Last call options. Last call

  • 30.09.2019

Tomorrow the last bell will ring in schools. This day can be deservedly called a holiday of the outgoing childhood, farewell to a certain stage of life and a meeting with an unknown future. In order to make the last call one of the most colorful and bright moments in the entire school life, take advantage of our ideas.

So, website tells how to make the holiday unforgettable.

1. Girls can dress on the ruler of the times Soviet Union: a short dark dress with a white collar and a white apron, and also tie white bows on the head. Young men of all times wear strict suits on this day.

2. Be sure not to forget to say "thank you" to the teacher. It is necessary to sincerely thank the teachers for the knowledge invested in you and, of course, a piece of the soul. They will be extremely pleased, especially since they certainly deserve kind words.

3. Give parting words to first-graders. After all, today's graduates solemnly introduced them to the school as their future shift, and now the time has come to wish the kids success in their future studies.

4. Prepare a holiday concert. Sing a song about the last call, dance the school waltz. Let this be a rehearsal before prom.

5. It has already become traditional to bathe in the fountain. Therefore, do not change this tradition and take a dip in the nearest city fountain. After all, even law enforcement turn a blind eye to this on a day like this.

6. Write a wish on the graduation ribbon. As a rule, all graduates put on a special ribbon for the last bell. But in order for the ribbon to become not only an ornament and a kind of identifier, but also a memorable souvenir, it can be used as a material on which we recommend writing wishes to your classmates.

7. If you have sympathy among classmates, the last call is exactly the time when you can talk about your feelings. What if they are mutual?

8. In the evening, you can launch sky lanterns after writing your wishes and dreams on them. It will look insanely beautiful and it will also bring your class together even more.

9. Another idea to make the day unforgettable is to create a "time capsule". To do this, take a bottle, a jar, a box in which everyone should put some of their own thing (small). And you can also put a disk with a video recording of your school days and wishes to things. Then close the container and bury it. In 20 years, get together and dig up a "valuable artifact." You'll see, it's going to be a lot of fun.

10. Well, and finally, what needs to be done is to meet the dawn on the embankment. It is also a tradition last call.

Step with confidence into your future, where you have to start a new life filled with interesting events! Have a fun and unforgettable Last Call!

Music sounds in sound recording (school theme). Installed: 2 microphones, Russian flag, coffee table, flowers in vases, places left for 11 classes, garlands of balls were strengthened.

In the hall parents, teachers, guests, 10th grade.

Musical signal "When we leave the school yard." Exit leading -10 class.

1st presenter. Lyceumists, attention! The main characters of our celebration are invited to the Last Bell Holiday - lyceum students of 11 classes, graduates of 201 ___!

2nd host. Alumni Achievement!

Music-march "So we have become a year older." Graduates come out of the doors of the hall, take their places.

1st presenter. The festive line dedicated to the graduation of 201___ - 201___ academic year is declared open!

The anthem of Russia is being performed.

2nd host. Dear graduates! Dear teachers, parents, guests of our holiday! The magical month of May is raging outside the window again. A month of expectations and hopes, a month of sadness and joy. Magic month...

1st leader. Come on! A month is like a month. Fifth of twelve. What is so magical about it?

2nd host. And the fact that there is one magical day this month ... I would say - borderline. After all, it is on this day that yesterday's fidgets and mischievous people become independent and responsible. They become adults... And this transition of the border from the country of Childhood to the world of Adults takes place on this very day - May 25th.

1st presenter. It is this day that brings together yesterday's children and future adults. Some - to remember their May 25, mourn about their past and be happy for their children, the second - to say goodbye to a carefree time and take a step into unknown world Adults.

2nd leader.

What happens in the spring in schools?

Something changes suddenly.

It's just that childhood is forever gone,

And don't bring it back!

1st presenter. But it hasn't gone yet. It is still here with us. So it's too early to be sad. How many kind words good wishes you, dear graduates, will hear in your address today. Today, May 25, 201 ___, is the day of farewell to school childhood!

2nd host. And the director of our lyceum ____ opens this day. (Introduction of the director of the MOU.)

Music signal. Performance. Musical accent - flowers.

1st leader. We thank the Director of MOU. And among the guests of our holiday are former schoolchildren, former residents of the beautiful country Childhood. And they also have something to say today, on the Day of the last call of 200_.

2nd host. I invite _____ to the microphone.

(Introduction of the guests of the holiday.)

For each output - a signal. At the end - a musical accent, a bouquet.

Music "Wonderful School Years" - in the background.

1st presenter. Do you remember September 1, 201 ___? (The year in which the current graduates entered grade 1 is indicated.) Dressed in a brand new, brand-new school uniform, with flowers in your hands, you first crossed the threshold of this house. You were met by the first teacher with whom you made your first discoveries. He opened the worlds to you, gave his love... He gave generously, without being stingy. Perhaps that is why people remember their first teacher all their lives. (Introduction of the first teacher of current graduates. Welcome speech of the teacher.)

2nd host. And then others took you under their wing, perhaps more restrained in expressing their feelings, more strict, but becoming so dear, close, the very best!

1st leader.

The instructor is awesome!

The coolest! It unites a hundred faces in itself: If necessary, it hammers nails, dances, composes something. If there is something, then scold,

Protects from thousands of troubles And replaces mom and dad!

2nd host. On behalf of universal people, replacing anyone, but irreplaceable, the class teacher of class 11 A addresses you.

Musical signal, performance, flowers - accent.

1st presenter. Thanks to our cool moms for their help and patience, care and understanding, but our day of remembrance continues. Remember what energy charge we received after parent meetings? They say: “You study for yourself, not for your parents ...”

2nd host. They say wrong - and for them too, because they rely on us so much! So busy! These parenting chores will never end with us. As they say, little kids are little troubles!

1st presenter. Or, small children do not let you sleep, but you won’t fall asleep with big ones. And we are already big.

Background music - "Parent's House".

2nd host

Mom, mom, we are already adults,

Look, we already said goodbye to braids.

The lush flowering of the spring garden ...

It was already my seventeenth birthday.

Mommy, mommy, why are you crying,

And you smile, you don't hide your tears?

I'm going to a big life soon...

Mom, Mom, but I'll be back!

A huge blue sky is waiting for us,

Roads where there is no trace of us yet.

Mommy, Mommy can understand everything.

Will hope, believe and wait!

2nd host. And now your children are waiting for your words, the words of the most beloved people in the world. On behalf of the parents of current graduates, these words will be pronounced by (surname, name, patronymic of the representative of the parent team.)

Music signal. Performance. Flowers.

1st leader.

Well, the tale of childhood comes to a close,

Chapters have been written, dreams have been examined,

No longer relying on someone's clues,

You yourself must solve all the problems.

2nd leader.

Not every path will be smooth

Not all trials will be easy

And life lies in front of you like a notebook,

In which there is not yet a line.

1st leader. Well, quite intimidated. Don't go there, you can't go here, be careful, take it easy... No! Not like the heroes of 201___! Them with bare hands you won't take it! You won't get through learning difficulties! And even if you take it, they will still turn out and roll further along the path.

2nd host. Just some koloboks. Remember the fairy tale?

1st presenter. Gingerbread man rolls along the path. At first, he met all sorts of animals. And then he came to the island of knowledge, then the meetings went more abruptly - with different teachers ...

2nd host. And everyone was not averse to eating it.

1st presenter. But our graduate Kolobok was not given to anyone just like that. Where by honest work, and where by cunning he strengthened his immunity, receiving decent grades, and even extra life earning...

2nd host. What, an interesting fairy tale turns out?

1st leader. And not a fairy tale at all, but a true story. No, not even a true story, but an extreme show...

Together. "The Last Hero - 201____"!

11 classes

Music from the show "The Last Hero" - a change of scenery.

Half circle on the stage.

Chorus. Stay alive! Stay alive! Stay alive!

A palm tree with a sign "Lyceum" is taken out.

1st leader. Attention! Attention!

2nd host. Live today...

1st presenter. Final transmission...

2nd host. Extreme reality show...

All. "Last Hero"!

1st presenter. There were ___. (The number of graduates is called)

2nd host. The strongest, bravest, most enduring...

1st presenter. 10 years ago, they were thrown onto a desert island in the ocean of knowledge...

2nd host. For 10 years they courageously fought against hunger and sleep...

1st presenter. With fears and complexes...

2nd leader. With your own laziness!

1st presenter. Danger lay in wait for them at every turn!

2nd leader. They could flunk their exams...

1st presenter. Slaughter on offsets...

2nd host. Infect in the classroom ...

1st presenter. But at the cost of superhuman efforts they overcame everything!

2nd leader. And today, having reached the decisive battle, they remember ...

General snoring.

