Dark souls 2 final location. Walkthrough Dark Souls II - Bosses

  • 22.09.2019

Begin Walkthrough Dark Souls 2 from watching a gloomy and epic video, after which, once in the Interworld, we move through the tall grass to a small illuminated building near the waterfall. After passing through a wooden bridge and being near the building, we go inside where we watch another video, during which we will need to name our character, and then create it by choosing the appearance and class of the character. Having finished with the creation of the character, it will be possible to talk with Milibet, who is standing in the same room, in addition, climb the stairs to the second floor, where, after emptying a hefty chest, we return down and exit the room into a small courtyard. On the street, you can go to the fire, which is a place of rest, and you can also light a torch here, which can be found next to the cart. Then you can go back behind the bridge and turn left in front of the bridge and climb up the path with huge footprints, at the end of which you will stumble upon a huge monster guarding the golden resin. It is worth attacking the enemy at the moments when he sits on the ground, bouncing to the side when he rises trying to attack.

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Now we return to the fire near which you can restore health, set fire to the torch and go on a journey through the caves, where you can find weak opponents, as well as signs with hints on how to manage, until our character goes out the torch we will have 5 minutes. In addition, in the direction of travel, we set fire to the pillars with a torch, thus illuminating the area around them. Having got out into the street, we turn left and climb up the path, thus reaching the next cave and several opponents. As a result, having reached a huge pit, we push the tree in front of it in order to cross it to the other side. After destroying the enemy, we jump into the hole in the floor for one, slamming the enemy standing there. Then we climb the stairs and after destroying the enemy archer we run to the next foggy passage.

Having got out on the right, you can see another healthy monster, or rather two that guard the sarcophagus that changes the sex of the character. If we go to the left of the exit, we bring down another tree along which, having crossed the abyss, we pass to another cave at the end of which light will be visible, and after getting out of it we will find ourselves in the fresh air under the sun in a place called Majula. Going down the path we get to the shore, then jumping onto the ledge, we move to the left, collecting everything that gets in the way, eventually reaching the fire.

Forest of Fallen Giants

Moving away from the fire to the shore, we will meet a woman standing there near the tree, after talking with her it will be possible to pump the character. Further, looking around the surroundings, you can find a healthy stone stele, a little further along the coast. There we will meet Solden with whom we can also talk, a little away from the coast you can find the blacksmith Lenigrast, whose tools are locked in the room next to him, we will receive the task from him to find the key to the locked door. Further, while examining the surrounding buildings, a talking cat named Shalkuar, you can trade with her by buying something useful, if you have enough money, of course. In another building, you can meet an armor merchant named Maglin. As a result, after returning a little, we pass into the ruins, where, using a device in the wall, we open the locked gate. Having opened the gate, we go down into the cave through which we can get into the “Forest of the Fallen Giants”.

Turning right and walking along the stream, you can find a small cave in which you will find a dead man with a soul and a bone of return. Returning from the cave to the surface, we pass along the stream, killing enemies and collecting everything of value and kindling fires. Having reached the next cave, we go into it and climb up the stairs, hitting a small platform with several opponents, it is better not to touch the big man sitting in the center for now. From here we head to another foggy cave through which we will get into the dungeon. Having got out of the dungeon to the surface, we examine the next ruins in one of the rooms of which we will find a fire, as well as some small old woman named Melentia selling all sorts of things, among other things, you can buy a key from the workshop of the blacksmith Lenigrast whom we met in Majula.

Boss: The Pursuer

Next to the old woman Melentia, who should buy fire bombs and witch urns, there will be a fire next to which you can relax, after which we go down the stairs into a hole in the floor nearby. Below, after killing a couple of opponents, we pass to the left to the bridge opposite which will be doorway, after passing through it, we will clean the room from the undead, after which we pass into the fog. Next, we climb up the root to the castle wall, where we also kill opponents. On the wall on the right there will be a ladder, climbing which we will get to a small platform where we will encounter one of bosses game Dark Souls 2 named The Pursuer. In the process of fighting with this boss, the first thing we do is dodge and dodge his attacks by bouncing to the side, after which we throw the previously acquired bombs or urns at him, one at a time, if you have time, two are possible. Also, during the battle, do not forget to use gems of life to restore health. As a result, defeating this boss will receive the Soul of the Pursuer and the Ring of Blades.

Having finished with the boss, you can walk around the territory and clean it from all evil spirits, jumping from the root along which we climbed to the top, jumping onto the wooden roof from it to the scaffolding along which we get to the wall with the stairs. Climbing upstairs and finishing off a couple of archers. Going down the stairs, turning left, we pass into the cave, reaching the crossroads, after a healthy boulder rolls past you, turning left, we go up and stumble upon a living person named Cale there. After talking with Cale, we will receive from him the key to the mansion in Majula, in this mansion, according to Cale, you can find the Drangleic map. Then you can return to the fire at which you rested for the last time, do it on foot or with the help of the return bone, it's up to you.

Once again at the fire with the old woman standing next to her, we buy the key to the Farros stone from her, after which, again, with the help of the fire, we go to Majulu, where we first open the blacksmith and talk to the blacksmith, in addition to this, you can find a short bow in the forge. Next, we find a mansion in Majula, the largest building, and going inside we inspect the room on the first floor, after which you can go down to the basement and go up to the second floor. Having finished inspecting the mansion in which you can find a fragment of Estus's flask, we return to the woman on the shore, from whom we pump our character. After finishing pumping, you can again relax by the fire.

Boss: The Last Giant

After another gathering around the fire, you can drop in on the blacksmith Lenigrast, to whom we recently opened a forge. You can both buy weapons / armor from him, and repair or strengthen them. Having finished at the blacksmith, we return to the fire and go to the Main Tower location, where we have already been in previous chapters, and before we go further, we can buy more bombs from the old woman Melentia. Having finished shopping, we again go down the stairs, through a hole in the floor. Then we run along a familiar route, climbing the tree root to the wall and killing all the enemies along the way. After passing behind the platform on which we fought with the Pursuer, we go down, turning into the room on the right and killing all the enemies there, go down to the floor down, there you can find a chest and a cache, to open the cache you need to use the Keystone of Ferros, and the chest in front of the cache will be with poisonous a trap from which poisonous moss will help (if you have one). Returning back and going forward, we will stumble upon a soldier with a spear named Pate with whom you can talk, after the conversation we go further, falling into a trap with the gates closed behind us.

Having killed everyone on the street, we go into the rear and continue to destroy the enemies and climb up the stairs. Once again on the street, we rush down to Pate sitting at the gate and talk to him again. Then, returning a little back, turn left from the room with the cache. Looking around the surroundings, we will find an enemy with a healthy club and a shell like a turtle, killing him, we pass through the gate that he closed with himself. Having cleared the next room from the enemies, we go into the fog, moving further we get to the lift on which we go down, where we pass to the next cave with fog, entering which we watch a short video. At the end of the video, we enter the battle with the Last Giant boss, during the battle we stand behind the enemy and beat him in the legs (if you use a melee weapon), while trying to move away when the Giant stamps his feet and swings his arms. As a result, having won, we take the giant’s soul and the soldier’s key from the enemy’s body with which it will be possible to open some previously locked doors. Now you can return to the fire with the return bone or wander around the ruin a little more in search of interesting items, for example, a Drangleic set or a nest with which you can move to the Forgotten Fortress, where we first light the fire.

Boss: Dragon Rider

Returning to Majula and pumping the character, we again go to the Main Tower, and when we arrive at the place, we climb up the stairs without leaving the room. At the top there will be a door that you can open with a soldier's key. Next, we pass a couple of rooms, opening chests along the way, after which we return to the room with a fire by jumping down through a hole in the floor. Then we go down the stairs and go through the bridge to the next locked door, which can also be opened with the help of a soldier's key. After examining the next chest, we go upstairs and go out into the street, on the left side there will be a gate that can be opened by presenting the symbol of the King, and since we don’t have it yet, we return back to the fire. Going out into the street from the room with a fire, passing straight ahead, we jump down to the wooden scaffolding along the wall. Having passed to the end, we go down, killing all the enemies along the way. Below we pass into a burning cave in which we will find a door behind which you can find another chest.

Having got out of the cave, we again climb onto the scaffolding from which we climb into a hole in the fortress wall. Next, we go up the stairs. Having cleared a small area from enemies, we climb up the stairs, eventually returning again to the fire and the merchant named Melentia. Returning to Majula, we descend into the dungeon where we found our first shield. At the very bottom, to open the gate, pull the ring to the left of them. After passing along the canal, we turn right and climb up the stairs to find ourselves in the location of Heid's Flame Tower. Having run a little forward to the right of the platform with a hefty warrior, we will find a place for a fire that is worth kindling. Then we move forward, engaging in battle with hefty opponents, defeating the third one, we activate the lever on the pillar nearby, after which we run into the tower, where we will face three opponents at once. Having won, we activate another lever, expanding the arena for the fight with the boss a little more, after which we pass in the direction of this arena. Having reached the entrance to the arena, we go into the fog, thus hitting the Dragon Rider boss, in the battle with the boss we dodge his attacks, and then quickly strike. Having won, we get 12,000 souls and the soul of a dragon rider, after which you can go to the fire in the room above.

