Fairy tale kolobok for new Russians. Fairy tale "Kolobok" in a new way

  • 15.07.2020

comic tales for new way

An old man and an old woman lived in a remote village. The elderly became bored, and the grandfather said to the old woman:

Old woman, come on, scrape through the boxes, sweep the bottom of the bottom, scrape up some flour to bake a bun.

Grandmother took a wing and began to scrape through the box, then swept through the bottom of the pan, and all she had was two handfuls of flour and it came out.

Grandma began to cook the dough: she kneaded flour on sour cream and cooked a round-round bun, fried it in butter, and put it on the window to cool.

And the gingerbread man got cold, lay down a bit, looked around and how it would roll: from the window he jumped onto the bench, from the bench he slid to the floor, slipped along the floor to the door and jumped over the threshold into the passage, from which - onto the porch. From the porch, Kolobok rolled into the yard, from the yard ran through the gate and rolled further and further.

And why did the newly minted Kolobok decide to run away from his grandparents? Yes, they are bored in the village. There is no Internet - there is no one to communicate with. He ran - Kolobok ran to a neighboring village, saw a house with a satellite dish, with the Internet connected, hid and jumped - he ended up in the house. The computer turned on, VKontakte went in, and VKontakte told him:

Gingerbread Man, oh, Gingerbread Man, why did you come here? Here your account will be hacked and they will see who is who. Your round face will be watched everywhere, even if you get the nickname "Kachok" - they will figure you out!

Oh, "VKontakte", do not threaten! Let me have a better chat on your branded network! I will sing my best song for you:

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Sweet oily bok.

I left my grandmother

He ran away from his grandfather.

Though scraped along the box

And I'm beaten in the bottom of the barrel!

Don't break my account

Don't waste your time

I want to be modern

Even though I came out of the forest!

I want to chat

With a wonderful girl online

I hope not a bot

She will, for love!

VKontakte got angry with Kolobok and banned his page. He sent too many intimate messages. Kolobok rolled further down the road - VKontakte only saw him.

Kolobok is rolling, and a new village is meeting him. Gingerbread man looks, and there are new tall houses in it. Not a village, you see it, but a whole village. The internet is connected by cable. Kolobok hid at the entrance of one of the houses and jumped into it when the door opened a crack. He deftly jumped into one of the apartments and went online. Registered Kolobok on classmates. And Odnoklassniki tells him:

Gingerbread Man, oh, Gingerbread Man, I see your oily side! Why did you come to us in the network, so that the top would not be dragged away?

Don't swear better, network! I will sing back to you:

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Sweet oily bok.

I left my grandmother

He ran away from his grandfather.

Though scraped along the box

And I'm beaten in the bottom of the barrel!

Don't break my account

Don't waste your time

I want to be modern

Even though I came out of the forest!

I want to chat

With a wonderful girl online

I hope not a bot

She will - for love!

I barely took my legs,

Because in this network

There is always a demand for me!

Odnoklassniki got angry at Kolobok and deleted his page, because he used foul language on the network and sent spam to girls.

Kolobok ran on. Sees in front of him Big city costs. In it, the Internet is transmitted via Wi-Fi. People use the Internet and can't get enough of it. Gingerbread Man hid and - yurk into the house closer to free Wi-Fi, sits, the Internet shakes for free. He went to Facebook, registered, started a page, and Facebook told him:

Gingerbread Man, oh, Gingerbread Man, why did you come here? Why are you registering under the nickname "Sexy man"? Here you will be banned now, there will be laughter for a whole year if someone declassifies that you are not a jock at all!

Do not scoff, miracle network. I can sing you a song

Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man,

Sweet oily bok.

I left my grandmother

He ran away from his grandfather.

Though scraped along the box

And I'm beaten in the bottom of the barrel!

Don't break my account

Don't waste your time

I want to be modern

Even though I came out of the forest!

I want to chat

With a wonderful girl online

I hope not a bot

She will - for love!

Here, I ran away from VKontakte,

I barely took my legs,

Because in this network

There is always a demand for me!

In Odnoklassniki they decided

That I'm a corporate man

Quick access denied

I'm not used to fame!