1st presenter. Wait a minute! They don't remember anything, they just sleep. Get up, sleepy! The whole lyceum looks at you, worries, worries, and you ...

2nd host. Calmly! And the heroes get tired, and the heroes have the right to rest ...

1st presenter. Ah well? I turn on the anthem of the island of Knowledge. And let them not wake up - we will send everyone to the mainland Re-examination!

1st-2nd leading.

Day after day the years go by

Between a book and football

But no one ever

Don't forget your school.

The school leads us into battle

School is always with you

In grief, hope and joy...

School is always right

We have only one school...

Savage natives appear, creep up and interrupt the hymn with a cry.

Leader. Yakumba!

All. Yakumba!

Leader. Uch-kuduk!

All. Uch-kuduk!

Leader. Shakir-churek!

All. Churek! Churek!

Leader. Zhratenki!

All. Zhratenki! Zhratenki! For mom, for dad, for grandma, for grandpa! Zhratenki! Zhratenki!

Leading. Have you thought of eating lyceum students?

All. Eat, eat!

4th presenter. And I'm inedible! On, on! What did you eat?

Leader. I really want to eat!

5th presenter. All clear! There are needs, but no opportunities. Okay, your luck - they hit the lyceum students. Now I will quickly organize you. Who are you? Leader?

Leader. I do not understand you!

All. Leader, leader!

2nd host. Yep, that's the main one. Director!

Leader. Like this? Like this?

2nd leader. Oh you... darkness! Director, he's the head of everything, you understand? His word is law! The position, of course, is harsh, but if a person is good ...

3rd leader.

That's how our Svetlana Rubenovna!

We got such a leader

Who can't help but love:

Strict, smart, loves the lyceum with all her heart,

We have something to be thankful for.

And taking on any task,

She will show the highest class

And everyone knows: in the first lyceum

Director too - number one!

Leader. My consonant!

4th leader. What's this? Club? Suitable! Go to the guards!

2nd host. So, dear creatures, why are you so decorated? What's this? Clay?

2-3 savages. Aha!

2nd host. Is this soot?

2-3 savages. Aha!

1st presenter. It's clear! knowledge at a primitive level. Well, nothing, we will assign you to Svetlana Nikolaevna, she will make people out of you!

Music "My Bunny".

My flask, I am oxygen,

My bomb, I'm a hydrogen

My task, I am the answer,

My proportion, I'm a percentage.

You are my tripod - I'm a device,

You are a reagent - I am a solvent,

My mortar, I am your pestle,

We are with you forever.

My chemistry!

I don't go to lunch

I follow the experience

I have been sitting on chemistry for the third month.

I can't sleep at night

And I don't go for a walk

Because I love chemistry!

My bunny!

2nd savage. Nakatumba! Bitches, bitches!


5th leader. Quiet, guys, still not enough for everyone! Listen to my problem: if in a tribe 10 men eat a piece of meat, how much meat is needed so that there are no hungry people?

All. Lot!

5th presenter. What precision! Born mathematicians!

The melody "Black Eyes" sounds.

We are to the math test

Everyone prepared so diligently

I'm not afraid now of the decision

Biquadratic equation!

Math I like you

Love me - do not repent!

I'm tired of the three in a quarter,

I want to be super in geometry!

1st presenter. Get away from me! Got it: mu-mu-mu! Boo Boo Boo! La-la-la! Fa-fa-fa!

Savage. Murak! Your fool!

2nd leader. Look at you, monkey!

Savage. My! Mumak! My macaque!

1st presenter. So I say - a real macaque! Wait, wait... how are you: mu...

Savage. Mumak!

1st presenter. My...

Savage. Macaques!

1st presenter. Brothers! Yes, these are poems. That's right, poetry. Well, remember, we went through literature. So, there is a rhythm, a rhyme - reinforced concrete: a fool is a fool! Yes, Mayakovsky is just resting! Listen, young talent:

There are many rules in literature

And our favorite teacher

He forced us to study them all

And I couldn't think of a better one!

What a fine art

Children to teach and educate

Sigh and think to yourself:

When will the mind enter you?

There is in the world Leo Tolstoy, Mayakovsky, Byron, Pushkin,

But for us you are all sweeter, there is no one better for us!

1st student. Oh girls, what is this? Oh guys, who is this?

All. Not we! It is he!

2nd student. Oh, and suffocated, suffocated! Weren't you taught that fire is not a toy?

3rd student. Who would teach him? This is what he came up with.

1st student. Myself?! How to get fire? Well, Einstein, well, Newton!

2nd student. Take it higher! Well _____ (The name of the teacher of literature is called.)

1st student. Actually, it's her...

2nd student. She is? Then - well ________ (The name of the teacher of literature is called.)

The melody of the song "Troubadour" from the m / f "The Bremen Town Musicians" sounds.


Tomorrow there will be a practical lesson,

Calculate the weight of a dietary egg,

At least I can teach you something!

All. I want to experiment!

3rd student.

I tore off an electron from a piece of iron,

There the reaction went thermonuclear.

We need to blow it up somewhere.

All. Bang bang!


You can't see five!

Our offer is very convenient:

We put a conditional C grade,

The institute will still be "five".

All. This must be proven!

4th student.. Guys! Who is on duty in the cafeteria today? It's time to dine!

Savages. Zhratenki! Zhratenki!

2nd student. Hush, cannibals! You would just eat! Do you have extracurricular classes now on schedule!

3rd student. What duty? What's the schedule? Who saw them?

1st student. I saw in the teachers' lounge...

4th student. So that's when it was! There, in normal life, but here what? Solid...

All. Extreme!

The song is your service.

This service is both dangerous and difficult.

And, at first glance, as if not visible.

You go boldly into battle for knowledge,

So appointed for you by fate itself -

Service: days and nights!

Reproaches are often heard from relatives

For work, which is almost without days off,

Forgotten about household chores

That is, absolutely

About my husbands, children and myself

For this service!

We only know one secret.

That without you there is simply no life in the Lyceum,

That any check you have is nonsense,

Even regional!

That any check to you is nonsense, Documents to prepare for one or two times Your service can!

1st student. Can you hear what happened?

2nd student. Meet the parcel from the mainland. Prepare for a soft landing! End of connection.

1st student. Package? From the mainland. I understood you. Well, finally, mother earth remembered us. I don't see anything on the horizon.

All. And I, and I...

Savage. Air!

Airplane sound, explosion. Phonogram W. Houston and the appearance of the singer.

3rd student. What is it? Not in Russian, or what?

4th student. Tundra! It's Whitney Houston! Hallow, Whitney! Hello, that is welcome!

3rd student. And why does she sing so soulfully? Ek, she understands her dear!

4th student. What can she sing...

Glory to the heroes, sings. Only in our lyceum could such people be raised. How she envies our English teachers, she sings that communicating with such smart, talented children is happiness, this is her cherished dream. Sings: "Take me, take me to your lyceum." She asks, even if not a teacher, she is ready to work even as a watchman. Just to be with us!

1st student. Know, know, miss! All places are occupied, unfortunately.

Houston leaves in tears.

3rd student. Look what you wanted: a teacher in our lyceum. Yes, we will not exchange our teachers for any superstars!

4th student. The gift has flown! Listen, leader, what are you talking about all the time? Fleas?

Leader. Not, great hero. It's just a virus!

All. Virus?!

Virus. Well, yes, a virus is a virus! Why shout like that? Have you seen viruses?

The song "I'm a fluffy little kitten."

I am fluffy, small and mischievous,

They call me a "virus"

I love to eat programs

I love listening to horror stories.

About yourself beloved!

I'm not afraid of anyone in the world

For me, there is no barrier anywhere.

If I get into the computer,

I'll put my order there

I love to misbehave!

Well, young users, programmers and other hackers, hooligans?

Graduates call the name of the computer science teacher in unison.

Virus. No, no, not that! Not! (Runs away.)

1st student. Fu, it's gone!

Savage (spanking the monkey). A-ta-ta! A-ta-ta! On yum yum! A-ta-ta! A-ta-ta!

2nd student. Look, he's educating!

3rd student. Yeah, the "carrot and stick" method - Makarenko!

4th student. She reminds me of someone...

1st student. I even know who!

Song good girls.

Teachers from God, or maybe by calling,

Friendly faces, sparkling cheerful eyes,

And it’s not for nothing that graduates of the Lyceum love you,

And their parents just adore you.

2nd student. Lord! You and I have missed the most important thing: our new friends need to be organized somehow.

3rd student. Build, right? This is us easily! Hey bad guys!

4th student. Ugh, how rude! You're behaving like some kind of slave owner!

3rd student. No, we have not yet matured to the slave-owning system, although ... (Examines the muscles.)

5th student. Yes, what are you guessing? What system we define, such it will be. Your hand is the master!

