enclosed internal conflict- they always strive for freedom, new experience, new information. These are ideological people who pass through the prism of their idealism even immoral acts or the acquisition of the most incomprehensible forms of sexual experience. By the way, it is the representatives of this sign who easily make friends with former lovers, considering sex to be a natural basis for relationships.

At first glance, Aquarians are kind, gentle and even insecure people. They are always happy to help, highly value friendship and are very fond of studying the secrets of being and human existence - the philosophical component of their nature determines their non-standard view of the world. With all the contempt for material values, pathos and luxury, Aquarians are deep down very dependent on comfort and money, although their main ideology concerns the idea of ​​human equality and democracy as the highest value.

Aquarians always strive for originality, which is expressed literally in everything - from the way of thinking to the way of life. They do not flaunt their achievements, but they love very much when their individuality is appreciated. The main spiritual problem of the representatives of this sign is the desire to absorb all the information that is perceived as the highest value, but this information is not always worthy of application. It is significant that the craving for the exoteric and irrational often leads Aquarius to such professions as magicians and artists. In addition, they have a very good sense of art and are distinguished by a romantic temperament.

Weaknesses of Aquarius are infantilism, inability to bring what was planned to the end, the desire to reject any social restrictions and limits, demonstrating one's rejection and dissimilarity to others at the moment of despair and misunderstanding.


Aquarius men are hyper-responsible people who, at the same time, are distinguished by non-standard thinking. They like to take risks and experiment, have an original sense of humor and are easy-going.

In relationships, Aquarius seems superficial, although sometimes his extravagance and revolutionary nature do not exclude the desire for a safe haven. The fact of owning a beautiful woman is sometimes more important for him than physical pleasure.

The Aquarius man treats work with dedication until it begins to restrict his freedoms - he feels confident and comfortable in a situation where conventions and standard schemes are not imposed on him.


Aquarius women are direct, sociable, able to impress and create an atmosphere of comfort. They are incredibly adept at creating variety in intimate life, it is difficult to shock them with obscene proposals or put them into a stupor - Aquarius women, being calm and attentive in everyday life, are very inventive in terms of erotic manifestations.

Aquarius women dress in an original and extravagant way and feel fashion very keenly - this is one of their strengths. They like noisy companies, attention, special places for leisure and the environment of people with whom it is fun and interesting.

In love, the Aquarius woman gives herself completely, selflessly drawing idealistic pictures. At the same time, she is very demanding and requires frankness and devotion. She is seriously hurt by the inattention of her beloved man, although she herself, even being deeply in love, can afford an affair on the side. Brutal men rarely attract Aquarius women - usually a spiritual connection with the object of their attention and invisible vibes are more important to them than playing with biceps and a three-day stubble.


Bad union astrologers tipped Aquarius with Scorpions and Lionswhose active and ebullient activity does not resonate in the somewhat mystical and mysterious way of thinking of Aquarius.


Aquarius men
Charles Dickens, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Abraham Lincoln, A.P. Chekhov, Christian Dior, Paco Rabanne, Clark Gable, John Travolta, Justin Timberlake, Ashton Kutcher.

Aquarius Women
Virginia Woolf, Anna Pavlova, Angela Davis, Yoko Ono, Janice Dickinson, Jennifer Aniston, Paris Hilton, Lisa Marie Presley.

Fixed sign, ruler of the sign-Uranus. The element is air.
lucky days- Wednesday Saturday.
bad days- Sunday.
Season- autumn.
good places- cinemas, stations, mountains, rocks.
Numbers- 2, 4 (all divisible by 4), 8, 9, 11, 13.
Color spectrum- gray, lilac, blue-green, violet.
Black color- unsuccessful.
stones- turquoise, sapphire (but not dark), garnet, opal, amethyst.
Metal- titanium, lead.
Flowers- myrtle, daffodil.
Symbols- Aquarius, silver arms, wings, flight of birds and planes, zigzags, youth, icon.
Mascot- icon.
Lucky Numbers in the Lottery- 9, 14, 19 and their combinations 91419...

Born from January 21 to February 1- under the influence of Venus - shy and delicate, melancholy and refined in love.
Lucky Stones: Aventurine, Amethyst, Rock Crystal, Pearl, Serpentine, Jade, Obsidian, Sapphirine, Hawkeye, Jasper.
Important years: 12, 22, 32, 42, 52.