Boss: Ancient Dragonslayer

Upstairs, in addition to the fire, you can find Lisia with whom you can talk and trade. Then we go down and go into the neighboring tower, after running through it we deal with a couple of opponents, after which we climb the stairs and get to a small platform with another opponent. Having won, we pull the lever on the pillar that has left the floor, thus lowering the bridge leading to the Cathedral of the Azure Way. In the very first room we will stumble upon a boss named Ancient Dragonslayer, with this enemy we try to stay closer, dodging attacks and run back when he casts a jump attack. Having won, we will get the Old Lion Ring and the soul of the old dragon slayer, it is also worth looking at the balcony from the side opposite the entrance and emptying a couple of chests there. You can also turn right in front of the balcony and go down the stairs to a room with a fire that should be kindled.

Then, with the help of fast movement, we return to the fiery tower of Heid, from where this time without going down we pass along the bridge to the neighboring building where we go down the spiral staircase. Having gone down, we move along the corridor to the platform with two enemies, defeating which we go down the stairs one more floor down. Having hit the next corridor, we pass along it to the elevator on which we go down even lower. After leaving the elevator, we run along the corridor flooded with water, having dealt with the next enemy, we climb the stairs up. Further, going all the way to the right, you can find a chest with a knight's set. Returning to the flooded corridor, we pass along it to a breach in the wall, moving along which we will get into the cave. In the cave we will stumble upon a fire and an aunt named Lukatiel who is worth talking to.

Boss: Flexile Sentry

Returning to Majula and pumping the character, we return to the “deserted pier” location, where we move further along the cave, reaching the pier itself. Moving along the pier, we kill enemies, climbing up the stairs and inspecting various buildings. Having found a device with three holes, use the key-stone of Pharros (if you have one) on it, thus turning on the light, which scared away all the evil spirits in the area. Further, if you go into the building opposite, then inside you can find a chest with a robber's set and a bandit's ax. Having risen to the second floor and having emptied one more chest, we go out to the balcony from which we jump to the stairs leading up. At the top, we lure out of the building creatures with long arms that are afraid of the light and destroy them, preferably one at a time. Next, we go into the building and go up to the second floor, where behind a locked door you can find a couple of chests and a merchant named Gavlan. Having got out of the building, we pass to the left, climbing up the wooden buildings where a couple of opponents will be waiting for us. On the upper platform, use the lever on the pole, after which a ship will sail to the pier.

Now our task is to go down to the pier to the ship, killing all the evil spirits along the way. Once on the pier in front of the ship, you can talk to an old man named Carchilion sitting on it, after which we climb aboard the ship. After killing everyone on the deck, we go down into the hold, where you will need to enter the fog, thus getting into a room with a boss whose name is Flexible sentry. This opponent has two fused bodies and four arms, each of which has a weapon, so it will not work to approach from the back. It remains to attack him from a distance or to lunge between his blows while trying to keep a distance. In addition, there will be a table in the center of the room where you can hide, and after you win, you will receive 14,000 souls + the soul of a flexible sentry. Then, after going into the next room, we go up the stairs, where we empty the chest and inspect the device, after which the ship will take us to the forgotten fortress. We go inside and take the elevator, the field of which we run up the stairs until we find a fire in one of the rooms on the left.

Boss: Royal Rat Vanguard

Returning to Majula, we pass into the back with a talking cat, we will need to buy a silver cat ring from her, although you can buy other things if you wish. You can also move to the main tower and buy explosives from Melentia standing next to the fire. As a result, returning to Majula and wearing a silver cat ring, which we will need to jump into the well (mine) located in the center of Majula. During the descent, the main thing is not to miss the logs stuck across the well. Having descended to the cave, we pass into it, being in the location “Tomb of the Saints”, kindle a fire and go further along the cave. Having reached the round room, we destroy the healthy rats in it, then we pass to the corridor with columns along which, turning to the right, we get to the stairs along which we climb up, hitting another corridor with columns. We pass to the right, colliding along the road with the dark spirit of Roy the Explorer and several rats. Having won and having gone to the end of the corridor we will find another fire, to the right of the fire there will be a tunnel leading to the wall of fog.

Having entered the fog, we find ourselves in a room with a large number of rat statues and with the rats themselves, and the bombs bought earlier will come in handy against these rats. During the battle with rodents, the “Rat Guard Fighter” boss will appear, after defeating the boss, the rest of the rats will run away, and as a reward you will receive the soul of the rat guard fighter and the rat tail. Going a little further, you can meet the rat king, after talking with whom you can join his covenant, or you can not join. Having passed into the corridor to the left of the king, we jump down to find ourselves in a round room where we first fought with rats. Then we jump again through the hole in the floor, once in the next well we go down, jumping from ledge to ledge, and then to the stone bridge from which we jump even lower, to the wooden bridge. If you go up the stairs from here, you will reach the first well into which you descended from Majula, but if you go in the opposite direction, you will find a chest there.

As a result, jumping down from the wooden bridge and killing all the enemies, we pass through one of the two tunnels leading to the next mine (the second corridor leads to a dead end). Going down the stairs to scaffolding having reached the very bottom, we inspect the chest standing there, after which we pass through the cave to the location “Trash”. Jumping down to the wooden structure, and from it to the bridge you can find another fire.

Boss: Ruin Sentinels

This time, having returned to Majula and having pumped the character a little more, we go to the “chambers of exiles” of the Forgotten Fortress location. Arriving at the place, we pass down the corridor to the elevator, activating the elevator, quickly jump out of it, and after it starts to descend, we climb onto its roof. As a result, after the elevator stops, we can get into a small cave with a corpse, from which you can pick up a saber and repair powder. Next, we jump into the hole in the floor and return to the elevator back. Climbing up the stairs we get to the fortress wall, along which we run to the breach. Having jumped down, we turn left into a small courtyard, there will be two dogs and a healthy man with a spear hiding on one of the wooden buildings.

Having defeated the opponents, we inspect a small dead end by going to the left, there you will find a chest, returning and turning right we will get to a locked grate that opens with a lever on the right. Going forward, we get to the stairs, from above we will be thrown off exploding barrels by another big guy, having won a victory over which we go up. Moving on, we deal with all the enemies, trying not to stand next to the barrels. Having reached the tower, we go inside and speak to the woman who is there. Going outside, we turn to the stairs to the left of the entrance along which we climb up the tower after examining another corpse there. Going back down, we turn onto the platform to the right of the entrance to the tower, and when we get to the door we go inside the room where we go down the stairs. As a result, finding ourselves at a dead end with a broken door, we climb the stairs on the wall on the left, thus ending up in the corridor at the end of which there will be a wall of fog, and behind it is another boss.

There will actually be three bosses: the guardians of the ruins Alessia, Ricce and Yachim. The first will be Yahim, with a shield and a healthy hammer, blocking and dodging his powerful but slow blows, right after we attack the boss, preferably from the back. Having defeated Yachim, we remain in place, the next boss will get to us and it will be Alessia, the tactics with this boss are the same as with the previous one. True, there is an option that you have to fight with two bosses Alessia and Ricce at once, with tactics still trying not to get hit, we immediately attack the enemies quickly, the bosses can also throw a shield at you, thus remaining only with weapons. As a result, having won the victory, we get the soul of the guardian of the ruins. Before you get out of the room with the bosses, walk near the walls in search of secret doors, it is also worth going up to the top and inspecting all the rooms there, in one of them you will find a fire.

Boss: Tower Gargoyle (Belfry Gargoyle)

In order to find this boss, we again go to the Forgotten Fortress location, or rather, to its part called the servants' dwelling. Once in a room with a fire, we go down the stairs on the floor down through the hole in the floor. In the next room, we need the key-stone of Pharros, after using the key, go to the illuminated wall on the right and hit it once with your sword to open the passage. After going forward along a small bridge, we open the door, hitting the Tower of the Moon. Immediately behind the door on the bedside table on the right side will sit a crazy dwarf with whom you can talk as a result of joining the Ringers covenant. After talking, we go forward and to the left, after which we climb up the wooden stairs, on the top floor there is another staircase waiting for us, this time attached to the wall, climbing up we will find ourselves on a platform with several opponents, one of which will be the dark spirit of the bell ringer.