4th student. And this already smacks of tyranny!

3rd student. Shut up, liberal!

4th student. You yourself are an eser!

3rd student. Menshevik!

4th student. Opportunist!

5th student. And let's build socialism for them, only with a human face!

The melody of the song "I asked the ash tree."

I asked the teacher:

What is the system in our country?

The teacher didn't answer me

Shaking his head.

And asked another

I have a difficult question.

Long the head teacher poured tears

And waved his hand.

Zinaida Fyodorovna! You are our only friend!

Explain, explain, I myself do not understand!

A friend answered sincere, knowing history,

“Yes,” she told me, and after thinking, “no!”

5th student. Well, it's stuck! Understand yourself - not small!

The ball is thrown onto the stage.

5th student. Oh you! Mazila! Who hits like that? Move, move your feet. I said - with my feet ... Ah, it doesn't matter to you, it doesn't matter: what are the arms, what are the legs. One word - limbs. And what's that? (Takes out paper, checks the sole. Whistle.) Off the field! The melody of the song "Neighbour".

How not to have fun now

Don't submit deadlines

If the field is like a toy -

You can even dance.

We, the poor, did not know

And did not believe fate

It's nice to be in the gym

Pump up your muscles.

Early in the morning to work

You come to the Lyceum

Teach trying kids

Run fast without loss.

Freshly painted gate

Updated physical education

Got taller and stronger

We are your graduates.

1st student. Studio, studio! Earth! What happened? Why an urgent call? What? How? Why? Already?

All. What-what, what happened?

1st student. Nothing. Our last day of school just ended. Today is May 25, 201____. So pack your things - and in a big life!

2nd student. Wait a minute. Just like that?

1st student. Yes, right away. They say it's time, the time has come.

3rd student. Hooray,

4th student. What a "hooray"! How so? How are we without them?!

5th student. And they without us?

6th student. Just like a year, two, five, 10 years ago. Someone leaves, new ones come.

1st student. Only the school island remains in the ocean of knowledge. An island where they teach goodness and joy...

2nd student. Simple and complex...

2nd student. Learn to be human!

To the motive of the song "There is only a moment" from the movie "Sannikov Land".

Everything is ghostly in this raging world,

Mirages beckon us into the distance of sweet dreams,

School is like a bridge between the past and the future,

This is where life begins!

We all stumbled and fell along the way,

Rushed forward, bypassing turns.

And the height that we occupied in our youth,

Let's keep it for life!

(the last 2 lines are performed 2 times)

Loss -1.5 minutes. In the foyer of music on the screen, shots from the school life of graduates replace each other. At the end of the video sequence - background music.

1st student.

From a cheerful childhood, from heavenly orbits,

We go to the sinful earth,

And the beloved teacher is sad about something ...

All. We're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving!

2nd student.

In the biography of our separate line

Ten years - and not the worst,

But today my childhood said goodbye to me ...

All. We're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving!

3rd student.

There will be thunderstorms and storms, you just hold on:

Everything in a strip happens in nature.

This means that the school named Life

All. We're leaving, we're leaving, we're leaving!

March "Farewell of the Slav".

Care of children in the hall, flowers to teachers. Musical signal "When we leave the school yard."

1st presenter. Thanks to our heroes, thanks to those who made them heroes - our teachers, parents, lyceum.

2nd host. By the way, about parents. They just rush to the stage. Impressed by what they saw and heard. They have a word. (Handing from parents.) And now it's time to return to today, the 25th day of the month of May 201_. The day of your last call.

Music background.

1st student.

Sing the last call

And we will say goodbye to you

Last, farewell, words,

And the school will be empty, and the classroom will be empty.

And our lyceum will be left without you...

2nd student.

The bell rings sadly

And on the last note

You might, you might understand

That you have become more mature and childhood is behind,

But the best dates are ahead!

Take out the call

1st presenter. Here he is, an indispensable hero and participant in all school events: joyful and sad, there will be holidays - our school bell!

2nd host. It's time to give him your vote again. For you and only for you, dear graduates, the school bell sings. And we ask an 11th grade graduate and a 1st grade student to help him. (Student introduction.)

1st leading th. Everyone froze for a few seconds and tried to realize: the bell is ringing for the last time! Goodbye, school childhood!

Call walk.

1st leader. Our school bell rang.

2nd leader. And as a guarantee of future dates, as a reminder of today - the day of the Last Bell, to you, dear graduates, these tiny bells.

Handing bells 10 classes. Background music.

1st presenter. Well, that's it, it seems, that's all: congratulations have ceased, the bell sang a farewell song ...

2nd leader. In fact, it's only just getting started! And therefore - wider doors, lyceum.

1st leader. Applause to the lyceum students! Make way for the graduates of 201_!

Music - care of 11th graders.

Music from the movie panorama.

Presenter 1: Good afternoon to all present in the hall! Today this hall brought together 51 graduates, teachers, parents and, of course, honored guests.

Host 2: We hope that everyone today got up on the right foot, understand the humor, the joke, and forgive and understand the tears that have come.

Presenter 1: Dear guests! Ladies and gentlemen! Ladies and Gentlemen! Sit comfortably, today we will bring to your attention the announcement of a serial film about our school life with the final episode - "Graduates Cry Too".

Host 2: A brief history of the film is as follows. A long time ago, in 2002, the idea was born in the minds of brilliant school directors to start shooting about the 2013 graduates.

Presenter1: The filming location is our school, the script is written by life itself, the main roles in it from the first to the last series are played by our current graduates.
Let's welcome our artists!

Solemn music.

Host 2: Smart, advanced, highly developed class 11 A and his class teacher Vidineeva Irina Viktorovna!

Presenter1: Cheerful, creative, restless class 11 B and his class teacher Sinelnikova Natalya Gennadievna!

(graduates go to their places)

Sounds like music from a movie panorama.

(The director appears from the right backstage, actively gesticulating, evaluating the scene)

Director: - - Fine! Amazing! More light here. Where are the flowers? There must be flowers here! (Turns to the audience) Who do we have in the hall? Children ... Parents ... So swap those two. Comb the boy.

(A screenwriter follows him with a stack of script sheets)

Assistant director: - (showing sheets) - This is the sixth and final draft of the script.

Director: - I do not believe!

Assistant:- But you didn't read it! Everything is very reliable. Much better than the fifth one.

Director: - Too bad, I liked some of it.

Assistant:- I left this.

Director: - And everything else...

Assistant:- Removed. Improved, brought to perfection. Nothing extra. Remember, at Spielberg: the wind is noisy, the collision, and there ...

Director: - One dinosaur eats another dinosaur! Spielberg is an artisan! I need a film about childhood, about school, about the last day, about this one, like him, which is such a “ding-ding” - and everyone is crying.

Assistant:- About the last call? Here in the final! Here, read! Music sounds, everyone stops ...

Director: - Yes… It’s beautiful… In some places it’s even brilliant, but I’ll do better (mechanically crumples the sheet with the finale and puts it in his pocket). Everything, we will shoot impromptu. I see it. Props to the studio! Light on the site. Actors make-up, assistant - validol. For me, coffee. There will be a stage, there will be an auditorium. The stars will play here!

Assistant:- What stars! They won't come here!

Director: - We are at school, and here are all the stars! And besides, you should know that the national school is very strong. True, she does not have enough Oscars, but we will fix this. After the release of our film about the school, each actor will receive an Oscar, and we even two.

Assistant:- For work in extreme conditions?

Director: - Certainly! So! Get ready! Attention! Motor!

Music from "Avatar"

(A girl with a cracker comes out.)

Alina: - Movie " farewell tour". Prologue. Official part.

Presenter: Today in front of you in this movie

We are assigned the role of graduates.

"Farewell Tour" And I think she

It will be remembered for a long time, forever.

Leading - We played different roles

Child, adult, student,

Teachers dreamed of playing ...

And today is the role of a graduate.

Leading - For today's role, graduates have been preparing for 11 years and during this time they even changed outwardly, but did not lose their talent, but only developed it!

Concert number. Galya is dancing.

Host:- Here is our prologue to the finale.

All that's left is to say

That everyone who came here

Artists should wish something.

Leading - But first say the word

The most honorable honor

Big guest, no doubt

From city government


Congratulations to the representative of the Department of Education.

Director: It seems to me that some historical character should be introduced into our film. The king, well, or there the king.

Assistant: Yes, an interesting move. Let's try.

Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible and the clerk Feofan appear in the hall.

Ivan Vasilyevich is dressed in a fur coat and Santa Claus hat. A foil cross is attached to the top of the hat. Feofan is wearing a Russian shirt-kosovorotka, belted with a sash, in his hands is a pen and a scroll. / any long and narrow paper wrapped in a roll /.

