How to get rid of ticks in bed. Use of chemicals

  • 12.06.2019

It is possible to fight linen mites, but even if they are destroyed, it is important to understand that they will return over time.

Bed mites are microscopic in size, which makes it impossible to see them without the use of magnifying equipment. On average, a linen mite has a size of about 0.5 millimeters. But what does a bed bug look like?

In fact, bed mites look like ordinary large mites, the similarity can be traced even in small things. Linen mites have exactly the same mouthparts and the same habits as ordinary mites (for example, fear of daylight).

Where do bed mites live?

Human danger

It is also worth noting that the bite bed mites not accompanied by the appearance of bumps or local erythema at the site of the bite itself. Such symptoms are characteristic of the bites of other blood-sucking insects, such as mosquitoes, bedbugs, or itching.

Deaths from the bite of bed mites are theoretically possible, but in practice are allowed only in terms of casuistry.

Bed bug bite symptoms

If bed mite bites do not leave bumps or any skin reactions, what does a bed mite bite look like? This question is quite interesting and requires some explanation.

However, in most cases, no symptoms of bed mites bites are observed, besides, they bite a person extremely rarely, since they do not feed on blood, but hunt for dead skin pieces of people and animals.

How to understand that bed mites are wound up at home?

To determine the presence of bed mites in the apartment remains only by indirect signs, which include:

  • itching on the limbs or head after sleep;
  • the appearance of an allergy or several of its subtypes against the background of the absence of an allergic history;
  • persistent cough and sneezing that lasts a long time (more than two weeks) and is not associated with smoking or infectious diseases;
  • the appearance of allergic rhinitis with a long stay at home, while when you go outside, all symptoms disappear, even without taking antihistamines;
  • exacerbation of chronic skin diseases for no apparent reason;
  • the appearance of the symptoms described or similar to them in pets.

How to get rid of bed mites?

To solve this problem, special chemicals are used, namely:

The above means for the destruction of bed mites are the main and most popular, but there are other equally good substances that can be found in specialized stores.

For some, it takes months. But such a long wait for the result, as a rule, is caused by the wrong approach to work.

Bed mites in the house

However, they reveal the manifestation of their vital activity rather quickly. First of all, the presence of bed mites becomes noticeable by characteristic bites.

When such symptoms appear, it is urgent to begin to act. To get rid of bed mites, you need to choose effective, but relatively safe ways struggle. Considering that it will be necessary to process places where a person sleeps and spends a lot of time, the task will be very difficult.

Causes of ticks in the house

Considering that it can be difficult to detect ticks right away, it is also difficult to identify the real reason why they came from in the house.

But still, it is worth trying to restore the chronology of events in order to know where next time you need to be especially careful.

Ticks can get home in feather pillows and blankets

Ticks can "move" to animals. They are quite capable of being brought on wool by a cat or a dog.

In addition, it can be birds that are fed in the feeder right outside the bedroom window. Infection can also occur after visiting a place where there were a lot of bed mites, for example, hotels with poor quality of service.

In order to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to carefully remove dust, wash and iron things, especially bed linen, and ventilate the room. Ticks in pillows and blankets, in terry sheets, as well as in all sorts of hand-made home decorations, are not uncommon. Needlework is beautiful and useful, but in limited quantities.

In a clean room, where they always carefully clean, using disinfectants, there should be no ticks, bedbugs, cockroaches and other unpleasant guests. Therefore, do not be lazy, but devote more time to the cleanliness of your home.

Habitat and appearance

The bed tick is not much different from its other relatives. Their only obvious distinguishing feature are very small sizes. Because of this, even an adult can only be seen under a microscope. The dimensions of the body of the tick do not exceed half a millimeter. They have 6 legs and a large enough jaw that can even chew on human skin.

Bed mites often cause allergies of unknown etiology

However, from time to time marks appear on the human skin that look like small wounds. One or two bites may not be noticed, but when a huge colony of ticks gathers in the bed, it is already dangerous and can cause serious damage to the skin.

In fact, such marks are called bites only conditionally. Bed mites can bite through the skin, they even feed on it, but this only applies to microscopic dead particles, and not to healthy epithelium.

How to treat allergies?

If irritated by a tick, lubricate the affected area with fenistil

First you need to treat the affected area with a special ointment against allergies. Fenistil is well suited, which not only relieves irritation, but also eliminates itching, redness, and also disinfects the problem area. After that, you need to carefully monitor your health.

The bed mite does not bite through the skin and does not drink blood, so it cannot be called an active carrier of diseases. However, such a development of events is not excluded. When the first suspicious symptoms appear, you should immediately consult a doctor and undergo an examination.

You need to be especially careful if an allergy manifests itself in a child. Children need to treat problem areas with high quality, and then take care to completely get rid of ticks in bed and at home. In a child, proximity to ticks can cause not only hives and itching on the skin, but also breathing problems.

How to destroy bed mites?