Having otdupliv all enemies and expelling the spirit of the bell ringer, we activate the lever near one of the walls. After the bell rings, we go down the stairs and go through the door with a wall of fog. Once on the roof with statues of gargoyles, we enter into battle with them. At the beginning of the revived gargoyles wakes up two, but over time, others will begin to join them. During the battle, we are constantly moving, preventing the gargoyles from surrounding us, while dodging their attacks and fiery breath, bombs are good as weapons if you have them available. As a result, having won the victory, we get the soul of the gargoyle from the tower, after which we pass into the building in front, where we go down the stairs. After examining the chest in the lower room, we go outside and after running a little along the fortress wall we will stumble upon another fire.

Boss: The Lost Sinner

First of all, near the fire discovered in the previous part of the passage, we find a ladder leading down. After going down it, we will find ourselves in a small courtyard with several dogs and Sinful Worgel, having won, we inspect the area, finding the key to the dungeons on the troupe. Then we return to the fire from which we will go to the remote tower of the “forgotten fortress”. After leaving the tower, we pass forward and turn left, after which we climb into the building through the window. Having cleared the room from enemies, we pass through the door and inspect the chest in the next room, inside you will find an ancient key and a ring with a silver snake. Having got out of the building, we pass to the left to the tower, the door of which is littered with boxes and barrels. Having unlocked the door, we return to the fire, with the help of which we go to the dwelling of the servants of the “forgotten fortress”.

Arriving at the place, we pass into the room where they fought with the Guardians of the ruins, jumping to the platform on the right, we find a secret door behind which there will be a chest with “silence”. Then, returning to the room with the fire, we pass along the corridor to the left of the entrance to the room with the bosses. Having reached the end of the corridor, we open the door, go out through it into the street, turn right and go into the tower with a spiral staircase. Leaving the tower and going a little forward, we go down to the roof on the right, and from it we jump to the neighboring roof. Further we rise along the stairs to the window with the broken lattice. Once in the corridor, pull the lever in the wall to open the grate on the left. The second grate will open a few seconds after the first. Having killed all the enemies, we pass into the next room, there, after breaking everything we can, we go into a small room, where, going up to the wall, we find a hidden door.

Once in the corridor, we find another hidden door through which we get to the street, jumping onto the fortress wall, we pass along it to the right until it stops. After jumping down and killing all the enemies, we go down the stairs to the wall with a crack, on the right there will be a locked grate that can be opened by the previously found key to the dungeons. Inside there will be rooms with a blacksmith and a fire. After talking with the blacksmith, we learn that he needs new coal, you can also light a torch in this room for the blacksmith. After leaving the forge, we pass to the right to the platform with the dogs, having interrupted them, we break the passage in the wall clogged with boards. After cleaning the room, we open wooden door using the old key. Once in a small courtyard with a well, we push the counterweight into the well, after which a cage with three opponents will rise from the well, having won we will get a set of a wanderer.

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Further, having passed along a narrow lane, we climb up the stairs and through the window we climb into the building. After clearing the room, blow up the barrel standing against the wall, thus breaking the wall, behind it you will find a corpse with a mantle and an archdragon shield. then we pass along the corridor to the next room, where there will be a couple of opponents and several chests that are worth examining, as well as recesses in the wall under the key-stone of Pharros. Using the key, we will find two hidden passages on the opposite wall behind which there will be rooms with chests. then, returning to a healthy room, we climb the stairs on the wall, where we continue to climb up the stairs, eventually finding ourselves near a hole in the wall.

Having jumped out into the street, we turn left and run down the stairs to the forge and the fire from which we go to the dwelling of the servants of the Forgotten Fortress. Returning to the tower with a spiral staircase, we climb it up and run to the bars that we opened with a lever in the wall. Again we pass into the room where they broke everything and this time we go not through the hidden door, but go up the stairs. As a result, going upstairs, we clean one room after another, and in the uppermost there will be two chambers, in one of them there is a fire, but the passage to it is blocked by a statue, so we pass into the second one by opening the grate with the key to the dungeons.

Having opened the door from the chamber, we jump down again, once again on the street, we run forward to the tower, the entrance to which is blocked by fog (on the way, beware of the archers standing at the top), going inside we get to the Hill of Sinners location. After leaving the room through the door on the right, we climb the stairs to the platform with a fire (which will come in handy later). Now we go back down and clean the room with the lift. Standing on the lift, we go down, where moving along the flooded corridor, killing local monsters (these monsters can be lured into a room with a lift, where they can die by falling into a hole in the center of the room). To go through the corridor, you need to pull the lever that opens the grate or go upstairs and open the door there, using the key to the dungeons.

Further, having run along the narrow bridge, we will reach the next wall of fog. Before you enter the fog, climb the stairs to the left and right. Stairs lead to doors that can be opened with the same dungeon key. In the rooms, light a torch with which you can set fire to the liquid in the gutter. You can now enter the fog and engage the Forgotten Sinner. During the battle, we follow the enemy, since it will be very fast to move and attack, we block attacks with a shield, delivering single blows in between. As a result, having won, we will get the great soul of a forgotten sinner. Further, having opened the door from the hall with the boss, we pass forward, being in a room with a fire.

Boss: Scorpion Nazhka

Returning to Majula, we go up the stairs to the cave to the left of the town. After passing through the cave, we will reach the building with a man sitting at the entrance, after talking with him we go inside. Inside the building, we clean the rooms on the left and right, after which we use the fragrant branch of the past to turn back into a man the stone statue standing near the lever that opens the door. The saved woman's name is Rosabeth and from her we will receive the Rainbow Stone, she will also ask for some clothes and you can learn pyromancy from her. After finishing the conversation, we pull the lever in the wall, and then we kill the opponents that have appeared. In the next room in the room on the left you can find a fire, there will also be a ladder leading up. Having cleared the premises on the second floor, we leave the building and move forward along the path to Darkwood. Having reached the ruins, we pass into another building with a fire on the ground floor.

In the room with a fire, we rise to the second floor and turn right and go through the door with fog. Once in the forest, we pass forward along the left side, stumbling upon the ruins of a rotunda, there we can find the talking head of the leader Vengarl with whom you can chat)). In addition, you can learn the “Decapitation” gesture from the head and inspect the store by buying something useful, and if you talk with your head long enough, you will receive Vengarl’s helmet as a gift. Continuing the journey through the foggy forest, we will stumble upon invisible enemies, their silhouettes can be seen (like those of the “predators”), so it’s worth peering into the fog. As a result, after passing through the forest we get to the next castle.

Having risen to the second floor of the building, you can find a fire, after clearing the ruins, we return to the floor to the fire from where we pass to the clearing. Having cleared the area, we enter the building on the left and go down several floors to the platform on which the scorpion with the rider will stand. Returning to the clearing, we deal with a huge monster that looks like a frog and a lizard at the same time, after which it is worth clearing the surroundings from enemies for one, destroying the urns with curses. One of these urns will stand on the boards covering the pit, it is better to destroy this urn from a distance. If you fall underground, you will fall into a cave where you can find a chest and a person sitting in a chair with whom you can talk.

Having got out of the cave, we will again find ourselves at the nearest fire from which we return to the clearing, and from there, having passed through one of the ruins, we go up the path, reaching the entrance to the area with the boss. Having passed into the fog, we will find ourselves in a room with a woman sticking out of the sand, this is our boss the scorpion Nazhka. After the boss comes out of the sand, keep a distance from him by attacking from a distance or wait until the enemy hits with his two tails and then immediately quickly attack him. Also, the boss will use magical attacks at a distance from which we try to dodge moving quickly, and after the boss dives into the sand, you need to stand on a hard surface such as a stone. As a result, having killed the boss and having won, we will get the Soul of the Nazhka scorpion. Then you can climb up the corridor to the “Doors of Pharros” where there will be a fire.

Boss: Commander of the Rat Guard

And so, after resting by the fire in the “Doors of Pharros” dungeon, we exit into a water-filled room, where we destroy all enemies, including the archer Guthri. Then we go up the stairs and go to the room with a fire next to which there will be a wall of fog. After resting by the fire, we go into the fog, hitting the room with the Commander of the rat guard. In the battle with this boss, dodging his attacks, we strike by entering a huge rat from the side (it turns out that we will beat him on the paws) or running under it, you should also not stand in a puddle that the boss will release. Having won, we will receive the Soul of the rat commander and the rat tail.

Boss: Wandering Mage

Having defeated the Commander of the rat guard, we can go further by talking in the next room with the rat king who will offer to join his covenant. After that, we climb up the stairs, eventually reaching Brightstone Bay - Tseldora. Having cleared the settlement from opponents in one of the tents, you can find a fire, you can also go down into the well, for this you will need to climb to the platform against the wall next to the well and, after destroying the canopy above it, jump down. Further, after passing through the underground passage, we can get out, being in one of the buildings.