Born from 2 to 11 February- under the influence of Mercury - gentle, smart, a little conceited, moral, have a sense of humor.
Lucky stones: ametrine (citrus amethyst), turquoise, lapis lazuli, onyx, sardonyx, chrysoprase, citrine, charoite, amber.
Important years: 10, 20, 42, 50, 60.

Born from 12 to 20 February- under the influence of the Moon - natures are easily disappointed, restrained, modest, sensitive, truthful, adamant, pleasant.
Lucky Stones: Aquamarine, Alexandrite, Hyacinth, Garnet, Sapphire, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Zircon, Black Star.
Important years: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 42, 48, 56, 64, 72.

Characteristics of Aquarius

"All this time the gatekeeper examined Alice first through a telescope, then through a microscope, and then through binoculars. Finally he said: - You are going in the wrong direction, and slammed the window."

Like the bewildered Alice that Aquarius Lewis Carroll led through the mazes of Wonderland, dealing with Aquarius must be prepared for all sorts of surprises. Usually friendly and good-natured, people ruled by the planet Uranus still like to act contrary to public opinion and take a hidden pleasure in shocking the townsfolk with their unusual behavior. They often wear bizarre clothing only to emphasize their reluctance to conform to norms.

Aquarians have blue, green or gray eyes, directed somewhere into the unknown distance. Their hair is blond, straight and silky, their complexion is pale, their height is above average, and their features are thin, clearly defined, like the profiles of Roman emperors on ancient coins.

Free-spirited Aquarians are mostly witty, original, and independent, but they can also be timid, affectionate, diplomatic, and compassionate. They are very fond of using the words "friend" and "friends". So, President Roosevelt, also Aquarius, invariably began his addresses to the people on the radio with the words: "My friends." Aquarians do have many friends, they easily make new acquaintances, but they are more interested in quantity than quality, and they rarely become attached to someone for a long time. Such people can easily make friends with both the rector of the university and the local drunkard or giggling schoolgirl. Aquarians are well versed in psychology, and the possibility of analyzing human nature attracts them to more and more new acquaintances. However, they never leave old friends in trouble, and ex-lover or they might even say to the wife, "Let's just be friends, huh?"

Aquarians, subject to Uranus, can get involved in politics, sports, horses, cars, and anything else. Their ruler, the planet Uranus, endowed them with a rebellious spirit, and they instinctively feel that the world needs a radical, revolutionary remake, however, when it comes to politics, they are very cautious. Open fighting on the barricades is not for them.

Astrology teaches that what Aquarians are thinking about now, mankind will comprehend only in fifty years. This may be true, but so far this does not close the gap that separates Aquarius and other people in the present. Many among Aquarians are indeed geniuses, but genius often borders on insanity, and establishing a "watershed" between the one and the other is not always easy. Aquarians have a rare ability to calm the mentally ill, hysterical people and frightened children, which is apparently due to their highly organized nervous system. They themselves cannot boast of remarkable health, as they are especially prone to vascular diseases with circulatory disorders. They suffer from cold in winter and damp heat in summer. By old age, they often develop atherosclerosis and varicose veins are formed, the legs are especially affected. They need to move a lot, be in the open air and sleep, while they sit still, wrap themselves up and do not open windows, and their sleep is short and restless due to increased nervous excitability and mental activity.

Aquarians do not have a good memory and easily fall into the category of "absent-minded professors", but this shortcoming is fully compensated by subtle intuition, sometimes almost magical foreboding of future events and the ability to guess other people's thoughts. So, when the phone rings, he almost always knows in advance who will be on the other end of the line. On the other hand, these people are unusually easy to hypnotize and, knowing this, rarely consent to hypnotic suggestion, which is a mistake, since medical hypnosis would quickly rid them of many of the obsessions from which they suffer. There is nothing supernatural in their thinking. Being a true researcher by nature, Aquarius will never make a final conclusion in his field of knowledge until he analyzes everything thoroughly, and even then nothing can change his point of view.

Aquarians are very truthful, do not tolerate lies, and also do not like to lend or borrow money to anyone. A man who borrowed a ten and did not return it on time, perished in his eyes forever. Although Aquarians are considered to be idealists, they are actually very good at understanding what's what, while idealism is mainly based on blind faith and unreasonable optimism. And this is not typical for them.

The metal of Aquarius is radioactive uranium, and the stone is dark blue sapphire, connecting the wisdom of the past with the secrets of the invisible, distant future.