Ivan Vasilievich: Azm is the King!

He goes to the teachers, shakes hands with everyone.

Ivan Vasilievich: Hello, Ivan Vasilyevich ... Tsar. Very nice! Tsar. Very nice! Great king. Prince of All Russia ... very nice!

Returns to the stage.

Ivan Vasilievich: Oh boyars! Beauty stucco, scarlet lips, eyebrows are allied !!! Feofan, write the order.

Feofan pretends to write something on a scroll.

Ivan Vasilievich: I command that the Boshkir volost be transferred to the possession of the boyar scholars in gratitude for the education of youths from the lands of Russia the Great. Put a seal, and do not forget to sign: Tsar and Grand Duke of All Russia - John Vasilyevich.

Ivan Vasilievich: Do you like my order, boyars?

Feofan, falling on my knees : They didn’t order to execute, they told them to say a word ...

Ivan Vasilievich: Speak.

Feofan: Hope the king, the director of the school asks for the floor.

Ivan Vasilievich: Who dares to contradict the tsar and the grand duke?

Feofan:: Don't get angry Grand Duke. Arsenia Light Zanilovna is the queen of this school.

Ivan Vasilievich: Well, well, you need to listen to the princess. Invite.

Feofan announces to the hall : The director of the school, Arsenia Zanilovna Ablozhey, will speak the word.

Ivan Vasilievich: Charming Arsenia Zanilovna! Everyone thinks it's easy for us kings? And every day we are in the labors and concerns of the state. We are supposed to dedicate poems and songs for harmfulness. Feofan, call the musicians, let them sing odes for the queen, and sing serenades.

Leading and graduates come out

Presenter: Our dear director

Reliable assistant

We love you for strictness, kindness,

For knowledge, for work and for patience,

For human kindness

For your selfless burning


Presenter: It would be very difficult for the director and queen of our school to cope with all the duties if it were not for her faithful subjects and assistants, the deputy directors.

Leading: Head teacher keeps under control
At school, the whole educational process,
There is no more important role in the school
The head teacher is a constant navigator.
Without it, confusion
Inconsistency, vanity.
Where the head teacher is immediately quiet,
Where the head teacher, beauty! Thank you! Tamara Vasilievna, Elena Alexandrovna, Railya Gaisovna, Gulnara Mukhametovna, Svetlana Valerievna and Sofia Iosifovna!


Presenter: The symbol of the end of a long school road, in addition to the last school bell, is one very important document. Which? Now let's try to figure it out:
Leading: There are a lot of orders in the flurry of school affairs ...
One in oblivion prepared the road,
But the one that will be read here,
Stay in the heart of everyone calculated.
The word for reading the order for admission to exams is given to the deputy director for educational work Alexandrova Tamara Vasilievna.

Reads the order for admission .

Director: - I think our film could use some nostalgic memories.

Clapperboard: Series 1 "The first time in the first grade, or how young we were."
Presenter 1: Memory first. It was the first of September, your first day of school, first grade. In a word, everything is first.

(The song "They teach at school" or the song of a first-grader sounds. Graduates dressed as first-graders enter the stage.)
Scene of first-graders in the role of 11th grade. Slides - 11k-ki in childhood.

Valya: On this day, overly excited mothers, looking at us, first-graders, carefully straightened the folds on our festive clothes, which had time to wrinkle and get dirty in a few hours ...

And they asked the same question, while, for some reason, smiling nervously:

Yana: Well, how? Did you enjoy your first day at school?

Sparrow: Liked it!

Valya: What else could we say?

Yana: For example, I didn’t say that the new shoes are very tight and not even green at all, as I wanted ...

Sparrow: I also didn’t say that I didn’t need this tie, “like dad’s”, if it was impossible to wipe dirty hands on it ...

Yana: And most importantly, from sitting in one place for a long time, for example, tingling begins in certain parts of the body.

Together: We really enjoyed!

Igor: - Dear primary school teachers Vasina Tatyana Vladimirovna, Leonova Natalya Vladimirovna, Gorbacheva Svetlana Vladimirovna, Loshchilova Svetlana Nikolaevna. You became directors of the first episodes of our serial film.

Lead 2: And let's interview our first directors. Tatyana Vladimirovna, what feelings did you experience on September 1, when you first saw our future graduates?
Presenter 1: Could you, Svetlana Nikolaevna, guess
11 years ago, that our heroes will grow up to be such beautiful, talented people?

Presenter 1: For your great work and big heart, which was enough for each of your students, we assign you the title " The best teacher elementary school". Thank you!

Music from the movie panorama. They give flowers.

Host:- Yes, eleventh-graders are experienced people. But our guests do not have such experience yet.

Leading - Guess who came to congratulate us? Small, small, smart, smart. Who? Of course, our shift is first grade students!

They go out to the song "Non-Children's Time".

Presentation by first graders:

1. Since they gave us a microphone -
Let him not shut up.
We will miss you.
But our hour will come.
We, friends, give the word
That we won't let you down.

2 You are already big
And once many times
Only dreamed of becoming big
How we dream now.

3 In our graduation classes
Girls are beauties.
Need to grow up fast
To please them.

4 Alumni in our school
How good are:
Both athletes and artists
We love them from the bottom of our hearts.

5 You took care of the school
They did a lot for us
But the masters of the school
We will be no worse than you.

6 We wish you success
Get into institutions.
So that you don't forget
Come visit the school.

7: You were an example for us
Maybe even a lighthouse.
Personally, I will be proud
The one who knew you.

8: We envy you sometimes
that you finished studying
But we feel a little sorry for you -
That sort of thing won't happen again.

9: More often you come to us
We will always be glad to see you.
And your last call at school
Never forget.

Host:- Thank you Babies! According to the good old tradition, we should exchange gifts. First graders give flowers and balloons to graduates, and 11th graders give first graders a letter that they will have to read in 11th grade at their last bell.

Give to music.

Alina: - Series 3: "School years are wonderful!"Double1

Leading - It all starts with a school bell.

Desks set off on a long journey.

There will be steeper starts ahead

And they will be more serious, but for now ...

Host:- In the meantime, school, lessons, lessons ... Every day to school. Whole 11 years!

Leading - Unique years, where one day is not like another, where not only lessons, tests, but also time for fun, jokes. There's time for jokes tonight as well.

Scene from KVN - a.

Host:- Most of all we sang and danced.

Assistant:- But it's not in the script!

Director: - And I will be in the film! So, music! Run!

Assistant:- But I…

Director: - I know it's not in the script. Let's see and then write.

Concert number.

Leading - All the years of study next to us were our teachers - subject teachers ...

Leading: But more about teachers later. On behalf of the 11th grade, we thank those who helped us these years: fed, treated, issued certificates.

Thanks social educator Zhdanova Natalya Leonidovna, librarian Egorova Lyudmila Grigorievna, paramedic school Akbasheva Zulfiya Zufarovna and our cooks.

Leading:- A low bow to those who laundered our school on weekdays and holidays, guarded it, and repaired broken furniture. Thank you!

Song "".

Host:- You understand how talented we are! But, despite all our talents, they tried to educate us all the time. Our parents suffered the most.

Alina: - Series 4: " Under a reliable wing, or the Parental home - the beginning of the beginnings.

Scenes from family life: take 3.

music "Yeralash"

Mother: Why did you skip school yesterday?

Son:-And I made a gift to the teacher!

Mother:-Which present?

Son:- And she had a birthday yesterday. So I decided - let him rest from me!


- Dear God! God, can you hear me? God! Make it so that the Volga flows into the Black Sea, as I wrote in the geography test.

Muses. splash screen

Mother: By the way, when will you finally correct your grades?

Son:- Mom, I try to do this every day, but the teacher, as luck would have it, never leaves the magazine unattended for a minute.

Muses. splash screen

Mother:- What did you do at school today?

Son: - We had chemistry, and the teacher explained the properties of explosives to us.

Mother:- It is interesting. What are you going to do at school tomorrow?

Son:- At school? In which school?

Muses. splash screen

Daughter: - Mom, is today a beautiful day or not?

Mother: Why do you ask this every morning?

Daughter: - Our teacher said that one day she would go crazy with us!

Music "Yeralash"

Lyrical music went.

Leading: Who is nearby in moments of joy and trial, who gives you all the warmth of his heart, all his love and care? Of course, these are the closest and dearest people - moms and dads.
Presenter: Dear Parents! In the 11 years that we have been at school, we have upset you so many times. Forgive us! Leaving school, we want to thank you, we love you and will always remember you!
Host:- My God, how much our family had to go through: problems with studies, difficulties in understanding, and sleepless nights because of our first love. Courageously they bore it all on their shoulders.

Alfira verse reads:

Today we say thank you

Of course, to their parents.