Leaving the camp, we pass down the path, being afraid of stones thrown from above. Having reached the door with images of spiders, we go inside, hitting the spider cave. Having opened the chest in one of the rooms, we fight off the spiders that attacked us. As a result, having reached the locked door and opening it, we will get into a small room with a wall of fog and a secret door in one of the walls. After inspecting the cache, we go into the fog, hitting the hall with the Wandering Mage boss and the Worshipers, dodging the magician's remote attacks, the first thing to do is to clear the room from the Worshipers, after which we attack the magician himself and his two assistants, if there is a shield and clothing with protection from magic, it makes sense to equip them before this fight. Having won victories, we leave the room, to the right of which there will be a ladder down and a fire.

Boss: Freya - Duke's Beloved

And so, having returned to Brightstone Bay - Tseldora, we pass to the abyss with quicksand at the bottom and jump to the platform a little lower on the opposite side. Having passed from the platform into the room, we destroy the cabinets standing in the corner behind which there will be a tunnel. After passing through the tunnel to the left, we find ourselves on the next ledge, where, after killing the enemies, we jump down. Further, after passing through the stone arch, we will reach another door with the image of spiders. In the room, after killing all the spiders with the help of levers in the wall, we open two more doors, behind one of them there will be a ladder, climbing up which we jump to the platform below. You can go down further by moving along the web, as a result, at the very bottom, you will find a passage with a wall of fog.

In the fight with the boss Freya - Beloved of the Duke, the first thing we do is run to the side so as not to fall under one of the enemy's attacks. After the boss finishes a series of attacks, we run up and inflict a few blows, after which we again move aside, trying to also keep our distance from small spiders. We repeat the sequence of actions until victory, having received the soul of the boss as a reward. Leaving the room through the tunnel we will get into the personal chambers of the lord, where, having killed the enemy, we will get the key to Brightstone from him, and after going along the corridor into a large round room with a fire in the center, killing another enemy there, you can get a set of Vengarl armor from him.

Boss: Executioner's Chariot

Returning to Majula, we pass into the arch on the right side of the settlement, where, going down the stairs, we find ourselves in a small round room with a column in the center and a woman named Lisia from Lindelt standing nearby. After talking with Lysia, select “Move Path” from the menu. After passing through the opened tunnel, we will end up in the location of the Hunter's Grove, where there will be a fire at the exit from the cave. We climb up the path to the right of the fire and eventually get to the building, where, having killed all the enemies, we climb up the stairs. Having killed all the opponents at the top, we return down, where through broken door to the left of the entrance we get out into the street.

Further, going down the stairs to the right of the bridge, under this very bridge we will find a fire. Jumping down the ledges we get to the cave, where we go down to the very bottom. After killing the enemy below and examining the chest, we open a secret passage in the wall. Having reached the cage through the tunnel, we climb up in it, and from there we return to the fire under the bridge. From the fire we pass to the left into the very Grove of the Hunter, where, after crossing a couple of bridges and destroying all the enemies along the way, we climb up the path and get to the suspension bridge, just under which the fire is located. fog, being in the corridor along which the boss rides in a chariot, as well as skeletons running around.

Having interrupted all the little things, we hide in niches in the walls from a passing chariot. Having reached the lever near the left wall, we lower the gate into which the boss will crash at the next entry, after which we begin to attack him, namely the two-headed horse. It is better to attack the boss from the side, dodging his direct attacks. Having won, we will receive a Withering Soul from the boss. Next, we climb the stairs to the left into a room with a fire and a character standing next to it with whom you can talk.

Boss: Skeleton Lords

Returning to the fire under the bridge in the “Hunter's Grove”, turning right again, we pass through the forest. After crossing the bridge, we clear the territory from enemies, climbing the path to the raised bridge. The lever that lowers the bridge is located in one of the round buildings nearby. After we lower the bridge, we cross it to the other side, continuing to move around the location with steep cliffs and narrow paths vaguely reminiscent of Yamatai Island from Walkthrough Tomb Raider 2013. Having killed all the rogues along the way, near the waterfall we will encounter the spirit of the Merciless Roenn, having expelled it, we turn right and go behind the waterfall where another wall of fog awaits us. As a result, once in a room with the Lords of the skeletons, we begin to attack them in turn, it is also worth paying attention to small skeletons, killing which will have a positive effect on the overall health of the boss. And so, having killed all the evil spirits, we get the soul of the master of skeletons for the victory. After leaving the room along the corridor, we will reach another raised bridge, after crossing which we pass through the cave to the location of the Valley of the Harvest. After talking with an ore merchant named Hloenn, you can use a fire in a nearby cave.

Boss: Greedy Demon

And so, after resting by the fire, we go down the path to the site with a poisonous green fog. After destroying all the enemies in the fog, we remove the poisoning with the help of the gem of life, you can also find a small cave with a merchant named Gavlan there. To the left of the entrance to the cave there will be a path along which we need to go. Having reached a dead end with a locked gate, we destroy a couple of healthy opponents there and then climb the stairs to the platform with a lever with which we open the gate. After passing through the gate we will get into a cave, where turning to the right we can find a fire.

After leaving the cave with a fire, we pass to the next platform with green fog over which you can walk along a small bridge made of planks. Then, turning right, we pass to the room with the urns through which we get to the location of the Earth Peak. After passing along the corridor flooded with poisoned water, we will reach a room with a lock that opens with the key-stone of Pharros (holes in the wall), the passage will be in the opposite wall, and behind it there will be a room with a chest, in which, among other things, there will be a poisonous bite ring. Then, returning to the bridge from the boards, we pass along the path on the left, eventually stumbling upon the altar of light.

Again we pass back to the wooden bridge and this time we pass from it straight up the path, again finding ourselves in the Earthen Peak. Climbing up the stairs and killing all the enemies along the way, we will eventually find ourselves in front of a wall of fog behind which the Greedy Demon boss is waiting for us. The boss looks like a huge fat worm (apparently a distant relative of Jabba the Hutt from Star Wars)), will attack us with jumps and rolls, trying to crush us so that this does not happen, quickly jump to the side and then quickly attack the boss, repeating the sequence of actions until we win. Next, we go up the stairs and then turning left we find another fire.

Boss: Mita - Ruinous Queen

After resting by the fire, we go forward and in the next room we go up the stairs to the left. Having killed all the enemies at the top, we turn left again and pass along the bridge under the rotating gear to the exit to the terrace. In the wall on the right side, you can find a lever by pulling which we climb the stairs along the stairs on the wall to the left. On the next floor, you can set fire to the rotating blades of the mill with a torch and go through the wall of fog to find a fire. After going up another floor, we climb the stairs on the wall, once in the next corridor we run to the right to the stairs guarded by two guards, having eliminated them, we go up the stairs to the next wall of fog behind which Mita's boss, the Ruinous Queen, is waiting for us.

The boss inflicts a series of blows with a spear, after which he starts throwing his head which will explode, so we quickly run back at these moments. It is better to attack the boss with a ranged weapon or between a series of her attacks. Having won and having received souls, we leave the room with the boss through the corridor that used to be covered by a wall of fog. As a result, having entered the elevator, we rise on it to the entrance to the Iron Citadel location, going down the stairs to the left of the bridge, you can find another fire.

Boss: Smelter Demon

And so, having reached the Iron Citadel, we cross the river of lava along the bridge, crossing which we open the gates to the building after killing the enemies standing in front of them. Having cleared the room with the burning statue from the enemies, we pass along the corridor to the right, finding ourselves in a room with a merchant named Magerold from Lanafir. Returning to the room with the burning statue, we climb the stairs up from where we can get to the track. Having run to the stairs on the right, we go down along it to the platform below, where, having killed the enemy, we activate the lever, the door to the left of the lever should not be opened, you can be burned by fire. Returning to the terrace, we pass from it to the lowered bridge along which we can run across to the other side of the location.

After jumping off the bridge and turning left, we will eliminate the enemy standing in front of the wall of fog behind which the boss Demon from the smelter is waiting for us. In a fight with the boss, we try to attack him from the back or from the side after his blows, and also move away to the side of the code, the boss deals damage in the area around him by sticking his sword into the floor. After the Demon from the smelter sets fire to his sword, we continue to attack him, dodging blows and using radiant life gems to restore health, you can simplify the passage of this boss by wearing armor and a shield with fire protection on the character. Having won and get the soul of the boss, we climb up the stairs to the room with a fire.

Boss: Old Iron King

After leaving the room with a fire, we pass to the right to the room with a platform on which there will be a lever. Activating the lever and clearing the room of enemies, we pass along the descending platform to the stairs up. Continuing to climb the stairs, we get to the platform with three archers and a chest, after destroying the enemies and examining the chest, we jump into the “well” in the center of the platform, in order not to die, you need to jump strictly on the crossbars. As a result, having reached a small platform with a ladder leading down and going down it, we pass along the corridor to an obstacle that is removed using a lever in the right wall. Further, once in a room with bulls' heads from which fire breaks out from time to time, you need to get to the stairs on one of the walls. We continue to climb up until we find ourselves in a room with a fire. we light a fire and climb the stairs to the lever that you need to pull to turn off the fire traps.