As for how to get rid of bed mites, there are a huge number of ways to do this. First you need to process things and furniture in which small bugs could settle. Bed linen, pajamas and other clothing should be washed thoroughly. For this, tar soap is best suited. If possible, boil all things, and then hang them out to dry in the fresh air.

Wash all your home textiles first

If it's winter outside, this is another chance to get rid of bed mites. In the cold, you can take out furniture, blankets and pillows. Freezing for a day is enough for the mites to disappear. They die when the thermometer falls below -5 ºС, so you don't even have to wait for a hard frost.

Therefore, they can be destroyed by steaming. For this, a special apparatus is used that releases steam at 90 ºС. This is enough to destroy all ticks. It is best to entrust the processing of furniture to professionals. They use not only hot steam, but also special chemicals. But here you need to be very careful, because for some time after cleaning you can not use the furniture. Otherwise, poisoning may occur.

You can use ammonia soap to clean sofas and mattresses. feature this method is that in this case there will be no harm to human health after processing the premises. You can be in the room right away, and not wait for several days until the chemical poisons disappear.

Processing a room for the destruction of bed mites is a complex undertaking. If you don't follow some important rules, then there will be no sense from the procedure.

In order to properly clean the room, you must first carry out a wet cleaning of the house.

Preventive measures

In order not to suffer from allergies, not to endanger the lives of your children and not to think about how to deal with bed mites, you need to make sure that they do not bother the residents of the house. To do this, you need to follow preventive measures.

Bed linen should be changed regularly. After washing, it must be ironed, and only then put in the closet. So the risk of reproduction of ticks will be minimal.

What does a typical place of residence look like? Ordinary household dust accumulated in mattresses, hard-to-reach corners of furniture, under beds. About a hundred bed mites can live in one gram of it. In addition, they are very prolific - the female can lay up to three hundred eggs during the day.

How bed mites get into the house

Advice! Bed mites are afraid of constantly ventilated rooms, direct sunlight, large open spaces.

External signs, symptoms of a "bite" of a bed tick

What do bed tick bites look like:

  • multiple bumpy reddish "pimples", a bit similar to mosquito bites;
  • rashes are located in a kind of path at a distance from each other from a few millimeters to a centimeter;
  • the areas of the skin that the tick has visited are very itchy.

The "bites" of bed mites in the photo, or rather the allergy to contact with them, are very different and expressive.

Upon contact with the waste products of the bed tick, the “bitten” observes the following symptoms:

  • rash on the body;
  • runny nose, cough, sneezing without signs of acute respiratory infections or SARS;
  • inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes, redness of the eyelids, tearing;
  • in rare cases - shortness of breath with wheezing, fever.

In addition to physical discomfort and sleep disturbance, exposure to bed mites can also be a serious health hazard. In particular, a severe allergic reaction may occur - Quincke's edema, which threatens the sick person with suffocation.

Bites of bed mites on a person are also causes of scabies. The disease quickly spreads throughout the body due to scratching of damaged areas. At the same time, the temperature rises, “lays” the nose and throat. Shaking hands, sharing a towel, or other contact can spread scabies to other people. This disease does not go away on its own, it should be treated immediately.

Treatment for an allergic reaction

When diagnosing these signs of allergy to bed mites, you should contact a dermatologist as soon as possible. It is helpful to wash the damaged area with soap or water. soda solution and then treat it with an antiseptic.

Help relieve itching:

  • essential oils of wormwood, cypress, mint, lavender, lemon, geranium, coniferous plants;
  • a cotton pad soaked in pure vinegar;
  • ice for drinks wrapped in a clean towel;
  • squeezed bag of black or green tea;
  • lotions from decoctions of plants with healing properties, - aloe, chamomile, plantain, calendula.

It is important to note that the listed remedies only alleviate the symptoms, but do not cure the allergy itself.

Advice! Drink activated charcoal (according to your body weight - one tablet / 5 kg) - this will help remove toxins that cause allergic irritations.

For treatment, the following medicines are used:

  • Tsindol- "drying" of rashes;
  • Akriderm– fight against inflammation;
  • Afloderm, propolis tincture- copes with itching;
  • Tavegil, Ofloderm- Removal of symptoms of the reaction;
  • Rescuer, Fenistil- a remedy for removing puffiness;
  • "Star"- the fight against pathogenic microbes on the surface of the wounds.

Note! Everything medicines must be prescribed by the attending physician!

Removing bed mites

mechanical method

How to get rid of bed mites in this way:

Preventive measures

In order to never share your home with bed mites, it is enough to follow this small list of rules:

  • slowly get rid of feather bedding, carpets, rugs, and put on special covers on mattresses;
  • pillows, blankets, mattresses periodically take out to the balcony in winter for several hours, and also warm them up under the sun several times during the summer;
  • regularly ventilate the room, do not clutter it with "dust collectors";
  • carry out daily wet cleaning using a 20% brine solution, use a steam cleaner for “general” cleaning;
  • boil bedding or wash it at high temperatures;
  • take care of the hygiene of your pets.