Your care, and attention, and patience

So they always help us.

But we confess with regret

Sometimes they were deaf

We are at your request and concern.

wall of misunderstanding

Suddenly it sprang up in front of us.

And sometimes it seems: she

Cannot collapse with a tsunami.

But we love, we love you

Although feelings are often kept a secret,

And our restraint sometimes

Prevents us from admitting it.

Leading - Thank you, our parents and low bow to you for your patience and work, kindness and responsiveness, devotion and love, without which we simply could not live! (Bow to parents)

to the motif of "Birch" gr. Lube
1 Why do I close my eyes so often

It's like my childhood is leaving me

2 Oh, why did this year pass so quickly
Flew ran away and you can’t catch up with him
And the teacher passed the last exam
We have met more than once this year, remember

And the heart beats and beats all evening
Oh parents if you only knew
Your child is so sad today
And in his eyes tears of sadness

3 I do not want to leave my native land
And the parental home where mom cradled
Where you are always very happy to see me
Where I sleep peacefully
sing higher
4 Why do I close my eyes so often
Why do I sigh so often today
And runs down the cheek without asking a tear
I remember my mother's lullaby.

The word is given to parents ....

Alina: - Series 5: "School years are wonderful!" Double3. School timetable:

Presenter: So, dear teachers, all the years of your studies you asked us many questions, now our time has come. Your favorite items are encrypted on the slides. Try to unravel them. So Block One.

Who do you think has the most obscene item?

Leading: The answer is simple. This is mathematics. Sorry, but the word "mat" occurs twice in your subject. Graduate 1st ( flips the sign MAT e MAT ika").

Presenter: - We love math
The exercises clicked at once.
How did your teachers respect you?
It's a pity that we have to leave now!

Mathematics was taught by Alexandrova Tamara Vasilievna. Thank you for the knowledge you have invested in us.


Leading: Block number two "The noisiest object." Seconds for reflection went! Guessed it?

2nd student(turns over the second tablet - "East OR and I").

Leading - History is the beginning of all sciences!

It contains the secrets of all peoples, of all times!

We studied it together

Slowly, from all sides!

How did our ancestors create

Russia young confident to become!

We have experienced all the events with you

And they learned to respect the wisdom of their ancestors!

And with gratitude for all the lessons,

For kindness and for attention to us,

For understanding and care

We present the bouquet to you, Natalya Gennadievna!

Lube: Opera

1) It's time for exams to come to school again,

And we need to work hard again.

And all this is not the first time for you,

And you are destined to

To create history, forgetting about your peace.

We know social science by heart,

The history lesson is our favorite lesson.

Your office is our home,

And so it is destined

We will come to you for the exam again in a crowd.

Chorus: Yes! And wish us neither fluff nor feathers.

Yes! Exam is not a game

Yes! We will surrender everything, she stands behind us with a wall -

Natalya Gennadievna - 2 times.

Leading: Block three: "The most delicious item." Time has gone. This is not technology, this is ... (3rd turns over the sign "Russian LANGUAGE").

5 years studied at the institute to teach it.

Now its in sour cream sauce ...

What to do with it?

Eat, eat!!!

Our dear Pilnova Galina Vladimirovna and Timershina Dina Rashitovna,

We write to you, what more?

What do we want to say now?

We know for sure: in your will

Congratulations to all of us today!

And in our enviable share,

Giving you a piece of my heart

We pronounce not melting:

We will all remember your words,

Their smooth running, the sparkle of your eyes!

And remember Chatsky, Romeo

And Lensky more than once!

Chu-shu, zhi-shi without all the mistakes

We will not forget how to write!

And all the mysteries of the Russian soul

We will try to understand!

You taught us to think, to think

Seek hidden meaning in everything.

And the thought of the great writers

Understand, appreciate and respect!

You are the source of eternal life,

Like the heart of Danko, like the dawn!

Here's what we wanted to say

I present this bouquet to you now!

Song("Oh, viburnum blooms")

1. I wake up in the morning thinking about

I won't go out for a walk tonight.

The writing is a burden on the shoulders,

Nerves can not stand, and a tear runs - 2 times.

Leading: An award is presented - a concert number to teachers of the Russian language and literature, specialists in the field of a tasty subject.

concert number

Leading: Next Nomination "The most wonderful object".

Admit it, who teaches the most wonderful lessons? The time for reflection is already coming... It's you, foreign language teachers.

(turning over the sign "Eno STRANGE language").

Leading - It is obligatory and necessary

And very important, no doubt,

But suddenly it turned out

Wonderful and strange is your subject!

Leading: English language poetic.
Isn't it true, our dear teacher?
Favorite Present and Future
We know everything better and better!
Declension of verbs is close to us.
We think so in English.
Respect you accept today!
You are definitely the best, our teacher! Sgibneva Olesya Vadimovna and Ivanova Ekaterina Viktorovna, Fenkiw very match.


Leading: Block five "The most sporting subject." Time has passed… If you read the name of one of the roots of this word backwards, you can easily guess the most sporting term…


Leading: This subject is biology.

5th(turns over the sign "Bio LOG and I").

Vedas: The subject was difficult - it became sports.

It's all about football.

We discovered in biology

Let inside out the word "GOAL"!

Vedas: Biology is a science,

Very important for us!

And the structures of organisms

Studied bravely class!

Looking at the terrible skeleton,

Sometimes, about the meaning of life

We talked at leisure

Thank you for your destiny!

Dear Svetlana Vladimirovna, We wish you health for many years to come! We give a beautiful bouquet! The next issue is dedicated to the teacher and person Kapseeva Svetlana Vladimirovna .


Leading: It turns out that there is a dangerous subject in the school curriculum. Who is teaching it? Teachers of the most dangerous subject...

6th(turns over the sign "Basics without DANGEROUSLY life deyatel ness").

Dear Valery Evgenievich and Veronika Sergeevna,

We wrote the offsets correctly,
Safety above all!
Matches are not toys for us, we knew
Nothing was sprayed anywhere.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! It will help us in life.
LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS! And we will not be phosgene
We poison our lives to our enemies!


Leading: And the next in line is the sixth block "The funniest thing." You have one more attempt to pass the certification for five!

7th(turns the sign over) chi mia").

Oh, if Dmitry Mendeleev knew,

That he is busy doing something funny ...

Why not giggle

Until we get to know him?

Host:- Red smoke curls in clubs,

Flames lick the ceiling.

Acid flows like a river -

There is a lesson in experiments.

On the way to a great goal

Suffering is not terrible

Mendeleev would approve

Our research

Together with Sukhanova Olga Valentinovna. Thank you for your experiences and experiments.


Vedas: The next block is "The object that causes hiccups." Guessed? This is Fiz IR a.

Vedas: We are not Edisons

We do not pull up to Newtons

And it wasn't like that at all.

Dad radio - Popov

Let pascals, watts, hertz

We entered into flesh and blood

But forever in my heart

There will be love for physics.

Expensive Irina Viktorovna, Please accept this beautiful bouquet of flowers from us as a token of gratitude and recognition!

To the motive of the song "Smuglyanka"

Once on physics for some reason

The devil took me in the morning

There Irina Viktorovna

Starts your poll

I blush, I turn pale

And I have nothing to say

Oh put a three

After all, I can not become a scientist

Chorus: I would say, yes, the language does not work.

And all my courage was gone.

I would answer all questions

And reached the top

Scene in physics. Flowers

Leading: Track. block. This item is of noble blood. Guess which one? Geo GRAPH and I.

Host:- Not on an all-terrain vehicle, but at a school desk,

We will bypass seas and distant countries.

From Antarctica to Africa

Fearlessly swim

Together with Yuldashbayeva Alsu Marsovna.


Vedas: The following subject contains in its name the clothes we hate: school uniform: informatics.

Computer science is a serious science

We taught her not in vain!

After all, in our century, that's the thing,

Without informatics, there is no way to go anywhere!

You go to the right - the Internet with Warcraft!

You go to the left - Windows and Excel!

And ahead of us beckon hundreds of bytes

And naughty Skype phones trill!

But we understand this!

We have studied science with you!

To you, Elvira Khusainovna and Marina Stanislavovna,

we say thank you for this knowledge and present you with flowers now!


Leading: The following item contains a delicious hot broth as part of its name. Guessed? This is AS. And the subject is the Bashkir language.

Host: Bashkir
important - you can not argue with that,
It doesn't come easy for everyone.

But the teacher will present everything figuratively
And in the dark more often it will become light in an instant.
Railya Gaisovna and Minzalya Midkhatovna,

May there be a lot of light in your life,
Be healthy, happy in everything,
And let there be no topic without an answer,
Be luckier every day.

Vedas: And the last block for today is “The most cultural subject”. Time for reflection. (After answers). Of course, this is physical education.

Vedas:(turning the sign " Physical Culture"). We are helped to become more cultured Jumping, gymnastics and running. Every person is uncultured without physical education!

Host:- From these meetings in the soul traces

Will stay for a long time.

Reliable heart, like a motor,

Runs faster than a wolf.

With health like ours,

We will move mountains.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

Physical education lessons

Girls (sing to the tune of the song "I kissed you"):
You came so sporty.
You came like this in sneakers.
The twinkle in the eyes is playful.
On the chest is a whistle with a rope.
And we looked at you, and although we did not pass the race.
Assessed the situation.
And they all promised in unison: we will run with you personally, but now we are so tired.
You put us, "excellent." We will pass all the standards, honestly! honestly! honestly!

Dear Ildar Akhmetovich and Gennady Davydovich, although we have not often spoiled you with sports success, you should know that we love physical education very much. It was a pleasure and joy to attend your classes! We wish you sporting success!


Presenter: We had no doubt that our teachers would cope with "five" with all the tasks. Otherwise they can't!

Director: Yes, well done! And you know, I think if we include one more song in our script, it will be very nice ...

Assistant: Well if you think so

Director: Yes, I think so ... .. and we will do it ... So the motor was assembled:

Clapperboard: Series 6 "Who, if not us" take one.

Anthem Seliger

Host:- It's time for us to continue the film,

Words of love we have to say

To those who were dear to all of us,

And those who are so sorry to leave.

Presenter: - You guessed it, of course.

These are our class leaders.

Leading: Let's continue watching the announcements.
Clapperboard: 7th Series "My Cool ..., Or so many years together." Double one.

Leading: Everyone will say - the most important teacher
In the life of every student
This is the class teacher
They all know this for sure.

Leading: Participated in everyone's life
We want to thank you
Wish you health and happiness,
We thank you from the bottom of our hearts.

(The backing track of the song sounds"I'll Stay" (City 312))
1Verse. How many years have passed since you
For the class they became not a stranger, but, alas ...
There always comes a time to part - here it is.
We will take sadness with us -
We hope to meet you.

You are our dear person,
We know exactly what
Be an example for us.
And that thread that connected us
We will keep in memory
Let's go back to school, believe me.

2Verse. And there are so many days ahead, they are waiting for us,
We walk along the path of life, on thin ice,
But passing by the school, we will see the light,
And it will become easier on the soul,
After all, it is your heart that shines!

2Chorus. Such a dear person to us,
We know exactly what
Be an example for us.
And so that the thread does not break,
We'll bring the children to teach
In ten years to you, probably! (rustle with pumps in hands at the end)

The response of class teachers.

Irina Viktorovna, Natalya Gennadievna, we invite you to the stage.

Music from the movie panorama.

Assistant:- Almost every film has a lyrical or tragic parting scene.

Director: - So we came not only to the final part of our film, but to the whole school life.

Young woman: - Series 11. "Farewell Tour"

(Music ____ titanic - saxophone.)

Leading: -It's time to say goodbye to school.

And our graduation year is over.

Forever away the fun path

Now our childhood is gone.

Host:- 11 years! Is it a lot or a little?! Now it seems to us that they flashed by as if in an instant. And yet we will never forget them.

Director: And here we need more warmth.

(A big heart appears on the screen)

Leading - We are leaving for a long journey, but the heart remains at school!

(beating heart on screen)

Leading: We were in a hurry to grow faster
But we didn't know yesterday
As in the school building ray,
We are being held by the last call.

Leading - He sings - and it becomes a pity,
What is already in golden September
You will not fly over the rope
In a change in the school yard ...

Leading: Let him ring louder, farewell,
So that everyone can feel
This gentle, but a little sad
Accompanying us to the world call

Leading - All hopes and expectations
Look, life, do not deceive!
And at this moment in a silent hall
Ring, ring, ring, ring

The bell is ringing

Assistant:- Remember us like this: happy or sad, talented or not, but still infinitely loving you. In general, remember us as we are.

Director: - And if you forget, watch our today's film again and again - it will remind you of us!


To the motive of the song of the Zemfira group "Goodbye!":

The years go by, it happens
Finished school.
And they let us go
Certificates are awarded
And a cool photo.
And everyone understands:
Not long left
We study at school.
And from the first class
It seemed like so many
Eleven whole years!

Goodbye, school, goodbye!
We are already in your chronicles (u-u-a-p!)
Expectations, tears and goodbyes,
And memories of the past years (u-u-a-p!)!

Then institutions, other concerns -
Let's study further.
And after work and only about school
We will remember more often.
From first grade to graduation
We won't forget anything.
And we'll meet again
Later in our life
Eleven whole years!

To the tune of "Student's Songs" (...on the French side...)
This song many times
Performed by people
Well, we'll sing now
Yes, and be what will be!

We'll add a few words
About home school
And about the fact that people are here -
Smart and funny
Ah, what are we here
Super teachers!
They were taken care of every time -
It's just gods!

But the time has come, alas,
Say goodbye to everyone now
For the university exam
Let's gather!

Low bow to you from us
And a flower bouquet!
remember you every time
Let's be with the class for sure!

If there's something wrong
Don't be offended
And it's always like this
Stay longer
We promise, we will
To you children to learn,
So not for long to us
To be forgiven!

The song has come to an end
Clap your hands
Oh what class are we
Still good!

Scenarios of the holiday of the last call for grade 11, for lyceum

How interesting to spend and organize a holiday Last call

At the "Last Call" all schoolchildren become participants important event. Ideas, ideas for its organization are prepared by classes in secret, in secret from those to whom the holiday is addressed.

Highly important point- decoration of the hall. Flowers, fresh greenery of blossoming twigs, colorfully decorated plafonds, unusual view scenes will help create a festive atmosphere. As design details, you can use a pair of daisies, symbolically representing a boy and a girl (details are underlined - a tie, a bow). We suggest writing the names of different educational institutions on the petals of daisies.

You can also draw a train that goes along the route "School - Life", in the cars of which there will be "graduates" (cartoons, photographs), etc.

Program "The Last Tour"

This program can be viewed by teachers and students of the school. We need a colorful bright poster, posted in advance and promising a fun, interesting performance. The program includes good caricatures of your favorite teachers and yourself; scenes-memoirs and fragments from comic "operas", "ballets", "operettas"; funny fairy tales about school and just good amateur performances.


The auction is organized by a creative group of graduates. The program should include the opening of the auction (dance passage with a display of goods, the solemn exit of the presenter and his assistants, etc.), the sale of goods and the closing of the auction.

The payment is the answers to the proposed question of the presenter. His assistant counts and beats on the drum, barrel, etc., three signals, naming the last name, for example: “Petrov one, Petrov two, Petrov three!”. At this time, anyone can give another correct answer, the winner is the participant who named the last correct answer. The sale may be accompanied by advertising.

Approximate goods and questions-tasks of the auction:

Autographed photo of a famous graduate athlete. Name famous school athletes.

Phonogram with recordings of songs performed by the school ensemble. Sing songs that have "school" words - teacher, student, school, etc.

Drawings with the wishes of graduate artists. Name the Russian artists.

Closing of the auction includes gratitude to all participants, ceremonial departure of the presenter and assistants.

retro lesson

This lesson is exactly 45 minutes long and takes place in a familiar classroom. And the content of the lesson will include mini-lessons from different years.

Primary school lesson. The bell rings, the very first teacher of graduates enters. She conducts an organizational moment as it was ten years ago: “We got up, lowered our hands, leveled up,” etc. Then she asks those who know poetry to raise their hands (the guys play along with the teacher), calls 1-2 people, offers to read a fragment of a children's book on roles, etc. Thanks for the lesson, gives the first notebooks as a keepsake, says goodbye.

A lesson for middle management. The call ... the class teacher of the guys in the middle classes enters. He starts another mini-lesson. The organizational moment passes more rhythmically: a clear greeting, checking readiness for the lesson, etc.

Then - a frontal survey in the form of comic questions to the class. At this time, 2-3 people at the blackboard answer other questions in writing, for example: Where does childhood go? Are there vitamins in the fruits of enlightenment? What do you need to understand you perfectly?

At the end of the lesson, work is carried out on cards: the children are given photographs of classmates in preschool age Need to know who is where? The teacher comments on the answers, hands over the drawings of former fifth graders. Call! The lesson is over.

Senior class lesson. The mini-lesson is conducted by the class teacher. He begins with an analysis of homework - profiles of graduates (which the guys wrote earlier). Sample survey questions:

Why do you love your class?

What would you like to wish your classmates?

What would you like to say today that you didn't dare to say before?

If you are appointed director of our school, what will you change in it?

Your symbolic gift to our school. Why is he like this?

Festive stairs

In full dress, students line up along the school stairs, forming a "living corridor". In the hands of the guys can be flowers, postcards, commemorative badges that they give to graduates.

Children can also greet graduates with applause, performance of their favorite school song. The march of high school students to the assembly hall is accompanied by solemn music.

Radio studio "Native voices"

The radio studio is open throughout the festival. In her program:

Concert at the request of eleventh graders;

Alumni interviews;

Recordings of favorite songs performed by high school students;

Orders of the elders, wishes of the younger ones, etc.

Where does childhood go? (newspaper and drawing competition)

Newspaper competition is held among the editorial boards of individual classes, or combined editorial boards of peers, or associations of different ages; Everyone can take part in the drawing competition.

Based on the results of the competition, exhibitions are organized, the best drawings are presented as souvenirs to graduates. You can organize the work of the jury of graduates: in a special envelope, reinforced with each newspaper (picture), graduates can drop incentive tokens. You can also arrange a competition for the most witty caption to your favorite drawing. By the way, the topics of newspapers may be different: “Remember you”, “Our wishes to graduates”, “Professions of our graduates”, “School of the future”, etc.

Cafe "Peremenka"

The cafe is organized by the creative association "Nutrition". On different floors of the school during breaks, they work: “Sandwich Row”, “Sweet Shop”, “Pyshechnaya”, “Pancake”, etc. The right of the first visit is granted to graduates (for example, 2 and 3 changes).

The cafe can be different ways sales, for example: free lottery, discount sale (for graduates), exhibition with tasting (each “buyer” has his own spoon, straw for cocktails, etc.), “product of choice” - each visitor buys an entrance token, then he can buy, for example, 2 any sandwiches.

Another option is also possible: everyone is invited to put any small personal items (forfeits) in a special box. Then one seller demonstrates the goods, and the other takes one forfeit from the box. The one whose phantom was taken out is given goods, etc.

The cafe advertises its work on the school radio. Cafe workers carefully think over the form of clothing, their brand name, musical arrangement, festive service. Products intended for sale will be prepared by local chefs. The menu can be compiled on a competitive basis.

Last call script for 9th grade in retro style. At the beginning of the performance, the guys, together with their teachers, performed tango to the music from the musical "Chicago". The hosts were Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, who conducted their investigation "Where do the students disappear from the lessons?" The suspects were teachers. which were successfully justified. The whole performance of the guys (music, dossier on teachers, silent films) was in the style of the era of the early twentieth century. The performance also used multimedia to show its videos. Our performance was touching, funny and original. Nobody was left indifferent.






The performance begins with a tango from the movie "Chicago", which is performed by students in pairs with teachers.

Newsboy runs onto the stage: Sensation! They ran into! Last call at school 19!

Holmes and Watson exit. Holmes is holding a magnifying glass and a skull.

Watson: Yes, Holmes, it will be a harder task than that of Dr. Moriarty!

Holmes: Yes! Where do the kids go from school? So who's our suspect here? Teachers.

Watson: Is it the Hound of the Baskervilles again?

Holmes: I don't think so! These kids know all the dogs in our area, and they tamed the Hound of the Baskervilles long ago!

Watson: Oh! Traces! (Picks up Bigfoot's two cardboard feet from the floor.)

holmes So. This is a woman! Perfume "Chanel" No. 5, prefers clothes from Versace!

Watson: Hurry, Hurry, Holmes! Let's follow!

Scene 1

Teacher: Hello first graders! Let's start our first class!

Watson (GZK): The first teacher Tatyana Dionisovna. Dossier for the first teacher. Tatyana Dionisovna. By nature, moderately kind, moderately strict. Loves children. I have long noticed that the love of learning can be represented as a fraction ...

Holmes (GZK): The older the class, the greater the denominator ...

Student 1: Tatyana Dionisovna, will we have exams?

Teacher: There will be.

Student 2: Will there be tests and cuts?

Teacher: There will be.

Student 3: Tatyana Dionisovna, but how is it right: fish have no teeth ...

Student 4: Fish have no teeth...

Student 5: Or do fish have no teeth?

Student 6: Tatyana Dionisovna, what do we have for lunch today?

Student 7: Tatyana Dionisovna, can I go out?

Student 8:: Tatyana Dionisovna, will they give us an order for a good study?

(The teacher does not have time to answer, turning his head first to one, then to another student.)

Teacher: Well, not an order, but they will definitely give a medal. Only first you need to learn how to draw sticks: 20 sticks tilted to the left and 20 sticks tilted to the right.

Student 1: Oh, but I don’t know where is left and where is right!

Student 3: I don't have a pen!

Student 4: I forgot my notebook!

Student 5: Well, why did you pester the teacher? She's about to faint!

Student 6: So, whoever else asks a question will deal with me! My dad is a policeman!

Student 7: And my dad is a driver!

Student 8: And my dad is the boss!

Teacher: So, children, lined up quickly in pairs. We go to the dining room. There is porridge. (They leave)

Holmes: Don't you think, doctor, that there is too much love for children in this suspect. She can't be involved in anything bad.

Watson: Let's say thank you to our first teacher Tatyana Dionisovna for her love and reliable foundation of knowledge.

Holmes: Dossier on a teacher of geography.Irina Nikolayevna. In character, energetic, hardy. Knows a lot about cards

Scene 2

Student 1: Oh, we finally moved to the 5th grade!

Student 2: Yeah, and the parents realized that we are not geeks ...

Student 3: And now you can give all of yourself to your favorite subject!

Student 1: For example, my favorite subject is a school desk. I’ll paint her, my dear, in 7 lessons so that I can send her to an exhibition of surrealists!

Student 2: And my favorite subject is changeable shoes. My grandmother gave it to me in the first grade, so I will wear it until the very 11th. Like a talisman!

Student 3: No, guys! The most interesting subject in school is the telephone. Reliably protects nervous system student!

(Puts on headphones, starts twitching.)

Class teacher (runs in): Ah! Katsalap! Finally you showed up at school! Now I will say everything that I think about you! (He takes a breath, blurts out.) Shameless truant, rude, impudent, net, destroyer of school property, arrogant deceiver, hypocrite, miserable loser! Speak, when will you finally become a man?

Holmes: I think Watson is inhumane to consider this teacher a suspect. A person who has survived several 9 classes in a row will not be able to offend a fly.

Watson: Thank you, Irina Nikolaevna, for your humanity and patience.

Holmes: Oksana Nikolaevna, teacher of chemistry and biology... has a restless character. Learned the secrets of alchemy. Knows how to convince students that not every monkey can become a man

Watson: I noticed that schoolchildren always do not have enough time to prepare for the test ...

Holmes: And in order to rewrite it, there is always enough time.

Scene 3

Teacher: You have already rewritten this test 10 times - you have had enough!

Student 1: Well, how is it enough? How is enough? The first time I wrote it for 1 point, the second time - for 2 points, on the fourth attempt I got "4"!

Student 2: It's addictive, like a drug!

All: Chemistry is the opium of the people!

Teacher: Yes, that's it. I remember one of my students rewrote, rewrote...

All: Became a drug addict?

Teacher: No, I became a doctor of chemical sciences!

Student 3: It's true! We make a small discovery at each test!

Holmes: Watson! Oksana Nikolaevna cannot be a suspect in the disappearance of children.

Watson: Why?

Holmes: She is responsible for the security of the entire school.

Watson: Okay. Let's say a big thank you to this teacher for what she taught us.

Holmes: Dossier on a physics teacherPhysics teacher. Yulia Sergeevna. The nature, funny.

Able to explain the most complex tasks in a simple and understandable way, for example:

Sit down. Two.-Why?-In physics.

Or: - Get out of the classroom. - Why - By gender.

Scene 4

Student: Yulia Sergeevna, my mother gave you a note.

Teacher (reads): “Dear Yulia Sergeevna! I ask you to immediately come to our house for a conversation about my son's academic performance and behavior." Confess what you did?

Student: What am I? I'm nothing!

The teacher takes the student by the hand, moves to the other side of the stage. There is already a "cool" mother, in curlers, sawing her nails.

Teacher (guilty): Hello, I'm your son's teacher, did you call me?

Mom (indignantly): What do you think? I gave you a child 10 years ago. Pure, innocent, white and fluffy. What did you do with it? It's some sort of scarecrow! He extorts money from his father for beer. He only comes home to eat and sleep. And yesterday I found in his pocket... a cigarette!

Teacher (justifying himself): No, he is good at school. She washes her hands and brushes her teeth at every lesson. Chews thoroughly educational material... Every day, at least two lessons walks on fresh air. Lesson three sleeps. Gives girls cigarettes.

Mom: Sleeps a little and walks a little! Wow, so pale! I'll take it from you! I will give it to the 1st grade of an English gymnasium with a literary and physical education bias. You can't be trusted with kids!