Having descended into a room with bull heads from which fire no longer breaks out, from here we go down the stairs to a large open space, in front you can see a wall of fog behind which the boss is waiting for us: the Old Iron King is a bit like Diablo :). In a fight with this boss, we dodge his powerful but very slow blows from above, while he raises his hand, you can hit the boss. Next, we step aside so as not to fall under the fiery breath of the boss or under his sweeping blows. It is also worth moving away if the boss strikes with two hands together or separately. having defeated the Old Iron King boss, we get a great soul, after which we go down the stairs to a room with another fire.

Boss: Rotting (Forgotten Key)

This time we go to the Garbage area, kindle a torch and begin to descend along wooden suspension bridges, lighting fire on poles along the way to illuminate the area and remember where we have already been, it’s also worth breaking figurines spitting poison along the way. As a result, making our way through this labyrinth of bridges and platforms, we will reach the fog wall, behind which there will be a room with holes in the floor and several stairs. Having descended to the very bottom along one of the stairs, we clean the territory from enemies, after which we break the urns standing near the wall and blocking the passage. After jumping down, we go down the path to another wall of fog behind which the Black Cleft location is waiting for us.

Going forward and turning left, you can find another fire where you can relax. Leaving the room with a fire, we continue to go down the path, breaking poisonous figures (pillars) along the way, and once on the site with black puddles, we kill the monsters crawling out of these puddles. Immediately after this platform, two healthy worms (caterpillars) will attack us in turn from holes on the left side, it is better not to stand next to them when he tries to hit you with his body. After the second caterpillar, you can go down on the right side, carefully jumping onto the ledge, there you can find a locked door, and to find the key to it, we jump down two more ledges, reaching the cave with two giants.

After killing both giants, we get the forgotten key, after which we go upstairs in the cage-elevator. Once on another platform with black puddles, we go down the path to the left to the fog wall behind which the “Rotting” boss is waiting for us. The enemy is a mass of sticky bodies with hands armed with an axe. Dodging or blocking the enemy's attacks, we inflict our blows in the intervals between his attacks, and while moving we try not to go into burning puddles. Having defeated this boss, we get, among other things, a Great Soul. After leaving the room with the boss, we get to the next fire.

Boss: Two Dragon Riders

This time we go to the Darkwood location to the Ruined Fork. Climbing up the stairs to the room with a fire, we go outside and move along the path under the stone bridge. Having reached the “flexible sentry” and having defeated him, we turn left and climb up the path to the Temple of Winter. After passing through the temple, we continue to move forward, eventually reaching Drangleic Castle. After talking at the entrance with a woman who usually pumps a character in Majula, we go up the stairs. To open the gate, we defeat all the enemies in front of them, and going inside we climb the stairs and talk with the ghost of Chancellor Wallagher after the dialogue with which the store will be available. Further, after examining the throne room behind the back of the ghost, we return back to the exit; we clean the first floor from opponents, finding a staircase leading down in one of the rooms.

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Below, finding a room with a fire that we kindle and then kill a couple of guards in the room on the left with the help of their souls by opening the door. Looking around the following rooms, we climb up the stairs, eventually reaching the wall of fog behind which the boss is waiting for us in the form of two Dragon Riders, one of which will be armed with a bow. The first is to attack the rider with a bow, striking immediately after he shoots, while constantly moving so as not to get hit by the second enemy. Having dealt with the archer, we begin to slowly deal with the second rider, it will be a little easier given that no one shoots arrows at us, dodging and dodging strikes, we make quick counterattacks until complete victory, in extreme cases using flasks with estus. Having received the soul of the dragon rider as a result, we kindle another fire located in the next room.

Boss: Mirror Knight

After activating the fire, we go down and then up the stairs, where you clear the area near the statue. Next, by activating the elevator, we move on, neutralizing the archers attacking us from different sides. After the archers, deal with the guards near the passage below, moving further we destroy more guards, and then the archers, which can be reached by climbing the stairs to their right. Having reached the fire, we again go down from where we take the elevator to the very top, where we can find the key that we will need to open the locked door when we return down. Further, moving across the bridge on which the statues will come to life, you will reach the next boss, to the left of the entrance to the boss, you can call an ally.

If your hero belongs to the category of swordsmen and is armed with a strong shield, the passage of this section of the game should not cause problems. The enemy will attack you mainly with circular strikes, only from time to time giving preference to lightning strikes or charging his blade with magic. Act decisively, but avoid jumping attacks - they are the most powerful. Attacking the Mirror Knight is best from behind. Moreover, you can do this, both yourself and your phantom partner (in this case, you will have to distract the boss).

When the Mirror Knight loses half his life, a phantom will appear directly from his shield. Leave it to your ally, while you yourself continue to distract the boss. After that, you will have to join the fight. The boss will be left alone again, and then you need to continue attacking him from the back.

Remember that exchanging blow combinations with the boss directly, it will be difficult for you to win. He can withstand quite powerful attacks, and it will be problematic for you to recover from his attacks. Therefore, act cunningly, and when you win, examine the chest and go down the elevator.

Boss: Song Demon

Go through the tunnel and light the fire. Go down the spiral staircase to the water. And on the way you can enter the door next to it. There is a chest behind the door, and also, having penetrated here, you can drop the gear from the branch at the cliff. Be careful when crossing the river - there is not a ford everywhere. When you are at the bottom, slowly move from the shallow to the shallow until you get to the hut. After talking with the singer, get out into the street and immediately look to the right. There will be a chest. Another chest is located on the left side of the exit from the river. And ahead of your hero is fog and a cave with loot.

When passing the next location, be extremely careful. Dangerous creatures are hiding under the water, and there are many shooters around with homing magic weapons. Find a small fire in the ruins. It is convenient to move forward by the colors, but you can also highlight the water with a torch - this will help you avoid falling into the abyss.

When a one-eyed monster appears ahead, kill the other opponents first, and then deal with it. After finishing with the creature, you will find yourself in front of a passage leading to a fragment of an Estus flask. However, be aware that there is security here. In addition, you must be very careful near the columns - it is easy to fall into the abyss here. When you go through the episode in the hut, it's better to call your phantom partner for help. Without it, it will be very difficult to fight off enemies. When you get to the cave, feel free to go inside and hurry to light a fire. Be careful - ahead of your hero is a battle with monsters that can break gear. Try to deal with these opponents as quickly as possible, and take care not to stay in a cloud of yellow fog for a long time. Then your hero will again have to deal with magicians, he will be attacked by underwater monsters and arrows in the arena, and at the very end another phantom will appear. Defeating the last enemy will be easier if you step back a little, behind the columns.

When you deal with everyone, collect the loot and move through the ruins towards the hut. Ahead of your hero will again be waiting for the fog and another malicious boss. Dealing with this boss is easiest if you act carefully and strictly adhere to the plan. And remember that only his hands and head are vulnerable, which the monster periodically protrudes from his body. To defeat the enemy, you need to correctly provoke him to attack. Position yourself to the right of your head at a distance of 2 to 3 steps. Do not get close so that the boss does not reach you with his hands, and do not go to the side. When the Demon rises on its hind legs to deliver a powerful blow, step back a little. Let him hit, and then attack yourself. You can inflict 3 - 4 hits in a row, after which the demon will hide the vulnerable parts of the body, and your hero will again be able to move away from him to a safe distance.

Remember that not only getting too close, but running too far from the boss is also not recommended. Otherwise, he will start shooting magic at you and hit you with acceleration. In addition, it is undesirable to attack during his attack, otherwise the Demon can use a combination of blows against your hero, causing great damage. Act exactly according to the plan. After defeating the Demon, your hero will take possession of the key, which is intended for the lock that you saw earlier. Climb up the elevator to find the required door, and then you will have a ring at your disposal that grants the ability to permanently maintain human form.

Boss: Velstadt

However, you can find the ring later - while moving along the passage between the rocks, go straight, and then take the elevator down. Near the crypt of the undead you will find a threshold. Under it, on the left side, you will need to kindle a fire. Ahead of you is a tomb with the dead, with whom there is a lot of fuss, and even deeper is the trinity of dangerous magicians. In order not to get under attack, hide behind the pillars, and when you defeat the magicians, put out the torch and get to the man standing on the ledge on the right side. This is a merchant.

Next, you will have to go through the fog and the cemetery with the dead rising from the ground and dangerous statues of swordsmen. Enemies crawl out of the statues - so break them all. On the left side of the entrance you will see a fire, and opposite it there will be a passage to the magician, who watches the next room and keeps it on sight.