On Facebook, users got angry with Kolobok, quickly figured out the address from which he goes online. They came and tied Kolobok, laid it out real photo on the Internet, and then himself - on the table, yum and ate Kolobok.

That's the end of the fairy tale, and who listened - well done!

Fairy tale script


(in a new way).

Prepared and hosted:

Musical director

Zhiryakova E.D.






Bunny :

Wolf :

Bear :

A fox :

Music sounds "Visiting a fairy tale".


We gathered the guys in the hall to show a fairy tale,

And about whom we will tell now, I propose to guess.

Who left his grandmother and grandfather and left without dinner:

A hare, a wolf and a bear, even a cunning fox?

He rolled along the path, and found himself in the forest,

He has a ruddy side, who is this? (kolobok)

And so .... We begin!

Fairy tale "Kolobok in a new way"

Once upon a time there was an old man with his old woman,

Grandfather dug the earth

I planted a garden with my grandmother.

(grandfather depicts how he digs, and grandmother how he plants a garden)


Oh, I'm tired!

Bake, grandma, for lunch

Gingerbread man ruddy, delicious!

You used to bake skillfully.

The grandmother “kneads” the dough and says:

Here is a broomstick,

I found a handful of two flour,

Salt, vanilla and sugar.

Glorious bun came out,

Lush and ruddy! (shows a bun)


We need to sit down at the table

Eat the bun soon!


Wait a minute, grandfather, a bit,

Let the bun cool down!


Fidget-Kolobok would be ashamed at the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away, warm up a little."

Gingerbread Man rolled past the fir trees and birches.

Suddenly, our rascal met a Bunny.


I will feast on you

I'm all on the run in the morning.


What you! What you! Wait a minute,

Listen to the song, Zaya!

Great honor for the Bunny to eat the ruddy Gingerbread Man!

(The bunny listens to the song in fascination, and the Gingerbread Man runs away)


Yes, you roll, Kolobok, there is no use in you!

I will go to my grandfather and grandmother and pick up carrots.

Children will gnaw carrots, carrots are more useless! (leaves)


And Gingerbread Man rolled along the road, under Gray Wolf's feet.

The Gray Wolf licked his lips, he knows a lot about Koloboks!


How are you, by the way, Kolobok, I'm very hungry,

I'll eat you, my friend, I'll be full until the night!


What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf! You don't eat me!

Sit on a stump, listen to a song.

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left the old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!



Well, why do I need Kolobok? Something jumps a lot!

I'd better go through the forest, maybe I'll find something!

(walks through the "forest", finds a pack of chips, is about to eat them)


Throw it away, Gray Wolf, everyone in the world knows - adults and children -

Chips are harmful to health, you don’t eat them for lunch! You listen to me, eat an apple!

(The wolf takes the apple, thanks and leaves)


And our Gingerbread Man is rolling,

No one is hiding from...

Suddenly, Potapych himself met him, he growled, and raised his paws.


Come on, Gingerbread Man, I'll have a bite to eat!


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, put your paws down,

You better listen to my song - I'll sing.

I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget. Bake me for grandfather

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left the old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!

I ran away from the Hare and from the evil Wolf.

And, Toptygin, I won't be away from you for long!

(Kolobok runs away)


Well, roll yourself, Kolobok, because what's the use of you?

I'd rather go through the woods. Maybe I'll find something. (finds a bottle of Coca-Cola, goes to drink)


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, don't take it into your paws

Coca-Cola effervescent, harmful to health,

But honey, I’ll tell you honestly, it’s good for health!

(gives Bear a jar of honey, he thanks and leaves)


And Kolobok rolled somersault through the grove straight,

And suddenly the Fox saw Kolobok towards him.

A fox:

How handsome you are, Gingerbread man, how ruddy and cheerful!

They say that you, my friend, know a lot of songs.


I'm a gingerbread man, a fidget. Bake me for grandfather

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left the old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!

I left the Bear and the Wolf and the Hare,

And the Fox cannot keep up with Kolobok either! (runs away)

A fox:

I don't want Kolobok (waving after him, why eat him?