We hope this article will help you deal with uninvited guests and bed mites will never visit your home again.

Many people around the world have experienced allergies in one way or another. In this case, it often happens that the irritant cannot be determined, which means that it is impossible to eliminate the cause of the allergy and prescribe adequate therapy. And only special samples establish an allergen - household dust. But it is not the dust itself that has a negative impact, but the microscopic living organisms that live in it. These are acarids, and in everyday life - a linen mite.

What is a linen mite

Linen mite: habitat

Most affected by ticks are individuals who are themselves prone to allergic reactions. In addition to external signs, they also have other clear indicators that the linen mite has had its effect: the body temperature rises, the eyes begin to redden and watery, sometimes there is nasal congestion, redness of the throat and even eczema. In children, often due to contact with a linen tick, bronchial asthma develops without visible prerequisites, which cannot be completely cured and returns again and again.

Ways to deal with linen mites

So, the person who was bitten (the photo looks really intimidating) should thoroughly wash the body under hot water, change underwear and bedding, apply special anti-allergic drugs to the skin and do not take a shower for some time, and also change the sheets on which he sleeps daily.

Home ways to fight

Because the tick is sensitive to temperature, in a good way get rid of it will be exposure to low temperatures. For example, in winter it is recommended to take out bed linen for 10-20 minutes in the cold, while in summer - to direct exposure to ultraviolet radiation. An excellent solution would also be dry cleaning of down and feather pillows, blankets in specialized deep processing centers, where the linen mite is eradicated in the process of exposure to certain reagents.

How to get rid at home? by the most simple option is a mixture of soap and ammonia in proportions of 1: 2, which surfaces are treated with.

Prevention of the occurrence of linen mites

As you know, it is better to prevent a problem than to deal with it for a long time and with varying degrees of success. In the described case, just preventive measures show good results. The most popular, but simple and effective, are listed below:

What is the chance of becoming a victim of a linen mite?

It should be taken for granted that the linen mite rarely causes severe harm to those whose homes are subjected to regular wet cleaning. However, no matter what the precautions are, it is almost impossible to permanently get rid of this little pest. To control the situation, it is simply necessary to purchase a special marker in pharmacies, which makes it possible, with a high degree of probability, to localize places where pests accumulate in the apartment. And it is these places to keep under special control.

In contact with

What bed mites look like is shown in the photo:

Main habitats:

  1. Mattress;
  2. Pillows;
  3. Blankets;
  4. Carpets;
  5. Furniture;
  6. Shoes and clothes, and other dusty and dark places.

Many people think that such a misfortune as bed bugs is found only in houses with complete unsanitary conditions. It's not like that at all. Bed bugs are constantly next to a person, and these insects can appear in any home.

The most common causes of bed bugs:

  • Pets;
  • through neighbors;
  • in furniture and technology;
  • long-term repair;
  • brought in things from a trip.

There are three main methods to deal with this problem: biological, chemical or mechanical. Each of them is effective in its own way. Let's consider each method separately.

An insecticide is a chemical preparation that is sold in the form of an emulsion, powder or spray. The best, and most famous example of such a remedy is dichlorvoz. In addition to dichlorvos, you can use Reid, Chlorpyrifos or Riapan.

  • Chlorpyrifos. It is diluted in water and applied to all places through which insects can enter the house and their habitats. Before use, it is important to carefully read the instructions so as not to harm the health of the inhabitants of the home.
  • Raid. Time-tested remedy for bed mites, which gives a guaranteed result. The only downside is the strong smell. It needs to be sprayed along the baseboards and in problem areas and wait for the result.
  • Riapan - no less effective than the above means. It is sold in powder form, scattered along the baseboard and under the bed. Riapan should be used with caution, the product is very toxic and can harm your health.

  1. Camphor and turpentine. In one container, mix 100 ml of ethyl alcohol and turpentine and 5 g of camphor. The resulting mixture is treated with bedbug nests.
  2. Ammonia. The pungent smell of this product is unbearable for bedbugs. To do this, mix 150 g of denatured alcohol, 10 g ammonia and 4 g of benzene. The agent is poured on a saucer and placed near the infected areas.
  3. Denatured alcohol. Insects and nests should be watered with pure denatured alcohol.
  4. Another effective mixture consists of 100 ml cresol 200 ml kerosene and 10 naphthalene. Problem areas are treated with the resulting mixture with a brush.


When the first symptoms of the appearance of bed mites in your home, you need to immediately take measures to prevent the home. To get results, you may have to apply many methods, but this will certainly bring results. After decontamination of the premises, it is better to make repairs in the apartment. Re-glue the wallpaper and change the baseboards - a reliable guarantee that the bugs will no longer appear.

How to deal with bed mites, in detail on the video: