The miraculous icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" of Smolensk. What is Hodegetria? Description of the icon, its history and meaning

  • 14.10.2019

The most ancient images of the Mother of God, according to legend, belong to the brush of the Evangelist Luke, who created them during his lifetime. Holy Mother of God. These include the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. She arrived in Russia as a wedding gift from the emperor of Byzantium Constantine IX Porphyrogenic to his daughter Anna, who was married to the Chernigov prince Vsevolod, the son of Yaroslav the Wise.

The Smolensk icon is a list from the icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria Blachernae"

From the history of the icon

The name "Hodegetria", that is, the Guide, is associated with a miracle revealed by the Mother of God herself, who once brought two blind men to the Blachernae Church, where they received their sight by Her will.

The Smolensk Icon of the Most Holy Theotokos was also a guide during Anna's journey from Byzantium to Russia. After the death of the spouses, their son, Prince Vladimir Monomakh, transferred the icon to Smolensk, in honor of which it was called "Smolensk".

The history of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" is associated with many miraculous deliverances

So, thanks to the fervent prayer of the inhabitants of Smolensk, their city in 1239 was delivered from the Batu invasion. There are cases when prayers in front of the icon protected from terrible epidemics, from attacks by enemies and enemy conquest. For the Orthodox, the Smolensk icon "Hodegetria" has indeed always been a guide, indicating the right path.

The icon enjoyed such reverence that temples were erected in its honor. So, the Church of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God was built in St. Petersburg, Arzamas, Shuya and other cities. The Shuiskaya Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God became especially famous.

In 1665, Shuya was seized by an epidemic of pestilence, and the frightened residents decided that they needed to write a list from the Smolensk icon. The pious icon painter made a sketch, but the next day he discovered that the position of the Infant Jesus had changed: His right leg was placed on the left knee. Deciding that this was his mistake, he corrected the icon, however, the next day the position of the Infant again became the same.

The icon painter considered this God's sign and made no further corrections. When the finished icon was brought to the temple, it shone with an extraordinary light, and after the prayer service the pestilence ended. After that, a real pilgrimage to the icon began, more than a hundred miracles took place, and Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich even sent a special commission to Shuya to certify the miraculous power of the Shuya (Smolensk) icon, which was done.

Description of the icon

According to the iconographic type, the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God belongs to one of the oldest renderings characteristic of Byzantine writing.

This is a half-length image of the Virgin with the Infant Jesus. The Blessed Virgin is dressed in scarlet (on modern lists often red) color, which emphasizes Her status as the Queen of Heaven. She holds the Infant Jesus on her left hand, and with her right hand, as it were, she points to Him. The meaning of this gesture lies in the fact that the Guide shows the way to salvation through Jesus Christ.

Jesus is also in a royal robe of golden color, that is, in the form of the Almighty. In His left hand is a scroll symbolizing His teachings, right hand raised with fingers folded in a gesture of blessing. An aura of faith and hope seems to emanate from the icon that the path to salvation really exists, and Hodegetria points it out.

What helps the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

This icon has shown so many miracles that its meaning does not need explanation - even today it remains for the Orthodox one of the most revered images of the Mother of God, the patroness and protector of the Russian state. That is why they turn to her with prayers for the protection of the Motherland from enemy invasions and wars; on the preservation of the life and health of military personnel, especially in hot spots; about getting rid of epidemics.

The Smolensk Mother of God also helps in family matters: she protects the family hearth from envious people and ill-wishers; strengthens steadfastness in faith and helps to resist temptations and delusions; helps to heal from serious illnesses and resolve difficult life situations.

Prayer of the Smolensk Mother of God

O Wonderful and Exceeding all creatures, the Queen of the Theotokos, the Heavenly King Christ our God Mother, the Most Pure Hodegetria Mary! Hear us sinners and unworthy at this hour, praying and falling down to Your Most Pure Image with tears and tenderly saying: lead us from the ditch of passions, the Most Gracious Lady, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow, protect us from all misfortunes and evil slander, and from the unrighteous and fierce libel of the enemy. May you, O our Blessed Mother, save Thy people from all evil and supply and save with all good deeds; unless you have another Representative in troubles and situations, and warm intercessors for us sinners, not imams. Pray, O Most Holy Lady, Thy Son Christ our God, that He may honor us with the Kingdom of Heaven; For this reason, we always praise Thee, as the Creator of our salvation, and we exalt the holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, forever and ever. Amen.