Better to listen to his songs together.

After all, a gingerbread man made of flour is a sweet high-calorie one,

And my dream, my friends, is to become a ballerina.

I'm on a diet, I'm watching my figure.

I'd rather go to the garden and pick vegetables there. (leaves)


Eat vegetables and fruits - these are the best foods!

You will be saved from all diseases - there is no tastier and healthier them!

Make friends with vegetables and salads and cabbage soup,

There are countless vitamins in them, so you need to eat it!

A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it, a healthy lesson for all the guys!

(the music “Visiting a fairy tale” plays, all the artists bow)

There lived a grandfather and grandmother. Slept side by side - for order. Grandfather had long since forgotten how much he loved his grandmother. Their relationship actually developed platonically. Well, yes, the tale is not about that - a tale about how a miracle happened to them last summer. However, I won't run. I will explain everything in order - I wrote it down in a notebook.

They lived modestly - without income. They ate radish, drank kvass. Here is such a simple dinner every day: from time to time. It is on this sad note that I begin my story.

Once it “found” on the old man: “There was definitely unaccounted flour somewhere in the house.” He looks at the grandmother sternly, she quietly looks away.
Yes, there is some pain. Yes, not about your honor. You can't touch her with your unwashed mug. I was going to bake pies for the birthday.

What a vile snake I have warmed in my house. Or do you not know me? Well, quickly come here - so that there is food on the table no later than half an hour. Maybe you don't understand? I'm about to kill someone! I explain in English: believe hangri - to eat hunting.
- I'll do it right now. You drink while kvass. For such a fool, I will bake a bun. All the same, there are no teeth - even if you lick this ball.
- That's fine, that's wonderful. So at once. What are those difficult? Is it hard to understand me? Do you think it's not disgusting for me to threaten with brute force? Just know, my dove. You are in my priorities right behind the stomach. Even though you beat your forehead against the wall - do you understand who is more important?
Grandmother sighed sadly, waved her hand at him, placing another on the fold. It was a bad gesture. She silently kneaded the dough, warmed up the place in the oven. And having rolled that dough into a ball, right into its ardor and heat, she brought it on the grip and closed the oven with a damper. Here are the things.
The old man was pleased with the kolobok, substituting both nostrils and inhaling the aroma.
- Did you, old woman, observe each item in the recipe? I do not want to get poisoned by consuming a bakery product alone?
- Eat, killer whale, dear. If something happens - potassium permanganate is at hand. Don't worry - we'll take it out. Do not have time? Let's dig! What has changed in your face? Would you, Vasya, pray.
- Okay, stop listening to nonsense - time is up, it's time to eat.
The grandfather takes the fork with his hand - he starts poking at the ball, he yells in horror:
- Help, guard. Grandfather pierced my side with a fork. This is what your mother is. You broke the tightness - I will leak in the rain.
Grandfather sank slightly to the floor, such a shock that his voice sat down. He asked him hoarsely:
- You of that ... Whose are you, child?
- Yours, my dear ones. Yours on the outside, yours on the inside. After all, I was molded from your test. I know everything.
- A miracle, a miracle happened. A child was born without love. Last year's flour gave us a son. Grandma, immediately drain all the remnants into the toilet, without looking back. Enough of poverty to produce - it is not easy for us to live. The bakery son jumped and jumped straight from the stove. I will live with you: I am your son - I ask you to love. One is enough for us - although the ball, but does not roll.
- I'm sorry, interrupting your moments of joy, I want to tell you firmly: I will apply for alimony. I foresee complications, since I just started life - I received such rudeness.
- Are you a round brother? And roll. You roll, roll away. Forget about us completely. Here is my father's order: - Get out of here, this time. Sorry for the bread, there is no word. But I'm not a cannibal. I can not raise a fork on a birthmark. Even though you cut me from the sides, I can’t eat sons. But there is no urine to see - go away. Roll around the world. Kolobok, with a long sigh, said softly:
- It doesn't matter. If you really think about it, how can I continue to live with you? Toasted my side will become throat across. And one day in the spring, for my edible essence, I run the risk of being in the form of croutons on the table. You don't get bored without me. I won't be back, you know.
Gingerbread Man rolled down to the floor, muttering softly obscenely. His soft sides were crippled slightly. Accelerating on the floor, he jumped up and adieu. Behind the fence, where the grass, came his words:
- The greed of the fraer will destroy. I left - fate will judge.
Along the path, into the dense forest, he rolled, collecting various garbage with his head. He cheerfully sang the song, where there was not enough rhyme, he diluted it with a strong word. And towards him a hare: a gray, little bastard.
- Who is that? Why are you wandering around here? Why are you wearing no hat? Without delay, just like that, on the occasion of our acquaintance, give me a penny for vodka.
- I am an old man's son: a bread ball is a bun. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. I am looking for the meaning of life here, but so far I have not found it. I never wore a hat - for how many days I remember myself, I walked with a bald dome. mishaps .. Got it, you little gray gopnik?
- Your cocky character, we will now reduce to nothing. I’ll call fellow countrymen in the forest and beat you with a crowd. Let's roll you into a pancake: we will change the volume with a plane.
- Eh, in the "swing you tudyt". Accelerated too fast - it will hurt to slow down. Because of the money five, reluctance to breed rotten "graters" with a bully. I'll probably roll. And don't stand like Bronze Horseman- I'm not going back. For the sake of peace on earth, I will remain neutral - for me, a fluffy hare has zero authority.
He winked with his right eye, took acceleration, added gas, and disappeared into the thick grass, leaving a furrow in the damp earth with his body weight. The hare picked up his jaw, spat savoryly, sent wishes along the way, showing the intimate organ where he should go.
As soon as the hare's vulgar cry in the air of the forest ceased, a new wanderer, the gray wolf, blocks the path.
- Hello, dear little friend, a pie without filling. What gender are you? The wolf asks questions.
Gingerbread Man, raising his eyebrows, whistles in amazement.
- Uncle wolf. Allow me a question: how long have you been a transvestite?
The wolf blushes shyly, his cheeks blush.
- You, dzhigit, where did you come from? How did you guess about it?
- It’s no wonder to understand: for such you don’t need tags - you can immediately see that it’s shit. You spoiled your nails with varnish, you lipstickd your lips with relish. And the skirts of that cut are frankly not masculine.
- Do you want to know the male essence? I would entertain you then. I'll give you ten bucks - you get my hint. Why are you climbing into the bushes - I won’t deceive, I’m not MTS for you.
- Aunt wolf, keep in mind - I will not introduce foreign objects into myself. Same-sex relationships and similar perversions do not accept my essence - here, wolf, do not blame me. By the way, there is one such hare nearby. He loves money, so you go straight to him kati balls.
The wolf disappeared around the bend, the bun came to the swamp. A fox sits next to him, all over the skin of the hair.
- Hello, red-haired friend. Let's boogie-woogie together. I left my grandfather, I left my grandmother. I got away from the bunny, said goodbye to the stupid wolf. And now, beautiful girl, I want to marry you. Stop, don't grab your heart. This is a joke, don't be scared.
- Say it louder, brother. I'll set up the machine. By old age, she became completely deaf - I hear poorly, I see poorly. It is not so now and the ringing of the drums of the eardrum.
The gingerbread man comes closer, and the fox leans lower. He is almost already yelling, and she takes him, and without any delay, naturally, directly eats. The gingerbread man squeaks with fear, sends it in every way (for guys who love mate - there is a separate option). In less than five minutes, the bakery product was gobbled up without a trace.
Summing up the moral meaning at the end of the verse, we will notice unambiguously:
- Without sucker and life is bad.

Add a fairy tale to Facebook, Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki, My World, Twitter or Bookmarks

There was a bun, as you know, round, ruddy, restless. But do you know that the bun, in addition, turned out to be wayward? After all, this fairy tale about a kolobok is completely new. Him - so, he - commercials, in his own way. They tell him not to, but he - I want and I will! And everyone sings:

- I will leave my grandmother, I will leave my grandfather, I love freedom!

“But don’t you have enough willpower at home?” - says the grandmother. - Do you want on the table, do you want to sit on the bench, do you want to lie on the stove. You don't want to ride around the hut. Whatever you want, do it.

- And again in the oven?

- You can’t bake it, you’ll burn in the oven.

- And climb into the bucket?

- And you can’t go into the bucket: in the water you will get wet, you will become limp - the grandmother persuades the bun.

- Then I want to drive cups and saucers on the shelf!

- What are you, what are you not! shouted grandma and grandpa together

- What kind of will is there, - the bun got angry, - if everything is impossible and impossible!

Heard this jugs are empty and stupid, and let's shout in unison

- Have you heard? - the bun rejoiced - Freedom to me!

And let's drive cups and saucers around the shelf, so much so that the ringing of the whole hut and shards in different directions.

- Oh, mischievous! - Grandma got angry - you can’t do that

- Oh, rascal! - Grandpa got angry - it’s impossible

What freedom do you have! Do you hear the pots screaming again?

And from all the shelves again rushed

- Freedom for the bun, freedom for the bun!

- Freedom, will - this is when I want (especially when I really want to) I do it - Kolobok instructed grandparents.

- I really want to, I’ll jump on the pendulums of walkers and swing like on a swing.

No sooner said than done. Jump, and walkers on the floor - and to smithereens.

- From your freedom, we are nothing but hardships! Grandma and Grandpa are crying.

And the bun jumped over the threshold, only they saw him. After all, this is a fairy tale about a bun that was completely disobedient.

"I - says -, free - wherever I want, I'll swing there" and sang:

- I left my grandmother, I left my grandfather, I am now completely free, how good it is!

The fairy tale about the kolobok continues in the classical manner. Meet the bear

- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man - I'll eat you!

- How, - he hears in response, - will you eat me, if I am a free bun, and you are not ?!

- Ooo - roared - yes, I'm the owner of the whole forest!

- The owner of the forest can do everything, but not himself, so, tell me, can you walk through the forest all winter?

- No, I can’t - - in winter I should not walk, but sleep in a den.

- And if you have to, what kind of master are you? Where is your freedom? - and rolled the bun, singing his song further:

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

I left the bear

How good is

Towards the wolf caught the kolobok

- Gingerbread Man, Gingerbread Man, I'll Eat You!

- How can you eat me if I am a free bun, and you are not?

Am I not free? I howled - yes, everyone in the world is afraid of me! I'll click my teeth, and remember your name! I do what I want.

- And there are hunters from angry dogs

- Where ?! - the wolf turned his nose, pricked up his ears - and ran away

I left my grandmother

I left my grandfather

From the bear and from the wolf

How good is that!

And now the fox met our kolobok

“Well,” the gingerbread man thinks, now the redhead is also “bun, bun, I’ll eat you!”, But instead he hears affectionate words:

- Kolobochek, bun, do you want me to whisper to you about complete freedom, about free will? Sit down, my friend, on my black sock - it will be better heard.

Only the gingerbread man sat down on the black tip of a long fox nose, reddening it - am! - and ate! He licks and says:

- You have your own freedom, I have my own freedom - freer than yours - I really wanted buns!

This fairy tale about a kolobok also has its own moral.

The question “why can’t we do everything when we want to?”

Well, first of all, not everything is impossible. On the contrary, everything is possible, ... unless of course it is to the detriment of yourself, and, most importantly, others. After all, everyone has freedom, but no one, no one. It is not good to act in such a way that your freedom turns into a lack of freedom for others. But everyone else should remember your freedom. In a word, it should be the same for everyone.

Albina Kotova

Fairy tale dramatization« Kolobok» on the new way. (senior group)








A fox:

Music sounds "Visiting fairy tales» .


We gathered the guys in the hall to show a fairy tale,

And about whom we will tell now, I propose to guess.

Who left the grandmother and grandfather and left without lunch:

A hare, a wolf and a bear, even a cunning fox?

He rolled along the path, and found himself in the forest,

He has a ruddy side, who is this? (bun)

And so .... We begin!

Fairy tale« Kolobok in a new way»

once upon a time old man with his old woman,

Grandfather dug the earth

I planted a garden with my grandmother.

(grandfather depicts how he digs, and grandmother how he plants a garden)

Oh, I'm tired!

Bake, grandma, for lunch

Gingerbread man ruddy, delicious!

You used to bake skillfully.

grandma "kneads" dough and sentences:

Here is a broomstick,

I found a handful of two flour,

Salt, vanilla and sugar.

Glorious came out bun,

Lush and ruddy! (shows bun)

We need to sit down at the table

Gingerbread man to eat!


Wait a minute, grandfather, a bit,

Let it cool down bun!


fidget- Kolobok to shame on the window,

But he decided: "I'll run away, warm up a little".

rolled Gingerbread Man past the Christmas trees and birches.

Suddenly, our rascal met a Bunny.


I will feast on you

I'm all on the run in the morning.


What you! What you! Wait a minute,

Listen to the song, Zaya!

- Gingerbread Man I, fidget. Bake me for grandfather,

I left old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!

Great hare honor Eat a ruddy gingerbread man!

(The bunny listens to the song enchanted, and Gingerbread man runs away)


Yes, you roll Kolobok, no use for you!

I will go to my grandfather and grandmother and pick up carrots.

Children will gnaw carrots, carrots are more useless! (leaves)


BUT The gingerbread man rolled down the road, Wolf Gray under the feet.

The Gray Wolf licked his lips, He knows a lot about koloboks!


By the way, how are you Kolobok I'm very hungry

I'll eat you, my friend, I'll be full until the night!


What are you, what are you, Gray Wolf! You don't eat me!

Sit on a stump, listen to a song.

Gingerbread Man I, fidget. Bake me for grandfather,

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!



Well why should I Kolobok? Something jumps a lot!

I'd better go through the forest, maybe I'll find something!

(goes along "forest", finds a pack of chips, is going to eat them)


Throw it away, Gray Wolf, everyone in the world knows - adults and children -

Chips are harmful to health, you don’t eat them for lunch! You listen to me, eat an apple!

(The wolf takes the apple, thanks and leaves)


BUT Our bun is rolling,

No one is hiding from...

Suddenly, Potapych himself met him, he growled, and raised his paws.


Come on, Kolobok, I'll eat a bit!


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, put your paws down,

You better listen to my song - I'll sing.

Gingerbread Man I, fidget. Bake me for grandfather,

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!

I ran away from the Hare and from the evil Wolf.

And, Toptygin, I won't be away from you for long!

(Gingerbread man runs away)


Well, roll yourself Kolobok, after all, what's the point of you?

I'd rather go through the woods. Maybe I'll find something. (finds a bottle of "Coca- cola» going to drink)


What are you, what are you, Clubfoot, don't take it into your paws

Coca-Cola effervescent, harmful to health,

But honey, I’ll tell you honestly, it’s good for health!

(gives Bear a jar of honey, he thanks and leaves)


BUT Kolobok rolled somersault through the grove straight,

And suddenly the Fox saw Kolobok.

A fox:

How handsome you are Kolobok like blush and cheerful!

They say that you, my friend, know a lot of songs.


- Gingerbread Man I, fidget. Bake me for grandfather,

On sour cream I'm mixed, on the window I'm cold.

I left old people. Jump from the window - it was like that!

I left the Bear and the Wolf and the Hare,

And Lisa for Kolobok also can not keep up! (runs away)

A fox:

I do not want Kolobok(waving after him, why eat him?

Better to listen to his songs together.

Kolobok because from flour - sweet high-calorie,

And my dream, my friends, is to become a ballerina.

I'm on a diet, I'm watching my figure.

I'd rather go to the garden and pick vegetables there. (leaves)


Eat vegetables and fruits - these are the best foods!

You will be saved from all diseases - there is no tastier and healthier them!

Make friends with vegetables and salads and cabbage soup,

There are countless vitamins in them, so you need to eat it!

- Fairy tale is a lie Yes, there is a hint in it, a healthy lesson for all the guys!

(music is playing "Visiting fairy tales» , all the artists go to bow)