Move forward and after a while a spirit will invade your hero's world. Ahead, moreover, awaits a corridor with ghosts emerging from the walls and several fully equipped mobs. Jump into the hole that you see under your feet, and then, without wasting a second, find the passage marked with a line on the floor. If you do not have time to hide in it before the bell rings, many spirits will attack you. At the exit, turn left to be able to activate the bridge. Ahead of you is a rather long hall, in which there are a lot of guards. And under the bridge, the bell ringer hid - eliminate him so that he does not have time to call for help from new enemies.

Defeating this opponent is not easy. He deals very strong blows, and you can minimize the damage only by standing behind him and slightly to the right. You can block the boss's single and double hits, but remember that against a combination of three hits, your defense is powerless. In addition, a strong kick can be dangerous - to avoid it, do not stand directly in front of the enemy.

At the beginning of the fight, the boss will not attack you very actively, so use this time to deal maximum damage. When the opponent gets down on one knee and the gong sounds, the fight will become more intense. Now try to inflict single blows, refusing combined ones. But do not move far from the enemy so that he cannot attack you with magic.

After Velstadt loses 2/3 of his health, he will start to cheat. First of all, the boss will disguise his circular attacks as vertical ones. Be careful - one such blow can kill your hero. Also, the boss will strike with a step back, and after them you will not have any opportunity to attack from the back. Be careful - keep to the right all the time and hit once, but for sure.

After winning, take the king's ring. But Vendrick doesn't need to be attacked yet. Thanks to the new artifact, you can now open any door sealed with a royal seal. You will find the first of them in the Forest of Fallen Giants. When the door to the Main Tower opens, go down the stairs and cross the bridge to the other side. Here your hero will find two pieces of titanite. You will find the second door with the royal seal at the Ruined Fork, if you move along the central passage.

Boss: Guardian Dragon

After going to a new location, move to the hut, and then light the fire. Next, you need to go to the fortress, where, after defeating the phantom, you can find yourself in the hall. When a dragon skeleton attacks you, run away from it. Once under the stairs, you will come to a crossroads - from here you can go to the switch or to the person.

To continue the game, you need to climb up the sills. Then you will be attacked by three warriors coming out of the mirrors. Turn the corner on the left and go up the steps again. Thanks to this maneuver, you do not have to spend a branch of the past to raise a sleeping cyclops blocking the passage. Not far from the lizard, you will notice a room - you need to enter there to pull the ring.

Ignite the light in the hallway with the Pharros Key. There are a lot of dangers here - soldiers jump out from behind the paintings, and various creatures can break out of the cages. First of all, use the door located on the left - here you need to lure the dogs out of the liquid and deal with them. In the process of further passing the game, you need to remove clothes and rings, as well as collect gear. And of course, do not forget the key - you will need it to open the door on the right and easily get to the boss. Deal with the warriors, and then with the animal in the cage. There will be a cyclops behind the door, and then, at the gate, another one. When you're done with them, go through the fog and go to the boss.

Dealing with this enemy will not be difficult if your hero starts throwing himself at his feet. Attack the boss's ankles - they are the most vulnerable.

The dragon, of course, will not tolerate such treatment. He can stomp his foot or fly up. If he stomps, start hitting on the second leg, but when the boss takes off, it becomes no longer up to attacks - you need to dodge fire. When he goes down, start to actively strike.

Be careful! As soon as the fire starts to spread around the arena, put your shield in the direction of the starting position. If you do this, the flame damage to your hero will be minimal. It is not recommended to use target capture during the passage of this battle.

After the victory, take the dragon scales from the corner and go to the elevator. Below you need to light a fire, and then kill another dragon. The battle tactics will be exactly the same, but it is easier to deal with this enemy, since he will not be able to take to the air and sit on the walls. Around the battlefield you will find a large amount of titanite - pick it up before running towards the castle. Other dragons that you meet on the way can not be attacked.

Boss: Ancient Dragon

When you pass the last bridge, pass the archway and light a fire. Go upstairs and after killing the golem, activate the farros stone (it is located directly under the archway). Right behind the wall you will find a set of armor called "Justice". Go further, killing golems and taking loot from the chests on the ledges. You will reach them if you go up the secondary stairs. Be careful with the mobs that you will come across along the way. And remember that if you make your way through the boxes and find yourself at the cliff where the golem with the sword and the golem with the club stood, you can pick up a dragon egg.

At the end of this segment of the game, you will find yourself near the ancient dragon, from which you will receive the key of the ashen fog. You can fight the dragon or not. Your hero will be able to easily defeat this enemy if you act quickly and do not expose yourself to fire attacks. Don't try to land a lot of hits at once - attack 3 times in a row and then run to the edge of the platform. When the monster exhales the flame, you can attack it again. Then run away again - so, acting slowly, you will pass this segment of the game. Note that only a player who has a ring of endurance at his disposal can win. And besides, before the battle, it is desirable to improve the weapon with the help of lightning - this will increase its destructive power.

Boss: Lord of the Giants

Having taken possession of the key, hurry to the withered giant. You can find him behind the door with the royal seal if you visit the Forest of the Fallen Giants. Before the fight with the enemy, your hero will need to go through the wall. Just don't rush - before you move forward, wait for the mods to kill each other and the artillery to finish what they started. Climb up to the ledge you see to your left and sit there until the statue's head destroys your enemies. To go further, you need to remember the mode of movement of the shells - only in this way you can overcome the danger zone without falling under a volley. And the boss is waiting ahead.

In principle, this opponent is similar to the first of the giants with whom you had to fight on early stages passing the game. Only he attacks with a sword, not with his hands. Deliver strikes purposefully to the ankles of the enemy, deftly dodging his dangerous legs. Also, you can take almost all the blows of the giant on the shield - the only exception is stomping. After the end of the fight, go to Drangleic Castle, where the last of the "sealed" doors is located. Look for this door by the first of your fires.

Passing this section of the game will not be easy, because there are two warrior bosses ahead. If you want to win, call the assistants before you enter the fog. Bosses, on the other hand, must be killed very quickly - it is desirable to do this at the same time or, in extreme cases, with a minimum difference in time. Otherwise, one enemy will be able to resurrect another. When you're done, use the bone to get souls.

Boss: Nashadra

Only a trained warrior is capable of dealing with this enemy. He is very strong, and curses, as well as dark attacks and scythe attacks, deal special damage. Avoiding them is very difficult - in any case, you will not dodge curses. So act thoughtfully and consistently, using the same techniques. Before the battle, it is advisable to put on the blinding ring, which you received in the early stages of the game. In this case, it will be possible to maintain the standard of living by 75%, and not immediately lose 50%.

Long-range attacks will have to be abandoned - they are not suitable for a swordsman. Defeat the boss with 2-3 melee attacks until he attacks and only collects magic. Then quickly move along the perimeter of the site, breaking all the clouds with one blow of the sword. Next up is close combat. And since Nashadra hits so hard, you need to force her to throw the same blows - blows that will be easy for your hero to dodge. Approach the enemy, wait for the swing, and then quickly run back a couple of steps. In this case, the blow will not reach you. But don't rush to attack again - Nashadra can do another one. Thus, attacking between the blows of the enemy and waiting for his attacks, you can win without even resorting to the help of allies.

And don't forget to constantly stay close to the boss so that he can't attack you from above or reach you with a laser. Be careful - after a while your opponent will start collecting magic from the clouds, and you will have to destroy them again. Be sure to do this, otherwise you will lose. And remember that one single blow is enough for the clouds. When this task is completed, provoke the enemy to attack with a beam, and then give it a good finish. After that, go back to melee, and so on until the very end.

Tell friends:

Unlike the original Dark Souls, where you could pump up the characteristics of a hero at any fire, in order to increase it, you need to talk to a certain character. You need a girl in green, Emerald Herald. She stands by the fire in Majula.

How to use torch in ?

There are several ways to light a torch. The easiest is to find a source of fire in the location and press the action button. You can also light a torch at campfires by approaching it, pressing the switch stance button (Y on Xbox 360, triangle on PS3 and Ctrl + middle mouse button on PC), and then pressing the action button. Another way is to use the Flame Butterfly.

How to hit with two swords in?

In the second part of the series, a fighting stance appeared for using two weapons at the same time. To use this feature, several conditions must be met. First, both weapons must be of the same type: that is, you cannot fight with a straight sword in one hand and a club in the other.

Secondly, the parameters of your character must exceed the required characteristics of the weapon by 50%. For example, to use a two-handed sword, you need 28 points of strength (Strength) and 10 points of dexterity (Dexterity). To fight with two of these swords at the same time, your hero must have at least 42 points of strength and 15 points of dexterity.

Thirdly, after equipping two weapons, you need to hold down the stance switch button for a second (Y on Xbox 360, triangle on PS3 and Ctrl + middle mouse button on PC). After that, you will be able to fence with two swords, clubs, scythes and so on at once. Use the left bumper and gamepad trigger (or the left mouse button on PC) to perform dual attacks.