He grabs his son and drags him backstage. The teacher, wiping her eyes, goes the other way.

Holmes: Yulia Sergeevna is a suspect?!?! Watson, you are crazy!!! Have you ever looked into her eyes?

Watson: Complete lack of evidence. We are grateful for all that you have done for us.

Holmes; Dossier on suspects. MHC teachers, music and rhythm Lyubov Pavlovna, Irina Vladimirovna, Irina Viktorovna, Maria Vladimirovna. Natures are creative, peaceful. They know how to distinguish batman from a loaf, Bach from a woman, Bosch from SpongeBob.

Scene 5

Silent movie! (Music from a Charlie Chaplin movie sounds).

The music continues. Silent scene. It turns out Mom leads her son by the hand. Leads him to the teacher's table. The teacher shows her a cardboard "2". Mom pulls out a bottle labeled "Poison". The teacher, frightened, takes the bottle of poison. And he shows his mother a cardboard "3". Mom puts a gun to her head. Titles: "Five or life!". The son falls on his knees before the Teacher. The teacher takes the gun away from Mom and hands her a cardboard "5". Behind the credits are: "For the last time!!!". Mother and son leave. The credits roll from behind "Another life saved!!" The participants in the scene leave.

Holmes: Elementary, Watson! Art requires sacrifice! Here is the group of culprits.

Watson. With all due respect, Sherlock, I assure you, these worthy educators have better things to do.

Holmes: For this we are immensely grateful to them.

Watson: Dossier on suspects. physical education teachersAnna Gennadievna and OBZH Vladimir Alekseevich. By nature, energetic, impetuous. They develop the skills of rapid running along the sliding parquet of the corridor, as well as the skills of high jumps, followed by landing without a mat.

Holmes: Watson, These educators have absolutely nothing to do with it.

Watson: Why?

Holmes: They have no motive. What kind of fool would skip physical education and life safety.

Watson: Well, yes. Crossing out?

Holmes: Cross out.

Watson: Thanks?

Holmes: Thank you.

Watson: Dossier on a history teacher. Valentina Petrovna. Nature is mysterious. Loves books, especially textbooks.

Scene 6

Teacher: Yeah, got it? Where were you yesterday at the test? Well, I'm waiting: addresses, appearances, ciphers, call signs!

Student 1: Calm down, we have references for everything ...

Student 2: ...and notes from parents! (Shows a pile of papers.)

Music. Song "Five Reasons" (I. Nikolaev).

Teacher (sings):

How did it all happen:

Half the class did not come to the lesson,

No one came to school!

All: And we have a hundred reasons for this!

The first reason is the cold

And the second is the ear, throat, nose,

Boys: The third reason - it's not my fault:

Did she send us to the draft board! (Marching.)

Girls (waving flowers):

The fourth reason is spring,

She won't let us go to school

All: The fifth reason is appendicitis,

And the sixth - just a toothache.

Seventh and eighth - a breakdown,

Nobody fed me in the morning

The ninth reason is sclerosis,

The tenth reason is beriberi.


Teacher: Stop-stop-stop, do you think I will listen to all your hundred reasons? So, so, for every reason, everyone writes me an essay on 15 pages in triplicate. Deadline delivery in 15 minutes!

Host 1: Fifteen minutes later.

Teacher: Did you bring it?

All: Brought.

Teacher: 15 pages?

All: 15 pages each!

Teacher: You did something quickly!

Student 1: So we all have an essay consisting of only one word:

All: Played, skipped, skipped!

Teacher: Crime, crime, crime! I call everyone to the teachers' council!

Doctor (enters): Wait, the children are not to blame, they have a dangerous viral disease!

All: Urokophobia and procrastination!

Doctor: They must be isolated immediately!

All: To room number 6!

Doctor: Write down your homework: kefir, klistir, castor oil, 3 times a day - for everyone!

Student 1: Oh, and we have all recovered!

Student 2: And we have started the reverse process!

Doctor: What's the other reverse process?

All: Uromania and absenteeism! (They leave.)

Holmes: Valentina Petrovna has nothing to do with it.

Watson: Why?

Holmes: A student who has not handed in his textbooks cannot disappear.

Watson: Thank you for your efforts and understanding.

Holmes: Dossier on Suspected Foreign Language TeachersTatyana Alexandrovna and Svetlana Anatolyevna. The character is friendly, peaceful. Thanks to their efforts, we speak not only Russian, English, but ... and in other lessons.

Scene 7

Teacher (leaves blindfolded): One, two, three, four, five, I'm going to look!

All: Who is this?

Student 2: This is our head teacher playing hide and seek, for ten years he has been looking for some Petya.

Student 3: Yeah, in the first grade I went to the toilet for five minutes and hid so much that they couldn’t find it in any way to hand over the certificate.

Holmes: You know, Watson, they are also not involved in this crime. Tatyana Alexandrovna is responsible for general education. No motive.

Watson: Let's say a big thank you to this teacher with a big and kind soul.

Scene 8

Teacher: So, dear comrades, partisans, I begin the interrogation on homework.

Holmes: (GZK) Russian language teacher Elena Anatolyevna... Intelligent nature, aesthetically developed. I even read something that no one had read before her, except for the author. Shows courage and heroism when reading school essays.

Watson (GZK): Invented new type lesson...

Holmes (GZK): High security lesson!

Teacher: Sidorov, when will you hand over 13 poems to me?

Student 1: Oh, Elena Anatolyevna, at the end of the year I will hand over everything, in bulk!

Teacher: Okay, only and estimates will be wholesale!

Student: Can you give me a discount?

Teacher: Then the grades are discounted, 2 pairs - the third one is free.

Holmes: The suspect is Elena Anatolyevna? Yes, you are wandering, Watson. A person who knows the classics personally will not draw the classics on asphalt.

Watson: Is that a metaphor, sir?

Holmes: No, Watson, an allegory. We express our gratitude to our teacher, who taught us such smart and kind words.

Watson: Dossier on mathematics teachersand informatics Tatyana Ivanovna and Ekaterina Sergeevna.

Consistent, strong-willed natures who managed to hammer integrals, derivatives, cosines and sines into the heads of graduates without spoiling its form.

Scene 9

Beneath the Imperial March out star wars head teacher, math teacher, 3 girls come out.

Head teacher: So, they opened the diaries and wrote them down.

Teacher: School Director's Order No. 19

Head teacher: At the lessons of physics, chemistry ...

Teacher: And especially mathematics!

Head teacher: Pupils of junior, middle ...

Teacher: And especially the senior classes!

Together: about love!

Girls: What else is there to think about? There are solid...

All: Triangles!

Student 1: She is beautiful, smart, sophisticated, mysterious...

Student 2: He is handsome, smart, strong and brave!

Student 3: There is temptation between them...

Student 1: Geometry test and... best friend!

Student 2: Will they pass this test?

Student 3: What will win? Male treachery or female friendship?

Together: Today. On the control. Mathematics!

Holmes: I believe that they also cannot be involved in this crime, they are too reasonable and scrupulous.

Watson: Do you think so, Holmes? Well, we can only thank them for trying to download information into our heads without any Yuesbi.

Song for the class teacher.

Watson: There she is! This is the same ringleader, Dzemgovsky Don Carlione.

Holmes: Well, maybe you are right, Watson. Only in the disappearance of children, she is not to blame. A good mother will not raise her hand against her children.

Watson: Dossier on the head teacher of the schoolTatyana Alexandrovna, Yulia Sergeevna, Larisa Alexandrovna. Natures are multifaceted, contradictory, diverse.

Always boldly take on something that has never been done before.

They clearly fulfill the tasks, it is not clear by whom, when and why they are set.

Contribute to the spread new fairy tale"BabaEGE".

We are sure that: "Who goes to school in the morning, he goes to universities."

Holmes: Dossier on our counselor: Natalya Alekseevna. The character is fast paced and versatile. There is a gift of superspeed, owns hypnosis.

Watson: Holmes! Yes, it's a gang!

Holmes: Again you are wrong. All the evidence points to the fact that they, too, have nothing to do with it.

Watson: All that remains is to thank our head teachers for everything, everything, everything.

Video clip.

Holmes: Dossier on the headmasters: The character is persistent, warlike. Intuition is highly developed (if you can “catch” someone on something unseemly, it will catch you for sure). The school is located in several places at the same time. It's better to tell the truth on the phone. In a calm state until 7.30 am and after 18.30. At this time, soft and responsive.

Watson: Oh! It's the mafia boss!

Holmes: And here, Watson, you are wrong.

Watson: Why?

Holmes: My answer is very short: because...

Watson: Let's say the words sincere thanks director of our school.

Final song.