Preparation for teaching literacy to children of the middle group. Lesson plans for the middle group

  • 30.09.2019

Synopsis of the GCD on teaching children to read and write in middle group
"In search of treasure"
Ability: Distinguish between hard and soft consonants
Intonation to highlight the sound in a word
Determine the first sound in a word
Model the syllabic composition of one - three-syllable words
Compose words with substitutes
Name words for a given sound
Control with your hands and fingers
Answer in full
Cultivate independence and the ability to listen carefully to others.
Program content:
To identify the level of the following indicators in children at the end of the school year according to
literacy education:

Material: a bottle with a note, a ball, 5 pieces of cards, pictures according to
the number of children, the houses are green and blue, the chips are blue and green
the number of children, 10 pieces of pictures, 5 chips for each child, a chest,
chocolate medals.
GCD progress:
Organizing time.
Educator: The guys came to visit us today, let's nod our heads
greet them, smile and give them our good mood.
Educator: Today, when I came to the group in the morning, I found
bottle with a note, I did not open the bottle and read the note, I decided
wait for you.
(opens a bottle and reads a note to the children)
I, the pirate Jack Sparrow, hid the treasure. Only those who can find it can
will collect all parts of the map on which the place of the treasure is indicated. But collect them
very difficult, you need to complete a lot of difficult tasks. Will you manage
adventurers? If yes, then the treasure is yours.
Capt. Jack Sparrow.
Educator: Well, guys, let's go look for a treasure? Well then, let's go.
1 task:
"What are the sounds"
Educator: Guys, what are the sounds? (hard and soft)
Game "Name your brother"
Teacher: I call hard sound, "big brother", and you in response
soft sound, little brother."
Educator: Well done! Treasure Adventurers with First Quest

Guys, pirate Jack Sparrow returned one part of the map to us. (Appears 1
part of the map.)
2 task (I read the task)
Educator: I will return the card if you put all the mixed pictures in your
You need to take one picture and pronounce the word so that everyone can hear
in it the first sound, and place in his kingdom. (wolf, hare, mouse,
fox, frog, bear, cockerel, dog, elephant, cow)
(The wolf lives in the blue house, because the first sound "v" is the oldest
bro he sounds solid)
(Children lay out pictures on hard and soft locks)
Educator: Well done, you coped with the second task, and here is the second
part of the map. (Part 2 appears)
3 task (I read the task)
Educator: I will return the map if you can get to the island of knowledge and
complete my tasks.
"Find a seat at the table"
Educator: Guys, ahead I see an island of knowledge. You can get there
tickets only, get tickets with which you can find your seats
on the island of knowledge, determining the first sound in a word (I distribute chips to children -
green and of blue color)
Educator: Why did you sit in this place? Because, in the word cat -
the first sound is solid.
Game "Come up with a proposal"
The game "Divide the words into syllables"
Teacher: Make up a sentence based on the picture.
Educator: I will name the words, and you will divide into parts and
put as many chips as there are parts in a word. Ball, mother, road,
house, cinema, juice, chocolate, fish, book, TV.
The opposite game
Educator: And now the game "On the contrary" I put the chips, and you
make up words.
Educator: Well done! Treasure Adventurers with a Quest
done, and here is the third part of the map. (The 3rd part of the map appears)
4 task (I read the task)
Educator: I am the pirate Jack Sparrow, I have never been in the forest, and have not seen
deer, butterflies and bees, if you can show them to me, then I will give you more
one part of the map

Walking quietly through the forest

And we meet deer
He has horns like branches
The neighbors are surprised.
But the butterfly woke up
Stretched, smiled, sat, flew away.
The bees sit in the evidence and quietly buzz,
Friend after friend fly out, fly in, fly out
Educator: Well done! And they coped with this task, and here is the fourth
part of the map. (The 4th part of the map appears)
Game "Shop"
5 task (I read the task)
Educator: I will return the last part of the card if you buy it for me in the store
vegetables and fruits, only those in the name of which there is a sound "k".
(Children buy fruits and vegetables in names that have a “k” sound)
Potatoes, carrots, apricots, peach, apple, cabbage, eggplant,
zucchini, pumpkin)
Educator: Well done! Here is the last part of the map. (Appears 5
part of the map)
Educator: Well, here we have put together all the parts of the map. Tell me what it's for
Seems like? On the plan of our group. (We find a treasure.)
Educator: Guys, look at the map and tell me where the pirate hid
Jack Sparrow treasure?
Look, here is the chest
Educator: You can open the lid only by remembering what tests we
passed. Open the chest that contains...
Educator: But these are really treasures.
Why were we able to complete the tasks? (worked together, a lot
thought and worked hard all year). Well done! I wish you success and be
a real team and then together you will cope with all the difficulties. BUT
now back to the group.
Analysis and summary

Literacy class

in the middle group

"Traveling on a carpet - an airplane"

Educator MDOU "TsRR - D / S" No. 54

Vorkuta, Komi Republic

Target: Automation and differentiation of sound [Ш].

Tasks: Cultivate speech attention, phonemic hearing. Develop creative imagination. Cultivate friendships with peers. Cultivate love for animals. Learn to hear words with a given sound. Improve motor skills and abilities. To give children the idea that words are different - to introduce the length of sound. Strengthen the ability to solve riddles.

Preliminary work:Examination of illustrations about wild animals, trees; listening to musical recordings, learning tongue twisters, tongue twisters; development of fine motor skills of hands; guessing riddles.

Development environment:For the clearing: tree - spruce, cones, stumps; arcs for crawling, bricks, bench (log); toy - squirrel, toy - Dunno; animal cards; simple pencils, paper; carpet; musical recording "Journey Dunno"; ball.

Lesson progress:

Educate: - Guys, do you like to travel?

Children: - Yes!

Educate: - What do you like to travel on?

Children: - By bus, car, train ...

Educator: - Have you ever traveled on a carpet - an airplane?

Children: - No!

Educator: - Well, I suggest you go on an unusual journey on a carpet - an airplane. Want to?

Children: - Yes, we want!

/ The music "Journey Dunno" sounds. There is a noise behind the door, something falls, groans, Dunno appears. /

Dunno: - Yes, I am known to everyone as a know-it-all,

Nicknamed the Unknown.

But I beg you, not joking:

Help me friends!

I flew above the clouds

In a big balloon.

Suddenly a hurricane hit

He scattered the clouds.

No birds were heard in the sky

My balloon burst. It just so happened

What did I get to you, friends,

Here is my story.

And, by the way, where did I get to? Where I am?

Children: - You are in the kindergarten "Rainbow", in the middle group "Sun".

Dunno: - Kindergarten? What are you doing here?

Children: - We play here, draw, sing, dance ...

Educate: - And today the guys and I are going on a trip on a carpet - an airplane. We can take you with us. Want?

Stranger - Wow! Of course I want! I like traveling very much!

Educate-l - Then the guys and I invite you to our carpet - the plane.

/Everyone sits on the carpet./

Educate-l: - Look, have you all sat down? You are ready? Let's fly!

Together with children: - We fly high,

We're flying low

We fly far

We are flying close.

/Children indicate the direction with their hands./

Educate-l: - Well, here we are flying. And the wind helps us. Let's play a little:

The wind is blowing in our face

The tree swayed.

Wind, hush, hush, hush

The tree is getting higher and higher!

/Children do hand exercises./

Educate-l: - Here, at last, we have arrived! Look what a wonderful meadow! What has grown in this meadow?

Children: - Tree.

Educate-l: - Right. Do you know what word this tree is called?

Children: - Spruce.

Educator: - Yes, this is a spruce. What other tree names do you know?

Children: - Birch, pine, oak ...

Educate-l: - That's right! That's how much different words you told me! And let's "measure" these words, the names of trees. On the word "spruce" I can clap my hands only once. And now let's "measure" the word "pine" together. How many times have you clapped?

Dkti: - Twice!

/Children "measure" the words: oak, birch, linden, mountain ash./

Stranger: - Wow! It turns out that words differ not only in names. What else?

Children: - Words are short and long.

Educate: - Guys, who lives in the forest?

Children: - Fox, wolf, bear, squirrel, hare.

Educator: - Look, there are cards with the image of animals hanging on the branches of a tree. Remove one card at a time and name the animal you have chosen. What is the first sound you hear in the name of this animal?

/Children perform the task./

Educate: - And now show how a bear walks through the forest; evil, cold. Wolf; Sly Fox; smart, cowardly bunny.

/Children imitate the movements of animals./

Educate: - Suddenly the bunnies got scared of something, sat down on their hind legs, pricked up their ears, listened. Do you hear? W - w - w. It's grass rustling. What does grass do?

Children: - Grass rustles.

Educate: - How does she rustle?

/Children's answers are choral and individual./

Educator: The bunnies calmed down and scattered through the forest. And let's listen to how the grass rustles and, under the rustle of grass, let's read tongue-twisters:

Sha - sha - sha - we are sitting at the hut.

Shu - shu - shu - I wave my hand to you.

Shi - shi - shi - we are all very good.

/Children pronounce tongue twisters again./

Educate: - And now I will read you a poem, and you tell me what sound is most often heard:

"Cats and mice".

The kids played at school

In cats - mice.

Mouse - Natasha,

And the cat was Masha.

The mouse ran away

"Cat" caught up.

Children: - The sound "sh" is most often heard.

Raise-l6 - While we were talking, it became cool, a breeze blew - the tops of the trees swayed. Let's show how the tops of the trees sway.

/Children perform the corresponding movements with their hands./

Educate: - To keep us warm, we need to play.

Dunno: - Do you know how to play with the ball? I love to play with the ball so much!

Children: - We can!

Educate-l: - Well, let's play with the ball. I give the ball to one of you, we will start the game with it. After I say the word, you will pass the ball to the next one. I will say a new word - and he will pass the ball further. The ball will be passed around. But if you hear the sound “sh” in the word, then the ball needs to be thrown to Dunno. Be careful everyone!

/A ball game is being played./

Educate-l: - It's time for us to go further!

Stranger: Wait! I found something! Guess the riddle:

Gathering kids

Acorns in the forest and...

Children: - Cones!

Educator: - Yes. Dunno found cones in our forest! They need to be delivered to someone. But who lost them?

Children: - Probably a squirrel!

Educate: - Where do squirrels live?

Children: - In the forest, in a hollow.

Educate-l: - Do you agree to go in search of squirrels?

Children: - yes!

Educate-l: - But the road ahead of us is not easy. Do you remember what the wind was like? He even knocked down trees, so we have to carefully crawl under the branches (crawling under arcs of different heights). You will need to go over the bridge across the river (walking on a log, arms to the sides), go over the bumps through the swamp (walking on bricks).

/Children perform the task./

Educate: - Here we are. Look, here is the hollow. And who is in the hollow?

Red little animal

On the roads, jump - jump.


/Children give bumps to the squirrel. The squirrel thanks the guys and offers to play the game "Riddles - guesses."

  1. Cunning cheat, 2) Who is cold in winter

Red head Wandering angry, hungry?

Fluffy tail - beauty, (Wolf)

Who is this? (Fox) 4) He slept in a fur coat all winter,

3) Here are needles and pins He sucked his brown paw.

They crawl out from under the bench. And when he woke up, he began to cry.

They look at me, This is a forest animal ...... (Bear)

They want milk. (Hedgehog)

5) Long ear,

fluff ball,

Jumping smartly

Loves carrots.


Educate: - Thank you, dear squirrel, for funny riddles! We need to say goodbye and come back. Here is the carpet - the plane flew for us. Goodbye!

Educator: - During our trip, we were very tired, so let's fly on a carpet - an airplane for the time being, rest with you and Dunno.


/Children lie on their backs, quiet, calm music sounds./

Educator: - Eyelashes fall,

The eyes are closed.

We're having a great time

We fall asleep with a magical dream.

Breathe easily, evenly, deeply.

Our hands are resting

Rest, sleep.

The tension has flown

And the whole body is relaxed.

Educate-l: - Everyone woke up! Have a rest! Our journey has come to an end. Tell me, Dunno, did you like traveling with us?

Dunno: - Of course, I liked it! But it's time for me to go back. But the trouble is, what am I going to fly on?

Educate: - Guys, let's help Dunno, fix his balloon.

/Children sit at the tables. Each child has a sheet of paper with a dotted line depicting a balloon. Children, using a simple pencil, draw a solid line, “patching” holes in a balloon. Everything Balloons give to the unknown. He thanks them, says goodbye, leaves.

Educate-l: - This is what a difficult journey we have made today! Let's remember what we learned new during the trip? All the words that we pronounce are different, some are short and some are long. And how do we "measure" words?

Children: - We clapped our hands.

Educate: - And whose song did we hear in the forest?

Children: - How the grass rustles.

Educator: - And what else did we learn during our trip?

Children: - We showed how animals move. And they also guessed riddles with a squirrel. We also played ball: we had to hear the sound "sh" in words. And Dunno was helped, they fixed his balloon!

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Child Development Center - Kindergarten No. 121"

GCD for literacy"World of Sounds". Journey through the fairy tale "Geese - swans"

Target: introduce the sound G, and teach children to pronounce the sound [G] correctly in various forms speech activity.


  1. Educational:

Introduce the sound "G";

Automate the correct pronunciation [G],

  1. Educators:

Cultivate cognitive interest through the use of games


Cultivate love for Russian folk tales

  1. Developing:

Develop phonemic awareness.

Develop memory, imagination, intonation expressiveness of speech.

Preliminary work:

Telling the tale "Geese-swans", conversation on content, examination

illustrations, dramatization of excerpts from a fairy tale.

GCD progress

The teacher enters the group in a Russian folk sundress, a scarf on his shoulders.

Hello kids, look at my unusual costume, do you like it?

(children's answers). Guys, will you let me be a storyteller today? (children answer)

I told you many fairy tales, do you like my fairy tales?

Did you know that in every fairy tale there are riddles!

Alyonushka has sisters

They took away the little brother of the bird.

They fly high

They look far.

Children: Geese and swans

Educator: - Guys, let's remember this fairy tale. What does it say? (children's answers). Would you like to help Alyonushka find and save your brother Ivanushka? (children's answers). Then let's hit the road! We need to say the magic words, but before that, let's stretch our tongues and do exercises.

phonetic charging.

Wolves howl in the forest

Leaves rustle shhhh

Snakes crawl and whistle s-s-s

Mosquitoes fly and squeak

Educator: Well done guys, now we are ready to say the magic words

Hold on tight to your hands

Get in the circle,

1, 2, 3, 4, 5

Let's start the story!

Here we are in a fairy tale.

Educator: Guys, we need to get on the road soon, we'll go quickly,

we'll go straight to the stove!


Educator: Guys, look at what pies are delicious in the oven. FROM different fillings. With which? Let's choose the fillings in which there is a sound [Г]. (mushrooms, blueberries, cottage cheese).

Together: Stove-stove, tell me, please, where did the swan geese fly?

Game "Tell me a word"

  1. Dried up in the hot sun

And breaks out of the pods ... (peas).

  1. I am in any bad weather

I have a lot of respect for water.

I stay away from dirt

Clean gray ... (GOOSE)

  1. All migratory birds blacker,

Cleans the arable land from worms,

Jump across the arable land all day,

And the bird is called (ROOK)

Stove: Well done, swan geese flew through the spring forest to the apple tree.

Educator: Thanks oven. Guys, get on your way.

Fizminutka. "Spring"

Hands raised and waved

These are the trees in the forest.

Elbows bent, brushes shaken -

The wind knocks down the dew.

Let's gently wave our hands -

The birds are flying towards us.

How they sit down - we'll show:

Wings folded back! (hands pulled back)

Apple tree.

Educator: Hello apple tree, tell me where did the swan geese fly?

Apple tree. Listen to the rustle of my twigs, name the first sound in

words that you hear, then I will say.

Name the sound game

Mushroom, goose, caterpillar, hero, gnome, cat, cabbage, maple, pencil, mug.

apple tree . The geese flew to the east, where the river flows.

Educator: Thank you apple tree. Let's go further. Guys, where do we need to go? (where the river flows).

Educator: So they came to the milky river-jelly banks.

River, river - river,

Did you see where

swan geese flew

landed where and sat down?

River: I'm not a simple river, it's magical, I can show you a lot, and a lot

tell me, sit down on my bank, rest a little.

The game "Chain"


Educator: Look, here is a hut on chicken legs. Oh, who lives there? (children - Baba Yaga). Let's politely ask Grandma - Ezhka please give Ivanushka.

  1. Sleeps in summer, burns in winter,

The mouth opens

What they give - swallows.


  1. round, ruddy

I grow on a branch

adults love me

And little kids

(an Apple)

  1. Blue sister, fast water

Along buddies, berezhkov tends to the ocean.


  1. On the edge, on the path

Worth a house

On chicken legs


Baba Yaga: Okay, all riddles solved. And the last question:

Is it okay to leave little brothers and sisters alone? (children - no!)

And why? (children's answers)

Why take Ivanushka.

Ivanushka: Thank you guys for saving me from Baba Yaga. Say a

who did you meet in the fairy tale, who helped you?

Well done boys and girls for your help Alyonushka passed the basket

with apples.

Educator: Wait Ivanushka, the guys and I want to give you and Alyonushka a present. mushrooms. Application "Mushrooms"

Synopsis of NNOD on teaching literacy in the senior group, topic "Tricks of the Letter"


To consolidate children's knowledge about the vowels A, O, U, Y, E and the letters denoting these sounds.
Exercise in the selection of words with vowels in different positions.
Continue to teach children to highlight the first and last sound in a word.
To fix the concepts of "sound", "letter".
Exercise in determining the number of syllables in a word.
To improve the ability of children to answer questions accurately in meaning, to correctly build sentences.
Exercise in the development of a smooth air jet.
Develop logical thinking, memory and fine motor skills children.
Cultivate an interest in literacy.


Silhouettes of vowels; magnetic board; allowance "House"; subject pictures, in the name of which there are 1,2,3 syllables; cards for the development of an air jet; toys; handout: colored stones, buttons, sticks.

GCD progress:

Children enter the hall, where images of letters are hung.

Speech therapist:

Look how many letters there are and they are all made by your hands. And I know riddles about these letters and I suggest you guess them, find the right letter and hang it on a magnetic board.

Riddles about letters

Hoop, ball and wheel
You will be reminded of the letter...

Hollow in an old tree
Well, just like a letter...

If I make sponges
Very thin tube
I'll make a sound later
You will hear the sound...

Served by Edik Ellochka
Eskimo in a bowl
And Elline and Alla
Eskimo on sticks.
This popsicle is for you
Gives personally a letter...

I don't know what the secret is
There is no word for this letter.
Only letters are important
We remember the letter...

Here are two columns obliquely,
And between them is a belt.
Do you know this letter? BUT?
There is a letter in front of you...

Speech therapist:

You guessed all the riddles and chose the right letters. Say what sounds these letters (vowels) represent. Why are these sounds called vowels? (Pronounced without an obstacle, stretch, sing). Let's sing the vowels:

Boys are loud
Girls - be quiet;
Drawn - abruptly;
From quiet to loud and vice versa.

Silent sounds game

An adult (or child) shows the articulation of a vowel sound, and children pronounce this sound loudly.

Letterbox appears and removes all the letters from the magnetic board.

Speech therapist:

Well done! What are we making sounds? (we speak and hear). What do we see and write? (Letters). Let's look at the letters again. Where did all the letters go? BUT! I think I figured it out. These are the pranks of Letterhead, who hid behind an easel.


What, you can't find letters? And this is me, Letterhead ate them. But the letters may reappear if you can complete all my tasks.

Speech therapist:

Well, guys, let's try to complete the tasks of the Little Letter and return the letters? Well then, get to work!

Task 1: selection of words with sound A


Guess the riddle:

Lived, yes there was an animal in the forest,
I was afraid of the wolf and the fox.
The skin was gray.
And in the name - the sound A.

What is this animal? (Hare). Children pronounce the word, highlighting the sound A - for-a-ayats with their voice.

The hare has a garden.
What does he grow?
Name the vegetables
About the sound A - do not forget!

Children pick up words in the name of which there is an A sound.

Speech therapist:

The guests came to the hare
And toys were given.
And in the names, there was a rumor,
The toys had an A sound.

Let's give the Bunny toys with the sound A in the name.

Boys will give toys that boys play with, and girls will give toys that girls like to play with. Children pick up and give toys to the bunny.

Speech therapist:

Toys, with what sound did we pick up? (Children's answers) Can we see the sound A? (no) what can we see? (letter A) We completed the first task. Give us back, Little Letter, the letter A.

Task 2: changing nouns by case


Do you know how to play the One-to-Many game? (Yes).