How to get to the Temple of Winter in?

The doors to this location will remain closed until you kill four owners of Great Souls: the Lost Sinner in the Hill of Sinners location, the Rotten in the Black Cleft, the Old Iron King in the Iron Citadel and Freja, the Duke's Dear Freja in Brightstone Cove Tseldora. However, you can get into the Temple of Winter without killing these bosses, but for this, your hero’s “Memory of Souls” parameter must have more than 1,000,000 units. Long and exhausting "farm" souls or challenge the four bosses - you decide.

How to use spells in ?

What to do with the souls of the bosses in?

There are two options here: you can absorb them, while receiving several thousand souls, or exchange the remains of the bosses for unique weapons or spells. The latter can be done with two characters: Straid of Olaphis and Ornifex.

Strayd is located on the top floor of the Dire Fortress. It's turned stone, so you'll need Old Fragrant Branch to revive it.

Ornifex is locked in a cell in the Dark Ruins, underground. To get the key to the door, you need to revive the stoned Lion Warrior - so here you can’t do without the Fragrant Branch of the past. This warrior is in the same location, on the surface near the cliff. By defeating an ungrateful opponent, you will receive a key. After talking with Ornifex, the character will move to Brightstone Cove-Tseldora. The entrance to his dwelling is located next to a large sandy funnel.

Straid and Ornifex have different assortments of soul weapons. Be sure to study their offers - it is likely that you will find something suitable for your character build.

Where to find the king symbol in ?

Next to King Vendrick himself, oddly enough. You are unlikely to miss the Monarch - a meeting with him will take place in the Crypt of the Undead, where you will definitely get after opening the gates to the Temple of Winter. Before killing the four Great Souls, fighting the Mirror Knight and the Song Demon, you don't have to worry about the symbol of the king.

Where can I find blacksmith coal in ?

Dull Ember is located in the Iron Citadel. Details are in this video:

Dull Ember should be given to Blacksmith McDuff (Steady Hand McDuff) in Dire Fortress. With it, he will be able to enchant your weapons.

Who is better to play as?

There are no bad classes and buildups in DS2. If you are new to the series, then you better pay attention to the warrior and knight. Characters who emphasize strength and massive equipment - a good choice for the novice player. True, while you have to forget about the rolls. If you prefer mobility, then you will like to play as nimble heroes in light equipment - you can take a swordsman or a bandit at the start. The mage and cleric are doing something on the battlefield, which is understandable - this is the choice for players who like to fry enemies with spells.

Choosing a class at the beginning of the game does not mean that you have to play this role until the very end. As you progress, you can make a hero that best suits your favorite style of play.

What to download characters in?

There are no useless characteristics, as well as the only right way hero upgrades. True, there are some regularities. You can never go wrong if you put a couple of points into such parameters as Vigor (increases the amount of health), Endurance (increases stamina) and Adaptability (increases the speed of some actions in the game). The rest of the stats are prioritized depending on your play style.

Heroes attacking in melee should focus on developing such parameters as "Strength", "Agility", "Fortitude" and "Physical Power" (Vitality, increases the maximum weight of equipment). For spellcasters of all kinds, the "Scholarship" characteristic is important - the higher it is, the more spells you can use. Adepts of magic must pump intellect, clerics - faith, and masters of corruption - both are approximately equal. Faith, intelligence and learning also affect the power of pyromancy.

Mr. Plum, I didn't have to rush through Dark Souls 2. As a result, I finished it literally today. Despite the fact that the game is still very exciting (and definitely one of the best of the games released this year), I think that many reviewers in their praise (which I need not repeat) forget about many important things, about which should be mentioned.

Dark Souls 2 is not pretty. This is normal in itself - even Demon's Souls looked modest compared to its contemporaries - but only before the release we were shown much more impressive videos and screenshots. The lighting was especially impressive, from which there was practically nothing left in the final version (according to the developers , it was sacrificed for frame rate stability).

Torches are not needed. As a consequence of the above: lighting does not play a role, and in the dark you can still navigate without a torch that replaces a vital shield (or prevents you from using a two-handed weapon). As Mr. Sliva correctly noted, the torch can be taken out occasionally only to admire good lighting effects in places (and once again be upset that they do not correspond to those shown in the trailers).

Locations are very linear. In view of the ability to freely teleport from one lit fire to another, DS2 almost completely got rid of looped levels in which, after passing, you can open a short path from the beginning to the boss itself. The passage of stages, as a rule, is a systematic cleaning of the space between two selected checkpoints or attempts to once again run to the boss through crowds of enemies that you don’t want to spray.

The weapon breaks. Constantly. In Dark Souls, equipment breakage was quite rare; in DS2, a full clear of one location (from campfire to campfire) is usually enough to completely wear out your favorite sword. It is worth monitoring his condition on your own, because after a warning the weapon breaks almost immediately, and changing equipment during the battle is fraught with inglorious death. The durability of the equipment is restored on fires, but broken things will have to be carried to the blacksmith.

Old habits will let you down. In Dark Souls 2, those things that were considered for granted in the previous parts require the investment of precious “exp”. The new Agility parameter is responsible for the number of frames of invulnerability when rolling and the speed of healing with estus, which, in turn, can be raised by pumping Adaptability (in the Russian version of "Resistance" - interestingly, resistance what?) or Attunement ("Scholarship"). If you don’t know this, then you can assume that, since Adaptability doesn’t really affect the main characteristics in any way, then there’s no need to spend levels on it - and then get mad that bosses constantly get you during indecently long treatment or even during earlier former saving rifts. Video for clarity:

Enemy attacks are homing. In other words, starting combos, opponents - including bosses! - each new blow will be applied exactly to the hero. Even if he manages to run behind them - in Dark Souls 2 all enemies, even the most gigantic (and seemingly clumsy), are spinning like gramophone records. I don't think it's very fair.

Attack hitboxes are incredibly curved. To the fact that an attack that is clearly not reaching you for some reason takes away health, or to a sudden blow in the back from an opponent who has just loomed in front of you, Dark Souls fans are probably ready, for nothing that they have met this more than once - in multiplayer. In DS2, the problem in some unimaginable way migrated to the single. Attacks of normal opponents and bosses get where, according to the animation, they should not; sometimes the game becomes impudent to such an extent that, after showing that you have avoided the attack, after a second it still starts the animation of your death at the hands of the enemy, literally teleporting you to his arms.

Enemies disappear forever. Any stage can be cleared by cutting everyone on it a dozen times. In my opinion, this solution is one of the best in the game. On the one hand, it does not allow the Munchkins to easily "farm" souls and loot, on the other hand, it makes life easier for those who cannot go through one or another segment of the game. In the end, if a player dealt with this enemy 12 times, then obviously this enemy does not pose a threat to him, which means that he is no longer needed.

Copy-paste. Despite what producer Tak Miyazoe promised us, most of the bosses in Dark Souls II are fairly ordinary humanoid opponents with melee weapons and standard attacks. This is partly offset by the fact that there are corny more bosses, but towards the end of the game, the frequent use of the same tactics begins to tire. The best of the bosses, in my opinion, is the chariot shown in the first trailer. But I didn’t appreciate the mirror knight that Mr. Plum admired: apparently, the fight with him was supposed to resemble an old monk from Demon's Souls, but all my five attempts I fought with simple AI dummies.

Blue covenants don't work. In theory, this sounds great: newcomers enter the Way of Blue (“Azure Way”), and if they are invaded by villains who are members of the Brotherhood of Blood (“Brotherhood of the Blood”), defenders from the Blue Sentinels will automatically appear (“Blue Guardians”). "). What's the catch: in order to invade other people's worlds, you need disposable items that, well, end very quickly. Members of the "Brotherhood" can get them in duels with each other, but in order to join this covenant, you must first go through a very difficult location. The “Brothers”, as a result, turn out to be sufficiently pumped and can invade equally pumped players - who by this time will most likely have already found another covenant to replace the “Path” that does not give anything. For several dozen times that I invaded other people's worlds, I have never met blue phantoms. And vice versa: you can sit hour after hour at the "Guard" in the vain hope that you need help.

The "rat" covenant is a form of mockery. Here is Bell Keepers (“Bell Keepers”) - the perfect PvP covenant: when someone (even if this someone is one of “their own”, paradoxically) enters one of the two optional towers, members of the covenant appear in his the world as defenders of the bell towers and fight it honestly. But the members of the "Order of the Rat King" behave like real rats: they drag those who look into their "native" locations into their world, where all the monsters are on their side. Dealing with another player is already very difficult, and when you are knee-deep in water at the same time, and you are also attacked by poisonous rats along with spear-bearing mammoths, the chances of winning inexorably tend to zero.