The Smolensk icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" is classified as one of the icon-painting types. According to the legend, the icon was painted in ancient times by the Evangelist Luke. In Russia, Hodegetria appeared only in the 11th century. Only in the XII century it began to be called Smolensk, when it was placed in the Smolensk church of the Assumption of the Virgin.

Prayer to the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God has been revered by many Christians for many centuries and helps to come true incredible miracles. Smolensk "Hodegetria" is considered the patroness of travelers, they ask her to save them on the way from unpleasant situations, various diseases, unforeseen troubles. All the suffering also pray to her, asking her to protect and save her home from ill-wishers and enemies. Throughout history, Christians have asked for help from the Mother of God of Smolensk in times of severe mass epidemics.

Icon type

The name of the icon is the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria". Otherwise, they call it "Guide". This is not the only specific icon, this is the name of one of the types of writing of the Virgin compositions.

Iconography is divided into several types of writing:

  • Eleussa - Tenderness.
  • Oranta - Prayer.
  • Hodegetria - Guidebook.
  • Panahranta - Pure.
  • Agiosoritissa (without the Child).

In other words, all the icons of the Mother of God are divided into groups, each of which has its own characteristics writing images. To identify the icon, you just need to determine how in space the faces of the Christ Child and the Mother of God are depicted on it.

What is characteristic of the Hodegetria icon? Here the image of the Baby is a little distant from the image of the Mother. Christ either sits in her arms or stands next to her. The Christ Child holds his right hand raised in a blessing gesture. With the other hand, he holds a book or scroll, which symbolizes the Law of God. One of the versions why the icon is called the “Guide” is that it indicates to believers that the true path is the path to Christ. The Mother of God points with her hand to the Infant as the “Truth, the Path to Life”, to which all believers who wish to be saved should strive.

Description of the ancient icon

According to church traditions, the miraculous icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk was painted during the earthly life of the Virgin Mary. The masterpiece was created by the holy evangelist Luke. The work was commissioned by Theophilus, an ancient ruler of Antioch. From Antioch, the icon was brought to Jerusalem, and only then Empress Eudoxia presented it to the sister of Emperor Pulcheria in Constantinople. Here the icon was kept for a long time in Blachernae church.

The board that was used to paint the icon has changed a lot under the yoke of time. Now it is difficult to determine what kind of wood it is made of. It is very heavy in weight. The Mother of God is depicted waist-deep. With her left hand she supports the Baby Jesus, the right one rests on her chest. The Divine Infant holds a book scroll in his left hand, and makes a blessing gesture with his right hand. The clothes of the Virgin Mary are dark coffee in color, Jesus is dark green with gilding.

Whom does the Mother of God help?

The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" will help to preserve peace and tranquility on earth and in every home. Prayer offered to the Holy Virgin protects people who are on military service, all those who protect the peace of the Motherland. They also pray to her during outbreaks of various diseases. Protects the "Hodegetria" and everyone who is on the road, protects from accidents, helps to find the right path.

Hearing earthly prayers, the mistress helps us reach out to God, her Son, begs us to forgive our sins, to save us from the wrath of the righteous. Strong assistant, protector Hodegetria, but whom does she help?

Only the God-fearing, godly, praying Mother of God helps, protects from terrible misfortunes and evil. The Mother of God will not come to the aid of those who have no fear of the Lord, the depraved. There is nothing surprising in this. By their iniquity, sinful actions, people again crucify the Truth of Christ. Well, what kind of mother would help the enemies of her son? The Mother of God has mercy on repentant sinners, on those who come to God with repentance, asking for help with tears and prayers. The Mother of God helps such sinners, everyone who wants to take the true path, correct their mistakes, and start a righteous life. She cares about the penitent, about those who, like prodigal son, return to the faith of Christ, confess and ask for forgiveness and deliverance from the burden of sin. For those who do not repent of their sins, do not care for the soul, the Blessed Virgin Mary does not care.

Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. The history of appearance in Russia

At the beginning of the second millennium, the Byzantine emperor Constantine IX (1042-1054) gave his beautiful daughter Anna in marriage to the Russian prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich. On a long journey, he blessed her with the "Hodegetria" - a miraculous icon. She accompanied the princess on her way from Constantinople itself to the Chernigov principality. According to one version, this is why the icon was called “Hodegetria”, that is, the Guide.

The son of Vsevolod Yaroslavich, Vladimir Monomakh, has always been considered far-sighted, wisest and diplomatic statesman of his time. He became famous as a peacemaker in his native land. He did not rely only on earthly forces and turned with prayers for help to the Most Holy Theotokos, asking for help to direct his reign in the right direction. With great reverence, he transferred the miraculous Hodegetria to Smolensk from the city of Chernigov. There she was placed in the Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which was founded in 1101. Since that time, Hodegetria received the name - the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. FROM God help Vladimir Monomakh managed to humble the recalcitrant princes and become a great ruler in Russia, where peace and quiet were established.

Miracles from the icon. The feat of Mercury

Many miracles were perfect from the Hodegetria icon, but the most remarkable thing for Smolensk is its salvation from the invasion of the Tatars. In 1239, it was the miraculous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God that saved the city from the invasion of the enemy. The inhabitants understood that they would not be able to repel the formidable attack of the Tatars, and with warm prayers, petitions for peace, they turned to the Mother of God. The Great Intercessor heard their prayers. The Tatars stopped not far from the city walls.

In those days, a pious Slav named Mercury served in the Smolensk squad. He was chosen by the Mother of God to save the city. On the night of November 24, in the Temple where the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God was kept, the sexton had a vision. The Mother of God appeared to him and ordered him to hand over to Mercury, so that he, armed, boldly went into the camp of the enemy and destroyed their main giant.

Hearing such words from the sexton, Mercury immediately hurried to the Temple. He fell with a prayer before the Holy Icon and heard a voice. The Mother of God turned with a request and instructions to Mercury, so that he would protect her Smolensk house from the enemy. The hero was warned that it was on this night that the Horde giant decided to attack the city and destroy it. The Mother of God begged her Son and God to protect her and not betray her native lands to the enemy. By the power of Christ, Mercury was supposed to defeat the giant, but with the victory, together with the victory, he was expecting a crown of martyrdom, which he would receive from his Christ.

Joyful tears came out of the eyes of Mercury, praying passionately, calling on the power of the Lord for help, he went to the camp of the enemy and defeated their giant. Only the Tatars hoped for his unknown strength before the battle. Enemies surrounded Mercury, with incredible strength he fought with them, seeing the face of the Holy One in front of him. After a tiring battle, the hero lay down to rest. The surviving Tatar, seeing the sleeping Mercury, cut off his head.

The Lord did not allow the body of the martyr to be left for the desecration of the enemy, he gave him the last strength. Mercury, as if still alive himself, entered the city and brought his severed head. With great honors, his body was buried in the cathedral church. Mercury was ranked among the Saints. In memory of his feat, accomplished with the help of the Mother of God in the name of saving the city, every year on this day (November 24) a thanksgiving service is performed and all-night vigil before the image of the Hodegetria. The Smolensk Epiphany Cathedral to this day keeps shoes and an iron cone that were on Mercury on that fateful night.

The arrival of the icon in Moscow

The Tatar-Mongol yoke had not yet been completely defeated, and a new enemy was already pressing Russia from the west. On the western border, Smolensk has become one of the significant objects. The Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" became the patroness and protector of the city in those dashing days.

For a short period of time in the XIV century, Smolensk came under the control of the Lithuanian princes, "Hodegetria" was among the heterodox.

But even here the providence of God saved the image. The daughter of one of the Lithuanian princes Vitovt Sofia married Vasily Dmitrievich (1398-1425), Grand Duke of Moscow. She brought with her a holy image to Belokamennaya. And so it turned out in 1398 the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God "Hodegetria" in Moscow. It was installed in the Annunciation Cathedral, to the right of the Royal Doors.

Moscow residents immediately felt the grace emanating from the ancient Hodegetria. For more than half a century, they worshiped her and honored the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. But by the will of God, the Mother of God was destined to return to her home in Smolensk - to the Church of the Assumption, in order to protect the Orthodox there, who were oppressed by the Lithuanian princes and missionaries.

Return to Smolensk

In 1456, the icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk returned home. She had enormous significance for her people. All the inhabitants were waiting for her return as a miracle. And so a delegation went to Moscow, headed by Bishop Misail. They tearfully asked the Grand Duke to let the Mother of God of Smolensk go home. The prince with the boyars held a council, after which he decided to fulfill the request. Before the "Hodegetria" went to Smolensk, the exact list was taken from her.