Speech therapist:

Our children love to play this game, and we invite you to play with us. Ball game: the speech therapist throws the ball to the child and pronounces the word in the singular, the child returns the ball to the speech therapist and pronounces the same word in the plural.

Ball - balls
Table - tables, etc.


Tell me, guys, what sound was at the end of your answers (sound Y). Can you see this sound? (no) And what can you see (letter). Well done guys, you got the job done. Get back your Y.

Task 3: breathing exercises

Little Letter: I have prepared for you the next test "Enchanted Pictures". If you manage to disenchant them, then I will return you another letter.

Children sit in a circle, in front of each is a picture covered with colored paper, cut into strips.

Speech therapist:

Guys, I know how to disenchant pictures. Bring the picture to your lips. Put your tongue on your lower lip and blow on it without puffing out your cheeks so that the picture opens up.

Playing with colored stones. After doing breathing exercise one child names his picture, then passes the stone to another with the question: “I have a duck, and you?” So until everyone names their picture.


What sound is heard at the beginning of each of these words? (Sound U). Can we see the W sound? (no) what can we see? (letter U). You have completed the third task. I return the U.

Task 4: dynamic pause "Show - take your time, and look, do not make a mistake"


What are the parts of the face in the name of which the sound O is hidden. (Nose, mouth, forehead.). And now I'll see how attentive you are. I suggest you play the game "Show me - take your time, and look, do not make a mistake."

An adult offers children with his index finger right hand show - mouth, nose, forehead. Then he changes the word order several times, complicating the game by incorrect display.

Speech therapist:

What vowel sound is hidden in the middle of words: mouth, forehead, nose? (sound O). Can we see the sound Oh? (no) what can we see? (letter O). We have completed the fourth task. Come on, Little Letter, give us back the letter.

Task 5: determining the number of syllables in words


On the way to you, I ran past the construction site. The builders built a house, it has many floors, how can you call it what kind of house it is (multi-storey). But there are no residents in this house yet, it is empty, and when I shouted loudly, I heard in response ... (echo).

Speech therapist:

Let's guys populate this house so that it is not empty and sad. On the first floor we will settle residents with 1 syllable in the name, on the second floor - residents with 2 syllables in the name, on the third - with 3 syllables, on the fourth - with 4 syllables.

Children pick up pictures and arrange them in the windows of the house.


Here you go. They occupied the whole house. Now, at least scream, at least don't scream, but you won't hear the echo anymore.

Speech therapist:

Don't be upset, Letterhead. Echoes can be heard in the mountains.


What is the first sound in the word echo? (E). Will you see this sound in the mountains? (Not).

Speech therapist:

We will not be able to see the sound, but what will we see, guys? (letter). You, Letterhead, don't be cunning, but rather return the letter E to us.

Letterbox returns the last letter.

Speech therapist:

Guys, look carefully at the letters. Don't you think that the letters of the Little Letter are somehow not like that, sick? Let's show Little Lettery what the letters should be and lay them out of sticks, pebbles and cereals. And you, Little Letter, look who is more agile with us: girls or boys.

Children are divided into two teams: boys and girls, and lay out letters from the proposed material.


What good fellows and girls and boys, with deft fingers laid out all the letters correctly. And what sounds are denoted by these letters (vowels). You did an excellent job with my tasks, and I want to give you a gift so that you continue to train your memory and fingers and write beautifully all the letters that you have already met and which you have yet to meet.

Purpose: to fix correct pronunciation sounds [in - b] in the speech of children.

1. Develop phonemic perception and the ability to distinguish sounds [v - v] in words;
2. Consolidate children's knowledge about wild animals, about their life in winter;
3. Teach children to find the first sound in words;
4. Through the game, teach children to breathe correctly.

Material: Vera's crow toy, large pictures depicting a fox, a hare, a squirrel, a bear, a wolf; mirrors for each child; medium-sized pictures: flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear; cotton balls - snowflakes; small pictures: grapes, bicycle, cherry, dandelion, fox, tree, star, fish, doll…; picture of sounds [in - b] (large and small tree).

Lesson progress

I. Introduction. Children sit on rugs.
- Today a crow flew to us to warm up and play with us. And her name is the crow Vera. She told me one very interesting story. Now I will tell you this story.