The ugliest level just got uglier. In the previous parts of the swamp, which did not allow rolling and running, were inhabited by opponents who prefer close combat, which could be lured to land to fight them fairly. In Dark Souls 2, the water-filled location is full of chasms that are hardly visible underwater - this is one of the few places where the torch could be useful if most of the opponents here did not shoot the hero with homing magic through half the map. When the hero can hardly move his legs, under water, on top of that, they sit in ambush, invisible even near the creature, and the exit from the location is guarded by a whole Sonderkommando of the strongest enemies. Thank you for at least this time without poison.

Developers do not really understand what is difficult and what is trite inconvenient. Exploding kamikazes, breaking all your equipment with two “booms” and forcing you to trudge back to the blacksmith, only get on your nerves. The bonfires, hidden in hiding places behind completely ordinary-looking walls, force you to either turn to hints, or poke your nose into each brick on your own, like in some kind of Wolfenstein 3D, or skip checkpoints and spend a lot of time on the way to the boss through the entire level. Well, the need to spend time each time pumping back to Majula and listening to four replicas of a sad girl seems completely wild: why is this all, if you can still teleport from each fire? Why not make it possible to level directly on them, like in DS1?

Don't expect a whole world. While almost every place in Dark Souls could be reached on foot, DS2 abuses elevators. Moreover, with magical elevators: if we go up from the top of the mill standing over the wasteland (where up? Into the sky?), then by a miracle we will find ourselves at the foot of the castle, surrounded by lava. The variety of locations, of course, is very commendable, but since you have begun to follow in the footsteps of Dark, and not Demon's Souls, please, tie them together.

This is the weakest part of Souls. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Hidetaka Miyazaki was not directly involved in its development, but Dark Souls 2 lacks the identity of its two predecessors and tries too hard to be like DS1 in everything. It feels like an expansion pack, a bunch of not-so-well-connected levels created by a team without a visionary. Of course, even additional stages and PvP arenas for Dark Souls are more valuable than very, very many games, but in the next part of the series I would like to see a lot more new solutions and much more thorough work on bugs.

You will start the game by watching an interesting cutscene. When you're done looking, head up through the bushes, making your way to the bridge that's just past the stairs. Watch another video series and start creating your own protégé. When you look - go through open door and come to the wagon. Check it out and you will find the Soul of the Lost Undead and a torch, which you will need later on. For example, now. Set it on fire and move into the hole in the wall, which is located along right hand. Well, it's time to practice fighting. Pass through the first curtain and take to the left. Progress through Dark Souls 2 until you pick up the most basic weapon in the game - the dagger. There are also a couple of opponents with whom you can dance a little with weapons. When you kill them, pick up a couple of Amber Herbs.

Well, let's go to study further? Take the same to the left to continue. Knock down the tree that prevents you from going through and, through the gap that appears, go to the new battle point. You need to defeat the next pair of opponents, climb the next ladder and defeat a couple more enemies. Another foggy curtain will send us on. If you go down a little lower, you can get an excellent blessing from the deity. Look to the left, where the passage to the tunnels, resembling a labyrinth, will be located. Move on, looking around. When you find a corpse, search it for Lifegems. Moving forward and studying the passage of Dark Souls 2, you can find another corpse, from which Homeward Bones will now be removed. Now our path lies in the house ahead, where we have to climb the stairs. Inside, again, we will use the principle of the left hand and cut out all living things on the left. Here you must find Lloyd's Talismans, which we will need in the future. Go outside and continue along the road until you stumble upon a beautiful stranger in black clothes with whom you need to talk. When you find yourself by the fire, you can do character development by level and purchase Estus Flask - a standard healing potion that you will repeatedly meet in the passage of Dark Souls 2

Well, it's time to go outside. There is a person waiting for you to talk to. When you talk to him, look behind the hut on the right and pick up the lying Nameless Soldier and, looking under the corner of the tent, pick up the Lifegem left there. See the door? Us there. Go to the right corridor until you come across a spiral rise. In the chest nearby you can find Crimson Parma, which will also come in handy. We will go down the spiral descent until we find a lever that we have to use. When you move it, you will open a new closet, where you will have to pick up the Soul of a Lost Undead, which we have already found, and a new weapon - Broken Thief Sword. Go back and go up now. There you will find another lever needed to complete Dark Souls 2. Did you use it? You can return to your location. There you will have to climb a hill to pray to the located cobblestone in the passage of Dark Souls 2. Here you can become a member of the Union of Champions. This is a very useful faction, which will greatly complicate our lives. Looking to the left, you'll find Homeward Bones, which might come in handy as well.

Go to the blazing fire, because there is one more passage left unexplored. Did you see the chest? Take the loot from there and continue on your way. It's just starting... When you go through the left tunnel, use the switch to open the next gate. Here you should use the passage and take to the left. Explore the next chest, which contains Human Effigy. Going forward into the passage of Dark Souls 2, you will find more bones and pieces of the soul, which are needed for a successful passage. Now our path lies to the river, where we need to stand and mentally gather ourselves with new adventures in the forest of the Fallen Giants.

For those who are just starting their journey through the mysterious and extremely dangerous world In Dark Souls 2, it's worth reading some useful tips on how to reduce the total number of deaths during the passage of the game.

Don't Fear The Reaper

The second part of Dark Souls is a very difficult game, so be prepared for the fact that you will have to die quite often and at the most inopportune moments of time. The main thing in this case is to move yourself and not break. The most difficult will be for those players who are used to passing games without a single death, because of their ease and the presence of several levels of difficulty. There is no such thing here. Therefore, you should not be afraid of death - always look in everything positive sides. Surely you died for a reason, but for some reason: you found a new location with hidden traps, met a strong enemy with powerful blows, saw an additional boss move, and so on. Remember all these aspects and perceive death as additional experience. The entire passage of Dark Souls 2 is built on death, and therefore even knowing all the secrets of the game, you still someday die.

Don't stop killing low level monsters

After a full exploration of any large region and having accurate information about the enemies inhabiting this location, it will not be superfluous to "farm" a little in this area, that is, to destroy all the monsters on the level several times. This way you will be able to earn souls in a relatively safe area. For high-level heroes, these souls may not be enough to increase parameters, but they will be quite enough to improve equipment. For a low-level character, even a small increase in characteristics can make life much easier. For example, an increase in stamina will make it possible to carry out a series of attacks not in three hits, but in five. However, we do not recommend you to be impudent - spend only four hits, and then immediately do a somersault. Don't forget to leave stamina for blocking as well.

Note that full walkthrough Dark Souls 2 is impossible without buying new armor and weapons, as well as improving them. All this also requires souls, which again are easiest to get by relatively easy killing of low-level monsters. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to kill them endlessly, because after a certain number of kills, the monsters simply disappear from the level.

The right place to fight is a quarter of a victory

The most offensive deaths in the game are those that were committed due to their own carelessness and stupidity. However, they can also be of some use. For example, such a death can overtake a player when he is completely focused on the battle and forgets about the environment. Such fights usually end with the character rolling in the wrong direction and falling off a cliff, falling to his death. Sometimes players drive themselves into narrow spaces, where it is very difficult to fight with several opponents at once. After such deaths, gamers begin to understand that it is necessary to choose the right place for the fight.

If you want to avoid such deaths from the very beginning, then you need to carefully study the locations, noting areas with steep cliffs and narrow rooms. If the enemy started the battle in a room where you have nowhere to turn around, then you need to try to lure him into a more spacious room. These recommendations become especially important when searching for lost souls, because if you die again and do not have time to pick up souls, they will disappear forever. At such moments, you also need not to break down and suppress the desire to throw a mouse or a gamepad at the nearest wall.

Caution is my middle name

In the continuation, as in the original, there are relatively weak opponents that a character of an average level of development is able to kill with one or two blows. In Dark Souls 2, there are a few more of them. However, this does not mean that when you meet a new enemy, you can behave imposingly and not take the enemy seriously. There is a good chance that he is already able to deal with you from his very first attack. In addition, do not pay attention to the appearance of the enemy, as it can be deceiving. For example, in the game there are often large opponents who can move very quickly and strike at lightning speed.

In Dark Souls 2, it's very difficult to predict the actions of a monster without actually fighting it. For this reason, do not attack the enemy "headlong and with a naked saber" - act carefully and be on the move all the time. You can also taunt enemies to attack to see how much damage he deals and what types of attacks he uses.

Check inventory regularly

For the entire time of passing the game, the character accumulates in the inventory a huge number of things that at first may seem completely useless to many players. Some of them will remain unused in the backpack at all. Naturally, in this case, users often forget about many of the artifacts they have in their bag. Therefore, if you can't manage to defeat some particularly strong boss, then look in your inventory just in case. Suddenly there was some kind of powerful "bomb" lying around. Naturally, you are unlikely to kill a monster with it, but you can reduce its health level.

I hope our small tips will help you to pass this difficult game. In the future, a full-fledged passage of Dark Souls 2 will appear on the site.