Aquarius man

Despite the fact that Aquarians are very fond of talking about friendship, their attitude towards love is somewhat peculiar. A girl can remain a "good comrade" for a very long time, but only when he outwardly begins to show hostility towards her, one can suspect that she is seriously interested in her already as a woman. He will hide his feelings for a long time and carefully, but when he finally gets used to the thought that he is really passionate, he will show himself as a gentle and attentive lover.

A woman who liked Aquarius and who wants to achieve reciprocity should first “intrigue” him a little, since unraveling all sorts of secrets gives him great pleasure. Why did she act this way and not otherwise, what is behind this - indifference or just a game? These and other questions can torment him until he reveals all your secrets. But not all women like to be a kind of "insect under the microscope", and many do not stand this test and turn away.

The ideal of Aquarius is a woman friend who can be spoken not only about love, who will not demand mad love and roll up scenes of jealousy. They are not very generous with gifts and sometimes consider that a bouquet of daisies is quite sufficient to express their feelings.

Some Aquarians tend to make cleanliness a fetish. Behind this lies their almost neurotic fear of germs and viruses, which can also penetrate into the sphere of intimate life. Therefore, one should not be surprised when Aquarius says that women's cosmetics cause him allergies - he thinks about it so much that as a result he really becomes covered with a rash, causing complete bewilderment of doctors.

Unlike Cancer, Capricorn or the Weigher, he tries to avoid marriage or delays it in any way. He can talk for a long time about the charms of platonic love, or say that he still cannot support his wife properly, or that he must support his elderly parents, or that he is unworthy of his chosen one, etc. So the case can drag on for years, until one fine day he discovers that all his bachelor friends are already married and he is left alone. Then pride kicks in and he finally proposes.

Having become a husband, Aquarius usually does not like to interrupt his former friendships and generally prefers to consider himself still free, coming home when he pleases. Waiting for him until late and arranging scenes of jealousy makes absolutely no sense, since he is not prone to treason, and all sorts of accusations can only cause him a violent play of imagination, and he will tell a lot of fables.

Sometimes Aquarius likes to be alone - do not disturb him and treat it with understanding, then you will be rewarded with warmth and frankness. People of this zodiac sign often achieve in life great success. They can become Nobel laureates or invent a time machine. Aquarians barely manage to support a family and very rarely find themselves well off. If they have money, they will save it for the implementation of some brilliant idea. An Aquarius husband can easily forget his wedding anniversary, but he is able to give his wife a bouquet of violets in January. Christmas? Who said Christmas has to be on December 25th? It can be celebrated at any time - there would be a mood!

Children for Aquarius are just good comrades who need help to cope with their difficulties: to teach the boys to drive the ball into the goal, and the girls to fix the broken doll. In addition, such a father knows how to perfectly listen and tell fairy tales, being carried away by the adventures of the three little pigs or Snow White no less than children. As for solving difficult arithmetic problems, then here he is just a professor. Children adore the Aquarius father and enjoy spending time with him.

Aquarius woman

And who is the most mysterious, beautiful woman in the Zodiac? Well, of course, Aquarius. Only Libra can compete with her. They dress in an unusual way, the variety of styles of clothing is extremely, hairstyles - from a modest bun and curled curls to a shaved head. By temperament, they are moderately passionate and, like Aquarius men, can be content with platonic love for a long time. Relations with these women can be very pleasant, as long as you do not encroach on their freedom and opportunity to communicate with friends, as well as their various entertainments and interests - choreography, painting, theater, literature, the struggle for peace, etc.

In general, Aquarians are a bit of a witch - they have incredible intuition and the gift of foresight. They predict the future, and their predictions, albeit not immediately, but certainly come true. After all, they are women of the future and know what will happen tomorrow.

Just like Aquarius men, women born under this sign do not particularly strive for marriage and, before tying themselves in marriage, thoroughly study their chosen one, consult with friends and relatives, although they do not have a decisive voice and their opinion is only academic interest.

Women under the rule of Uranus are ideal wives for promising politicians, scientists and teachers. They are exceptionally witty, pleasant in communication, naturally kept in any society, not jealous, trust you at your word, will not fumble in their pockets and briefcases in search of love notes and look for traces of lipstick on handkerchiefs, but as soon as such a woman knows for sure that her husband is not faithful to her, she will leave. Aquarius knows that she will live well alone: ​​she has many good friends and various interests! And with an ex-husband or lover, you can just remain good friends. Therefore, divorces are frequent among Aquarians.