Many people then gathered in the Church of the Annunciation. First, a moleben and liturgy were performed. The entire princely family gathered at the icon: the prince, the princess and their children - Boris, Ioan and Yuri, carried little Andrei in their arms. With reverence, they all venerated the icon. After that, with tears in their eyes, the prince and the metropolitan took the shrine out of the shrine and handed it over to Bishop Misail. Other icons, once brought from there, were given to Smolensk, although the bishop did not ask about it. The metropolitan asked to leave only one icon for the princely family - the Mother of God with the eternal Child. She blessed the entire princely family. With joy the prince accepted the icon and kissed it.

After that, the procession led the Smolensk icon to the monastery of Savva the Sanctified, which is located on the Maiden's Field. Here the last prayer service was performed, after which the icon went to Smolensk.

By order of the prince, the icon given to him was placed in the Church of the Annunciation exactly at the place where the Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk stood for many years. Every day there was a prayer service. The list made from the Smolensk icon, the Grand Duke left in his family.

The exact list from the Smolensk icon was made in 1602. In 1666, he and the Hodegetria itself were taken to Moscow for renewal. The list was installed on the Smolensk fortress wall (in the tower) directly above the Dnieper Gates. In 1727 a wooden church was erected here. In 1802 a stone church was built. This icon protected the city from the most terrible troubles and misfortunes for many years.

War with Napoleon 1812

When the hordes of Napoleon attacked the Russian land, in order to protect the Shrine from desecration, the Bishop of Smolensk Irenaeus sent the ancient Greek image of the Hodegetria to Moscow, where it was kept in the Assumption Cathedral.

After the Russian troops left Smolensk, the miraculous list of Hodegetria, completed in 1602, was taken by them from the city.

On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God helped the soldiers gain confidence in their victory and inspire them to a feat. "Hodegetria" was carried through the camp of the Russian army, the soldiers, looking, prayed to her and gained faith and mental strength.

On the day when the Battle of Borodino took place, the Smolensk icon, along with the Iver and Vladimir icon, was surrounded around Belgorod, the Kremlin walls and Kitai-gorod, after which they were sent to the Lefortovo Palace, where the wounded were located. Before leaving Moscow, the icon was sent to Yaroslavl for storage. At the end of the war on November 5, 1812, she was returned to Smolensk. In memory of the liberation of enemies, this day began to be celebrated annually.

20th century

A little more than a hundred years have passed, and again foreign invaders invaded Russia. The Great Patriotic War claimed the lives of millions of Soviet people. Smolensk stood in the way of the enemy. Despite the fact that anti-religious propaganda was carried out in the country, thousands of believers, faithful to their patriotic duty, asked for help from the defender of their Hodegetria. The Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk invisibly helped the people. Where the ancient image is now located is unknown; after the occupation, the Greek "Hodegetria" sunk. At the place where it was located, to this day there is a list of the Mother of God, made in the 17th century. For many years he protects the city from troubles, wars, destruction, blesses believers for righteous deeds.

Back in Moscow

In early February 2015, the Hodegetria Icon of the Mother of God of Smolensk was in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. After the restoration, which lasted almost three years, believers were able to see the image of the "Hodegetria" without a heavy silver salary. The salary of 25 kg was completed in 1954 with donations from the Smolensk people. In the difficult post-war years, donations to save the icon could be called invaluable help from the people, therefore, in memory of this, the salary will be preserved and exhibited separately in the Assumption Cathedral.

The icon stayed in Moscow until February 10. On February 15, after a long absence, she was again met in Smolensk, renewed, she took her former place in order to protect her hometown again.

This is so old interesting story, which the Icon of the Smolensk Mother of God knows to us. The photos confirm the many varieties of "Hodegetria", they all keep the sacred sacrament in themselves, help believers gain spiritual strength and believe in the Truth of the Son of God.

The Smolensk icon of the Mother of God, called "Hodegetria", which means "Guide", according to Church tradition, was painted by the holy evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos. St. Demetrius of Rostov suggests that this image was painted at the request of the ruler of Antioch, Theophilus. From Antioch, the shrine was transferred to Jerusalem, and from there the Empress Eudoxia, the wife of Arcadius, transferred it to Constantinople to Pulcheria, the emperor's sister, who placed the holy icon in the Blachernae church.

The Greek emperor Constantine IX Monomakh (1042-1054), giving his daughter Anna in 1046 to Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, son of Yaroslav the Wise, blessed her on her journey with this icon. After the death of Prince Vsevolod, the icon passed to his son Vladimir Monomakh, who transferred it at the beginning of the 12th century to the Smolensk Cathedral Church in honor of the Assumption of the Most Holy Theotokos. Since that time, the icon has been called the Hodegetria of Smolensk.

In 1238, at the voice of the icon, the selfless Orthodox warrior Mercury entered the camp of Batu at night and killed many enemies, including their strongest warrior. Having accepted a martyr's death in battle, he was canonized by the Church as a saint (Comm. 24 November).

In the 14th century, Smolensk was in the possession of the Lithuanian princes. The daughter of Prince Vitovt Sofia was married to the Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Dimitrievich (1398-1425). In 1398, she brought with her to Moscow the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God. The holy image was installed in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin, according to right side from royal doors. In 1456, at the request of the inhabitants of Smolensk, headed by Bishop Misail, the icon was solemnly procession returned to Smolensk, and two copies of it remained in Moscow. One was placed in the Annunciation Cathedral, and the other - "measure in measure" - in 1524 in the Novodevichy Convent, founded in memory of the return of Smolensk to Russia. The monastery was set up on the Maiden's Field, where Muscovites "with many tears" released the holy icon to Smolensk. In 1602 with miraculous icon an exact list was written (in 1666, together with an ancient icon new list were taken to Moscow for renovation), which was placed in the tower of the Smolensk fortress wall, above the Dnieper gates, under a specially arranged tent. Later, in 1727, a wooden church was built there, and in 1802 a stone one.

The new list took on the grace-filled power of the ancient image, and when the Russian troops left Smolensk on August 5, 1812, they took the icon with them to protect it from the enemy. On the eve of the Battle of Borodino, this image was worn around the camp to strengthen and encourage the soldiers to a great feat. The ancient image of the Smolensk Hodegetria, temporarily taken to the Assumption Cathedral, on the day of the Battle of Borodino, along with Iverskaya and Vladimir icons The Mother of God was carried around the White City, Kitai-Gorod and the Kremlin walls, and then sent to the sick and wounded in the Lefortovo Palace. Before leaving Moscow, the icon was taken to Yaroslavl.

So reverently our ancestors kept these icons-sisters, and the Mother of God, through Her images, guarded our Motherland. After the victory over the enemy, the Hodegetria icon, together with the glorified list, was returned to Smolensk.

The celebration in honor of this miraculous image on July 28 was established in 1525 in memory of the return of Smolensk to Russia.

There are many revered lists from the Smolensk Hodegetria, which are supposed to be celebrated on the same day. There is also a day of celebration of the Smolensk icon, which became famous in the 19th century, on November 5, when this icon was returned to Smolensk by order of the commander-in-chief of the Russian army, M.I. Kutuzov. In memory of the expulsion of enemies from the Fatherland in Smolensk, it was established to celebrate this day every year.

The Holy Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria is one of the main shrines of the Russian Church. Believers have received and continue to receive abundant grace-filled help from her. The Mother of God, through Her holy image, intercedes and strengthens us, guiding us to salvation, and we cry out to Her: "You are the faithful people - the All-good Hodegetria, You are the Smolensk Praise and all the Russian land - the affirmation! Rejoice, Hodegetria, the salvation of Christians!"


The miraculous icon of the Most Holy Mother of God, called the Hodegetria of Smolensk, has been known in Russia since ancient times. "Hodegetria", translated from Greek, means "Guide". There are several versions of the origin of this name, but the fact that the Most Holy Theotokos for all Orthodox Christians is a guide to eternal salvation is an undeniable truth.

According to Church tradition, the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, called the Hodegetria, was painted by the holy Evangelist Luke during the earthly life of the Most Holy Theotokos at the request of the ruler of Antioch, Theophilus, for whom he wrote an essay on the earthly life of Christ, known as the Gospel of Luke. When Theophilus died, the image was returned to Jerusalem, and in the 5th century, the blessed Empress Eudoxia, the wife of Arcadius, transferred Hodegetria to Constantinople to the emperor's sister, Queen Pulcheriawho placed the holy icon in Blachernae Church.

The image came to Russia in 1046. The Greek Emperor Constantine IX Monomakh (1042-1054), passing off his daughter Anna to Prince Vsevolod Yaroslavich, son of Yaroslav the Wise, blessed her on her journey with this icon. After the death of Prince Vsevolod, the icon passed to his son Vladimir Monomakh, who transferred it at the beginning of the 12th century to Smolensk Cathedral Church in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary . Since that time, the icon has received the name Hodegetria Smolenskaya .

Assumption Cathedral (Smolensk)

History of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God

In 1238 Batu Khan's army approached Smolensk. In that rati was a giant warrior, who, according to legend, alone was worth almost a whole rati. All Smolensk people came out to pray in front of the image of the Smolensk Hodegetria the Guide. The Tatars had already come very close to the city, by today's standards there were no more than 30 kilometers left, when a sexton in the Pechersky Monastery outside the city saw in a vision the Mother of God, who ordered him to bring a warrior named Mercury to Her. Entering the Caves Church, Mercury saw with his own eyes the Mother of God, sitting on a golden throne with the Child in her arms and surrounded by angels. The Mother of God said that Mercury must save Her own inheritance from desecration, which once again indicated Her special protection over the Smolensk land. She also told him about the ambulance martyrdom him, and that she herself will not leave him, but will be with him to the end.

Following the command of the Mother of God, the selfless Orthodox warrior Mercury raised all the townspeople, preparing them for a siege, and he himself penetrated the camp of Batu at night and killed many enemies, including their strongest warrior. Then, in an unequal battle with the invaders, he laid down his head on the battlefield. His remains were buried in the Smolensk Cathedral. Soon, Mercury was ranked as a locally venerated saint (November 24), the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God was also declared locally venerated, and the legend “The Tale of Mercury of Smolensk” was composed about his feat, which dates back to about the 15th - 16th centuries. Moreover, the legend says that after the burial, Mercury appeared to the same sexton and ordered to hang a shield and a spear, which belonged to him during his lifetime, in his resting place.

Sandals of the holy martyr Mercury - one of the shrines cathedral Smolensk

In 1395 Smolensk principality fell under the protectorate of Lithuania. In 1398, in order to avoid bloodshed in Moscow and soften the acute relations between the Polish-Lithuanian rulers and Moscow, the daughter of the Lithuanian prince Vitovt Sophia was married to the son of Dmitry Donskoy, Grand Duke of Moscow Vasily Dimitrievich (1398-1425). Smolenskaya Hodegetria became her dowry and was now transferred to Moscow and installed in the Annunciation Cathedral of the Kremlin on the right side of the altar.

Annunciation Cathedral (Moscow Kremlin)

In 1456, at the request of the inhabitants of Smolensk, headed by Bishop Misail, the icon was solemnly returned to Smolensk with a procession of the cross. On June 28, according to the old style, at the monastery of Savva the Sanctified on the Maiden's Field in Moscow, with a large gathering of people, the icon was solemnly escorted to the bend of the Moskva River, from where the path to Smolensk began. A prayer service was served. Half a century later, in 1514, Smolensk was returned to Russia (the assault on the city by Russian troops began on July 29 - the day after the celebration of the Smolensk icon).

In 1524 in memory of this event Grand Duke Vasily III founded the Mother of God-Smolensky Monastery, which we know more as Novodevichy Convent . The monastery was consecrated and began to operate in 1525. From this period, the all-Russian glorification of the icon began, officially established by the Church.

Novodevichy Bogoroditse-Smolensky Monastery on Devichye Pole in Moscow

However, the Muscovites were not left without a shrine - two copies of the miraculous icon remained in Moscow. One was placed in the Annunciation Cathedral, and the other - "measure in measure" - in 1524 in the Novodevichy Convent, founded in memory of the return of Smolensk to Russia. In 1602, an exact list was written from the miraculous icon (in 1666, together with the ancient icon, a new list was taken to Moscow for renewal), which was placed in the tower of the Smolensk fortress wall, above the Dnieper Gates, under a specially arranged tent. Later, in 1727, a wooden church was built there, and in 1802 a stone one.

The miraculous image of Smolensk again showed its intercession during the Patriotic War of 1812 . On August 5, 1812, when the Russian troops left Smolensk, the icon was taken to Moscow, and on the eve of the Battle of Borodino, this image was carried around the camp to strengthen and encourage the soldiers to a great feat.

Prayer before the Battle of Borodino

On August 26, on the day of the battle in Borodino, three images of the Virgin - the ancient image of the Hodegetria of Smolensk, along with the Iberian and Vladimir icons of the Mother of God, were surrounded in a procession around the capital, and then sent to the sick and wounded soldiers in the Lefortovo Palace, so that they could bow to the shrines, thank before them the Mother of God for intercession and ask for recovery.Before leaving Moscow, the icon was transported to Yaroslavl.

After the victory over the enemy, on November 5, 1812, by order of Kutuzov, the Hodegetria icon, along with the glorified list, was returned to Smolensk to its native Assumption Cathedral.

In 1929, the Assumption Cathedral was closed, but, like many other temples and churches of that period, it was not subject to desecration and ruin. Intelligence, which can be considered reliable, about the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God - the prototype of other, subsequent lists break off in 1941, after the capture of Smolensk by German troops. Then, in early August 1941, the headquarters of the German command received a message that the list of the icon, attributed according to historical data to the brush of the Evangelist Luke, is in its original place, in good condition, the icon is considered miraculous and its location is a place of worship and pilgrimage. Nothing more is known about that icon.

Now, in place of the missing icon, there is a list of the middle of the 16th century, which is not inferior to its predecessor in the number of miracles and in popular veneration, but Hodegetria is still waiting for the apostolic letter in Smolensk, they still believe that the time will come, and she will reveal herself from some hiding place where miraculously preserved all these years, as it once was.

Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria Smolenskaya Over the Gate, a list from the famous Smolensk Icon. Once it hung over the gates of the Smolensk Kremlin, now it is kept in the cathedral on the site of the Smolensk icon lost in 1941.

Lists with icons

There are many revered lists of the miraculous Smolensk Hodegetria. Many lists from that original, but lost icon have become miraculous (more than 30 in total) - Igretskaya Pesochinskaya, Yugskaya, Sergievskaya in the Trinity-Sergius Lavra, Kostroma, Kirillo-Belozerskaya, Svyatogorskaya, Solovetskaya and others .. All these images are in different time and to varying degrees revealed their miraculous properties.


There is little information left about the iconographic features of the image, since the icon, as is known, was lost in 1941, and therefore no one studied it. It was only known that the icon board was very heavy, the ground was prepared from chalk on glue, as was done in antiquity, and covered with canvas.

The Mother of God holds the Child on her left hand, the Lord’s right hand is raised in a blessing gesture, in His left hand is a “scroll of teaching”. On the reverse side were written the view of Jerusalem, the Crucifixion and the inscription in Greek - "The king is crucified." In 1666, the icon was renovated, and later images of the Most Pure and John the Theologian appeared at the Crucifixion.

The iconographic image of the Smolensk icon is very similar to the Iveron icon of the Mother of God, but differs in the severity of the arrangement of the figures and the expression of the faces of the Virgin and the Divine Infant.

The meaning of the icon

The Holy Icon of the Mother of God Hodegetria is one of the main shrines of the Russian Church (along with Vladimir and Kazan).

Amazing historical material is connected with the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, which marks all the most important events in the history of Russia up to the last century. We can say that not a single event where the intercession of the One depicted on it was required could not do without Her intervention. Hodegetria the Guide indicated and protected our west from the predatory interests of neighboring states, which sought to establish their influence in the Russian state both by military and political means. But even the retreats that were accompanied by the transfer miraculous shrine from its main destiny - the Assumption Cathedral in Smolensk, were only a strategic necessity, and in no way an agreement with the presence and rule of foreigners and the prevailing Latin faith on our land. The prayers of the Smolensk people and Muscovites in front of her bore miraculous results - sooner or later the enemy was expelled, and the Smolenskaya Hodegetria returned home to Smolensk.

Believers have received and continue to receive abundant grace-filled help from her. The Mother of God, through Her holy image, intercedes and strengthens us, guiding us to salvation, and we cry out to Her: "You are faithful people - the All-good Hodegetria, You are the Smolensk Praise and all the Russian lands - affirmation! Rejoice, Hodegetria, salvation of Christians!"


The celebration of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God takes place three times a year - July 28/August 10 , established in 1525, when the miraculous image was transferred from the Annunciation Cathedral of the Moscow Kremlin to the Mother of God-Smolensk (Novodevichy) Monastery, founded by Vasily III in gratitude to the Mother of God for the return of Smolensk to Russia during the Russian-Lithuanian war. The festival was established in memory of the arrival of the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God in Russia in 1046.

The second time the celebration takes place November 5/18 in honor of Russia's victory in Patriotic war 1812.

November 24/December 7 we celebrate the Smolensk Icon of the Mother of God, remembering the victory of the inhabitants of Smolensk over the troops of the Golden Horde through the common prayer of the people in front of Her icon - the Smolensk Hodegetria.

The Smolensk Mother of God helps everyone who turns to her with prayers for healing from incurable diseases, in search of family peace and in other difficult and insoluble situations, as the first intercessor for us before God.

Troparion, tone 4
Now diligently to the Theotokos, we are sinners and humility, and we fall down, calling in repentance from the depths of our souls: Lady, help us, having mercy on us, we are perishing from many sins, do not turn away Your servants of vanity, You and the only hope of the imam.

Kontakion, tone 6
The intercession of Christians is shameless, the intercession to the Creator is immutable, do not despise the voices of sinful prayers, but precede, as if good, to help us, who faithfully call Ty: hasten to prayer and rush to supplication, intercession ever, the Mother of God, who honor thee.

Yin Kontakion, tone 6
Not imams of other help, not imams of other hope, unless You, the Lady: You help us, we hope in You and we boast in You: Your servants, let us not be ashamed.

Oh, the Most Wonderful and Exceeding all creatures, the Queen of the Mother of God, the Heavenly King of Christ our God, Mother, the Most Pure Hodegetria Mary! Hear us sinners and unworthy at this hour, praying and falling down to Your Most Pure Image with tears and tenderly saying: lead us from the ditch of passions, O Gracious Lady, deliver us from all sorrow and sorrow, protect us from all misfortunes and evil slander, and from the unrighteous and fierce slander of the enemy. May you, O our Blessed Mother, save Thy people from all evil and supply and save with all good deeds; unless you have another Representative in troubles and situations, and warm intercessors for us sinners, not imams. Pray, O Most Holy Lady, Thy Son Christ our God, that he may honor us with the Kingdom of Heaven; For this reason, we always praise Thee, as the Creator of our salvation, and we exalt the holy and magnificent name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, in the Trinity of the glorified and worshiped God, forever and ever. Amen.

Prayer two
To whom shall I cry, Lady? To whom shall I resort in my sorrow, if not to Thee, Lady Lady Mother of God, Queen of Heaven? Who will receive my weeping and my sighing, if not You, O Immaculate One, the Hope of Christians and the Refuge of sinners? Incline, O Most Pure Lady, Thy ears to my prayer, Mother of my God, do not despise me, demanding Thy help, hear my groaning and the cry of my heart, O Lady Mother of God Queen. And give me spiritual joy, strengthen me, impatient, despondent and negligent to Your praise. Reason and teach me how to pray to You, and do not depart from me, Mother of my God, for my murmuring and impatience, but be a cover and intercession in my life and lead me to a quiet haven of blissful peace, and so- number me among Your chosen flock, and there make me worthy to sing and glorify Thee forever. Amen.

Documentary film "Searchers. HODEGETRIA'S TRACE" (2014)

Assumption Cathedral is one of the most impressive buildings in Smolensk. It was here that the famous icon of the Smolensk Mother of God, the ancient Hodegetria, was kept from the day the temple was built. She, according to legend, more than once saved the city and was considered miraculous, disappeared during the Second World War. There are quite a few versions regarding the fate of Hodegetria. Many researchers are inclined to believe that the legendary image still exists, which means it makes sense to look for it!

The first split in Christianity occurred in the early era. The exact date of the final separation of the United Christian Church 1054 is considered to be the year 1054 for Western and Eastern. The discrepancies affected not only dogmas, but also rituals, and, of course, icon-painting plots. Of course, Catholics also portray Blessed Virgin with a Baby in her arms, but the Western one, even for religious subjects, is outwardly more secular. Orthodox should follow stricter canons, and the names for some plots are Greek. From the Greek language came the word "Hodegetria", "pointing". According to legend, the Evangelist Luke was the author of the very first with such a plot.
In Catholic terminology, it is more common to call Mary not the Mother of God, but the Madonna.

How she looks like?

From the group of icons depicting the Mother of God with Jesus in her arms, select those where he has already grown up, he is sitting on his mother’s lap, and she is telling him something. The mother holds the child with one hand. The palm of the second hand is open and directed upwards, as if Mary is telling something to her baby, instructing him on the true path. This is the Mother of God Hodegetria. I must say, the body of Jesus always has the same proportions, regardless of the age at which he is depicted. This is a canon feature. In the Catholic icon of proportion human body age-appropriate, and the baby Jesus is no different from any other child. On the Orthodox icon"Hodegetria" The Mother of God is usually depicted waist-deep. But, for example, only the shoulders are depicted on the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.
The icon on which Jesus presses his cheek to his mother's is called Our Lady of Tenderness.

What is the divine Servant busy with?

On this story, Jesus usually holds a scroll in his hand. Sometimes you can also see a book, but this is more rare variant. The image of Christ the Almighty appears before the viewer. This image also has a Greek name - Pantokrator. With the other hand, the Servant blesses mankind.