II. Main part.
1. The story of Vera's crow.
* The crow Vera got bored of sitting on the fence, and she decided to fly into the forest. It was getting dark. The crow flew from one tree to another. Suddenly, the wind intensified, and a blizzard itself came into the forest.
- Guys, did you hear how the blizzard howled in the evening? (children's answers)
She threw snow, covering the tracks of animals and birds, and howled loudly: v-v-v (the children repeat after the teacher). The crow Vera found a large spruce tree and hid on it. And the blizzard howled more and more: v-v-v (children repeat).
- Guys, where does the squirrel live? (in the hollow)
It is good for a squirrel in a warm, dry hollow, the entrance to which she closed with a fluffy tail. She is not afraid of a blizzard (children howl). Good for the bear. He, too, is not afraid of a blizzard, he sleeps and does not hear a terrible howl.
- And where does the bear sleep, guys? (in the den and sucking his paw)
And the fox settled comfortably in his hole, curled up in a ball, covered himself with a fluffy tail (children howl like the wind). Even the hare dug a hole in the snowdrift and hid from the blizzard.
- Guys, what color is the hare's fur coat in winter? (white)
Why do you think a hare has a white coat in winter and gray in summer? (to hide in the snow; so that the fox and the wolf do not notice him in the snow).
One crow, Vera, is sitting, ruffled, on a spruce. She is cold and scared in the forest. The frost began to grow stronger in the morning, and the blizzard began to subside (first the teacher, and then the children say: w-w-w). The crow calmed down, but suddenly she heard, right under the spruce on which she was sitting, the howl of a wolf: v-v-v (children repeat). The wolf complains about his wolf life, takes offense at the blizzard, which covered all the hare's tracks. Crow Vera got scared of the wolf and flew back to the village, to our group. *

2. Articulation of sound - children sit on chairs near the blackboard.
The teacher distributes mirrors to everyone for work.
- Children, how did the blizzard howl in the forest at night? (in-in-in)
- How about in the morning? (vy-vy-vy)
How did the hungry wolf howl? (in-in-in)
That's what an interesting sound we met today. To pronounce it correctly, you need to press the lower lip to the upper teeth, raise the upper lip a little, and the neck should tremble.
When analyzing sound pronunciation, children use individual mirrors.
What sound did you learn to make? Let's pronounce this sound to the crow Vera (children repeat the sounds [v and v]).

3. Working with pictures.
The teacher puts pictures on the typesetting canvas (flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear). Asks to name the objects in the pictures.
- Guys, tell me so that Vera and I hear the song of the blizzard [in and out]. For example: v-v-bucket.
What picture is missing here? (chair). Why? (there is no blizzard song in this word).
- And now we will carry out such an exercise - you need to determine the first sound in these words (flowers, fork, carnation, chair, bucket, bear).

4. Physical education - the game "Snowballs" (the teacher distributes cotton balls to the children).
- Guys, let's play snowballs. We will play like this: you need to blow on the snowballs so that they fly far from your palm. See how I will do it. Inhale with your nose, and then forcefully blow on a snowflake (children's game).
- Why do we learn to breathe correctly and strongly? (to learn how to pronounce sounds correctly and clearly).

5. The game "Find a blizzard song" - children sit on chairs.
- Crow Vera brought us pictures to play the game "Find the song of the blizzard."
The teacher distributes pictures to each child, but puts them on the palms of the children with the pictures down. He asks them not to see what picture they gave him. At the signal of the teacher, the children turn the pictures over, say to themselves the name of the object that is shown in the picture, and determine whether there is a blizzard song in this word.
- Guys who have a blizzard song in the word, who heard this song, go to the blackboard and show the picture to all the guys. Say your word so that we hear the song of the blizzard.
All words are checked with all children.

III. Outcome.
Showing the scheme of sounds [v] and [v] (small and large tree).
- Guys, the crow Vera drew pictures of a blizzard, they are different. What do you think, in this picture (big tree) how does a blizzard howl? (strongly - v-v-v)
- Why do you think so? (a large tree is drawn).
A question is asked on another picture, which shows a small tree. Then everyone sings the song of the blizzard in chorus: v-v-v and v-v-v.
Vera really liked how you guys were doing this lesson. And she promises that she will come to visit us again. Let's all say goodbye to her together!
Children say goodbye to the crow Vera. The teacher praises the children for Good work in class. The lesson ends.