Aquarians do not like to borrow and lend money, but if they take a small amount, they will return everything on time, without reservation. Such women are just a godsend for a man, as they are not wasteful and are afraid of debts, like fire.

Aquarius has its own view of the world, do not try to change it, and if you do not want to lose it, do not be jealous, critical, angry, greedy.

When a child appears, she is at first a little lost - after all, she must now devote all her time and attention to one baby, and she is used to giving them to many at once. But he gradually adapts to his son or daughter, although he does not like to show his feelings outwardly. She is by no means a cold mother, but still somewhat reserved. This does not prevent her from taking part in all sorts of school activities, as well as treating her children's comrades and girlfriends as equals, as if they were her own friends. Aquarius mothers are very tolerant of the behavior and even the misconduct of children, but they require absolute truthfulness from them, which achieves complete understanding with children. She knows how to quickly dispel their fears and convince them that no evil monsters are hiding under their bed, and in a minute turn their tears into laughter, she will be very affectionate with them when they are sick, and carefully look after them. Such a mother is not too demanding of children in the performance of household duties and in compliance with the rules of hygiene.


Aquarius executives are as rare as white crows. The typical Aquarius would rather go hungry than work regularly from nine to five. Most of them do not like to make decisions, give orders and participate in long meetings discussing tedious problems. However, due to their nature, some of them turn out to be excellent bosses. The leader - Uranian, despite absent-mindedness, forgetfulness, shyness or, conversely, impudence, has a sharp mind. Add to this subtle intuition, the ability to analyze and weigh facts and actions, the ability to win the friendship of everyone from an important client to a lift boy, as well as a gift for foreseeing the future, and you have some idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthis unusual leader.

Of course, you can expect all sorts of surprises from him: either he will suddenly offer you to develop a project that is absolutely contrary to everything that he proposed earlier, or he will forget the name of the secretary.

The Aquarius boss is not very generous with bonuses and salary increases, as he believes that everyone gets what they deserve. However, if one of the employees comes up with something really out of the ordinary, he will be able to appreciate it.

He is not at all interested in personal life employees, nor their political views. But he will not tolerate deceit from you or violation of the promise given to him, gossip. If, God forbid, he notices that you are using government stamps for personal correspondence, then your career is over.

Given the love of all Aquarians for change, do not be surprised if, having come to work one morning, you find that your department is now on a different floor, and after the whole team has been working according to a certain system for centuries, your leader suddenly invented something completely different. new - twice as easy and faster. You say that it will take you at least half a year to master this system. Please, he will wait.

Employees involuntarily feel a sense of pride when, in a municipality, the mayor of the city declares their boss "the best manager of the year." But, if you look under the table, you will notice that one leg of the "best leader" is in a blue sock, and the other is in red ...


It is not at all difficult to discern Aquarius-subordinate in a team. This is the guy who left his briefcase at home today, and last week came into your office to borrow a ballpoint pen and casually threw you a rationalization idea. If you are an astute enough leader, you will find time to talk with him at least once a week - you will hear some new and interesting ideas. When he explains to you, in the appropriate technical terminology, that your new machine breaks all the time because the screw under the right gear is not tightened enough (and there is no indication in his questionnaire that he received a special technical education), you really will be convinced in his amazing intuition.

However, having reached any official position, the Uranian does not like to linger there for a long time. Most often, he prefers to become a representative of a free profession: a photographer, dancer, singer, clown, juggler, athlete, composer, etc. He wants to find his place in life and therefore goes through all conceivable and inconceivable professions. This does not prevent him from being a diligent worker and honestly earning his salary. In addition, he is not talkative and knows how to keep company secrets.

The ideas of Aquarius are often ahead of their time by 50 or even 100 years, which is why they consider him extravagant. Imagine for a moment how your great-grandmother in the 19th century would feel if someone began to explain to her the construction of a color television or talk about landing astronauts on the moon! Similarly, one can understand the bewilderment caused by the description of the specific device of the time machine, which Aquarius tells you about. He is a reliable, intelligent and honest partner, not very concerned about money, friendly, able to get along with people.


Famous people those born under the sign of Aquarius:
Francis Bacon, Galileo Galilei, Charles Darwin, Charles Dickens, Lewis Carroll, Charles Lindbergh, Franklin Roosevelt, Thomas Edison, Abraham Lincoln, Somerset Maugham, Vanessa Rodgrave, Ronald Reagan, I. Dunayevsky, A. Chekhov, B. Pasternak.

Aquarius is characterized by pronounced sensitivity and vulnerability. There are many people around them, but in their hearts they are alone. It is worth noting that Aquarians attract unbalanced people who are prone to inadequate actions. As for friendship, representatives of this sign prefer to choose friends forever.

Aquarians are very sociable, sometimes to the point of obsession. However, they are from that category of people who rarely change their minds, but succumb to persuasion. You should not abuse this quality: if Aquarius considers himself insulted or infringed, he will definitely take revenge, despite the risks of harming himself.

Aquarius is distinguished by curiosity and a desire to be interested in any areas of life. This, however, prevents them from focusing on one thing, and usually Aquarius seems to be lazy, although he is able to complete many small things in a day. The ability to learn new things makes many of the Aquarians simply geniuses, but this is fraught with mental disorders, and therefore many of these people are mentally ill.

Aquarius men are romantic in nature, but at the same time with a firm eye on reality. They are capable of unpredictable actions, but try not to risk safety once again. They are inquisitive and tireless in exploring new horizons.

Aquarius women are attractive, they are not afraid to be bright and special, to look defiant. At the same time, they are endowed with intelligence, erudite, attentive, able to make decisions on their own, rejecting advice in every possible way. The Aquarius woman will always do what she needs, but will not want to be responsible for it.

Sign element

Aquarius belongs to the element of air signs, which explains the breadth of his nature and the ability to participate simultaneously in many areas.

The air of Aquarius is all the layers of the atmosphere at once; people of this sign may be interested in something mundane and solid, as well as very high and airy.

Work and career

Every Aquarius has a dream to become successful entrepreneur, but in fact they are more comfortable to remain employees: in this case, they achieve better results.

In general, for success in business, Aquarius lacks business acumen, willpower to overcome himself, and very thick skin that would protect their thin and vulnerable soul from the influence of the outside world. It is worth noting that representatives of this sign rarely take risks, and at the same time miss the good moments. So there is nothing surprising in the fact that rich people rarely come out of Aquarians.

But there are areas where Aquarius will feel like a fish in water: music, painting, singing. Also, they can succeed in areas that require contact with people - journalism, sociology, teaching, but they will never give 100%. It is important for them to take a break, to be alone with themselves, and therefore they often take long vacations.

Aquarians make excellent psychologists and smart therapists, thanks to their qualities with which they can feel people.

Psychological picture

Aquarius is an active sign, and this is more characteristic of their mental organization: they are easily excitable, they often lose their balance, they worry for a long time because of little things. It is in critical situations that his inner strength, the ability to protect himself and his loved ones, is manifested.

Aquarians love to be the center of attention, they immediately have friends and acquaintances, but in the soul of Aquarius he is still alone. His interest in others is educational in nature; discovering new things is much more interesting for him than doing something to change the situation.

The sensitive nature of Aquarius makes them very vulnerable and touchy, and they hold a grudge for a very long time, so every unflattering remark addressed to them may not cause the best feelings in them.

From the outside it may seem that the actions of Aquarius seem devoid of logic, but you should not blindly believe in this. Aquarius owns much more information than those who surround him, and sees what others do not even know about. Unfortunately, representatives of this sign rarely use their knowledge in practice, because. they prefer to think and reflect.
It is worth noting that Aquarians are prone to charity; they would rather do something for someone than for themselves.


Aquarians cannot boast of good health; having a weak supply of energy, these people are still willing to waste it, so at a very young age they learn what fatigue, insomnia, fatigue are. They need to take care of their nervous system.

Representatives of the sign are more likely to suffer from vision problems, as well as diseases of the circulatory system. Older people are often worried about acute pain in the legs, varicose veins, blockage of blood vessels.

In order to be lively, Aquarians need to worry as little as possible and take everything to heart, and of course, do not forget about playing sports. A certain frivolity does not allow them to seriously take care of their health, and therefore, if they find a hobby for themselves, they quickly forget about supporting their health.

Aquarians don't care healthy eating and therefore have stomach problems. They try not to listen to doctors, and they even try to put off going to the hospital for another year, even though they feel unwell.

Aquarius calendar

Choose a birthday and find out the detailed characteristics of Aquarius born on that day!